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path: root/html/rogue/js
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Diffstat (limited to 'html/rogue/js')
8 files changed, 301 insertions, 1458 deletions
diff --git a/html/rogue/js/camera.js b/html/rogue/js/camera.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e5d5d14..0000000
--- a/html/rogue/js/camera.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-const createCamera = (x, y) => ({
-    x,
-    y,
-    width: window.innerWidth,
-    height: window.innerHeight,
-    // Define the dead zone (the area where camera won't move)
-    deadZone: {
-        x: window.innerWidth * 0.3, // 30% of screen width
-        y: window.innerHeight * 0.3, // 30% of screen height
-    }
-const updateCamera = (camera, target) => {
-    // Calculate the center point of the screen
-    const screenCenterX = camera.x + camera.width / 2;
-    const screenCenterY = camera.y + camera.height / 2;
-    // Calculate the distance from the target to the screen center
-    const distanceX = target.x - screenCenterX;
-    const distanceY = target.y - screenCenterY;
-    // Calculate the dead zone boundaries
-    const deadZoneLeft = -camera.deadZone.x / 2;
-    const deadZoneRight = camera.deadZone.x / 2;
-    const deadZoneTop = -camera.deadZone.y / 2;
-    const deadZoneBottom = camera.deadZone.y / 2;
-    // Calculate new camera position with smooth following
-    let newX = camera.x;
-    let newY = camera.y;
-    // Horizontal camera movement
-    if (distanceX < deadZoneLeft) {
-        newX += distanceX - deadZoneLeft;
-    } else if (distanceX > deadZoneRight) {
-        newX += distanceX - deadZoneRight;
-    }
-    // Vertical camera movement
-    if (distanceY < deadZoneTop) {
-        newY += distanceY - deadZoneTop;
-    } else if (distanceY > deadZoneBottom) {
-        newY += distanceY - deadZoneBottom;
-    }
-    // Add subtle smoothing to camera movement
-    const smoothing = 0.1;
-    newX = camera.x + (newX - camera.x) * smoothing;
-    newY = camera.y + (newY - camera.y) * smoothing;
-    return {
-        ...camera,
-        x: newX,
-        y: newY
-    };
diff --git a/html/rogue/js/config.js b/html/rogue/js/config.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 77100e1..0000000
--- a/html/rogue/js/config.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-const CONFIG = {
-    player: {
-        width: 32,
-        height: 48,
-        speed: 5,
-        jumpForce: 12,
-        gravity: 0.5,
-        color: '#ff0000'
-    },
-    world: {
-        groundHeight: 12,
-        wilderness: {
-            vegetation: {
-                grass: {
-                    colors: ['#3a5', '#294'],
-                    hatch: {
-                        angle: Math.PI / 4,
-                        variation: Math.PI / 6,
-                        spacing: 4,
-                        length: 8,
-                        margin: 2
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    },
-    camera: {
-        width: window.innerWidth,
-        height: window.innerHeight,
-        followSpeed: 0.1
-    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/rogue/js/game.js b/html/rogue/js/game.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29b5037
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html/rogue/js/game.js
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+// Constants for hex grid
+const HEX_SIZE = 20; // Fixed hex size
+const HEX_WIDTH = HEX_SIZE * 2;
+const HEX_HEIGHT = Math.sqrt(3) * HEX_SIZE;
+const GRID_SIZE = 100; // Number of hexes in each dimension
+// Game state
+const state = {
+    canvas: null,
+    ctx: null,
+    camera: { x: 0, y: 0 }, // Camera position in pixel coordinates
+    hexGrid: [], // Will store hex grid data
+// Initialize the game
+function init() {
+    state.canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas');
+    state.ctx = state.canvas.getContext('2d');
+    // Initialize player
+    player.init();
+    function resize() {
+        state.canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
+        state.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
+        // Center camera on player initially
+        centerCameraOnHex(player.position);
+    }
+    window.addEventListener('resize', resize);
+    resize();
+    state.canvas.addEventListener('click', handleClick);
+    requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop);
+// Center camera on a specific hex
+function centerCameraOnHex(hex) {
+    const pixelCoord = hexToPixel(hex);
+    state.camera.x = pixelCoord.x - state.canvas.width / 2;
+    state.camera.y = pixelCoord.y - state.canvas.height / 2;
+// Smoothly move camera to target position
+function updateCamera() {
+    const currentPos = player.getCurrentPosition();
+    const targetPixel = hexToPixel(currentPos);
+    const targetCameraX = targetPixel.x - state.canvas.width / 2;
+    const targetCameraY = targetPixel.y - state.canvas.height / 2;
+    // Smooth camera movement
+    state.camera.x += (targetCameraX - state.camera.x) * 0.1;
+    state.camera.y += (targetCameraY - state.camera.y) * 0.1;
+// Convert hex coordinates to pixel coordinates
+function hexToPixel(hex) {
+    const x = HEX_SIZE * (3/2 * hex.q);
+    const y = HEX_SIZE * (Math.sqrt(3)/2 * hex.q + Math.sqrt(3) * hex.r);
+    return {x, y};
+// Convert pixel coordinates to hex coordinates (adjusted for camera position)
+function pixelToHex(screenX, screenY) {
+    const x = screenX + state.camera.x;
+    const y = screenY + state.camera.y;
+    const q = (2/3 * x) / HEX_SIZE;
+    const r = (-1/3 * x + Math.sqrt(3)/3 * y) / HEX_SIZE;
+    return hexRound(q, r);
+// Draw a single hex
+function drawHex(ctx, x, y) {
+    // Adjust position for camera
+    const screenX = x - state.camera.x;
+    const screenY = y - state.camera.y;
+    // Only draw if hex is visible on screen (with padding)
+    if (screenX < -HEX_WIDTH || screenX > state.canvas.width + HEX_WIDTH ||
+        screenY < -HEX_HEIGHT || screenY > state.canvas.height + HEX_HEIGHT) {
+        return;
+    }
+    ctx.beginPath();
+    for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
+        const angle = 2 * Math.PI / 6 * i;
+        const xPos = screenX + HEX_SIZE * Math.cos(angle);
+        const yPos = screenY + HEX_SIZE * Math.sin(angle);
+        if (i === 0) {
+            ctx.moveTo(xPos, yPos);
+        } else {
+            ctx.lineTo(xPos, yPos);
+        }
+    }
+    ctx.closePath();
+    ctx.stroke();
+// Calculate which hexes should be drawn
+function calculateViewportHexes() {
+    const hexes = [];
+    const halfGrid = Math.floor(GRID_SIZE / 2);
+    for (let r = -halfGrid; r < halfGrid; r++) {
+        for (let q = -halfGrid; q < halfGrid; q++) {
+            hexes.push({q, r});
+        }
+    }
+    return hexes;
+// Main game loop
+function gameLoop() {
+    state.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, state.canvas.width, state.canvas.height);
+    // Update game state
+    player.update();
+    updateCamera();
+    // Draw hex grid
+    const viewportHexes = calculateViewportHexes();
+    viewportHexes.forEach(hex => {
+        const pixel = hexToPixel(hex);
+        drawHex(state.ctx, pixel.x, pixel.y);
+    });
+    // Draw player
+    player.draw(state.ctx, hexToPixel, state.camera, HEX_SIZE);
+    requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop);
+// Handle click/tap with camera offset
+function handleClick(event) {
+    const rect = state.canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
+    const x = event.clientX - rect.left;
+    const y = event.clientY - rect.top;
+    const hexCoord = pixelToHex(x, y);
+    player.moveTo(hexCoord);
+// Round hex coordinates to nearest hex
+function hexRound(q, r) {
+    let x = q;
+    let z = r;
+    let y = -x-z;
+    let rx = Math.round(x);
+    let ry = Math.round(y);
+    let rz = Math.round(z);
+    const x_diff = Math.abs(rx - x);
+    const y_diff = Math.abs(ry - y);
+    const z_diff = Math.abs(rz - z);
+    if (x_diff > y_diff && x_diff > z_diff) {
+        rx = -ry-rz;
+    } else if (y_diff > z_diff) {
+        ry = -rx-rz;
+    } else {
+        rz = -rx-ry;
+    }
+    return {q: rx, r: rz};
+// Start the game
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/rogue/js/input.js b/html/rogue/js/input.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 047321c..0000000
--- a/html/rogue/js/input.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-const setupInputHandlers = (canvas, gameState) => {
-    let mouseMoveThrottle;
-    canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => {
-        if (!mouseMoveThrottle) {
-            mouseMoveThrottle = setTimeout(() => {
-                gameState.debug.mouseX = e.clientX + gameState.camera.x;
-                gameState.debug.mouseY = e.clientY + gameState.camera.y;
-                mouseMoveThrottle = null;
-            }, 16);
-        }
-    });
-    window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
-        if (e.key === 'd') {
-            gameState.debug.enabled = !gameState.debug.enabled;
-        }
-    });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/rogue/js/player.js b/html/rogue/js/player.js
index 270b26f..5b4a875 100644
--- a/html/rogue/js/player.js
+++ b/html/rogue/js/player.js
@@ -1,64 +1,140 @@
-const createPlayer = (x, y) => ({
-    x,
-    y,
-    width: 32,
-    height: 32,
-    velocityX: 0,
-    velocityY: 0,
-    speed: 300,
-    jumping: false
+// Player state and controls
+const player = {
+    position: { q: 0, r: 0 },    // Current hex position
+    target: null,                 // Target hex to move to
+    path: [],                     // Array of hex coordinates to follow
+    movementProgress: 0,          // Progress of current movement (0 to 1)
+    moveSpeed: 0.1,              // Movement speed (0 to 1 per frame)
+    // Initialize player
+    init() {
+        this.position = { q: 0, r: 0 };
+        this.target = null;
+        this.path = [];
+        return this;
+    },
-const updatePlayer = (player, deltaTime) => {
-    const keys = getKeys();
-    const seconds = deltaTime / 1000;
+    // Get neighbors that share an edge with the given hex
+    getEdgeNeighbors(hex) {
+        const directions = [
+            {q: 1, r: 0},   // East
+            {q: 0, r: 1},   // Southeast
+            {q: -1, r: 1},  // Southwest
+            {q: -1, r: 0},  // West
+            {q: 0, r: -1},  // Northwest
+            {q: 1, r: -1}   // Northeast
+        ];
+        return directions.map(dir => ({
+            q: hex.q + dir.q,
+            r: hex.r + dir.r
+        }));
+    },
-    let velocityX = 0;
-    let velocityY = player.velocityY;
+    // Find path from current position to target
+    findPath(targetHex) {
+        const start = this.position;
+        const goal = targetHex;
+        // Simple breadth-first search
+        const queue = [[start]];
+        const visited = new Set();
+        const key = hex => `${hex.q},${hex.r}`;
+        visited.add(key(start));
+        while (queue.length > 0) {
+            const path = queue.shift();
+            const current = path[path.length - 1];
+            if (current.q === goal.q && current.r === goal.r) {
+                return path;
+            }
+            const neighbors = this.getEdgeNeighbors(current);
+            for (const neighbor of neighbors) {
+                const neighborKey = key(neighbor);
+                if (!visited.has(neighborKey)) {
+                    visited.add(neighborKey);
+                    queue.push([...path, neighbor]);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return null; // No path found
+    },
-    // Horizontal movement
-    if (keys.ArrowLeft) velocityX -= player.speed;
-    if (keys.ArrowRight) velocityX += player.speed;
+    // Start moving to a target hex
+    moveTo(targetHex) {
+        if (!this.target) {
+            const path = this.findPath(targetHex);
+            if (path) {
+                this.path = path.slice(1); // Remove starting position
+                if (this.path.length > 0) {
+                    this.target = this.path.shift();
+                    this.movementProgress = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
-    // Simple jumping (can be improved)
-    if (keys.ArrowUp && !player.jumping) {
-        velocityY = -500;
-    }
-    // Apply gravity
-    velocityY += 980 * seconds; // 980 pixels/secondĀ²
-    // Update position
-    const x = player.x + velocityX * seconds;
-    const y = player.y + velocityY * seconds;
-    // Create updated player state
-    let updatedPlayer = {
-        ...player,
-        x,
-        y,
-        velocityX,
-        velocityY
-    };
+    // Update player position
+    update() {
+        if (this.target) {
+            this.movementProgress += this.moveSpeed;
+            if (this.movementProgress >= 1) {
+                // Movement to current target complete
+                this.position = this.target;
+                this.target = null;
+                this.movementProgress = 0;
+                // If there are more points in the path, move to the next one
+                if (this.path.length > 0) {
+                    this.target = this.path.shift();
+                    this.movementProgress = 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
-    // Handle collisions with the world
-    return handleWorldCollisions(updatedPlayer, window.gameState.world);
+    // Get current interpolated position
+    getCurrentPosition() {
+        if (!this.target) {
+            return this.position;
+        }
-const renderPlayer = (ctx, player) => {
-    ctx.fillStyle = '#f00';
-    ctx.fillRect(player.x, player.y, player.width, player.height);
+        // Interpolate between current position and target
+        return {
+            q: this.position.q + (this.target.q - this.position.q) * this.movementProgress,
+            r: this.position.r + (this.target.r - this.position.r) * this.movementProgress
+        };
+    },
-// Key handling
-const keys = {};
+    // Draw the player
+    draw(ctx, hexToPixel, camera, HEX_SIZE) {
+        const currentPos = this.getCurrentPosition();
+        const pixelPos = hexToPixel(currentPos);
+        const screenX = pixelPos.x - camera.x;
+        const screenY = pixelPos.y - camera.y;
-window.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
-    keys[e.key] = true;
-window.addEventListener('keyup', (e) => {
-    keys[e.key] = false;
-const getKeys = () => ({...keys});
+        ctx.fillStyle = 'red';
+        ctx.beginPath();
+        ctx.arc(screenX, screenY, HEX_SIZE/3, 0, Math.PI * 2);
+        ctx.fill();
+        // Optionally, draw the remaining path
+        if (this.path.length > 0) {
+            ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgba(255,0,0,0.3)';
+            ctx.beginPath();
+            let lastPos = this.target || this.position;
+            this.path.forEach(point => {
+                const from = hexToPixel(lastPos);
+                const to = hexToPixel(point);
+                ctx.moveTo(from.x - camera.x, from.y - camera.y);
+                ctx.lineTo(to.x - camera.x, to.y - camera.y);
+                lastPos = point;
+            });
+            ctx.stroke();
+        }
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/rogue/js/renderer.js b/html/rogue/js/renderer.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 617b4c7..0000000
--- a/html/rogue/js/renderer.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-// Rendering constants
-    SKY_COLORS: {
-        TOP: '#1a1a2e',
-        UPPER_MID: '#2d1b3d',
-        LOWER_MID: '#462639',
-        BOTTOM: '#1f1f2f'
-    },
-    GROUND_COLOR: '#4a4',
-    DEBUG_FONT: '14px monospace',
-    DEBUG_COLOR: '#ffffff'
-// Helper functions for rendering
-const createSkyGradient = (ctx, groundY) => {
-    const gradient = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, groundY);
-    gradient.addColorStop(0, RENDER_CONSTANTS.SKY_COLORS.TOP);
-    gradient.addColorStop(0.4, RENDER_CONSTANTS.SKY_COLORS.UPPER_MID);
-    gradient.addColorStop(0.7, RENDER_CONSTANTS.SKY_COLORS.LOWER_MID);
-    gradient.addColorStop(1, RENDER_CONSTANTS.SKY_COLORS.BOTTOM);
-    return gradient;
-const getViewBounds = (camera) => ({
-    right: camera.x + camera.width + RENDER_CONSTANTS.VIEWPORT_BUFFER,
-    bottom: camera.y + camera.height + RENDER_CONSTANTS.VIEWPORT_BUFFER
-const isInView = (x, viewBounds) => 
-    x > viewBounds.left && x < viewBounds.right;
-// Layer rendering functions
-const renderBackground = (ctx, state, groundY, viewBounds) => {
-    // Save the current transform
-    ctx.save();
-    // Reset transform for viewport-fixed sky and initial black fill
-    ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
-    // Sky (fixed to viewport)
-    ctx.fillStyle = state.cachedGradient;
-    ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, groundY);
-    // Initial black fill for the bottom of the viewport
-    ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';
-    ctx.fillRect(0, groundY, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height - groundY + 1);
-    // Restore transform for world-space rendering
-    ctx.restore();
-    // Additional black fill that follows the camera (extends far to left and right)
-    ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';
-    ctx.fillRect(
-        viewBounds.left - 2000,
-        groundY,
-        viewBounds.right - viewBounds.left + 4000,
-        ctx.canvas.height
-    );
-const renderBackgroundObjects = (ctx, state, groundY, viewBounds) => {
-    state.world.backgroundTrees
-        .filter(tree => isInView(tree.x, viewBounds))
-        .forEach(tree => renderTree(ctx, tree, groundY));
-    state.world.backgroundRocks
-        .filter(rock => isInView(rock.x, viewBounds))
-        .forEach(rock => renderRock(ctx, rock, groundY));
-    state.world.backgroundGrass
-        .filter(grass => isInView(grass.x, viewBounds))
-        .forEach(grass => renderGrass(ctx, grass, groundY, state.time));
-const renderForegroundObjects = (ctx, state, groundY, viewBounds) => {
-    state.world.foregroundTrees
-        .filter(tree => isInView(tree.x, viewBounds))
-        .forEach(tree => renderTree(ctx, tree, groundY));
-    state.world.foregroundRocks
-        .filter(rock => isInView(rock.x, viewBounds))
-        .forEach(rock => renderRock(ctx, rock, groundY));
-    state.world.foregroundGrass
-        .filter(grass => isInView(grass.x, viewBounds))
-        .forEach(grass => renderGrass(ctx, grass, groundY, state.time));
-const renderDebugInfo = (ctx, state) => {
-    const text = `x: ${Math.round(state.debug.mouseX)}, y: ${Math.round(state.debug.mouseY)}`;
-    ctx.fillText(text, 10, ctx.canvas.height - 20);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html/rogue/js/rogue.js b/html/rogue/js/rogue.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 64716a4..0000000
--- a/html/rogue/js/rogue.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-window.gameState = null;
-const initGame = () => {
-    const canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas');
-    const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
-    // Target frame rate
-    const FPS = 60;
-    const FRAME_TIME = 1000 / FPS;
-    let lastFrameTime = 0;
-    // Set canvas to full viewport size
-    const resizeCanvas = () => {
-        canvas.width = window.innerWidth;
-        canvas.height = window.innerHeight;
-        // Clear any cached gradients when resizing
-        if (window.gameState) {
-            window.gameState.cachedGradient = null;
-        }
-    };
-    window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas);
-    resizeCanvas();
-    // Calculate initial player position at ground level
-    const groundY = canvas.height - CONFIG.world.groundHeight;
-    const initialPlayerY = groundY - CONFIG.player.height;
-    // Game state
-    let gameState = {
-        time: 0,
-        player: createPlayer(100, initialPlayerY),
-        camera: createCamera(0, 0),
-        world: createWorld(),
-        debug: {
-            enabled: false,
-            mouseX: 0,
-            mouseY: 0
-        }
-    };
-    // Make gameState globally accessible
-    window.gameState = gameState;
-    // Set up input handlers
-    setupInputHandlers(canvas, gameState);
-    // Game loop
-    const gameLoop = (timestamp) => {
-        // Check if enough time has passed since last frame
-        if (timestamp - lastFrameTime < FRAME_TIME) {
-            requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop);
-            return;
-        }
-        // Calculate delta time (capped at 1 second to prevent huge jumps)
-        const deltaTime = Math.min(timestamp - lastFrameTime, 1000);
-        lastFrameTime = timestamp;
-        gameState.time = timestamp;
-        // Clear the entire canvas
-        ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
-        // Update
-        gameState = updateGame(gameState, deltaTime);
-        // Render
-        render(ctx, gameState);
-        // Schedule next frame
-        requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop);
-    };
-    // Start the game loop
-    lastFrameTime = performance.now();
-    requestAnimationFrame(gameLoop);
-const updateGame = (state, deltaTime) => {
-    const updatedPlayer = updatePlayer(state.player, deltaTime);
-    const updatedCamera = updateCamera(state.camera, updatedPlayer);
-    return {
-        ...state,
-        player: updatedPlayer,
-        camera: updatedCamera
-    };
-const render = (ctx, state) => {
-    const groundY = ctx.canvas.height - state.world.groundHeight;
-    // Cache sky gradient
-    if (!state.cachedGradient) {
-        state.cachedGradient = createSkyGradient(ctx, groundY);
-    }
-    const viewBounds = getViewBounds(state.camera);
-    // Apply camera transform
-    ctx.save();
-    ctx.translate(-state.camera.x, -state.camera.y);
-    // Clear the transformed canvas area
-    ctx.clearRect(
-        viewBounds.left,
-        0,
-        viewBounds.right - viewBounds.left,
-        ctx.canvas.height
-    );
-    // Render layers
-    renderBackground(ctx, state, groundY, viewBounds);
-    renderBackgroundObjects(ctx, state, groundY, viewBounds);
-    // Render platforms
-    state.world.platforms.forEach(platform => {
-        ctx.fillStyle = platform.color;
-        ctx.fillRect(platform.x, platform.y, platform.width, platform.height);
-    });
-    renderPlayer(ctx, state.player);
-    renderForegroundObjects(ctx, state, groundY, viewBounds);
-    // Render ground line
-    ctx.fillRect(
-        state.camera.x - 1000,
-        groundY,
-        ctx.canvas.width + 2000,
-        1
-    );
-    // Handle debug rendering
-    if (state.debug.enabled) {
-        ctx.restore();
-        renderDebugInfo(ctx, state);
-    } else {
-        ctx.restore();
-    }
-// Initialize the game when the window loads
-window.addEventListener('load', initGame);
diff --git a/html/rogue/js/world.js b/html/rogue/js/world.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b2529a..0000000
--- a/html/rogue/js/world.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1054 +0,0 @@
-// Color palettes and configurations
-const NATURE_COLORS = {
-    GREENS: [
-        '#11aa33', // Darker forest green
-        '#22bb44', // Medium forest green
-        '#33cc55', // Bright forest green
-        '#118844', // Deep sea green
-        '#22aa66', // Sage green
-        '#11bb55', // Deep pine
-        '#229955', // Ocean green
-        '#33bb66', // Fresh spring green
-        '#117744', // Dark emerald
-    ],
-        LIGHT: '#664422',
-        MEDIUM: '#553311',
-        DARK: '#442200'
-    }
-const GRASS_CONFIG = {
-    MIN_BLADES: 4,
-    MAX_BLADES: 8,
-    SPREAD_FACTOR: 0.7,
-    RUSTLE_SPEED: 300,
-    WAVE_SPEED: 1000,
-    GLOW_SPEED: 500,
-const FIR_CONFIG = {
-    ROW_COUNT: 40,
-    TAPER_POWER: 0.8,
-    CENTER_NEEDLES: 5,     // Number of needles in center column
-    NEEDLE_SPACING: 1.5,   // Spacing between center needles
-    UPWARD_TILT: 0.1,     // Amount of upward tilt (in radians)
-    ANGLE_VARIATION: 0.05, // Variation in needle angles
-    LENGTH_MULTIPLIER: 0.8 // Base length multiplier for needles
-// Define world object types
-const WORLD_OBJECTS = {
-    PLATFORM: 'platform',
-    FIR_BACKGROUND: 'fir_background',
-    FIR_FOREGROUND: 'fir_foreground',
-    MAPLE_BACKGROUND: 'maple_background',
-    MAPLE_FOREGROUND: 'maple_foreground',
-    ROCK_BACKGROUND: 'rock_background',
-    ROCK_FOREGROUND: 'rock_foreground',
-    GRASS_BACKGROUND: 'grass_background',
-    GRASS_FOREGROUND: 'grass_foreground'
-// Separate configurations for different tree types
-const FIR_TYPES = {
-    SMALL: {
-        type: 'fir',
-        width: 100,
-        height: 230,
-        canopyOffset: 45,
-        canopyColor: '#22aa44',
-        trunkColor: '#553311'
-    },
-    LARGE: {
-        type: 'fir',
-        width: 150,
-        height: 320,
-        canopyOffset: 65,
-        canopyColor: '#11aa44',
-        trunkColor: '#442200'
-    }
-const MAPLE_TYPES = {
-    SMALL: {
-        type: 'maple',
-        width: 100,
-        height: 330,
-        trunkHeight: 60,
-        canopyRadius: 35,
-        leafClusters: 5,
-        canopyColor: '#33aa22', // Bright green
-        trunkColor: '#664422'
-    },
-    MEDIUM: {
-        type: 'maple',
-        width: 130,
-        height: 360,
-        trunkHeight: 70,
-        canopyRadius: 45,
-        leafClusters: 6,
-        canopyColor: '#228833', // Deep forest green
-        trunkColor: '#553311'
-    },
-    LARGE: {
-        type: 'maple',
-        width: 160,
-        height: 400,
-        trunkHeight: 85,
-        canopyRadius: 55,
-        leafClusters: 7,
-        canopyColor: '#115522', // Dark green
-        trunkColor: '#553311'
-    },
-    BRIGHT: {
-        type: 'maple',
-        width: 140,
-        height: 380,
-        trunkHeight: 75,
-        canopyRadius: 50,
-        leafClusters: 6,
-        canopyColor: '#44bb33', // Vibrant green
-        trunkColor: '#664422'
-    },
-    SAGE: {
-        type: 'maple',
-        width: 150,
-        height: 490,
-        trunkHeight: 80,
-        canopyRadius: 52,
-        leafClusters: 6,
-        canopyColor: '#225544', // Sage green
-        trunkColor: '#553311'
-    }
-// Rock configurations
-const ROCK_TYPES = {
-    SMALL: {
-        width: 40,
-        height: 30,
-        color: '#666',
-        highlights: '#888'
-    },
-    MEDIUM: {
-        width: 70,
-        height: 45,
-        color: '#555',
-        highlights: '#777'
-    },
-    LARGE: {
-        width: 100,
-        height: 60,
-        color: '#444',
-        highlights: '#666'
-    }
-// Add grass configurations
-const GRASS_TYPES = {
-    TALL: {
-        type: 'grass',
-        width: 30,
-        height: 40,
-        color: '#33aa55',
-        shadowColor: '#229944'
-    },
-    SHORT: {
-        type: 'grass',
-        width: 20,
-        height: 25,
-        color: '#33bb66',
-        shadowColor: '#22aa55'
-    },
-        type: 'grass',
-        width: 30,
-        height: 40,
-        color: '#eebb33',
-        shadowColor: '#cc9922'
-    },
-        type: 'grass',
-        width: 20,
-        height: 25,
-        color: '#ffcc44',
-        shadowColor: '#ddaa33'
-    },
-    BLUE_TALL: {
-        type: 'grass',
-        width: 30,
-        height: 40,
-        color: '#44aaff',
-        shadowColor: '#2299ff',
-        glowing: true
-    },
-    BLUE_SHORT: {
-        type: 'grass',
-        width: 20,
-        height: 25,
-        color: '#55bbff',
-        shadowColor: '#33aaff',
-        glowing: true
-    }
-// Utility functions
-const utils = {
-    getRandomColorFromPalette: (palette, seed1, seed2) => {
-        const colorIndex = Math.floor(seededRandom(seed1, seed2) * palette.length);
-        return palette[colorIndex];
-    },
-    getBladeCount: (x, height) => {
-        const randomValue = Math.abs(seededRandom(x, height));
-        return GRASS_CONFIG.MIN_BLADES + 
-            Math.round(randomValue * (GRASS_CONFIG.MAX_BLADES - GRASS_CONFIG.MIN_BLADES));
-    },
-    calculateTaper: (t) => Math.pow(1 - t, FIR_CONFIG.TAPER_POWER)
-// Create a world with platforms, trees, and rocks
-const createWorld = () => {
-    const world = {
-        groundHeight: 12,
-        // Separate arrays for different layers
-        backgroundTrees: [
-            // Far left trees
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_BACKGROUND,
-                x: -1500,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_BACKGROUND,
-                x: -1200,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.SAGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_BACKGROUND,
-                x: -900,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            // Existing trees
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_BACKGROUND,
-                x: -400,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_BACKGROUND,
-                x: -250,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.BRIGHT
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 50,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 250,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.MEDIUM
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 500,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 650,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 900,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 1100,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            // Far right trees
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 1400,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 1700,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 2000,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.LARGE
-            }
-        ],
-        backgroundRocks: [
-            // Far left rocks
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_BACKGROUND,
-                x: -1300,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_BACKGROUND,
-                x: -1000,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_BACKGROUND,
-                x: -300,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.MEDIUM
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_BACKGROUND,
-                x: -100,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 150,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 400,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 750,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.MEDIUM
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 1000,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            // Far right rocks
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 1600,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.MEDIUM
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_BACKGROUND,
-                x: 1900,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.SMALL
-            }
-        ],
-        platforms: [
-            // {
-            //     type: WORLD_OBJECTS.PLATFORM,
-            //     x: 300,
-            //     y: 300,
-            //     width: 200,
-            //     height: 20,
-            //     color: '#484'
-            // },
-            // {
-            //     type: WORLD_OBJECTS.PLATFORM,
-            //     x: 600,
-            //     y: 200,
-            //     width: 200,
-            //     height: 20,
-            //     color: '#484'
-            // },
-            // {
-            //     type: WORLD_OBJECTS.PLATFORM,
-            //     x: -200,
-            //     y: 250,
-            //     width: 200,
-            //     height: 20,
-            //     color: '#484'
-            // }
-        ],
-        foregroundTrees: [
-            // Far left trees
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_FOREGROUND,
-                x: -1400,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_FOREGROUND,
-                x: -1100,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            // Existing trees
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_FOREGROUND,
-                x: -150,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.BRIGHT
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 200,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 450,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.SAGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 800,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 1200,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            // Far right trees
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.FIR_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 1500,
-                config: FIR_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.MAPLE_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 1800,
-                config: MAPLE_TYPES.SMALL
-            }
-        ],
-        foregroundRocks: [
-            // Far left rocks
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_FOREGROUND,
-                x: -1000,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.MEDIUM
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 0,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 300,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.MEDIUM
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 700,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.SMALL
-            },
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 950,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.LARGE
-            },
-            // Far right rocks
-            {
-                type: WORLD_OBJECTS.ROCK_FOREGROUND,
-                x: 1500,
-                config: ROCK_TYPES.LARGE
-            }
-        ],
-        backgroundGrass: [
-            // Far left grass
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: -1400, config: GRASS_TYPES.BLUE_TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: -1100, config: GRASS_TYPES.GOLDEN_SHORT },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: -950, config: GRASS_TYPES.TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: -350, config: GRASS_TYPES.SHORT },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: -180, config: GRASS_TYPES.GOLDEN_TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: 100, config: GRASS_TYPES.TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: 320, config: GRASS_TYPES.BLUE_SHORT },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: 580, config: GRASS_TYPES.GOLDEN_SHORT },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: 750, config: GRASS_TYPES.BLUE_TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: 950, config: GRASS_TYPES.TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: 1050, config: GRASS_TYPES.GOLDEN_TALL },
-            // Far right grass
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: 1500, config: GRASS_TYPES.BLUE_SHORT },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: 1750, config: GRASS_TYPES.GOLDEN_TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_BACKGROUND, x: 1850, config: GRASS_TYPES.SHORT }
-        ],
-        foregroundGrass: [
-            // Far left grass
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: -1250, config: GRASS_TYPES.TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: -1050, config: GRASS_TYPES.BLUE_SHORT },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: -280, config: GRASS_TYPES.BLUE_TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: -50, config: GRASS_TYPES.GOLDEN_SHORT },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: 150, config: GRASS_TYPES.TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: 420, config: GRASS_TYPES.BLUE_SHORT },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: 680, config: GRASS_TYPES.GOLDEN_TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: 880, config: GRASS_TYPES.SHORT },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: 1150, config: GRASS_TYPES.BLUE_TALL },
-            // Far right grass
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: 1650, config: GRASS_TYPES.GOLDEN_TALL },
-            { type: WORLD_OBJECTS.GRASS_FOREGROUND, x: 1850, config: GRASS_TYPES.BLUE_SHORT }
-        ],
-        // Track grass animation states
-        grassStates: {},
-        // Add methods for quick spatial lookups
-        getObjectsInView: function(bounds) {
-            return {
-                backgroundTrees: this.backgroundTrees.filter(tree => 
-                    tree.x > bounds.left && tree.x < bounds.right
-                ),
-                // ... similar for other object types
-            };
-        }
-    };
-    return world;
-// Add seededRandom function
-const seededRandom = (x, y) => {
-    const dot = x * 12.9898 + y * 78.233;
-    return (Math.sin(dot) * 43758.5453123) % 1;
-// Add hatching helper function
-const addHatchingPattern = (ctx, x, y, width, height, color) => {
-    const spacing = 4; // Space between hatch lines
-    const length = 10;  // Length of each hatch line
-    const margin = 4; // Increased margin from edges
-    const baseAngle = Math.PI * 1.5; // Vertical angle (pointing down)
-    const angleVariation = Math.PI / 12; // Reduced angle variation
-    // Define darker brown shades
-    const brownShades = [
-        '#442211', // Dark brown
-        '#553322', // Medium dark brown
-        '#443311', // Reddish dark brown
-        '#332211', // Very dark brown
-        '#554422', // Warm dark brown
-    ];
-    // Create clipping path for trunk
-    ctx.save();
-    ctx.beginPath();
-    ctx.rect(
-        x - width/2,
-        y - height,
-        width,
-        height
-    );
-    ctx.clip();
-    // Calculate bounds with increased safety margin
-    const bounds = {
-        minX: x - width/2 + margin,
-        maxX: x + width/2 - margin,
-        minY: y - height + margin,
-        maxY: y - margin
-    };
-    // Draw hatching
-    ctx.lineWidth = 1;
-    for (let hatchX = bounds.minX; hatchX < bounds.maxX; hatchX += spacing) {
-        for (let hatchY = bounds.minY; hatchY < bounds.maxY; hatchY += spacing) {
-            // Use position for random variation
-            const seed1 = hatchX * 13.37;
-            const seed2 = hatchY * 7.89;
-            // Random variations with reduced range
-            const variation = {
-                x: (seededRandom(seed1, seed2) - 0.5) * 1.5, // Reduced variation
-                y: (seededRandom(seed2, seed1) - 0.5) * 1.5, // Reduced variation
-                angle: baseAngle + (seededRandom(seed1 + seed2, seed2 - seed1) - 0.5) * angleVariation
-            };
-            // Pick a random brown shade
-            const colorIndex = Math.floor(seededRandom(seed1 * seed2, seed2 * seed1) * brownShades.length);
-            ctx.strokeStyle = brownShades[colorIndex];
-            // Draw hatch line
-            ctx.beginPath();
-            ctx.moveTo(
-                hatchX + variation.x,
-                hatchY + variation.y
-            );
-            ctx.lineTo(
-                hatchX + Math.cos(variation.angle) * length + variation.x,
-                hatchY + Math.sin(variation.angle) * length + variation.y
-            );
-            ctx.stroke();
-        }
-    }
-    ctx.restore();
-class FirTreeRenderer {
-    static renderTrunk(ctx, x, width, height, groundY, trunkColor) {
-        const trunkWidth = width/4;
-        const trunkHeight = height;
-        ctx.fillStyle = trunkColor;
-        ctx.fillRect(
-            x - trunkWidth/2,
-            groundY - trunkHeight,
-            trunkWidth,
-            trunkHeight
-        );
-        addHatchingPattern(ctx, x, groundY, trunkWidth, trunkHeight, trunkColor);
-    }
-    static renderCenterNeedles(ctx, x, rowY, taper, featherLength, greenColors) {
-        for (let i = -FIR_CONFIG.CENTER_NEEDLES; i <= FIR_CONFIG.CENTER_NEEDLES; i++) {
-            const offset = i * (FIR_CONFIG.NEEDLE_SPACING * 1.5);
-            // Left needle
-            FirTreeRenderer.renderSingleNeedle(
-                ctx, x + offset, rowY, Math.PI, taper, featherLength, greenColors
-            );
-            // Right needle
-            FirTreeRenderer.renderSingleNeedle(
-                ctx, x + offset, rowY, 0, taper, featherLength, greenColors
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    static renderSingleNeedle(ctx, x, y, baseAngle, taper, length, colors) {
-        const angleVar = Math.PI * 0.02;
-        const angle = baseAngle + (angleVar * seededRandom(x, y) - angleVar/2);
-        ctx.strokeStyle = utils.getRandomColorFromPalette(colors, x, y);
-        ctx.beginPath();
-        ctx.moveTo(x, y);
-        ctx.lineTo(
-            x + Math.cos(angle) * length * taper,
-            y + Math.sin(angle) * length * taper
-        );
-        ctx.stroke();
-    }
-    static renderRowNeedles(ctx, x, rowY, rowWidth, featherCount, t, taper, featherLength, greenColors) {
-        for (let i = 0; i < featherCount; i++) {
-            const featherT = i / (featherCount - 1);
-            const startX = x - rowWidth/2 + rowWidth * featherT;
-            if (Math.abs(startX - x) < 1) continue;
-            const relativeX = (startX - x) / (rowWidth/2);
-            const baseAngle = relativeX < 0 ? Math.PI : 0;
-            const upwardTilt = Math.PI * FIR_CONFIG.UPWARD_TILT * t;
-            const angle = baseAngle + 
-                (FIR_CONFIG.ANGLE_VARIATION * seededRandom(startX, rowY) - FIR_CONFIG.ANGLE_VARIATION/2) - 
-                upwardTilt;
-            const lengthMultiplier = FIR_CONFIG.LENGTH_MULTIPLIER + (1 - t) * 0.3;
-            const finalLength = featherLength * lengthMultiplier * taper * 
-                (0.9 + seededRandom(startX * rowY, rowY) * 0.2);
-            ctx.strokeStyle = utils.getRandomColorFromPalette(greenColors, startX, rowY);
-            ctx.beginPath();
-            ctx.moveTo(startX, rowY);
-            ctx.lineTo(
-                startX + Math.cos(angle) * finalLength,
-                rowY + Math.sin(angle) * finalLength
-            );
-            ctx.stroke();
-        }
-    }
-    static renderEdgeNeedles(ctx, x, baseWidth, baseY, tipY, featherLength, greenColors) {
-        for (let i = 0; i < FIR_CONFIG.EDGE_FEATHER_COUNT; i++) {
-            const t = i / (FIR_CONFIG.EDGE_FEATHER_COUNT - 1);
-            const taper = utils.calculateTaper(t);
-            if (taper <= 0.1) continue;
-            // Left edge
-            FirTreeRenderer.renderEdgeNeedle(
-                ctx, x, baseWidth, baseY, tipY, t, taper, 
-                featherLength, Math.PI, greenColors, true
-            );
-            // Right edge
-            FirTreeRenderer.renderEdgeNeedle(
-                ctx, x, baseWidth, baseY, tipY, t, taper, 
-                featherLength, 0, greenColors, false
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    static renderEdgeNeedle(ctx, x, baseWidth, baseY, tipY, t, taper, length, baseAngle, colors, isLeft) {
-        const sign = isLeft ? -1 : 1;
-        const needleX = x + sign * (baseWidth/2 * taper - (baseWidth/2 * taper) * t);
-        const needleY = baseY - (baseY - tipY) * t;
-        const upwardTilt = Math.PI * 0.1 * t;
-        const angle = baseAngle + 
-            (Math.PI * 0.05 * seededRandom(needleX, needleY) - Math.PI * 0.025) - 
-            upwardTilt;
-        ctx.strokeStyle = utils.getRandomColorFromPalette(colors, needleX, needleY);
-        ctx.beginPath();
-        ctx.moveTo(needleX, needleY);
-        ctx.lineTo(
-            needleX + Math.cos(angle) * length * taper * 1.2,
-            needleY + Math.sin(angle) * length * taper * 1.2
-        );
-        ctx.stroke();
-    }
-// Helper function to darken/lighten colors
-const shadeColor = (color, percent) => {
-    const num = parseInt(color.replace('#', ''), 16);
-    const amt = Math.round(2.55 * percent);
-    const R = (num >> 16) + amt;
-    const G = (num >> 8 & 0x00FF) + amt;
-    const B = (num & 0x0000FF) + amt;
-    return '#' + (0x1000000 +
-        (R < 255 ? (R < 1 ? 0 : R) : 255) * 0x10000 +
-        (G < 255 ? (G < 1 ? 0 : G) : 255) * 0x100 +
-        (B < 255 ? (B < 1 ? 0 : B) : 255)
-    ).toString(16).slice(1);
-// Add new maple tree render function
-const renderMapleTree = (ctx, tree, groundY) => {
-    const { x, config } = tree;
-    const { 
-        width, height, trunkHeight, canopyRadius,
-        leafClusters, trunkColor, canopyColor 
-    } = config;
-    // Draw trunk base with narrower width (changed from width/4 to width/5)
-    const trunkWidth = width/5.5;
-    ctx.fillStyle = trunkColor;
-    ctx.fillRect(
-        x - trunkWidth/2,
-        groundY - trunkHeight,
-        trunkWidth,
-        trunkHeight
-    );
-    // Add trunk hatching with updated width
-    addHatchingPattern(
-        ctx,
-        x,
-        groundY,
-        trunkWidth,
-        trunkHeight,
-        trunkColor
-    );
-    // Function to create an irregular polygon
-    const createIrregularPolygon = (centerX, centerY, radius, sides, seed1, seed2) => {
-        ctx.beginPath();
-        // Create points array first to allow smoothing
-        const points = [];
-        for (let i = 0; i < sides; i++) {
-            const angle = (i / sides) * Math.PI * 2;
-            // Even more subtle variation range (0.95-1.05)
-            const radiusVariation = 0.95 + seededRandom(seed1 * i, seed2 * i) * 0.10;
-            const pointRadius = radius * radiusVariation;
-            points.push({
-                x: centerX + Math.cos(angle) * pointRadius,
-                y: centerY + Math.sin(angle) * pointRadius
-            });
-        }
-        // Start the path
-        ctx.moveTo(points[0].x, points[0].y);
-        // Draw smooth curves through all points
-        for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
-            const current = points[i];
-            const next = points[(i + 1) % points.length];
-            const nextNext = points[(i + 2) % points.length];
-            // Calculate control points for bezier curve with more smoothing
-            const cp1x = current.x + (next.x - points[(i - 1 + points.length) % points.length].x) / 4;
-            const cp1y = current.y + (next.y - points[(i - 1 + points.length) % points.length].y) / 4;
-            const cp2x = next.x - (nextNext.x - current.x) / 4;
-            const cp2y = next.y - (nextNext.y - current.y) / 4;
-            // Draw bezier curve
-            ctx.bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y, next.x, next.y);
-        }
-        ctx.closePath();
-    };
-    // Draw single canopy as irregular polygon
-    const sides = Math.floor(48 + seededRandom(x, groundY) * 16); // 48-64 sides
-    const mainY = groundY - trunkHeight - canopyRadius;
-    ctx.fillStyle = canopyColor;
-    createIrregularPolygon(
-        x,
-        mainY,
-        canopyRadius * 1.4, // Increased size
-        sides,
-        x,
-        groundY
-    );
-    ctx.fill();
-// Main tree render function that handles both types
-const renderTree = (ctx, tree, groundY) => {
-    if (tree.config.type === 'fir') {
-        renderFirTree(ctx, tree, groundY);
-    } else if (tree.config.type === 'maple') {
-        renderMapleTree(ctx, tree, groundY);
-    }
-const renderRock = (ctx, rock, groundY) => {
-    const { x, config } = rock;
-    const { width, height, color, highlights } = config;
-    // Draw main rock shape (slightly irregular pentagon)
-    ctx.fillStyle = color;
-    ctx.beginPath();
-    ctx.moveTo(x - width/2, groundY);
-    ctx.lineTo(x - width/2 + width/6, groundY - height);
-    ctx.lineTo(x + width/3, groundY - height);
-    ctx.lineTo(x + width/2, groundY - height/2);
-    ctx.lineTo(x + width/2, groundY);
-    ctx.closePath();
-    ctx.fill();
-    // Add highlights
-    ctx.fillStyle = highlights;
-    ctx.beginPath();
-    ctx.moveTo(x - width/4, groundY - height);
-    ctx.lineTo(x, groundY - height);
-    ctx.lineTo(x + width/6, groundY - height/2);
-    ctx.lineTo(x - width/6, groundY - height/2);
-    ctx.closePath();
-    ctx.fill();
-// Add grass rendering function
-const renderGrass = (ctx, grass, groundY, time) => {
-    const { x, config } = grass;
-    const { width, height, color, shadowColor, glowing } = config;
-    // Initialize or get grass state
-    const stateKey = `grass_${x}`;
-    if (!window.gameState.world.grassStates[stateKey]) {
-        window.gameState.world.grassStates[stateKey] = GrassState.create(x, height);
-    }
-    const state = GrassState.validate(window.gameState.world.grassStates[stateKey]);
-    // Update interaction
-    const player = window.gameState.player;
-    const distanceToPlayer = Math.abs(player.x + player.width / 2 - x);
-    GrassState.update(state, distanceToPlayer, width);
-    // Handle rendering
-    setupGlowEffect(ctx, glowing, color, time);
-    renderGrassBlades(ctx, state, x, width, height, groundY, time, color, shadowColor);
-    resetGlowEffect(ctx, glowing);
-const setupGlowEffect = (ctx, glowing, color, time) => {
-    if (glowing) {
-        ctx.save();
-        ctx.shadowColor = color;
-        ctx.shadowBlur = 10 + Math.sin(time/GRASS_CONFIG.GLOW_SPEED) * 3;
-    }
-const resetGlowEffect = (ctx, glowing) => {
-    if (glowing) {
-        ctx.restore();
-    }
-const renderGrassBlades = (ctx, state, x, width, height, groundY, time, color, shadowColor) => {
-    const bladeWidth = width / GRASS_CONFIG.BASE_BLADE_WIDTH * 0.7;
-    for (let i = 0; i < state.bladeCount; i++) {
-        renderSingleBlade(
-            ctx, i, state, x, width, height, groundY, time,
-            bladeWidth, color, shadowColor
-        );
-    }
-const renderSingleBlade = (
-    ctx, index, state, x, width, height, groundY, time,
-    bladeWidth, color, shadowColor
-) => {
-    const centerOffset = (index - (state.bladeCount - 1) / 2) * 
-        (width * GRASS_CONFIG.SPREAD_FACTOR / state.bladeCount);
-    const bladeX = x + centerOffset;
-    const rustleOffset = Math.sin(time / GRASS_CONFIG.RUSTLE_SPEED + index) * 5 * state.rustleAmount;
-    const baseWave = Math.sin(time / GRASS_CONFIG.WAVE_SPEED + index) * 2;
-    drawBladeCurve(
-        ctx, bladeX, groundY, height, rustleOffset, baseWave,
-        bladeWidth, index % 2 === 0 ? color : shadowColor
-    );
-const drawBladeCurve = (
-    ctx, bladeX, groundY, height, rustleOffset, baseWave,
-    bladeWidth, color
-) => {
-    const cp1x = bladeX + rustleOffset + baseWave;
-    const cp1y = groundY - height / 2;
-    const cp2x = bladeX + rustleOffset * 1.5 + baseWave;
-    const cp2y = groundY - height;
-    ctx.fillStyle = color;
-    ctx.beginPath();
-    ctx.moveTo(bladeX, groundY);
-    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y);
-    ctx.quadraticCurveTo(cp1x + bladeWidth, cp1y, bladeX + bladeWidth, groundY);
-    ctx.fill();
-// Collision detection helper
-const checkCollision = (player, platform) => {
-    return player.x < platform.x + platform.width &&
-           player.x + player.width > platform.x &&
-           player.y < platform.y + platform.height &&
-           player.y + player.height > platform.y;
-// World physics helper
-const handleWorldCollisions = (player, world) => {
-    let onGround = false;
-    // Check ground collision first
-    const groundY = window.innerHeight - world.groundHeight;
-    if (player.y + player.height > groundY) {
-        player.y = groundY - player.height;
-        player.velocityY = 0;
-        onGround = true;
-    }
-    // Then check platform collisions
-    for (const platform of world.platforms) {
-        if (checkCollision(player, platform)) {
-            // Calculate overlap on each axis
-            const overlapX = Math.min(
-                player.x + player.width - platform.x,
-                platform.x + platform.width - player.x
-            );
-            const overlapY = Math.min(
-                player.y + player.height - platform.y,
-                platform.y + platform.height - player.y
-            );
-            // Resolve collision on the axis with smallest overlap
-            if (overlapX < overlapY) {
-                // Horizontal collision
-                if (player.x < platform.x) {
-                    player.x = platform.x - player.width;
-                } else {
-                    player.x = platform.x + platform.width;
-                }
-                player.velocityX = 0;
-            } else {
-                // Vertical collision
-                if (player.y < platform.y) {
-                    player.y = platform.y - player.height;
-                    player.velocityY = 0;
-                    onGround = true;
-                } else {
-                    player.y = platform.y + platform.height;
-                    player.velocityY = 0;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return { ...player, jumping: !onGround };
-class GrassState {
-    static create(x, height) {
-        return {
-            rustleAmount: 0,
-            rustleDecay: 0.95,
-            bladeCount: utils.getBladeCount(x, height)
-        };
-    }
-    static validate(state) {
-        if (!state.bladeCount || state.bladeCount < GRASS_CONFIG.MIN_BLADES) {
-            state.bladeCount = GRASS_CONFIG.MIN_BLADES;
-        }
-        return state;
-    }
-    static update(state, distanceToPlayer, interactionDistance) {
-        if (distanceToPlayer < interactionDistance) {
-            state.rustleAmount = Math.min(1, state.rustleAmount + 0.3);
-        } else {
-            state.rustleAmount *= state.rustleDecay;
-        }
-    }
-const renderFirTree = (ctx, tree, groundY) => {
-    const { x, config } = tree;
-    const { width, height, canopyOffset, trunkColor, canopyColor } = config;
-    // Setup
-    const greenColors = NATURE_COLORS.GREENS.filter(color => color !== canopyColor);
-    ctx.lineWidth = FIR_CONFIG.FEATHER_WIDTH;
-    // Render trunk
-    FirTreeRenderer.renderTrunk(
-        ctx, x, width, height - (height - canopyOffset)/2, 
-        groundY, trunkColor
-    );
-    const drawFeatheredTree = (baseWidth, baseY, tipY) => {
-        const featherLength = baseWidth * 0.3;
-        for (let row = 0; row < FIR_CONFIG.ROW_COUNT; row++) {
-            const t = row / (FIR_CONFIG.ROW_COUNT - 1);
-            const rowY = baseY - (baseY - tipY) * t;
-            const taper = utils.calculateTaper(t);
-            const rowWidth = baseWidth * taper;
-            if (rowWidth < 2) continue;
-            const featherCount = Math.max(2, Math.floor(FIR_CONFIG.FEATHERS_PER_ROW * taper));
-            // Render center column of needles
-            FirTreeRenderer.renderCenterNeedles(ctx, x, rowY, taper, featherLength, greenColors);
-            // Render row needles
-            FirTreeRenderer.renderRowNeedles(
-                ctx, x, rowY, rowWidth, featherCount, t, 
-                taper, featherLength, greenColors
-            );
-        }
-        // Render edge needles
-        FirTreeRenderer.renderEdgeNeedles(
-            ctx, x, baseWidth, baseY, tipY, featherLength, greenColors
-        );
-    };
-    // Draw complete tree
-    drawFeatheredTree(
-        width * 1.2,
-        groundY - canopyOffset,
-        groundY - height * 1.1
-    );