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path: root/compiler/vmops.nim
blob: f51280ec5acae9f9f1291f5625754ea62e2ec870 (plain) (tree)


























































#           The Nim Compiler
#        (c) Copyright 2015 Andreas Rumpf
#    See the file "copying.txt", included in this
#    distribution, for details about the copyright.

# Unfortunately this cannot be a module yet:
#import vmdeps, vm
from std/math import sqrt, ln, log10, log2, exp, round, arccos, arcsin,
  arctan, arctan2, cos, cosh, hypot, sinh, sin, tan, tanh, pow, trunc,
  floor, ceil, `mod`, cbrt, arcsinh, arccosh, arctanh, erf, erfc, gamma,
from std/sequtils import toSeq
when declared(math.copySign):
  # pending bug #18762, avoid renaming math
  from std/math as math2 import copySign

when declared(math.signbit):
  # ditto
  from std/math as math3 import signbit

from std/envvars import getEnv, existsEnv, delEnv, putEnv, envPairs
from std/os import getAppFilename
from std/private/oscommon import dirExists, fileExists
from std/private/osdirs import walkDir, createDir

from std/times import cpuTime
from std/hashes import hash
from std/osproc import nil

when defined(nimPreviewSlimSystem):
  import std/syncio
  from std/formatfloat import addFloatRoundtrip, addFloatSprintf

from std/strutils import formatBiggestFloat, FloatFormatMode

# There are some useful procs in vmconv.
import vmconv, vmmarshal

template mathop(op) {.dirty.} =
  registerCallback(c, "stdlib.math." & astToStr(op), `op Wrapper`)

template osop(op) {.dirty.} =
  registerCallback(c, "stdlib.os." & astToStr(op), `op Wrapper`)

template oscommonop(op) {.dirty.} =
  registerCallback(c, "stdlib.oscommon." & astToStr(op), `op Wrapper`)

template osdirsop(op) {.dirty.} =
  registerCallback(c, "stdlib.osdirs." & astToStr(op), `op Wrapper`)

template envvarsop(op) {.dirty.} =
  registerCallback(c, "stdlib.envvars." & astToStr(op), `op Wrapper`)

template timesop(op) {.dirty.} =
  registerCallback(c, "stdlib.times." & astToStr(op), `op Wrapper`)

template systemop(op) {.dirty.} =
  registerCallback(c, "stdlib.system." & astToStr(op), `op Wrapper`)

template ioop(op) {.dirty.} =
  registerCallback(c, "stdlib.syncio." & astToStr(op), `op Wrapper`)

template macrosop(op) {.dirty.} =
  registerCallback(c, "stdlib.macros." & astToStr(op), `op Wrapper`)

template wrap1fMath(op) {.dirty.} =
  proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    doAssert a.numArgs == 1
    setResult(a, op(getFloat(a, 0)))
  mathop op

template wrap2fMath(op) {.dirty.} =
  proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    setResult(a, op(getFloat(a, 0), getFloat(a, 1)))
  mathop op

template wrap0(op, modop) {.dirty.} =
  proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    setResult(a, op())
  modop op

template wrap1s(op, modop) {.dirty.} =
  proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    setResult(a, op(getString(a, 0)))
  modop op

template wrap2s(op, modop) {.dirty.} =
  proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    setResult(a, op(getString(a, 0), getString(a, 1)))
  modop op

template wrap2si(op, modop) {.dirty.} =
  proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    setResult(a, op(getString(a, 0), getInt(a, 1)))
  modop op

template wrap1svoid(op, modop) {.dirty.} =
  proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    op(getString(a, 0))
  modop op

template wrap2svoid(op, modop) {.dirty.} =
  proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    op(getString(a, 0), getString(a, 1))
  modop op

template wrapDangerous1svoid(op, modop) {.dirty.} =
  if vmopsDanger notin c.config.features and (defined(nimsuggest) or c.config.cmd == cmdCheck):
    proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    modop op
    proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
      op(getString(a, 0))
    modop op

template wrapDangerous2svoid(op, modop) {.dirty.} =
  if vmopsDanger notin c.config.features and (defined(nimsuggest) or c.config.cmd == cmdCheck):
    proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    modop op
    proc `op Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
      op(getString(a, 0), getString(a, 1))
    modop op

proc getCurrentExceptionMsgWrapper(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
  setResult(a, if a.currentException.isNil: ""
               else: a.currentException[3].skipColon.strVal)

proc getCurrentExceptionWrapper(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
  setResult(a, a.currentException)

proc staticWalkDirImpl(path: string, relative: bool): PNode =
  result = newNode(nkBracket)
  for k, f in walkDir(path, relative):
    result.add toLit((k, f))

from std / compilesettings import SingleValueSetting, MultipleValueSetting

proc querySettingImpl(conf: ConfigRef, switch: BiggestInt): string =
  {.push warning[Deprecated]:off.}
  case SingleValueSetting(switch)
  of arguments: result = conf.arguments
  of outFile: result = conf.outFile.string
  of outDir: result = conf.outDir.string
  of nimcacheDir: result = conf.getNimcacheDir().string
  of projectName: result = conf.projectName
  of projectPath: result = conf.projectPath.string
  of projectFull: result = conf.projectFull.string
  of command: result = conf.command
  of commandLine: result = conf.commandLine
  of linkOptions: result = conf.linkOptions
  of compileOptions: result = conf.compileOptions
  of ccompilerPath: result = conf.cCompilerPath
  of backend: result = $conf.backend
  of libPath: result = conf.libpath.string
  of gc: result = $conf.selectedGC
  of mm: result = $conf.selectedGC

proc querySettingSeqImpl(conf: ConfigRef, switch: BiggestInt): seq[string] =
  template copySeq(field: untyped): untyped =
    for i in field: result.add i.string

  case MultipleValueSetting(switch)
  of nimblePaths: copySeq(conf.nimblePaths)
  of searchPaths: copySeq(conf.searchPaths)
  of lazyPaths: copySeq(conf.lazyPaths)
  of commandArgs: result = conf.commandArgs
  of cincludes: copySeq(conf.cIncludes)
  of clibs: copySeq(conf.cLibs)

proc stackTrace2(c: PCtx, msg: string, n: PNode) =
  stackTrace(c, PStackFrame(prc: c.prc.sym, comesFrom: 0, next: nil), c.exceptionInstr, msg, n.info)

proc registerAdditionalOps*(c: PCtx) =

  template wrapIterator(fqname: string, iter: untyped) =
    registerCallback c, fqname, proc(a: VmArgs) =
      setResult(a, toLit(toSeq(iter)))

  proc gorgeExWrapper(a: VmArgs) =
    let ret = opGorge(getString(a, 0), getString(a, 1), getString(a, 2),
                         a.currentLineInfo, c.config)
    setResult a, ret.toLit

  proc getProjectPathWrapper(a: VmArgs) =
    setResult a, c.config.projectPath.string


  when declared(copySign):

  when declared(signbit):

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.math.round", proc (a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    let n = a.numArgs
    case n
    of 1: setResult(a, round(getFloat(a, 0)))
    of 2: setResult(a, round(getFloat(a, 0), getInt(a, 1).int))
    else: doAssert false, $n

  proc `mod Wrapper`(a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    setResult(a, `mod`(getFloat(a, 0), getFloat(a, 1)))
  registerCallback(c, "stdlib.math.mod", `mod Wrapper`)

  when defined(nimcore):
    wrap2s(getEnv, envvarsop)
    wrap1s(existsEnv, envvarsop)
    wrap2svoid(putEnv, envvarsop)
    wrap1svoid(delEnv, envvarsop)
    wrap1s(dirExists, oscommonop)
    wrap1s(fileExists, oscommonop)
    wrapDangerous2svoid(writeFile, ioop)
    wrapDangerous1svoid(createDir, osdirsop)
    wrap1s(readFile, ioop)
    wrap2si(readLines, ioop)
    systemop getCurrentExceptionMsg
    systemop getCurrentException
    registerCallback c, "stdlib.osdirs.staticWalkDir", proc (a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
      setResult(a, staticWalkDirImpl(getString(a, 0), getBool(a, 1)))
    registerCallback c, "stdlib.compilesettings.querySetting", proc (a: VmArgs) =
      setResult(a, querySettingImpl(c.config, getInt(a, 0)))
    registerCallback c, "stdlib.compilesettings.querySettingSeq", proc (a: VmArgs) =
      setResult(a, querySettingSeqImpl(c.config, getInt(a, 0)))

    if defined(nimsuggest) or c.config.cmd == cmdCheck:
      discard "don't run staticExec for 'nim suggest'"
      systemop gorgeEx
  macrosop getProjectPath

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.os.getCurrentCompilerExe", proc (a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
    setResult(a, getAppFilename())

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.macros.symBodyHash", proc (a: VmArgs) =
    let n = getNode(a, 0)
    if n.kind != nkSym:
      stackTrace2(c, "symBodyHash() requires a symbol. '$#' is of kind '$#'" % [$n, $n.kind], n)
    setResult(a, $symBodyDigest(c.graph, n.sym))

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.macros.isExported", proc(a: VmArgs) =
    let n = getNode(a, 0)
    if n.kind != nkSym:
      stackTrace2(c, "isExported() requires a symbol. '$#' is of kind '$#'" % [$n, $n.kind], n)
    setResult(a, sfExported in n.sym.flags)

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.macrocache.hasKey", proc (a: VmArgs) =
      table = getString(a, 0)
      key = getString(a, 1)
    setResult(a, table in c.graph.cacheTables and key in c.graph.cacheTables[table])

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.vmutils.vmTrace", proc (a: VmArgs) =
    c.config.isVmTrace = getBool(a, 0)

  proc hashVmImpl(a: VmArgs) =
    var res = hashes.hash(a.getString(0), a.getInt(1).int, a.getInt(2).int)
    if c.config.backend == backendJs:
      # emulate JS's terrible integers:
      res = cast[int32](res)
    setResult(a, res)

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.hashes.hashVmImpl", hashVmImpl

  proc hashVmImplByte(a: VmArgs) =
    # nkBracket[...]
    let sPos = a.getInt(1).int
    let ePos = a.getInt(2).int
    let arr = a.getNode(0)
    var bytes = newSeq[byte](arr.len)
    for i in 0..<arr.len:
      bytes[i] = byte(arr[i].intVal and 0xff)

    var res = hashes.hash(bytes, sPos, ePos)
    if c.config.backend == backendJs:
      # emulate JS's terrible integers:
      res = cast[int32](res)
    setResult(a, res)

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.hashes.hashVmImplByte", hashVmImplByte
  registerCallback c, "stdlib.hashes.hashVmImplChar", hashVmImplByte

  if optBenchmarkVM in c.config.globalOptions or vmopsDanger in c.config.features:
    wrap0(cpuTime, timesop)
    proc cpuTime(): float = 5.391245e-44  # Randomly chosen
    wrap0(cpuTime, timesop)

  if vmopsDanger in c.config.features:
    ## useful procs but these should be opt-in because they may impact
    ## reproducible builds and users need to understand that this runs at CT.
    ## Note that `staticExec` can already do equal amount of damage so it's more
    ## of a semantic issue than a security issue.
    registerCallback c, "stdlib.os.getCurrentDir", proc (a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
      setResult(a, os.getCurrentDir())
    registerCallback c, "stdlib.osproc.execCmdEx", proc (a: VmArgs) {.nimcall.} =
      let options = getNode(a, 1).fromLit(set[osproc.ProcessOption])
      a.setResult osproc.execCmdEx(getString(a, 0), options).toLit
    registerCallback c, "stdlib.times.getTimeImpl", proc (a: VmArgs) =
      let obj = a.getNode(0).typ.n
      setResult(a, times.getTime().toTimeLit(c, obj, a.currentLineInfo))

  proc getEffectList(c: PCtx; a: VmArgs; effectIndex: int) =
    let fn = getNode(a, 0)
    var list = newNodeI(nkBracket, fn.info)
    if fn.typ != nil and fn.typ.n != nil and fn.typ.n[0].len >= effectListLen and
        fn.typ.n[0][effectIndex] != nil:
      for e in fn.typ.n[0][effectIndex]:
        list.add opMapTypeInstToAst(c.cache, e.typ.skipTypes({tyRef}), e.info, c.idgen)
      list.add newIdentNode(getIdent(c.cache, "UncomputedEffects"), fn.info)

    setResult(a, list)

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.effecttraits.getRaisesListImpl", proc (a: VmArgs) =
    getEffectList(c, a, exceptionEffects)
  registerCallback c, "stdlib.effecttraits.getTagsListImpl", proc (a: VmArgs) =
    getEffectList(c, a, tagEffects)
  registerCallback c, "stdlib.effecttraits.getForbidsListImpl", proc (a: VmArgs) =
    getEffectList(c, a, forbiddenEffects)

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.effecttraits.isGcSafeImpl", proc (a: VmArgs) =
    let fn = getNode(a, 0)
    setResult(a, fn.typ != nil and tfGcSafe in fn.typ.flags)

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.effecttraits.hasNoSideEffectsImpl", proc (a: VmArgs) =
    let fn = getNode(a, 0)
    setResult(a, (fn.typ != nil and tfNoSideEffect in fn.typ.flags) or
                 (fn.kind == nkSym and fn.sym.kind == skFunc))

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.typetraits.hasClosureImpl", proc (a: VmArgs) =
    let fn = getNode(a, 0)
    setResult(a, fn.kind == nkClosure or (fn.typ != nil and fn.typ.callConv == ccClosure))

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.formatfloat.addFloatRoundtrip", proc(a: VmArgs) =
    let p = a.getVar(0)
    let x = a.getFloat(1)
    addFloatRoundtrip(p.strVal, x)

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.formatfloat.addFloatSprintf", proc(a: VmArgs) =
    let p = a.getVar(0)
    let x = a.getFloat(1)
    addFloatSprintf(p.strVal, x)

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.strutils.formatBiggestFloat", proc(a: VmArgs) =
    setResult(a, formatBiggestFloat(a.getFloat(0), FloatFormatMode(a.getInt(1)),
                                    a.getInt(2), chr(a.getInt(3))))

  wrapIterator("stdlib.envvars.envPairsImplSeq"): envPairs()

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.marshal.toVM", proc(a: VmArgs) =
    let typ = a.getNode(0).typ
    case typ.kind
    of tyInt..tyInt64, tyUInt..tyUInt64:
      setResult(a, loadAny(a.getString(1), typ, c.cache, c.config, c.idgen).intVal)
    of tyFloat..tyFloat128:
      setResult(a, loadAny(a.getString(1), typ, c.cache, c.config, c.idgen).floatVal)
      setResult(a, loadAny(a.getString(1), typ, c.cache, c.config, c.idgen))

  registerCallback c, "stdlib.marshal.loadVM", proc(a: VmArgs) =
    let typ = a.getNode(0).typ
    let p = a.getReg(1)
    var res: string
    storeAny(res, typ, regToNode(p[]), c.config)
    setResult(a, res)