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+<A NAME="fractal"></A>
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="../ss-pics/fractal.jpg" ALT="figure: fractal"></CENTER><P><CENTER>Zoom in on some parts of a fractal and you'll see a miniature version
+of the whole thing.
+<TITLE>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science ch 15: Advanced Recursion</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme:</CITE>
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H2>Chapter 15</H2>
+<H1>Advanced Recursion</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch15.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
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+chapter thread <A HREF="poker.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<P>By now you've had a good deal of experience with straightforward recursive
+problems, and we hope you feel comfortable with them.  In this chapter, we
+present some more challenging problems.  But the same leap of faith method
+that we used for easier problems is still our basic approach.
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE>Sort</CODE></H2>
+<P>First we'll consider the example of sorting a sentence.  The argument
+will be any sentence; our procedure will return a sentence with the same
+words in alphabetical order.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (sort '(i wanna be your man))
+<P>We'll use the <CODE>before?</CODE> primitive to decide if one word comes before
+another word alphabetically:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (before? 'starr 'best)
+<P>How are we going to think about this problem recursively?  Suppose that
+we're given a sentence to sort.  A relatively easy subproblem is to find the
+word that ought to come first in the sorted sentence; we'll write <CODE>earliest-word</CODE> later to do this.
+<P>Once we've found that word, we just need to put it in front of the sorted
+version of the rest of the sentence.  This is our leap of faith:
+We're going to assume that we can already sort this smaller sentence.
+The algorithm we've described is called <EM>selection</EM> sort.
+Another subproblem is to find the &quot;rest of the sentence&quot;&mdash;all the words
+except for the earliest.  But in Exercise <A HREF="../ssch14/recur-patterns.html#remonce">14.1</A> you wrote a function
+<CODE>remove-once</CODE> that takes a word and a sentence and returns the sentence
+with that word removed.  (We don't want to use <CODE>remove</CODE>, which removes
+all copies of the word, because our argument sentence might include the same
+word twice.)
+<P>Let's say in Scheme what we've figured out so far:
+<P><PRE>(define (sort sent)                          ;; unfinished
+  (se (earliest-word sent)
+      (sort (remove-once (earliest-word sent) sent))))
+<P>We need to add a base case.  The smallest sentence is <CODE>()</CODE>,
+which is already sorted.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g1"></A>sort sent)
+  (if (empty? sent)
+      '()
+      (se (earliest-word sent)
+	  (sort (remove-once (earliest-word sent) sent)))))
+<P>We have one unfinished task: finding the earliest word of the argument.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g2"></A>earliest-word sent)
+  (earliest-helper (first sent) (bf sent)))
+(define (earliest-helper so-far rest)
+  (cond ((empty? rest) so-far)
+	((before? so-far (first rest))
+	 (earliest-helper so-far (bf rest)))
+	(else (earliest-helper (first rest) (bf rest)))))<A NAME="text1" HREF="adv-recur#ft1">[1]</A></PRE>
+<P>For your convenience, here's <CODE>remove-once</CODE>:
+<PRE>(define (<A NAME="g3"></A>remove-once wd sent)
+  (cond ((empty? sent) '())
+	((equal? wd (first sent)) (bf sent))
+	(else (se (first sent) (remove-once wd (bf sent))))))
+<H2>Example: <CODE>From-Binary</CODE></H2>
+<P>We want to take a word of ones and zeros, representing a
+<A NAME="g4"></A><A NAME="g5"></A>binary number, and compute the numeric value that it represents.
+Each binary digit (or <EM>bit</EM>) corresponds to a power of two, just as
+ordinary decimal digits represent powers of ten.  So the binary number 1101
+represents (1&times;8)+(1&times;4)+(0&times;2)+(1&times;1)&nbsp;=&nbsp;13.  We want to be able to say
+<P><PRE>&gt; (from-binary 1101)
+&gt; (from-binary 111)
+<P>Where is the smaller, similar subproblem?  Probably the most obvious thing
+to try is our usual trick of dividing the argument into its <CODE>first</CODE> and
+its <CODE>butfirst</CODE>.  Suppose we divide the binary number <CODE>1101</CODE> that
+way.  We make the leap of faith by assuming that we can translate the
+butfirst, <CODE>101</CODE>, into its binary value 5.  What do we have to add for
+the leftmost <CODE>1</CODE>?  It contributes 8 to the total, because it's three
+bits away from the right end of the number, so it must be multiplied by
+2<SUP><SMALL>3</SMALL></SUP>.  We could write this idea as follows:
+<P><PRE>(define (from-binary bits)                   ;; incomplete 
+  (+ (* (first bits) (expt 2 (count (bf bits))))
+     (from-binary (bf bits))))
+<P>That is, we multiply the <CODE>first</CODE> bit by a power of two
+depending on the number of bits remaining, then we add that
+to the result of the recursive call.
+<P>As usual, we have written the algorithm for the recursive case before
+figuring out the base case.  But it's pretty easy; a number with no bits (an
+empty word) has the value zero.<A NAME="text2" HREF="adv-recur#ft2">[2]</A>
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g6"></A>from-binary bits)
+  (if (empty? bits)
+      0
+      (+ (* (first bits) (expt 2 (count (bf bits))))
+         (from-binary (bf bits)))))
+<P>Although this procedure is correct, it's worth noting that a more efficient
+version can be written by dissecting the number from right to left.  As
+you'll see, we can then avoid the calls to <CODE>expt</CODE>, which are expensive
+because we have to do more multiplication than should be necessary.
+<P>Suppose we want to find the value of the binary number <CODE>1101</CODE>.  The <CODE>butlast</CODE> of this number, <CODE>110</CODE>, has the value six.  To get the value of
+the entire number, we double the six (because <CODE>1100</CODE> would have the value
+12, just as in ordinary decimal numbers 430 is ten times 43) and then add the
+rightmost bit to get 13.  Here's the new version:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g7"></A>from-binary bits)
+  (if (empty? bits)
+      0
+      (+ (* (from-binary (bl bits)) 2)
+         (last bits))))
+<P>This version may look a little unusual.  We usually combine the value
+returned by the recursive call with some function of the current element.
+This time, we are combining the current element itself with a function of
+the recursive return value.  You may want to trace this procedure to see how
+the intermediate return values contribute to the final result.
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE>Mergesort</CODE></H2>
+<P>Let's go back to the problem of sorting a sentence.  It turns out that
+sorting one element at a time, as in selection sort, isn't the fastest
+possible approach.  One of the fastest sorting algorithms is called <EM>mergesort,</EM> and it works like this: In order to mergesort a
+sentence, divide the sentence into two equal halves and recursively sort
+each half.  Then take the two sorted subsentences and <EM>merge</EM> them
+together, that is, create one long sorted sentence that contains all the words
+of the two halves.  The base case is that an empty sentence or a one-word
+sentence is already sorted.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g8"></A>mergesort sent)
+  (if (&lt;= (count sent) 1)
+      sent
+      (merge (mergesort (one-half sent))
+             (mergesort (other-half sent)))))
+<P>The leap of faith here is the idea that we can magically <CODE>mergesort</CODE>
+the halves of the sentence.  If you try to trace this through step by step,
+or wonder exactly what happens at what time, then this algorithm may be very
+confusing.  But if you just <EM>believe</EM> that the recursive calls will do
+exactly the right thing, then it's much easier to understand this program.
+The key point is that if the two smaller pieces have already been sorted,
+it's pretty easy to merge them while keeping the result in order.
+<P>We still need some helper procedures.  You wrote <CODE>merge</CODE> in Exercise
+<A HREF="../ssch14/recur-patterns.html#mergeex">14.15</A>.  It uses the following technique: Compare the first words of the
+two sentences.  Let's say the first word of the sentence on the left is
+smaller.  Then the first word of the return value is the first word of the
+sentence on the left.  The rest of the return value comes from recursively
+merging the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> of the left sentence with the entire right
+sentence.  (It's precisely the opposite of this if the first word of the
+other sentence is smaller.)  
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g9"></A>merge left right)
+  (cond ((empty? left) right)
+	((empty? right) left)
+	((before? (first left) (first right))
+	 (se (first left) (merge (bf left) right)))
+	(else (se (first right) (merge left (bf right))))))
+<P>Now we have to write <CODE>one-half</CODE> and <CODE>other-half</CODE>.  One of the
+easiest ways to do this is to have <CODE>one-half</CODE> return the elements in
+odd-numbered positions, and have <CODE>other-half</CODE> return the elements in
+even-numbered positions.  These are the same as the procedures <CODE>odds</CODE>
+(from Exercise <A HREF="../ssch14/recur-patterns.html#exodds">14.4</A>) and <CODE>evens</CODE> (from Chapter 12).
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g10"></A>one-half sent)
+  (if (&lt;= (count sent) 1)
+      sent
+      (se (first sent) (one-half (bf (bf sent))))))
+(define (<A NAME="g11"></A>other-half sent)
+  (if (&lt;= (count sent) 1)
+      '()
+      (se (first (bf sent)) (other-half (bf (bf sent))))))
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE>Subsets</CODE></H2>
+<P>We're now going to attack a much harder problem.  We want to know all the
+subsets of the letters of a word&mdash;that is, words that can be formed
+from the original word by crossing out some (maybe zero) of the letters.  For
+example, if we start with a short word like <CODE>rat</CODE>, the subsets are <CODE>r</CODE>, <CODE>a</CODE>, <CODE>t</CODE>, <CODE>ra</CODE>, <CODE>rt</CODE>, <CODE>at</CODE>, <CODE>rat</CODE>, and the empty
+word (<CODE>&quot;&quot;</CODE>).  As the word gets longer, the number of subsets gets bigger
+very quickly.<A NAME="text3" HREF="adv-recur#ft3">[3]</A>
+<P>As with many problems about words, we'll try assuming that we can find the
+subsets of the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> of our word.  In other words, we're hoping to
+find a solution that will include an expression like
+<P><PRE>(subsets (bf wd))
+<P>Let's actually take a four-letter word and look at its subsets.  We'll pick
+<CODE>brat</CODE>, because we already know the subsets of its <CODE>butfirst</CODE>.  Here
+are the subsets of <CODE>brat</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>&quot;&quot; b r a t br ba bt ra rt at bra brt bat rat brat
+<P>You might notice that many of these subsets are also subsets of <CODE>rat</CODE>.
+In fact, if you think about it, <EM>all</EM> of the subsets of <CODE>rat</CODE> are
+also subsets of <CODE>brat</CODE>.  So the words in <CODE>(subsets 'rat)</CODE> are some
+of the words we need for <CODE>(subsets 'brat)</CODE>.
+<P>Let's separate those out and look at the ones left over:
+<P><TABLE><TR><TD><CODE>rat</CODE> subsets:
+Right about now you're probably thinking, &quot;They've pulled a rabbit out of a
+hat, the way my math teacher always does.&quot; The words that aren't subsets of
+<CODE>rat</CODE> all start with <CODE>b</CODE>, followed by something that <EM>is</EM> a
+subset of <CODE>rat</CODE>.  You may be thinking that you never would have thought
+of that yourself.  But we're just following the method:  Look at the smaller
+case and see how it fits into the original problem.  It's not so different
+from what happened with <CODE>downup</CODE>.
+<P>Now all we have to do is figure out how to say in Scheme, &quot;Put a <CODE>b</CODE>
+in front of every word in this sentence.&quot;  This is a straightforward
+example of the <CODE>every</CODE> pattern:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g12"></A>prepend-every letter sent)
+  (if (empty? sent)
+      '()
+      (se (word letter (first sent))
+	  (prepend-every letter (bf sent)))))
+<P>The way we'll use this in <CODE>(subsets 'brat)</CODE> is
+<P><PRE>(prepend-every 'b (subsets 'rat))
+<P>Of course in the general case we won't have <CODE>b</CODE> and <CODE>rat</CODE> in our
+program, but instead will refer to the formal parameter:
+<P><PRE>(define (subsets wd)                         ;; first version
+  (se (subsets (bf wd))
+      (prepend-every (first wd) (subsets (bf wd)))))
+<P>We still need a base case.  By now you're accustomed to the idea of using an
+empty word as the base case.  It may be strange to think of the empty word
+as a set in the first place, let alone to try to find its subsets.  But a
+set of zero elements is a perfectly good set, and it's the smallest one
+<P>The empty set has only one subset, the empty set itself.  What should
+<CODE>subsets</CODE> of the empty word return?  It's easy to make a mistake here
+and return the empty word itself.  But we want <CODE>subsets</CODE> to return a
+sentence, containing all the subsets, and we should stick with returning a
+sentence even in the simple case.<A NAME="text4" HREF="adv-recur#ft4">[4]</A> (This mistake would come from not thinking about
+the <EM>range</EM> of our function, which is sentences.  This is why we put
+so much effort into learning about domains and ranges in Chapter
+2.)  So we'll return a sentence containing one (empty) word to
+represent the one subset.
+<P><PRE>(define (subsets wd)                         ;; second version
+  (if (empty? wd)
+      (se &quot;&quot;)
+      (se (subsets (bf wd))
+          (prepend-every (first wd) (subsets (bf wd))))))
+<P>This program is entirely correct.  Because it uses two identical recursive
+calls, however, it's a lot slower than necessary.  We can use <CODE>let</CODE> to
+do the recursive subproblem only once:<A NAME="text5" HREF="adv-recur#ft5">[5]</A>
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g13"></A>subsets wd)
+  (if (empty? wd)
+      (se &quot;&quot;)
+      (let ((smaller (subsets (bf wd))))
+        (se smaller
+            (prepend-every (first wd) smaller)))))
+<P>We've already mentioned the need to be careful about the value returned
+in the base case.  The <CODE>subsets</CODE> procedure is particularly error-prone
+because the correct value, a sentence containing the empty word, is quite
+unusual.  An empty subset isn't the same as no subsets at all!
+<P>Sometimes you write a recursive procedure with a correct recursive case
+and a reasonable base case, but the program still doesn't work.  The trouble
+may be that the base case doesn't quite catch all of the ways in which the
+problem can get smaller.  A second base case may be needed.  For example, in
+<CODE>mergesort</CODE>, why did we write the following line?
+<P><PRE>(&lt;= (count sent) 1)
+<P>This tests for two base cases, empty sentences and one-word
+sentences, whereas in most other examples the base case is just an empty
+sentence.  Suppose the base case test were <CODE>(empty? sent)</CODE> and suppose we
+invoke <CODE>mergesort</CODE> with a one-word sentence, <CODE>(test)</CODE>.  We would end
+up trying to compute the expression
+<P><PRE>(merge (mergesort (one-half '(test)))
+       (mergesort (other-half '(test))))
+<P>If you look back at the definitions of <CODE>one-half</CODE> and
+<CODE>other-half</CODE>, you'll see that this is equivalent to
+<P><PRE>(merge (mergesort '(test)) (mergesort '()))
+<P>The first argument to <CODE>merge</CODE> is the same expression we
+started with!  Here is a situation in which the problem doesn't get smaller
+in a recursive call.  Although we've been trying to avoid complicated base
+cases, in this situation a straightforward base case isn't enough.  To avoid
+an infinite recursion, we must have two base cases.
+<P>Another example is the <CODE>fib</CODE> procedure from Chapter .  Suppose
+it were defined like this:
+<P><PRE>(define (fib n)                              ;; wrong!
+  (if (= n 1)
+      1
+      (+ (fib (- n 1))
+         (fib (- n 2)))))
+<P>It would be easy to make this mistake, because everybody knows
+that in a recursion dealing with numbers, the base case is the smallest
+possible number.  But in <CODE>fib</CODE>, each computation depends on <EM>two</EM>
+smaller values, and we discover that we need two base cases.
+<P>The technique of recursion is often used to do something repetitively,
+but don't get the idea that the word &quot;recursion&quot; <EM>means</EM>
+repetition.  Recursion is a technique in which a procedure invokes itself.
+We do use recursion to solve repetitive problems, but don't confuse the
+method with the ends it achieves.  In particular, if you've programmed in
+other languages that have special-purpose looping mechanisms (the ones
+with names like <CODE>for</CODE> and <CODE>while</CODE>), those aren't recursive.
+Conversely, not every recursive procedure carries out a repetition.
+<P><B>15.1</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE>to-binary</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (to-binary 9)
+&gt; (to-binary 23)
+<B>15.2</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;A &quot;palindrome&quot; is a sentence that reads the same backward as forward.
+Write a predicate <CODE>palindrome?</CODE> that takes a sentence as argument and
+decides whether it is a palindrome.  For example:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (palindrome? '(flee to me remote elf))
+&gt; (palindrome? '(flee to me remote control))
+<P>Do not reverse any words or sentences in your solution.
+<B>15.3</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g14"></A>substrings</CODE> that takes a word as its
+argument.  It should return a sentence containing all of the substrings of
+the argument.  A <EM>substring</EM> is a subset whose letters come
+consecutively in the original word.  For example, the word <CODE>bat</CODE> is a
+subset, but <EM>not</EM> a substring, of <CODE>brat</CODE>.
+<A NAME="substrings"></A>
+<B>15.4</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a predicate procedure <CODE><A NAME="g15"></A>substring?</CODE> that takes two words as
+arguments and returns <CODE>#t</CODE> if and only if the first word is a substring
+of the second.  (See Exercise <A HREF="adv-recur.html#substrings">15.3</A> for the definition of a
+<P>Be careful about cases in which you encounter a &quot;false start,&quot; like this:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (substring? 'ssip 'mississippi)
+<P>and also about subsets that don't appear as consecutive letters
+in the second word:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (substring? 'misip 'mississippi)
+<B>15.5</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Suppose you have a phone number, such as 223-5766, and you'd like to figure out
+a clever way to spell it in letters for your friends to remember.  Each
+digit corresponds to three possible letters.  For example, the digit 2
+corresponds to the letters A, B, and C.  Write a procedure that takes a
+number as argument and returns a sentence of all the possible spellings:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g16"></A>phone-spell 2235766)
+<P>(We're not showing you all 2187 words in this sentence.)  You may
+assume there are no zeros or ones in the number, since those don't have
+<P>Hint:  This problem has a lot in common with the subsets example.
+<B>15.6</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Let's say a gladiator kills a roach.  If we want to talk about the roach, we
+say &quot;the roach the gladiator killed.&quot; But if we want to talk about the
+gladiator, we say &quot;the gladiator that killed the roach.&quot;
+<P>People are pretty good at understanding even rather long sentences
+as long as they're straightforward: &quot;This is the farmer who kept
+the cock that waked the priest that married the man that kissed the
+maiden that milked the cow that tossed the dog that worried the cat
+that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that
+Jack built.&quot; But even a short <EM>nested</EM> sentence is
+confusing:  &quot;This is the rat the cat the dog worried killed.&quot;
+Which rat was that?
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g17"></A>unscramble</CODE> that takes a nested
+sentence as argument and returns a straightforward sentence about
+the same cast of characters:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (unscramble '(this is the roach the gladiator killed))
+&gt; (unscramble '(this is the rat the cat the dog the boy the
+                     girl saw owned chased bit))
+<P>You may assume that the argument has exactly the structure
+of these examples, with no special cases like &quot;that lay <EM>in</EM> the
+house&quot; or &quot;that <EM>Jack</EM> built.&quot;
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="adv-recur#text1">[1]</A> If you've read Part III, you might instead want to use <CODE>accumulate</CODE> for this purpose:
+<P><PRE>(define earliest-word sent)
+  (accumulate (lambda (wd1 wd2) (if (before? wd1 wd2) wd1 wd2))
+	      sent))
+<A NAME="ft2" HREF="adv-recur#text2">[2]</A> A more straightforward base case
+would be a one-bit number, but we've reduced that to this more elegant base
+case, following the principle we discussed on page <A HREF="../ssch12/leap.html#basecasereduce">there</A>.<P>
+<A NAME="ft3" HREF="adv-recur#text3">[3]</A> Try writing down all the subsets of a five-letter word
+if you don't believe us.<P>
+<A NAME="ft4" HREF="adv-recur#text4">[4]</A> We discussed this point in a
+pitfall in Chapter 12.<P>
+<A NAME="ft5" HREF="adv-recur#text5">[5]</A> How come we're worrying about
+efficiency all of a sudden?  We really <EM>did</EM> pull this out of a hat.
+The thing is, it's a <EM>lot</EM> slower without the <CODE>let</CODE>.  Adding one
+letter to the length of a word doubles the time required to find its
+subsets; adding 10 letters multiplies the time by about 1000.<P>
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+<A NAME="fractal"></A>
+<P><CENTER><IMG SRC="../ss-pics/fractal.jpg" ALT="figure: fractal"></CENTER><P><CENTER>Zoom in on some parts of a fractal and you'll see a miniature version
+of the whole thing.
+<TITLE>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science ch 15: Advanced Recursion</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme:</CITE>
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H2>Chapter 15</H2>
+<H1>Advanced Recursion</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch15.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
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+chapter thread <A HREF="poker.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<P>By now you've had a good deal of experience with straightforward recursive
+problems, and we hope you feel comfortable with them.  In this chapter, we
+present some more challenging problems.  But the same leap of faith method
+that we used for easier problems is still our basic approach.
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE>Sort</CODE></H2>
+<P>First we'll consider the example of sorting a sentence.  The argument
+will be any sentence; our procedure will return a sentence with the same
+words in alphabetical order.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (sort '(i wanna be your man))
+<P>We'll use the <CODE>before?</CODE> primitive to decide if one word comes before
+another word alphabetically:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (before? 'starr 'best)
+<P>How are we going to think about this problem recursively?  Suppose that
+we're given a sentence to sort.  A relatively easy subproblem is to find the
+word that ought to come first in the sorted sentence; we'll write <CODE>earliest-word</CODE> later to do this.
+<P>Once we've found that word, we just need to put it in front of the sorted
+version of the rest of the sentence.  This is our leap of faith:
+We're going to assume that we can already sort this smaller sentence.
+The algorithm we've described is called <EM>selection</EM> sort.
+Another subproblem is to find the &quot;rest of the sentence&quot;&mdash;all the words
+except for the earliest.  But in Exercise <A HREF="../ssch14/recur-patterns.html#remonce">14.1</A> you wrote a function
+<CODE>remove-once</CODE> that takes a word and a sentence and returns the sentence
+with that word removed.  (We don't want to use <CODE>remove</CODE>, which removes
+all copies of the word, because our argument sentence might include the same
+word twice.)
+<P>Let's say in Scheme what we've figured out so far:
+<P><PRE>(define (sort sent)                          ;; unfinished
+  (se (earliest-word sent)
+      (sort (remove-once (earliest-word sent) sent))))
+<P>We need to add a base case.  The smallest sentence is <CODE>()</CODE>,
+which is already sorted.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g1"></A>sort sent)
+  (if (empty? sent)
+      '()
+      (se (earliest-word sent)
+	  (sort (remove-once (earliest-word sent) sent)))))
+<P>We have one unfinished task: finding the earliest word of the argument.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g2"></A>earliest-word sent)
+  (earliest-helper (first sent) (bf sent)))
+(define (earliest-helper so-far rest)
+  (cond ((empty? rest) so-far)
+	((before? so-far (first rest))
+	 (earliest-helper so-far (bf rest)))
+	(else (earliest-helper (first rest) (bf rest)))))<A NAME="text1" HREF="adv-recur.html#ft1">[1]</A></PRE>
+<P>For your convenience, here's <CODE>remove-once</CODE>:
+<PRE>(define (<A NAME="g3"></A>remove-once wd sent)
+  (cond ((empty? sent) '())
+	((equal? wd (first sent)) (bf sent))
+	(else (se (first sent) (remove-once wd (bf sent))))))
+<H2>Example: <CODE>From-Binary</CODE></H2>
+<P>We want to take a word of ones and zeros, representing a
+<A NAME="g4"></A><A NAME="g5"></A>binary number, and compute the numeric value that it represents.
+Each binary digit (or <EM>bit</EM>) corresponds to a power of two, just as
+ordinary decimal digits represent powers of ten.  So the binary number 1101
+represents (1&times;8)+(1&times;4)+(0&times;2)+(1&times;1)&nbsp;=&nbsp;13.  We want to be able to say
+<P><PRE>&gt; (from-binary 1101)
+&gt; (from-binary 111)
+<P>Where is the smaller, similar subproblem?  Probably the most obvious thing
+to try is our usual trick of dividing the argument into its <CODE>first</CODE> and
+its <CODE>butfirst</CODE>.  Suppose we divide the binary number <CODE>1101</CODE> that
+way.  We make the leap of faith by assuming that we can translate the
+butfirst, <CODE>101</CODE>, into its binary value 5.  What do we have to add for
+the leftmost <CODE>1</CODE>?  It contributes 8 to the total, because it's three
+bits away from the right end of the number, so it must be multiplied by
+2<SUP><SMALL>3</SMALL></SUP>.  We could write this idea as follows:
+<P><PRE>(define (from-binary bits)                   ;; incomplete 
+  (+ (* (first bits) (expt 2 (count (bf bits))))
+     (from-binary (bf bits))))
+<P>That is, we multiply the <CODE>first</CODE> bit by a power of two
+depending on the number of bits remaining, then we add that
+to the result of the recursive call.
+<P>As usual, we have written the algorithm for the recursive case before
+figuring out the base case.  But it's pretty easy; a number with no bits (an
+empty word) has the value zero.<A NAME="text2" HREF="adv-recur.html#ft2">[2]</A>
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g6"></A>from-binary bits)
+  (if (empty? bits)
+      0
+      (+ (* (first bits) (expt 2 (count (bf bits))))
+         (from-binary (bf bits)))))
+<P>Although this procedure is correct, it's worth noting that a more efficient
+version can be written by dissecting the number from right to left.  As
+you'll see, we can then avoid the calls to <CODE>expt</CODE>, which are expensive
+because we have to do more multiplication than should be necessary.
+<P>Suppose we want to find the value of the binary number <CODE>1101</CODE>.  The <CODE>butlast</CODE> of this number, <CODE>110</CODE>, has the value six.  To get the value of
+the entire number, we double the six (because <CODE>1100</CODE> would have the value
+12, just as in ordinary decimal numbers 430 is ten times 43) and then add the
+rightmost bit to get 13.  Here's the new version:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g7"></A>from-binary bits)
+  (if (empty? bits)
+      0
+      (+ (* (from-binary (bl bits)) 2)
+         (last bits))))
+<P>This version may look a little unusual.  We usually combine the value
+returned by the recursive call with some function of the current element.
+This time, we are combining the current element itself with a function of
+the recursive return value.  You may want to trace this procedure to see how
+the intermediate return values contribute to the final result.
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE>Mergesort</CODE></H2>
+<P>Let's go back to the problem of sorting a sentence.  It turns out that
+sorting one element at a time, as in selection sort, isn't the fastest
+possible approach.  One of the fastest sorting algorithms is called <EM>mergesort,</EM> and it works like this: In order to mergesort a
+sentence, divide the sentence into two equal halves and recursively sort
+each half.  Then take the two sorted subsentences and <EM>merge</EM> them
+together, that is, create one long sorted sentence that contains all the words
+of the two halves.  The base case is that an empty sentence or a one-word
+sentence is already sorted.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g8"></A>mergesort sent)
+  (if (&lt;= (count sent) 1)
+      sent
+      (merge (mergesort (one-half sent))
+             (mergesort (other-half sent)))))
+<P>The leap of faith here is the idea that we can magically <CODE>mergesort</CODE>
+the halves of the sentence.  If you try to trace this through step by step,
+or wonder exactly what happens at what time, then this algorithm may be very
+confusing.  But if you just <EM>believe</EM> that the recursive calls will do
+exactly the right thing, then it's much easier to understand this program.
+The key point is that if the two smaller pieces have already been sorted,
+it's pretty easy to merge them while keeping the result in order.
+<P>We still need some helper procedures.  You wrote <CODE>merge</CODE> in Exercise
+<A HREF="../ssch14/recur-patterns.html#mergeex">14.15</A>.  It uses the following technique: Compare the first words of the
+two sentences.  Let's say the first word of the sentence on the left is
+smaller.  Then the first word of the return value is the first word of the
+sentence on the left.  The rest of the return value comes from recursively
+merging the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> of the left sentence with the entire right
+sentence.  (It's precisely the opposite of this if the first word of the
+other sentence is smaller.)  
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g9"></A>merge left right)
+  (cond ((empty? left) right)
+	((empty? right) left)
+	((before? (first left) (first right))
+	 (se (first left) (merge (bf left) right)))
+	(else (se (first right) (merge left (bf right))))))
+<P>Now we have to write <CODE>one-half</CODE> and <CODE>other-half</CODE>.  One of the
+easiest ways to do this is to have <CODE>one-half</CODE> return the elements in
+odd-numbered positions, and have <CODE>other-half</CODE> return the elements in
+even-numbered positions.  These are the same as the procedures <CODE>odds</CODE>
+(from Exercise <A HREF="../ssch14/recur-patterns.html#exodds">14.4</A>) and <CODE>evens</CODE> (from Chapter 12).
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g10"></A>one-half sent)
+  (if (&lt;= (count sent) 1)
+      sent
+      (se (first sent) (one-half (bf (bf sent))))))
+(define (<A NAME="g11"></A>other-half sent)
+  (if (&lt;= (count sent) 1)
+      '()
+      (se (first (bf sent)) (other-half (bf (bf sent))))))
+<P><H2>Example: <CODE>Subsets</CODE></H2>
+<P>We're now going to attack a much harder problem.  We want to know all the
+subsets of the letters of a word&mdash;that is, words that can be formed
+from the original word by crossing out some (maybe zero) of the letters.  For
+example, if we start with a short word like <CODE>rat</CODE>, the subsets are <CODE>r</CODE>, <CODE>a</CODE>, <CODE>t</CODE>, <CODE>ra</CODE>, <CODE>rt</CODE>, <CODE>at</CODE>, <CODE>rat</CODE>, and the empty
+word (<CODE>&quot;&quot;</CODE>).  As the word gets longer, the number of subsets gets bigger
+very quickly.<A NAME="text3" HREF="adv-recur.html#ft3">[3]</A>
+<P>As with many problems about words, we'll try assuming that we can find the
+subsets of the <CODE>butfirst</CODE> of our word.  In other words, we're hoping to
+find a solution that will include an expression like
+<P><PRE>(subsets (bf wd))
+<P>Let's actually take a four-letter word and look at its subsets.  We'll pick
+<CODE>brat</CODE>, because we already know the subsets of its <CODE>butfirst</CODE>.  Here
+are the subsets of <CODE>brat</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>&quot;&quot; b r a t br ba bt ra rt at bra brt bat rat brat
+<P>You might notice that many of these subsets are also subsets of <CODE>rat</CODE>.
+In fact, if you think about it, <EM>all</EM> of the subsets of <CODE>rat</CODE> are
+also subsets of <CODE>brat</CODE>.  So the words in <CODE>(subsets 'rat)</CODE> are some
+of the words we need for <CODE>(subsets 'brat)</CODE>.
+<P>Let's separate those out and look at the ones left over:
+<P><TABLE><TR><TD><CODE>rat</CODE> subsets:
+Right about now you're probably thinking, &quot;They've pulled a rabbit out of a
+hat, the way my math teacher always does.&quot; The words that aren't subsets of
+<CODE>rat</CODE> all start with <CODE>b</CODE>, followed by something that <EM>is</EM> a
+subset of <CODE>rat</CODE>.  You may be thinking that you never would have thought
+of that yourself.  But we're just following the method:  Look at the smaller
+case and see how it fits into the original problem.  It's not so different
+from what happened with <CODE>downup</CODE>.
+<P>Now all we have to do is figure out how to say in Scheme, &quot;Put a <CODE>b</CODE>
+in front of every word in this sentence.&quot;  This is a straightforward
+example of the <CODE>every</CODE> pattern:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g12"></A>prepend-every letter sent)
+  (if (empty? sent)
+      '()
+      (se (word letter (first sent))
+	  (prepend-every letter (bf sent)))))
+<P>The way we'll use this in <CODE>(subsets 'brat)</CODE> is
+<P><PRE>(prepend-every 'b (subsets 'rat))
+<P>Of course in the general case we won't have <CODE>b</CODE> and <CODE>rat</CODE> in our
+program, but instead will refer to the formal parameter:
+<P><PRE>(define (subsets wd)                         ;; first version
+  (se (subsets (bf wd))
+      (prepend-every (first wd) (subsets (bf wd)))))
+<P>We still need a base case.  By now you're accustomed to the idea of using an
+empty word as the base case.  It may be strange to think of the empty word
+as a set in the first place, let alone to try to find its subsets.  But a
+set of zero elements is a perfectly good set, and it's the smallest one
+<P>The empty set has only one subset, the empty set itself.  What should
+<CODE>subsets</CODE> of the empty word return?  It's easy to make a mistake here
+and return the empty word itself.  But we want <CODE>subsets</CODE> to return a
+sentence, containing all the subsets, and we should stick with returning a
+sentence even in the simple case.<A NAME="text4" HREF="adv-recur.html#ft4">[4]</A> (This mistake would come from not thinking about
+the <EM>range</EM> of our function, which is sentences.  This is why we put
+so much effort into learning about domains and ranges in Chapter
+2.)  So we'll return a sentence containing one (empty) word to
+represent the one subset.
+<P><PRE>(define (subsets wd)                         ;; second version
+  (if (empty? wd)
+      (se &quot;&quot;)
+      (se (subsets (bf wd))
+          (prepend-every (first wd) (subsets (bf wd))))))
+<P>This program is entirely correct.  Because it uses two identical recursive
+calls, however, it's a lot slower than necessary.  We can use <CODE>let</CODE> to
+do the recursive subproblem only once:<A NAME="text5" HREF="adv-recur.html#ft5">[5]</A>
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g13"></A>subsets wd)
+  (if (empty? wd)
+      (se &quot;&quot;)
+      (let ((smaller (subsets (bf wd))))
+        (se smaller
+            (prepend-every (first wd) smaller)))))
+<P>We've already mentioned the need to be careful about the value returned
+in the base case.  The <CODE>subsets</CODE> procedure is particularly error-prone
+because the correct value, a sentence containing the empty word, is quite
+unusual.  An empty subset isn't the same as no subsets at all!
+<P>Sometimes you write a recursive procedure with a correct recursive case
+and a reasonable base case, but the program still doesn't work.  The trouble
+may be that the base case doesn't quite catch all of the ways in which the
+problem can get smaller.  A second base case may be needed.  For example, in
+<CODE>mergesort</CODE>, why did we write the following line?
+<P><PRE>(&lt;= (count sent) 1)
+<P>This tests for two base cases, empty sentences and one-word
+sentences, whereas in most other examples the base case is just an empty
+sentence.  Suppose the base case test were <CODE>(empty? sent)</CODE> and suppose we
+invoke <CODE>mergesort</CODE> with a one-word sentence, <CODE>(test)</CODE>.  We would end
+up trying to compute the expression
+<P><PRE>(merge (mergesort (one-half '(test)))
+       (mergesort (other-half '(test))))
+<P>If you look back at the definitions of <CODE>one-half</CODE> and
+<CODE>other-half</CODE>, you'll see that this is equivalent to
+<P><PRE>(merge (mergesort '(test)) (mergesort '()))
+<P>The first argument to <CODE>merge</CODE> is the same expression we
+started with!  Here is a situation in which the problem doesn't get smaller
+in a recursive call.  Although we've been trying to avoid complicated base
+cases, in this situation a straightforward base case isn't enough.  To avoid
+an infinite recursion, we must have two base cases.
+<P>Another example is the <CODE>fib</CODE> procedure from Chapter .  Suppose
+it were defined like this:
+<P><PRE>(define (fib n)                              ;; wrong!
+  (if (= n 1)
+      1
+      (+ (fib (- n 1))
+         (fib (- n 2)))))
+<P>It would be easy to make this mistake, because everybody knows
+that in a recursion dealing with numbers, the base case is the smallest
+possible number.  But in <CODE>fib</CODE>, each computation depends on <EM>two</EM>
+smaller values, and we discover that we need two base cases.
+<P>The technique of recursion is often used to do something repetitively,
+but don't get the idea that the word &quot;recursion&quot; <EM>means</EM>
+repetition.  Recursion is a technique in which a procedure invokes itself.
+We do use recursion to solve repetitive problems, but don't confuse the
+method with the ends it achieves.  In particular, if you've programmed in
+other languages that have special-purpose looping mechanisms (the ones
+with names like <CODE>for</CODE> and <CODE>while</CODE>), those aren't recursive.
+Conversely, not every recursive procedure carries out a repetition.
+<P><B>15.1</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE>to-binary</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (to-binary 9)
+&gt; (to-binary 23)
+<B>15.2</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;A &quot;palindrome&quot; is a sentence that reads the same backward as forward.
+Write a predicate <CODE>palindrome?</CODE> that takes a sentence as argument and
+decides whether it is a palindrome.  For example:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (palindrome? '(flee to me remote elf))
+&gt; (palindrome? '(flee to me remote control))
+<P>Do not reverse any words or sentences in your solution.
+<B>15.3</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g14"></A>substrings</CODE> that takes a word as its
+argument.  It should return a sentence containing all of the substrings of
+the argument.  A <EM>substring</EM> is a subset whose letters come
+consecutively in the original word.  For example, the word <CODE>bat</CODE> is a
+subset, but <EM>not</EM> a substring, of <CODE>brat</CODE>.
+<A NAME="substrings"></A>
+<B>15.4</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a predicate procedure <CODE><A NAME="g15"></A>substring?</CODE> that takes two words as
+arguments and returns <CODE>#t</CODE> if and only if the first word is a substring
+of the second.  (See Exercise <A HREF="adv-recur.html#substrings">15.3</A> for the definition of a
+<P>Be careful about cases in which you encounter a &quot;false start,&quot; like this:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (substring? 'ssip 'mississippi)
+<P>and also about subsets that don't appear as consecutive letters
+in the second word:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (substring? 'misip 'mississippi)
+<B>15.5</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Suppose you have a phone number, such as 223-5766, and you'd like to figure out
+a clever way to spell it in letters for your friends to remember.  Each
+digit corresponds to three possible letters.  For example, the digit 2
+corresponds to the letters A, B, and C.  Write a procedure that takes a
+number as argument and returns a sentence of all the possible spellings:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g16"></A>phone-spell 2235766)
+<P>(We're not showing you all 2187 words in this sentence.)  You may
+assume there are no zeros or ones in the number, since those don't have
+<P>Hint:  This problem has a lot in common with the subsets example.
+<B>15.6</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Let's say a gladiator kills a roach.  If we want to talk about the roach, we
+say &quot;the roach the gladiator killed.&quot; But if we want to talk about the
+gladiator, we say &quot;the gladiator that killed the roach.&quot;
+<P>People are pretty good at understanding even rather long sentences
+as long as they're straightforward: &quot;This is the farmer who kept
+the cock that waked the priest that married the man that kissed the
+maiden that milked the cow that tossed the dog that worried the cat
+that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that
+Jack built.&quot; But even a short <EM>nested</EM> sentence is
+confusing:  &quot;This is the rat the cat the dog worried killed.&quot;
+Which rat was that?
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g17"></A>unscramble</CODE> that takes a nested
+sentence as argument and returns a straightforward sentence about
+the same cast of characters:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (unscramble '(this is the roach the gladiator killed))
+&gt; (unscramble '(this is the rat the cat the dog the boy the
+                     girl saw owned chased bit))
+<P>You may assume that the argument has exactly the structure
+of these examples, with no special cases like &quot;that lay <EM>in</EM> the
+house&quot; or &quot;that <EM>Jack</EM> built.&quot;
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="adv-recur.html#text1">[1]</A> If you've read Part III, you might instead want to use <CODE>accumulate</CODE> for this purpose:
+<P><PRE>(define earliest-word sent)
+  (accumulate (lambda (wd1 wd2) (if (before? wd1 wd2) wd1 wd2))
+	      sent))
+<A NAME="ft2" HREF="adv-recur.html#text2">[2]</A> A more straightforward base case
+would be a one-bit number, but we've reduced that to this more elegant base
+case, following the principle we discussed on page <A HREF="../ssch12/leap.html#basecasereduce">there</A>.<P>
+<A NAME="ft3" HREF="adv-recur.html#text3">[3]</A> Try writing down all the subsets of a five-letter word
+if you don't believe us.<P>
+<A NAME="ft4" HREF="adv-recur.html#text4">[4]</A> We discussed this point in a
+pitfall in Chapter 12.<P>
+<A NAME="ft5" HREF="adv-recur.html#text5">[5]</A> How come we're worrying about
+efficiency all of a sudden?  We really <EM>did</EM> pull this out of a hat.
+The thing is, it's a <EM>lot</EM> slower without the <CODE>let</CODE>.  Adding one
+letter to the length of a word doubles the time required to find its
+subsets; adding 10 letters multiplies the time by about 1000.<P>
+<P><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">(back to Table of Contents)</A><P>
+<A HREF="../ssch14/number-name.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
+chapter thread <A HREF="poker.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<A HREF="../index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 
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index 0000000..043d8b2
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@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+<TITLE>Simply Scheme:Project: Scoring Poker Hands</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE>:
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H1>Project: Scoring Poker Hands</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch15.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
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+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<P>The idea of this project is to invent a procedure <CODE>poker-value</CODE>
+that works like this:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g19"></A>poker-value '(h4 s4 c6 s6 c4))
+&gt; (poker-value '(h7 s3 c5 c4 d6))
+&gt; (poker-value '(dq d10 dj da dk))
+&gt; (poker-value '(da d6 d3 c9 h6))
+<P>As you can see, we are representing cards and hands just as in the
+Bridge project, except that poker hands have only five
+cards.<A NAME="text1" HREF="poker#ft1">[1]</A>
+<P>Here are the various kinds of poker hands, in decreasing order of value:
+<P><P><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Royal flush: ten, jack, queen, king, and ace, all of the same suit
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Straight flush: five cards of sequential rank, all of the same suit
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Four of a kind: four cards of the same rank
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Full house: three cards of the same rank, and two of a second rank
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Flush: five cards of the same suit, not sequential rank
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Straight: five cards of sequential rank, not all of the same suit
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Three of a kind: three cards of the same rank, no other matches
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Two pair: two pairs of cards, of two different ranks
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Pair: two cards of the same rank, no other matches
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Nothing: none of the above
+An ace can be the lowest card of a straight (ace, 2, 3, 4, 5) or
+the highest card of a straight (ten, jack, queen, king, ace), but a straight
+can't &quot;wrap around&quot;; a hand with queen, king, ace, 2, 3 would be worthless
+(unless it's a flush).
+<P>Notice that most of the hand categories are either entirely about the ranks
+of the cards (pairs, straight, full house, etc.) or entirely about the
+suits (flush).  It's a good idea to begin your program by separating the
+rank information and the suit information.  To check for a straight flush or
+royal flush, you'll have to consider both kinds of information.
+<P>In what form do you want the suit information?  Really, all you need is a
+true or false value indicating whether or not the hand is a flush, because
+there aren't any poker categories like &quot;three of one suit and two of
+<P>What about ranks?  There are two kinds of hand categories involving ranks: 
+the ones about equal ranks (pairs, full house) and the ones about sequential
+ranks (straight).  You might therefore want the rank information in two
+forms.  A sentence containing all of the ranks in the hand, in sorted order,
+will make it easier to find a straight.  (You still have to be careful about
+<P>For the equal-rank categories, what you want is some data structure that
+will let you ask questions like &quot;are there three cards of the same rank
+in this hand?&quot;  We ended up using a representation like this:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (compute-ranks '(q 3 4 3 4))
+(ONE Q TWO 3 TWO 4)
+<P>One slightly tricky aspect of this solution is that we spelled
+out the numbers of cards, <CODE>one</CODE> to <CODE>four</CODE>, instead of using the more
+obvious <CODE>(1 Q 2 3 2 4)</CODE>.  The reason, as you can probably tell just by
+looking at the latter version, is that it would lead to confusion between
+the names of the ranks, most of which are digits, and the numbers of
+occurrences, which are also digits.  More specifically, by spelling out the
+numbers of occurrences, we can use <CODE>member?</CODE> to ask easily if there is
+a three-of-a-kind rank in the hand.
+<P>You may find it easier to begin by writing a version that returns only the
+name of a category, such as <CODE>three of a kind</CODE>, and only after you get
+that to work, revise it to give more specific results such as <CODE>three
+<P><H2>Extra Work for Hotshots</H2>
+<P>In some versions of poker, each player gets seven cards and can choose any
+five of the seven to make a hand.  How would it change your program if the
+argument were a sentence of seven cards?  (For example, in five-card poker
+there is only one possible category for a hand, but in seven-card you have
+to pick the best category that can be made from your cards.)  Fix your
+program so that it works for both five-card and seven-card hands.
+<P>Another possible modification to the program is to allow for playing with
+&quot;wild&quot; cards.  If you play with &quot;threes wild,&quot; it means that if there is
+a three in your hand you're allowed to pretend it's whatever card you like.
+For this modification, your program will require a second argument indicating
+which cards are wild.  (When you play with wild cards, there's the
+possibility of having five of a kind.  This beats a straight flush.)
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="poker#text1">[1]</A> Later on we'll think about seven-card variants of poker.<P>
+<P><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">(back to Table of Contents)</A><P>
+<A HREF="adv-recur.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
+chapter thread <A HREF="../ssch16/match.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<A HREF="../index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/ssch15/poker.html b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/ssch15/poker.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..828626a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/ssch15/poker.html
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+<TITLE>Simply Scheme:Project: Scoring Poker Hands</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE>:
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H1>Project: Scoring Poker Hands</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch15.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
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+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<P>The idea of this project is to invent a procedure <CODE>poker-value</CODE>
+that works like this:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g19"></A>poker-value '(h4 s4 c6 s6 c4))
+&gt; (poker-value '(h7 s3 c5 c4 d6))
+&gt; (poker-value '(dq d10 dj da dk))
+&gt; (poker-value '(da d6 d3 c9 h6))
+<P>As you can see, we are representing cards and hands just as in the
+Bridge project, except that poker hands have only five
+cards.<A NAME="text1" HREF="poker.html#ft1">[1]</A>
+<P>Here are the various kinds of poker hands, in decreasing order of value:
+<P><P><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Royal flush: ten, jack, queen, king, and ace, all of the same suit
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Straight flush: five cards of sequential rank, all of the same suit
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Four of a kind: four cards of the same rank
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Full house: three cards of the same rank, and two of a second rank
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Flush: five cards of the same suit, not sequential rank
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Straight: five cards of sequential rank, not all of the same suit
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Three of a kind: three cards of the same rank, no other matches
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Two pair: two pairs of cards, of two different ranks
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Pair: two cards of the same rank, no other matches
+</TABLE><TABLE><TR><TH align="right" valign="top">&bull;<TD>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<TD valign="top">Nothing: none of the above
+An ace can be the lowest card of a straight (ace, 2, 3, 4, 5) or
+the highest card of a straight (ten, jack, queen, king, ace), but a straight
+can't &quot;wrap around&quot;; a hand with queen, king, ace, 2, 3 would be worthless
+(unless it's a flush).
+<P>Notice that most of the hand categories are either entirely about the ranks
+of the cards (pairs, straight, full house, etc.) or entirely about the
+suits (flush).  It's a good idea to begin your program by separating the
+rank information and the suit information.  To check for a straight flush or
+royal flush, you'll have to consider both kinds of information.
+<P>In what form do you want the suit information?  Really, all you need is a
+true or false value indicating whether or not the hand is a flush, because
+there aren't any poker categories like &quot;three of one suit and two of
+<P>What about ranks?  There are two kinds of hand categories involving ranks: 
+the ones about equal ranks (pairs, full house) and the ones about sequential
+ranks (straight).  You might therefore want the rank information in two
+forms.  A sentence containing all of the ranks in the hand, in sorted order,
+will make it easier to find a straight.  (You still have to be careful about
+<P>For the equal-rank categories, what you want is some data structure that
+will let you ask questions like &quot;are there three cards of the same rank
+in this hand?&quot;  We ended up using a representation like this:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (compute-ranks '(q 3 4 3 4))
+(ONE Q TWO 3 TWO 4)
+<P>One slightly tricky aspect of this solution is that we spelled
+out the numbers of cards, <CODE>one</CODE> to <CODE>four</CODE>, instead of using the more
+obvious <CODE>(1 Q 2 3 2 4)</CODE>.  The reason, as you can probably tell just by
+looking at the latter version, is that it would lead to confusion between
+the names of the ranks, most of which are digits, and the numbers of
+occurrences, which are also digits.  More specifically, by spelling out the
+numbers of occurrences, we can use <CODE>member?</CODE> to ask easily if there is
+a three-of-a-kind rank in the hand.
+<P>You may find it easier to begin by writing a version that returns only the
+name of a category, such as <CODE>three of a kind</CODE>, and only after you get
+that to work, revise it to give more specific results such as <CODE>three
+<P><H2>Extra Work for Hotshots</H2>
+<P>In some versions of poker, each player gets seven cards and can choose any
+five of the seven to make a hand.  How would it change your program if the
+argument were a sentence of seven cards?  (For example, in five-card poker
+there is only one possible category for a hand, but in seven-card you have
+to pick the best category that can be made from your cards.)  Fix your
+program so that it works for both five-card and seven-card hands.
+<P>Another possible modification to the program is to allow for playing with
+&quot;wild&quot; cards.  If you play with &quot;threes wild,&quot; it means that if there is
+a three in your hand you're allowed to pretend it's whatever card you like.
+For this modification, your program will require a second argument indicating
+which cards are wild.  (When you play with wild cards, there's the
+possibility of having five of a kind.  This beats a straight flush.)
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="poker.html#text1">[1]</A> Later on we'll think about seven-card variants of poker.<P>
+<P><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">(back to Table of Contents)</A><P>
+<A HREF="adv-recur.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
+chapter thread <A HREF="../ssch16/match.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<A HREF="../index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 