import std/strutils
import std/times
import io/urlfilter
import js/error
import js/javascript
import js/regex
import types/url
import types/opt
import utils/twtstr
Cookie* = ref object
created: int64 # unix time
name {.jsget.}: string
value {.jsget.}: string
expires {.jsget.}: int64 # unix time
secure {.jsget.}: bool
httponly {.jsget.}: bool
samesite {.jsget.}: bool
domain {.jsget.}: string
path {.jsget.}: string
CookieJar* = ref object
filter*: URLFilter
cookies*: seq[Cookie]
proc parseCookieDate(val: string): Option[DateTime] =
# cookie-date
const Delimiters = {'\t', ' '..'/', ';'..'@', '['..'`', '{'..'~'}
const NonDigit = AllChars - AsciiDigit
var foundTime = false
var foundDayOfMonth = false
var foundMonth = false
var foundYear = false
# date-token-list
var time: array[3, int]
var dayOfMonth: int
var month: int
var year: int
for dateToken in val.split(Delimiters):
if dateToken == "": continue # *delimiter
if not foundTime:
block timeBlock: # test for time
let hmsTime = dateToken.until(NonDigit - {':'})
var i = 0
for timeField in hmsTime.split(':'):
if i > 2: break timeBlock # too many time fields
# 1*2DIGIT
if timeField.len != 1 and timeField.len != 2: break timeBlock
var timeFields: array[3, int]
for c in timeField:
if c notin AsciiDigit: break timeBlock
timeFields[i] *= 10
timeFields[i] += c.decValue
time = timeFields
inc i
if i != 3: break timeBlock
foundTime = true
if not foundDayOfMonth:
block dayOfMonthBlock: # test for day-of-month
let digits = dateToken.until(NonDigit)
if digits.len != 1 and digits.len != 2: break dayOfMonthBlock
var n = 0
for c in digits:
if c notin AsciiDigit: break dayOfMonthBlock
n *= 10
n += c.decValue
dayOfMonth = n
foundDayOfMonth = true
if not foundMonth:
block monthBlock: # test for month
if dateToken.len < 3: break monthBlock
case dateToken.substr(0, 2).toLowerAscii()
of "jan": month = 1
of "feb": month = 2
of "mar": month = 3
of "apr": month = 4
of "may": month = 5
of "jun": month = 6
of "jul": month = 7
of "aug": month = 8
of "sep": month = 9
of "oct": month = 10
of "nov": month = 11
of "dec": month = 12
else: break monthBlock
foundMonth = true
if not foundYear:
block yearBlock: # test for year
let digits = dateToken.until(NonDigit)
if digits.len != 2 and digits.len != 4: break yearBlock
var n = 0
for c in digits:
if c notin AsciiDigit: break yearBlock
n *= 10
n += c.decValue
year = n
foundYear = true
if not (foundDayOfMonth and foundMonth and foundYear and foundTime): return none(DateTime)
if dayOfMonth notin 0..31: return none(DateTime)
if year < 1601: return none(DateTime)
if time[0] > 23: return none(DateTime)
if time[1] > 59: return none(DateTime)
if time[2] > 59: return none(DateTime)
var dateTime = dateTime(year, Month(month), MonthdayRange(dayOfMonth), HourRange(time[0]), MinuteRange(time[1]), SecondRange(time[2]))
return some(dateTime)
# For debugging
proc `$`*(cookiejar: CookieJar): string =
result &= $cookiejar.filter
result &= "\n"
for cookie in cookiejar.cookies:
result &= "Cookie "
result &= $cookie[]
result &= "\n"
func defaultCookiePath(url: URL): string =
let path = ($url.path).beforeLast('/')
if path == "" or path[0] != '/':
return "/"
return path
func cookiePathMatches(cookiePath, requestPath: string): bool =
if requestPath.startsWith(cookiePath):
if requestPath.len == cookiePath.len:
return true
if cookiePath[^1] == '/':
return true
if requestPath.len > cookiePath.len and requestPath[cookiePath.len] == '/':
return true
return false
# I have no clue if this is actually compliant, because the spec is worded
# so badly.
# Either way, this implementation is needed for compatibility.
# (Here is this part of the spec in its full glory:
# A string domain-matches a given domain string if at least one of the
# following conditions hold:
# o The domain string and the string are identical. (Note that both
# the domain string and the string will have been canonicalized to
# lower case at this point.)
# o All of the following conditions hold:
# * The domain string is a suffix of the string.
# * The last character of the string that is not included in the
# domain string is a %x2E (".") character. (???)
# * The string is a host name (i.e., not an IP address).)
func cookieDomainMatches(cookieDomain: string, url: URL): bool =
let host =
if host == cookieDomain:
return true
if url.isIP():
return false
let cookieDomain = if cookieDomain.len > 0 and cookieDomain[0] == '.':
return host.endsWith(cookieDomain)
proc add*(cookieJar: CookieJar, cookie: Cookie) =
var i = -1
for j in 0 ..< cookieJar.cookies.len:
let old = cookieJar.cookies[j]
if == and old.domain == cookie.domain and
old.path == cookie.path:
i = j
if i != -1:
let old = cookieJar.cookies[i]
cookie.created = old.created
proc add*(cookiejar: CookieJar, cookies: seq[Cookie]) =
for cookie in cookies:
proc serialize*(cookiejar: CookieJar, url: URL): string =
if not cookiejar.filter.match(url):
return "" # fail
let t = now().toTime().toUnix()
#TODO sort
for i in countdown(cookiejar.cookies.high, 0):
let cookie = cookiejar.cookies[i]
if cookie.expires != -1 and cookie.expires <= t:
if and url.scheme != "https":
if not cookiePathMatches(cookie.path, $url.path):
if not cookieDomainMatches(cookie.domain, url):
if result != "":
result &= "; "
result &=
result &= "="
result &= cookie.value
proc newCookie*(str: string, url: URL = nil): JSResult[Cookie]
{.jsctor.} =
let cookie = Cookie(
expires: -1,
created: now().toTime().toUnix()
var first = true
var haspath = false
var hasdomain = false
for part in str.split(';'):
if first: = part.until('=')
cookie.value = part.after('=')
first = false
let part = part.strip(leading = true, trailing = false, AsciiWhitespace)
var n = 0
for i in 0..part.high:
if part[i] == '=':
n = i
if n == 0:
let key = part.substr(0, n - 1)
let val = part.substr(n + 1)
case key.toLowerAscii()
of "expires":
let date = parseCookieDate(val)
if date.isSome:
cookie.expires = date.get.toTime().toUnix()
of "max-age":
let x = parseInt64(val)
if x.isSome:
cookie.expires = cookie.created + x.get
of "secure": = true
of "httponly": cookie.httponly = true
of "samesite": cookie.samesite = true
of "path":
if val != "" and val[0] == '/':
haspath = true
cookie.path = val
of "domain":
if url == nil or cookieDomainMatches(val, url):
cookie.domain = val
hasdomain = true
return err(newTypeError("Domains do not match"))
if not hasdomain:
if url != nil:
cookie.domain =
if not haspath:
if url == nil:
cookie.path = "/"
cookie.path = defaultCookiePath(url)
return ok(cookie)
proc newCookieJar*(location: URL, allowhosts: seq[Regex]): CookieJar =
return CookieJar(
filter: newURLFilter(
scheme = some(location.scheme),
allowhost = some(,
allowhosts = allowhosts
proc addCookieModule*(ctx: JSContext) =