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path: root/src/img/path.nim
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authorbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2023-06-02 00:36:54 +0200
committerbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2023-06-05 03:58:21 +0200
commit8027e52cb221c432bed64517015ebf3182e6166d (patch)
tree18991f9e74c8dcfc0ed7439f3bc78a0cfec9b2d6 /src/img/path.nim
parentb3b97465805b7367df461a4b7b830fabaccf3a89 (diff)
Add support for canvas and multipart
Quite incomplete canvas implementation. Crucially, the layout engine
can't do much with whatever is drawn because it doesn't support images

I've re-introduced multipart as well, with the FormData API. For the
append function I've also introduced a hack to the JS binding generator
that allows requesting the JSContext pointer in nim procs. Really I
should just fix the union generator thing and add support for overloading.

In conclusion, for now the only thing canvas can be used for is exporting
it as PNG and uploading it somewhere. Also, we now have PNG encoding and
decoding too. (Now if only we had sixels as well...)
Diffstat (limited to 'src/img/path.nim')
1 files changed, 430 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/img/path.nim b/src/img/path.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c112f28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/img/path.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+import algorithm
+import deques
+import math
+import types/line
+import types/vector
+  Path* = ref object
+    subpaths: seq[Subpath]
+    needsNewSubpath: bool
+    tempClosed: bool
+  PathLines* = object
+    lines*: seq[LineSegment]
+    miny*: float64
+    maxy*: float64
+  PathSegmentType = enum
+  PathSegment = object
+    case t: PathSegmentType
+      cp: Vector2D
+      cp0: Vector2D
+      cp1: Vector2D
+    of SEGMENT_ARC:
+      oa: Vector2D
+      r: float64
+      ia: bool
+      oe: Vector2D
+      rx: float64
+      ry: float64
+    else: discard
+  Subpath* = object
+    points: seq[Vector2D]
+    segments: seq[PathSegment]
+    closed: bool
+proc newPath*(): Path =
+  return Path(
+    needsNewSubpath: true
+  )
+proc addSubpathAt(path: Path, p: Vector2D) =
+  path.subpaths.add(Subpath(points: @[p]))
+proc addSegment(path: Path, segment: PathSegment, p: Vector2D) =
+  path.subpaths[^1].segments.add(segment)
+  path.subpaths[^1].points.add(p)
+proc addStraightSegment(path: Path, p: Vector2D) =
+  let segment = PathSegment(t: SEGMENT_STRAIGHT)
+  path.addSegment(segment, p)
+proc addQuadraticSegment(path: Path, cp, p: Vector2D) =
+  let segment = PathSegment(
+    cp: cp
+  )
+  path.addSegment(segment, p)
+proc addBezierSegment(path: Path, cp0, cp1, p: Vector2D) =
+  let segment = PathSegment(
+    cp0: cp0,
+    cp1: cp1
+  )
+  path.addSegment(segment, p)
+# Goes from start tangent point to end tangent point
+proc addArcSegment(path: Path, o, etan: Vector2D, r: float64, ia: bool) =
+  let segment = PathSegment(
+    t: SEGMENT_ARC,
+    oa: o,
+    r: r,
+    ia: ia
+  )
+  path.addSegment(segment, etan)
+proc addEllipseSegment(path: Path, o, etan: Vector2D, rx, ry: float64) =
+  #TODO simplify to bezier?
+  let segment = PathSegment(
+    oe: o,
+    rx: rx,
+    ry: ry
+  )
+  path.addSegment(segment, etan)
+# https://hcklbrrfnn.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/bez.pdf
+func flatEnough(a, b, c: Vector2D): bool =
+  let ux = 3 * c.x - 2 * a.x - b.x
+  let uy = 3 * c.y - 2 * a.y - b.y
+  let vx = 3 * c.x - 2 * b.x - b.x
+  let vy = 3 * c.y - 2 * b.y - b.y
+  return max(ux * ux, vx * vx) + max(uy * uy, vy * vy) <= 0.02
+func flatEnough(a, b, c0, c1: Vector2D): bool =
+  let ux = 3 * c0.x - 2 * a.x - b.x
+  let uy = 3 * c0.y - 2 * a.y - b.y
+  let vx = 3 * c1.x - a.x - 2 * b.x
+  let vy = 3 * c1.y - a.y - 2 * b.y
+  return max(ux * ux, vx * vx) + max(uy * uy, vy * vy) <= 0.02
+iterator items*(pl: PathLines): LineSegment {.inline.} =
+  for line in pl.lines:
+    yield line
+func `[]`*(pl: PathLines, i: int): LineSegment = pl.lines[i]
+func `[]`*(pl: PathLines, i: BackwardsIndex): LineSegment = pl.lines[i]
+func `[]`*(pl: PathLines, s: Slice[int]): seq[LineSegment] = pl.lines[s]
+func len*(pl: PathLines): int = pl.lines.len
+iterator quadraticLines(a, b, c: Vector2D): Line {.inline.} =
+  var points: Deque[tuple[a, b, c: Vector2D]]
+  let tup = (a, b, c)
+  points.addFirst(tup)
+  while points.len > 2:
+    let (a, b, c) = points.popFirst()
+    if flatEnough(a, b, c):
+      yield Line(p0: a, p1: b)
+    else:
+      let mid1 = (c + a) / 2
+      let mid2 = (c + b) / 2
+      let s = (mid1 + mid2) / 2
+      points.addFirst((a, s, mid1))
+      points.addFirst((s, b, mid2))
+iterator bezierLines(p0, p1, c0, c1: Vector2D): Line {.inline.} =
+  var points: Deque[tuple[p0, p1, c0, c1: Vector2D]]
+  let tup = (p0, p1, c0, c1)
+  points.addLast(tup)
+  while points.len > 0:
+    let (p0, p1, c0, c1) = points.popFirst()
+    if flatEnough(p0, p1, c0, c1):
+      yield Line(p0: p0, p1: p1)
+    else:
+      let mida1 = (p0 + c0) / 2
+      let mida2 = (c0 + c1) / 2
+      let mida3 = (c1 + p1) / 2
+      let midb1 = (mida1 + mida2) / 2
+      let midb2 = (mida2 + mida3) / 2
+      let midc = (midb1 + midb2) / 2
+      points.addLast((p0, midc, mida1, midb1))
+      points.addLast((midc, p1, midb2, mida3))
+# https://stackoverflow.com/a/44829356
+func arcControlPoints(p1, p4, o: Vector2D): tuple[c0, c1: Vector2D] =
+  let a = p1 - o
+  let b = p4 - o
+  let q1 = a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y
+  let q2 = q1 + a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y
+  let k2 = (4 / 3) * (sqrt(2 * q1 * q2) - q2) / a.cross(b)
+  let c0 = o + a + Vector2D(x: -k2 * a.y, y:  k2 * a.x)
+  let c1 = o + b + Vector2D(x:  k2 * b.y, y: -k2 * b.x)
+  return (c0, c1)
+iterator arcLines(p0, p1, o: Vector2D, r: float64, i: bool): Line {.inline.} =
+  var p0 = p0
+  let pp0 = p0 - o
+  let pp1 = p1 - o
+  var theta = pp0.innerAngle(pp1)
+  if not i:
+    theta = PI * 2 - theta
+  while theta > 0:
+    let step = if theta > PI / 2: PI / 2 else: theta
+    var p1 = p0 - o
+    p1 = p1.rotate(step)
+    p1 += o
+    let (c0, c1) = arcControlPoints(p0, p1, o)
+    for line in bezierLines(p0, p1, c0, c1):
+      yield line
+    p0 = p1
+    theta -= step
+# From SerenityOS
+iterator ellipseLines(p0, p1, o: Vector2D, rx, ry, theta_1, rotx,
+    theta_delta: float64): Line {.inline.} =
+  if rx > 0 and ry > 0:
+    var s = p0
+    var e = p1
+    var theta_1 = theta_1
+    var theta_delta = theta_delta
+    if theta_delta < 0:
+      swap(s, e)
+      theta_1 += theta_delta
+      theta_delta = abs(theta_delta)
+    # The segments are at most 1 long
+    let step = arctan2(1f64, max(rx, ry))
+    var current_point = s - o
+    var next_point = Vector2D()
+    var theta = theta_1
+    while theta <= theta_1 + theta_delta:
+      next_point.x = rx * cos(theta)
+      next_point.y = ry * sin(theta)
+      next_point = next_point.rotate(rotx)
+      yield Line(p0: current_point + o, p1: next_point + o)
+      current_point = next_point
+      theta += step
+    yield Line(p0: current_point + o, p1: e)
+iterator lines(subpath: Subpath, i: int): Line {.inline.} =
+  let p0 = subpath.points[i]
+  let p1 = subpath.points[i + 1]
+  case subpath.segments[i].t
+    yield Line(p0: p0, p1: p1)
+    let c = subpath.segments[i].cp
+    for line in quadraticLines(p0, p1, c):
+      yield line
+    let c0 = subpath.segments[i].cp0
+    let c1 = subpath.segments[i].cp1
+    for line in bezierLines(p0, p1, c0, c1):
+      yield line
+    let o = subpath.segments[i].oa
+    let r = subpath.segments[i].r
+    let i = subpath.segments[i].ia
+    for line in arcLines(p0, p1, o, r, i):
+      yield line
+    discard #TODO
+iterator lines*(path: Path): Line {.inline.} =
+  for subpath in path.subpaths:
+    assert subpath.points.len == subpath.segments.len + 1
+    for i in 0 ..< subpath.segments.len:
+      for line in subpath.lines(i):
+        if line.p0 == line.p1:
+          continue
+        yield line
+proc getLineSegments*(path: Path): PathLines =
+  if path.subpaths.len == 0:
+    return
+  var miny = Inf
+  var maxy = -Inf
+  var segments: seq[LineSegment]
+  for line in path.lines:
+    let ls = LineSegment(line)
+    miny = min(miny, ls.miny)
+    maxy = max(maxy, ls.maxy)
+    segments.add(ls)
+  segments.sort(cmpLineSegmentY)
+  return PathLines(
+    miny: miny,
+    maxy: maxy,
+    lines: segments
+  )
+proc moveTo(path: Path, v: Vector2D) =
+  path.addSubpathAt(v)
+  path.needsNewSubpath = false #TODO TODO TODO ???? why here
+proc beginPath*(path: Path) =
+  path.subpaths.setLen(0)
+proc moveTo*(path: Path, x, y: float64) =
+  for v in [x, y]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  path.moveTo(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
+proc ensureSubpath(path: Path, x, y: float64) =
+  if path.needsNewSubpath:
+    path.moveTo(x, y)
+    path.needsNewSubpath = false
+proc closePath*(path: Path) =
+  let lsp = path.subpaths[^1]
+  if path.subpaths.len > 0 and (lsp.points.len > 0 or lsp.closed):
+    path.subpaths[^1].closed = true
+    path.addSubpathAt(path.subpaths[^1].points[0])
+#TODO this is a hack, and breaks as soon as any draw command is issued
+# between tempClosePath and tempOpenPath
+proc tempClosePath*(path: Path) =
+  if path.subpaths.len > 0 and not path.subpaths[^1].closed:
+    path.subpaths[^1].closed = true
+    let lsp = path.subpaths[^1]
+    path.addSubpathAt(lsp.points[^1])
+    path.addStraightSegment(lsp.points[0])
+    path.tempClosed = true
+proc tempOpenPath*(path: Path) =
+  if path.tempClosed:
+    path.subpaths.setLen(path.subpaths.len - 1)
+    path.subpaths[^1].closed = false
+    path.tempClosed = false
+proc lineTo*(path: Path, x, y: float64) =
+  for v in [x, y]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  if path.subpaths.len == 0:
+    path.ensureSubpath(x, y)
+  else:
+    path.addStraightSegment(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
+proc quadraticCurveTo*(path: Path, cpx, cpy, x, y: float64) =
+  for v in [cpx, cpy, x, y]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  path.ensureSubpath(cpx, cpy)
+  let cp = Vector2D(x: cpx, y: cpy)
+  let p = Vector2D(x: x, y: y)
+  path.addQuadraticSegment(cp, p)
+proc bezierCurveTo*(path: Path, cp0x, cp0y, cp1x, cp1y, x, y: float64) =
+  for v in [cp0x, cp0y, cp1x, cp1y, x, y]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  path.ensureSubpath(cp0x, cp0y)
+  let cp0 = Vector2D(x: cp0x, y: cp0y)
+  let cp1 = Vector2D(x: cp1x, y: cp1y)
+  let p = Vector2D(x: x, y: y)
+  path.addBezierSegment(cp0, cp1, p)
+proc arcTo*(path: Path, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius: float64): bool =
+  for v in [x1, y1, x2, y2, radius]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  if radius < 0:
+    return false
+  path.ensureSubpath(x1, y1)
+  #TODO this should be transformed by the inverse of the transformation matrix
+  let v0 = path.subpaths[^1].points[^1]
+  let v1 = Vector2D(x: x1, y: y1)
+  let v2 = Vector2D(x: x2, y: y2)
+  if v0.x == x1 and v0.y == y1 or x1 == x2 and y1 == y2 or radius == 0:
+    path.addStraightSegment(v1)
+  elif collinear(v0, v1, v2):
+    path.addStraightSegment(v1)
+  else:
+    let pv0 = v0 - v1
+    let pv2 = v2 - v1
+    let tv0 = v1 + pv0 * radius * 2 / pv0.norm()
+    let tv2 = v1 + pv2 * radius * 2 / pv2.norm()
+    let q = -(pv0.x * tv0.x + pv0.y * tv0.y)
+    let p = -(pv2.x * tv2.x + pv2.y * tv2.y)
+    let cr = pv0.cross(pv2)
+    let origin = Vector2D(
+      x: (pv0.y * p - pv2.y * q) / cr,
+      y: (pv2.x * q - pv0.x * p) / cr
+    )
+    path.addStraightSegment(tv0)
+    path.addArcSegment(origin, tv2, radius, true) #TODO always inner?
+  return true
+func resolveEllipsePoint(o: Vector2D, angle, radiusX, radiusY,
+    rotation: float64): Vector2D =
+  # Stolen from SerenityOS
+  let tanrel = tan(angle)
+  let tan2 = tanrel * tanrel
+  let ab = radiusX * radiusY
+  let a2 = radiusX * radiusX
+  let b2 = radiusY * radiusY
+  let sq = sqrt(b2 + a2 * tan2)
+  let sn = if cos(angle) >= 0: 1f64 else: -1f64
+  let relx = ab / sq * sn
+  let rely = ab * tanrel / sq * sn
+  return Vector2D(x: relx, y: rely).rotate(rotation) + o
+proc arc*(path: Path, x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle: float64,
+    counterclockwise: bool): bool =
+  for v in [x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  if radius < 0:
+    return false
+  let o = Vector2D(x: x, y: y)
+  var s = resolveEllipsePoint(o, startAngle, radius, radius, 0)
+  var e = resolveEllipsePoint(o, endAngle, radius, radius, 0)
+  if counterclockwise:
+    let tmp = s
+    e = s
+    s = tmp
+  if path.subpaths.len > 0:
+    path.addStraightSegment(s)
+  else:
+    path.moveTo(s)
+  path.addArcSegment(o, e, radius, abs(startAngle - endAngle) < PI)
+  return true
+proc ellipse*(path: Path, x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle,
+    endAngle: float64, counterclockwise: bool): bool =
+  for v in [x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  if radiusX < 0 or radiusY < 0:
+    return false
+  let o = Vector2D(x: x, y: y)
+  var s = resolveEllipsePoint(o, startAngle, radiusX, radiusY, rotation)
+  var e = resolveEllipsePoint(o, endAngle, radiusX, radiusY, rotation)
+  if counterclockwise:
+    let tmp = s
+    e = s
+    s = tmp
+  if path.subpaths.len > 0:
+    path.addStraightSegment(s)
+  else:
+    path.moveTo(s)
+  path.addEllipseSegment(o, e, radiusX, radiusY)
+  return true
+proc rect*(path: Path, x, y, w, h: float64) =
+  for v in [x, y, w, h]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  path.addSubpathAt(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
+  path.addStraightSegment(Vector2D(x: x + w, y: y))
+  path.addStraightSegment(Vector2D(x: x + w, y: y + h))
+  path.addStraightSegment(Vector2D(x: x, y: y + h))
+  path.addStraightSegment(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
+  path.addSubpathAt(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
+proc roundRect*(path: Path, x, y, w, h, radii: float64) =
+  for v in [x, y, w, h]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  #TODO implement
+  path.rect(x, y, w, h) # :P