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-# Implementation Request for AWK-based Scheme Virtual Machine
-I need help implementing a stack-based virtual machine for a minimal Scheme implementation in AWK. The implementation should work with standard AWK (gawk features optional).
-## Core Data Structures
-### Value Representation
-Values in AWK will be represented as strings with type tags. Each value should be a string with format "TYPE:VALUE" where:
-- Numbers: "N:123.45"
-- Booleans: "B:1" or "B:0"
-- Symbols: "S:symbol-name"
-- Pairs: "P:car_idx,cdr_idx" (indices into heap array)
-- Functions: "F:addr,env_idx" (instruction address and environment index)
-- Nil: "NIL:"
-### Memory Model
-Using AWK's associative arrays:
-# Stack - numeric indexed array
-# Heap - numeric indexed array for allocated objects
-# Environments - numeric indexed array of frames
-# Each environment frame is stored as concatenated strings:
-# "name1:val1,name2:val2,..."
-### Instruction Format
-Instructions stored in array with format:
-instr[addr] = "OPCODE OPERAND1 OPERAND2..."
-## Core Components Needed
-1. Value Handling
-# Type checking
-function isNumber(val) { return substr(val, 1, 2) == "N:" }
-function isSymbol(val) { return substr(val, 1, 2) == "S:" }
-# etc.
-# Value extraction
-function getValue(val) { return substr(val, 3) }
-2. Memory Management
-- Simple reference counting using an additional array
-- Object allocation through heap_ptr increment
-- Basic sweep of unreferenced heap cells
-3. Stack Operations
-# Push and pop
-function push(val) { stack[++stack_ptr] = val }
-function pop() { return stack[stack_ptr--] }
-4. Environment Management
-- Environment represented as chain of frames in env[] array
-- Each frame is a string of name:value pairs
-- Lookup walks the chain for variable resolution
-## Implementation Steps
-1. Parser/Tokenizer:
-   - Read instruction format from input file
-   - Parse into instruction array
-   - Handle basic syntax for immediate values
-2. Value System:
-   - Type tag handling
-   - Value construction
-   - Type checking
-   - Value extraction
-3. Core VM:
-   - Instruction dispatch
-   - Stack manipulation
-   - Basic arithmetic
-   - Flow control
-4. Memory Management:
-   - Heap allocation
-   - Reference counting
-   - Basic garbage collection
-5. Function Handling:
-   - Call frames
-   - Return handling
-   - Tail call optimization
-## Initial Implementation Structure
-    # Initialize VM state
-    stack_ptr = 0
-    heap_ptr = 0
-    env_ptr = 0
-    pc = 0  # Program counter
-# Main instruction dispatch
-function execute(instr) {
-    split(instr, parts, " ")
-    op = parts[1]
-    if (op == "PUSH_CONST")
-        push(parts[2])
-    else if (op == "ADD") {
-        b = pop()
-        a = pop()
-        push(add(a, b))
-    }
-    # etc.
-# Main execution loop
-    # Load instruction into array
-    instr[$1] = $0
-END {
-    # Execute loaded program
-    while (pc < length(instr)) {
-        execute(instr[pc++])
-    }
-## Testing Strategy
-1. Input File Format:
-2 ADD
-2. Test Cases:
-- Basic arithmetic
-- Stack operations
-- Function calls
-- Error handling
-- Memory management
-## AWK-Specific Considerations
-1. String Operations:
-- Use split() for parsing
-- substr() for type tags
-- string concatenation for compound values
-2. Limitations:
-- No native types besides numbers and strings
-- No recursive function calls in AWK
-- Limited stack size
-- Memory management needs care
-3. Advantages:
-- Associative arrays simplify environment handling
-- Built-in string operations help with parsing
-- Line-oriented processing suits instruction loading
-## Style Guidelines
-1. Use clear function names:
-   - makeNumber(n)
-   - makeSymbol(s)
-   - etc.
-2. Consistent error handling:
-   - Set ERRNO
-   - Print to STDERR
-   - Exit codes
-3. Document array usage:
-   - Purpose of each array
-   - Format of entries
-   - Lifetime management
-Please start with implementing the value type system and basic stack operations, showing how to represent and manipulate Scheme values in AWK's string-based environment.
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-# AWK-based Scheme VM Implementation Guide
-I need help implementing a stack-based virtual machine in AWK that will support a minimal Scheme implementation. Please focus on AWK-specific approaches and limitations.
-## VM Architecture Overview
-The VM should be stack-based with these key components:
-1. An instruction array storing the program
-2. A value stack using numeric-indexed arrays
-3. A heap for pairs and closures using associative arrays
-4. An environment chain for variable lookup
-## Core Data Types
-Each value should be represented as a string with format "TYPE:VALUE":
-# Examples
-"N:42"      # Number
-"B:1"       # Boolean true
-"B:0"       # Boolean false
-"S:x"       # Symbol 'x'
-"P:1,2"     # Pair (cons cell) with heap indices
-"F:100,1"   # Function (instruction addr, env index)
-"NIL:"      # Empty list
-## Instruction Set
-### Stack Operations
-PUSH_CONST val   # Push constant onto stack
-                 # Example: "PUSH_CONST N:42"
-POP             # Remove top value from stack
-DUP             # Duplicate top stack value
-                # Before: [a]
-                # After:  [a a]
-SWAP            # Swap top two stack values
-                # Before: [a b]
-                # After:  [b a]
-### Memory Operations
-LOAD_LOCAL idx  # Load local variable at index
-                # Example: "LOAD_LOCAL 0"
-STORE_LOCAL idx # Store into local variable
-                # Example: "STORE_LOCAL 1"
-MAKE_ENV n      # Create new environment frame with n slots
-                # Example: "MAKE_ENV 2"
-LOAD_FREE idx   # Load from closure's environment
-                # Example: "LOAD_FREE 0"
-STORE_FREE idx  # Store into closure's environment
-                # Example: "STORE_FREE 1"
-### Function Operations
-CALL n          # Call function with n arguments
-                # Example: "CALL 2"
-TAIL_CALL n     # Tail-call with n arguments
-                # Example: "TAIL_CALL 1"
-RETURN          # Return from function
-MAKE_FUNCTION addr # Create function object
-                  # Example: "MAKE_FUNCTION 100"
-### List Operations
-CONS            # Create pair from two stack values
-                # Before: [a b]
-                # After:  [(a . b)]
-CAR             # Get first element of pair
-                # Before: [(a . b)]
-                # After:  [a]
-CDR             # Get second element of pair
-                # Before: [(a . b)]
-                # After:  [b]
-### Arithmetic Operations
-ADD             # Add top two numbers
-                # Before: [N:3 N:4]
-                # After:  [N:7]
-SUB             # Subtract
-MUL             # Multiply
-DIV             # Divide
-### Comparison Operations
-EQ              # Generic equality test
-NUM_LT          # Numeric less than
-NUM_GT          # Numeric greater than
-### Control Flow
-JUMP offset     # Unconditional jump
-                # Example: "JUMP 100"
-JUMP_IF_FALSE offset  # Jump if top of stack is false
-                     # Example: "JUMP_IF_FALSE 200"
-## Implementation Requirements
-1. Instruction Format:
-# Each instruction stored as string in instr[] array
-instr[addr] = "OPCODE [operand1] [operand2]..."
-2. Value Handling:
-# Type checking functions
-function isNumber(val) { return substr(val, 1, 2) == "N:" }
-function isPair(val) { return substr(val, 1, 2) == "P:" }
-# etc.
-# Value constructors
-function makeNumber(n) { return "N:" n }
-function makePair(car_idx, cdr_idx) { return "P:" car_idx "," cdr_idx }
-# etc.
-3. Stack Operations:
-# Basic stack manipulation
-function push(val) { stack[++stack_ptr] = val }
-function pop() { if (stack_ptr < 1) error("stack underflow"); return stack[stack_ptr--] }
-4. Memory Management:
-# Heap allocation
-function allocate(val) {
-    heap[++heap_ptr] = val
-    refs[heap_ptr] = 1
-    return heap_ptr
-# Reference counting
-function incref(idx) { if (idx > 0) refs[idx]++ }
-function decref(idx) { if (idx > 0 && --refs[idx] == 0) free_cell(idx) }
-## Starting Implementation
-Please help implement this VM following these steps:
-1. Core VM loop:
-    # Initialize VM state
-    stack_ptr = 0
-    heap_ptr = 0
-    pc = 0
-# Load program
-    instr[NR-1] = $0
-END {
-    # Main execution loop
-    while (pc < length(instr)) {
-        execute(instr[pc++])
-    }
-2. Instruction execution:
-function execute(instr) {
-    split(instr, parts, " ")
-    op = parts[1]
-    if (op == "PUSH_CONST")
-        push(parts[2])
-    else if (op == "ADD") {
-        b = pop()
-        a = pop()
-        push(add(a, b))
-    }
-    # etc.
-Please start by implementing:
-1. The basic VM loop
-2. Stack operations
-3. Arithmetic operations
-4. Simple control flow
-Then we can move on to:
-1. Function calls and returns
-2. Environment handling
-3. Cons cells and list operations
-4. Garbage collection
-Focus on AWK's strengths:
-- Associative arrays for memory management
-- String operations for value handling
-- Line-oriented processing for instruction loading
-And handle AWK's limitations:
-- No native complex types
-- Limited recursion
-- String-based value representation
-- Memory management constraints
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-# Scheme to VM Instruction Examples
-## Basic Arithmetic
-### Simple Addition
-(+ 1 2)
-# VM Instructions
-2 ADD
-### Nested Arithmetic
-(+ (* 3 4) (- 10 5))
-# VM Instructions
-2 MUL           # Stack now has 12
-5 SUB           # Stack now has 5
-6 ADD           # Final result 17
-## Variable Binding and Use
-### Let Expression
-(let ((x 5))
-  (+ x 1))
-# VM Instructions
-0 MAKE_ENV 1        # Create environment with 1 slot
-1 PUSH_CONST N:5    # Push initial value
-2 STORE_LOCAL 0     # Store into x's slot
-3 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load x
-5 ADD
-### Nested Let
-(let ((x 5))
-  (let ((y (+ x 1)))
-    (* x y)))
-# VM Instructions
-0 MAKE_ENV 1        # Environment for x
-2 STORE_LOCAL 0     # Store x
-3 MAKE_ENV 1        # Environment for y
-4 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load x
-6 ADD
-7 STORE_LOCAL 0     # Store y
-8 LOAD_LOCAL 1      # Load x (from outer env)
-9 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load y
-10 MUL
-## Function Definition and Call
-### Simple Function
-(define (add1 x)
-  (+ x 1))
-# VM Instructions
-0 MAKE_FUNCTION 2   # Create function pointing to instruction 2
-1 STORE_GLOBAL 0    # Store in global env slot for add1
-2 MAKE_ENV 1        # Function body starts here
-3 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load parameter x
-5 ADD
-### Function Call
-(add1 5)
-# VM Instructions
-0 PUSH_CONST N:5    # Push argument
-1 LOAD_GLOBAL 0     # Load add1 function
-2 CALL 1            # Call with 1 argument
-## List Operations
-### List Construction
-(cons 1 (cons 2 '()))
-# VM Instructions
-3 CONS            # Creates (2 . nil)
-4 CONS            # Creates (1 . (2 . nil))
-### List Operations
-(car (cons 1 2))
-# VM Instructions
-3 CAR
-## Conditionals
-### If Expression
-(if (< x 0)
-    (- 0 x)
-    x)
-# VM Instructions
-0 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load x
-2 NUM_LT           # Compare x < 0
-3 JUMP_IF_FALSE 7  # Skip to else branch if false
-5 LOAD_LOCAL 0     # Load x again
-6 SUB             # Compute 0 - x
-7 JUMP 9          # Skip else branch
-8 LOAD_LOCAL 0    # Else branch: just load x
-9 NOP             # Continue here
-## Closures
-### Create Closure
-(let ((x 1))
-  (lambda (y) (+ x y)))
-# VM Instructions
-0 MAKE_ENV 1        # Environment for x
-2 STORE_LOCAL 0     # Store x
-3 MAKE_FUNCTION 5   # Create function
-4 MAKE_CLOSURE 1    # Capture current env
-5 MAKE_ENV 1        # Function body starts here
-6 LOAD_FREE 0       # Load captured x
-7 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load parameter y
-8 ADD
-## Recursive Function
-### Factorial
-(define (factorial n)
-  (if (= n 0)
-      1
-      (* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
-# VM Instructions
-0 MAKE_FUNCTION 2    # Create factorial function
-1 STORE_GLOBAL 0     # Store in global env
-2 MAKE_ENV 1         # Function body starts
-3 LOAD_LOCAL 0       # Load n
-5 NUM_EQ            # Compare n = 0
-6 JUMP_IF_FALSE 9   # Skip to else branch
-7 PUSH_CONST N:1    # Return 1 for base case
-9 LOAD_LOCAL 0      # Load n
-10 LOAD_LOCAL 0     # Load n again
-12 SUB             # Compute n - 1
-13 LOAD_GLOBAL 0   # Load factorial function
-14 TAIL_CALL 1     # Tail call factorial(n-1)
-15 MUL             # Multiply n * factorial(n-1)
-## Implementation Notes
-1. Environment Chain
-- Each MAKE_ENV creates a new frame
-- LOAD_LOCAL counts down the chain for outer references
-- STORE_LOCAL works similarly
-2. Closure Creation
-- MAKE_CLOSURE captures current environment
-- LOAD_FREE accesses captured variables
-3. Tail Calls
-- TAIL_CALL reuses current stack frame
-- Essential for recursive functions
-4. Memory Management
-- CONS allocates in heap
-- Reference counting needed for heap objects
-- Environment frames need reference counting too
-These examples show typical compilation patterns. The actual compiler would need to:
-1. Track variable locations
-2. Manage label generation
-3. Detect tail call positions
-4. Handle lexical scoping properly
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-# Scheme Compiler Implementation in AWK
-## Basic Compiler Structure
-We'll implement the compiler as a recursive descent processor that converts Scheme expressions into VM instructions. Here's the core structure:
-# Global state
-    next_label = 0      # For generating unique labels
-    next_address = 0    # Current instruction address
-    depth = 0           # Current environment depth
-# Main compile function
-function compile(expr,    parts, len) {
-    if (isAtom(expr))
-        return compileAtom(expr)
-    split(expr, parts, " ")
-    len = length(parts)
-    # Strip parentheses
-    parts[1] = substr(parts[1], 2)      # Remove leading (
-    parts[len] = substr(parts[len], 1, length(parts[len])-1)  # Remove trailing )
-    # Dispatch based on first element
-    if (parts[1] == "+")
-        return compileAdd(parts, len)
-    else if (parts[1] == "let")
-        return compileLet(parts, len)
-    else if (parts[1] == "lambda")
-        return compileLambda(parts, len)
-    else if (parts[1] == "if")
-        return compileIf(parts, len)
-    else
-        return compileCall(parts, len)
-# Utility functions
-function isAtom(expr) {
-    return substr(expr, 1, 1) != "("
-function newLabel() {
-    return "L" next_label++
-function emit(instr) {
-    program[next_address++] = instr
-## Compilation Patterns
-### 1. Basic Arithmetic
-function compileAdd(parts, len,    i) {
-    # Compile each argument
-    for (i = 2; i <= len; i++)
-        compile(parts[i])
-    # Emit adds between each value
-    for (i = 3; i <= len; i++)
-        emit("ADD")
-    return next_address - 1
-# Example usage:
-# Input: (+ 1 2 3)
-# Output:
-# ADD
-# ADD
-### 2. Let Expressions
-function compileLet(parts, len,    bindings, body, i, num_bindings) {
-    # Parse let structure
-    bindings = parts[2]
-    body = parts[3]
-    # Count bindings
-    split(bindings, binding_parts, " ")
-    num_bindings = (length(binding_parts) - 2) / 2  # Account for parentheses
-    # Create new environment frame
-    emit("MAKE_ENV " num_bindings)
-    # Compile each binding value and store
-    for (i = 1; i <= num_bindings; i++) {
-        compile(binding_parts[i * 2])
-        emit("STORE_LOCAL " (i - 1))
-    }
-    # Compile body in new environment
-    depth++
-    compile(body)
-    depth--
-    return next_address - 1
-# Example usage:
-# Input: (let ((x 5)) (+ x 1))
-# Output:
-# ADD
-### 3. Lambda Expressions
-function compileLambda(parts, len,    param_list, body, label_start, label_end) {
-    label_start = newLabel()
-    label_end = newLabel()
-    # Emit jump around function body
-    emit("JUMP " label_end)
-    # Mark function start
-    emit(label_start ":")
-    # Parse parameters
-    param_list = parts[2]
-    body = parts[3]
-    # Compile function body
-    depth++
-    compile(body)
-    emit("RETURN")
-    depth--
-    # Mark function end
-    emit(label_end ":")
-    # Create function object
-    emit("MAKE_FUNCTION " label_start)
-    return next_address - 1
-# Example usage:
-# Input: (lambda (x) (+ x 1))
-# Output:
-# JUMP L1
-# L0:
-# ADD
-# L1:
-### 4. If Expressions
-function compileIf(parts, len,    condition, true_branch, false_branch, label_else, label_end) {
-    label_else = newLabel()
-    label_end = newLabel()
-    # Compile condition
-    compile(parts[2])
-    # Jump to else if false
-    emit("JUMP_IF_FALSE " label_else)
-    # Compile true branch
-    compile(parts[3])
-    emit("JUMP " label_end)
-    # Compile false branch
-    emit(label_else ":")
-    if (len > 4)  # If there is an else branch
-        compile(parts[4])
-    emit(label_end ":")
-    return next_address - 1
-# Example usage:
-# Input: (if (< x 0) (- 0 x) x)
-# Output:
-# SUB
-# JUMP L1
-# L0:
-# L1:
-### 5. Function Calls
-function compileCall(parts, len,    i, num_args) {
-    num_args = len - 1
-    # Compile each argument
-    for (i = 2; i <= len; i++)
-        compile(parts[i])
-    # Compile function reference
-    compile(parts[1])
-    # Emit call instruction
-    emit("CALL " num_args)
-    return next_address - 1
-# Example usage:
-# Input: (add1 5)
-# Output:
-# CALL 1
-## Symbol Table Management
-# Track variables and their locations
-function enterScope() {
-    scope_depth++
-    next_local = 0
-function leaveScope() {
-    scope_depth--
-function addLocal(name) {
-    symbols[scope_depth "," name] = next_local++
-function findVariable(name,    i) {
-    for (i = scope_depth; i >= 0; i--)
-        if ((i "," name) in symbols)
-            return "LOCAL " i "," symbols[i "," name]
-    return "GLOBAL " name
-## Example Usage
-Here's how to use the compiler:
-    # Initialize compiler
-    next_label = 0
-    next_address = 0
-    depth = 0
-    # Compile some example code
-    expr = "(let ((x 5)) (+ x 1))"
-    compile(expr)
-    # Print generated code
-    for (i = 0; i < next_address; i++)
-        print i ": " program[i]
-## Implementation Notes
-1. Variable Resolution
-   - Track scope depth for proper variable lookup
-   - Generate appropriate LOAD/STORE instructions
-   - Handle closure captures
-2. Label Generation
-   - Use unique labels for control flow
-   - Track label addresses for jumps
-3. Environment Management
-   - Track environment depth
-   - Generate correct frame sizes
-   - Handle nested scopes
-4. Error Handling
-   - Check for syntax errors
-   - Validate number of arguments
-   - Report meaningful errors
-5. Optimization Opportunities
-   - Tail call detection
-   - Constant folding
-   - Peephole optimization
-   - Dead code elimination
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-# Implementation Request for Scheme Virtual Machine
-I need help implementing a stack-based virtual machine for a minimal Scheme implementation in JavaScript. The implementation should follow these requirements:
-## Core Data Structures
-### Value Representation
-Please help me implement a tagged union type for Scheme values with these cases:
-- Numbers (using JavaScript numbers)
-- Booleans (using JavaScript booleans)
-- Symbols (as strings)
-- Pairs (cons cells)
-- Functions (closures)
-- Nil
-Each value should include a type tag and the actual value data. The implementation should be memory efficient while still being easy to debug.
-### Stack Frame
-Design a stack frame structure that includes:
-- An array for local variables
-- An operand stack (array)
-- Return address (number)
-- Previous frame pointer
-- Captured environment reference (for closures)
-### Instruction Format
-Each instruction should be represented as an object with:
-- opcode (string or number)
-- operands (if any)
-- source position (for debugging)
-## Core Components Needed
-1. Value Constructor/Accessors
-- Functions to create each type of value
-- Type predicates (isNumber, isPair, etc.)
-- Safe accessors that check types
-2. Memory Management
-- A simple mark-and-sweep garbage collector
-- Root set scanning of VM stack and global environment
-- Object allocation interface
-3. Environment Management
-- Environment chain implementation
-- Closure creation and variable capture
-- Variable lookup and storage
-4. Instruction Interpreter
-- Main instruction dispatch loop
-- Stack manipulation helpers
-- Error handling with meaningful messages
-- Debugging support (stack traces)
-## Initial Implementation Steps
-Please help me implement these components in this order:
-1. Value type system and basic operations
-2. Stack frame and basic stack operations
-3. Main instruction interpreter loop
-4. Simple arithmetic and comparison operations
-5. Function calls and returns
-6. Closure creation and environment handling
-7. Cons cells and list operations
-8. Basic garbage collection
-## Starting Point
-Please start by showing me how to implement:
-1. The tagged value type system
-2. Basic stack operations (push, pop)
-3. A simple instruction interpreter that can handle:
-   - POP
-   - ADD
-   - RETURN
-The code should be in a functional style, avoiding mutation where practical, and should use modern JavaScript features. Please include basic error checking and type safety.
-## Testing Approach
-For each component, I'd like to see:
-1. Basic unit tests
-2. Example instruction sequences
-3. Error cases to handle
-4. Edge cases to consider
-The implementation should prioritize correctness and clarity over performance initially.
-## Additional Considerations
-Please also consider:
-1. How to handle tail calls efficiently
-2. Debug information tracking
-3. Error recovery strategies
-4. Performance bottlenecks to watch for
-5. Future extensibility
-## Style Preferences
-The implementation should:
-- Use functional programming patterns where appropriate
-- Minimize state mutation
-- Use clear naming conventions
-- Include detailed comments explaining non-obvious code
-- Use TypeScript-style JSDoc comments for better tooling support
-- Target modern browsers without external dependencies
-- Use ES modules for code organization
-Please start with the value type system implementation, showing how to create and manipulate Scheme values in a type-safe way.
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-# Scheme Virtual Machine Specification
-## Stack and Memory Model
-The VM uses a stack-based architecture with a separate heap for storing longer-lived objects. Each stack frame contains:
-- Local variable space
-- Operand stack
-- Return address
-## Data Types
-- Numbers (implemented as JavaScript numbers)
-- Booleans
-- Symbols (interned strings)
-- Pairs (cons cells)
-- Functions (closures)
-- Nil
-## Instructions
-### Stack Operations
-- PUSH_CONST value    ; Push constant onto stack
-- POP                 ; Remove top value from stack
-- DUP                 ; Duplicate top stack value
-- SWAP                ; Swap top two stack values
-### Environment Operations
-- LOAD_LOCAL idx      ; Load local variable at index
-- STORE_LOCAL idx     ; Store into local variable
-- MAKE_CLOSURE n      ; Create closure with n free variables
-- LOAD_FREE idx       ; Load from closure's environment
-- STORE_FREE idx      ; Store into closure's environment
-### Function Operations
-- CALL n              ; Call function with n arguments
-- TAIL_CALL n         ; Tail-call with n arguments
-- RETURN              ; Return from function
-- MAKE_FUNCTION addr  ; Create function object
-### Pair Operations
-- CONS                ; Create pair from two stack values
-- CAR                 ; Get first element of pair
-- CDR                ; Get second element of pair
-- SET_CAR            ; Set first element of pair
-- SET_CDR            ; Set second element of pair
-### Arithmetic Operations
-- ADD                ; Add top two numbers
-- SUB                ; Subtract
-- MUL                ; Multiply
-- DIV                ; Divide
-- REMAINDER          ; Modulo operation
-### Comparison Operations
-- EQ                 ; Generic equality test
-- NUM_EQ             ; Numeric equality
-- NUM_LT             ; Less than
-- NUM_GT             ; Greater than
-### Control Flow
-- JUMP offset        ; Unconditional jump
-- JUMP_IF_FALSE offset ; Conditional jump
-- JUMP_IF_TRUE offset  ; Conditional jump
-### Type Operations
-- TYPE_OF            ; Get type of value
-- IS_PAIR            ; Test if value is pair
-- IS_NUMBER          ; Test if value is number
-- IS_SYMBOL          ; Test if value is symbol
-## Example Instruction Sequences
-### Function Definition
-(define (add1 x) (+ x 1))
-Compiles to:
-  LOAD_LOCAL 0     ; Load x
-  ADD
-### List Creation
-(cons 1 (cons 2 '()))
-Compiles to:
-### Closure Creation
-(let ((x 1))
-  (lambda (y) (+ x y)))
-Compiles to:
-PUSH_CONST 1      ; Push initial value of x
-MAKE_FUNCTION L1  ; Create function body
-MAKE_CLOSURE 1    ; Create closure capturing x
-  LOAD_FREE 0     ; Load captured x
-  LOAD_LOCAL 0    ; Load parameter y
-  ADD
-## Implementation Notes
-1. The VM should implement proper tail-call optimization using the TAIL_CALL instruction.
-2. Garbage collection can be implemented using a simple mark-and-sweep collector, scanning the stack and heap for reachable objects.
-3. For efficiency, common constants (small integers, nil, etc.) can be preallocated and shared.
-4. The environment model uses static scope, with closures capturing their creation environment.
-5. Function calls maintain their own stack frame with local variables and operand stack.
diff --git a/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/test-program.md b/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/test-program.md
deleted file mode 100644
index ee20e32..0000000
--- a/awk/scheme/scheme/docs/test-program.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Test Program
-Save this as `test.scm.asm`:
-Run with:
-awk -f vm.awk test.scm.asm
-Expected output:
-Result: N:6
-# Additional Test Cases
-## List Operations
-## Error Cases
-# Stack underflow
-# Type error