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path: root/js/puzzle-dungeon/commandHandler.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'js/puzzle-dungeon/commandHandler.js')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/js/puzzle-dungeon/commandHandler.js b/js/puzzle-dungeon/commandHandler.js
index 12140c2..b6a8246 100644
--- a/js/puzzle-dungeon/commandHandler.js
+++ b/js/puzzle-dungeon/commandHandler.js
@@ -1,28 +1,138 @@
-const createCommandHandler = () => {
-    const commands = {};
+// commandHandler.js
+import { player, grid, drawGrid, updatePlayerPosition, updatePlayerStatus, alertGameOver } from './game.js';
-    const registerCommand = (name, callback) => {
-        commands[name] = callback;
-    };
+let commandQueue = [];
+let processingCommands = false;
-    const executeCommand = (parsedCommand) => {
-        const { command, args } = parsedCommand;
-        if (commands[command]) {
-            commands[command](...args);
+export function handleCommand(command) {
+    const [action, itemOrSteps] = command.split(' ');
+    if (action === 'get' || action === 'use' || isMovementCommand(action)) {
+        commandQueue.push({ action, itemOrSteps });
+    }
+    if (!processingCommands) {
+        processCommandQueue();
+    }
+function processCommandQueue() {
+    if (commandQueue.length === 0) {
+        processingCommands = false;
+        return;
+    }
+    processingCommands = true;
+    const { action, itemOrSteps } = commandQueue.shift();
+    if (action === 'get') {
+        handleGetCommand(itemOrSteps, processCommandQueue);
+    } else if (action === 'use') {
+        handleUseCommand(itemOrSteps, processCommandQueue);
+    } else if (isMovementCommand(action)) {
+        const steps = parseInt(itemOrSteps, 10) || 1;
+        handleMovement(action, steps, processCommandQueue);
+    }
+function handleGetCommand(item, callback) {
+    const { x, y } = player.position;
+    const cell = grid[x][y];
+    if (cell && cell.type === item) {
+        player.inventory.push(cell.type);
+        grid[x][y] = null; // Remove the item from the grid
+        console.log(`Picked up ${item}`);
+        flashPlayer(callback);
+    } else {
+        player.health -= 1;
+        console.log(`Tried to get ${item} but it's not there, health is now ${player.health}`);
+        if (player.health <= 0) {
+            alertGameOver();
+            return;
+        }
+        flashPlayer(callback);
+    }
+function handleUseCommand(item, callback) {
+    const itemIndex = player.inventory.indexOf(item);
+    if (itemIndex > -1) {
+        player.inventory.splice(itemIndex, 1); // Remove the item from the inventory
+        if (item === 'potion') {
+            player.health += 1; // Increase health by 1
+            console.log(`Used ${item}, health is now ${player.health}`);
+            flashPlayer(callback);
+        } else if (item === 'food') {
+            player.endurance = Math.min(player.endurance + 2, 10); // Increase endurance by 2, up to a max of 10
+            console.log(`Used ${item}, endurance is now ${player.endurance}`);
+            flashPlayer(callback);
         } else {
-            console.error(`Unknown command: ${command}`);
+            callback();
+        }
+    } else {
+        player.health -= 1;
+        console.log(`Tried to use ${item} but it's not in inventory, health is now ${player.health}`);
+        if (player.health <= 0) {
+            alertGameOver();
+            return;
+        }
+        flashPlayer(callback);
+    }
+function handleMovement(direction, steps, callback) {
+    let stepCount = 0;
+    const moveInterval = setInterval(() => {
+        if (stepCount >= steps) {
+            clearInterval(moveInterval);
+            callback();
+            return;
+        }
+        const { x, y } = player.position;
+        if (direction === 'up' && y > 0) {
+            updatePlayerPosition(x, y - 1);
+        } else if (direction === 'down' && y < grid[0].length - 1) {
+            updatePlayerPosition(x, y + 1);
+        } else if (direction === 'left' && x > 0) {
+            updatePlayerPosition(x - 1, y);
+        } else if (direction === 'right' && x < grid.length - 1) {
+            updatePlayerPosition(x + 1, y);
+        }
+        console.log(`Moved ${direction}, new position is (${player.position.x}, ${player.position.y})`);
+        player.steps += 1;
+        if (player.steps % 8 === 0) {
+            player.endurance = Math.max(player.endurance - 1, 0);  // Decrease endurance but not below 0
+            if (player.endurance <= 0) {
+                player.health -= 1;
+                console.log(`Endurance depleted, health is now ${player.health}`);
+                if (player.health <= 0) {
+                    alertGameOver();
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            console.log(`Endurance decreased, endurance is now ${player.endurance}`);
-    };
-    const executeCommands = (parsedCommands) => {
-        parsedCommands.forEach(cmd => executeCommand(cmd));
-    };
+        drawGrid(grid);
+        updatePlayerStatus();
+        stepCount++;
+    }, 500); // Adjust the interval time for speed of animation
-    return {
-        registerCommand,
-        executeCommand,
-        executeCommands
-    };
+function flashPlayer(callback) {
+    player.flashing = true;
+    drawGrid(grid);
+    setTimeout(() => {
+        player.flashing = false;
+        drawGrid(grid);
+        updatePlayerStatus();
+        if (callback) callback();
+    }, 250); // Flash duration
-export default createCommandHandler;
+function isMovementCommand(action) {
+    return ['up', 'down', 'left', 'right'].includes(action);