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authorbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2024-09-01 01:03:50 +0200
committerbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2024-09-01 01:46:38 +0200
commit55cfd29e961488a8c1ed9eb7801d237d27bc86c7 (patch)
parente9466c4c436f964b53034e28356aa3f5c957a068 (diff)
canvas: move to separate CGI script
* stream: and passFd is now client-based, and accessible for buffers
* Bitmap's width & height is now int, not uint64
* no more non-network Bitmap special case in the pager for canvas

I just shoehorned it into the static image model, so it still doesn't
render changes after page load. But at least now it doesn't crash the
23 files changed, 571 insertions, 364 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 369d79e7..c99165b4 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ all: $(OUTDIR_BIN)/cha $(OUTDIR_BIN)/mancha $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/http \
 	$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/cha-finger $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/about \
 	$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/file $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/ftp \
 	$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/man $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/spartan \
-	$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/stbi $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/jebp $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/sixel \
+	$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/stbi $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/jebp \
+	$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/canvas $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/sixel \
 	$(OUTDIR_LIBEXEC)/urldec $(OUTDIR_LIBEXEC)/urlenc \
 	$(OUTDIR_LIBEXEC)/md2html $(OUTDIR_LIBEXEC)/ansi2html
 	ln -sf "$(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET)/bin/cha" cha
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/gmifetch: adapter/protocol/gmifetch.c
 	$(CC) $(GMIFETCH_CFLAGS) adapter/protocol/gmifetch.c -o "$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/gmifetch" $(GMIFETCH_LDFLAGS)
 twtstr = src/utils/twtstr.nim src/utils/charcategory.nim src/utils/map.nim
+dynstream = src/io/dynstream.nim src/io/serversocket.nim
 $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/man: lib/monoucha/monoucha/jsregex.nim \
 		lib/monoucha/monoucha/libregexp.nim src/types/opt.nim $(twtstr)
 $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/http: adapter/protocol/curlwrap.nim \
@@ -109,6 +111,11 @@ $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/stbi: adapter/img/stbi.nim adapter/img/stb_image.c \
 		adapter/img/stb_image.h src/utils/sandbox.nim
 $(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/jebp: adapter/img/jebp.c adapter/img/jebp.h \
+$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/sixel: src/types/color.nim src/utils/sandbox.nim $(twtstr)
+$(OUTDIR_CGI_BIN)/canvas: src/css/cssvalues.nim src/img/bitmap.nim \
+	src/img/painter.nim src/img/path.nim src/io/bufreader.nim \
+	src/types/color.nim src/types/line.nim src/utils/sandbox.nim \
+	$(dynstream)
 $(OUTDIR_LIBEXEC)/urlenc: $(twtstr)
 $(OUTDIR_LIBEXEC)/gopher2html: adapter/gophertypes.nim $(twtstr)
 $(OUTDIR_LIBEXEC)/ansi2html: src/types/color.nim $(twtstr)
@@ -164,7 +171,7 @@ manpages = $(manpages1) $(manpages5)
 .PHONY: manpage
 manpage: $(manpages:%=doc/%)
-protocols = http about file ftp gopher gmifetch cha-finger man spartan stbi jebp sixel
+protocols = http about file ftp gopher gmifetch cha-finger man spartan stbi jebp sixel canvas
 converters = gopher2html md2html ansi2html gmi2html
 tools = urlenc
diff --git a/adapter/img/canvas.c b/adapter/img/canvas.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9e386ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapter/img/canvas.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#define STBI_ONLY_PNG
+#define STBI_NO_STDIO
+#include "stb_image.h"
diff --git a/adapter/img/canvas.nim b/adapter/img/canvas.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2182e1d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapter/img/canvas.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# Very simple canvas renderer. At the moment, it uses an undocumented binary
+# protocol for reading commands, and renders it whenever stdin is closed.
+# So for now, it can only really render a single frame.
+# It uses unifont for rendering text - currently I just store it as PNG
+# and read it with stbi. (TODO: try switching to a more efficient format
+# like qemacs fbf.)
+import std/os
+import std/posix
+import std/strutils
+import css/cssvalues
+import img/bitmap
+import img/painter
+import img/path
+import io/bufreader
+import io/dynstream
+import types/color
+import types/line
+import utils/sandbox
+{.compile: "canvas.c".}
+{.passc: "-I" & currentSourcePath().parentDir().}
+{.push header: "stb_image.h".}
+proc stbi_load_from_memory(buffer: ptr uint8; len: cint; x, y, comp: ptr cint;
+  req_comp: cint): ptr uint8
+proc stbi_image_free(retval_from_stbi_load: pointer)
+const unifont = readFile"res/unifont_jp-15.0.05.png"
+proc loadUnifont(unifont: string): ImageBitmap =
+  var width, height, comp: cint
+  let p = stbi_load_from_memory(cast[ptr uint8](unsafeAddr unifont[0]),
+    cint(unifont.len), addr width, addr height, addr comp, 4)
+  let len = width * height
+  let bitmap = ImageBitmap(
+    px: cast[seq[RGBAColorBE]](newSeqUninitialized[uint32](len)),
+    width: int(width),
+    height: int(height)
+  )
+  copyMem(addr bitmap.px[0], p, len)
+  stbi_image_free(p)
+  return bitmap
+proc main() =
+  enterNetworkSandbox()
+  let os = newPosixStream(STDOUT_FILENO)
+  let ps = newPosixStream(STDIN_FILENO)
+  if getEnv("MAPPED_URI_SCHEME") != "img-codec+x-cha-canvas":
+    os.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 1 wrong scheme\n")
+    quit(1)
+  case getEnv("MAPPED_URI_PATH")
+  of "decode":
+    let headers = getEnv("REQUEST_HEADERS")
+    for hdr in headers.split('\n'):
+      if hdr.strip() == "Cha-Image-Info-Only: 1":
+        #TODO this is a hack...
+        # basically, we eat & discard all data from the buffer so it gets saved
+        # to a cache file. then, actually render when the pager asks us to
+        # do so.
+        # obviously this is highly sub-optimal; a better solution would be to
+        # leave stdin open & pass down the stream id from the buffer. (but then
+        # you have to save canvas output too, so it doesn't have to be
+        # re-coded, and handle that case in encoders... or implement on-demand
+        # multi-frame output.)
+        os.write("\n")
+        discard ps.recvAll()
+        quit(0)
+    var cmd: PaintCommand
+    var width: int
+    var height: int
+    ps.withPacketReader r:
+      r.sread(cmd)
+      if cmd != pcSetDimensions:
+        os.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 1 wrong dimensions\n")
+        quit(1)
+      r.sread(width)
+      r.sread(height)
+    os.write("Cha-Image-Dimensions: " & $width & "x" & $height & "\n\n")
+    let bmp = newBitmap(width, height)
+    var alive = true
+    while alive:
+      try:
+        ps.withPacketReader r:
+          r.sread(cmd)
+          case cmd
+          of pcSetDimensions:
+            alive = false
+          of pcFillRect, pcStrokeRect:
+            var x1, y1, x2, y2: int
+            var color: ARGBColor
+            r.sread(x1)
+            r.sread(y1)
+            r.sread(x2)
+            r.sread(y2)
+            r.sread(color)
+            if cmd == pcFillRect:
+              bmp.fillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
+            else:
+              bmp.strokeRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
+          of pcFillPath:
+            var lines: PathLines
+            var color: ARGBColor
+            var fillRule: CanvasFillRule
+            r.sread(lines)
+            r.sread(color)
+            r.sread(fillRule)
+            bmp.fillPath(lines, color, fillRule)
+          of pcStrokePath:
+            var lines: seq[Line]
+            var color: ARGBColor
+            r.sread(lines)
+            r.sread(color)
+            bmp.strokePath(lines, color)
+          of pcFillText, pcStrokeText:
+            if unifontBitmap == nil:
+              unifontBitmap = loadUnifont(unifont)
+            var text: string
+            var x, y: float64
+            var color: ARGBColor
+            var align: CSSTextAlign
+            r.sread(text)
+            r.sread(x)
+            r.sread(y)
+            r.sread(color)
+            r.sread(align)
+            if cmd == pcFillText:
+              bmp.fillText(text, x, y, color, align)
+            else:
+              bmp.strokeText(text, x, y, color, align)
+      except EOFError, ErrorConnectionReset, ErrorBrokenPipe:
+        break
+    os.sendDataLoop(addr bmp.px[0], bmp.px.len * sizeof(bmp.px[0]))
+  of "encode":
+    os.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 1 not supported\n")
+    quit(1)
diff --git a/adapter/img/jebp.nim b/adapter/img/jebp.nim
index 03d72d59..afeb283e 100644
--- a/adapter/img/jebp.nim
+++ b/adapter/img/jebp.nim
@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@ import std/strutils
 import utils/sandbox
 import utils/twtstr
-{.passc: "-fno-strict-aliasing".}
-{.passl: "-fno-strict-aliasing".}
 {.compile: "jebp.c".}
 when sizeof(cint) < 4:
@@ -61,10 +58,12 @@ proc myRead(data: pointer; size: csize_t; user: pointer): csize_t {.cdecl.} =
     n += csize_t(i)
   return n
+{.push header: "stb_image_resize.h".}
 proc stbir_resize_uint8(input_pixels: ptr uint8;
   input_w, input_h, input_stride_in_bytes: cint; output_pixels: ptr uint8;
   output_w, output_h, output_stride_in_bytes, num_channels: cint): cint
 proc writeAll(data: pointer; size: int) =
   var n = 0
diff --git a/res/urimethodmap b/res/urimethodmap
index b75dc2b0..356e1e4b 100644
--- a/res/urimethodmap
+++ b/res/urimethodmap
@@ -22,3 +22,4 @@ img-codec+bmp:		cgi-bin:stbi
 img-codec+x-unknown:	cgi-bin:stbi
 img-codec+webp:		cgi-bin:jebp
 img-codec+x-sixel:	cgi-bin:sixel
+img-codec+x-cha-canvas:	cgi-bin:canvas
diff --git a/src/css/cascade.nim b/src/css/cascade.nim
index efa9227f..1cee3399 100644
--- a/src/css/cascade.nim
+++ b/src/css/cascade.nim
@@ -416,13 +416,15 @@ proc applyRulesFrameInvalid(frame: CascadeFrame; ua, user: CSSStylesheet;
       let styledText = styledParent.newStyledReplacement(content, pseudo)
     of peCanvas:
-      let content = CSSContent(
-        t: ContentImage,
-        s: "canvas://",
-        bmp: HTMLCanvasElement(styledParent.node).bitmap
-      )
-      let styledText = styledParent.newStyledReplacement(content, pseudo)
-      styledParent.children.add(styledText)
+      let bmp = HTMLCanvasElement(styledParent.node).bitmap
+      if bmp.cacheId != 0:
+        let content = CSSContent(
+          t: ContentImage,
+          s: "canvas://",
+          bmp: bmp
+        )
+        let styledText = styledParent.newStyledReplacement(content, pseudo)
+        styledParent.children.add(styledText)
     of peVideo:
       let content = CSSContent(t: ContentVideo)
       let styledText = styledParent.newStyledReplacement(content, pseudo)
diff --git a/src/css/cssvalues.nim b/src/css/cssvalues.nim
index f0b3cbc8..f8a50723 100644
--- a/src/css/cssvalues.nim
+++ b/src/css/cssvalues.nim
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ type
   CSSContent* = object
     t*: CSSContentType
     s*: string
-    bmp*: Bitmap
+    bmp*: NetworkBitmap
   CSSQuotes* = object
     auto*: bool
diff --git a/src/html/dom.nim b/src/html/dom.nim
index 22462db2..c1abd4e3 100644
--- a/src/html/dom.nim
+++ b/src/html/dom.nim
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import std/algorithm
 import std/deques
 import std/math
 import std/options
+import std/posix
 import std/sets
 import std/strutils
 import std/tables
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ import html/script
 import img/bitmap
 import img/painter
 import img/path
+import io/bufwriter
 import io/dynstream
 import io/promise
 import js/console
@@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ import monoucha/quickjs
 import monoucha/tojs
 import types/blob
 import types/color
+import types/line
 import types/matrix
 import types/opt
 import types/referrer
@@ -102,6 +105,8 @@ type
     styling*: bool
     # ID of the next image
     imageId: int
+    # list of streams that must be closed for canvas rendering on load
+    pendingCanvasCtls*: seq[CanvasRenderingContext2D]
   # Navigator stuff
   Navigator* = object
@@ -343,8 +348,8 @@ type
   HTMLLabelElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
   HTMLCanvasElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
-    ctx2d: CanvasRenderingContext2D
-    bitmap*: Bitmap
+    ctx2d*: CanvasRenderingContext2D
+    bitmap*: NetworkBitmap
   DrawingState = object
     # CanvasTransform
@@ -366,6 +371,7 @@ type
     bitmap: Bitmap
     state: DrawingState
     stateStack: seq[DrawingState]
+    ps*: PosixStream
   TextMetrics = ref object
     # x-direction
@@ -384,7 +390,7 @@ type
     ideographicBaseline {.jsget.}: float64
   HTMLImageElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
-    bitmap*: Bitmap
+    bitmap*: NetworkBitmap
     fetchStarted: bool
   HTMLVideoElement* = ref object of HTMLElement
@@ -449,7 +455,48 @@ jsDestructor(CanvasRenderingContext2D)
+# Forward declarations
+func attr*(element: Element; s: StaticAtom): string
+func attrb*(element: Element; s: CAtom): bool
+func baseURL*(document: Document): URL
+proc attr*(element: Element; name: CAtom; value: string)
+proc attr*(element: Element; name: StaticAtom; value: string)
+proc delAttr(element: Element; i: int; keep = false)
+proc getImageId(window: Window): int
 proc parseColor(element: Element; s: string): ARGBColor
+proc reflectAttr(element: Element; name: CAtom; value: Option[string])
+# Forward declaration hacks
+# set in css/cascade
+var appliesFwdDecl*: proc(mqlist: MediaQueryList; window: Window): bool
+  {.nimcall, noSideEffect.}
+# set in css/match
+var doqsa*: proc (node: Node; q: string): seq[Element] {.nimcall.} = nil
+var doqs*: proc (node: Node; q: string): Element {.nimcall.} = nil
+# set in html/chadombuilder
+var domParseHTMLFragment*: proc(element: Element; s: string): seq[Node]
+  {.nimcall.}
+# set in html/env
+var windowFetch*: proc(window: Window; input: JSValue;
+  init = RequestInit(window: JS_UNDEFINED)): JSResult[FetchPromise]
+  {.nimcall.} = nil
+# For now, these are the same; on an API level however, getGlobal is guaranteed
+# to be non-null, while getWindow may return null in the future. (This is in
+# preparation for Worker support.)
+func getGlobal*(ctx: JSContext): Window =
+  let global = JS_GetGlobalObject(ctx)
+  var window: Window
+  assert ctx.fromJS(global, window).isSome
+  JS_FreeValue(ctx, global)
+  return window
+func getWindow*(ctx: JSContext): Window =
+  let global = JS_GetGlobalObject(ctx)
+  var window: Window
+  assert ctx.fromJS(global, window).isSome
+  JS_FreeValue(ctx, global)
+  return window
 func console(window: Window): Console =
   return window.internalConsole
@@ -457,20 +504,125 @@ func console(window: Window): Console =
 proc resetTransform(state: var DrawingState) =
   state.transformMatrix = newIdentityMatrix(3)
-proc resetState(state: var DrawingState) =
+proc reset(state: var DrawingState) =
   state.fillStyle = rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)
   state.strokeStyle = rgba(0, 0, 0, 255)
   state.path = newPath()
 proc create2DContext*(jctx: JSContext; target: HTMLCanvasElement;
-    options = JS_UNDEFINED): CanvasRenderingContext2D =
-  let ctx = CanvasRenderingContext2D(
+    options = JS_UNDEFINED) =
+  var pipefd: array[2, cint]
+  if pipe(pipefd) == -1:
+    return
+  let window = jctx.getWindow()
+  let imageId = target.bitmap.imageId
+  let loader = window.loader
+  loader.passFd("canvas-ctl-" & $imageId, FileHandle(pipefd[0]))
+  discard close(pipefd[0])
+  let ps = newPosixStream(FileHandle(pipefd[1]))
+  let ctlreq = newRequest(newURL("stream:canvas-ctl-" & $imageId).get)
+  let ctlres = loader.doRequest(ctlreq)
+  doAssert ctlres.res == 0
+  let cacheId = loader.addCacheFile(ctlres.outputId, loader.clientPid)
+  target.bitmap.cacheId = cacheId
+  let request = newRequest(
+    newURL("img-codec+x-cha-canvas:decode").get,
+    httpMethod = hmPost,
+    headers = newHeaders({"Cha-Image-Info-Only": "1"}),
+    body = RequestBody(t: rbtOutput, outputId: ctlres.outputId)
+  )
+  let response = loader.doRequest(request)
+  if response.res != 0:
+    # no canvas module; give up
+    ps.sclose()
+    ctlres.resume()
+    ctlres.close()
+    return
+  ctlres.resume()
+  ctlres.close()
+  response.resume()
+  target.ctx2d = CanvasRenderingContext2D(
     bitmap: target.bitmap,
-    canvas: target
+    canvas: target,
+    ps: ps
-  ctx.state.resetState()
-  return ctx
+  window.pendingCanvasCtls.add(target.ctx2d)
+  ps.withPacketWriter w:
+    w.swrite(pcSetDimensions)
+    w.swrite(target.bitmap.width)
+    w.swrite(target.bitmap.height)
+  target.ctx2d.state.reset()
+proc fillRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x1, y1, x2, y2: int;
+    color: ARGBColor) =
+  if ctx.ps != nil:
+    ctx.ps.withPacketWriter w:
+      w.swrite(pcFillRect)
+      w.swrite(x1)
+      w.swrite(y1)
+      w.swrite(x2)
+      w.swrite(y2)
+      w.swrite(color)
+proc strokeRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x1, y1, x2, y2: int;
+    color: ARGBColor) =
+  if ctx.ps != nil:
+    ctx.ps.withPacketWriter w:
+      w.swrite(pcStrokeRect)
+      w.swrite(x1)
+      w.swrite(y1)
+      w.swrite(x2)
+      w.swrite(y2)
+      w.swrite(color)
+proc fillPath(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; path: Path; color: ARGBColor;
+    fillRule: CanvasFillRule) =
+  if ctx.ps != nil:
+    let lines = path.getLineSegments()
+    ctx.ps.withPacketWriter w:
+      w.swrite(pcFillPath)
+      w.swrite(lines)
+      w.swrite(color)
+      w.swrite(fillRule)
+proc strokePath(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; path: Path; color: ARGBColor) =
+  if ctx.ps != nil:
+    var lines: seq[Line] = @[]
+    for line in path.lines:
+      lines.add(line)
+    ctx.ps.withPacketWriter w:
+      w.swrite(pcStrokePath)
+      w.swrite(lines)
+      w.swrite(color)
+proc fillText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; text: string; x, y: float64;
+    color: ARGBColor; align: CSSTextAlign) =
+  if ctx.ps != nil:
+    ctx.ps.withPacketWriter w:
+      w.swrite(pcFillText)
+      w.swrite(text)
+      w.swrite(x)
+      w.swrite(y)
+      w.swrite(color)
+      w.swrite(align)
+proc strokeText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; text: string; x, y: float64;
+    color: ARGBColor; align: CSSTextAlign) =
+  if ctx.ps != nil:
+    ctx.ps.withPacketWriter w:
+      w.swrite(pcStrokeText)
+      w.swrite(text)
+      w.swrite(x)
+      w.swrite(y)
+      w.swrite(color)
+      w.swrite(align)
+proc clearRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x1, y1, x2, y2: int) =
+  ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.bitmap.width, ctx.bitmap.height, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0))
+proc clear(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) =
+  ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.bitmap.width, ctx.bitmap.height)
 # CanvasState
 proc save(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =
@@ -481,10 +633,9 @@ proc restore(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =
     ctx.state = ctx.stateStack.pop()
 proc reset(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =
-  ctx.bitmap.clear()
-  #TODO empty list of subpaths
+  ctx.clear()
-  ctx.state.resetState()
+  ctx.state.reset()
 # CanvasTransform
 #TODO scale
@@ -569,11 +720,11 @@ proc clearRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, w, h: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
   #TODO clipping regions (right now we just clip to default)
   let bw = float64(ctx.bitmap.width)
   let bh = float64(ctx.bitmap.height)
-  let x0 = uint64(min(max(x, 0), bw))
-  let x1 = uint64(min(max(x + w, 0), bw))
-  let y0 = uint64(min(max(y, 0), bh))
-  let y1 = uint64(min(max(y + h, 0), bh))
-  ctx.bitmap.clearRect(x0, x1, y0, y1)
+  let x1 = int(min(max(x, 0), bw))
+  let y1 = int(min(max(y, 0), bh))
+  let x2 = int(min(max(x + w, 0), bw))
+  let y2 = int(min(max(y + h, 0), bh))
+  ctx.clearRect(x1, y1, x2, y2)
 proc fillRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, w, h: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
   for v in [x, y, w, h]:
@@ -584,11 +735,11 @@ proc fillRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, w, h: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
   let bw = float64(ctx.bitmap.width)
   let bh = float64(ctx.bitmap.height)
-  let x0 = uint64(min(max(x, 0), bw))
-  let x1 = uint64(min(max(x + w, 0), bw))
-  let y0 = uint64(min(max(y, 0), bh))
-  let y1 = uint64(min(max(y + h, 0), bh))
-  ctx.bitmap.fillRect(x0, x1, y0, y1, ctx.state.fillStyle)
+  let x1 = int(min(max(x, 0), bw))
+  let y1 = int(min(max(y, 0), bh))
+  let x2 = int(min(max(x + w, 0), bw))
+  let y2 = int(min(max(y + h, 0), bh))
+  ctx.fillRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, ctx.state.fillStyle)
 proc strokeRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, w, h: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
   for v in [x, y, w, h]:
@@ -599,11 +750,11 @@ proc strokeRect(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; x, y, w, h: float64) {.jsfunc.} =
   let bw = float64(ctx.bitmap.width)
   let bh = float64(ctx.bitmap.height)
-  let x0 = uint64(min(max(x, 0), bw))
-  let x1 = uint64(min(max(x + w, 0), bw))
-  let y0 = uint64(min(max(y, 0), bh))
-  let y1 = uint64(min(max(y + h, 0), bh))
-  ctx.bitmap.strokeRect(x0, x1, y0, y1, ctx.state.strokeStyle)
+  let x1 = int(min(max(x, 0), bw))
+  let y1 = int(min(max(y, 0), bh))
+  let x2 = int(min(max(x + w, 0), bw))
+  let y2 = int(min(max(y + h, 0), bh))
+  ctx.strokeRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, ctx.state.strokeStyle)
 # CanvasDrawPath
 proc beginPath(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =
@@ -612,11 +763,11 @@ proc beginPath(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} =
 proc fill(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; fillRule = cfrNonZero) {.jsfunc.} =
   #TODO path
-  ctx.bitmap.fillPath(ctx.state.path, ctx.state.fillStyle, fillRule)
+  ctx.fillPath(ctx.state.path, ctx.state.fillStyle, fillRule)
 proc stroke(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D) {.jsfunc.} = #TODO path
-  ctx.bitmap.strokePath(ctx.state.path, ctx.state.strokeStyle)
+  ctx.strokePath(ctx.state.path, ctx.state.strokeStyle)
 proc clip(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; fillRule = cfrNonZero) {.jsfunc.} =
   #TODO path
@@ -627,44 +778,14 @@ proc clip(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; fillRule = cfrNonZero) {.jsfunc.} =
 # CanvasUserInterface
 # CanvasText
-const unifont = readFile"res/unifont_jp-15.0.05.png"
-proc loadUnifont(window: Window) =
-  #TODO this is very wrong, we should move the unifont file in a CGI script or
-  # something
-  if unifontBitmap != nil:
-    return
-  let request = newRequest(
-    newURL("img-codec+png:decode").get,
-    httpMethod = hmPost,
-    body = RequestBody(t: rbtString, s: unifont)
-  )
-  let response = window.loader.doRequest(request)
-  assert response.res == 0
-  let dims = response.headers.table["Cha-Image-Dimensions"][0]
-  let width = parseUInt64(dims.until('x'), allowSign = false).get
-  let height = parseUInt64(dims.after('x'), allowSign = false).get
-  let len = int(width) * int(height)
-  let bitmap = ImageBitmap(
-    px: cast[seq[RGBAColorBE]](newSeqUninitialized[uint32](len)),
-    width: width,
-    height: height
-  )
-  window.loader.resume(response.outputId)
-  response.body.recvDataLoop(addr bitmap.px[0], len * 4)
-  response.body.sclose()
-  unifontBitmap = bitmap
 #TODO maxwidth
 proc fillText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; text: string; x, y: float64)
     {.jsfunc.} =
   for v in [x, y]:
     if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
-  #TODO should not be loaded here...
-  ctx.canvas.internalDocument.window.loadUnifont()
   let vec = ctx.transform(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
-  ctx.bitmap.fillText(text, vec.x, vec.y, ctx.state.fillStyle,
-    ctx.state.textAlign)
+  ctx.fillText(text, vec.x, vec.y, ctx.state.fillStyle, ctx.state.textAlign)
 #TODO maxwidth
 proc strokeText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; text: string; x, y: float64)
@@ -672,11 +793,8 @@ proc strokeText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; text: string; x, y: float64)
   for v in [x, y]:
     if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
-  #TODO should not be loaded here...
-  ctx.canvas.internalDocument.window.loadUnifont()
   let vec = ctx.transform(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
-  ctx.bitmap.strokeText(text, vec.x, vec.y, ctx.state.strokeStyle,
-    ctx.state.textAlign)
+  ctx.strokeText(text, vec.x, vec.y, ctx.state.strokeStyle, ctx.state.textAlign)
 proc measureText(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D; text: string): TextMetrics
     {.jsfunc.} =
@@ -894,47 +1012,6 @@ const ReflectTable0 = [
   makef("onclick", AllTagTypes, "click"),
-# Forward declarations
-func attr*(element: Element; s: StaticAtom): string
-func attrb*(element: Element; s: CAtom): bool
-proc attr*(element: Element; name: CAtom; value: string)
-proc attr*(element: Element; name: StaticAtom; value: string)
-func baseURL*(document: Document): URL
-proc delAttr(element: Element; i: int; keep = false)
-proc reflectAttr(element: Element; name: CAtom; value: Option[string])
-# Forward declaration hacks
-# set in css/cascade
-var appliesFwdDecl*: proc(mqlist: MediaQueryList; window: Window): bool
-  {.nimcall, noSideEffect.}
-# set in css/match
-var doqsa*: proc (node: Node; q: string): seq[Element] {.nimcall.} = nil
-var doqs*: proc (node: Node; q: string): Element {.nimcall.} = nil
-# set in html/chadombuilder
-var domParseHTMLFragment*: proc(element: Element; s: string): seq[Node]
-  {.nimcall.}
-# set in html/env
-var windowFetch*: proc(window: Window; input: JSValue;
-  init = RequestInit(window: JS_UNDEFINED)): JSResult[FetchPromise]
-  {.nimcall.} = nil
-# For now, these are the same; on an API level however, getGlobal is guaranteed
-# to be non-null, while getWindow may return null in the future. (This is in
-# preparation for Worker support.)
-func getGlobal*(ctx: JSContext): Window =
-  let global = JS_GetGlobalObject(ctx)
-  var window: Window
-  assert ctx.fromJS(global, window).isSome
-  JS_FreeValue(ctx, global)
-  return window
-func getWindow*(ctx: JSContext): Window =
-  let global = JS_GetGlobalObject(ctx)
-  var window: Window
-  assert ctx.fromJS(global, window).isSome
-  JS_FreeValue(ctx, global)
-  return window
 func document*(node: Node): Document =
   if node of Document:
     return Document(node)
@@ -2763,7 +2840,15 @@ proc newHTMLElement*(document: Document; localName: CAtom;
   of TAG_LABEL:
     result = HTMLLabelElement()
-    let bitmap = if document.scriptingEnabled: newBitmap(300, 150) else: nil
+    let bitmap = if document.scriptingEnabled:
+      NetworkBitmap(
+        contentType: "image/x-cha-canvas",
+        imageId: document.window.getImageId(),
+        width: 300,
+        height: 150
+      )
+    else:
+      nil
     result = HTMLCanvasElement(bitmap: bitmap)
   of TAG_IMG:
     result = HTMLImageElement()
@@ -3034,7 +3119,10 @@ proc loadResource(window: Window; link: HTMLLinkElement) =
         let res = res.get
         if res.getContentType() == "text/css":
           return res.text()
-        res.unregisterFun()
+        res.close()
+      let p = newPromise[JSResult[string]]()
+      p.resolve(JSResult[string].err(res.error))
+      return p
     ).then(proc(s: JSResult[string]) =
       if s.isSome:
         #TODO non-utf-8 css?
@@ -3071,7 +3159,8 @@ proc loadResource(window: Window; image: HTMLImageElement) =
     let cachedURL = CachedURLImage(expiry: -1, loading: true)
     window.imageURLCache[surl] = cachedURL
-    let p = window.loader.fetch(newRequest(url)).then(
+    let headers = newHeaders({"Accept": "*/*"})
+    let p = window.loader.fetch(newRequest(url, headers = headers)).then(
       proc(res: JSResult[Response]): EmptyPromise =
         if res.isNone:
           return newResolvedPromise()
@@ -3092,8 +3181,7 @@ proc loadResource(window: Window; image: HTMLImageElement) =
         let r = window.loader.fetch(request)
-        response.unregisterFun()
-        response.body.sclose()
+        response.close()
         var expiry = -1i64
         if "Cache-Control" in response.headers:
           for hdr in response.headers.table["Cache-Control"]:
@@ -3113,8 +3201,7 @@ proc loadResource(window: Window; image: HTMLImageElement) =
           let response = res.get
           # close immediately; all data we're interested in is in the headers.
-          response.unregisterFun()
-          response.body.sclose()
+          response.close()
           if "Cha-Image-Dimensions" notin response.headers.table:
             window.console.error("Cha-Image-Dimensions missing in",
@@ -3122,12 +3209,13 @@ proc loadResource(window: Window; image: HTMLImageElement) =
           let dims = response.headers.table["Cha-Image-Dimensions"][0]
           let width = parseUInt64(dims.until('x'), allowSign = false)
           let height = parseUInt64(dims.after('x'), allowSign = false)
-          if width.isNone or height.isNone:
+          if width.isNone or height.isNone or width.get > uint64(int.high) or
+              height.get > uint64(int.high):
             window.console.error("wrong Cha-Image-Dimensions in", $response.url)
           let bmp = NetworkBitmap(
-            width: width.get,
-            height: height.get,
+            width: int(width.get),
+            height: int(height.get),
             cacheId: cacheId,
             imageId: window.getImageId(),
             contentType: contentType
@@ -3244,10 +3332,24 @@ proc reflectAttr(element: Element; name: CAtom; value: Option[string]) =
     if element.scriptingEnabled and name in {satWidth, satHeight}:
       let w = element.attrul(satWidth).get(300)
       let h = element.attrul(satHeight).get(150)
-      let canvas = HTMLCanvasElement(element)
-      if canvas.bitmap == nil or canvas.bitmap.width != w or
-          canvas.bitmap.height != h:
-        canvas.bitmap = newBitmap(w, h)
+      if w <= uint64(int.high) and h <= uint64(int.high):
+        let w = int(w)
+        let h = int(h)
+        let canvas = HTMLCanvasElement(element)
+        if canvas.bitmap == nil or canvas.bitmap.width != w or
+            canvas.bitmap.height != h:
+          let window = element.document.window
+          if canvas.ctx2d != nil and canvas.ctx2d.ps != nil:
+            let i = window.pendingCanvasCtls.find(canvas.ctx2d)
+            window.pendingCanvasCtls.del(i)
+            canvas.ctx2d.ps.sclose()
+            canvas.ctx2d = nil
+          canvas.bitmap = NetworkBitmap(
+            contentType: "image/x-cha-canvas",
+            imageId: window.getImageId(),
+            width: w,
+            height: h
+          )
   of TAG_IMG:
     let image = HTMLImageElement(element)
     # https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/images.html#relevant-mutations
@@ -4457,24 +4559,21 @@ func getElementReflectFunctions(): seq[TabGetSet] =
 proc getContext*(jctx: JSContext; this: HTMLCanvasElement; contextId: string;
     options = JS_UNDEFINED): RenderingContext {.jsfunc.} =
   if contextId == "2d":
-    if this.ctx2d != nil:
-      return this.ctx2d
-    return create2DContext(jctx, this, options)
+    if this.ctx2d == nil:
+      create2DContext(jctx, this, options)
+    return this.ctx2d
   return nil
 # Note: the standard says quality should be converted in a strange way for
 # backwards compat, but I don't care.
 proc toBlob(ctx: JSContext; this: HTMLCanvasElement; callback: JSValue;
     contentType = "image/png"; quality = none(float64)) {.jsfunc.} =
-  if not contentType.startsWith("image/"):
+  if not contentType.startsWith("image/") or this.bitmap.cacheId == 0:
-  let url = newURL("img-codec+" & contentType.after('/') & ":encode")
-  if url.isNone:
+  let url0 = newURL("img-codec+" & contentType.after('/') & ":encode")
+  if url0.isNone:
-  #TODO this is dumb (and slow)
-  var s = newString(this.bitmap.px.len * 4)
-  if s.len > 0:
-    copyMem(addr s[0], addr this.bitmap.px[0], s.len)
+  let url = url0.get
   let headers = newHeaders({
     "Cha-Image-Dimensions": $this.bitmap.width & 'x' & $this.bitmap.height
@@ -4482,17 +4581,38 @@ proc toBlob(ctx: JSContext; this: HTMLCanvasElement; callback: JSValue;
     quality *= 99
     quality += 1
     headers.add("Cha-Image-Quality", $quality)
-  let request = newRequest(
-    url.get,
-    httpMethod = hmPost,
-    headers = headers,
-    body = RequestBody(t: rbtString, s: s)
-  )
   # callback will go out of scope when we return, so capture a new reference.
   let callback = JS_DupValue(ctx, callback)
   let window = this.document.window
+  let loader = window.loader
   let contentType = contentType.toLowerAscii()
-  window.loader.fetch(request).then(proc(res: JSResult[Response]) =
+  let cacheReq = newRequest(newURL("cache:" & $this.bitmap.cacheId).get)
+  loader.fetch(cacheReq).then(proc(res: JSResult[Response]): FetchPromise =
+    if res.isNone:
+      return newResolvedPromise(res)
+    let res = res.get
+    let p = loader.fetch(newRequest(
+      newURL("img-codec+x-cha-canvas:decode").get,
+      httpMethod = hmPost,
+      body = RequestBody(t: rbtOutput, outputId: res.outputId)
+    ))
+    res.resume()
+    res.close()
+    return p
+  ).then(proc(res: JSResult[Response]): FetchPromise =
+    if res.isNone:
+      return newResolvedPromise(res)
+    let res = res.get
+    let p = loader.fetch(newRequest(
+      url,
+      httpMethod = hmPost,
+      headers = headers,
+      body = RequestBody(t: rbtOutput, outputId: res.outputId)
+    ))
+    res.resume()
+    res.close()
+    return p
+  ).then(proc(res: JSResult[Response]) =
     if res.isNone:
       if contentType != "image/png":
         # redo as PNG.
diff --git a/src/img/bitmap.nim b/src/img/bitmap.nim
index c5df19fc..343e9ecf 100644
--- a/src/img/bitmap.nim
+++ b/src/img/bitmap.nim
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ import types/color
   Bitmap* = ref object of RootObj
     px*: seq[RGBAColorBE]
-    width*: uint64
-    height*: uint64
+    width*: int
+    height*: int
   ImageBitmap* = ref object of Bitmap
@@ -13,27 +13,27 @@ type
     imageId*: int
     contentType*: string
-proc newBitmap*(width, height: uint64): ImageBitmap =
+proc newBitmap*(width, height: int): ImageBitmap =
   return ImageBitmap(
     px: newSeq[RGBAColorBE](width * height),
     width: width,
     height: height
-proc setpx*(bmp: Bitmap; x, y: uint64; color: RGBAColorBE) {.inline.} =
+proc setpx*(bmp: Bitmap; x, y: int; color: RGBAColorBE) {.inline.} =
   bmp.px[bmp.width * y + x] = color
-proc setpx*(bmp: Bitmap; x, y: uint64; color: ARGBColor) {.inline.} =
+proc setpx*(bmp: Bitmap; x, y: int; color: ARGBColor) {.inline.} =
   bmp.px[bmp.width * y + x] = rgba_be(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a)
-proc getpx*(bmp: Bitmap; x, y: uint64): RGBAColorBE {.inline.} =
+proc getpx*(bmp: Bitmap; x, y: int): RGBAColorBE {.inline.} =
   return bmp.px[bmp.width * y + x]
-proc setpxb*(bmp: Bitmap; x, y: uint64; c: RGBAColorBE) {.inline.} =
+proc setpxb*(bmp: Bitmap; x, y: int; c: RGBAColorBE) {.inline.} =
   if c.a == 255:
     bmp.setpx(x, y, c)
     bmp.setpx(x, y, bmp.getpx(x, y).blend(c))
-proc setpxb*(bmp: Bitmap; x, y: uint64; c: ARGBColor) {.inline.} =
+proc setpxb*(bmp: Bitmap; x, y: int; c: ARGBColor) {.inline.} =
   bmp.setpxb(x, y, rgba_be(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a))
diff --git a/src/img/painter.nim b/src/img/painter.nim
index 7b844447..0479bd77 100644
--- a/src/img/painter.nim
+++ b/src/img/painter.nim
@@ -12,64 +12,67 @@ type CanvasFillRule* = enum
   cfrNonZero = "nonzero"
   cfrEvenOdd = "evenodd"
+type PaintCommand* = enum
+  pcSetDimensions, pcFillRect, pcStrokeRect, pcFillPath, pcStrokePath,
+  pcFillText, pcStrokeText
 # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham's_line_algorithm#All_cases
-proc plotLineLow(bmp: Bitmap; x0, y0, x1, y1: int64; color: ARGBColor) =
-  var dx = x1 - x0
-  var dy = y1 - y0
+proc plotLineLow(bmp: Bitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; color: ARGBColor) =
+  var dx = x2 - x1
+  var dy = y2 - y1
   var yi = 1
   if dy < 0:
     yi = -1
     dy = -dy
   var D = 2 * dy - dx;
-  var y = y0;
-  for x in x0 ..< x1:
-    if x < 0 or y < 0 or uint64(x) >= bmp.width or uint64(y) >= bmp.height:
+  var y = y1;
+  for x in x1 ..< x2:
+    if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= bmp.width or y >= bmp.height:
-    bmp.setpxb(uint64(x), uint64(y), color)
+    bmp.setpxb(x, y, color)
     if D > 0:
        y = y + yi;
        D = D - 2 * dx;
     D = D + 2 * dy;
-proc plotLineHigh(bmp: Bitmap; x0, y0, x1, y1: int64; color: ARGBColor) =
-  var dx = x1 - x0
-  var dy = y1 - y0
+proc plotLineHigh(bmp: Bitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; color: ARGBColor) =
+  var dx = x2 - x1
+  var dy = y2 - y1
   var xi = 1
   if dx < 0:
     xi = -1
     dx = -dx
   var D = 2 * dx - dy
-  var x = x0
-  for y in y0 ..< y1:
-    if x < 0 or y < 0 or uint64(x) >= bmp.width or uint64(y) >= bmp.height:
+  var x = x1
+  for y in y1 ..< y2:
+    if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= bmp.width or y >= bmp.height:
-    bmp.setpxb(uint64(x), uint64(y), color)
+    bmp.setpxb(x, y, color)
     if D > 0:
        x = x + xi
        D = D - 2 * dy
     D = D + 2 * dx
-#TODO should be uint64...
-proc plotLine(bmp: Bitmap; x0, y0, x1, y1: int64; color: ARGBColor) =
-  if abs(y1 - y0) < abs(x1 - x0):
-    if x0 > x1:
-      bmp.plotLineLow(x1, y1, x0, y0, color)
+proc plotLine(bmp: Bitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; color: ARGBColor) =
+  if abs(y2 - y1) < abs(x2 - x1):
+    if x1 > x2:
+      bmp.plotLineLow(x2, y2, x1, y1, color)
-      bmp.plotLineLow(x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
+      bmp.plotLineLow(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
-    if y0 > y1:
-      bmp.plotLineHigh(x1, y1, x0, y0, color)
+    if y1 > y2:
+      bmp.plotLineHigh(x2, y2, x1, y1, color)
-      bmp.plotLineHigh(x0, y0, x1, y1, color)
+      bmp.plotLineHigh(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
 proc plotLine(bmp: Bitmap; a, b: Vector2D; color: ARGBColor) =
-  bmp.plotLine(int64(a.x), int64(a.y), int64(b.x), int64(b.y), color)
+  bmp.plotLine(int(a.x), int(a.y), int(b.x), int(b.y), color)
 proc plotLine(bmp: Bitmap; line: Line; color: ARGBColor) =
   bmp.plotLine(line.p0, line.p1, color)
-proc strokePath*(bmp: Bitmap; path: Path; color: ARGBColor) =
-  for line in path.lines:
+proc strokePath*(bmp: Bitmap; lines: seq[Line]; color: ARGBColor) =
+  for line in lines:
     bmp.plotLine(line, color)
 func isInside(windingNumber: int; fillRule: CanvasFillRule): bool =
@@ -77,13 +80,12 @@ func isInside(windingNumber: int; fillRule: CanvasFillRule): bool =
   of cfrNonZero: windingNumber != 0
   of cfrEvenOdd: windingNumber mod 2 == 0
-# Mainly adapted from SerenityOS.
-proc fillPath*(bmp: Bitmap; path: Path; color: ARGBColor;
+# Algorithm originally from SerenityOS.
+proc fillPath*(bmp: Bitmap; lines: PathLines; color: ARGBColor;
     fillRule: CanvasFillRule) =
-  let lines = path.getLineSegments()
   var i = 0
-  var ylines: seq[LineSegment]
-  for y in int64(lines.miny) .. int64(lines.maxy):
+  var ylines: seq[LineSegment] = @[]
+  for y in int(lines.miny) .. int(lines.maxy):
     for k in countdown(ylines.high, 0):
       if ylines[k].maxy < float64(y):
         ylines.del(k) # we'll sort anyways, so del is fine
@@ -98,14 +100,14 @@ proc fillPath*(bmp: Bitmap; path: Path; color: ARGBColor;
     for k in 0 ..< ylines.high:
       let a = ylines[k]
       let b = ylines[k + 1]
-      let sx = int64(a.minyx)
-      let ex = int64(b.minyx)
+      let sx = int(a.minyx)
+      let ex = int(b.minyx)
       if w.isInside(fillRule) and y > 0:
         for x in sx .. ex:
           if x > 0:
-            bmp.setpxb(uint64(x), uint64(y), color)
-      if int64(a.p0.y) != y and int64(a.p1.y) != y and int64(b.p0.y) != y and
-          int64(b.p1.y) != y and sx != ex or a.islope * b.islope < 0:
+            bmp.setpxb(x, y, color)
+      if int(a.p0.y) != y and int(a.p1.y) != y and int(b.p0.y) != y and
+          int(b.p1.y) != y and sx != ex or a.islope * b.islope < 0:
         case fillRule
         of cfrEvenOdd: inc w
         of cfrNonZero:
@@ -117,26 +119,18 @@ proc fillPath*(bmp: Bitmap; path: Path; color: ARGBColor;
     if ylines.len > 0:
       ylines[^1].minyx += ylines[^1].islope
-proc fillRect*(bmp: Bitmap; x0, x1, y0, y1: uint64, color: ARGBColor) =
-  for y in y0 ..< y1:
-    for x in x0 ..< x1:
+proc fillRect*(bmp: Bitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; color: ARGBColor) =
+  for y in y1 ..< y2:
+    for x in x1 ..< x2:
       bmp.setpxb(x, y, color)
-proc strokeRect*(bmp: Bitmap; x0, x1, y0, y1: uint64, color: ARGBColor) =
-  for x in x0 ..< x1:
-    bmp.setpxb(x, y0, color)
+proc strokeRect*(bmp: Bitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; color: ARGBColor) =
+  for x in x1 ..< x2:
     bmp.setpxb(x, y1, color)
-  for y in y0 ..< y1:
-    bmp.setpxb(x0, y, color)
+    bmp.setpxb(x, y2, color)
+  for y in y1 ..< y2:
     bmp.setpxb(x1, y, color)
-proc clearRect*(bmp: Bitmap; x0, x1, y0, y1: uint64) =
-  for y in y0 ..< y1:
-    for x in x0 ..< x1:
-      bmp.setpx(x, y, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0))
-proc clear*(bmp: Bitmap) =
-  bmp.clearRect(0, bmp.width, 0, bmp.height)
+    bmp.setpxb(x2, y, color)
 type GlyphCacheItem = object
   u: uint32
@@ -152,14 +146,14 @@ proc getCharBmp(u: uint32): Bitmap =
     if it.u == u:
       return it.bmp
   # Unifont glyphs start at x: 32, y: 64, and are of 8x16/16x16 size
-  let gx = uint64(32 + 16 * (u mod 0x100))
-  let gy = uint64(64 + 16 * (u div 0x100))
+  let gx = int(32 + 16 * (u mod 0x100))
+  let gy = int(64 + 16 * (u div 0x100))
   var fullwidth = false
   const white = rgba_be(255, 255, 255, 255)
   block loop:
     # hack to recognize full width characters
-    for y in 0 ..< 16u64:
-      for x in 8 ..< 16u64:
+    for y in 0 ..< 16:
+      for x in 8 ..< 16:
         if unifontBitmap.getpx(gx + x, gy + y) != white:
           fullwidth = true
           break loop
@@ -181,15 +175,15 @@ proc getCharBmp(u: uint32): Bitmap =
 proc drawBitmap(a, b: Bitmap; p: Vector2D) =
   for y in 0 ..< b.height:
     for x in 0 ..< b.width:
-      let ax = uint64(p.x) + x
-      let ay = uint64(p.y) + y
+      let ax = int(p.x) + x
+      let ay = int(p.y) + y
       if ax >= 0 and ay >= y and ax < a.width and ay < a.height:
         a.setpxb(ax, ay, b.getpx(x, y))
 proc fillText*(bmp: Bitmap; text: string; x, y: float64; color: ARGBColor;
     textAlign: CSSTextAlign) =
   var w = 0f64
-  var glyphs: seq[Bitmap]
+  var glyphs: seq[Bitmap] = @[]
   for r in text.runes:
     let glyph = getCharBmp(uint32(r))
diff --git a/src/img/path.nim b/src/img/path.nim
index d411eef6..7572ce20 100644
--- a/src/img/path.nim
+++ b/src/img/path.nim
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ iterator lines*(path: Path): Line {.inline.} =
 proc getLineSegments*(path: Path): PathLines =
   if path.subpaths.len == 0:
-    return
+    return PathLines()
   var miny = Inf
   var maxy = -Inf
   var segments: seq[LineSegment]
diff --git a/src/io/bufreader.nim b/src/io/bufreader.nim
index bc448edf..8dc7b0a2 100644
--- a/src/io/bufreader.nim
+++ b/src/io/bufreader.nim
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ proc sread*[T](reader: var BufferedReader; o: var Option[T])
 proc sread*[T, E](reader: var BufferedReader; o: var Result[T, E])
 proc sread*(reader: var BufferedReader; c: var ARGBColor) {.inline.}
 proc sread*(reader: var BufferedReader; o: var RequestBody)
-proc sread*(reader: var BufferedReader; bmp: var Bitmap)
+proc sread*(reader: var BufferedReader; bmp: var NetworkBitmap)
 proc initReader*(stream: DynStream; len, auxLen: int): BufferedReader =
   assert len != 0
@@ -215,30 +215,10 @@ proc sread*(reader: var BufferedReader; o: var RequestBody) =
   of rbtMultipart: reader.sread(o.multipart)
   of rbtOutput: reader.sread(o.outputId)
-proc sread*(reader: var BufferedReader; bmp: var Bitmap) =
-  var isImageBitmap: bool
-  var width: uint64
-  var height: uint64
-  reader.sread(isImageBitmap)
-  reader.sread(width)
-  reader.sread(height)
-  if isImageBitmap:
-    bmp = ImageBitmap(
-      width: width,
-      height: height
-    )
-    reader.sread(bmp.px)
-  else:
-    var cacheId: int
-    var imageId: int
-    var contentType: string
-    reader.sread(cacheId)
-    reader.sread(imageId)
-    reader.sread(contentType)
-    bmp = NetworkBitmap(
-      width: width,
-      height: height,
-      cacheId: cacheId,
-      imageId: imageId,
-      contentType: contentType
-    )
+proc sread*(reader: var BufferedReader; bmp: var NetworkBitmap) =
+  bmp = NetworkBitmap()
+  reader.sread(bmp.width)
+  reader.sread(bmp.height)
+  reader.sread(bmp.cacheId)
+  reader.sread(bmp.imageId)
+  reader.sread(bmp.contentType)
diff --git a/src/io/bufwriter.nim b/src/io/bufwriter.nim
index 241d77cc..ed4cb725 100644
--- a/src/io/bufwriter.nim
+++ b/src/io/bufwriter.nim
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ proc swrite*[T](writer: var BufferedWriter; o: Option[T])
 proc swrite*[T, E](writer: var BufferedWriter; o: Result[T, E])
 proc swrite*(writer: var BufferedWriter; c: ARGBColor) {.inline.}
 proc swrite*(writer: var BufferedWriter; o: RequestBody)
-proc swrite*(writer: var BufferedWriter; bmp: Bitmap)
+proc swrite*(writer: var BufferedWriter; bmp: NetworkBitmap)
 const InitLen = sizeof(int) * 2
 const SizeInit = max(64, InitLen)
@@ -199,13 +199,9 @@ proc swrite*(writer: var BufferedWriter; o: RequestBody) =
   of rbtMultipart: writer.swrite(o.multipart)
   of rbtOutput: writer.swrite(o.outputId)
-proc swrite*(writer: var BufferedWriter; bmp: Bitmap) =
-  writer.swrite(bmp of ImageBitmap)
+proc swrite*(writer: var BufferedWriter; bmp: NetworkBitmap) =
-  if bmp of ImageBitmap:
-    writer.swrite(bmp.px)
-  else:
-    writer.swrite(NetworkBitmap(bmp).cacheId)
-    writer.swrite(NetworkBitmap(bmp).imageId)
-    writer.swrite(NetworkBitmap(bmp).contentType)
+  writer.swrite(bmp.cacheId)
+  writer.swrite(bmp.imageId)
+  writer.swrite(bmp.contentType)
diff --git a/src/io/promise.nim b/src/io/promise.nim
index 55dcfbf0..8fb55a9b 100644
--- a/src/io/promise.nim
+++ b/src/io/promise.nim
@@ -75,6 +75,11 @@ proc newResolvedPromise*(): EmptyPromise =
   return res
+proc newResolvedPromise*[T](x: T): Promise[T] =
+  let res = newPromise[T]()
+  res.resolve(x)
+  return res
 func empty*(map: PromiseMap): bool =
   map.tab.len == 0
diff --git a/src/layout/box.nim b/src/layout/box.nim
index 9812a9cd..cd94ca49 100644
--- a/src/layout/box.nim
+++ b/src/layout/box.nim
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ type
     of iatInlineBlock:
       innerbox*: BlockBox
     of iatImage:
-      bmp*: Bitmap
+      bmp*: NetworkBitmap
   RootInlineFragmentState* = object
     # offset relative to parent
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ type
     of iftNewline:
     of iftBitmap:
-      bmp*: Bitmap
+      bmp*: NetworkBitmap
     of iftBox:
       box*: BlockBox
diff --git a/src/layout/engine.nim b/src/layout/engine.nim
index 9d40b9ca..6943958d 100644
--- a/src/layout/engine.nim
+++ b/src/layout/engine.nim
@@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ proc addInlineBlock(ictx: var InlineContext; state: var InlineState;
   ictx.whitespacenum = 0
 proc addInlineImage(ictx: var InlineContext; state: var InlineState;
-    bmp: Bitmap; padding: LayoutUnit) =
+    bmp: NetworkBitmap; padding: LayoutUnit) =
   let atom = InlineAtom(
     t: iatImage,
     bmp: bmp,
diff --git a/src/layout/renderdocument.nim b/src/layout/renderdocument.nim
index a407cdfe..2ff8d484 100644
--- a/src/layout/renderdocument.nim
+++ b/src/layout/renderdocument.nim
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ type
     y*: int
     width*: int
     height*: int
-    bmp*: Bitmap
+    bmp*: NetworkBitmap
   AbsolutePos = object
     offset: Offset
diff --git a/src/loader/loader.nim b/src/loader/loader.nim
index c40c3cad..e3c36b01 100644
--- a/src/loader/loader.nim
+++ b/src/loader/loader.nim
@@ -108,7 +108,10 @@ type
   ClientData = ref object
     pid: int
     key: ClientKey
+    # List of cached resources.
     cacheMap: seq[CachedItem]
+    # List of file descriptors passed by the client.
+    passedFdMap: Table[string, FileHandle] # host -> fd
     config: LoaderClientConfig
   LoaderContext = ref object
@@ -119,8 +122,6 @@ type
     handleMap: Table[int, LoaderHandle]
     outputMap: Table[int, OutputHandle]
     selector: Selector[int]
-    # List of file descriptors passed by the pager.
-    passedFdMap: Table[string, FileHandle] # host -> fd
     # List of existing clients (buffer or pager) that may make requests.
     clientData: Table[int, ClientData] # pid -> data
     # ID of next output. TODO: find a better allocation scheme
@@ -356,8 +357,9 @@ proc loadStreamRegular(ctx: LoaderContext; handle, cachedHandle: LoaderHandle) =
-proc loadStream(ctx: LoaderContext; handle: LoaderHandle; request: Request) =
-  ctx.passedFdMap.withValue(request.url.pathname, fdp):
+proc loadStream(ctx: LoaderContext; client: ClientData; handle: LoaderHandle;
+    request: Request) =
+  client.passedFdMap.withValue(request.url.pathname, fdp):
@@ -365,7 +367,7 @@ proc loadStream(ctx: LoaderContext; handle: LoaderHandle; request: Request) =
     var stats: Stat
     doAssert fstat(fdp[], stats) != -1
     handle.istream = ps
-    ctx.passedFdMap.del(request.url.pathname)
+    client.passedFdMap.del(request.url.pathname)
     if S_ISCHR(stats.st_mode) or S_ISREG(stats.st_mode):
       # regular file: e.g. cha <file
       # or character device: e.g. cha </dev/null
@@ -493,7 +495,7 @@ proc loadResource(ctx: LoaderContext; client: ClientData;
         assert ostream == nil
     elif request.url.scheme == "stream":
-      ctx.loadStream(handle, request)
+      ctx.loadStream(client, handle, request)
       if handle.istream != nil:
@@ -658,11 +660,12 @@ proc shareCachedItem(ctx: LoaderContext; stream: SocketStream;
-proc passFd(ctx: LoaderContext; stream: SocketStream; r: var BufferedReader) =
+proc passFd(ctx: LoaderContext; stream: SocketStream; client: ClientData;
+    r: var BufferedReader) =
   var id: string
   let fd = stream.recvFileHandle()
-  ctx.passedFdMap[id] = fd
+  client.passedFdMap[id] = fd
 proc removeCachedItem(ctx: LoaderContext; stream: SocketStream;
@@ -764,9 +767,6 @@ proc acceptConnection(ctx: LoaderContext) =
       of lcShareCachedItem:
         ctx.shareCachedItem(stream, r)
-      of lcPassFd:
-        privileged_command
-        ctx.passFd(stream, r)
       of lcRedirectToFile:
         ctx.redirectToFile(stream, r)
@@ -780,6 +780,8 @@ proc acceptConnection(ctx: LoaderContext) =
         ctx.addCacheFile(stream, client, r)
       of lcRemoveCachedItem:
         ctx.removeCachedItem(stream, client, r)
+      of lcPassFd:
+        ctx.passFd(stream, client, r)
       of lcLoad:
         ctx.load(stream, client, r)
       of lcTee:
diff --git a/src/loader/response.nim b/src/loader/response.nim
index d41f62eb..1d7307cd 100644
--- a/src/loader/response.nim
+++ b/src/loader/response.nim
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ import std/tables
 import chagashi/charset
 import chagashi/decoder
-import img/bitmap
 import io/dynstream
 import io/promise
 import loader/headers
@@ -13,7 +12,6 @@ import monoucha/jserror
 import monoucha/quickjs
 import monoucha/tojs
 import types/blob
-import types/color
 import types/opt
 import types/referrer
 import types/url
@@ -228,46 +226,6 @@ proc blob*(response: Response): Promise[JSResult[Blob]] {.jsfunc.} =
   return opaque.bodyRead
-type BitmapOpaque = ref object of RootObj
-  bmp: Bitmap
-  idx: int
-  bodyRead: EmptyPromise
-proc onReadBitmap(response: Response) =
-  let opaque = BitmapOpaque(response.opaque)
-  let bmp = opaque.bmp
-  while true:
-    try:
-      let p = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[uint8]](addr bmp.px[0])
-      let L = bmp.px.len * 4 - opaque.idx
-      let n = response.body.recvData(addr p[opaque.idx], L)
-      opaque.idx += n
-      if n == 0:
-        break
-    except ErrorAgain:
-      break
-proc onFinishBitmap(response: Response; success: bool) =
-  let opaque = BitmapOpaque(response.opaque)
-  opaque.bodyRead.resolve()
-proc saveToBitmap*(response: Response; bmp: Bitmap): EmptyPromise =
-  assert not response.bodyUsed
-  let opaque = BitmapOpaque(bmp: bmp, idx: 0, bodyRead: EmptyPromise())
-  let size = bmp.width * bmp.height
-  bmp.px = cast[seq[RGBAColorBE]](newSeqUninitialized[uint32](size))
-  response.opaque = opaque
-  if size > 0:
-    response.onRead = onReadBitmap
-    response.onFinish = onFinishBitmap
-  else:
-    response.unregisterFun()
-    response.body.sclose()
-    opaque.bodyRead.resolve()
-  response.bodyUsed = true
-  response.resume()
-  return opaque.bodyRead
 proc json(ctx: JSContext; this: Response): Promise[JSValue] {.jsfunc.} =
   return this.text().then(proc(s: JSResult[string]): JSValue =
     if s.isNone:
diff --git a/src/local/container.nim b/src/local/container.nim
index ebfc3940..2c12c4ae 100644
--- a/src/local/container.nim
+++ b/src/local/container.nim
@@ -2070,7 +2070,7 @@ proc highlightMarks*(container: Container; display: var FixedGrid;
 func findCachedImage*(container: Container; image: PosBitmap;
     offx, erry, dispw: int): CachedImage =
-  let imageId = NetworkBitmap(image.bmp).imageId
+  let imageId = image.bmp.imageId
   for it in container.cachedImages:
     if it.bmp.imageId == imageId and it.width == image.width and
         it.height == image.height and it.offx == offx and it.erry == erry and
diff --git a/src/local/pager.nim b/src/local/pager.nim
index 8abaf16f..cb3f751e 100644
--- a/src/local/pager.nim
+++ b/src/local/pager.nim
@@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ type
     forkserver*: ForkServer
     formRequestMap*: Table[string, FormRequestType]
     hasload*: bool # has a page been successfully loaded since startup?
-    imageId: int # hack to allocate a new ID for canvas each frame, TODO remove
     inputBuffer*: string # currently uninterpreted characters
     iregex: Result[Regex, string]
     isearchpromise: EmptyPromise
@@ -484,8 +483,7 @@ proc redraw(pager: Pager) {.jsfunc.} =
 proc loadCachedImage(pager: Pager; container: Container; image: PosBitmap;
     offx, erry, dispw: int) =
-  let bmp = NetworkBitmap()
-  bmp[] = NetworkBitmap(image.bmp)[]
+  let bmp = image.bmp
   let request = newRequest(newURL("cache:" & $bmp.cacheId).get)
   let cachedImage = CachedImage(
     bmp: bmp,
@@ -505,7 +503,7 @@ proc loadCachedImage(pager: Pager; container: Container; image: PosBitmap;
     let response = res.get
     let headers = newHeaders()
-    if uint64(image.width) != bmp.width or uint64(image.height) != bmp.height:
+    if image.width != bmp.width or image.height != bmp.height:
       headers.add("Cha-Image-Target-Dimensions", $image.width & 'x' &
     let request = newRequest(
@@ -524,9 +522,6 @@ proc loadCachedImage(pager: Pager; container: Container; image: PosBitmap;
     let response = res.get
-    # take target sizes
-    bmp.width = uint64(image.width)
-    bmp.height = uint64(image.height)
     let headers = newHeaders({
       "Cha-Image-Dimensions": $image.width & 'x' & $image.height
@@ -571,36 +566,28 @@ proc loadCachedImage(pager: Pager; container: Container; image: PosBitmap;
 proc initImages(pager: Pager; container: Container) =
   var newImages: seq[CanvasImage] = @[]
   for image in container.images:
-    var imageId = -1
-    var data: Blob = nil
-    var bmp0 = image.bmp
     var erry = 0
     var offx = 0
     var dispw = 0
-    if image.bmp of NetworkBitmap:
-      let bmp = NetworkBitmap(image.bmp)
-      if pager.term.imageMode == imSixel:
-        let xpx = (image.x - container.fromx) * pager.attrs.ppc
-        offx = -min(xpx, 0)
-        let maxwpx = pager.bufWidth * pager.attrs.ppc
-        dispw = min(int(image.width) + xpx, maxwpx) - xpx
-        let ypx = (image.y - container.fromy) * pager.attrs.ppl
-        erry = -min(ypx, 0) mod 6
-      let cached = container.findCachedImage(image, offx, erry, dispw)
-      imageId = bmp.imageId
-      if cached == nil:
-        pager.loadCachedImage(container, image, offx, erry, dispw)
-        continue
-      bmp0 = cached.bmp
-      data = cached.data
-      if not cached.loaded:
-        continue # loading
-    else:
-      imageId = pager.imageId
-      inc pager.imageId
-    let canvasImage = pager.term.loadImage(bmp0, data, container.process,
+    if pager.term.imageMode == imSixel:
+      let xpx = (image.x - container.fromx) * pager.attrs.ppc
+      offx = -min(xpx, 0)
+      let maxwpx = pager.bufWidth * pager.attrs.ppc
+      #TODO this is wrong if term caps sixel width
+      dispw = min(int(image.width) + xpx, maxwpx) - xpx
+      let ypx = (image.y - container.fromy) * pager.attrs.ppl
+      erry = -min(ypx, 0) mod 6
+    let cached = container.findCachedImage(image, offx, erry, dispw)
+    let imageId = image.bmp.imageId
+    if cached == nil:
+      pager.loadCachedImage(container, image, offx, erry, dispw)
+      continue
+    if not cached.loaded:
+      continue # loading
+    let canvasImage = pager.term.loadImage(cached.data, container.process,
       imageId, image.x - container.fromx, image.y - container.fromy,
-      image.x, image.y, pager.bufWidth, pager.bufHeight, erry, offx, dispw)
+      image.width, image.height, image.x, image.y, pager.bufWidth,
+      pager.bufHeight, erry, offx, dispw)
     if canvasImage != nil:
@@ -1165,7 +1152,7 @@ proc applySiteconf(pager: Pager; url: var URL; charsetOverride: Charset;
     proxy: pager.config.network.proxy,
     filter: newURLFilter(
       scheme = some(url.scheme),
-      allowschemes = @["data", "cache"],
+      allowschemes = @["data", "cache", "stream"],
       default = true
     insecureSSLNoVerify: false
diff --git a/src/local/term.nim b/src/local/term.nim
index 78c50efc..7cd43e02 100644
--- a/src/local/term.nim
+++ b/src/local/term.nim
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import chagashi/charset
 import chagashi/decoder
 import chagashi/encoder
 import config/config
-import img/bitmap
 import io/dynstream
 import js/base64
 import types/blob
@@ -57,17 +56,24 @@ type
   CanvasImage* = ref object
     pid: int
     imageId: int
+    # relative position on screen
     x: int
     y: int
+    # original dimensions (after resizing)
+    width: int
+    height: int
+    # offset (crop start)
     offx: int
     offy: int
+    # size cap (crop end)
+    # Note: this 0-based, so the final display size is
+    # (dispw - offx, disph - offy)
     dispw: int
     disph: int
     damaged: bool
     marked*: bool
     dead: bool
     kittyId: int
-    bmp: Bitmap
     # 0 if kitty
     erry: int
     # absolute x, y in container
@@ -643,11 +649,11 @@ proc outputGrid*(term: Terminal) =
   term.cursorx = -1
   term.cursory = -1
-func findImage(term: Terminal; pid, imageId: int; bmp: Bitmap;
-    rx, ry, erry, offx, dispw: int): CanvasImage =
+func findImage(term: Terminal; pid, imageId: int; rx, ry, width, height,
+    erry, offx, dispw: int): CanvasImage =
   for it in term.canvasImages:
     if not it.dead and it.pid == pid and it.imageId == imageId and
-        it.bmp.width == bmp.width and it.bmp.height == bmp.height and
+        it.width == width and it.height == height and
         it.rx == rx and it.ry == ry and
         (term.imageMode != imSixel or it.erry == erry and it.dispw == dispw and
           it.offx == offx):
@@ -669,8 +675,8 @@ proc positionImage(term: Terminal; image: CanvasImage; x, y, maxw, maxh: int):
   # origin (*not* offx/offy)
   let maxwpx = maxw * term.attrs.ppc
   let maxhpx = maxh * term.attrs.ppl
-  var width = int(image.bmp.width)
-  var height = int(image.bmp.height)
+  var width = image.width
+  var height = image.height
   if term.imageMode == imSixel:
     #TODO a better solution would be to split up the image here so that it
     # still gets fully displayed on the screen, or at least downscale it...
@@ -686,7 +692,7 @@ proc clearImage*(term: Terminal; image: CanvasImage; maxh: int) =
   of imNone: discard
   of imSixel:
     # we must clear sixels the same way as we clear text.
-    let ey = min(image.y + int(image.bmp.height), maxh)
+    let ey = min(image.y + image.height, maxh)
     let x = max(image.x, 0)
     for y in max(image.y, 0) ..< ey:
       term.lineDamage[y] = min(x, term.lineDamage[y])
@@ -699,10 +705,10 @@ proc clearImages*(term: Terminal; maxh: int) =
       term.clearImage(image, maxh)
     image.marked = false
-proc loadImage*(term: Terminal; bmp: Bitmap; data: Blob; pid, imageId,
-    x, y, rx, ry, maxw, maxh, erry, offx, dispw: int): CanvasImage =
-  if (let image = term.findImage(pid, imageId, bmp, rx, ry, erry, offx, dispw);
-      image != nil):
+proc loadImage*(term: Terminal; data: Blob; pid, imageId, x, y, width, height,
+    rx, ry, maxw, maxh, erry, offx, dispw: int): CanvasImage =
+  if (let image = term.findImage(pid, imageId, rx, ry, width, height, erry,
+        offx, dispw); image != nil):
     # reuse image on screen
     if image.x != x or image.y != y:
       # only clear sixels; with kitty we just move the existing image
@@ -714,7 +720,7 @@ proc loadImage*(term: Terminal; bmp: Bitmap; data: Blob; pid, imageId,
         return nil
     elif term.imageMode == imSixel:
       # check if any line of our image is damaged
-      let ey = min(image.y + int(image.bmp.height), maxh)
+      let ey = min(image.y + image.height, maxh)
       let mx = (image.offx + image.dispw) div term.attrs.ppc
       for y in max(image.y, 0) ..< ey:
         if term.lineDamage[y] < mx:
@@ -726,12 +732,13 @@ proc loadImage*(term: Terminal; bmp: Bitmap; data: Blob; pid, imageId,
     return image
   # new image
   let image = CanvasImage(
-    bmp: bmp,
     pid: pid,
     imageId: imageId,
     data: data,
     rx: rx,
     ry: ry,
+    width: width,
+    height: height,
     erry: erry
   if term.positionImage(image, x, y, maxw, maxh):
@@ -751,7 +758,6 @@ proc outputSixelImage(term: Terminal; x, y: int; image: CanvasImage;
   let offy = image.offy
   let dispw = image.dispw
   let disph = image.disph
-  let bmp = image.bmp
   var outs = term.cursorGoto(x, y)
   outs &= DCSSTART & 'q'
   # set raster attributes
@@ -768,11 +774,11 @@ proc outputSixelImage(term: Terminal; x, y: int; image: CanvasImage;
   let L = data.len - lookupTableLen - 4
   # Note: we only crop images when it is possible to do so in near constant
   # time. Otherwise, the image is re-coded in a cropped form.
-  if realh == int(bmp.height): # don't crop
+  if realh == image.height: # don't crop
     term.write(data.toOpenArray(preludeLen, L - 1))
     let si = preludeLen + int(data.getU32BE(L + (offy div 6) * 4))
-    if disph == int(bmp.height): # crop top only
+    if disph == image.height: # crop top only
       term.write(data.toOpenArray(si, L - 1))
     else: # crop both top & bottom
       let ed6 = (disph - image.erry) div 6
@@ -803,7 +809,7 @@ proc outputSixelImage(term: Terminal; x, y: int; image: CanvasImage) =
 proc outputKittyImage(term: Terminal; x, y: int; image: CanvasImage) =
   var outs = term.cursorGoto(x, y) &
-    APC & "GC=1,s=" & $image.bmp.width & ",v=" & $image.bmp.height &
+    APC & "GC=1,s=" & $image.width & ",v=" & $image.height &
     ",x=" & $image.offx & ",y=" & $image.offy &
     ",w=" & $(image.dispw - image.offx) &
     ",h=" & $(image.disph - image.offy) &
diff --git a/src/server/buffer.nim b/src/server/buffer.nim
index 9370f90b..3f0b3a71 100644
--- a/src/server/buffer.nim
+++ b/src/server/buffer.nim
@@ -1134,6 +1134,10 @@ proc onload(buffer: Buffer) =
         buffer.document.readyState = rsComplete
         if buffer.config.scripting:
+          for ctx in buffer.window.pendingCanvasCtls:
+            ctx.ps.sclose()
+            ctx.ps = nil
+          buffer.window.pendingCanvasCtls.setLen(0)
         if buffer.hasTask(bcGetTitle):
           buffer.resolveTask(bcGetTitle, buffer.document.title)
         if buffer.hasTask(bcLoad):