import std/options
import std/os
import std/strutils
import js/fromjs
import js/javascript
import js/jstypes
import utils/mimeguess
import utils/twtstr
DeallocFun = proc() {.closure.}
Blob* = ref object of RootObj
isfile*: bool
size* {.jsget.}: uint64
ctype* {.jsget: "type".}: string
buffer*: pointer
deallocFun*: DeallocFun
WebFile* = ref object of Blob
webkitRelativePath {.jsget.}: string
path*: string
file: File #TODO maybe use fd?
proc newBlob*(buffer: pointer, size: int, ctype: string,
deallocFun: DeallocFun): Blob =
return Blob(
buffer: buffer,
size: uint64(size),
ctype: ctype,
deallocFun: deallocFun
proc finalize(blob: Blob) {.jsfin.} =
if blob.deallocFun != nil and blob.buffer != nil:
blob.buffer = nil
proc finalize(file: WebFile) {.jsfin.} =
if file.deallocFun != nil and file.buffer != nil:
file.buffer = nil
proc newWebFile*(path: string, webkitRelativePath = ""): WebFile =
var file: File
if not open(file, path, fmRead):
raise newException(IOError, "Failed to open file")
return WebFile(
isfile: true,
path: path,
file: file,
ctype: guessContentType(path),
webkitRelativePath: webkitRelativePath
BlobPropertyBag = object of JSDict
`type`: string
#TODO endings
FilePropertyBag = object of BlobPropertyBag
#TODO lastModified: int64
proc newWebFile(ctx: JSContext, fileBits: seq[string], fileName: string,
options = FilePropertyBag()): WebFile {.jsctor.} =
let file = WebFile(
isfile: false,
path: fileName,
var len = 0
for blobPart in fileBits:
len += blobPart.len
let buffer = alloc(len)
file.buffer = buffer
file.deallocFun = proc() = dealloc(buffer)
var buf = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[uint8]](file.buffer)
var i = 0
for blobPart in fileBits:
if blobPart.len > 0:
copyMem(addr buf[i], unsafeAddr blobPart[0], blobPart.len)
i += blobPart.len
file.size = uint64(len)
block ctype:
for c in options.`type`:
if c notin char(0x20)..char(0x7E):
break ctype
file.ctype &= c.toLowerAscii()
return file
#TODO File, Blob constructors
proc getSize*(this: Blob): uint64 =
if this.isfile:
return uint64(WebFile(this).path.getFileSize())
return this.size
proc size*(this: WebFile): uint64 {.jsfget.} =
return this.getSize()
func name*(this: WebFile): string {.jsfget.} =
if this.path.len > 0 and this.path[^1] != '/':
return this.path.afterLast('/')
return this.path.afterLast('/', 2)
#TODO lastModified
proc addBlobModule*(ctx: JSContext) =
let blobCID = ctx.registerType(Blob)
ctx.registerType(WebFile, parent = blobCID, name = "File")