/* This file is dedicated to the public domain.
* Gemini protocol adapter for Chawan.
* Intended to be used through local CGI (by redirection in scheme-map).
* Usage: gmifetch
* Environment variables:
* MAPPED_URI_QUERY for the URL parts. (Parameters are ignored, gmifetch does
* not parse URLs.)
* - GMIFETCH_KNOWN_HOSTS is used for setting the known_hosts file. If not set,
* we use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gmifetch/known_hosts, where $XDG_CONFIG_HOME falls
* back to $HOME/.config/gmifetch if not set. (TODO: add a way to set this
* in config.toml)
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/* CGI responses */
#define INPUT_RESPONSE "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" \
"\r\n" \
"<!DOCTYPE html>" \
"<title>Input required</title>" \
"<base href='%s'>" \
"<h1>Input required</h1>" \
"<p>" \
"%s" \
"<p>" \
"<form method=POST><input type='%s' name='input'></form>"
#define SUCCESS_RESPONSE "Content-Type: %s\r\n" \
#define REDIRECT_RESPONSE "Status: 30%c\r\n" \
"Location: %s\r\n" \
#define TEMPFAIL_RESPONSE "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" \
"\r\n" \
"<!DOCTYPE html>" \
"<title>Temporary failure</title>" \
"<h1>%s</h1>" \
"<p>" \
#define PERMFAIL_RESPONSE "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" \
"\r\n" \
"<!DOCTYPE html>" \
"<title>Permanent failure</title>" \
"<h1>%s</h1>" \
"<p>" \
#define CERTFAIL_RESPONSE "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" \
"\r\n" \
"<!DOCTYPE html>" \
"<title>Certificate failure</title>" \
"<h1>%s</h1>" \
"<p>" \
#define INVALID_CERT_RESPONSE "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" \
"\r\n" \
"<!DOCTYPE html>\n" \
"<title>Invalid certificate</title>\n" \
"<h1>Invalid certificate</h1>\n" \
"<p>\n" \
"The certificate received from the server does not match the\n" \
"stored certificate (expected %s, but got %s). Somebody may be\n" \
"tampering with your connection.\n" \
"<p>\n" \
"If you are sure that this is not a man-in-the-middle attack,\n" \
"please remove this host from %s.\n"
#define UNKNOWN_CERT_RESPONSE "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" \
"\r\n" \
"<!DOCTYPE html>" \
"<title>Unknown certificate</title>" \
"<h1>Unknown certificate</h1>" \
"<p>\n" \
"The hostname of the server you are visiting could not be found\n" \
"in your list of known hosts (%s).\n" \
"<p>\n" \
"The server has sent us a certificate with the following\n" \
"fingerprint:\n" \
"<pre>%s</pre>\n" \
"<p>Trust it?\n" \
"<form method=POST>" \
"<input type=submit name=trust_cert value=always>\n" \
"<input type=submit name=trust_cert value=once>" \
"<input type=hidden name=entry value='%s sha256 %s %lu'>" \
#define UPDATED_CERT_RESPONSE "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" \
"\r\n" \
"<!DOCTYPE html>\n" \
"<title>Certificate date changed</title>\n" \
"<h1>Certificate date changed</h1>\n" \
"<p>\n" \
"The received certificate's date did not match the date in your\n" \
"list of known hosts (%s).\n" \
"<p>\n" \
"The new expiration date is: %s.\n" \
"<p>\n" \
"Update it?\n" \
"<form method=POST>" \
"<input type=submit name=trust_cert value=always>" \
"<input type=submit name=trust_cert value=once>\n" \
"<input type=hidden name=entry value='%s sha256 %s %lu'>" \
#define PDIE(x) \
do { \
fputs("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 1 " x ": ", stdout); \
puts(strerror(errno)); \
exit(1); \
} while (0)
#define SDIE(x) \
do { \
fputs("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 5 " x ": ", stdout); \
ERR_print_errors_fp(stdout); \
exit(1); \
} while (0)
#define DIE(x) \
do { \
puts("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 1 " x); \
exit(1); \
} while (0)
#define BUFSIZE 1024
#define PUBKEY_BUF_SIZE 8192
static int check_cert(const char *theirs, const char *hostp,
char **stored_digestp, char *linebuf, time_t their_time,
FILE *known_hosts)
char *p, *q, *hashp, *timep;
int found;
time_t our_time;
found = 0;
while (!found && fgets(linebuf, BUFSIZE, known_hosts)) {
p = strstr(linebuf, " ");
if (!p)
DIE("Incorrectly formatted known_hosts file");
*p = '\0';
found = !strcmp(linebuf, hostp);
if (!found)
return -1;
hashp = p + 1;
if (!(q = strstr(hashp, " ")))
DIE("Incorrectly formatted known_hosts file");
*q = '\0';
if (strcmp(hashp, "sha256") && strcmp(hashp, "SHA256"))
DIE("Unsupported digest format");
*stored_digestp = q + 1;
if (!(q = strstr(*stored_digestp, " "))) {
timep = NULL;
if ((q = strstr(*stored_digestp, "\n")))
*q = '\0';
} else {
timep = q + 1;
*q = '\0';
if (strcmp(theirs, *stored_digestp))
return 0;
if (!timep)
return -2;
our_time = (time_t)atol(timep);
if (their_time != our_time)
return -2;
return 1;
static void hash_buf(const unsigned char *ibuf, int len, char *obuf2)
static const char HexTable[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
unsigned int len2 = 0;
EVP_MD_CTX* mdctx;
unsigned char hashbuf[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE];
const unsigned char *p;
char *q;
if (!(mdctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new()))
SDIE("Failed to initialize MD_CTX");
if (!EVP_DigestInit_ex(mdctx, EVP_sha256(), NULL))
SDIE("Failed to initialize sha256");
if (!EVP_DigestUpdate(mdctx, ibuf, len))
SDIE("Failed to update digest");
if (!EVP_DigestFinal_ex(mdctx, hashbuf, &len2))
SDIE("Failed to finalize digest");
/* hex encode hashbuf */
for (p = hashbuf, q = obuf2; p < &hashbuf[len2]; ++p) {
if (p != hashbuf)
*q++ = ':';
*q++ = HexTable[(*p >> 4) & 0xF];
*q++ = HexTable[*p & 0xF];
*q = '\0';
/* 1: cert found & valid
* 0: cert found & invalid
* -1: cert not found
* -2: cert found, but notAfter updated
static int connect(BIO *conn, const char *hostp, const char *portp,
char *linebuf, char **stored_digestp, time_t *their_time,
char *hashbuf2, FILE *known_hosts)
X509 *cert;
const EVP_PKEY *pkey;
unsigned char pubkey_buf[PUBKEY_BUF_SIZE + 1], *r;
int len, res;
const ASN1_TIME *notAfter;
struct tm their_tm;
SSL *ssl;
if (!BIO_set_conn_hostname(conn, hostp))
SDIE("Error setting BIO hostname");
if (!BIO_set_conn_port(conn, portp))
SDIE("Error setting BIO port");
BIO_get_ssl(conn, &ssl);
if (!SSL_set_cipher_list(ssl, PREFERRED_CIPHERS))
SDIE("Error failed to set cipher list");
if (!SSL_set_tlsext_host_name(ssl, hostp))
SDIE("Error failed to set tlsext host name");
if (BIO_do_connect(conn) <= 0)
SDIE("Failed to connect");
if (!BIO_do_handshake(conn))
SDIE("Failed handshake");
if (!(cert = SSL_get_peer_certificate(ssl)))
DIE("Failed to get certificate");
if (!(pkey = X509_get0_pubkey(cert)))
SDIE("Failed to decode public key");
len = i2d_PUBKEY(pkey, NULL);
if (len * 3 > PUBKEY_BUF_SIZE)
DIE("Public key too long");
r = pubkey_buf;
if (i2d_PUBKEY(pkey, &r) != len)
hash_buf(pubkey_buf, len, hashbuf2);
notAfter = X509_get0_notAfter(cert);
if (!ASN1_TIME_to_tm(notAfter, &their_tm))
DIE("Failed to parse time");
if (X509_cmp_current_time(X509_get0_notBefore(cert)) >= 0)
DIE("Wrong time");
if (X509_cmp_current_time(notAfter) <= 0)
DIE("Wrong time");
*their_time = mktime(&their_tm);
res = check_cert(hashbuf2, hostp, stored_digestp, linebuf, *their_time,
return res;
static void read_response(BIO *conn, const char *urlbuf)
int bytes, total;
const char *tmp;
char *q, status0, status1;
char buffer[BUFSIZE + 1];
/* Read response */
total = 0;
/* Status code */
while (((bytes = BIO_read(conn, buffer, 3 - total)) > 0 ||
BIO_should_retry(conn)) && total < 3)
total += bytes;
if (total < 3 || !isdigit(status0 = buffer[0]) ||
!isdigit(status1 = buffer[1]) || buffer[2] != ' ')
DIE("Invalid status code");
/* Meta */
#define METALEN (total - 3)
while (((bytes = BIO_read(conn, &buffer[METALEN], 1024 - METALEN)) > 0 ||
BIO_should_retry(conn)) && METALEN < BUFSIZE)
total += bytes;
q = strstr(buffer, "\r\n");
if (!q)
DIE("Invalid status line");
*q = '\0';
/* buffer is now META. */
switch (status0) {
case '1': /* input */
/* META is the prompt. */
printf(INPUT_RESPONSE, urlbuf, buffer, status1 == '1' ?
"password" /* sensitive input */ :
"search" /* input */);
case '2': /* success */
/* META is the content type. */
printf(SUCCESS_RESPONSE, *buffer ?
buffer :
"text/gemini; charset=utf-8" /* fallback */);
/* Body */
/* flush any data remaining in buffer */
total -= 5 + (q - buffer); /* code + space + meta + \r\n len */
if (total > 0)
fwrite(&q[2], 1, total, stdout);
while ((bytes = BIO_read(conn, buffer, BUFSIZE)) > 0 ||
fwrite(buffer, 1, bytes, stdout);
case '3': /* redirect */
/* META is the redirection URL. */
printf(REDIRECT_RESPONSE, status1 == '0' ?
'7' /* temporary */ :
'1' /* permanent */, buffer);
case '4': /* temporary failure */
/* META is additional information. */
/* TODO maybe set status code too? */
switch (status1) {
case '1':
tmp = "Server unavailable";
case '2':
tmp = "CGI error";
case '3':
tmp = "Proxy error";
case '4':
tmp = "Slow down!";
case '0':
default: /* no additional information provided in the code */
tmp = "Temporary failure";
printf(TEMPFAIL_RESPONSE, tmp, buffer);
case '5': /* permanent failure */
/* TODO maybe set status code too? */
switch (status1) {
case '1':
tmp = "Not found";
case '2':
tmp = "Gone";
case '3':
tmp = "Proxy request refused";
case '9':
tmp = "Bad request";
case '0':
default: /* no additional information provided in the code */
tmp = "Permanent failure";
printf(PERMFAIL_RESPONSE, tmp, buffer);
case '6': /* permanent failure */
/* TODO maybe set status code too? */
switch (status1) {
case '1':
tmp = "Certificate not authorized";
case '2':
tmp = "Certificate not valid";
case '0':
default: /* no additional information provided in the code */
tmp = "Certificate failure";
printf(CERTFAIL_RESPONSE, tmp, buffer);
static void decode_query(const char *input_url, char *output_buffer)
const char *p;
char *q, c, *endp = &output_buffer[BUFSIZE];
for (p = input_url, q = output_buffer; *p && q < endp; ++p, ++q) {
if (*p != '%') {
*q = *p;
} else {
if (!isxdigit(p[1] & 0xFF) || !isxdigit(p[2] & 0xFF))
DIE("Invalid percent encoding");
c = tolower(p[1] & 0xFF);
*q = ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ?
c - 'a' + 10 :
c - '0';
c = tolower(p[2] & 0xFF);
*q = (*q << 4) | (('a' <= c || c <= 'z') ?
c - 'a' + 10 :
c - '0');
p += 2;
if (q >= endp)
DIE("Query too long");
*q = '\0';
static void read_post(const char *hostp, char *reqbuf, char *khsbuf,
FILE **known_hosts)
size_t n;
char *p, *q;
FILE *known_hosts_tmp;
long last_pos, len, total;
size_t khslen;
char inbuf[BUFSIZE + 1], buffer[BUFSIZE + 1];
n = fread(inbuf, 1, BUFSIZE, stdin);
inbuf[n] = '\0';
if ((p = strstr(inbuf, "input="))) {
p += strlen("input=");
decode_query(p, buffer);
if (!(q = strstr(reqbuf, "?"))) { /* no query string */
q = &reqbuf[strlen(reqbuf)];
if (q == &reqbuf[BUFSIZE])
DIE("Query too long");
*q++ = '?';
for (; *p && q < &reqbuf[BUFSIZE]; ++p, ++q)
*q = *p;
if (q >= &reqbuf[BUFSIZE])
DIE("Query too long");
} else if (!(p = strstr(inbuf, "trust_cert="))) {
DIE("Invalid POST request: trust_cert missing");
p += sizeof("trust_cert=") - 1;
if (!strncmp(p, "always", 6)) {
/* move to file end */
fseek(*known_hosts, 0L, SEEK_END);
last_pos = ftell(*known_hosts);
if (!(p = strstr(p, "entry=")))
DIE("Invalid POST request: missing entry");
p += sizeof("entry=") - 1;
decode_query(p, buffer);
/* replace plus signs */
p = buffer;
while ((p = strstr(p, "+")))
*p = ' ';
fwrite(buffer, 1, strlen(buffer), *known_hosts);
fwrite("\n", 1, 1, *known_hosts);
khslen = strlen(khsbuf);
khsbuf[khslen] = '~';
khsbuf[khslen + 1] = '\0';
if (!(known_hosts_tmp = fopen(khsbuf, "w+")))
PDIE("Error opening temporary hosts file");
total = 0;
while (fgets(buffer, BUFSIZE, *known_hosts)) {
len = strlen(buffer);
if (!len)
if ((total += len) > last_pos) {
/* finished */
fwrite(buffer, 1, len, known_hosts_tmp);
if (buffer[len - 1] != '\n') {
/* clean up */
DIE("Line too long");
if (!(p = strstr(buffer, " ")))
DIE("Invalid entry in known_hosts file");
*p = '\0';
if (strcmp(buffer, hostp)) {
*p = ' ';
fwrite(buffer, 1, len, known_hosts_tmp);
memcpy(buffer, khsbuf, BUFSIZE + 1);
buffer[khslen] = '\0';
if (rename(khsbuf, buffer))
PDIE("Failed to rename temporary file");
khsbuf[khslen] = '\0';
if (!(*known_hosts = fopen(khsbuf, "a+")))
PDIE("Failed to re-open known hosts file");
} else if (strncmp(p, "once", 4)) {
DIE("Invalid POST request");
static FILE *open_known_hosts(char *khsbuf)
const char *known_hosts_path, *xdg_dir, *home_dir;
char *p;
size_t len;
struct stat s;
FILE *known_hosts;
known_hosts_path = getenv("GMIFETCH_KNOWN_HOSTS");
if (!known_hosts_path) {
xdg_dir = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
if ((xdg_dir = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"))) {
len = strlen(xdg_dir);
#define CONFIG_REL "/gmifetch/known_hosts"
if (len + sizeof(CONFIG_REL) > BUFSIZE)
DIE("Error: config directory path too long");
memcpy(khsbuf, xdg_dir, len);
memcpy(&khsbuf[len], CONFIG_REL, sizeof(CONFIG_REL));
} else {
if (!(home_dir = getenv("HOME")))
home_dir = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir;
if (!home_dir)
DIE("Error: failed to get HOME directory");
#define CONFIG_REL "/.config/gmifetch/known_hosts"
len = strlen(home_dir);
if (len + sizeof(CONFIG_REL) > BUFSIZE)
DIE("Error: home directory path too long");
memcpy(khsbuf, home_dir, len);
memcpy(&khsbuf[len], CONFIG_REL, sizeof(CONFIG_REL));
} else {
len = strlen(known_hosts_path);
if (len > BUFSIZE)
DIE("Error: known hosts path too long");
memcpy(khsbuf, known_hosts_path, len);
p = khsbuf;
if (*p == '/')
for (; *p; ++p) {
if (*p == '/') {
*p = '\0';
if (stat(khsbuf, &s) == -1) {
if (errno != ENOENT)
PDIE("Error calling stat");
if (mkdir(khsbuf, 0755) == -1)
PDIE("Error calling mkdir");
} else if (!S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) {
if (mkdir(khsbuf, 0755) == -1)
PDIE("Error calling mkdir");
*p = '/';
if (!(known_hosts = fopen(khsbuf, "a+")))
PDIE("Error opening known hosts file");
return known_hosts;
int main(void)
const char *schemep = getenv("MAPPED_URI_SCHEME");
const char *hostp = getenv("MAPPED_URI_HOST");
const char *portp = getenv("MAPPED_URI_PORT");
const char *pathp = getenv("MAPPED_URI_PATH");
const char *queryp = getenv("MAPPED_URI_QUERY");
const char *method = getenv("REQUEST_METHOD");
const char *all_proxy = getenv("ALL_PROXY");
char *stored_digestp;
time_t their_time;
char hashbuf2[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE * 3 + 1];
char reqbuf[BUFSIZE + 1] = "gemini://", khsbuf[BUFSIZE + 2],
linebuf[BUFSIZE + 1];
FILE *known_hosts;
SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx;
BIO *conn;
#define PROXY_ERR "gmifetch does not support proxies yet. Please disable" \
"your proxy for gemini URLs if you wish to proceed anyway."
if (all_proxy && *all_proxy)
known_hosts = open_known_hosts(khsbuf);
/* setup SSL */
OPENSSL_init_ssl(0, NULL);
ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLS_client_method());
SSL_CTX_set_min_proto_version(ssl_ctx, TLS1_2_VERSION);
/* check received URL */
if (!(conn = BIO_new_ssl_connect(ssl_ctx)))
SDIE("Error creating BIO");
if (!schemep || !*schemep || strcmp(schemep, "gemini"))
DIE("Invalid scheme");
if (!hostp || !*hostp)
DIE("Missing hostname");
if (!portp || !*portp)
portp = "1965";
if (!pathp || !*pathp)
pathp = "/";
if (!queryp)
queryp = "";
/* Note: we do not include the port number in the request string,
* otherwise some servers refuse to serve anything.
* (I really wish this was explicitly mentioned in the standard.
* Something like:
* WARNING: some gemini servers will not accept URLs containing the
* default port number!!!)
#define CAT(me, ow) strncat(me, ow, sizeof(me) - strlen(me) - 1);
CAT(reqbuf, hostp);
CAT(reqbuf, pathp);
if (*queryp) {
CAT(reqbuf, "?");
CAT(reqbuf, queryp);
/* read_post may modify reqbuf (it appends a query string for input form
* responses) */
if (method && !strcmp(method, "POST"))
read_post(hostp, reqbuf, khsbuf, &known_hosts);
CAT(reqbuf, "\r\n");
switch (connect(conn, hostp, portp, linebuf, &stored_digestp,
&their_time, hashbuf2, known_hosts))
case 1: /* valid certificate, connect */
BIO_puts(conn, reqbuf);
read_response(conn, reqbuf);
case 0: /* invalid certificate */
printf(INVALID_CERT_RESPONSE, stored_digestp, hashbuf2,
case -1: /* no certificate */
printf(UNKNOWN_CERT_RESPONSE, khsbuf, hashbuf2, hostp,
hashbuf2, (unsigned long)their_time);
case -2: /* -2: updated expiration date */
ctime(&their_time), hostp, hashbuf2,
(unsigned long)their_time);
default: DIE("wat 2");