blob: bfaca71312c7d49aec23dd614af5965d3f3b2384 (
plain) (
# Needs to work.
# Usage: cgi-bin:trans.cgi?word
decode() {
# URL-decode the string passed as the first parameter
printf '%s\n' "$1" | \
sed 's/+/ /g;s/%/\\x/g' | \
xargs -0 printf "%b"
# QUERY_STRING is URL-encoded. We decode it using the decode() function.
TEXT="$(decode "$QUERY_STRING")"
# Write a Content-Type HTTP header. The `trans' command outputs plain text,
# so we use text/plain.
printf 'Content-Type: text/plain\n'
# We must write a newline here, so Chawan knows that all headers have been
# written and incoming data from now on belongs to the body.
printf '\n'
# Check if the `trans' program exists, and if not, die.
type trans >/dev/null || {
printf "ERROR: translator not found"
exit 1
# Call the `trans' program. It writes its output to standard out, which
# Chawan's local CGI will read in as the content body.
trans -- "$TEXT"