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diff --git a/python/index.typ b/python/index.typ
index 98accaf..cafe697 100644
--- a/python/index.typ
+++ b/python/index.typ
@@ -146,10 +146,9 @@
 = Lists
-+ Write a Python program to simulate a stack and a queue using lists.
-  #nntiv[Note that the queue deletion operation won’t run in $O(1)$ time.]
++ Write a Python program to simulate a stack and a queue using lists using functions.
 + Write a Python program to find all the odd numbers and numbers divisible by 3 from a list of numbers using list comprehension.
-+ Write a Python program to find the second largest number in a list of numbers.
++ Write a Python program to find the third largest number in a list of numbers without sorting.
 + Write a Python program to generate a list of numbers `items` using list comprehension as per the following description:
   $ "items"[ i ] = cases(
     i^2 quad "if " i "is even",
@@ -161,34 +160,30 @@
 = Tuples
-+ Write a Python program that, given sequences of first and last names, generate a tuple of tuples each of which contains the full name of a person, using the `zip()` function.
-+ Write a Python program to create and modify tuples in various ways.
++ Write a Python program that, given sequences of first and last names, generate another sequence which contains the full name of each person, using the `zip()` function.
 + Write a Python program to take a nested tuple with the name, Roll No. and marks of some students and find the name of the student having highest marks.
-+ Write a Python program to take a list of numbers (both positive and negative) and make a new tuple out from this list with only the positive values.
-+ Write a Python program to demonstrate the definition and use of a function taking variable length arguments (scatter and gather) using the `*` symbol.
++ Write a Python program to take a list of numbers (both positive and negative) and make a new tuple out from this list with only the positive values using generator expression.
++ Write a Python program to add variable number of arguments (scatter and gather) using the `*` symbol.
 = Sets
-+ Write a Python program to remove duplicate items of a list of numbers and duplicate characters in a string using sets.
 + Write a Python program to implement the Jaccard and cosine similarity of two sets using the set union and intersection operations.
-+ Write a Python program to show the difference between `set.remove()` and `set.discard()` methods.
-+ Write a Python program that creates two sets of even numbers in the range 1 to 10 and composite numbers in the range 1 to 20 to demonstrate the use of `all()`, `issuperset()`, `len()`, `sum()` methods on the sets.
-+ Write a Python program that generates a set of prime numbers and another set of odd numbers. Demonstrate the result of union, intersection, difference, symmetric difference operations on these sets.
-+ Write a Python program that creates two sets: squares and cubes in the range 1 to 10 to demonstrate the use of `update()`, `pop()`, `remove()`, `add()` and `clear()` methods.
++ Write a Python program that creates two sets of even numbers in the range 1 to 50 and composite numbers in the range 1 to 50 to demonstrate the use of `all()`, `issuperset()`, `len()`, `sum()` methods on the sets.
++ Write a Python program that generates a set of prime numbers and another set of odd numbers to demonstrate the result of _union_, _intersection_, _difference_, _symmetric difference_ operations on these sets.
++ Write a Python program that creates two sets: squares and cubes in the range 1 to 50 to demonstrate the use of `update()`, `pop()`, `remove()`, `add()` and `clear()` methods.
 + Write a Python program to demonstrate the use of frozensets.
 = Dictionaries
-+ Write a Python program to count the word and letter occurrences in a long string of text using dictionaries.
++ Write a Python function which takes a string and returns a dictionary containing the number of words and letters in the provided string.
 + Write a Python program to invert a dictionary such the previous keys become values and values become keys.
   #nntiv[For example: if the initial and inverted dictionaries are `d1` and `d2`, where `d1 = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 120}`, then `d2 = {'a': 1, 2: 'b', 120: 3}`.]
-+ What if the values in 2 are not immutable? Use frozensets, For repeated values, use lists. For example: if `d1 = {1: 'a', 2: 'a', 4: [1, 2]}`, then `d2 = {'a': [1, 2], frozenset([1, 2]): 4}`.
 + Write a Python program with a function to generate the Fibonacci numbers in
   + Exponential time using the naïve algorithm.
   + Linear time using dynamic programming (memoization) with a dictionary.
-+ Write a Python program to generate a dictionary where each key is a number and the corresponding value is the number’s square using dictionary comprehensions.
++ Write a Python program to generate a dictionary where each key is a number and the corresponding value is the number’s square using dictionary comprehension.
 + Write a Python program to store a sparse matrix as a dictionary.
-+ Write a Python program that combines lists of keys and values into a dictionary.
++ Write a Python program that combines two lists, one of keys, and another of values, into a dictionary.
 = User-Defined Functions