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path: root/nix-conf
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Use fzf-git-sh from nixpkgsDavid Morgan2023-02-021-7/+2
* Add ffmpegDavid Morgan2023-02-011-0/+1
* Use lightdmDavid Morgan2023-01-281-2/+1
* Add some more aliasesDavid Morgan2023-01-201-0/+3
* Set ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGYDavid Morgan2023-01-171-1/+3
* Add htopDavid Morgan2023-01-161-0/+1
* Only use nvm on darwinDavid Morgan2023-01-131-2/+6
* Make mopidy extensions workDavid Morgan2023-01-121-7/+25
* Improve zsh variable configDavid Morgan2023-01-121-5/+6
* Add zsh-nvm and per-directory-historyDavid Morgan2023-01-121-0/+26
* Add pmsDavid Morgan2023-01-121-0/+1
* Add checkout-pr functionDavid Morgan2023-01-121-0/+5
* Add tmux-fuzzback pluginDavid Morgan2023-01-121-0/+1
* Improve elisp and clojure diffsDavid Morgan2023-01-121-0/+6
* Add ea and some aliasesDavid Morgan2023-01-122-0/+5
* Use gnome keyring without gnome (plus pipewire)David Morgan2023-01-061-4/+15
* Use sasl for refchatDavid Morgan2023-01-061-0/+1
* Add editorconfig-vim pluginDavid Morgan2023-01-061-0/+1
* fzf functionsDavid Morgan2022-12-151-1/+20
* Add mpd and mopidy packages on darwinDavid Morgan2022-12-151-0/+11
* Add nixpkgs-reviewDavid Morgan2022-12-151-0/+1
* Add tmux-copy-toolkitDavid Morgan2022-12-081-1/+1
* Add irssi window aliasesDavid Morgan2022-12-081-13/+34
* Add vimPlugins.vim-nixDavid Morgan2022-12-061-0/+1
* nix.trustedUsers -> nix.settings.trusted-usersDavid Morgan2022-12-063-3/+3
* irssi configDavid Morgan2022-12-052-1/+22
* Use new packages for forgit and zsh-editDavid Morgan2022-12-051-15/+5
* Improve tmux configDavid Morgan2022-12-031-14/+23
* Use batpipeDavid Morgan2022-12-032-1/+2
* Add FZF_DEFAULT_OPTSDavid Morgan2022-12-031-0/+1
* Force seahorse for ssh ask-passDavid Morgan2022-12-031-1/+1
* Swap two and three finger tapDavid Morgan2022-12-031-1/+1
* Tidy upDavid Morgan2022-12-021-14/+0
* Add tmux-jump pluginDavid Morgan2022-12-021-1/+1
* Add libinput tappingButtonMapDavid Morgan2022-12-021-2/+1
* Remove unstable channelDavid Morgan2022-12-021-4/+1
* Add some fzf functionsDavid Morgan2022-12-021-0/+9
* Improve fzf optionsDavid Morgan2022-12-021-1/+3
* Add tre (plus tree alias)David Morgan2022-12-022-0/+4
* Fix tramp + zshDavid Morgan2022-12-021-0/+3
* Add zz alias (like z.lua)David Morgan2022-12-021-0/+2
* Add zsh-bsd pluginDavid Morgan2022-12-021-0/+5
* Only use doas for garbage collection if it existsDavid Morgan2022-12-021-2/+3
* Add df to garbage collect functionDavid Morgan2022-12-021-0/+1
* Disable flow control (for fzf-git.sh)David Morgan2022-11-301-0/+3
* Don't dettach other tmux sessions when connecting via sshDavid Morgan2022-11-301-2/+6
* Update zsh-editDavid Morgan2022-11-291-2/+2
* Add nix configDavid Morgan2022-11-262-0/+13
* Read git e-mail addresses from a fileDavid Morgan2022-11-242-3/+9
* Remove old script from tmux confDavid Morgan2022-11-241-1/+1
/span>) abs_dirname = dirname(abs_dest) rel_basename = basename(rel_dest) rel_dirname = dirname(rel_dest) try: # are we after a directory? if rel_dest.endswith('/') or rel_dest == '': _, dirnames, _ = os.walk(abs_dest).next() # are we in the middle of the filename? else: _, dirnames, _ = os.walk(abs_dirname).next() dirnames = [dn for dn in dirnames \ if dn.startswith(rel_basename)] except (OSError, StopIteration): # os.walk found nothing pass else: dirnames.sort() # no results, return None if len(dirnames) == 0: return # one result. since it must be a directory, append a slash. if len(dirnames) == 1: return line + join(rel_dirname, dirnames[0]) + '/' # more than one result. append no slash, so the user can # manually type in the slash to advance into that directory return (line + join(rel_dirname, dirname) for dirname in dirnames) def _tab_directory_content(self): from os.path import dirname, basename, expanduser, join, isdir line = parse(self.line) pwd = self.fm.env.pwd.path try: rel_dest = line.rest(1) except IndexError: rel_dest = '' # expand the tilde into the user directory if rel_dest.startswith('~'): rel_dest = expanduser(rel_dest) # define some shortcuts abs_dest = join(pwd, rel_dest) abs_dirname = dirname(abs_dest) rel_basename = basename(rel_dest) rel_dirname = dirname(rel_dest) try: # are we after a directory? if rel_dest.endswith('/') or rel_dest == '': _, dirnames, filenames = os.walk(abs_dest).next() names = dirnames + filenames # are we in the middle of the filename? else: _, dirnames, filenames = os.walk(abs_dirname).next() names = [name for name in (dirnames + filenames) \ if name.startswith(rel_basename)] except (OSError, StopIteration): # os.walk found nothing pass else: names.sort() # no results, return None if len(names) == 0: return # one result. since it must be a directory, append a slash. if len(names) == 1: return line + join(rel_dirname, names[0]) + '/' # more than one result. append no slash, so the user can # manually type in the slash to advance into that directory return (line + join(rel_dirname, name) for name in names) # -------------------------------- definitions class cd(Command): """ :cd <dirname> The cd command changes the directory. The command 'cd -' is equivalent to typing ``. In the quick console, the directory will be entered without the need to press enter, as soon as there is one unambiguous match. """ def execute(self): line = parse(self.line) try: destination = line.rest(1) except IndexError: destination = '~' if destination == '-': self.fm.enter_bookmark('`') else: self.fm.cd(destination) def tab(self): return self._tab_only_directories() def quick_open(self): from os.path import isdir, join, normpath line = parse(self.line) pwd = self.fm.env.pwd.path try: rel_dest = line.rest(1) except IndexError: return False abs_dest = normpath(join(pwd, rel_dest)) return rel_dest != '.' and isdir(abs_dest) class find(Command): """ :find <string> The find command will attempt to find a partial, case insensitive match in the filenames of the current directory. In the quick command console, once there is one unambiguous match, the file will be run automatically. """ count = 0 tab = Command._tab_directory_content def execute(self): if self.mode != cmode.COMMAND_QUICK: self._search() import re search = parse(self.line).rest(1) search = re.escape(search) self.fm.env.last_search = re.compile(search, re.IGNORECASE) if self.count == 1: self.fm.move_right() self.fm.block_input(0.5) def quick_open(self): self._search() if self.count == 1: return True def _search(self): self.count = 0 line = parse(self.line) pwd = self.fm.env.pwd try: arg = line.rest(1) except IndexError: return False deq = deque(pwd.files) deq.rotate(-pwd.pointer) i = 0 for fsobj in deq: filename = fsobj.basename_lower if arg in filename: self.count += 1 if self.count == 1: pwd.move(absolute=(pwd.pointer + i) % len(pwd.files)) self.fm.env.cf = pwd.pointed_obj if self.count > 1: return False i += 1 return self.count == 1 class quit(Command): """ :quit Quits the program immediately. """ def execute(self): raise SystemExit class delete(Command): """ :delete Tries to delete the selection. "Selection" is defined as all the "marked files" (by default, you can mark files with space or v). If there are no marked files, use the "current file" (where the cursor is) """ allow_abbrev = False def execute(self): self.fm.delete() class mkdir(Command): """ :mkdir <dirname> Creates a directory with the name <dirname>. """ def execute(self): from os.path import join, expanduser, lexists from os import mkdir line = parse(self.line) dirname = join(self.fm.env.pwd.path, expanduser(line.rest(1))) if not lexists(dirname): mkdir(dirname) else: self.fm.notify("file/directory exists!", bad=True) class touch(Command): """ :touch <fname> Creates a file with the name <fname>. """ def execute(self): from os.path import join, expanduser, lexists from os import mkdir line = parse(self.line) fname = join(self.fm.env.pwd.path, expanduser(line.rest(1))) if not lexists(fname): open(fname, 'a') else: self.fm.notify("file/directory exists!", bad=True) class edit(Command): """ :edit <filename> Opens the specified file in vim """ def execute(self): line = parse(self.line) self.fm.edit_file(line.rest(1)) def tab(self): return self._tab_directory_content() class rename(Command): """ :rename <newname> Changes the name of the currently highlighted file to <newname> """ def execute(self): line = parse(self.line) self.fm.rename(self.fm.env.cf, line.rest(1)) def tab(self): return self._tab_directory_content() class chmod(Command): """ :chmod <octal number> Sets the permissions of the selection to the octal number. The octal number is between 0 and 777. The digits specify the permissions for the user, the group and others. A 1 permits execution, a 2 permits writing, a 4 permits reading. Add those numbers to combine them. So a 7 permits everything. """ def execute(self): line = parse(self.line) mode = line.rest(1) try: mode = int(mode, 8) if mode < 0 or mode > 511: raise ValueError except ValueError: self.fm.notify("Need an octal number between 0 and 777!", bad=True) return for file in self.fm.env.get_selection(): try: os.chmod(file.path, mode) except Exception as ex: self.fm.notify(str(ex), bad=True) try: # reloading directory. maybe its better to reload the selected # files only. self.fm.env.pwd.load_content() except: pass class filter(Command): """ :filter <string> Displays only the files which contain <string> in their basename. """ def execute(self): line = parse(self.line) self.fm.set_filter(line.rest(1)) class grep(Command): """ :grep <string> Looks for a string in all marked files or directories """ def execute(self): line = parse(self.line) if line.rest(1): action = ['grep', '--color=always', '--line-number'] action.extend(['-e', line.rest(1), '-r']) action.extend(map(lambda x: x.path, self.fm.env.get_selection())) self.fm.execute_command(action, flags='p') # -------------------------------- rest by_name = {} for varname, var in vars().copy().items(): try: if issubclass(var, Command) and var != Command: by_name[var.name or varname] = var except TypeError: pass del varname del var def alias(**kw): """Create an alias for commands, eg: alias(quit=exit)""" for key, value in kw.items(): by_name[key] = value def get_command(name, abbrev=True): if abbrev: lst = [cls for cmd, cls in by_name.items() \ if cmd.startswith(name) \ and cls.allow_abbrev \ or cmd == name] if len(lst) == 0: raise KeyError if len(lst) == 1: return lst[0] raise ValueError("Ambiguous command") else: try: return by_name[name] except KeyError: return None def command_generator(start): return (cmd + ' ' for cmd in by_name if cmd.startswith(start))