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path: root/adapter/protocol/gopher.nim
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authorbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2024-09-28 17:56:45 +0200
committerbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2024-09-28 17:56:45 +0200
commit1dea3e9fbe4a902db6325195df0d7a465f82cfc5 (patch)
treed400bcaa2fdf4c71a81919a45c0a58a345bbc8fc /adapter/protocol/gopher.nim
parent6a0e957e1f2c9f5bea0882efbf2e0494cd5074fa (diff)
gopher: do not depend on libcurl
I'm thinking of making libcurl entirely optional; let's start with the
easiest part.

I've added a SOCKS5 client for ALL_PROXY support; I know curl supported
others too, but whatever.
Diffstat (limited to 'adapter/protocol/gopher.nim')
1 files changed, 53 insertions, 74 deletions
diff --git a/adapter/protocol/gopher.nim b/adapter/protocol/gopher.nim
index 13ade18c..b97ced2b 100644
--- a/adapter/protocol/gopher.nim
+++ b/adapter/protocol/gopher.nim
@@ -1,33 +1,13 @@
-when NimMajor >= 2:
-  import std/envvars
-  import std/os
-import curl
-import curlerrors
-import curlwrap
+import std/options
+import std/os
+import std/posix
+import std/strutils
 import ../gophertypes
+import lcgi
-import utils/twtstr
-type GopherHandle = ref object
-  curl: CURL
-  t: GopherType
-  statusline: bool
-proc onStatusLine(op: GopherHandle) =
-  let s = case op.t
-  of gtDirectory, gtSearch: "Content-Type: text/gopher\n"
-  of gtHTML: "Content-Type: text/html\n"
-  of gtGif: "Content-Type: image/gif\n"
-  of gtPng: "Content-Type: image/png\n"
-  of gtTextFile, gtError: "Content-Type: text/plain\n"
-  else: ""
-  stdout.write(s & "\n")
-proc loadSearch(op: GopherHandle; surl: string) =
-  stdout.write("""
+proc loadSearch(os: PosixStream; t: GopherType; surl: string) =
+  os.sendDataLoop("""
 Content-Type: text/html
@@ -44,58 +24,57 @@ Content-Type: text/html
-# From the documentation: size is always 1.
-proc curlWriteBody(p: cstring; size, nmemb: csize_t; userdata: pointer):
-    csize_t {.cdecl.} =
-  let op = cast[GopherHandle](userdata)
-  if not op.statusline:
-    op.statusline = true
-    op.onStatusLine()
-  return csize_t(stdout.writeBuffer(p, int(nmemb)))
+proc loadRegular(os: PosixStream; t: GopherType; path: var string;
+    host, port, query: string) =
+  let ps = os.connectSocket(host, port)
+  if query != "":
+    path &= '\t'
+    path &= query
+  path &= '\n'
+  ps.sendDataLoop(percentDecode(path))
+  let s = case t
+  of gtDirectory, gtSearch: "Content-Type: text/gopher\n"
+  of gtHTML: "Content-Type: text/html\n"
+  of gtGif: "Content-Type: image/gif\n"
+  of gtPng: "Content-Type: image/png\n"
+  of gtTextFile, gtError: "Content-Type: text/plain\n"
+  else: ""
+  os.sendDataLoop(s & '\n')
+  var buffer: array[4096, uint8]
+  while true:
+    let n = ps.recvData(buffer)
+    if n == 0:
+      break
+    os.sendDataLoop(addr buffer[0], n)
+  ps.sclose()
 proc main() =
-  let curl = curl_easy_init()
-  doAssert curl != nil
+  let os = newPosixStream(STDOUT_FILENO)
   if getEnv("REQUEST_METHOD") != "GET":
-    stdout.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError InvalidMethod")
-    return
+    os.die("InvalidMethod")
+  let scheme = getEnv("MAPPED_URI_SCHEME")
+  var host = getEnv("MAPPED_URI_HOST")
+  if host == "":
+    os.die("InvalidURL missing hostname")
+  if host[0] == '[' and host[^1] == ']':
+    host.delete(0..0)
+    host.setLen(host.high)
+  let port = $parseInt32(getEnv("MAPPED_URI_PORT")).get(70)
+  let query = getEnv("MAPPED_URI_QUERY").after('=')
   var path = getEnv("MAPPED_URI_PATH")
-  if path.len < 1:
-    path &= '/'
-  if path.len < 2:
-    path &= '1'
-  let url = curl_url()
-  const flags = cuint(CURLU_PATH_AS_IS)
-  url.set(CURLUPART_SCHEME, getEnv("MAPPED_URI_SCHEME"), flags)
-  url.set(CURLUPART_HOST, getEnv("MAPPED_URI_HOST"), flags)
-  let port = getEnv("MAPPED_URI_PORT")
-  if port != "":
-    url.set(CURLUPART_PORT, port, flags)
-  url.set(CURLUPART_PATH, path, flags)
-  let query = getEnv("MAPPED_URI_QUERY")
-  if query != "":
-    url.set(CURLUPART_QUERY, query.after('='), flags)
-  let op = GopherHandle(
-    curl: curl,
-    t: gopherType(path[1])
-  )
-  if op.t == gtSearch and query == "":
-    const flags = cuint(CURLU_PUNY2IDN)
-    let surl = url.get(CURLUPART_URL, flags)
-    if surl == nil:
-      stdout.write("Cha-Control: ConnectionError InvalidURL")
+  var i = 0
+  while i < path.len and path[i] == '/':
+    inc i
+  var t = gtDirectory
+  if i < path.len:
+    t = gopherType(path[i])
+    if t != gtUnknown:
+      path.delete(0 .. i)
-      op.loadSearch($surl)
+      t = gtDirectory
+  if t == gtSearch and query == "":
+    os.loadSearch(t, scheme & "://" & host & ":" & port & '/')
-    curl.setopt(CURLOPT_CURLU, url)
-    curl.setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, op)
-    curl.setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, curlWriteBody)
-    let proxy = getEnv("ALL_PROXY")
-    if proxy != "":
-      curl.setopt(CURLOPT_PROXY, proxy)
-    let res = curl_easy_perform(curl)
-    if res != CURLE_OK and not op.statusline:
-      stdout.write(getCurlConnectionError(res))
-  curl_easy_cleanup(curl)
+    os.loadRegular(t, path, host, port, query)