import std/os
import std/posix
import std/strutils
import std/unicode
import bindings/libregexp
import js/regex
import types/opt
import utils/twtstr
proc lre_check_stack_overflow(opaque: pointer; alloca_size: csize_t): cint
{.exportc.} =
return 0
proc parseSection(query: string): tuple[page, section: string] =
var section = ""
if query.len > 0 and query[^1] == ')':
for i in countdown(query.high, 0):
if query[i] == '(':
section = query.substr(i + 1, query.high - 1)
if section != "":
return (query.substr(0, query.high - 2 - section.len), section)
return (query, "")
func processBackspace(line: string): string =
var s = ""
var i = 0
var thiscs = 0 .. -1
var bspace = false
var inU = false
var inB = false
var pendingInU = false
var pendingInB = false
template flushChar =
if pendingInU != inU:
s &= (if inU: "</u>" else: "<u>")
inU = pendingInU
if pendingInB != inB:
s &= (if inB: "</b>" else: "<b>")
inB = pendingInB
if thiscs.len > 0:
let cs = case line[thiscs.a]
of '&': "&"
of '<': "<"
of '>': ">"
else: line.substr(thiscs.a, thiscs.b)
s &= cs
thiscs = i ..< i + n
pendingInU = false
pendingInB = false
while i < line.len:
# this is the same "sometimes works" algorithm as in ansi2html
if line[i] == '\b' and thiscs.len > 0:
bspace = true
inc i
let n = line.runeLenAt(i)
if thiscs.len == 0:
thiscs = i ..< i + n
i += n
if bspace and thiscs.len > 0:
if line[i] == '_' and not pendingInU and line[thiscs.a] != '_':
pendingInU = true
elif line[thiscs.a] == '_' and not pendingInU and line[i] != '_':
# underscore comes first; set thiscs to the current charseq
thiscs = i ..< i + n
pendingInU = true
elif line[i] == '_' and line[thiscs.a] == '_':
if pendingInB:
pendingInU = true
pendingInB = true
elif not pendingInB:
pendingInB = true
bspace = false
i += n
let n = 0
pendingInU = false
pendingInB = false
return s
proc isCommand(paths: seq[string]; s: string): bool =
for p in paths:
if fileExists(p & s):
return true
iterator myCaptures(captures: var seq[RegexCapture]; target: int;
offset: var int): RegexCapture =
for cap in captures.mitems:
if cap.i == target:
cap.s += offset
cap.e += offset
yield cap
proc processManpage(file: File) =
template re(s: static string): Regex =
let r = s.compileRegex({LRE_FLAG_GLOBAL, LRE_FLAG_UTF16})
if r.isNone:
stdout.write(s & ": " & r.error)
# regexes partially from w3mman2html
let linkRe = re"(https?|ftp)://[\w/~.-]+"
let mailRe = re"(mailto:|)(\w[\w.-]*@[\w-]+\.[\w.-]*)"
let fileRe = re"(file:)?[/~][\w/~.-]+[\w/]"
let includeRe = re"#include(</?[bu]>|\s)*<([\w./-]+)"
let manRe = re"(</?[bu]>)*(\w[\w.-]*)(</?[bu]>)*(\([0-9nlx]\w*\))"
var paths: seq[string] = @[]
for p in getEnv("PATH").split(':'):
var i = p.high
while i > 0 and p[i] == '/':
dec i
paths.add(p.substr(0, i) & "/")
var line: string
var wasBlank = false
while file.readLine(line):
if line == "":
if wasBlank:
wasBlank = true
wasBlank = false
var line = line.processBackspace()
if (var res = linkRe.exec(line); res.success):
var offset = 0
for cap in res.captures.myCaptures(0, offset):
let s = line[cap.s..<cap.e]
let link = "<a href='" & s & "'>" & s & "</a>"
line[cap.s..<cap.e] = link
offset += link.len - (cap.e - cap.s)
if (var res = mailRe.exec(line); res.success):
var offset = 0
for cap in res.captures.myCaptures(2, offset):
let s = line[cap.s..<cap.e]
let link = "<a href='mailto:" & s & "'>" & s & "</a>"
line[cap.s..<cap.e] = link
offset += link.len - (cap.e - cap.s)
if (var res = fileRe.exec(line); res.success):
var offset = 0
for cap in res.captures.myCaptures(0, offset):
let s = line[cap.s..<cap.e]
let target = s.expandTilde()
if not fileExists(target) and not symlinkExists(target) and
not dirExists(target):
let link = if paths.isCommand(target):
"<a href='man:" & target.afterLast('/') & "'>" & s & "</a>"
"<a href='file:" & target & "'>" & s & "</a>"
line[cap.s..<cap.e] = link
offset += link.len - (cap.e - cap.s)
if (var res = includeRe.exec(line); res.success):
var offset = 0
for cap in res.captures.myCaptures(2, offset):
let s = line[cap.s..<cap.e]
const includePaths = [
for path in includePaths:
let file = path & s
if fileExists(file):
let link = "<a href='file:" & file & "'>" & s & "</a>"
line[cap.s..<cap.e] = link
offset += link.len - (cap.e - cap.s)
if (var res = manRe.exec(line); res.success):
var offset = 0
for j, cap in res.captures.mpairs:
if cap.i == 0:
cap.s += offset
cap.e += offset
var manCap = res.captures[j + 2]
manCap.s += offset
manCap.e += offset
var secCap = res.captures[j + 4]
secCap.s += offset
secCap.e += offset
let man = line[manCap.s..<manCap.e]
let cat = man & line[secCap.s..<secCap.e]
let link = "<a href='man:" & cat & "'>" & man & "</a>"
line[manCap.s..<manCap.e] = link
offset += link.len - (manCap.e - manCap.s)
stdout.write(line & "\n")
proc doMan(man, keyword, section: string) =
let sectionOpt = if section == "": "" else: " -s " & section
man & sectionOpt & " " & keyword & " 2>&1"
let file = popen(cstring(cmd), "r")
if file == nil:
stdout.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 1 failed to run " & cmd)
var line0: string
if not file.readLine(line0) or file.endOfFile():
discard file.pclose()
if line0.startsWith("man: "):
line0 = line0.after(' ')
stdout.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 4 " & line0)
var manword = keyword
if section != "":
manword &= '(' & section & ')'
stdout.write("""Content-Type: text/html
<title>man """ & manword & """</title>
<pre>""" & line0 & "\n")
discard file.pclose()
proc doLocal(man, keyword: string) =
man & " -l " & keyword & " 2>/dev/null"
let file = popen(cstring(cmd), "r")
if file == nil:
stdout.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 1 failed to run " & cmd)
stdout.write("""Content-Type: text/html
<title>man -l """ & keyword & """</title>
<h1>man -l <b>""" & keyword & """</b></h1>
discard file.pclose()
proc doKeyword(man, keyword, section: string) =
let sectionOpt = if section == "": "" else: " -s " & section
let cmd = man & sectionOpt & " -k " & keyword & " 2>/dev/null"
let file = popen(cstring(cmd), "r")
if file == nil:
stdout.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 1 failed to run " & cmd)
stdout.write("Content-Type: text/html\n\n")
stdout.write("<title>man" & sectionOpt & " -k " & keyword & "</title>\n")
stdout.write("<h1>man" & sectionOpt & " -k <b>" & keyword & "</b></h1>\n")
var line: string
template die =
stdout.write("Error parsing line! " & line)
while file.readLine(line):
if line.len == 0:
# collect titles
var titles: seq[string] = @[]
var i = 0
while true:
let title = line.until({'(', ','}, i)
i += title.len
if i >= line.len or line[i] == '(':
i = line.skipBlanks(i + 1)
# collect section
if line[i] != '(': die
let sectionText = line.substr(i, line.find(')', i))
i += sectionText.len
# create line
var section = sectionText.until(',') # for multiple sections, take first
if section[^1] != ')':
section &= ')'
var s = "<li>"
for i, title in titles:
let title = title.htmlEscape()
s &= "<a href='man:" & title & section & "'>" & title & "</a>"
if i < titles.high:
s &= ", "
s &= sectionText
s &= line.substr(i)
s &= "\n"
proc main() =
var man = getEnv("MANCHA_MAN")
if man == "":
man = "/usr/bin/man"
if not fileExists(man):
man = "/bin/man"
if not fileExists(man):
man = "/usr/local/bin/man"
if not fileExists(man):
man = "/usr/bin/env man"
doAssert getAppFilename() != man # don't accidentally fork bomb ourselves
let query = percentDecode(getEnv("QUERY_STRING"))
if query.startsWith("man:"):
let (keyword, section) = parseSection(query.after(':'))
doMan(man, keyword, section)
elif query.startsWith("man-k:"):
let (keyword, section) = parseSection(query.after(':'))
doKeyword(man, keyword, section)
elif query.startsWith("man-l:"):
doLocal(man, query.after(':'))
stdout.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 1 invalid invocation")