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path: root/picat/exs.pi
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Diffstat (limited to 'picat/exs.pi')
1 files changed, 594 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/picat/exs.pi b/picat/exs.pi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17f8083
--- /dev/null
+++ b/picat/exs.pi
@@ -0,0 +1,594 @@
+/* Several examples in Picat */

+/**** begin file exs.pi ****/

+import cp, planner.   






+% Here are several versions for computing Fibonacci numbers 

+% A predicate

+fibp(0,F) => F = 1.

+fibp(1,F) => F = 1.

+fibp(N,F),N>1 => fibp(N-1,F1), fibp(N-2,F2), F = F1+F2.


+% A function

+fibf(0)=F => F = 1.

+fibf(1)=F => F = 1.

+fibf(N)=F, N>1 => F = fibf(N-1)+fibf(N-2).


+% A function with function facts

+fibfa(0) = 1.

+fibfa(1) = 1.

+fibfa(N) = fibfa(N-1)+fibfa(N-2).


+% Using if-then-else

+fibi(N) = F => 

+    if N == 0 then

+        F = 1

+    elseif N == 1 then

+        F = 1

+    else

+        F =  fibg(N-1)+fibg(N-2)

+    end.


+% Using Prolog-style if-then-else

+fibg(N) = F => 

+    (N == 0 -> 

+        F = 1

+    ;N == 1 ->

+        F = 1

+    ; 

+        F = fibg(N-1)+fibg(N-2)

+    ).


+% Using a conditional expression

+fibc(N) = cond((N == 0; N == 1), 1, fibc(N-1)+fibc(N-2)).


+% A tabled function


+fibt(0) = 1.

+fibt(1) = 1.

+fibt(N) = fibt(N-1)+fibt(N-2).


+% A nondeterministic predicate with a backtrackable rule

+my_member(Y,[X|_]) ?=> Y = X.

+my_member(Y,[_|L]) => my_member(Y,L).


+my_between(From,To,X), From == To => X = From.

+my_between(From,To,X),From < To => X = From; my_between(From+1,To,X).


+my_select(Y,[X|L],LR) ?=> Y = X, LR = L.

+my_select(Y,[X|L],LR) => LR = [X|LRR], my_select(Y,L,LRR).


+my_permutation([],P) => P = [].

+my_permutation(L,P) => 

+    P = [X|PR],                    

+    my_select(X,L,LR),

+    my_permutation(LR,PR).


+% predicate facts

+index(+,-) (-,+)






+% several sort algorithms

+merge_sort([]) = [].

+merge_sort([X]) = [X].

+merge_sort(L) = SL => split(L,L1,L2), SL = merge(merge_sort(L1),merge_sort(L2)).


+split([X,Y|Zs],L1,L2) => L1 = [X|LL1], L2 = [Y|LL2], split(Zs,LL1,LL2).

+split(Zs,L1,L2) => L1 = Zs,L2 = [].


+merge([],Ys) = Ys.

+merge(Xs,[]) = Xs.

+merge([X|Xs],Ys@[Y|_]) = [X|Zs], X < Y => Zs = merge(Xs,Ys).  % Ys@[Y|_] is an as-pattern

+merge(Xs,[Y|Ys]) = [Y|Zs] => Zs = merge(Xs,Ys).


+insert_sort([]) = [].

+insert_sort([H|T]) = insert(H,insert_sort(T)).



+insert(X,[]) = [X].

+insert(X,Ys@[Y|_]) = Zs, X =< Y => Zs = [X|Ys].

+insert(X,[Y|Ys]) = [Y|insert(X,Ys)].


+% two versions that return the minumum and maximum of a list

+% a predicate

+min_max_p([H|T],Min,Max) => min_max_p_aux(T,H,Min,H,Max).


+% A private function is not visiable outside


+min_max_p_aux([],CMin,Min,CMax,Max) => CMin = Min,CMax = Max.

+min_max_p_aux([H|T],CMin,Min,CMax,Max) => min_max_p_aux(T,min(CMin,H),Min,max(CMax,H),Max).


+% a function that returns the minimum and maximum of a list as a pair 

+min_max([H|T]) = min_max_aux(T,H,H).



+min_max_aux([],CMin,CMax) = (CMin,CMax).

+min_max_aux([H|T],CMin,CMax) = min_max_aux(T,min(CMin,H),max(CMax,H)).


+% return the sum of a list

+sum_list(L) = Sum =>

+    sum_list_aux(L,0,Sum).


+% a private predicate is never exported


+sum_list_aux([],Acc,Sum) => Sum = Acc.

+sum_list_aux([X|L],Acc,Sum) => sum_list_aux(L,Acc+X,Sum).


+% two lists that are structually equal, e.g., struct_equal(X,[a]) fails

+struct_equal(A,B),atomic(A) => A == B.

+struct_equal([H1|T1],[H2|T2]) =>

+  struct_equal(H1,H2),

+  struct_equal(T1,T2).


+is_sorted([]) => true.

+is_sorted([_]) => true.

+is_sorted([X|L@[Y|_]]) =>X @<= Y, is_sorted(L).


+% An empty tree is represented by {}, and a non-empty binary tree is 

+% represented by its root, which takes form {Val,Left,Right}.


+is_btree({}) => true.

+is_btree({_Val,Left,Right}) =>

+    is_btree(Left),

+    is_btree(Right).


+inorder({}) = [].

+inorder({Val,Left,Right}) = inorder(Left) ++ [Val] ++ inorder(Right).


+% binary search tree

+is_bstree({}) => true.

+is_bstree(BT@{Val,Left,Right}) =>

+    is_bstree(Left,min_bstree(BT),Val),

+    is_bstree(Right,Val,max_bstree(BT)).


+is_bstree({},_,_) => true.

+is_bstree({Val,Left,Right},Min,Max) => 

+    Val @>= Min,  Val @=< Max,

+    is_bstree(Left,Min,Val),

+    is_bstree(Right,Val,Max).


+min_bstree({Elm,{},_Right}) = Elm.

+min_bstree({_Elm,Left,_Right}) = min_bstree(Left).


+max_bstree({Elm,_Left,{}}) = Elm.

+max_bstree({_Elm,_Left,Right}) = max_bstree(Right).


+lookup_bstree({Elm,_,_},Elm) => true.

+lookup_bstree({Val,Left,_},Elm), Elm < Val => 

+    lookup_bstree(Left,Elm).

+lookup_bstree({_,_,Right},Elm) =>

+    lookup_bstree(Right,Elm).


+tree_inst1 = {6, {5, {4, {}, {}}, 

+                     {7, {}, {}}}, 

+                 {8, {3, {}, {}}, 

+                     {9, {}, {}}}}.


+tree_inst2 = {7, {5, {4, {}, {}}, 

+                     {6, {}, {}}}, 

+                 {8, {8, {}, {}}, 

+                     {9, {}, {}}}}.


+test_btree =>

+    Tree1 = tree_inst1(),

+    println(inorder(Tree1)),

+    println(cond(is_bstree(Tree1),"a binary search tree","not a binary search tree")),

+    Tree2 = tree_inst2(),

+    println(inorder(Tree2)),

+    println(cond(is_bstree(Tree2),"a binary search tree","not a binary search tree")).


+% An example that uses data constructors

+% A term in the form of $f(X) is a data constructor 

+divide_main => 

+   Exp= $((((((((x/x)/x)/x)/x)/x)/x)/x)/x)/x,

+   d(Exp,x,D),

+   writeln(D).


+d(U+V,X,D) => 

+    D = $DU+DV,

+    d(U,X,DU),

+    d(V,X,DV).

+d(U-V,X,D) =>

+    D = $DU-DV,

+    d(U,X,DU),

+    d(V,X,DV).

+d(U*V,X,D) =>

+    D = $DU*V+U*DV,

+    d(U,X,DU),

+    d(V,X,DV).

+d(U/V,X,D) =>

+    D = $(DU*V-U*DV)/(^(V,2)),

+    d(U,X,DU),

+    d(V,X,DV).

+d(^(U,N),X,D) =>

+    D = $DU*N*(^(U,N1)),

+    integer(N),

+    N1 = N-1,

+    d(U,X,DU).

+d(-U,X,D) =>

+    D = $-DU,

+    d(U,X,DU).

+d(exp(U),X,D) =>

+    D = $exp(U)*DU,

+    d(U,X,DU).

+d(log(U),X,D) =>

+    D = $DU/U,

+    d(U,X,DU).

+d(X,X,D) => D=1.

+d(_,_,D) => D=0.



+%%% LOOPS


+% another version for summing up a list 

+sum_list_imp(L) = Sum =>

+    S = 0,

+    foreach (X in L)

+       S := S+X

+    end,

+    Sum = S.


+% using a loop to find the minimum and maximum of a list

+min_max_ip([H|T], Min, Max) =>

+    LMin = H,

+    LMax = H,

+    foreach (E in T)

+        LMin := min(LMin, E),

+        LMax := max(LMax, E)

+    end,

+    Min = LMin,

+    Max = LMax.


+% draw the Pascal triangle

+pascal =>

+    print("enter an integer:"),

+    N = read_int(),

+    foreach(I in 0..N)

+        Num := 1,

+        foreach(K in 1..I+1) 

+            printf("%d ",Num),

+            Num := Num*(I-K+1) div K

+        end,

+        nl

+    end.


+% another solution

+pascal2 =>

+    print("enter an integer:"),

+    N = read_int(),

+    Row = [1], 

+    foreach(_I in 1..N)

+        writeln(Row),

+        Row := next_row(Row)

+    end.



+next_row(Row)=Res =>

+    NewRow = [1], Prev = 1,

+    foreach (K in tail(Row))

+        NewRow := [Prev+K|NewRow],

+        Prev := K

+    end,

+    Res = [1|NewRow].


+/* another definition, not so efficient because Row[I] takes O(I) time


+next_row(Row) = [1] ++ [Row[I]+Row[I+1] : I in 1..Row.length-1] ++ [1].







+% a list comprehension inside another list comprehension

+% Picat> L=list_of_lists(5)

+% L = [[1],[1,2] [1,2,3],[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4,5]]

+list_of_lists(N) = [[Y : Y in 1..X] : X in 1..N].   


+% another definition

+another_list_of_lists(N) = [1..X : X in 1..N].   


+qsort([]) = [].

+qsort([H|T]) = qsort([E : E in T, E =< H])++[H]++qsort([E : E in T, E>H]).


+power_set([]) = [[]].

+power_set([H|T]) = P1++P2 =>

+    P1 = power_set(T),

+    P2 = [[H|S] : S in P1].


+% generate permutations

+perm([]) = [[]].

+perm(Lst) = [[E|P] : E in Lst, P in perm(Lst.delete(E))].


+%another definition

+perm1([]) = [[]].

+perm1([H|T]) = [insert(P,I,H) : P in Ps, I in 1..P.length+1] => Ps = perm1(T).


+% A*B=C

+matrix_multi(A,B) = C =>

+    C = new_array(A.length,B[1].length),

+    foreach(I in 1..A.length, J in 1..B[1].length)

+        C[I,J] = sum([A[I,K]*B[K,J] : K in 1..A[1].length])

+    end.


+% Sieve of Eratosthenes

+my_primes(N) = L =>

+    A = new_array(N),

+    foreach(I in 2..floor(sqrt(N)))

+        if (var(A[I])) then

+            foreach(J in I**2..I..N)

+                A[J] = 0

+            end

+         end

+     end,

+     L = [I : I in 2..N, var(A[I])].






+% mode-directed tabling

+% finding shortest paths on a graph given by the relation edge/3.


+sp(X,Y,Path,W) ?=>

+    Path=[(X,Y)],

+    edge(X,Y,W).

+sp(X,Y,Path,W) =>

+    Path = [(X,Z)|PathR],

+    edge(X,Z,W1),

+    sp(Z,Y,PathR,W2),

+    W = W1+W2.


+index(+,-,-) (+,+,-)






+% binomial coefficient

+bc(_N,0) = 1.

+bc(N,N) = 1.

+bc(N,1) = N.

+bc(N,K) = bc(N-1,K-1) + bc(N-1,K).


+% computing the minimal editing distance of two given lists


+edit([],[],D) => D=0.

+edit([X|Xs],[X|Ys],D) =>   % copy

+    edit(Xs,Ys,D).

+edit(Xs,[_Y|Ys],D) ?=>      % insert

+    edit(Xs,Ys,D1),

+    D = D1+1.

+edit([_X|Xs],Ys,D) =>       % delete

+    edit(Xs,Ys,D1),

+    D = D1+1.


+% the Farmer's problem (use planner)

+farmer =>

+    S0 = [s,s,s,s],

+    plan(S0,Plan),

+    println(Plan).


+final([n,n,n,n]) => true.


+action([F,F,G,C],S1,Action,ActionCost) ?=>

+    Action = farmer_wolf,

+    ActionCost = 1,        

+    opposite(F,F1),

+    S1 = [F1,F1,G,C],

+    not unsafe(S1).

+action([F,W,F,C],S1,Action,ActionCost) ?=>

+    Action = farmer_goat,

+    ActionCost = 1,        

+    opposite(F,F1),

+    S1 = [F1,W,F1,C],

+    not unsafe(S1).

+action([F,W,G,F],S1,Action,ActionCost) ?=>

+    Action = farmer_cabbage,

+    ActionCost = 1,        

+    opposite(F,F1),

+    S1 = [F1,W,G,F1],

+    not unsafe(S1).

+action([F,W,G,C],S1,Action,ActionCost) =>

+    Action = farmer_alone,

+    ActionCost = 1,        

+    opposite(F,F1),

+    S1 = [F1,W,G,C],

+    not unsafe(S1).


+index (+,-) (-,+)




+unsafe([F,W,G,_C]),W == G,F !== W => true.

+unsafe([F,_W,G,C]),G == C,F !== G => true.







+sendmory => 

+    Vars = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y],    % generate variables

+    Vars :: 0..9,

+    all_different(Vars),       % generate constraints

+    S #!= 0,

+    M #!= 0,

+    1000*S+100*E+10*N+D+1000*M+100*O+10*R+E 

+    #= 10000*M+1000*O+100*N+10*E+Y,

+    solve(Vars),               %  search

+    writeln(Vars).


+% N-queens

+queens(N) =>

+    Qs = new_array(N),

+    Qs :: 1..N,

+    foreach (I in 1..N-1, J in I+1..N)

+        Qs[I] #!= Qs[J],

+        abs(Qs[I]-Qs[J]) #!= J-I

+    end,

+    solve([ff],Qs),

+    writeln(Qs).


+% another program for N-queens

+queens2(N, Q) =>

+    Q = new_list(N),

+    Q :: 1..N,

+    Q2 = [$Q[I]+I : I in 1..N],

+    Q3 = [$Q[I]-I : I in 1..N],

+    all_different(Q),

+    all_different(Q2),

+    all_different(Q3),       

+    solve([ff],Q).


+% graph coloring (reuse edge/2 defined above)

+color(NV,NC) =>

+    A = new_array(NV),

+    A :: 1..NC,

+    foreach(I in 1..NV-1, J in I+1..NV)

+        if edge(I,J);edge(J,I) then

+             A[I] #!= A[J]

+        end

+    end,

+    solve(A),

+    writeln(A).


+% a 0-1 integer model for graph coloring

+bcolor(NV,NC) =>

+    A = new_array(NV,NC),

+    A :: [0,1],

+    foreach(I in 1..NV)

+        sum([A[I,K] : K in 1..NC]) #= 1

+    end,

+    foreach(I in 1..NV-1, J in I+1..NV)

+        if edge(I,J);edge(J,I) then

+             foreach(K in 1..NC)

+                 #~ A[I,K] #\/ #~ A[J,K]

+             end

+        end

+    end,

+    solve(A),

+    writeln(A).




+%%% I/O



+% Read a list of integers, stopping when 0 is read

+read_array_main =>

+    A = new_array(100),

+    Len = read_array(A),

+    foreach (I in 1..Len)

+        writeln(A[I])

+    end.


+read_array(A) = Len =>

+    Count = 0,

+    E = read_int(),         % read from stdin

+    while (E != 0) 

+        Count := Count+1,

+        A[Count] = E,

+        E := read_int()

+    end,

+    Len = Count.


+% copy a text file line-by-line

+copy(IName,OName) =>

+    IStream = open(IName),

+    OStream = open(OName,write),

+    Line = IStream.read_line(),

+    while (Line != end_of_file)

+        OStream.printf("%s%n",Line),

+        Line := IStream.read_line()

+    end,

+    close(IStream),

+    close(OStream).


+% Picat> output_students([$student("john","cs",3),$student("mary","math",4.0)])

+%      john         cs  3.00

+%      mary       math  4.00

+output_students(Students) =>

+    foreach($student(Name,Major,GPA) in Students)

+        printf("%10s %10s %5.2f%n",Name,Major,to_real(GPA))

+    end.



+%%% HIGHER-ORDER (not recommended because of poor performance)


+% Picat> my_map(-,[1,2,3]) = L

+% L = [-1,-2,-3]

+% Picat> my_map(+,[1,2,3],[4,5,6]) = L

+% L = [5,6,7]

+% Picat> my_fold(+,0,[1,2,3]) = S

+% S = 6


+my_map(_F,[]) = [].

+my_map(F,[X|Xs]) = [apply(F,X)|my_map(F,Xs)].


+my_map(_F,[],[]) = [].

+my_map(F,[X|Xs],[Y|Ys]) = [apply(F,X,Y)|my_map(F,Xs,Ys)].


+my_fold(_F,Acc,[]) = Acc.

+my_fold(F,Acc,[H|T]) = my_fold(F, apply(F,H,Acc),T).





+test_ar =>

+    watch_event(X), 

+    watch_dom(X),

+    watch_dom_any(X),

+    watch_ins(X),

+    watch_bound(X),

+    X.post_event(event),

+    X.post_event_dom(dom),

+    X.post_event_ins(),

+    X.post_event_bound(),

+    X.post_event_any(any).



+    {event(X,T)}


+    writeln($event(T)).



+    {dom(X,T)}


+    writeln($dom(T)).



+    {dom_any(X,T)}


+    writeln($dom_any(T)).



+    {ins(X)}


+    writeln($ins(X)).



+    {bound(X)}


+    writeln($bound(X)).






+catch_divided_by_zero =>

+   catch(write(myd(4,0)),E, $handle(E)).




+handle(E) =>

+    writeln(E),

+    throw(E).  % just re-throw it


+/**** end file exs.pi ****/