blob: 1bb6cc8c97ca031a518af1838a6a1878598b1e53 (
plain) (
import std/hashes
import std/macros
import std/sets
import std/strutils
import chame/tags
# create a static enum compatible with chame/tags
macro makeStaticAtom =
# declare inside the macro to avoid confusion with StaticAtom0
StaticAtom0 = enum
atAcceptCharset = "accept-charset"
atAction = "action"
atAlign = "align"
atAlt = "alt"
atAsync = "async"
atBgcolor = "bgcolor"
atBlocking = "blocking"
atCharset = "charset"
atChecked = "checked"
atClass = "class"
atColor = "color"
atCols = "cols"
atColspan = "colspan"
atCrossorigin = "crossorigin"
atDefer = "defer"
atDirname = "dirname"
atDisabled = "disabled"
atEnctype = "enctype"
atEvent = "event"
atFor = "for"
atForm = "form"
atFormaction = "formaction"
atFormenctype = "formenctype"
atFormmethod = "formmethod"
atHeight = "height"
atHref = "href"
atId = "id"
atIntegrity = "integrity"
atIsmap = "ismap"
atLanguage = "language"
atMedia = "media"
atMethod = "method"
atMultiple = "multiple"
atName = "name"
atNomodule = "nomodule"
atOnload = "onload"
atReferrerpolicy = "referrerpolicy"
atRel = "rel"
atRequired = "required"
atRows = "rows"
atRowspan = "rowspan"
atSelected = "selected"
atSize = "size"
atSizes = "sizes"
atSlot = "slot"
atSrc = "src"
atSrcset = "srcset"
atStyle = "style"
atStylesheet = "stylesheet"
atTarget = "target"
atText = "text"
atTitle = "title"
atType = "type"
atUsemap = "usemap"
atValign = "valign"
atValue = "value"
atWidth = "width"
let decl = quote do:
type StaticAtom* {.inject.} = enum
atUnknown = ""
let decl0 = decl[0][2]
var seen: HashSet[string]
for t in TagType:
if t == TAG_UNKNOWN:
let tn = $t
var name = "at"
name &= tn[0].toUpperAscii()
name &= tn.substr(1)
if name == "atTr":
# Nim cries about this overlapping with the attr() procs :/
name = "satTr"
decl0.add(newNimNode(nnkEnumFieldDef).add(ident(name), newStrLitNode(tn)))
for i, f in StaticAtom0.getType():
if i == 0:
let tn = $StaticAtom0(i - 1)
if tn in seen:
decl0.add(newNimNode(nnkEnumFieldDef).add(ident(f.strVal), newStrLitNode(tn)))
#TODO use a better hash map
const CAtomFactoryStrMapLength = 1024 # must be a power of 2
doAssert (CAtomFactoryStrMapLength and (CAtomFactoryStrMapLength - 1)) == 0
CAtom* = distinct int
CAtomFactoryInit = object
obj: CAtomFactoryObj
CAtomFactoryObj = object
strMap: array[CAtomFactoryStrMapLength, seq[CAtom]]
atomMap: seq[string]
#TODO could be a ptr probably
CAtomFactory* = ref CAtomFactoryObj
const CAtomNull* = CAtom(0)
# Mandatory Atom functions
func `==`*(a, b: CAtom): bool {.borrow.}
func hash*(atom: CAtom): Hash {.borrow.}
func `$`*(a: CAtom): string {.borrow.}
func toAtom(factory: var CAtomFactoryObj, s: string): CAtom =
let h = s.hash()
let i = h and (factory.strMap.len - 1)
for atom in factory.strMap[i]:
if factory.atomMap[int(atom)] == s:
# Found
return atom
# Not found
let atom = CAtom(factory.atomMap.len)
return atom
const factoryInit = (func(): CAtomFactoryInit =
var init = CAtomFactoryInit()
# Null atom
# StaticAtom includes TagType too.
for sa in StaticAtom(1) .. StaticAtom.high:
discard init.obj.toAtom($sa)
return init
proc newCAtomFactory*(): CAtomFactory =
let factory = new(CAtomFactory)
factory[] = factoryInit.obj
return factory
func toAtom*(factory: CAtomFactory, s: string): CAtom =
return factory[].toAtom(s)
func toAtom*(factory: CAtomFactory, tagType: TagType): CAtom =
assert tagType != TAG_UNKNOWN
return CAtom(tagType)
func toAtom*(factory: CAtomFactory, attrType: StaticAtom): CAtom =
assert attrType != atUnknown
return CAtom(attrType)
func toStr*(factory: CAtomFactory, atom: CAtom): string =
return factory.atomMap[int(atom)]
func toTagType*(factory: CAtomFactory, atom: CAtom): TagType =
let i = int(atom)
if i <= int(TagType.high):
return TagType(i)
func toStaticAtom*(factory: CAtomFactory, atom: CAtom): StaticAtom =
let i = int(atom)
if i <= int(StaticAtom.high):
return StaticAtom(i)
return atUnknown