type environment {
screen: (handle screen)
functions: (handle function)
sandboxes: (handle sandbox)
nrows: int
ncols: int
code-separator-col: int
fn initialize-environment _env: (addr environment) {
var env/esi: (addr environment) <- copy _env
# initialize some predefined function definitions
var functions/eax: (addr handle function) <- get env, functions
create-primitive-functions functions
# initialize first sandbox
var sandbox-ah/eax: (addr handle sandbox) <- get env, sandboxes
allocate sandbox-ah
var sandbox/eax: (addr sandbox) <- lookup *sandbox-ah
initialize-sandbox sandbox
# initialize screen
var screen-ah/eax: (addr handle screen) <- get env, screen
var _screen/eax: (addr screen) <- lookup *screen-ah
var screen/edi: (addr screen) <- copy _screen
var nrows/eax: int <- copy 0
var ncols/ecx: int <- copy 0
nrows, ncols <- screen-size screen
var dest/edx: (addr int) <- get env, nrows
copy-to *dest, nrows
dest <- get env, ncols
copy-to *dest, ncols
var repl-col/ecx: int <- copy ncols
repl-col <- shift-right 1
dest <- get env, code-separator-col
copy-to *dest, repl-col
fn draw-screen _env: (addr environment) {
var env/esi: (addr environment) <- copy _env
var screen-ah/eax: (addr handle screen) <- get env, screen
var _screen/eax: (addr screen) <- lookup *screen-ah
var screen/edi: (addr screen) <- copy _screen
var dest/edx: (addr int) <- get env, code-separator-col
var tmp/eax: int <- copy *dest
clear-canvas env
tmp <- add 2 # repl-margin-left
move-cursor screen, 3, tmp # input-row
fn initialize-environment-with-fake-screen _self: (addr environment), nrows: int, ncols: int {
var self/esi: (addr environment) <- copy _self
var screen-ah/eax: (addr handle screen) <- get self, screen
allocate screen-ah
var screen-addr/eax: (addr screen) <- lookup *screen-ah
initialize-screen screen-addr, nrows, ncols
initialize-environment self
fn process _self: (addr environment), key: grapheme {
$process:body: {
var self/esi: (addr environment) <- copy _self
var functions/ecx: (addr handle function) <- get self, functions
var sandbox-ah/eax: (addr handle sandbox) <- get self, sandboxes
var _sandbox/eax: (addr sandbox) <- lookup *sandbox-ah
var sandbox/edi: (addr sandbox) <- copy _sandbox
var cursor-word-storage: (handle word)
var cursor-word-ah/ebx: (addr handle word) <- address cursor-word-storage
#? {
#? print-string 0, "A: line starts with "
#? var line-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- get sandbox, data
#? var line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
#? var first-word-ah/eax: (addr handle word) <- get line, data
#? var curr-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *first-word-ah
#? print-word 0, curr-word
#? print-string 0, "\n"
#? }
get-cursor-word sandbox, functions, cursor-word-ah
#? {
#? print-string 0, "Z: line starts with "
#? var line-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- get sandbox, data
#? var line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
#? var first-word-ah/eax: (addr handle word) <- get line, data
#? var curr-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *first-word-ah
#? print-word 0, curr-word
#? print-string 0, "\n"
#? }
var _cursor-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *cursor-word-ah
var cursor-word/ecx: (addr word) <- copy _cursor-word
compare key, 0x445b1b # left-arrow
$process:key-left-arrow: {
#? print-string 0, "left-arrow\n"
# if not at start, move left within current word
var at-start?/eax: boolean <- cursor-at-start? cursor-word
compare at-start?, 0 # false
#? print-string 0, "cursor left within word\n"
cursor-left cursor-word
break $process:body
# if current word is expanded, move to the rightmost word in its body
var cursor-call-path/esi: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
var expanded-words/edx: (addr handle call-path) <- get sandbox, expanded-words
var curr-word-is-expanded?/eax: boolean <- find-in-call-path expanded-words, cursor-call-path
compare curr-word-is-expanded?, 0 # false
# update cursor-call-path
#? print-string 0, "curr word is expanded\n"
var self/ecx: (addr environment) <- copy _self
var functions/ecx: (addr handle function) <- get self, functions
var n/eax: int <- body-length functions, cursor-word-ah
n <- decrement
push-to-call-path-element cursor-call-path, n
# move cursor to end of word
get-cursor-word sandbox, functions, cursor-word-ah
var cursor-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *cursor-word-ah
cursor-to-end cursor-word
break $process:body
# if at first word, look for a caller to jump to
$process:key-left-arrow-first-word: {
var prev-word-ah/edx: (addr handle word) <- get cursor-word, prev
var prev-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *prev-word-ah
compare prev-word, 0
$process:key-left-arrow-first-word-and-caller: {
#? print-string 0, "return\n"
var cursor-call-path-ah/edi: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *cursor-call-path-ah
var next-cursor-element-ah/edx: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get cursor-call-path, next
var next-cursor-element/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *next-cursor-element-ah
compare next-cursor-element, 0
break-if-= $process:key-left-arrow-first-word-and-caller
copy-object next-cursor-element-ah, cursor-call-path-ah
var functions/eax: (addr handle function) <- get self, functions
get-cursor-word sandbox, functions, cursor-word-ah
var _cursor-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *cursor-word-ah
cursor-word <- copy _cursor-word
# then move to end of previous word
var prev-word-ah/edx: (addr handle word) <- get cursor-word, prev
var prev-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *prev-word-ah
compare prev-word, 0
#? print-string 0, "previous word\n"
copy-object prev-word-ah, cursor-word-ah
cursor-to-end prev-word
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
decrement-final-element cursor-call-path
break $process:body
compare key, 0x435b1b # right-arrow
$process:key-right-arrow: {
# if not at end, move right within current word
var at-end?/eax: boolean <- cursor-at-end? cursor-word
compare at-end?, 0 # false
#? print-string 0, "a\n"
cursor-right cursor-word
break $process:body
# if at final word, look for a caller to jump to
var next-word-ah/edx: (addr handle word) <- get cursor-word, next
var next-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *next-word-ah
compare next-word, 0
var cursor-call-path-ah/edi: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *cursor-call-path-ah
var next-cursor-element-ah/ecx: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get cursor-call-path, next
var next-cursor-element/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *next-cursor-element-ah
compare next-cursor-element, 0
copy-object next-cursor-element-ah, cursor-call-path-ah
break $process:body
# otherwise, move to the next word
var next-word-ah/edx: (addr handle word) <- get cursor-word, next
var next-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *next-word-ah
compare next-word, 0
#? print-string 0, "b\n"
cursor-to-start next-word
# . . cursor-word now out of date
var cursor-call-path/ecx: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
increment-final-element cursor-call-path
# Is the new cursor word expanded? If so, it's a function call. Add a
# new level to the cursor-call-path for the call's body.
#? print-string 0, "c\n"
var expanded-words/eax: (addr handle call-path) <- get sandbox, expanded-words
var curr-word-is-expanded?/eax: boolean <- find-in-call-path expanded-words, cursor-call-path
compare curr-word-is-expanded?, 0 # false
push-to-call-path-element cursor-call-path, 0
# position cursor at left
var functions/eax: (addr handle function) <- get self, functions
get-cursor-word sandbox, functions, cursor-word-ah
var cursor-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *cursor-word-ah
cursor-to-start cursor-word
#? print-string 0, "d\n"
break $process:body
break $process:body
compare key, 0xa # enter
# toggle display of subsidiary stack
toggle-cursor-word sandbox
break $process:body
# word-based motions
compare key, 2 # ctrl-b
$process:prev-word: {
#? print-string 0, "AA\n"
# jump to previous word at same level
var prev-word-ah/edx: (addr handle word) <- get cursor-word, prev
var prev-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *prev-word-ah
compare prev-word, 0
copy-object prev-word-ah, cursor-word-ah
cursor-to-end prev-word
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
decrement-final-element cursor-call-path
break $process:body
# if previous word doesn't exist, try to bump up one level
#? print-string 0, "BB\n"
var cursor-call-path-ah/edi: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *cursor-call-path-ah
var caller-cursor-element-ah/ecx: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get cursor-call-path, next
var caller-cursor-element/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *caller-cursor-element-ah
compare caller-cursor-element, 0
# check if previous word exists in caller
#? print-string 0, "CC\n"
var caller-index/eax: (addr int) <- get caller-cursor-element, index-in-body
compare *caller-index, 0
# if so jump to it
#? print-string 0, "DD\n"
copy-object caller-cursor-element-ah, cursor-call-path-ah
decrement-final-element cursor-call-path-ah
break $process:body
compare key, 6 # ctrl-f
$process:next-word: {
#? print-string 0, "AA\n"
# jump to previous word at same level
var next-word-ah/edx: (addr handle word) <- get cursor-word, next
var next-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *next-word-ah
compare next-word, 0
#? print-string 0, "BB\n"
copy-object next-word-ah, cursor-word-ah
cursor-to-end next-word
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
increment-final-element cursor-call-path
break $process:body
# if next word doesn't exist, try to bump up one level
#? print-string 0, "CC\n"
var cursor-call-path-ah/edi: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *cursor-call-path-ah
var caller-cursor-element-ah/ecx: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get cursor-call-path, next
var caller-cursor-element/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *caller-cursor-element-ah
compare caller-cursor-element, 0
#? print-string 0, "DD\n"
copy-object caller-cursor-element-ah, cursor-call-path-ah
break $process:body
# line-based motions
compare key, 1 # ctrl-a
$process:start-of-line: {
# move cursor to initial word of sandbox
var cursor-call-path-ah/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
allocate cursor-call-path-ah
# move cursor to start of initial word
var functions/ecx: (addr handle function) <- get self, functions
get-cursor-word sandbox, functions, cursor-word-ah
var cursor-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *cursor-word-ah
cursor-to-start cursor-word
# this works as long as the first word isn't expanded
# but we don't expect to see zero-arg functions first-up
break $process:body
compare key, 5 # ctrl-e
$process:end-of-line: {
# move cursor to final word of sandbox
var cursor-call-path-ah/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
allocate cursor-call-path-ah
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *cursor-call-path-ah
var dest/edx: (addr int) <- get cursor-call-path, index-in-body
var line-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- get sandbox, data
var line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
var n/eax: int <- line-length line
n <- decrement
copy-to *dest, n
# move cursor to end of final word
var functions/ecx: (addr handle function) <- get self, functions
get-cursor-word sandbox, functions, cursor-word-ah
var cursor-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *cursor-word-ah
cursor-to-end cursor-word
# this works because expanded words lie to the right of their bodies
# so the final word is always guaranteed to be at the top-level
break $process:body
compare key, 0x15 # ctrl-u
$process:clear-line: {
# clear line in sandbox
var cursor-call-path-ah/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
allocate cursor-call-path-ah
var line-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- get sandbox, data
allocate line-ah
var line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
initialize-line line
break $process:body
# if cursor is within a call, disable editing hotkeys below
var cursor-call-path-ah/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *cursor-call-path-ah
var next-cursor-element-ah/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get cursor-call-path, next
var next-cursor-element/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *next-cursor-element-ah
compare next-cursor-element, 0
break-if-!= $process:body
# - remaining keys only work at the top row outside any function calls
compare key, 0x7f # del (backspace on Macs)
# if not at start of some word, delete grapheme before cursor within current word
var at-start?/eax: boolean <- cursor-at-start? cursor-word
compare at-start?, 0 # false
delete-before-cursor cursor-word
break $process:body
# otherwise delete current word and move to end of prev word
var prev-word-ah/eax: (addr handle word) <- get cursor-word, prev
var prev-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *prev-word-ah
compare prev-word, 0
cursor-to-end prev-word
delete-next prev-word
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
decrement-final-element cursor-call-path
break $process:body
compare key, 0x20 # space
# insert new word
append-word cursor-word-ah
var cursor-call-path/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
increment-final-element cursor-call-path
break $process:body
# otherwise insert key within current word
var g/edx: grapheme <- copy key
var print?/eax: boolean <- real-grapheme? key
compare print?, 0 # false
add-grapheme-to-word cursor-word, g
break $process:body
# silently ignore other hotkeys
fn get-cursor-word _sandbox: (addr sandbox), functions: (addr handle function), out: (addr handle word) {
var sandbox/esi: (addr sandbox) <- copy _sandbox
var cursor-call-path/edi: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
var line/ecx: (addr handle line) <- get sandbox, data
#? {
#? print-string 0, "B: line starts with "
#? var line-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- get sandbox, data
#? var line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
#? var first-word-ah/eax: (addr handle word) <- get line, data
#? var curr-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *first-word-ah
#? print-word 0, curr-word
#? print-string 0, "\n"
#? }
get-word-from-path line, functions, cursor-call-path, out
#? {
#? print-string 0, "Y: line starts with "
#? var line-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- get sandbox, data
#? var line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
#? var first-word-ah/eax: (addr handle word) <- get line, data
#? var curr-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *first-word-ah
#? print-word 0, curr-word
#? print-string 0, "\n"
#? }
fn get-word-from-path _line: (addr handle line), functions: (addr handle function), _path-ah: (addr handle call-path-element), out: (addr handle word) {
# var tmp = line
# if (path->next)
# get-word-from-path(line, functions, path->next, out)
# tmp = function-body(functions, out)
# word-index(tmp, path->index-in-body, out)
#? print-string 0, "C\n"
var tmp: (handle line)
var tmp-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- address tmp
copy-object _line, tmp-ah
var path-ah/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- copy _path-ah
var _path/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *path-ah
var path/ecx: (addr call-path-element) <- copy _path
var next-ah/edx: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get path, next
var next/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *next-ah
compare next, 0
get-word-from-path _line, functions, next-ah, out
#? {
#? print-string 0, "D: line starts with "
#? var line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
#? var words/eax: (addr handle word) <- get line, data
#? var curr-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *words
#? print-word 0, curr-word
#? print-string 0, "\n"
#? }
var tmp-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- address tmp
function-body functions, out, tmp-ah
#? {
#? print-string 0, "G: line starts with "
#? var line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
#? var words/eax: (addr handle word) <- get line, data
#? var curr-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *words
#? print-word 0, curr-word
#? print-string 0, "\n"
#? }
# TODO: support multiple levels
var n/ecx: (addr int) <- get path, index-in-body
var line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup tmp
var words/eax: (addr handle word) <- get line, data
#? {
#? print-string 0, "M: line starts with "
#? var curr-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *words
#? print-word 0, curr-word
#? print-string 0, "\n"
#? }
word-index words, *n, out
#? {
#? print-string 0, "P: line starts with "
#? var curr-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *words
#? print-word 0, curr-word
#? print-string 0, "\n"
#? }
#? print-string 0, "X\n"
fn word-index _words: (addr handle word), _n: int, out: (addr handle word) {
$word-index:body: {
var n/ecx: int <- copy _n
compare n, 0
copy-object _words, out
break $word-index:body
var words-ah/eax: (addr handle word) <- copy _words
var words/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *words-ah
var next/eax: (addr handle word) <- get words, next
n <- decrement
word-index next, n, out
fn toggle-cursor-word _sandbox: (addr sandbox) {
$toggle-cursor-word:body: {
var sandbox/esi: (addr sandbox) <- copy _sandbox
var expanded-words/edi: (addr handle call-path) <- get sandbox, expanded-words
var cursor-call-path/ecx: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
#? print-string 0, "cursor call path: "
#? dump-call-path-element 0, cursor-call-path
#? print-string 0, "expanded words:\n"
#? dump-call-paths 0, expanded-words
var already-expanded?/eax: boolean <- find-in-call-path expanded-words, cursor-call-path
compare already-expanded?, 0 # false
#? print-string 0, "expand\n"
# if not already-expanded, insert
insert-in-call-path expanded-words cursor-call-path
#? print-string 0, "expanded words now:\n"
#? dump-call-paths 0, expanded-words
break $toggle-cursor-word:body
# otherwise delete
delete-in-call-path expanded-words cursor-call-path
fn evaluate-environment _env: (addr environment), stack: (addr value-stack) {
var env/esi: (addr environment) <- copy _env
# functions
var functions/edx: (addr handle function) <- get env, functions
# line
var sandbox-ah/esi: (addr handle sandbox) <- get env, sandboxes
var sandbox/eax: (addr sandbox) <- lookup *sandbox-ah
var line-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- get sandbox, data
var _line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
var line/esi: (addr line) <- copy _line
evaluate functions, 0, line, 0, stack
fn render _env: (addr environment) {
var env/esi: (addr environment) <- copy _env
clear-canvas env
# screen
var screen-ah/eax: (addr handle screen) <- get env, screen
var _screen/eax: (addr screen) <- lookup *screen-ah
var screen/edi: (addr screen) <- copy _screen
# repl-col
var _repl-col/eax: (addr int) <- get env, code-separator-col
var repl-col/ecx: int <- copy *_repl-col
repl-col <- add 2 # repl-margin-left
# functions
var functions/edx: (addr handle function) <- get env, functions
# sandbox
var sandbox-ah/eax: (addr handle sandbox) <- get env, sandboxes
var sandbox/eax: (addr sandbox) <- lookup *sandbox-ah
#? {
#? var line-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- get sandbox, data
#? var line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
#? var first-word-ah/eax: (addr handle word) <- get line, data
#? var curr-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *first-word-ah
#? print-word 0, curr-word
#? print-string 0, "\n"
#? }
render-sandbox screen, functions, 0, sandbox, 3, repl-col
fn render-sandbox screen: (addr screen), functions: (addr handle function), bindings: (addr table), _sandbox: (addr sandbox), top-row: int, left-col: int {
var sandbox/esi: (addr sandbox) <- copy _sandbox
#? print-string 0, "rendering sandbox from "
#? print-int32-decimal 0, left-col
#? print-string 0, "\n"
# expanded-words
var expanded-words/edi: (addr handle call-path) <- get sandbox, expanded-words
# line
var line-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- get sandbox, data
var _line/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *line-ah
var line/ecx: (addr line) <- copy _line
# cursor-word
var cursor-word-storage: (handle word)
var cursor-word-ah/eax: (addr handle word) <- address cursor-word-storage
get-cursor-word sandbox, functions, cursor-word-ah
var _cursor-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *cursor-word-ah
var cursor-word/ebx: (addr word) <- copy _cursor-word
# cursor-col
var cursor-col: int
var cursor-col-a/edx: (addr int) <- address cursor-col
# cursor-call-path
var cursor-call-path: (addr handle call-path-element)
var src/eax: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
copy-to cursor-call-path, src
var curr-path-storage: (handle call-path-element)
var curr-path/esi: (addr handle call-path-element) <- address curr-path-storage
allocate curr-path # leak
#? print-string 0, "==\n"
var dummy/ecx: int <- render-line screen, functions, 0, line, expanded-words, 3, left-col, curr-path, cursor-word, cursor-call-path, cursor-col-a # input-row=3
var cursor-row/eax: int <- call-depth-at-cursor _sandbox
move-cursor screen, cursor-row, cursor-col
fn call-depth-at-cursor _sandbox: (addr sandbox) -> result/eax: int {
var sandbox/esi: (addr sandbox) <- copy _sandbox
var cursor-call-path/edi: (addr handle call-path-element) <- get sandbox, cursor-call-path
result <- call-path-element-length cursor-call-path
result <- add 2 # input-row-1
fn call-path-element-length _x: (addr handle call-path-element) -> result/eax: int {
var curr-ah/ecx: (addr handle call-path-element) <- copy _x
var out/edi: int <- copy 0
var curr/eax: (addr call-path-element) <- lookup *curr-ah
compare curr, 0
curr-ah <- get curr, next
out <- increment
result <- copy out
# Render the line of words in line, along with the state of the stack under each word.
# Also render any expanded function calls using recursive calls.
# Along the way, compute the column the cursor should be positioned at (cursor-col-a).
fn render-line screen: (addr screen), functions: (addr handle function), bindings: (addr table), _line: (addr line), expanded-words: (addr handle call-path), top-row: int, left-col: int, curr-path: (addr handle call-path-element), cursor-word: (addr word), cursor-call-path: (addr handle call-path-element), cursor-col-a: (addr int) -> right-col/ecx: int {
#? print-string 0, "--\n"
# curr-word
var line/esi: (addr line) <- copy _line
var first-word-ah/eax: (addr handle word) <- get line, data
var curr-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *first-word-ah
# loop-carried dependency
var curr-col/ecx: int <- copy left-col
compare curr-word, 0
#? print-string 0, "-- "
#? dump-call-path-element 0, curr-path
#? print-word 0, curr-word
#? print-string 0, "\n"
#? {
#? var dummy/eax: grapheme <- read-key-from-real-keyboard
#? }
# if necessary, first render columns for subsidiary stack
$render-line:subsidiary: {
#? print-string 0, "check sub\n"
var display-subsidiary-stack?/eax: boolean <- find-in-call-path expanded-words, curr-path
compare display-subsidiary-stack?, 0 # false
break-if-= $render-line:subsidiary
#? print-string 0, "render subsidiary stack\n"
# does function exist?
var callee/edi: (addr function) <- copy 0
var curr-stream-storage: (stream byte 0x10)
var curr-stream/esi: (addr stream byte) <- address curr-stream-storage
emit-word curr-word, curr-stream
var callee-h: (handle function)
var callee-ah/eax: (addr handle function) <- address callee-h
find-function functions, curr-stream, callee-ah
var _callee/eax: (addr function) <- lookup *callee-ah
callee <- copy _callee
compare callee, 0
break-if-= $render-line:subsidiary
move-cursor screen, top-row, curr-col
start-color screen, 8, 7
print-word screen, curr-word
var word-len/eax: int <- word-length curr-word
curr-col <- add word-len
curr-col <- add 2
increment top-row
# obtain stack at call site
var stack-storage: value-stack
var stack/edx: (addr value-stack) <- address stack-storage
initialize-value-stack stack, 0x10
var prev-word-ah/eax: (addr handle word) <- get curr-word, prev
var prev-word/eax: (addr word) <- lookup *prev-word-ah
compare prev-word, 0
evaluate functions, bindings, line, prev-word, stack
# construct new bindings
var callee-bindings-storage: table
var callee-bindings/esi: (addr table) <- address callee-bindings-storage
initialize-table callee-bindings, 0x10
bind-args callee, stack, callee-bindings
# obtain body
var callee-body-ah/eax: (addr handle line) <- get callee, body
var callee-body/eax: (addr line) <- lookup *callee-body-ah
# - render subsidiary stack
push-to-call-path-element curr-path, 0 # leak
curr-col <- render-line screen, functions, callee-bindings, callee-body, expanded-words, top-row, curr-col, curr-path, cursor-word, cursor-call-path, cursor-col-a
drop-from-call-path-element curr-path
move-cursor screen, top-row, curr-col
print-code-point screen, 0x21d7 # ⇗
curr-col <- add 2
decrement top-row
# debug info: print word index
#? decrement top-row
#? move-cursor screen, top-row, curr-col
#? start-color screen, 8, 7
#? {
#? var word-index-val/eax: int <- final-element-value word-index
#? print-int32-hex-bits screen, word-index-val, 4
#? }
#? reset-formatting screen
#? increment top-row
# render main column
var old-col/edx: int <- copy curr-col
#? print-string 0, "rendering line from "
#? print-int32-decimal 0, curr-col
#? print-string 0, "\n"
curr-col <- render-column screen, functions, bindings, line, curr-word, top-row, curr-col
# cache cursor column if necessary
$render-line:cache-cursor-column: {
var found?/eax: boolean <- call-path-element-match? curr-path, cursor-call-path
compare found?, 0 # false
break-if-= $render-line:cache-cursor-column
var dest/edi: (addr int) <- copy cursor-col-a
copy-to *dest, old-col
var cursor-index-in-word/eax: int <- cursor-index curr-word
add-to *dest, cursor-index-in-word
# loop update
var next-word-ah/edx: (addr handle word) <- get curr-word, next
curr-word <- lookup *next-word-ah
increment-final-element curr-path
right-col <- copy curr-col
# Render:
# - starting at top-row, left-col: final-word
# - starting somewhere below at left-col: the stack result from interpreting first-world to final-word (inclusive)
# Return the farthest column written.
fn render-column screen: (addr screen), functions: (addr handle function), bindings: (addr table), scratch: (addr line), final-word: (addr word), top-row: int, left-col: int -> right-col/ecx: int {
var max-width/ecx: int <- copy 0
# indent stack
var indented-col/ebx: int <- copy left-col
indented-col <- add 1 # margin-right - 2 for padding spaces
#? print-string 0, "rendering stack from "
#? print-int32-decimal 0, indented-col
#? print-string 0, "\n"
# compute stack
var stack: value-stack
var stack-addr/edi: (addr value-stack) <- address stack
initialize-value-stack stack-addr, 0x10 # max-words
evaluate functions, bindings, scratch, final-word, stack-addr
# render stack
var curr-row/edx: int <- copy top-row
curr-row <- add 3 # stack-margin-top
var _max-width/eax: int <- value-stack-max-width stack-addr
var max-width/esi: int <- copy _max-width
var i/eax: int <- value-stack-length stack-addr
compare i, 0
#? print-string 0, "rendering stack row from "
#? print-int32-decimal 0, indented-col
#? print-string 0, "\n"
move-cursor screen, curr-row, indented-col
var val/eax: int <- pop-int-from-value-stack stack-addr
render-integer screen, val, max-width
curr-row <- increment
i <- decrement
# render word, initialize result
reset-formatting screen
move-cursor screen, top-row, left-col
print-word screen, final-word
var size/eax: int <- word-length final-word
compare size, max-width
max-width <- copy size
# post-process right-col
right-col <- copy max-width
right-col <- add left-col
right-col <- add 3 # margin-right
# synaesthesia
fn render-integer screen: (addr screen), val: int, max-width: int {
var bg/eax: int <- hash-color val
var fg/ecx: int <- copy 7
compare bg, 2
fg <- copy 0
compare bg, 3
fg <- copy 0
compare bg, 6
fg <- copy 0
start-color screen, fg, bg
print-grapheme screen, 0x20 # space
print-int32-decimal-right-justified screen, val, max-width
print-grapheme screen, 0x20 # space
fn hash-color val: int -> result/eax: int {
result <- try-modulo val, 7 # assumes that 7 is always the background color
fn clear-canvas _env: (addr environment) {
var env/esi: (addr environment) <- copy _env
var screen-ah/edi: (addr handle screen) <- get env, screen
var _screen/eax: (addr screen) <- lookup *screen-ah
var screen/edi: (addr screen) <- copy _screen
clear-screen screen
var nrows/eax: (addr int) <- get env, nrows
var _repl-col/ecx: (addr int) <- get env, code-separator-col
var repl-col/ecx: int <- copy *_repl-col
draw-vertical-line screen, 1, *nrows, repl-col
# wordstar-style cheatsheet of shortcuts
move-cursor screen, *nrows, 0
start-reverse-video screen
print-string screen, " ctrl-q "
reset-formatting screen
print-string screen, " quit "
var menu-start/ecx: int <- copy repl-col
menu-start <- subtract 0x2c # 44 = half the size of the menu
move-cursor screen, *nrows, menu-start
start-reverse-video screen
print-string screen, " ctrl-a "
reset-formatting screen
print-string screen, " ⏮ "
start-reverse-video screen
print-string screen, " ctrl-b "
reset-formatting screen
print-string screen, " ◀ prev word "
start-reverse-video screen
print-string screen, " ctrl-f "
reset-formatting screen
print-string screen, " next word ▶ "
start-reverse-video screen
print-string screen, " ctrl-e "
reset-formatting screen
print-string screen, " ⏭ "
start-reverse-video screen
print-string screen, " ctrl-u "
reset-formatting screen
print-string screen, " clear line "
# currently defined functions
move-cursor screen, 3, 2
print-string screen, "x 2* = x 2 *"
move-cursor screen, 4, 2
print-string screen, "x 1+ = x 1 +"
move-cursor screen, 5, 2
print-string screen, "x 2+ = x 1+ 1+"
move-cursor screen, 6, 2
print-string screen, "x square = x x *"
fn real-grapheme? g: grapheme -> result/eax: boolean {
$real-grapheme?:body: {
# if g == newline return true
compare g, 0xa
result <- copy 1 # true
break $real-grapheme?:body
# if g == tab return true
compare g, 9
result <- copy 1 # true
break $real-grapheme?:body
# if g < 32 return false
compare g, 0x20
result <- copy 0 # false
break $real-grapheme?:body
# if g <= 255 return true
compare g, 0xff
result <- copy 1 # true
break $real-grapheme?:body
# if (g&0xff == Esc) it's an escape sequence
and-with g, 0xff
compare g, 0x1b # Esc
result <- copy 0 # false
break $real-grapheme?:body
# otherwise return true
result <- copy 1 # true