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+\input bkmacs
+\projchap{Project: Scoring Bridge Hands}
+\write\toc{\begingroup\blskip{1}} %%% ends in leap.tex
+At the beginning of a game of bridge, each player assigns a value to his or
+her hand by counting {\it points.\/}  Bridge players use these points in the
+first part of the game, the ``bidding,'' to decide how high to bid.  (A
+bid is a promise about how well you'll do in the rest of the game.  If you
+succeed in meeting your bid you win, and if you don't meet the bid, you
+lose.)  For example, if you have fewer than six points, you generally don't
+bid anything at all.
+You're going to write a computer program to look at a bridge hand and decide
+how many points it's worth.  You won't have to know anything about the rest
+of the game; we'll tell you the rules for counting points.
+A bridge hand contains thirteen cards.  Each ace in the hand is worth four
+\justidx{bridge points}
+\justidx{points, bridge}
+points, each king is worth three points, each queen two points, and each
+jack one.  The other cards, twos through tens, have no point value.
+So if your hand has two aces, a king, two jacks, and eight other
+cards, it's worth thirteen points.
+A bridge hand might also have some ``distribution'' points, which are points
+having to do with the distribution of the thirteen cards among the four
+suits.  If your hand has only two cards of a particular suit, then it is
+worth an extra point.  If it has a ``singleton,'' only one card of a
+particular suit, that's worth two extra points.  A ``void,'' no cards in a
+particular suit, is worth three points.
+In our program, we'll represent a card by a word like {\tt h5} (five of
+hearts) or {\tt dk} (king of diamonds).\footnt{Why not {\tt 5h}?  Scheme
+words that begin with a digit but aren't numbers have to be surrounded with
+double-quote marks.  Putting the suit first avoids that.} A hand will be a
+sentence of cards, like this:
+(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3)
+This hand is worth 14 points:\ ace of spades (4), plus queen of hearts
+(2), plus jack of hearts (1), plus king of clubs (3), plus king of diamonds
+(3), plus one more for having only two clubs.
+To find the suit of a card, we take its {\tt first}, and to find the rank, we
+take the {\tt butfirst}.  (Why not the {\tt last}?)
+We have a particular program structure in mind.  We'll describe all of the
+procedures you need to write; if you turn each description into a working
+procedure, then you should have a complete program.  In writing each
+procedure, take advantage of the ones you've already written.  Our
+descriptions are ordered {\it \idx{bottom-up}\/}, which means that for each
+procedure you will already have written the helper procedures you need.
+(This ordering will help you write the project, but it means that we're
+beginning with small details.  If we were describing a project to help you
+understand its structure, we'd do it in {\it \idx{top-down}\/} order,
+starting with the most general procedures.  We'll do that in the next
+chapter, in which we present a tic-tac-toe program as a larger Scheme
+programming example.)
+Write a procedure {\tt \ufun{card-val}} that takes a single card as its
+argument and returns the value of that card.
+> (card-val 'cq)
+> (card-val 's7)
+> (card-val 'ha)
+(define (card-val card)
+  (cond ((equal? (bf card) 'a) 4)
+	((equal? (bf card) 'k) 3)
+	((equal? (bf card) 'q) 2)
+	((equal? (bf card) 'j) 1)
+	(else 0)))
+Write a procedure {\tt \ufun{high-card-points}} that takes a hand as its
+argument and returns the total number of points from high cards in the
+hand.  (This procedure does {\it not\/} count distribution points.)
+> (high-card-points '(sa s10 hq ck c4))
+> (high-card-points '(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3))
+(define (high-card-points hand)
+  (accumulate + (every card-val hand)))
+Write a procedure {\tt \ufun{count-suit}} that takes a suit and a hand as
+arguments and returns the number of cards in the hand with the given suit.
+> (count-suit 's '(sa s10 hq ck c4))
+> (count-suit 'c '(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3))
+> (count-suit 'd '(h3 d7 sk s3 c10 dq d8 s9 s4 d10 c7 d4 s2))
+(define (count-suit suit hand)
+  (count (keep (lambda (card) (equal? (first card) suit)) hand)))
+Thinking about domain and range really helps in this problem;
+there are many ways to get confused about what to use as argument
+to which helper function.  In particular, it's important to
+distinguish among the data types suit, card, and hand.
+Write a procedure {\tt \ufun{suit-counts}} that takes a hand as its argument
+and returns a sentence containing the number of spades, the number of hearts,
+the number of clubs, and the number of diamonds in the hand.
+> (suit-counts '(sa s10 hq ck c4))
+(2 1 2 0)
+> (suit-counts '(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3))
+(5 3 2 3)
+> (suit-counts '(h3 d7 sk s3 c10 dq d8 s9 s4 d10 c7 d4 s2))
+(5 1 2 5)
+(define (suit-counts hand)
+  (every (lambda (suit) (count-suit suit hand))
+	 '(s h c d)))
+This solution is not obvious, because the second argument to
+{\tt every} is a constant, rather than one of the original
+arguments.  Students may find it easier to understand this
+less elegant alternative:
+(define (suit-counts hand)
+  (se (count-suit 's hand)
+      (count-suit 'h hand)
+      (count-suit 'c hand)
+      (count-suit 'd hand)))
+Write {\tt \ufun{suit-dist-points}} that takes a number as its argument,
+interpreting it as the number of cards in a suit.  The procedure should
+return the number of distribution points your hand gets for having that
+number of cards in a particular suit.
+> (suit-dist-points 2)
+> (suit-dist-points 7)
+> (suit-dist-points 0)
+(define (suit-dist-points n)
+  (if (<= n 2)
+      (- 3 n)
+      0))
+\noindent or, the slightly less elegant way:
+(define (suit-dist-points n)
+  (cond ((= n 0) 3)
+	((= n 1) 2)
+	((= n 2) 1)
+	(else 0)))
+Write {\tt \ufun{hand-dist-points}}, which takes a hand as its argument and
+returns the number of distribution points the hand is worth.
+> (hand-dist-points '(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3))
+> (hand-dist-points '(h3 d7 sk s3 c10 dq d8 s9 s4 d10 c7 d4 s2))
+(define (hand-dist-points hand)
+  (accumulate + (every suit-dist-points (suit-counts hand))))
+Write a procedure {\tt \ufun{bridge-val}} that takes a hand as its argument
+and returns the total number of points that the hand is worth.
+> (bridge-val '(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3))
+> (bridge-val '(h3 d7 sk s3 c10 dq d8 s9 s4 d10 c7 d4 s2))
+(define (bridge-val hand)
+  (+ (high-card-points hand)
+     (hand-dist-points hand)))
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/ssch9/bridge.html b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/ssch9/bridge.html
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+++ b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/ssch9/bridge.html
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+<TITLE>Simply Scheme:Project: Scoring Bridge Hands</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE>:
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H1>Project: Scoring Bridge Hands</H1>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch09.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">Back to Table of Contents</A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="lambda.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
+chapter thread <A HREF="../ssch10/ttt.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+At the beginning of a game of bridge, each player assigns a value to his or
+her hand by counting <EM>points.</EM>  Bridge players use these points in the
+first part of the game, the &quot;bidding,&quot; to decide how high to bid.  (A
+bid is a promise about how well you'll do in the rest of the game.  If you
+succeed in meeting your bid you win, and if you don't meet the bid, you
+lose.)  For example, if you have fewer than six points, you generally don't
+bid anything at all.
+<P>You're going to write a computer program to look at a bridge hand and decide
+how many points it's worth.  You won't have to know anything about the rest
+of the game; we'll tell you the rules for counting points.
+<P>A bridge hand contains thirteen cards.  Each ace in the hand is worth four
+<A NAME="g1"></A>
+<A NAME="g2"></A>
+points, each king is worth three points, each queen two points, and each
+jack one.  The other cards, twos through tens, have no point value.
+So if your hand has two aces, a king, two jacks, and eight other
+cards, it's worth thirteen points.
+<P>A bridge hand might also have some &quot;distribution&quot; points, which are points
+having to do with the distribution of the thirteen cards among the four
+suits.  If your hand has only two cards of a particular suit, then it is
+worth an extra point.  If it has a &quot;singleton,&quot; only one card of a
+particular suit, that's worth two extra points.  A &quot;void,&quot; no cards in a
+particular suit, is worth three points.
+<P>In our program, we'll represent a card by a word like <CODE>h5</CODE> (five of
+hearts) or <CODE>dk</CODE> (king of diamonds).<A NAME="text1" HREF="bridge.html#ft1">[1]</A> A hand will be a
+sentence of cards, like this:
+<P><PRE>(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3)
+<P>This hand is worth 14 points: ace of spades (4), plus queen of hearts
+(2), plus jack of hearts (1), plus king of clubs (3), plus king of diamonds
+(3), plus one more for having only two clubs.
+<P>To find the suit of a card, we take its <CODE>first</CODE>, and to find the rank, we
+take the <CODE>butfirst</CODE>.  (Why not the <CODE>last</CODE>?)
+<P>We have a particular program structure in mind.  We'll describe all of the
+procedures you need to write; if you turn each description into a working
+procedure, then you should have a complete program.  In writing each
+procedure, take advantage of the ones you've already written.  Our
+descriptions are ordered <EM>bottom-up</EM>, which means that for each
+procedure you will already have written the helper procedures you need.
+(This ordering will help you write the project, but it means that we're
+beginning with small details.  If we were describing a project to help you
+understand its structure, we'd do it in <EM>top-down</EM> order,
+starting with the most general procedures.  We'll do that in the next
+chapter, in which we present a tic-tac-toe program as a larger Scheme
+programming example.)
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g3"></A>card-val</CODE> that takes a single card as its
+argument and returns the value of that card.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (card-val 'cq)
+&gt; (card-val 's7)
+&gt; (card-val 'ha)
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g4"></A>high-card-points</CODE> that takes a hand as its
+argument and returns the total number of points from high cards in the
+hand.  (This procedure does <EM>not</EM> count distribution points.)
+<P><PRE>&gt; (high-card-points '(sa s10 hq ck c4))
+&gt; (high-card-points '(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3))
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g5"></A>count-suit</CODE> that takes a suit and a hand as
+arguments and returns the number of cards in the hand with the given suit.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (count-suit 's '(sa s10 hq ck c4))
+&gt; (count-suit 'c '(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3))
+&gt; (count-suit 'd '(h3 d7 sk s3 c10 dq d8 s9 s4 d10 c7 d4 s2))
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g6"></A>suit-counts</CODE> that takes a hand as its argument
+and returns a sentence containing the number of spades, the number of hearts,
+the number of clubs, and the number of diamonds in the hand.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (suit-counts '(sa s10 hq ck c4))
+(2 1 2 0)
+&gt; (suit-counts '(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3))
+(5 3 2 3)
+&gt; (suit-counts '(h3 d7 sk s3 c10 dq d8 s9 s4 d10 c7 d4 s2))
+(5 1 2 5)
+<P>Write <CODE><A NAME="g7"></A>suit-dist-points</CODE> that takes a number as its argument,
+interpreting it as the number of cards in a suit.  The procedure should
+return the number of distribution points your hand gets for having that
+number of cards in a particular suit.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (suit-dist-points 2)
+&gt; (suit-dist-points 7)
+&gt; (suit-dist-points 0)
+<P>Write <CODE><A NAME="g8"></A>hand-dist-points</CODE>, which takes a hand as its argument and
+returns the number of distribution points the hand is worth.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (hand-dist-points '(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3))
+&gt; (hand-dist-points '(h3 d7 sk s3 c10 dq d8 s9 s4 d10 c7 d4 s2))
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g9"></A>bridge-val</CODE> that takes a hand as its argument
+and returns the total number of points that the hand is worth.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (bridge-val '(sa s10 s7 s6 s2 hq hj h9 ck c4 dk d9 d3))
+&gt; (bridge-val '(h3 d7 sk s3 c10 dq d8 s9 s4 d10 c7 d4 s2))
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="bridge.html#text1">[1]</A> Why not <CODE>5h</CODE>?  Scheme
+words that begin with a digit but aren't numbers have to be surrounded with
+double-quote marks.  Putting the suit first avoids that.<P>
+<P><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">(back to Table of Contents)</A><P>
+<A HREF="lambda.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
+chapter thread <A HREF="../ssch10/ttt.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<A HREF="../index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 
diff --git a/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/ssch9/lambda b/js/games/nluqo.github.io/~bh/ssch9/lambda
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index 0000000..6f89dfe
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+<A NAME="alonzo"></A>
+<CENTER><IMG SRC="../ss-pics/alonzo.jpg" ALT="figure: alonzo"></CENTER><P><CENTER>Alonzo Church
+<BR>inventor of lambda calculus
+<TITLE>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science ch 9: Lambda</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme:</CITE>
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H2>Chapter 9</H2>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../pdf/ssch09.pdf">Download PDF version</A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">Back to Table of Contents</A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="../ssch8/higher.html"><STRONG>BACK</STRONG></A>
+chapter thread <A HREF="bridge.html"><STRONG>NEXT</STRONG></A>
+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<A NAME="g1"></A>
+<P>Let's say we want to add three to each of the numbers in a sentence.  Using
+the tools from Chapter 8, we would do it like this:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g2"></A>add-three number)
+  (+ number 3))
+(define (<A NAME="g3"></A>add-three-to-each sent)
+  (every add-three sent))
+&gt; (add-three-to-each '(1 9 9 2))
+(4 12 12 5)
+<P>It's slightly annoying to have to define a helper procedure <CODE>add-three</CODE> just so we can use it as the argument to <CODE>every</CODE>.  We're
+never going to use that procedure again, but we still have to come up with a
+name for it.  We'd like a general way to say &quot;here's the function I want
+you to use&quot; without having to give the procedure a name.  In other words,
+we want a general-purpose procedure-generating procedure!
+<P><CODE>Lambda</CODE> is the name of a special form that generates procedures.  It
+takes some information about the function you want to create as arguments
+and it returns the procedure.  It'll be easier to explain the details after
+you see an example.
+<P><PRE>(define (add-three-to-each sent)
+  (every <U>(lambda (number) (+ number 3))</U> sent))
+&gt; (add-three-to-each '(1 9 9 2))
+(4 12 12 5)
+<P>The first argument to <CODE>every</CODE> is, in effect, the same procedure
+as the one we called <CODE>add-three</CODE> earlier, but now we can use it without
+giving it a name.  (Don't make the mistake of thinking that <CODE>lambda</CODE> is
+the argument to <CODE>every</CODE>.  The argument is <EM>the procedure returned
+by</EM> <CODE>lambda</CODE>.)
+<P>Perhaps you're wondering whether &quot;lambda&quot; spells something backward.
+Actually, it's the name of the Greek letter L, which looks like
+this: &lambda;.  It would probably be more sensible if <CODE>lambda</CODE>
+were named
+something like <CODE>make-procedure</CODE>, but the name <CODE>lambda</CODE> is
+traditional.<A NAME="text1" HREF="lambda#ft1">[1]</A>
+<P>Creating a procedure by using <CODE>lambda</CODE> is very much like creating one
+with <CODE>define</CODE>, as we've done up to this point, except that we don't
+specify a name.  When we create a procedure with <CODE>define</CODE>, we have to
+indicate the procedure's name, the names of its arguments (i.e., the formal
+parameters), and the expression that it computes (its body).  With <CODE>lambda</CODE> we still provide the last two of these three components.
+<P>As we said, <CODE>lambda</CODE> is a <A NAME="g4"></A><A NAME="g5"></A>special form.  This means, as you
+remember, that its arguments are not evaluated when you invoke it.  The
+first argument is a sentence containing the formal parameters; the second
+argument is the body.  What <CODE>lambda</CODE> returns is an unnamed procedure.
+You can invoke that procedure:
+<P><PRE>&gt; ((lambda (a b) (+ (* 2 a) b)) 5 6)
+&gt; ((lambda (wd) (word (last wd) (first wd))) 'impish)
+<P>In real life, though, you're not likely to create a procedure with <CODE>lambda</CODE> merely to invoke it once.  More often, we use <CODE>lambda</CODE> as in the
+first example in this chapter, to provide a procedure as argument to a
+higher-order function.  Here are some more examples:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (every (lambda (wd) (se (first wd) wd (last wd)))
+         '(only a northern song))
+&gt; (keep (lambda (n) (member? 9 n)) '(4 81 909 781 1969 1776))
+(909 1969)
+&gt; (accumulate (lambda (this that)
+                (if (&gt; (count this) (count that)) this that))
+              '(wild honey pie))
+&gt; (keep (lambda (person) (member? person '(john paul george ringo)))
+        '(mick smokey paul diana bill geddy john yoko keith reparata))
+&gt; (keep (lambda (person) (member? 'e person))
+        '(mick smokey paul diana bill geddy john yoko keith reparata))
+<P><H2>Procedures That Return Procedures</H2>
+<P>An even more powerful use of <CODE>lambda</CODE> is to provide the value returned
+by some procedure that you write.  Here's the classic example:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g6"></A>make-adder num)
+  (lambda (x) (+ x num)))
+&gt; ((make-adder 4) 7)
+&gt; (every (make-adder 6) '(2 4 8))
+(8 10 14)
+<P>The value of the expression <CODE>(make-adder 4)</CODE> is a <EM>procedure,</EM> not a number.  That unnamed procedure is the one that adds 4 to
+its argument.  We can understand this by applying the substitution model to
+<CODE>make-adder</CODE>.  We substitute <CODE>4</CODE> for <CODE>num</CODE> in the body of <CODE>make-adder</CODE>; we end up with
+<P><PRE>(lambda (x) (+ x 4))
+<P>and then we evaluate that expression to get the desired procedure.
+<P>Here's a procedure whose argument is a procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g7"></A>same-arg-twice fn)
+  (lambda (arg) (fn arg arg)))
+&gt; ((same-arg-twice word) 'hello)
+&gt; ((same-arg-twice *) 4)
+<P>When we evaluate <CODE>(same-arg-twice word)</CODE> we substitute the procedure
+<CODE>word</CODE> for the formal parameter <CODE>fn</CODE>, and the result is
+<P><PRE>(lambda (arg) (word arg arg))
+<P>One more example:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g8"></A>flip fn)
+  (lambda (a b) (fn b a)))
+&gt; ((flip -) 5 8)
+&gt; ((flip se) 'goodbye 'hello)
+<P><H2>The Truth about <CODE>Define</CODE></H2>
+<P>Remember how we said that creating a procedure with <CODE>lambda</CODE> was a lot
+<A NAME="g9"></A>
+like creating a procedure with <A NAME="g10"></A><CODE>define</CODE>?  That's because the notation
+we've been using with <CODE>define</CODE> is an abbreviation that combines two
+activities: creating a procedure and giving a name to something.
+<P>As you saw in Chapter 7, <CODE>define</CODE>'s real job is to give a name
+to some value:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (define pi 3.141592654)
+&gt; (* pi 10)
+&gt; (define drummer '(ringo starr))
+&gt; (first drummer)
+When we say
+<P><PRE>(define (square x) (* x x))
+<P>it's actually an abbreviation for
+<P><PRE>(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
+<P>In this example, the job of <CODE>lambda</CODE> is to create a procedure
+that multiplies its argument by itself; the job of <CODE>define</CODE> is to name
+that procedure <CODE>square</CODE>.
+<P>In the past, without quite saying so, we've talked as if the name of a
+<A NAME="g11"></A>
+procedure were understood differently from other names in a program.  In
+thinking about an expression such as
+<P><PRE>(* x x)
+<P>we've talked about substituting some actual value for the <CODE>x</CODE>
+but took the <CODE>*</CODE> for granted as meaning the multiplication function.
+<P>The truth is that we have to substitute a value for the <CODE>*</CODE> just as we
+do for the <CODE>x</CODE>.  It just happens that <CODE>*</CODE> has been predefined to
+have the multiplication procedure as its value.  This definition of <CODE>*</CODE>
+is <EM>global,</EM> like the definition of <CODE>pi</CODE> above.  &quot;Global&quot; means
+<A NAME="g12"></A>
+<A NAME="g13"></A>
+<A NAME="g14"></A>
+that it's not a formal parameter of a procedure, like <CODE>x</CODE> in <CODE>square</CODE>,
+but has a permanent value established by <CODE>define</CODE>.
+<P>When an expression is evaluated, every name in the expression must have some
+value substituted for it.  If the name is a formal parameter, then the
+corresponding actual argument value is substituted.  Otherwise, the name had
+better have a global definition, and <EM>that</EM> value is substituted.  It
+just so happens that Scheme has predefined a zillion names before you start
+working, and most of those are names of primitive procedures.
+<P>(By the way, this explains why when you make a typing mistake in the name of
+a procedure you might see an error message that refers to variables, such as
+&quot;variable <CODE>frist</CODE> not bound.&quot; You might expect it to say &quot;<CODE>frist</CODE>
+is not a procedure,&quot; but the problem is no different from that of any other
+name that has no associated value.)
+<P>Now that we know the whole truth about <CODE>define</CODE>, we can use it in
+combination with the function-creating functions in these past two chapters.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (define <A NAME="g15"></A>square (same-arg-twice *))
+&gt; (square 7)
+&gt; (define <A NAME="g16"></A>fourth-power (repeated square 2))
+&gt; (fourth-power 5)
+<H2>The Truth about <CODE>Let</CODE></H2>
+<P>In Chapter 7 we introduced <CODE>let</CODE> as an abbreviation for the
+situation in which we would otherwise define a helper procedure in order to
+give names to commonly-used values in a calculation.  We started with
+<P><PRE>(define (roots a b c)
+  (roots1 a b c (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))))
+(define (roots1 a b c discriminant)
+  (se (/ (+ (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))
+      (/ (- (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))))
+<P>and introduced the new notation
+<P><PRE>(define (roots a b c)
+  (let ((discriminant (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))))
+    (se (/ (+ (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))
+        (/ (- (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a)))))
+<P>to avoid creating an otherwise-useless named procedure.  But now
+that we know about unnamed procedures, we can see that <CODE>let</CODE> is merely
+an abbreviation for creating and invoking an anonymous procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (roots a b c)
+  <STRONG><BIG>(</BIG></STRONG>(lambda (discriminant)
+     (se (/ (+ (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))
+         (/ (- (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))))
+   <STRONG><BIG>(sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))))</BIG></STRONG>)
+<P>What's shown in boldface above is the part that invokes the
+procedure created by the lambda, including the actual argument expression.
+<P>Just as the notation to define a procedure with parentheses around its name
+is an abbreviation for a <CODE>define</CODE> and a <CODE>lambda</CODE>, the <CODE>let</CODE>
+notation is an abbreviation for a <CODE>lambda</CODE> and an invocation.
+<P><H2>Name Conflicts</H2>
+<P>When a procedure is created inside another procedure, what happens if you
+use the same formal parameter name in both?
+<P><PRE>(define (f x)
+  (lambda (x) (+ x 3)))
+<P>Answer: Don't do it.
+<P>What actually happens is that the inner <CODE>x</CODE> wins; that's the one that is
+substituted into the body.  But if you find yourself in this situation, you
+are almost certainly doing something wrong, such as using nondescriptive
+names like <CODE>x</CODE> for your variables.
+<P><H2>Named and Unnamed Functions</H2>
+<P>Although you've been running across the idea of function since high school
+algebra, you've probably never seen an <EM>unnamed</EM> function until now.
+<A NAME="g17"></A>
+<A NAME="g18"></A>
+The high school function notation, <EM>g</EM>(<EM>x</EM>)=3<EM>x</EM>+8, requires you to
+give the function a name (<EM>g</EM> in this case) when you create it.  Most of the
+functions you know, both in math and in programming, have names, such as
+logarithm or <CODE>first</CODE>.<A NAME="text2" HREF="lambda#ft2">[2]</A>
+<P>When do you want to name a function, and when not?  It may help to think
+about an analogy with numbers.  Imagine if every Scheme number had to have a
+name before you could use it.  You'd have to say
+<P><PRE>&gt; (define three 3)
+&gt; (define four 4)
+&gt; (+ three four)
+<P>This is analogous to the way we've dealt with procedures until now,
+giving each one a name.  Sometimes it's much easier to use a number
+directly, and it's silly to have to give it a name.
+<P>But sometimes it isn't silly.  A common example that we've seen earlier is
+<P><PRE>(define <A NAME="g19"></A>pi 3.141592654)
+(define (<A NAME="g20"></A>circle-area radius)
+  (* pi radius radius))
+(define (<A NAME="g21"></A>circumference radius)
+  (* 2 pi radius))
+(define (<A NAME="g22"></A>sphere-surface-area radius)
+  (* 4 pi radius radius))                                
+(define (<A NAME="g23"></A>sphere-volume radius)
+  (* (/ 4 3) pi radius radius radius))
+<P>If we couldn't give a name to the number 3.141592654, then we'd
+have to type it over and over again.  Apart from the extra typing, our
+programs would be harder to read and understand.  Giving &pi; a name makes
+the procedures more self-documenting.  (That is, someone else who reads our
+procedures will have an easier time understanding what we meant.)
+<P>It's the same with procedures.  If we're going to use a procedure more than
+once, and if there's a meaningful name for it that will help clarify the
+program, then we define the procedure with <CODE>define</CODE> and give it a name.
+<P><PRE>(define (square x) (* x x))
+<P><CODE>Square</CODE> deserves a name both because we use it often and
+because there is a good traditional name for it that everyone understands.
+More important, by giving <CODE>square</CODE> a name, we are shifting attention
+from the process by which it works (invoking the multiplication procedure)
+to its <EM>purpose,</EM> computing the square of a number.  From now on we
+can think about squaring as though it were a Scheme primitive.  This idea of
+naming something and forgetting the details of its implementation is what
+we've been calling &quot;abstraction.&quot;
+<P>On the other hand, if we have an unimportant procedure that we're using only
+once, we might as well create it with <CODE>lambda</CODE> and without a name.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (every (lambda (x) (last (bl x))) '(all together now))
+(L E O)
+<P>We could have defined this procedure with the name <CODE>next-to-last</CODE>, but if we're never going to use it again, why bother?
+<P>Here's an example in which we use an obscure unnamed function to help
+us define one that's worth naming:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g24"></A>backwards wd) (accumulate (lambda (a b) (word b a)) wd))
+&gt; (backwards 'yesterday)
+&gt; (every backwards '(i saw her standing there))
+<P>It's very convenient that <CODE>define</CODE> has an abbreviated form to
+define a procedure using a hidden <CODE>lambda</CODE>, but because there are two
+notations that differ only subtly&mdash;one has an extra set of
+parentheses&mdash;you could use the wrong one by mistake.  If you say
+<P><PRE>(define (pi) 3.141592654)
+<P>you're not defining a variable whose value is a number.  Instead
+the value of <CODE>pi</CODE> will be a <EM>procedure.</EM> It would then be an error
+to say
+<P><PRE>(* 2 pi)
+<P>When should the body of your procedure be a <CODE>lambda</CODE> expression?
+It's easy to go overboard and say &quot;I'm writing a procedure so I guess I
+need <CODE>lambda</CODE>&quot; even when the procedure is supposed to return a word.
+<P>The secret is to remember the ideas of <EM>domain</EM> and <EM>range</EM> that
+we talked about in Chapter 2.  What is the range of the function
+you're writing?  Should it return a procedure?  If so, its body might be a
+<CODE>lambda</CODE> expression.  (It might instead be an invocation of a
+higher-order procedure, such as <CODE>repeated</CODE>, that returns a procedure.)
+If your procedure doesn't return a procedure, its body won't be a <CODE>lambda</CODE> expression.  (Of course your procedure might still use a <CODE>lambda</CODE>
+expression as an argument to some <EM>other</EM> procedure, such as <CODE>every</CODE>.)
+<P>For example, here is a procedure to keep the words of a sentence that contain
+the letter <CODE>h</CODE>.  The domain of the function is sentences, and its range
+is also sentences.  (That is, it takes a sentence as argument and returns a
+sentence as its value.)
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g25"></A>keep-h sent)
+  (keep (lambda (wd) (member? 'h wd)) sent))
+<P>By contrast, here is a function of a letter that returns a
+<EM>procedure</EM> to keep words containing that letter.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g26"></A>keeper letter)
+  (lambda (sent)
+    (keep (lambda (wd) (member? letter wd)) sent)))
+<P>The procedure <CODE>keeper</CODE> has letters as its domain and procedures
+as its range.  The procedure <EM>returned by</EM> <CODE>keeper</CODE> has sentences
+as its domain and as its range, just as <CODE>keep-h</CODE> does.  In fact, we can
+use <CODE>keeper</CODE> to define <CODE>keep-h</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>(define keep-h (keeper 'h))
+<P>Don't confuse the <EM>creation</EM> of a procedure with the <EM>invocation</EM> of one.  <CODE>Lambda</CODE> creates a procedure.  The procedure is
+invoked in response to an expression whose first subexpression represents
+that procedure.  That is, the first subexpression could be the <EM>name</EM>
+of the procedure, or it could be a <CODE>lambda</CODE> expression if you want to
+create a procedure and invoke it right away:
+<P><PRE>((lambda (x) (+ x 3)) 6)
+<P>In particular, when you create a procedure, you specify its formal
+parameters&mdash;the <EM>names</EM> for its arguments.  When you invoke the
+procedure, you specify <EM>values</EM> for those arguments.  (In this example,
+the <CODE>lambda</CODE> expression includes the formal parameter <CODE>x</CODE>, but the
+invocation provides the actual argument <CODE>6</CODE>.)
+<P><H2>Boring Exercises</H2>
+<B>9.1</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What will Scheme print?  Figure it out yourself before you try it
+on the computer.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (lambda (x) (+ (* x 3) 4))
+&gt; ((lambda (x) (+ (* x 3) 4)) 10)
+&gt; (every (lambda (wd) (word (last wd) (bl wd)))
+         '(any time at all))
+&gt; ((lambda (x) (+ x 3)) 10 15)
+<B>9.2</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Rewrite the following definitions so as to make the implicit <CODE>lambda</CODE>
+<P><PRE>(define (second stuff)
+  (first (bf stuff)))
+(define (make-adder num)
+  (lambda (x) (+ num x)))
+<B>9.3</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does this procedure do?
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g27"></A>let-it-be sent)
+  (accumulate (lambda (x y) y) sent))
+<H2>Real Exercises</H2>
+<P><B>9.4</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;The following program doesn't work.  Why not?  Fix it.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g28"></A>who sent)
+  (every describe '(pete roger john keith)))
+(define (<A NAME="g29"></A>describe person)
+  (se person sent))
+<P>It's supposed to work like this:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (who '(sells out))
+(pete sells out roger sells out john sells out keith sells out)
+In each of the following exercises, write the procedure in terms of <CODE>lambda</CODE> and higher-order functions.  Do not use named helper procedures.
+If you've read Part IV, don't use recursion, either.
+<P><B>9.5</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write <CODE>prepend-every</CODE>:
+<A NAME="prependevery"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (prepend-every 's '(he aid he aid))
+&gt; (prepend-every 'anti '(dote pasto gone body))
+<B>9.6</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g30"></A>sentence-version</CODE> that takes a function <EM>f</EM> as
+its argument and returns a function <EM>g</EM>.  <EM>f</EM> should take a single word as
+argument.  <EM>g</EM> should take a sentence as argument and return the sentence
+formed by applying <EM>f</EM> to each word of that argument.
+<A NAME="senver"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; ((sentence-version first) '(if i fell))
+(I I F)
+&gt; ((sentence-version square) '(8 2 4 6))
+(64 4 16 36)
+<B>9.7</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure called <CODE><A NAME="g31"></A>letterwords</CODE> that takes as its
+arguments a letter and a sentence.  It returns a sentence containing only
+those words from the argument sentence that contain the argument letter:
+<A NAME="letwds"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (letterwords 'o '(got to get you into my life))
+<B>9.8</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Suppose we're writing a program to play hangman.  In this game one player
+has to guess a secret word chosen by the other player, one letter at a time.
+You're going to write just one small part of this program: a procedure that
+takes as arguments the secret word and the letters guessed so far, 
+returning the word in which the guessing progress is displayed by including
+all the guessed letters along with underscores for the not-yet-guessed ones:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g32"></A>hang 'potsticker 'etaoi)
+<P>Hint: You'll find it helpful to use the following procedure that determines
+how to display a single letter:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g33"></A>hang-letter letter guesses)
+  (if (member? letter guesses)
+      letter
+      '_))
+<B>9.9</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g34"></A>common-words</CODE> that takes two sentences as
+arguments and returns a sentence containing only those words that appear
+both in the first sentence and in the second sentence.
+<A NAME="commwds"></A>
+<B>9.10</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;In Chapter 2 we used a function called <CODE>appearances</CODE> that returns
+the number of times its first argument appears as a member of its second
+argument.  Implement <CODE><A NAME="g35"></A>appearances</CODE>.
+<A NAME="appear"></A>
+<B>9.11</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g36"></A>unabbrev</CODE> that takes two sentences as
+arguments.  It should return a sentence that's the same as the first
+sentence, except that any numbers in the original sentence should be
+replaced with words from the second sentence.  A number <CODE>2</CODE> in the first
+sentence should be replaced with the second word of the second sentence, a
+<CODE>6</CODE> with the sixth word, and so on.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (unabbrev '(john 1 wayne fred 4) '(bill hank kermit joey))
+&gt; (unabbrev '(i 3 4 tell 2) '(do you want to know a secret?))
+<B>9.12</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE>first-last</CODE> whose argument will be a sentence.  It
+should return a sentence containing only those words in the argument
+sentence whose first and last letters are the same:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g37"></A>first-last '(california ohio nebraska alabama alaska massachusetts))
+<B>9.13</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g38"></A>compose</CODE> that takes two functions <EM>f</EM> and <EM>g</EM>
+as arguments.  It should return a new function, the composition of its input
+functions, which computes <EM>f</EM>(<EM>g</EM>(<EM>x</EM>)) when passed the argument <EM>x</EM>.
+<P><PRE>&gt; ((compose sqrt abs) -25)
+&gt; (define <A NAME="g39"></A>second (compose first bf))
+&gt; (second '(higher order function))
+<B>9.14</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g40"></A>substitute</CODE> that takes three arguments, two
+words and a sentence.  It should return a version of the sentence, but with
+every instance of the second word replaced with the first word:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (substitute 'maybe 'yeah '(she loves you yeah yeah yeah))
+<B>9.15</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Many functions are applicable only to arguments in a certain domain and
+result in error messages if given arguments outside that domain.  For
+example, <CODE>sqrt</CODE> may require a nonnegative argument in a version of
+Scheme that doesn't include complex numbers.  (In <EM>any</EM> version of
+Scheme, <CODE>sqrt</CODE> will complain if its argument isn't a number at all!)
+Once a program gets an error message, it's impossible for that program to
+continue the computation.
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g41"></A>type-check</CODE> that takes as arguments a
+one-argument procedure <CODE>f</CODE> and a one-argument predicate procedure <CODE>pred</CODE>.  <CODE>Type-check</CODE> should return a one-argument procedure that first
+applies <CODE>pred</CODE> to its argument; if that result is true, the procedure
+should return the value computed by applying <CODE>f</CODE> to the argument; if
+<CODE>pred</CODE> returns false, the new procedure should also return <CODE>#f</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (define <A NAME="g42"></A>safe-sqrt (type-check sqrt number?))
+&gt; (safe-sqrt 16)
+&gt; (safe-sqrt 'sarsaparilla)
+<B>9.16</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;In the language APL, most arithmetic functions can be applied either to a
+number, with the usual result, or to a <EM>vector</EM>&mdash;the APL name for a
+sentence of numbers&mdash;in which case the result is a new vector in which each
+element is the result of applying the function to the corresponding element
+of the argument.  For example, the function <CODE>sqrt</CODE> applied to <CODE>16</CODE>
+returns <CODE>4</CODE> as in Scheme, but <CODE>sqrt</CODE> can also be applied to a
+sentence such as <CODE>(16 49)</CODE> and it returns <CODE>(4 7)</CODE>.
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g43"></A>aplize</CODE> that takes as its argument a
+one-argument procedure whose domain is numbers or words.  It should return
+an APLized procedure that also accepts sentences:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (define <A NAME="g44"></A>apl-sqrt (aplize sqrt))
+&gt; (apl-sqrt 36)
+&gt; (apl-sqrt '(1 100 25 16))
+(1 10 5 4)
+<B>9.17</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write <CODE>keep</CODE> in terms of <CODE>every</CODE> and <CODE>accumulate</CODE>.
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="lambda#text1">[1]</A> It comes from a branch of mathematical logic called
+&quot;lambda calculus&quot; that's about the formal properties of functions.
+The inclusion of first-class functions in Lisp was inspired by this
+mathematical work, so Lisp borrowed the name <CODE>lambda</CODE>.<P>
+<A NAME="ft2" HREF="lambda#text2">[2]</A> Professional mathematicians do have a
+notation for unnamed functions, by the way.  They write (<EM>x</EM> &#x21a6; 3<EM>x</EM>+8).<P>
+<P><A HREF="../ss-toc2.html">(back to Table of Contents)</A><P>
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+<A HREF="../index.html">Brian Harvey</A>, 
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@@ -0,0 +1,720 @@
+<A NAME="alonzo"></A>
+<CENTER><IMG SRC="../ss-pics/alonzo.jpg" ALT="figure: alonzo"></CENTER><P><CENTER>Alonzo Church
+<BR>inventor of lambda calculus
+<TITLE>Simply Scheme: Introducing Computer Science ch 9: Lambda</TITLE>
+<CITE>Simply Scheme:</CITE>
+<CITE>Introducing Computer Science</CITE> 2/e Copyright (C) 1999 MIT
+<H2>Chapter 9</H2>
+<TABLE width="100%"><TR><TD>
+<IMG SRC="../simply.jpg" ALT="cover photo">
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~bh/">Brian
+Harvey</A><BR>University of California, Berkeley</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><CITE><A HREF="http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~matt">Matthew
+Wright</A><BR>University of California, Santa Barbara</CITE>
+<TR><TD align="right"><BR>
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+<TR><TD align="right"><A HREF="http://mitpress.mit.edu/0262082810">MIT
+Press web page for <CITE>Simply Scheme</CITE></A>
+<A NAME="g1"></A>
+<P>Let's say we want to add three to each of the numbers in a sentence.  Using
+the tools from Chapter 8, we would do it like this:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g2"></A>add-three number)
+  (+ number 3))
+(define (<A NAME="g3"></A>add-three-to-each sent)
+  (every add-three sent))
+&gt; (add-three-to-each '(1 9 9 2))
+(4 12 12 5)
+<P>It's slightly annoying to have to define a helper procedure <CODE>add-three</CODE> just so we can use it as the argument to <CODE>every</CODE>.  We're
+never going to use that procedure again, but we still have to come up with a
+name for it.  We'd like a general way to say &quot;here's the function I want
+you to use&quot; without having to give the procedure a name.  In other words,
+we want a general-purpose procedure-generating procedure!
+<P><CODE>Lambda</CODE> is the name of a special form that generates procedures.  It
+takes some information about the function you want to create as arguments
+and it returns the procedure.  It'll be easier to explain the details after
+you see an example.
+<P><PRE>(define (add-three-to-each sent)
+  (every <U>(lambda (number) (+ number 3))</U> sent))
+&gt; (add-three-to-each '(1 9 9 2))
+(4 12 12 5)
+<P>The first argument to <CODE>every</CODE> is, in effect, the same procedure
+as the one we called <CODE>add-three</CODE> earlier, but now we can use it without
+giving it a name.  (Don't make the mistake of thinking that <CODE>lambda</CODE> is
+the argument to <CODE>every</CODE>.  The argument is <EM>the procedure returned
+by</EM> <CODE>lambda</CODE>.)
+<P>Perhaps you're wondering whether &quot;lambda&quot; spells something backward.
+Actually, it's the name of the Greek letter L, which looks like
+this: &lambda;.  It would probably be more sensible if <CODE>lambda</CODE>
+were named
+something like <CODE>make-procedure</CODE>, but the name <CODE>lambda</CODE> is
+traditional.<A NAME="text1" HREF="lambda.html#ft1">[1]</A>
+<P>Creating a procedure by using <CODE>lambda</CODE> is very much like creating one
+with <CODE>define</CODE>, as we've done up to this point, except that we don't
+specify a name.  When we create a procedure with <CODE>define</CODE>, we have to
+indicate the procedure's name, the names of its arguments (i.e., the formal
+parameters), and the expression that it computes (its body).  With <CODE>lambda</CODE> we still provide the last two of these three components.
+<P>As we said, <CODE>lambda</CODE> is a <A NAME="g4"></A><A NAME="g5"></A>special form.  This means, as you
+remember, that its arguments are not evaluated when you invoke it.  The
+first argument is a sentence containing the formal parameters; the second
+argument is the body.  What <CODE>lambda</CODE> returns is an unnamed procedure.
+You can invoke that procedure:
+<P><PRE>&gt; ((lambda (a b) (+ (* 2 a) b)) 5 6)
+&gt; ((lambda (wd) (word (last wd) (first wd))) 'impish)
+<P>In real life, though, you're not likely to create a procedure with <CODE>lambda</CODE> merely to invoke it once.  More often, we use <CODE>lambda</CODE> as in the
+first example in this chapter, to provide a procedure as argument to a
+higher-order function.  Here are some more examples:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (every (lambda (wd) (se (first wd) wd (last wd)))
+         '(only a northern song))
+&gt; (keep (lambda (n) (member? 9 n)) '(4 81 909 781 1969 1776))
+(909 1969)
+&gt; (accumulate (lambda (this that)
+                (if (&gt; (count this) (count that)) this that))
+              '(wild honey pie))
+&gt; (keep (lambda (person) (member? person '(john paul george ringo)))
+        '(mick smokey paul diana bill geddy john yoko keith reparata))
+&gt; (keep (lambda (person) (member? 'e person))
+        '(mick smokey paul diana bill geddy john yoko keith reparata))
+<P><H2>Procedures That Return Procedures</H2>
+<P>An even more powerful use of <CODE>lambda</CODE> is to provide the value returned
+by some procedure that you write.  Here's the classic example:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g6"></A>make-adder num)
+  (lambda (x) (+ x num)))
+&gt; ((make-adder 4) 7)
+&gt; (every (make-adder 6) '(2 4 8))
+(8 10 14)
+<P>The value of the expression <CODE>(make-adder 4)</CODE> is a <EM>procedure,</EM> not a number.  That unnamed procedure is the one that adds 4 to
+its argument.  We can understand this by applying the substitution model to
+<CODE>make-adder</CODE>.  We substitute <CODE>4</CODE> for <CODE>num</CODE> in the body of <CODE>make-adder</CODE>; we end up with
+<P><PRE>(lambda (x) (+ x 4))
+<P>and then we evaluate that expression to get the desired procedure.
+<P>Here's a procedure whose argument is a procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g7"></A>same-arg-twice fn)
+  (lambda (arg) (fn arg arg)))
+&gt; ((same-arg-twice word) 'hello)
+&gt; ((same-arg-twice *) 4)
+<P>When we evaluate <CODE>(same-arg-twice word)</CODE> we substitute the procedure
+<CODE>word</CODE> for the formal parameter <CODE>fn</CODE>, and the result is
+<P><PRE>(lambda (arg) (word arg arg))
+<P>One more example:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g8"></A>flip fn)
+  (lambda (a b) (fn b a)))
+&gt; ((flip -) 5 8)
+&gt; ((flip se) 'goodbye 'hello)
+<P><H2>The Truth about <CODE>Define</CODE></H2>
+<P>Remember how we said that creating a procedure with <CODE>lambda</CODE> was a lot
+<A NAME="g9"></A>
+like creating a procedure with <A NAME="g10"></A><CODE>define</CODE>?  That's because the notation
+we've been using with <CODE>define</CODE> is an abbreviation that combines two
+activities: creating a procedure and giving a name to something.
+<P>As you saw in Chapter 7, <CODE>define</CODE>'s real job is to give a name
+to some value:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (define pi 3.141592654)
+&gt; (* pi 10)
+&gt; (define drummer '(ringo starr))
+&gt; (first drummer)
+When we say
+<P><PRE>(define (square x) (* x x))
+<P>it's actually an abbreviation for
+<P><PRE>(define square (lambda (x) (* x x)))
+<P>In this example, the job of <CODE>lambda</CODE> is to create a procedure
+that multiplies its argument by itself; the job of <CODE>define</CODE> is to name
+that procedure <CODE>square</CODE>.
+<P>In the past, without quite saying so, we've talked as if the name of a
+<A NAME="g11"></A>
+procedure were understood differently from other names in a program.  In
+thinking about an expression such as
+<P><PRE>(* x x)
+<P>we've talked about substituting some actual value for the <CODE>x</CODE>
+but took the <CODE>*</CODE> for granted as meaning the multiplication function.
+<P>The truth is that we have to substitute a value for the <CODE>*</CODE> just as we
+do for the <CODE>x</CODE>.  It just happens that <CODE>*</CODE> has been predefined to
+have the multiplication procedure as its value.  This definition of <CODE>*</CODE>
+is <EM>global,</EM> like the definition of <CODE>pi</CODE> above.  &quot;Global&quot; means
+<A NAME="g12"></A>
+<A NAME="g13"></A>
+<A NAME="g14"></A>
+that it's not a formal parameter of a procedure, like <CODE>x</CODE> in <CODE>square</CODE>,
+but has a permanent value established by <CODE>define</CODE>.
+<P>When an expression is evaluated, every name in the expression must have some
+value substituted for it.  If the name is a formal parameter, then the
+corresponding actual argument value is substituted.  Otherwise, the name had
+better have a global definition, and <EM>that</EM> value is substituted.  It
+just so happens that Scheme has predefined a zillion names before you start
+working, and most of those are names of primitive procedures.
+<P>(By the way, this explains why when you make a typing mistake in the name of
+a procedure you might see an error message that refers to variables, such as
+&quot;variable <CODE>frist</CODE> not bound.&quot; You might expect it to say &quot;<CODE>frist</CODE>
+is not a procedure,&quot; but the problem is no different from that of any other
+name that has no associated value.)
+<P>Now that we know the whole truth about <CODE>define</CODE>, we can use it in
+combination with the function-creating functions in these past two chapters.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (define <A NAME="g15"></A>square (same-arg-twice *))
+&gt; (square 7)
+&gt; (define <A NAME="g16"></A>fourth-power (repeated square 2))
+&gt; (fourth-power 5)
+<H2>The Truth about <CODE>Let</CODE></H2>
+<P>In Chapter 7 we introduced <CODE>let</CODE> as an abbreviation for the
+situation in which we would otherwise define a helper procedure in order to
+give names to commonly-used values in a calculation.  We started with
+<P><PRE>(define (roots a b c)
+  (roots1 a b c (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))))
+(define (roots1 a b c discriminant)
+  (se (/ (+ (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))
+      (/ (- (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))))
+<P>and introduced the new notation
+<P><PRE>(define (roots a b c)
+  (let ((discriminant (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c)))))
+    (se (/ (+ (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))
+        (/ (- (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a)))))
+<P>to avoid creating an otherwise-useless named procedure.  But now
+that we know about unnamed procedures, we can see that <CODE>let</CODE> is merely
+an abbreviation for creating and invoking an anonymous procedure:
+<P><PRE>(define (roots a b c)
+  <STRONG><BIG>(</BIG></STRONG>(lambda (discriminant)
+     (se (/ (+ (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))
+         (/ (- (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))))
+   <STRONG><BIG>(sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))))</BIG></STRONG>)
+<P>What's shown in boldface above is the part that invokes the
+procedure created by the lambda, including the actual argument expression.
+<P>Just as the notation to define a procedure with parentheses around its name
+is an abbreviation for a <CODE>define</CODE> and a <CODE>lambda</CODE>, the <CODE>let</CODE>
+notation is an abbreviation for a <CODE>lambda</CODE> and an invocation.
+<P><H2>Name Conflicts</H2>
+<P>When a procedure is created inside another procedure, what happens if you
+use the same formal parameter name in both?
+<P><PRE>(define (f x)
+  (lambda (x) (+ x 3)))
+<P>Answer: Don't do it.
+<P>What actually happens is that the inner <CODE>x</CODE> wins; that's the one that is
+substituted into the body.  But if you find yourself in this situation, you
+are almost certainly doing something wrong, such as using nondescriptive
+names like <CODE>x</CODE> for your variables.
+<P><H2>Named and Unnamed Functions</H2>
+<P>Although you've been running across the idea of function since high school
+algebra, you've probably never seen an <EM>unnamed</EM> function until now.
+<A NAME="g17"></A>
+<A NAME="g18"></A>
+The high school function notation, <EM>g</EM>(<EM>x</EM>)=3<EM>x</EM>+8, requires you to
+give the function a name (<EM>g</EM> in this case) when you create it.  Most of the
+functions you know, both in math and in programming, have names, such as
+logarithm or <CODE>first</CODE>.<A NAME="text2" HREF="lambda.html#ft2">[2]</A>
+<P>When do you want to name a function, and when not?  It may help to think
+about an analogy with numbers.  Imagine if every Scheme number had to have a
+name before you could use it.  You'd have to say
+<P><PRE>&gt; (define three 3)
+&gt; (define four 4)
+&gt; (+ three four)
+<P>This is analogous to the way we've dealt with procedures until now,
+giving each one a name.  Sometimes it's much easier to use a number
+directly, and it's silly to have to give it a name.
+<P>But sometimes it isn't silly.  A common example that we've seen earlier is
+<P><PRE>(define <A NAME="g19"></A>pi 3.141592654)
+(define (<A NAME="g20"></A>circle-area radius)
+  (* pi radius radius))
+(define (<A NAME="g21"></A>circumference radius)
+  (* 2 pi radius))
+(define (<A NAME="g22"></A>sphere-surface-area radius)
+  (* 4 pi radius radius))                                
+(define (<A NAME="g23"></A>sphere-volume radius)
+  (* (/ 4 3) pi radius radius radius))
+<P>If we couldn't give a name to the number 3.141592654, then we'd
+have to type it over and over again.  Apart from the extra typing, our
+programs would be harder to read and understand.  Giving &pi; a name makes
+the procedures more self-documenting.  (That is, someone else who reads our
+procedures will have an easier time understanding what we meant.)
+<P>It's the same with procedures.  If we're going to use a procedure more than
+once, and if there's a meaningful name for it that will help clarify the
+program, then we define the procedure with <CODE>define</CODE> and give it a name.
+<P><PRE>(define (square x) (* x x))
+<P><CODE>Square</CODE> deserves a name both because we use it often and
+because there is a good traditional name for it that everyone understands.
+More important, by giving <CODE>square</CODE> a name, we are shifting attention
+from the process by which it works (invoking the multiplication procedure)
+to its <EM>purpose,</EM> computing the square of a number.  From now on we
+can think about squaring as though it were a Scheme primitive.  This idea of
+naming something and forgetting the details of its implementation is what
+we've been calling &quot;abstraction.&quot;
+<P>On the other hand, if we have an unimportant procedure that we're using only
+once, we might as well create it with <CODE>lambda</CODE> and without a name.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (every (lambda (x) (last (bl x))) '(all together now))
+(L E O)
+<P>We could have defined this procedure with the name <CODE>next-to-last</CODE>, but if we're never going to use it again, why bother?
+<P>Here's an example in which we use an obscure unnamed function to help
+us define one that's worth naming:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g24"></A>backwards wd) (accumulate (lambda (a b) (word b a)) wd))
+&gt; (backwards 'yesterday)
+&gt; (every backwards '(i saw her standing there))
+<P>It's very convenient that <CODE>define</CODE> has an abbreviated form to
+define a procedure using a hidden <CODE>lambda</CODE>, but because there are two
+notations that differ only subtly&mdash;one has an extra set of
+parentheses&mdash;you could use the wrong one by mistake.  If you say
+<P><PRE>(define (pi) 3.141592654)
+<P>you're not defining a variable whose value is a number.  Instead
+the value of <CODE>pi</CODE> will be a <EM>procedure.</EM> It would then be an error
+to say
+<P><PRE>(* 2 pi)
+<P>When should the body of your procedure be a <CODE>lambda</CODE> expression?
+It's easy to go overboard and say &quot;I'm writing a procedure so I guess I
+need <CODE>lambda</CODE>&quot; even when the procedure is supposed to return a word.
+<P>The secret is to remember the ideas of <EM>domain</EM> and <EM>range</EM> that
+we talked about in Chapter 2.  What is the range of the function
+you're writing?  Should it return a procedure?  If so, its body might be a
+<CODE>lambda</CODE> expression.  (It might instead be an invocation of a
+higher-order procedure, such as <CODE>repeated</CODE>, that returns a procedure.)
+If your procedure doesn't return a procedure, its body won't be a <CODE>lambda</CODE> expression.  (Of course your procedure might still use a <CODE>lambda</CODE>
+expression as an argument to some <EM>other</EM> procedure, such as <CODE>every</CODE>.)
+<P>For example, here is a procedure to keep the words of a sentence that contain
+the letter <CODE>h</CODE>.  The domain of the function is sentences, and its range
+is also sentences.  (That is, it takes a sentence as argument and returns a
+sentence as its value.)
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g25"></A>keep-h sent)
+  (keep (lambda (wd) (member? 'h wd)) sent))
+<P>By contrast, here is a function of a letter that returns a
+<EM>procedure</EM> to keep words containing that letter.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g26"></A>keeper letter)
+  (lambda (sent)
+    (keep (lambda (wd) (member? letter wd)) sent)))
+<P>The procedure <CODE>keeper</CODE> has letters as its domain and procedures
+as its range.  The procedure <EM>returned by</EM> <CODE>keeper</CODE> has sentences
+as its domain and as its range, just as <CODE>keep-h</CODE> does.  In fact, we can
+use <CODE>keeper</CODE> to define <CODE>keep-h</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>(define keep-h (keeper 'h))
+<P>Don't confuse the <EM>creation</EM> of a procedure with the <EM>invocation</EM> of one.  <CODE>Lambda</CODE> creates a procedure.  The procedure is
+invoked in response to an expression whose first subexpression represents
+that procedure.  That is, the first subexpression could be the <EM>name</EM>
+of the procedure, or it could be a <CODE>lambda</CODE> expression if you want to
+create a procedure and invoke it right away:
+<P><PRE>((lambda (x) (+ x 3)) 6)
+<P>In particular, when you create a procedure, you specify its formal
+parameters&mdash;the <EM>names</EM> for its arguments.  When you invoke the
+procedure, you specify <EM>values</EM> for those arguments.  (In this example,
+the <CODE>lambda</CODE> expression includes the formal parameter <CODE>x</CODE>, but the
+invocation provides the actual argument <CODE>6</CODE>.)
+<P><H2>Boring Exercises</H2>
+<B>9.1</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What will Scheme print?  Figure it out yourself before you try it
+on the computer.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (lambda (x) (+ (* x 3) 4))
+&gt; ((lambda (x) (+ (* x 3) 4)) 10)
+&gt; (every (lambda (wd) (word (last wd) (bl wd)))
+         '(any time at all))
+&gt; ((lambda (x) (+ x 3)) 10 15)
+<B>9.2</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Rewrite the following definitions so as to make the implicit <CODE>lambda</CODE>
+<P><PRE>(define (second stuff)
+  (first (bf stuff)))
+(define (make-adder num)
+  (lambda (x) (+ num x)))
+<B>9.3</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;What does this procedure do?
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g27"></A>let-it-be sent)
+  (accumulate (lambda (x y) y) sent))
+<H2>Real Exercises</H2>
+<P><B>9.4</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;The following program doesn't work.  Why not?  Fix it.
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g28"></A>who sent)
+  (every describe '(pete roger john keith)))
+(define (<A NAME="g29"></A>describe person)
+  (se person sent))
+<P>It's supposed to work like this:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (who '(sells out))
+(pete sells out roger sells out john sells out keith sells out)
+In each of the following exercises, write the procedure in terms of <CODE>lambda</CODE> and higher-order functions.  Do not use named helper procedures.
+If you've read Part IV, don't use recursion, either.
+<P><B>9.5</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write <CODE>prepend-every</CODE>:
+<A NAME="prependevery"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (prepend-every 's '(he aid he aid))
+&gt; (prepend-every 'anti '(dote pasto gone body))
+<B>9.6</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g30"></A>sentence-version</CODE> that takes a function <EM>f</EM> as
+its argument and returns a function <EM>g</EM>.  <EM>f</EM> should take a single word as
+argument.  <EM>g</EM> should take a sentence as argument and return the sentence
+formed by applying <EM>f</EM> to each word of that argument.
+<A NAME="senver"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; ((sentence-version first) '(if i fell))
+(I I F)
+&gt; ((sentence-version square) '(8 2 4 6))
+(64 4 16 36)
+<B>9.7</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure called <CODE><A NAME="g31"></A>letterwords</CODE> that takes as its
+arguments a letter and a sentence.  It returns a sentence containing only
+those words from the argument sentence that contain the argument letter:
+<A NAME="letwds"></A>
+<P><PRE>&gt; (letterwords 'o '(got to get you into my life))
+<B>9.8</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Suppose we're writing a program to play hangman.  In this game one player
+has to guess a secret word chosen by the other player, one letter at a time.
+You're going to write just one small part of this program: a procedure that
+takes as arguments the secret word and the letters guessed so far, 
+returning the word in which the guessing progress is displayed by including
+all the guessed letters along with underscores for the not-yet-guessed ones:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g32"></A>hang 'potsticker 'etaoi)
+<P>Hint: You'll find it helpful to use the following procedure that determines
+how to display a single letter:
+<P><PRE>(define (<A NAME="g33"></A>hang-letter letter guesses)
+  (if (member? letter guesses)
+      letter
+      '_))
+<B>9.9</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g34"></A>common-words</CODE> that takes two sentences as
+arguments and returns a sentence containing only those words that appear
+both in the first sentence and in the second sentence.
+<A NAME="commwds"></A>
+<B>9.10</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;In Chapter 2 we used a function called <CODE>appearances</CODE> that returns
+the number of times its first argument appears as a member of its second
+argument.  Implement <CODE><A NAME="g35"></A>appearances</CODE>.
+<A NAME="appear"></A>
+<B>9.11</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g36"></A>unabbrev</CODE> that takes two sentences as
+arguments.  It should return a sentence that's the same as the first
+sentence, except that any numbers in the original sentence should be
+replaced with words from the second sentence.  A number <CODE>2</CODE> in the first
+sentence should be replaced with the second word of the second sentence, a
+<CODE>6</CODE> with the sixth word, and so on.
+<P><PRE>&gt; (unabbrev '(john 1 wayne fred 4) '(bill hank kermit joey))
+&gt; (unabbrev '(i 3 4 tell 2) '(do you want to know a secret?))
+<B>9.12</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE>first-last</CODE> whose argument will be a sentence.  It
+should return a sentence containing only those words in the argument
+sentence whose first and last letters are the same:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (<A NAME="g37"></A>first-last '(california ohio nebraska alabama alaska massachusetts))
+<B>9.13</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g38"></A>compose</CODE> that takes two functions <EM>f</EM> and <EM>g</EM>
+as arguments.  It should return a new function, the composition of its input
+functions, which computes <EM>f</EM>(<EM>g</EM>(<EM>x</EM>)) when passed the argument <EM>x</EM>.
+<P><PRE>&gt; ((compose sqrt abs) -25)
+&gt; (define <A NAME="g39"></A>second (compose first bf))
+&gt; (second '(higher order function))
+<B>9.14</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g40"></A>substitute</CODE> that takes three arguments, two
+words and a sentence.  It should return a version of the sentence, but with
+every instance of the second word replaced with the first word:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (substitute 'maybe 'yeah '(she loves you yeah yeah yeah))
+<B>9.15</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Many functions are applicable only to arguments in a certain domain and
+result in error messages if given arguments outside that domain.  For
+example, <CODE>sqrt</CODE> may require a nonnegative argument in a version of
+Scheme that doesn't include complex numbers.  (In <EM>any</EM> version of
+Scheme, <CODE>sqrt</CODE> will complain if its argument isn't a number at all!)
+Once a program gets an error message, it's impossible for that program to
+continue the computation.
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g41"></A>type-check</CODE> that takes as arguments a
+one-argument procedure <CODE>f</CODE> and a one-argument predicate procedure <CODE>pred</CODE>.  <CODE>Type-check</CODE> should return a one-argument procedure that first
+applies <CODE>pred</CODE> to its argument; if that result is true, the procedure
+should return the value computed by applying <CODE>f</CODE> to the argument; if
+<CODE>pred</CODE> returns false, the new procedure should also return <CODE>#f</CODE>:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (define <A NAME="g42"></A>safe-sqrt (type-check sqrt number?))
+&gt; (safe-sqrt 16)
+&gt; (safe-sqrt 'sarsaparilla)
+<B>9.16</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;In the language APL, most arithmetic functions can be applied either to a
+number, with the usual result, or to a <EM>vector</EM>&mdash;the APL name for a
+sentence of numbers&mdash;in which case the result is a new vector in which each
+element is the result of applying the function to the corresponding element
+of the argument.  For example, the function <CODE>sqrt</CODE> applied to <CODE>16</CODE>
+returns <CODE>4</CODE> as in Scheme, but <CODE>sqrt</CODE> can also be applied to a
+sentence such as <CODE>(16 49)</CODE> and it returns <CODE>(4 7)</CODE>.
+<P>Write a procedure <CODE><A NAME="g43"></A>aplize</CODE> that takes as its argument a
+one-argument procedure whose domain is numbers or words.  It should return
+an APLized procedure that also accepts sentences:
+<P><PRE>&gt; (define <A NAME="g44"></A>apl-sqrt (aplize sqrt))
+&gt; (apl-sqrt 36)
+&gt; (apl-sqrt '(1 100 25 16))
+(1 10 5 4)
+<B>9.17</B>&nbsp;&nbsp;Write <CODE>keep</CODE> in terms of <CODE>every</CODE> and <CODE>accumulate</CODE>.
+<A NAME="ft1" HREF="lambda.html#text1">[1]</A> It comes from a branch of mathematical logic called
+&quot;lambda calculus&quot; that's about the formal properties of functions.
+The inclusion of first-class functions in Lisp was inspired by this
+mathematical work, so Lisp borrowed the name <CODE>lambda</CODE>.<P>
+<A NAME="ft2" HREF="lambda.html#text2">[2]</A> Professional mathematicians do have a
+notation for unnamed functions, by the way.  They write (<EM>x</EM> &#x21a6; 3<EM>x</EM>+8).<P>
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