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path: root/adapter/protocol/man
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authorbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2024-03-13 15:21:05 +0100
committerbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2024-03-13 15:21:05 +0100
commit9ee1dd6e5167d9c2054dee5f9241e3bba286706f (patch)
tree4c36afa6c45f33f581206583fde23ca389a04a23 /adapter/protocol/man
parent73909b09756a3ae2c987b3ef05d02b49c4f37eaa (diff)
man: rewrite in Nim
Depending on Perl just for this is silly.

Now we use libregexp for filtering basically the same things as
w3mman2html did. This required another patch to QuickJS to avoid
pulling in the entire JS engine, but in return, we can now run regexes
without a dummy JS context global variable.

Also, man.nim now tries to find a man command on the system even if it's
not in /usr/bin/man.
Diffstat (limited to 'adapter/protocol/man')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/adapter/protocol/man b/adapter/protocol/man
deleted file mode 100755
index c322a6d2..00000000
--- a/adapter/protocol/man
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env perl
-# From w3m.
-# Note that this script has licensing terms different from those of Chawan.
-# See /res/license.html#w3m for details.
-# Usage: install perl, then look up man pages using:
-# $ cha man:cha # view in any manual (man cha)
-# $ cha 'man:cha(1)' # view in a specific manual (man -s 1 cha)
-# $ cha man-k:cha # search in any manual (man -k cha)
-# $ cha 'man-k:cha(1)' # search in a specific manual (man -k cha -s 1)
-# You may also use the `mancha` wrapper.
-$MAN = $ENV{'MANCHA_MAN'} || '/usr/bin/man';
-$CGI = "man:";
-$CGI2 = "file:";
-# $CGI2 = "file:///\$LIB/hlink.cgi?";
-$SQUEEZE = 1;
-$ENV{'PAGER'} = 'cat';
-if ($QUERY =~ /^man-k:/) {
-  $QUERY =~ s/^man-k://;
-  my $keyword = &form_decode($QUERY);
-  my $sectionopt = "";
-  if ($keyword =~ s/(.*)\((\w+)\)$//) {
-    $keyword = $1;
-    $sectionopt = "-s $2 ";
-  }
-  my $k = &html_quote($keyword);
-  print <<EOF;
-Content-Type: text/html
-<head><title>man $sectionopt-k $k</title></head>
-<h2>man $sectionopt-k <b>$k</b></h2>
-    $keyword =~ s:([^-\w\200-\377.,])::g;
-    open(F, "$MAN $sectionopt -k $keyword 2> /dev/null |");
-    while(<F>) {
-      chop;
-      $_ = &html_quote($_);
-      s/(\s+-.*)$//;
-      $title = $1;
-      s@(\w[\w.\-]*(\s*\,\s*\w[\w.\-]*)*)\s*(\([\dn]\w*\))@&keyword_ref($1, $3)@ge;
-      print "<li>$_$title\n";
-    }
-    close(F);
-    print <<EOF;
-  exit;
-} elsif ($QUERY =~ /^man-l:/) {
-  $QUERY =~ s/^man-l://;
-  $file = &form_decode($QUERY);
-  open(F, "GROFF_NO_SGR=1 MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING=1 $MAN $file 2> /dev/null |");
-} else {
-  $QUERY =~ s/^man://;
-  my $man = &form_decode($QUERY);
-  if ($man =~ s/\((\w+)\)$//) {
-    $section = $1;
-    $man_section = "$man($1)";
-  } else {
-    $section = "";
-    $man_section = "$man";
-  }
-  $section =~ s:([^-\w\200-\377.,])::g;
-  $man =~ s:([^-\w\200-\377.,])::g;
-  open(F, "GROFF_NO_SGR=1 MAN_KEEP_FORMATTING=1 $MAN $section $man 2> /dev/null |");
-$ok = 0;
-undef $header;
-$blank = -1;
-$cmd = "";
-$prev = "";
-while(<F>) {
-  if (! defined($header)) {
-    /^\s*$/ && next;
-    $header = $_;
-    $space = $header;
-    chop $space;
-    $space =~ s/\S.*//;
-  } elsif ($_ eq $header) {		# delete header
-    $blank = -1;
-    next;
-  } elsif (!/\010/ && /^$space[\w\200-\377].*\s\S/o) {	# delete footer
-    $blank = -1;
-    next;
-  }
-  if ($SQUEEZE) {
-    if (/^\s*$/) {
-      $blank || $blank++;
-      next;
-    } elsif ($blank) {
-      $blank > 0 && print "\n";
-      $blank = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  s/\&/\&amp;/g;
-  s/\</\&lt;/g;
-  s/\>/\&gt;/g;
-  # non ASCII UTF-8 codepoint
-  my $utf8="[\300-\337][\200-\277]|[\340-\357][\200-\277]{2}|[\360-\367][\200-\277]{3}|[\370-\373][\200-\277]{4}|[\374\375][\200-\277]{5}";
-  s@($utf8)(\010\1)+@<b>$1</b>@g;
-  s@(\&\w+;|.)(\010\1)+@<b>$1</b>@g;
-  s@_\010((\<b\>)?($utf8)(\</b\>)?)@<u>$1</u>@g;
-  s@_\010((\<b\>)?(\&\w+\;|.)(\</b\>)?)@<u>$1</u>@g;
-  s@((\<b\>)?($utf8)(\</b\>)?)\010_@<u>$1</u>@g;
-  s@((\<b\>)?(\&\w+\;|.)(\</b\>)?)\010_@<u>$1</u>@g;
-  s@.\010(.)@$1@g;
-  s@\</b\>\</u\>\<b\>_\</b\>\<u\>\<b\>@_@g;
-  s@\</u\>\<b\>_\</b\>\<u\>@_@g;
-  s@\</u\>\<u\>@@g;
-  s@\</b\>\<b\>@@g;
-  if (! $ok) {
-    /^No/ && last;
-    print <<EOF;
-Content-Type: text/html
-<head><title>man $man_section</title></head>
-    print;
-    $ok = 1;
-    next;
-  }
-  s@(https?|ftp)://[\w.\-/~]+[\w/]@<a href="$&">$&</a>@g;
-  s@\b(mailto:|)(\w[\w.\-]*\@\w[\w.\-]*\.[\w.\-]*\w)@<a href="mailto:$2">$1$2</a>@g;
-  s@(\W)(\~?/[\w.][\w.\-/~]*)@$1 . &file_ref($2)@ge;
-  s@(include(<\/?[bu]\>|\s)*\&lt;)([\w.\-/]+)@$1 . &include_ref($3)@ge;
-  if ($prev && m@^\s*(\<[bu]\>)*(\w[\w.\-]*)(\</[bu]\>)*(\([\dm]\w*\))@) {
-    $cmd .= "$2$4";
-    $prev =~ s@(\w[\w.\-]*-)((\</[bu]\>)*\s*)$@<a href="$CGI$cmd">$1</a>$2@;
-    print $prev;
-    $prev = '';
-    s@^(\s*(\<[bu]\>)*)(\w[\w.\-]*)@@;
-    print "$1<a href=\"$CGI$cmd\">$3</a>";
-  } elsif ($prev) {
-    print $prev;
-    $prev = '';
-  }
-  s@(\w[\w.\-]*)((\</[bu]\>)*)(\([\dm]\w*\))@<a href="$CGI$1$4">$1</a>$2$4@g;
-  if (m@(\w[\w.\-]*)-(\</[bu]\>)*\s*$@) {
-    $cmd = $1;
-    $prev = $_;
-    next;
-  }
-  print;
-if ($prev) {
-  print $prev;
-if (! $ok) {
-  if ($file) {
-    print "Cha-Control: ConnectionError 4 file $file not found";
-  } else {
-    print "Cha-Control: ConnectionError 4 no manual entry for $man_section";
-  }
-  exit 1;
-print <<EOF;
-sub is_command {
-  local($_) = @_;
-  local($p);
-  (! -d && -x) || return 0;
-  if (! %PATH) {
-    for $p (split(":", $ENV{'PATH'})) {
-      $p =~ s@/+$@@;
-      $PATH{$p} = 1;
-    }
-  }
-  s@/[^/]*$@@;
-  return defined($PATH{$_});
-sub file_ref {
-  local($_) = @_;
-  if (&is_command($_)) {
-    ($man = $_) =~ s@.*/@@;
-    return "<a href=\"$CGI$man\">$_</a>";
-  }
-  if (/^\~/ || -f || -d) {
-    ($file = $_) =~ s/^\~/$ENV{"HOME"}/;
-    return "<a href=\"$CGI2$file\">$_</a>";
-  }
-  return $_;
-sub include_ref {
-  local($_) = @_;
-  local($d);
-  for $d (
-	"/usr/include",
-	"/usr/local/include",
-	"/usr/X11R6/include",
-	"/usr/X11/include",
-	"/usr/X/include",
-	"/usr/include/X11"
-  ) {
-    -f "$d/$_" && return "<a href=\"$CGI2$d/$_\">$_</a>";
-  }
-  return $_;
-sub keyword_ref {
-  local($_, $s) = @_;
-  local(@a) = ();
-  for (split(/\s*,\s*/)) {
-    push(@a, "<a href=\"$CGI$_$s\">$_</a>");
-  }
-  return join(", ", @a) . $s;
-sub html_quote {
-  local($_) = @_;
-  local(%QUOTE) = (
-    '<', '&lt;',
-    '>', '&gt;',
-    '&', '&amp;',
-    '"', '&quot;',
-  );
-  s/[<>&"]/$QUOTE{$&}/g;
-  return $_;
-sub form_decode {
-  local($_) = @_;
-  s/\+/ /g;
-  s/%([\da-f][\da-f])/pack('c', hex($1))/egi;
-  return $_;