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path: root/PACKAGE
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Diffstat (limited to 'PACKAGE')
5 files changed, 206 insertions, 19 deletions
diff --git a/PACKAGE/lynx-curses.iss b/PACKAGE/lynx-curses.iss
index dbc950d6..7710893f 100644
--- a/PACKAGE/lynx-curses.iss
+++ b/PACKAGE/lynx-curses.iss
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-; $LynxId: lynx-curses.iss,v 1.5 2008/12/29 13:21:17 tom Exp $

+; $LynxId: lynx-curses.iss,v 1.6 2018/03/14 08:34:56 tom Exp $


 ; This is an installer for the "color-style" flavor of Lynx.


 ; The script assumes environment variables have been set, e.g., to point to

 ; data which is used by the installer (see "lynx.lss" for details).


+#define NoScreenDll

 #define SetupBaseName "lynx-cs"

 #define SourceExeName "lynx-cs.exe"


diff --git a/PACKAGE/lynx-newssl.iss b/PACKAGE/lynx-newssl.iss
index 965a542b..ffb97ec7 100644
--- a/PACKAGE/lynx-newssl.iss
+++ b/PACKAGE/lynx-newssl.iss
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
-; $LynxId: lynx-newssl.iss,v 1.1 2017/04/27 00:19:42 tom Exp $

+; $LynxId: lynx-newssl.iss,v 1.5 2018/03/17 12:02:00 tom Exp $


 ; This is an installer for Lynx built with "new" OpenSSL (1.1.x).


 ; The script assumes environment variables have been set, e.g., to point to

 ; data which is used by the installer (see "lynx.lss" for details).


+#define NoScreenDll

+#define SslGlob1      "'libssl-*.dll'"

+#define SslGlob2      "'libcrypto-*.dll'"

 #define SetupBaseName "lynx-newssl"

 #define SourceExeName "lynx-newssl.exe"


diff --git a/PACKAGE/lynx-oldssl.iss b/PACKAGE/lynx-oldssl.iss
index 6c18ef8e..7bbe0900 100644
--- a/PACKAGE/lynx-oldssl.iss
+++ b/PACKAGE/lynx-oldssl.iss
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
-; $LynxId: lynx-oldssl.iss,v 1.1 2017/04/27 00:20:10 tom Exp $

+; $LynxId: lynx-oldssl.iss,v 1.4 2018/03/16 20:30:46 tom Exp $


 ; This is an installer for Lynx built with "old" OpenSSL (before 1.1.x).


 ; The script assumes environment variables have been set, e.g., to point to

 ; data which is used by the installer (see "lynx.lss" for details).


+#define NoScreenDll

+#define SslGlob1      "'ssleay32.dll'"

+#define SslGlob2      "'libeay32.dll'"

 #define SetupBaseName "lynx-oldssl"

 #define SourceExeName "lynx-oldssl.exe"


diff --git a/PACKAGE/lynx-slang.iss b/PACKAGE/lynx-slang.iss
index 46c5fd6e..e5a8185d 100644
--- a/PACKAGE/lynx-slang.iss
+++ b/PACKAGE/lynx-slang.iss
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-; $LynxId: lynx-slang.iss,v 1.2 2013/12/17 23:04:59 tom Exp $

+; $LynxId: lynx-slang.iss,v 1.3 2018/03/14 08:34:56 tom Exp $


 ; This is an installer for the "color-style" flavor of Lynx.


 ; The script assumes environment variables have been set, e.g., to point to

 ; data which is used by the installer (see "lynx.lss" for details).


+#define NoScreenDll

 #define SetupBaseName "lynx-sl"

 #define SourceExeName "lynx-slang.exe"

 #define ScreenDllName "wslang32.dll"

diff --git a/PACKAGE/lynx.iss b/PACKAGE/lynx.iss
index 3120000f..ccba7fde 100644
--- a/PACKAGE/lynx.iss
+++ b/PACKAGE/lynx.iss
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-; $LynxId: lynx.iss,v 1.19 2018/03/13 09:11:29 tom Exp $

+; $LynxId: lynx.iss,v 1.27 2018/03/17 15:40:36 tom Exp $

 ; vile:ts=2 sw=2 notabinsert


 ; This is the BASE script for different flavors of the installer for Lynx.

@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ OutputDir=..\PACKAGE\lynx-setup






 Name: "english"; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl"

@@ -145,16 +146,16 @@ Name: "{app}\tmp"
 #emit 'Source: "' + HelpSrcDir + '\keystrokes\*.*"; DestDir: "{app}\help\keystrokes"; Flags: '


 ; some of these data files are from an earlier installer by Claudio Santambrogio

-Source: "..\samples\lynx.ico"; DestDir: "{app}\icon"

-Source: "..\samples\lynx.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"

-Source: "..\samples\jumps.htm"; DestDir: "{app}"

-Source: "..\samples\home.htm"; DestDir: "{app}"

-Source: "..\samples\lynx_bookmarks.htm"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\lynx.cfg"; DestDir: "{app}" ; AfterInstall: myCustomCfg; Flags: ignoreversion

+Source: "..\lynx.man"; DestDir: "{app}"

 Source: "..\samples\*.lss"; DestDir: "{app}"

-Source: "..\samples\lynx.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\samples\home.htm"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\samples\jumps.htm"; DestDir: "{app}"

 Source: "..\samples\lynx-demo.cfg"; DestDir: "{app}"

-Source: "..\lynx.man"; DestDir: "{app}"

-Source: "..\lynx.cfg"; DestDir: "{app}" ; AfterInstall: myCustomCfg; Flags: ignoreversion

+Source: "..\samples\lynx.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\samples\lynx.ico"; DestDir: "{app}\icon"

+Source: "..\samples\lynx_bookmarks.htm"; DestDir: "{app}"

+Source: "..\samples\oldlynx.bat"; DestDir: "{app}"

 ; NOTE: Don't use "Flags: ignoreversion" on any shared system files



@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@ Type: dirifempty; Name: {app}

 #emit 'const MY_APP_NAME = ''{app}\' + myAppProg + '.exe'';'



 function isGuru(): Boolean;


     Result := isAdminLoggedOn();

@@ -334,7 +336,7 @@ begin
   Log('** set LYNX_CFG=' + CfgFile);


   SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'HELPFILE:' + AppDir + '/help/Lynx_help_main.html.gz' + #10, True);

-  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'COLOR_STYLE:' + AppDir + '/opaque.lss' + #10, True);

+  SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'COLOR_STYLE:' + AppDir + '/lynx.lss' + #10, True);


   SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'CHMOD_PATH:' + #10, True);

   SaveStringToFile(CfgFile, 'COPY_PATH:' + #10, True);

@@ -385,20 +387,197 @@ begin





+#ifdef SslGlob1

+#emit "const SslGlob1 = " + SslGlob1 + ";"

+#emit "const SslGlob2 = " + SslGlob2 + ";"


+    SslDirPage     : TInputFileWizardPage;

+    SslLibraryPath : String;


+function DirContains(const PathList: string; const PathItem: string): Boolean;


+    myList : string;

+    myItem : string;

+    myPart : string;

+    offset : integer;


+    Result := False;

+    myList := Uppercase(PathList);

+    myItem := Uppercase(RemoveBackslashUnlessRoot(PathItem));

+    offset := Pos(myItem, myList);

+    if offset <> 0 then

+        begin

+        myPart := Copy( myList, offset + Length(myItem), Length(myList) );

+        if ( Length(myPart) = 0 ) or ( Pos(';', myPart) = 1 ) or ( Pos('\;', myPart) = 1 ) then

+            begin

+            Result := True;

+            end;

+        end;



+function PathCat(const head, tail: string): string;


+    Result := RemoveBackslashUnlessRoot(head) + '\' + tail;



+procedure CopyFromTo(const source, target, name: string);


+    FailExists : Boolean;

+    Status:      Boolean;


+    Log('Copy from: ' + PathCat(source, name));

+    Log('Copy   to: ' + PathCat(target, name));

+    FailExists := False;

+    Status := FileCopy(PathCat(source, name), PathCat(target, name), FailExists);

+    if not Status then

+        begin

+        MsgBox('Failed to copy ' + name, mbError, MB_OK);

+        Abort();

+        end;



+procedure ReallyDelete(const fullPath: string);


+    if DeleteFile( fullPath ) then

+        Log( '...successful' )

+    else

+        begin

+        MsgBox('Failed to delete ' + fullPath, mbError, MB_OK);

+        end;



+procedure DeleteAppFile(const name: string);


+    AppDir   : string;

+    fullPath : string;

+    findRec  : TFindRec;


+    AppDir := ExpandConstant('{app}');

+    fullPath := PathCat( AppDir, name );

+    Log( 'Deleting ' + fullPath );

+    if Pos('*', fullPath) <> 0 then

+        begin

+        if FindFirst(fullPath, findRec) then

+            begin

+            ReallyDelete( PathCat( AppDir, findRec.name ) );

+            while FindNext( findRec ) do

+                ReallyDelete( PathCat( AppDir, findRec.name ) );

+            end

+        end

+    else

+        begin

+        ReallyDelete( fullPath );

+        end;



+function checkSslDir(): Boolean;


+    Result := True;

+    SslLibraryPath := Trim( SslDirPage.Values[0] );

+    if ( Length( SslLibraryPath ) = 0 ) or ( not FileExists( SslLibraryPath ) ) then

+        begin

+        MsgBox('No SSL library found', mbError, MB_OK)

+        Result := False;

+        end;



+procedure copySslDlls();


+    SslDirectory   : String;

+    SslFilename    : String;

+    TargetDir      : String;


+    Log('Copying SSL DLLs');

+    SslDirectory := ExtractFilePath(SslLibraryPath);


+    // If the directory is not already in the PATH, copy the DLLs to

+    // the application directory.

+    if DirContains( GetEnv('PATH'), SslDirectory) then

+        Log( 'PATH contains SSL directory' )

+    else

+        begin

+        TargetDir := ExpandConstant('{app}');

+        CreateDir(TargetDir);

+        if DirExists(TargetDir) then

+            begin

+            SslFilename := Lowercase( ExtractFileName( SslLibraryPath ) );

+            CopyFromTo( SslDirectory, TargetDir, SslFilename );

+            Log( 'comparing: ' + SslFilename + ' to ' + SslGlob1 );

+            if CompareText( SslFilename, SslGlob1 ) = 0 then

+                // old-ssl is literal, new is a glob...

+                CopyFromTo( SslDirectory, TargetDir, SslGlob2 )

+            else

+                // new-ssl matches "libssl-x-x-z", s/libssl/libcrypto/

+                SslFilename := 'libcrypto' + Copy(SslFilename, 7, Length(SslFilename));

+                CopyFromTo( SslDirectory, TargetDir, SslFilename );

+            CopyFromTo( SslDirectory, TargetDir, 'msvcr120.dll' );

+            end

+        else

+            begin

+            MsgBox( 'Cannot create application directory', mbError, MB_OK )

+            Abort();

+            end

+        end;

+    Log('done - Copying SSL DLLs');



+procedure RegisterPreviousData(PreviousDataKey: Integer);


+    SetPreviousData( PreviousDataKey, 'SSL PATH', SslLibraryPath );



+function NextButtonClick(CurPageId: integer): Boolean;


+    Result := True;

+    if CurPageId = SslDirPage.Id then

+        begin

+        Result := checkSslDir();

+        end;



+procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);


+    if CurStep = ssInstall then

+    begin

+        CopySslDlls();

+    end;



+procedure InitializeWizard();


+    myGlob: string;


+    // Create a page to locate the SSL library

+    SslDirPage := CreateInputFilePage(wpSelectDir,

+        'Select SSL Library Location',

+        'Where is the SSL library located?',

+        'Select it from the directory, then click Next.');


+    myGlob := 'SSL dll|' + SslGlob1;

+    Log( 'search for SSL libraries ' + myGlob );

+    SslDirPage.Add( 'Locate SSL library:', myGlob, '*.dll' );

+    SslDirPage.Values[0] := GetPreviousData( 'SSL PATH', '' );




 // On uninstall, we do not know which registry setting was selected during install, so we remove all.

 procedure CurUninstallStepChanged(CurUninstallStep: TUninstallStep);


   case CurUninstallStep of



-        // MsgBox('CurUninstallStepChanged:' #13#13 'Uninstall is about to start.', mbInformation, MB_OK)

+      Log('CurUninstallStepChanged:' + 'Uninstall is about to start.')

         // ...insert code to perform pre-uninstall tasks here...

+#ifdef SslGlob1

+      DeleteAppFile( SslGlob1 );

+      DeleteAppFile( SslGlob2 );

+      DeleteAppFile( 'msvcr120.dll' );








         If we don't find the settings in the current user, try the local machine.

         The setup program cannot pass the all-users flag to the uninstaller, so we

@@ -410,8 +589,8 @@ begin
         Log('Checking local-machine registry key');




-        // MsgBox('CurUninstallStepChanged:' #13#13 'Uninstall just finished.', mbInformation, MB_OK);


+        Log('CurUninstallStepChanged:' + 'Uninstall just finished.');


