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path: root/test/layout/float-with-left-padding.expected
blob: a80226999304286b6aca71d9cc7f4019e1db9976 (plain) (tree)
d='n212' href='#n212'>212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328
import std/strutils
import std/unicode

import bindings/quickjs
import js/javascript
import types/cell
import types/opt
import types/winattrs
import utils/strwidth
import utils/twtstr

import chagashi/charset
import chagashi/validator
import chagashi/decoder

  LineEditState* = enum
    lesEdit, lesFinish, lesCancel

  LineHistory* = ref object
    lines: seq[string]

  LineEdit* = ref object
    news*: string
    prompt: string
    promptw: int
    state*: LineEditState
    escNext*: bool
    cursorx: int # 0 ..< news.notwidth
    cursori: int # 0 ..< news.len
    shiftx: int # 0 ..< news.notwidth
    shifti: int # 0 ..< news.len
    padding: int # 0 or 1
    maxwidth: int
    disallowed: set[char]
    hide: bool
    hist: LineHistory
    histindex: int
    histtmp: string
    invalid*: bool


func newLineHistory*(): LineHistory =
  return LineHistory()

# Note: capped at edit.maxwidth.
func getDisplayWidth(edit: LineEdit): int =
  var dispw = 0
  var i = edit.shifti
  var r: Rune
  while i < edit.news.len and dispw < edit.maxwidth:
    fastRuneAt(edit.news, i, r)
    dispw += r.width()
  return dispw

proc shiftView(edit: LineEdit) =
  # Shift view so it contains the cursor.
  if edit.cursorx < edit.shiftx:
    edit.shiftx = edit.cursorx
    edit.shifti = edit.cursori
  # Shift view so it is completely filled.
  if edit.shiftx > 0:
    let dispw = edit.getDisplayWidth()
    if dispw < edit.maxwidth:
      let targetx = edit.shiftx - edit.maxwidth + dispw
      if targetx <= 0:
        edit.shiftx = 0
        edit.shifti = 0
        while edit.shiftx > targetx:
          let (r, len) = edit.news.lastRune(edit.shifti - 1)
          edit.shiftx -= r.width()
          edit.shifti -= len
  edit.padding = 0
  # Shift view so it contains the cursor. (act 2)
  if edit.shiftx < edit.cursorx - edit.maxwidth:
    while edit.shiftx < edit.cursorx - edit.maxwidth and
        edit.shifti < edit.news.len:
      var r: Rune
      fastRuneAt(edit.news, edit.shifti, r)
      edit.shiftx += r.width()
    if edit.shiftx > edit.cursorx - edit.maxwidth:
      # skipped over a cell because of a double-width char
      edit.padding = 1

proc generateOutput*(edit: LineEdit): FixedGrid =
  # Make the output grid +1 cell wide, so it covers the whole input area.
  result = newFixedGrid(edit.promptw + edit.maxwidth + 1)
  var x = 0
  for r in edit.prompt.runes:
    result[x].str &= $r
    x += r.width()
    if x >= result.width: break
  for i in 0 ..< edit.padding:
    if x < result.width:
      result[x].str = " "
      inc x
  var i = edit.shifti
  while i < edit.news.len:
    var r: Rune
    fastRuneAt(edit.news, i, r)
    if not edit.hide:
      let w = r.width()
      if x + w > result.width: break
      if r.isControlChar():
        result[x].str &= '^'
        inc x
        result[x].str &= char(r).getControlLetter()
        inc x
        result[x].str &= $r
        x += w
      if x + 1 > result.width: break
      result[x].str &= '*'
      inc x

proc getCursorX*(edit: LineEdit): int =
  return edit.promptw + edit.cursorx + edit.padding - edit.shiftx

proc insertCharseq(edit: LineEdit, s: string) =
  let s = if edit.escNext:
    deleteChars(s, edit.disallowed)
  edit.escNext = false
  if s.len == 0:
  let rem = edit.news.substr(edit.cursori)
  edit.news &= s
  edit.news &= rem
  edit.cursori += s.len
  edit.cursorx += s.notwidth()
  edit.invalid = true

proc cancel(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  edit.state = lesCancel

proc submit(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.hist.lines.len == 0 or edit.news != edit.hist.lines[^1]:
  edit.state = lesFinish

proc backspace(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.cursori > 0:
    let (r, len) = edit.news.lastRune(edit.cursori - 1)
    edit.news.delete(edit.cursori - len .. edit.cursori - 1)
    edit.cursori -= len
    edit.cursorx -= r.width()
    edit.invalid = true

proc write*(edit: LineEdit, s: string, cs: Charset): bool =
  if cs == CHARSET_UTF_8:
    if s.validateUTF8Surr() != -1:
      return false
    let td = newTextDecoder(cs)
    var success = false
    let s = td.decodeAll(s, success)
    if not success:
      return false
  return true

proc write(edit: LineEdit, s: string): bool {.jsfunc.} =
  edit.write(s, CHARSET_UTF_8)

proc delete(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.cursori < edit.news.len:
    let len = edit.news.runeLenAt(edit.cursori)
    edit.news.delete(edit.cursori ..< edit.cursori + len)
    edit.invalid = true

proc escape(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  edit.escNext = true

proc clear(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.cursori > 0:
    edit.news.delete(0..edit.cursori - 1)
    edit.cursori = 0
    edit.cursorx = 0
    edit.invalid = true

proc kill(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.cursori < edit.news.len:
    edit.invalid = true

proc backward(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.cursori > 0:
    let (r, len) = edit.news.lastRune(edit.cursori - 1)
    edit.cursori -= len
    edit.cursorx -= r.width()
    if edit.cursorx < edit.shiftx:
      edit.invalid = true

proc forward(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.cursori < edit.news.len:
    var r: Rune
    fastRuneAt(edit.news, edit.cursori, r)
    edit.cursorx += r.width()
    if edit.cursorx >= edit.shiftx + edit.maxwidth:
      edit.invalid = true

proc prevWord(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.cursori == 0:
  let (r, len) = edit.news.lastRune(edit.cursori - 1)
  if r.breaksWord():
    edit.cursori -= len
    edit.cursorx -= r.width()
  while edit.cursori > 0:
    let (r, len) = edit.news.lastRune(edit.cursori - 1)
    if r.breaksWord():
    edit.cursori -= len
    edit.cursorx -= r.width()
  if edit.cursorx < edit.shiftx:
    edit.invalid = true

proc nextWord(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.cursori >= edit.news.len:
  let oc = edit.cursori
  var r: Rune
  fastRuneAt(edit.news, edit.cursori, r)
  if r.breaksWord():
    edit.cursorx += r.width()
    edit.cursori = oc
  while edit.cursori < edit.news.len:
    let pc = edit.cursori
    fastRuneAt(edit.news, edit.cursori, r)
    if r.breaksWord():
      edit.cursori = pc
    edit.cursorx += r.width()
  if edit.cursorx >= edit.shiftx + edit.maxwidth:
    edit.invalid = true

proc clearWord(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  let oc = edit.cursori
  if oc != edit.cursori:
    edit.news.delete(edit.cursori .. oc - 1)
    edit.invalid = true

proc killWord(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.cursori >= edit.news.len:
  let oc = edit.cursori
  let ox = edit.cursorx
  if edit.cursori != oc:
    if edit.cursori < edit.news.len:
      let len = edit.news.runeLenAt(edit.cursori)
      edit.news.delete(oc ..< edit.cursori + len)
      edit.news.delete(oc ..< edit.cursori)
    edit.cursori = oc
    edit.cursorx = ox
    edit.invalid = true

proc begin(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  edit.cursori = 0
  edit.cursorx = 0
  if edit.shiftx > 0:
    edit.invalid = true

proc `end`(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.cursori < edit.news.len:
    edit.cursori = edit.news.len
    edit.cursorx = edit.news.notwidth()
    if edit.cursorx >= edit.shiftx + edit.maxwidth:
      edit.invalid = true

proc prevHist(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.histindex > 0:
    if edit.news.len > 0:
      edit.histtmp = $edit.news
    dec edit.histindex
    edit.news = edit.hist.lines[edit.histindex]
    # The begin call is needed so the cursor doesn't get lost outside
    # the string.
    edit.invalid = true

proc nextHist(edit: LineEdit) {.jsfunc.} =
  if edit.histindex + 1 < edit.hist.lines.len:
    inc edit.histindex
    edit.news = edit.hist.lines[edit.histindex]
    edit.invalid = true
  elif edit.histindex < edit.hist.lines.len:
    inc edit.histindex
    edit.news = edit.histtmp
    edit.histtmp = ""

proc windowChange*(edit: LineEdit, attrs: WindowAttributes) =
  edit.maxwidth = attrs.width - edit.promptw - 1

proc readLine*(prompt: string, termwidth: int, current = "",
    disallowed: set[char] = {}, hide = false, hist: LineHistory): LineEdit =
  result = LineEdit(
    prompt: prompt,
    promptw: prompt.width(),
    news: current,
    disallowed: disallowed,
    hide: hide,
    invalid: true
  result.cursori = result.news.len
  result.cursorx = result.news.notwidth()
  # - 1, so that the cursor always has place
  result.maxwidth = termwidth - result.promptw - 1
  result.hist = hist
  result.histindex = result.hist.lines.len

proc addLineEditModule*(ctx: JSContext) =