#!/usr/bin/env -S qjs --std
/* adds clickable links to git log, git branch and git stash list
* usage:
* 0. install QuickJS (https://bellard.org/quickjs)
* 1. put this script in your CGI directory
* 2. chmod +x /your/cgi-bin/directory/git.cgi
* 3. ln -s /your/cgi-bin/directory/git.cgi /usr/local/bin/gitcha
* 4. run `gitcha log', `gitcha branch' or `gitcha stash list'
* other params work too, but without any special processing. it's still useful
* for ones that open the pager, like git show; this way you can reload the view
* with `U'.
* git checkout and friends are blocked for security & convenience reasons, so
* it may be best to just alias the pager-opening commands.
* (if you have ansi2html, it also works with w3m. just set GITCHA_CHA=w3m) */
const gitcha = std.getenv("GITCHA_GITCHA") ?? "gitcha";
if (scriptArgs[0].split('/').pop() == gitcha) {
const cha = std.getenv("GITCHA_CHA") ?? 'cha';
const params = encodeURIComponent(scriptArgs.slice(1)
.map(x => encodeURIComponent(x)).join(' '));
const [path, _] = os.getcwd();
const prefix = cha == "w3m" ? '/cgi-bin/' : "cgi-bin:";
os.exec([cha, `${prefix}git.cgi?params=${params}&path=${path}&prefix=${prefix}`]);
const query = {};
for (const p of std.getenv("QUERY_STRING").split('&')) {
const sp = p.split('=');
query[decodeURIComponent(sp[0])] = decodeURIComponent(sp[1] ?? '');
function startGitCmd(config, params) {
std.out.puts("Content-Type: text/html\n\n" +
"<style>form{display:inline} input{margin:0}</style>");
const [read_fd, write_fd] = os.pipe();
const [read_fd2, write_fd2] = os.pipe();
os.exec(["git", ...config, ...params], {
stdout: write_fd,
block: false
const libexecDir = std.getenv("CHA_LIBEXEC_DIR") ??
const title = encodeURIComponent('git ' + params.join(' '));
os.exec([libexecDir + "/ansi2html", "-st", title], {
stdin: read_fd,
stdout: write_fd2,
block: false
return std.fdopen(read_fd2, "r");
function runGitCmd(config, params, regex, subfun) {
const f = startGitCmd(config, params);
while ((l = f.getline()) !== null) {
console.log(l.replace(regex, subfun));
const config = ["-c", "color.ui=always", "-c", "log.decorate=short"];
const params = query.params ? decodeURIComponent(query.params).split(' ')
.map(x => decodeURIComponent(x)) : [];
function cgi(cmd) {
const cgi0 = `${query.prefix}git.cgi?prefix=${query.prefix}&path=${query.path}`;
return `${cgi0}¶ms=${encodeURIComponent(cmd)}`;
if (params[0] == "log" || params[0] == "blame") {
const showUrl = cgi("show");
runGitCmd(config, params, /[a-f0-9]{7}[a-f0-9]*/g,
x => `<a href='${showUrl}%20${x}'>${x}</a>`);
} else if (params[0] == "branch" &&
(params.length == 1 ||
params.length == 2 && ["-l", "--list", "-a", "--all"].includes(params[1]))) {
const logUrl = cgi("log");
const checkoutUrl = cgi("checkout");
runGitCmd(config, params, /^(\s+)(<span style='color: -cha-ansi...;'>)?([\w./-]+)(<.*)?$/g,
(_, ws, $, name) => `${ws}<a href='${logUrl}%20${name}'>${name}</a>\
<form method=POST action='${checkoutUrl}%20${name}'><input type=submit value=switch></form>`);
} else if (params[0] == "stash" && params[1] == "list") {
const showUrl = cgi("show");
const stashApply = cgi("stash apply");
const stashDrop = cgi("stash drop");
runGitCmd(config, params, /^stash@\{([0-9]+)\}/g,
(s, n) => `stash@{<a href='${showUrl}%20${s}'>${n}</a>}\
<form method=POST action='${stashApply}%20${s}'><input type=submit value=apply></form>` +
` <form method=POST action='${stashDrop}%20${s}'><input type=submit value=drop></form>`);
} else {
const safeForGet = ["show", "diff", "blame", "status"];
if (std.getenv("REQUEST_METHOD") != "POST" &&
!safeForGet.includes(params[0])) {
std.out.puts(`Status: 403\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\nnot allowed`);
const title = encodeURIComponent('git ' + params.join(' '));
std.out.puts(`Content-Type: text/x-ansi;title=${title}\n\n`);
const pid = os.exec(["git", ...config, ...params], {
block: false,
stderr: 1
os.waitpid(pid, 0);