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path: root/adapter/img/sixel.nim
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authorbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2024-09-24 23:25:07 +0200
committerbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2024-09-24 23:55:43 +0200
commit1c9277343140effcc9eee8845757afd1eed4f4bd (patch)
tree7a902dc2aebce67ee5749442129176b0683cf60f /adapter/img/sixel.nim
parent0c738c94e14c213562f69ff6e376c19fb0487201 (diff)
sixel: support transparency
Sixel can only represent transparency for fully transparent (alpha
= 0) and fully opaque (alpha = 255) pixels, i.e. we would have to
do blending ourselves to do this "properly". But what do you even
blend? Background color? Images? Clearly you can't do text...

So instead of going down the blending route, we now just approximate
the 8-bit channel with Sixel's 1-bit channel and then patch it up with
dither. It does look a bit weird, but it's not *that* bad, especially
compared to the previous strategy of "blend with some color which
hopefully happens to be the background color" (it rarely was).

Note that this requires us to handle transparent images specially
in term. That is, for opaque ones, we can leave out the "clear cells
affected by image" part, but for transparent ones, we must clear the
entire image every time.
Diffstat (limited to 'adapter/img/sixel.nim')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/adapter/img/sixel.nim b/adapter/img/sixel.nim
index 19c3782d..f813ae77 100644
--- a/adapter/img/sixel.nim
+++ b/adapter/img/sixel.nim
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ proc die(s: string) {.noreturn.} =
-const DCSSTART = "\eP"
+const DCS = "\eP"
 const ST = "\e\\"
 proc setU32BE(s: var string; n: uint32; at: int) =
@@ -157,16 +157,8 @@ proc trim(trimMap: var TrimMap; K: var uint) =
   K = k
-proc getPixel(img: openArray[RGBAColorBE]; m: int; bgcolor: ARGBColor): RGBColor
-    {.inline.} =
-  let c0 = img[m].toARGBColor()
-  if c0.a != 255:
-    let c1 = bgcolor.blend(c0)
-    return RGBColor(uint32(c1).fastmul(100))
-  return RGBColor(uint32(c0).fastmul(100))
-proc quantize(img: openArray[RGBAColorBE]; bgcolor: ARGBColor; outk: var uint):
-    NodeChildren =
+proc quantize(img: openArray[RGBAColorBE]; outk: var uint;
+    outTransparent: var bool): NodeChildren =
   var root = default(NodeChildren)
   if outk <= 2: # monochrome; not much we can do with an octree...
     root[0] = cast[Node](alloc0(sizeof(NodeObj)))
@@ -181,12 +173,16 @@ proc quantize(img: openArray[RGBAColorBE]; bgcolor: ARGBColor; outk: var uint):
   # map of non-leaves for each level.
   # (note: somewhat confusingly, this actually starts at level 1.)
   var trimMap: array[7, seq[Node]]
-  for i in 0 ..< img.len:
-    let c = img.getPixel(i, bgcolor)
+  var transparent = false
+  for c0 in img:
+    let c0 = c0.toARGBColor()
+    transparent = transparent or c0.a != 255
+    let c = RGBColor(uint32(c0).fastmul(100))
     K += root.insert(c, trimMap)
     while K > palette:
   outk = K
+  outTransparent = transparent
   return root
 proc flatten(children: NodeChildren; cols: var seq[Node]) =
@@ -211,18 +207,19 @@ proc flatten(root: NodeChildren; outs: var string; palette: uint): seq[Node] =
   return cols
-  DitherDiff = tuple[r, g, b: int32]
+  DitherDiff = tuple[a, r, g, b: int32]
   Dither = object
     d1: seq[DitherDiff]
     d2: seq[DitherDiff]
-proc getColor(nodes: seq[Node]; c: RGBColor; diff: var DitherDiff): Node =
+proc getColor(nodes: seq[Node]; c: ARGBColor; diff: var DitherDiff): Node =
   var child: Node = nil
   var minDist = uint32.high
   var mdiff = default(DitherDiff)
   for node in nodes:
     let ic = node.u.leaf.c
+    let ad = int32(c.a) - 100
     let rd = int32(c.r) - int32(ic.r)
     let gd = int32(c.g) - int32(ic.g)
     let bd = int32(c.b) - int32(ic.b)
@@ -230,13 +227,13 @@ proc getColor(nodes: seq[Node]; c: RGBColor; diff: var DitherDiff): Node =
     if d < minDist:
       minDist = d
       child = node
-      mdiff = (rd, gd, bd)
+      mdiff = (ad, rd, gd, bd)
       if ic == c:
   diff = mdiff
   return child
-proc getColor(root: var NodeChildren; c: RGBColor; nodes: seq[Node];
+proc getColor(root: var NodeChildren; c: ARGBColor; nodes: seq[Node];
     diff: var DitherDiff): int =
   if nodes.len < 64:
     # Octree-based nearest neighbor search creates really ugly artifacts
@@ -259,7 +256,7 @@ proc getColor(root: var NodeChildren; c: RGBColor; nodes: seq[Node];
   var level = 0
   var children = addr root
   while true:
-    let idx = c.getIdx(level)
+    let idx = RGBColor(c).getIdx(level)
     let child = children[idx]
     if child == nil:
       let child = nodes.getColor(c, diff)
@@ -267,31 +264,34 @@ proc getColor(root: var NodeChildren; c: RGBColor; nodes: seq[Node];
       return child.idx
     if child.idx != -1:
       let ic = child.u.leaf.c
+      let a = int32(c.a) - 100
       let r = int32(c.r) - int32(ic.r)
       let g = int32(c.g) - int32(ic.g)
       let b = int32(c.b) - int32(ic.b)
-      diff = (r, g, b)
+      diff = (a, r, g, b)
       return child.idx
     inc level
     children = addr child.u.children
-proc correctDither(c: RGBColor; x: int; dither: Dither): RGBColor =
-  let (rd, gd, bd) = dither.d1[x + 1]
+proc correctDither(c: ARGBColor; x: int; dither: Dither): ARGBColor =
+  let (ad, rd, gd, bd) = dither.d1[x + 1]
+  let pa = (uint32(c) shr 20) and 0xFF0
   let pr = (uint32(c) shr 12) and 0xFF0
   let pg = (uint32(c) shr 4) and 0xFF0
   let pb = (uint32(c) shl 4) and 0xFF0
   {.push overflowChecks: off.}
+  let a = uint8(uint32(clamp(int32(pa) + ad, 0, 1600)) shr 4)
   let r = uint8(uint32(clamp(int32(pr) + rd, 0, 1600)) shr 4)
   let g = uint8(uint32(clamp(int32(pg) + gd, 0, 1600)) shr 4)
   let b = uint8(uint32(clamp(int32(pb) + bd, 0, 1600)) shr 4)
-  return rgb(r, g, b)
+  return rgba(r, g, b, a)
 proc fs(dither: var Dither; x: int; d: DitherDiff) =
   let x = x + 1 # skip first bounds check
   template at(p, mul: untyped) =
-    var (rd, gd, bd) = p
-    p = (rd + d.r * mul, gd + d.g * mul, bd + d.b * mul)
+    var (ad, rd, gd, bd) = p
+    p = (ad + d.a * mul, rd + d.r * mul, gd + d.g * mul, bd + d.b * mul)
   {.push overflowChecks: off.}
   at(dither.d1[x + 1], 7)
   at(dither.d2[x - 1], 3)
@@ -367,16 +367,18 @@ proc createBands(bands: var seq[SixelBand]; activeChunks: seq[ptr SixelChunk]) =
       bands.add(SixelBand(head: chunk, tail: chunk))
 proc encode(img: openArray[RGBAColorBE]; width, height, offx, offy, cropw: int;
-    halfdump: bool; bgcolor: ARGBColor; palette: int) =
+    halfdump: bool; palette: int) =
   var palette = uint(palette)
-  var root = img.quantize(bgcolor, palette)
+  var transparent = false
+  var root = img.quantize(palette, transparent)
   # prelude
   var outs = "Cha-Image-Dimensions: " & $width & 'x' & $height & "\n\n"
   let preludeLenPos = outs.len
   if halfdump: # reserve size for prelude
     outs &= "\0\0\0\0"
+    outs &= char(transparent)
-    outs &= DCSSTART & 'q'
+    outs &= DCS & 'q'
     # set raster attributes
     outs &= "\"1;1;" & $width & ';' & $height
   let nodes = root.flatten(outs, palette)
@@ -410,9 +412,15 @@ proc encode(img: openArray[RGBAColorBE]; width, height, offx, offy, cropw: int;
       var chunk: ptr SixelChunk = nil
       for j in 0 ..< realw:
         let m = n + offx + j
-        let c0 = img.getPixel(m, bgcolor).correctDither(j, dither)
+        let c0 = img[m].toARGBColor()
+        let c1 = ARGBColor(uint32(c0).fastmul1(100))
+        let c2 = c1.correctDither(j, dither)
+        if c2.a < 50: # transparent
+          let diff = (int32(c2.a), 0i32, 0i32, 0i32)
+          dither.fs(j, diff)
+          continue
         var diff: DitherDiff
-        let c = root.getColor(c0, nodes, diff)
+        let c = root.getColor(c2, nodes, diff)
         dither.fs(j, diff)
         if chunk == nil or chunk.c != c:
           chunk = addr chunkMap[c]
@@ -492,7 +500,6 @@ proc main() =
     var offy = 0
     var halfdump = false
     var palette = -1
-    var bgcolor = rgb(0, 0, 0)
     var cropw = -1
     var quality = -1
     for hdr in getEnv("REQUEST_HEADERS").split('\n'):
@@ -519,8 +526,6 @@ proc main() =
         if q.isNone:
           die("Cha-Control: ConnectionError 1 wrong quality\n")
         quality = int(q.get)
-      of "Cha-Image-Background-Color":
-        bgcolor = parseLegacyColor0(s)
     if cropw == -1:
       cropw = width
     if palette == -1:
@@ -543,7 +548,7 @@ proc main() =
     enterNetworkSandbox() # don't swallow stat
     let p = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[RGBAColorBE]](src.p)
     p.toOpenArray(0, n - 1).encode(width, height, offx, offy, cropw, halfdump,
-      bgcolor, palette)
+      palette)