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authorbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2024-05-31 00:27:54 +0200
committerbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2024-05-31 00:53:49 +0200
commit27a39add498a9b1dca790c11a14cc3320cce2e31 (patch)
parenta78fa4ee235006239bf9e81d8d83adc59415b524 (diff)
pager: rework D/discard buffer
The previous solution had the issue that it switched between "delete
buffer, then move back" and "delete buffer, then move forward" depending
on whether the buffer was the root of the buffer tree, which made its
behavior quite unpredictable.

Now the pager (sort of) remembers the direction you are coming from,
and D moves in that direction. So e.g.:

* Enter, D just moves back to where you were coming from (as before)
* Comma, D deletes the previous buffer, then returns to the current

If no buffer exists in the target direction, then we alert.

Also, new commands are: `d,' `d.'. They do the same thing the
non-d-prefixed variations do, but also delete the current buffer. Useful
if you're no longer sure where you are coming from, but know where you
want to go. (`d,' in particular is equivalent to w3m's `B'.)
6 files changed, 147 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/bonus/w3m.toml b/bonus/w3m.toml
index a8ab54e0..4a3e6cdf 100644
--- a/bonus/w3m.toml
+++ b/bonus/w3m.toml
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ U = 'cmd.pager.load'
 V = 'cmd.pager.load' #TODO file only
 #TODO exec shell
 # Buffer operations
-B = 'cmd.pager.discardBuffer'
+B = 'cmd.pager.discardBufferPrev'
 v = 'cmd.pager.toggleSource'
 #TODO edit
 C-l = 'cmd.buffer.redraw'
diff --git a/doc/api.md b/doc/api.md
index 5d8f7b2f..ac928baf 100644
--- a/doc/api.md
+++ b/doc/api.md
@@ -122,10 +122,10 @@ Use this for loading automatically retrieved (i.e. non-user-provided) URLs.</td>
-<td>Discard the current buffer, and move back to its previous sibling buffer,
-or if that doesn't exist, to its parent. If the current buffer is a root buffer
-(i.e. it has no parent), move to the next sibling buffer instead.</td>
+<td>`discardBuffer(buffer = pager.buffer, dir = pager.navDirection)`</td>
+<td>Discard `buffer`, then move back to the buffer opposite to `dir`.
+Possible values of `dir` are: "prev", "next", "prev-sibling", "next-sibling",
+"parent", "first-child", "any".</td>
diff --git a/doc/config.md b/doc/config.md
index 2177eba2..d7b92723 100644
--- a/doc/config.md
+++ b/doc/config.md
@@ -879,9 +879,14 @@ company or their product in any way.)</td>
-<td>Discard the current buffer, and move back to its previous sibling buffer,
-or if that doesn't exist, to its parent. If the current buffer is a root buffer
-(i.e. it has no parent), move to the next sibling buffer instead.</td>
+<td>Discard the current buffer, and move back to the previous/next buffer
+depending on what the previously viewed buffer was.</td>
+<td>`cmd.pager.discardBufferPrev`, `cmd.pager.discardBufferNext`</td>
+<td>Discard the current buffer, and move back to the previous/next buffer, or
+open the link under the cursor.</td>
diff --git a/res/chawan.html b/res/chawan.html
index 1faf679e..43c093e8 100644
--- a/res/chawan.html
+++ b/res/chawan.html
@@ -57,7 +57,10 @@ up/down by one row
 <li><kbd>y</kbd>: yank (copy) current selection to system clipboard (needs xsel)
 <li><kbd>U</kbd>: reload page
 <li><kbd>,</kbd> (comma), <kbd>.</kbd> (period): previous/next buffer
-<li><kbd>D</kbd>: discard (delete) current buffer
+<li><kbd>D</kbd>: discard (delete) current buffer, then move back to where you
+came from
+<li><kbd>d,</kbd>, <kbd>d.</kbd>: discard (delete) current
+buffer, then move to previous/next buffer
 <li><kbd>M-y</kbd>: copy current buffer's URL to clipboard (needs xsel)
 <li><kbd>yu</kbd>: copy the link currently under the cursor to clipboard (needs
diff --git a/res/config.toml b/res/config.toml
index 7780db51..b1012a3c 100644
--- a/res/config.toml
+++ b/res/config.toml
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ reloadBuffer = '() => pager.reload()'
 lineInfo = '() => pager.lineInfo()'
 toggleSource = '() => pager.toggleSource()'
 discardBuffer = '() => pager.discardBuffer()'
+discardBufferPrev = '() => pager.discardBuffer(pager.buffer, "prev")'
+discardBufferNext = '() => pager.discardBuffer(pager.buffer, "next")'
 discardTree = '() => pager.discardTree()'
 prevBuffer = '() => pager.prevBuffer()'
 prevSiblingBuffer = '() => pager.prevSiblingBuffer()'
@@ -378,6 +380,8 @@ U = 'cmd.pager.reloadBuffer'
 C-g = 'cmd.pager.lineInfo'
 '\' = 'cmd.pager.toggleSource'
 D = 'cmd.pager.discardBuffer'
+'d,' = 'cmd.pager.discardBufferPrev'
+'d.' = 'cmd.pager.discardBufferNext'
 M-d = 'cmd.pager.discardTree'
 ',' = 'cmd.pager.prevBuffer'
 'M-,' = 'cmd.pager.prevSiblingBuffer'
diff --git a/src/local/pager.nim b/src/local/pager.nim
index 3a30a8f8..367802d9 100644
--- a/src/local/pager.nim
+++ b/src/local/pager.nim
@@ -99,6 +99,15 @@ type
     url: URL
     username: string
+  NavDirection = enum
+    ndPrev = "prev"
+    ndNext = "next"
+    ndPrevSibling = "prev-sibling"
+    ndNextSibling = "next-sibling"
+    ndParent = "parent"
+    ndFirstChild
+    ndAny = "any"
   Pager* = ref object
     alertState: PagerAlertState
     alerts*: seq[string]
@@ -124,6 +133,8 @@ type
     linehist: array[LineMode, LineHistory]
     linemode: LineMode
     loader*: FileLoader
+    luctx: LUContext
+    navDirection {.jsget.}: NavDirection
     notnum*: bool # has a non-numeric character been input already?
     numload*: int # number of pages currently being loaded
     precnum*: int32 # current number prefix (when vi-numeric-prefix is true)
@@ -136,7 +147,6 @@ type
     statusgrid*: FixedGrid
     term*: Terminal
     unreg*: seq[Container]
-    luctx: LUContext
@@ -607,49 +617,118 @@ proc dupeBuffer(pager: Pager; container: Container; url: URL) =
 proc dupeBuffer(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} =
   pager.dupeBuffer(pager.container, pager.container.url)
+func findPrev(container: Container): Container =
+  if container.parent == nil:
+    return nil
+  let n = container.parent.children.find(container)
+  assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent"
+  if n == 0:
+    return container.parent
+  var container = container.parent.children[n - 1]
+  while container.children.len > 0:
+    container = container.children[^1]
+  return container
+func findNext(container: Container): Container =
+  if container.children.len > 0:
+    return container.children[0]
+  var container = container
+  while container.parent != nil:
+    let n = container.parent.children.find(container)
+    assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent"
+    if n < container.parent.children.high:
+      return container.parent.children[n + 1]
+    container = container.parent
+  return nil
+func findPrevSibling(container: Container): Container =
+  if container.parent == nil:
+    return nil
+  var n = container.parent.children.find(container)
+  assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent"
+  if n == 0:
+    n = container.parent.children.len
+  return container.parent.children[n - 1]
+func findNextSibling(container: Container): Container =
+  if container.parent == nil:
+    return nil
+  var n = container.parent.children.find(container)
+  assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent"
+  if n == container.parent.children.high:
+    n = -1
+  return container.parent.children[n + 1]
+func findParent(container: Container): Container =
+  return container.parent
+func findFirstChild(container: Container): Container =
+  if container.children.len == 0:
+    return nil
+  return container.children[0]
+func findAny(container: Container): Container =
+  let prev = container.findPrev()
+  if prev != nil:
+    return prev
+  return container.findNext()
+func opposite(dir: NavDirection): NavDirection =
+  const Map = [
+    ndPrev: ndNext,
+    ndNext: ndPrev,
+    ndPrevSibling: ndNextSibling,
+    ndNextSibling: ndPrevSibling,
+    ndParent: ndFirstChild,
+    ndFirstChild: ndParent,
+    ndAny: ndAny
+  ]
+  return Map[dir]
+func find(container: Container; dir: NavDirection): Container =
+  return case dir
+  of ndPrev: container.findPrev()
+  of ndNext: container.findNext()
+  of ndPrevSibling: container.findPrevSibling()
+  of ndNextSibling: container.findNextSibling()
+  of ndParent: container.findParent()
+  of ndFirstChild: container.findFirstChild()
+  of ndAny: container.findAny()
 # The prevBuffer and nextBuffer procedures emulate w3m's PREV and NEXT
 # commands by traversing the container tree in a depth-first order.
 proc prevBuffer*(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} =
+  pager.navDirection = ndPrev
   if pager.container == nil:
     return false
-  if pager.container.parent == nil:
+  let prev = pager.container.findPrev()
+  if prev == nil:
     return false
-  let n = pager.container.parent.children.find(pager.container)
-  assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent"
-  if n > 0:
-    var container = pager.container.parent.children[n - 1]
-    while container.children.len > 0:
-      container = container.children[^1]
-    pager.setContainer(container)
-  else:
-    pager.setContainer(pager.container.parent)
+  pager.setContainer(prev)
   return true
 proc nextBuffer*(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} =
+  pager.navDirection = ndNext
   if pager.container == nil:
     return false
-  if pager.container.children.len > 0:
-    pager.setContainer(pager.container.children[0])
-    return true
-  var container = pager.container
-  while container.parent != nil:
-    let n = container.parent.children.find(container)
-    assert n != -1, "Container not a child of its parent"
-    if n < container.parent.children.high:
-      pager.setContainer(container.parent.children[n + 1])
-      return true
-    container = container.parent
-  return false
+  let next = pager.container.findNext()
+  if next == nil:
+    return false
+  pager.setContainer(next)
+  return true
 proc parentBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} =
+  pager.navDirection = ndParent
   if pager.container == nil:
     return false
-  if pager.container.parent == nil:
+  let parent = pager.container.findParent()
+  if parent == nil:
     return false
-  pager.setContainer(pager.container.parent)
+  pager.setContainer(parent)
   return true
 proc prevSiblingBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} =
+  pager.navDirection = ndPrevSibling
   if pager.container == nil:
     return false
   if pager.container.parent == nil:
@@ -662,6 +741,7 @@ proc prevSiblingBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} =
   return true
 proc nextSiblingBuffer(pager: Pager): bool {.jsfunc.} =
+  pager.navDirection = ndNextSibling
   if pager.container == nil:
     return false
   if pager.container.parent == nil:
@@ -699,13 +779,12 @@ proc replace*(pager: Pager; target, container: Container) =
   if pager.container == target:
-proc deleteContainer(pager: Pager; container: Container) =
+proc deleteContainer(pager: Pager; container, setTarget: Container) =
   if container.loadState == lsLoading:
   if container.sourcepair != nil:
     container.sourcepair.sourcepair = nil
     container.sourcepair = nil
-  var setTarget: Container = nil
   if container.parent != nil:
     let parent = container.parent
     let n = parent.children.find(container)
@@ -715,20 +794,12 @@ proc deleteContainer(pager: Pager; container: Container) =
       child.parent = container.parent
       parent.children.insert(child, n + 1)
-    if n == 0:
-      setTarget = parent
-    else:
-      setTarget = parent.children[n - 1]
   elif container.children.len > 0:
     let parent = container.children[0]
     parent.parent = nil
     for i in 1..container.children.high:
       container.children[i].parent = parent
-    setTarget = parent
-  else:
-    for child in container.children:
-      child.parent = nil
   container.parent = nil
   if container.replace != nil:
@@ -741,18 +812,23 @@ proc deleteContainer(pager: Pager; container: Container) =
-proc discardBuffer*(pager: Pager; container = none(Container)) {.jsfunc.} =
-  let c = container.get(pager.container)
-  if c == nil or c.parent == nil and c.children.len == 0:
-    pager.alert("Cannot discard last buffer!")
+proc discardBuffer*(pager: Pager; container = none(Container);
+    dir = none(NavDirection)) {.jsfunc.} =
+  if dir.isSome:
+    pager.navDirection = dir.get.opposite()
+  let container = container.get(pager.container)
+  let dir = pager.navDirection.opposite()
+  let setTarget = container.find(dir)
+  if container == nil or setTarget == nil:
+    pager.alert("No buffer in direction: " & $dir)
-    pager.deleteContainer(c)
+    pager.deleteContainer(container, setTarget)
 proc discardTree(pager: Pager; container = none(Container)) {.jsfunc.} =
   let container = container.get(pager.container)
   if container != nil:
     for c in container.descendants:
-      pager.deleteContainer(c)
+      pager.deleteContainer(container, nil)
     pager.alert("Buffer has no children!")
@@ -956,6 +1032,7 @@ proc gotoURL(pager: Pager; request: Request; prevurl = none(URL);
     contentType = none(string); cs = CHARSET_UNKNOWN; replace: Container = nil;
     redirectDepth = 0; referrer: Container = nil; save = false;
     url: URL = nil) =
+  pager.navDirection = ndNext
   if referrer != nil and referrer.config.referer_from:
     request.referrer = referrer.url
   let url = if url != nil: url else: request.url
@@ -1579,7 +1656,7 @@ proc redirectTo(pager: Pager; container: Container; request: Request) =
 proc fail(pager: Pager; container: Container; errorMessage: string) =
   dec pager.numload
-  pager.deleteContainer(container)
+  pager.deleteContainer(container, container.find(ndAny))
   if container.retry.len > 0:
       contentType = container.contentType)
@@ -1588,6 +1665,8 @@ proc fail(pager: Pager; container: Container; errorMessage: string) =
 proc redirect(pager: Pager; container: Container; response: Response;
     request: Request) =
+  # if redirection fails, then we need some other container to move to...
+  let failTarget = container.find(ndAny)
   # still need to apply response, or we lose cookie jars.
   container.applyResponse(response, pager.config.external.mime_types)
   if container.redirectDepth < pager.config.network.max_redirect:
@@ -1604,7 +1683,7 @@ proc redirect(pager: Pager; container: Container; response: Response;
     pager.alert("Error: maximum redirection depth reached")
-    pager.deleteContainer(container)
+    pager.deleteContainer(container, failTarget)
 proc askDownloadPath(pager: Pager; container: Container; response: Response) =
   var buf = pager.config.external.download_dir
@@ -1618,7 +1697,7 @@ proc askDownloadPath(pager: Pager; container: Container; response: Response) =
     outputId: response.outputId,
     stream: response.body
-  pager.deleteContainer(container)
+  pager.deleteContainer(container, container.find(ndAny))
   pager.redraw = true
   dec pager.numload
@@ -1681,11 +1760,11 @@ proc connected(pager: Pager; container: Container; response: Response) =
       istreamOutputId: response.outputId
     if container.replace != nil:
-      pager.deleteContainer(container.replace)
+      pager.deleteContainer(container.replace, container.find(ndAny))
       container.replace = nil
     dec pager.numload
-    pager.deleteContainer(container)
+    pager.deleteContainer(container, container.find(ndAny))
     pager.redraw = true
@@ -1816,7 +1895,7 @@ proc handleEvent0(pager: Pager; container: Container; event: ContainerEvent):
       let item = pager.connectingContainers[i]
       dec pager.numload
-      pager.deleteContainer(container)
+      pager.deleteContainer(container, container.find(ndAny))