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path: root/java/template.typ
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authorSudipto Mallick <>2024-01-02 02:12:16 +0000
committerSudipto Mallick <>2024-01-02 02:12:16 +0000
commita70e0a59817ce06a3dd23b3750ae16ee6660deaf (patch)
tree0843bf4d30edf22c9c4c27ff4887351c85993ccd /java/template.typ
parent63c589e826829c5f47f95a5642531e02b2b2c8f7 (diff)
Add Java assignments to the repository
.gitignore: The build files, files left by editors like *~ and the PDF
documents for the assignments are to be ignored for the purposes of
version control.

README.rst: Rewrite, with one line description in Chinese.

java/alist.txt: List of assignments, sorted in the order of the list of
assignments, with the ones with completed documentation marked with `#`.

java/buildall: Script that will build all of the assignments into one
PDF file; to be rehauled for the final document.

code/*.java: The Java source code for the assignments.

dbld: Script that builds a PDF document for a single assignment.

index.typ: The list of assignments, subject to update for further
refinement and inclusion of yet more assignments.

jbld: Script that compiles code for a single Java assignment.

output/*.typ: Typst file containing the output (sessions) obtained from
running the individual Java assignments.

state.sql: Future alternative to `alist.txt`, under development.

template.typ: The Typst template used across all of assignment,
containing common code for the uniform styling, such as page border.

text/*.typ: Typst file documenting each Java assignment.

vendor/Java.sublime-syntax: Updated Sublime Text syntax file for Java,
used for newer syntax features, such as `var`, not yet available in
syntaxes shipped with Typst.

vendor/gr.tmTheme: A grayscale TextMate theme to be used for code in the
documents generated by Typst suitable for black and white printing.

wltd: Difference between the files in `code/` and `text/`, and `code/`
and `output`; need to be rewritten along with `state.sql`.
Diffstat (limited to 'java/template.typ')
1 files changed, 100 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/java/template.typ b/java/template.typ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a97a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/java/template.typ
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+#import "@preview/codelst:1.0.0": sourcefile, sourcecode
+/* Highlights the source code file. */
+#let highlight-code-file(filename) = sourcefile(read(filename), file: filename, lang: "java-new", 
+  numbers-style: (lno) => align(right, move(dy: 1pt, text(fill: luma(120), size: 9pt, lno))))
+/* Highlight output code block. */
+#let highlight-output(body) = sourcecode(numbering: none, body)
+/* The state variable to indicate whether the end of an assignment is reached. */
+#let eoa = state("is-at-end-of-assignment", false)
+/* Updates the state variable to indicate the end of an assignment. */
+#let signature() = {
+  eoa.update(true)
+/* Draws the signature construct at the bottom right corner in the footer of the last page of an assignment. */
+#let signature-footer(loc) = {
+  if {
+    align(bottom + right,
+      move(dy: -4em, dx: -1em,
+        block(width: 15em)[
+          #v(3em)
+          #line(length: 100%) \
+          #v(-2.5em)
+          #align(center)[Teacher’s signature]
+        ]))
+    eoa.update(false)
+  }
+/* Draws page border around the provided content, taking an optional function to be called at the footer. */
+#let apply-page-borders(body, ..font-options, footer-special-func: none) = {
+  let page-margin = (left: 0.75in, right: 0.25in, top: 0.25in, bottom: 0.25in)
+  let margin = (left: 0.65in, right: 0.15in, top: 1.5em, bottom: 1.5em)
+  let page-border-thickness = 1.25pt
+  set page(
+    margin: (, bottom: margin.bottom + 2em),
+    numbering: "1",
+    background: align(top + start, pad(..margin, rect(width: 100%, height: 100%, stroke: page-border-thickness + gray, radius: 5pt))),
+    footer: locate(loc => {
+      align(center, move(dy: -margin.bottom + 1em, text(..font-options, size: 9pt, counter(page).display(
+      if footer-special-func != none {
+        footer-special-func(loc)
+      }
+    })
+  )
+  show: block.with(breakable: true, width: 100%, inset: page-border-thickness + 1em) 
+  body
+#let apply(body) = {
+  let body-font-settings = (font: "Nunito Sans 10pt", size: 12pt, stretch: 75%)
+//  let body-font-settings = (font: "Hanken Grotesk", size: 12pt, stretch: 75%)
+  set text(..body-font-settings)
+  let code-color = rgb("#f4f4f4")
+  show raw: set text(font: "Iosevka Fixed", size: 1.1em)
+  set raw(syntaxes: "vendor/Java.sublime-syntax")
+  set raw(theme: "vendor/gr.tmTheme")
+  show raw.where(block: false): box.with(
+    fill: code-color,
+    inset: (x: 3pt, y: 0pt),
+    outset: (y: 3pt),
+    radius: 2pt,
+  )
+  show raw.where(block: true): block.with(
+    fill: code-color,
+    inset: 10pt,
+    radius: 4pt,
+    width: 100%,
+  )
+  show raw.where(block: true): it => align(left, it)
+  set list(marker: ([$square.filled.tiny$], [--]))
+  set par(leading: 0.5em)
+  apply-page-borders(body, ..body-font-settings, footer-special-func: signature-footer)
+#let scos(name) = {
+  v(1em)
+  [=== Source Code]
+  highlight-code-file("/code/" + name + ".java")
+  [=== Output]
+  let ofname = "/output/" + name + ".typ" 
+  include ofname
+#let assignment(number, description) = align(center, [
+= #text(weight: 600, [Assignment #number])
+== #text(weight: 500, [Program statement:]) #text(weight: 400, description)
+#let skind(kind) = [
+  ==== #text(weight: 500, kind)
+#let objective(body) = align(center, [*Objective*: #body])
+#let oset(kind) = block(spacing: 0.6em, [===== #h(1em) #kind])