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path: root/src/io/buffer.nim
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authorbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2022-11-15 23:42:20 +0100
committerbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2022-11-19 14:32:54 +0100
commita6bbcd0dd3f77b0e98527c1fa9e510a40acd954e (patch)
treeca55cc9079afbe788a61986e42d1a8d9d0bc7c2f /src/io/buffer.nim
parente75f62b34f7c7f3127bcde0c4a12cbb785342dd9 (diff)
Rewrite buffer/pager for multi-processing
Diffstat (limited to 'src/io/buffer.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1285 deletions
diff --git a/src/io/buffer.nim b/src/io/buffer.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index f4cce8c4..00000000
--- a/src/io/buffer.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1285 +0,0 @@
-import algorithm
-import options
-import os
-import streams
-import tables
-import terminal
-import unicode
-import css/cascade
-import css/cssparser
-import css/mediaquery
-import css/sheet
-import css/stylednode
-import config/config
-import html/dom
-import html/tags
-import html/htmlparser
-import io/cell
-import io/lineedit
-import io/loader
-import io/request
-import io/term
-import js/regex
-import layout/box
-import render/renderdocument
-import render/rendertext
-import types/color
-import types/url
-import utils/twtstr
-  CursorPosition* = object
-    cursorx*: int
-    cursory*: int
-    xend*: int
-    fromx*: int
-    fromy*: int
-  BufferMatch* = object
-    success*: bool
-    x*: int
-    y*: int
-    str*: string
-  Buffer* = ref object
-    contenttype*: string
-    title*: string
-    lines*: FlexibleGrid
-    display*: FixedGrid
-    prevdisplay*: FixedGrid
-    statusmsg*: FixedGrid
-    hovertext*: string
-    width*: int
-    height*: int
-    cpos*: CursorPosition
-    attrs*: TermAttributes
-    document*: Document
-    viewport*: Viewport
-    prevstyled*: StyledNode
-    redraw*: bool
-    reshape*: bool
-    nostatus*: bool
-    location*: Url
-    ispipe*: bool
-    istream*: Stream
-    streamclosed*: bool
-    source*: string
-    prevnode*: StyledNode
-    userstyle*: CSSStylesheet
-    loader*: FileLoader
-    marks*: seq[Mark]
-    config*: Config
-    tty: File
-proc newBuffer*(config: Config, tty: File): Buffer =
-  new(result)
-  result.attrs = getTermAttributes(stdout)
-  result.width = result.attrs.width
-  result.height = result.attrs.height - 1
-  result.config = config
-  result.loader = newFileLoader()
-  result.display = newFixedGrid(result.width, result.height)
-  result.prevdisplay = newFixedGrid(result.width, result.height)
-  result.statusmsg = newFixedGrid(result.width)
-func cursorx*(buffer: Buffer): int {.inline.} = buffer.cpos.cursorx
-func cursory*(buffer: Buffer): int {.inline.} = buffer.cpos.cursory
-func fromx*(buffer: Buffer): int {.inline.} = buffer.cpos.fromx
-func fromy*(buffer: Buffer): int {.inline.} = buffer.cpos.fromy
-func xend*(buffer: Buffer): int {.inline.} = buffer.cpos.xend
-func generateFullOutput*(buffer: Buffer): string =
-  var x = 0
-  var w = 0
-  var format = newFormat()
-  result &= HVP(1, 1)
-  for cell in buffer.display:
-    if x >= buffer.width:
-      result &= EL()
-      result &= "\r\n"
-      x = 0
-      w = 0
-    result &= format.processFormat(cell.format)
-    result &= cell.str
-    w += cell.width()
-    inc x
-  result &= EL()
-  result &= "\r\n"
-# generate a sequence of instructions to replace the previous frame with the
-# current one. ideally should be used when small changes are made (e.g. hover
-# changes underlining)
-func generateSwapOutput(buffer: Buffer): string =
-  var format = newFormat()
-  let curr = buffer.display
-  let prev = buffer.prevdisplay
-  var i = 0
-  var x = 0
-  var y = 0
-  var line = ""
-  var lr = false
-  while i < curr.len:
-    if x >= buffer.width:
-      if lr:
-        result &= HVP(y + 1, 1)
-        result &= EL()
-        result &= line
-        lr = false
-      x = 0
-      inc y
-      line = ""
-    lr = lr or (curr[i] != prev[i])
-    line &= format.processFormat(curr[i].format)
-    line &= curr[i].str
-    inc i
-    inc x
-  if lr:
-    result &= HVP(y + 1, 1)
-    result &= EL()
-    result &= line
-    lr = false
-  #TODO maybe fix this
-  #var x = 0
-  #var y = 0
-  #var cx = -1
-  #var cy = -1
-  #var i = 0
-  #var text = ""
-  #while i < max:
-  #  if x >= buffer.width:
-  #    x = 0
-  #    inc y
-  #  if curr[i] != prev[i]:
-  #    let currwidth = curr[i].runes.width()
-  #    let prevwidth = prev[i].runes.width()
-  #    if (curr[i].runes.len > 0 or currwidth < prevwidth) and (x != cx or y != cy):
-  #      if text.len > 0:
-  #        result &= text
-  #        text = ""
-  #      result &= HVP(y + 1, x + 1)
-  #      cx = x
-  #      cy = y
-  #    text &= format.processFormat(curr[i].format)
-  #    text &= $curr[i].runes
-  #    if currwidth < prevwidth:
-  #      var j = 0
-  #      while j < prevwidth - currwidth:
-  #        text &= ' '
-  #        inc j
-  #    if text.len > 0:
-  #      inc cx
-  #  inc x
-  #  inc i
-  #if text.len > 0:
-  #  result &= $text
-func generateStatusMessage*(buffer: Buffer): string =
-  var format = newFormat()
-  var w = 0
-  for cell in buffer.statusmsg:
-    result &= format.processFormat(cell.format)
-    result &= cell.str
-    w += cell.width()
-  if w < buffer.width:
-    result &= EL()
-func numLines(buffer: Buffer): int = buffer.lines.len
-func lastVisibleLine(buffer: Buffer): int = min(buffer.fromy + buffer.height, buffer.numLines)
-func currentLineWidth(buffer: Buffer): int =
-  return buffer.lines[buffer.cursory].width()
-func maxfromy(buffer: Buffer): int = max(buffer.numLines - buffer.height, 0)
-func maxfromx(buffer: Buffer): int = max(buffer.currentLineWidth() - buffer.width, 0)
-func acursorx(buffer: Buffer): int =
-  return max(0, buffer.cursorx - buffer.fromx)
-func acursory(buffer: Buffer): int =
-  return buffer.cursory - buffer.fromy
-func cellOrigin(buffer: Buffer, x, y: int): int =
-  let row = y * buffer.width
-  var ox = x
-  while ox > 0 and buffer.display[row + ox].str.len == 0:
-    dec ox
-  return ox
-func currentCellOrigin(buffer: Buffer): int =
-  return buffer.cellOrigin(buffer.acursorx, buffer.acursory)
-func currentDisplayCell(buffer: Buffer): FixedCell =
-  let row = (buffer.cursory - buffer.fromy) * buffer.width
-  return buffer.display[row + buffer.currentCellOrigin()]
-func getLink(node: StyledNode): HTMLAnchorElement =
-  if node == nil:
-    return nil
-  if node.t == STYLED_ELEMENT and node.node != nil and Element(node.node).tagType == TAG_A:
-    return HTMLAnchorElement(node.node)
-  if node.node != nil:
-    return HTMLAnchorElement(node.node.findAncestor({TAG_A}))
-  #TODO ::before links?
-const ClickableElements = {
-func getClickable(styledNode: StyledNode): Element =
-  if styledNode == nil or styledNode.node == nil:
-    return nil
-  if styledNode.t == STYLED_ELEMENT:
-    let element = Element(styledNode.node)
-    if element.tagType in ClickableElements:
-      return element
-  styledNode.node.findAncestor(ClickableElements)
-func getCursorClickable(buffer: Buffer): Element =
-  return buffer.currentDisplayCell().node.getClickable()
-func currentLine(buffer: Buffer): string =
-  return buffer.lines[buffer.cursory].str
-func cursorBytes(buffer: Buffer, y: int, cc = buffer.fromx + buffer.cursorx): int =
-  assert y < buffer.lines.len
-  let line = buffer.lines[y].str
-  var w = 0
-  var i = 0
-  while i < line.len and w < cc:
-    var r: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
-    w += r.width()
-  return i
-func currentCursorBytes(buffer: Buffer, cc = buffer.fromx + buffer.cursorx): int =
-  return buffer.cursorBytes(buffer.cursory, cc)
-func currentWidth(buffer: Buffer): int =
-  let line = buffer.currentLine
-  if line.len == 0: return 0
-  var w = 0
-  var i = 0
-  let cc = buffer.fromx + buffer.cursorx
-  var r: Rune
-  fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
-  while i < line.len and w < cc:
-    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
-    w += r.width()
-  return r.width()
-func prevWidth(buffer: Buffer): int =
-  let line = buffer.currentLine
-  if line.len == 0: return 0
-  var w = 0
-  var i = 0
-  let cc = buffer.fromx + buffer.cursorx
-  var pr: Rune
-  var r: Rune
-  fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
-  while i < line.len and w < cc:
-    pr = r
-    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
-    w += r.width()
-  return pr.width()
-func maxScreenWidth(buffer: Buffer): int =
-  for line in buffer.lines[buffer.fromy..buffer.lastVisibleLine - 1]:
-    result = max(line.width(), result)
-func atPercentOf(buffer: Buffer): int =
-  if buffer.lines.len == 0: return 100
-  return (100 * (buffer.cursory + 1)) div buffer.numLines
-func hasAnchor*(buffer: Buffer, anchor: string): bool =
-  return buffer.document.getElementById(anchor) != nil
-func getTitle(buffer: Buffer): string =
-  if buffer.document != nil:
-    result = buffer.document.title
-    if result != "": return result
-  if buffer.ispipe:
-    return "*pipe*"
-  return buffer.location.serialize(excludepassword = true)
-proc clearDisplay(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.prevdisplay = buffer.display
-  buffer.display = newFixedGrid(buffer.width, buffer.height)
-proc refreshDisplay(buffer: Buffer) =
-  var r: Rune
-  var y = 0 # y position on screen
-  buffer.clearDisplay()
-  for by in buffer.fromy..buffer.lastVisibleLine - 1:
-    let line = buffer.lines[by] # by: y position in lines
-    var w = 0 # width of the row so far
-    var i = 0 # byte in line.str
-    # Skip cells till buffer.fromx.
-    while w < buffer.fromx and i < line.str.len:
-      fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r)
-      w += r.width()
-    let dls = y * buffer.width # starting position of row in display
-    # Fill in the gap in case we skipped more cells than fromx mandates (i.e.
-    # we encountered a double-width character.)
-    var k = 0
-    if w > buffer.fromx:
-      while k < w - buffer.fromx:
-        buffer.display[dls + k].str &= ' '
-        inc k
-    var cf = line.findFormat(w)
-    var nf = line.findNextFormat(w)
-    let startw = w # save this for later
-    # Now fill in the visible part of the row.
-    while i < line.str.len:
-      let pw = w
-      fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r)
-      w += r.width()
-      if w > buffer.fromx + buffer.width:
-        break # die on exceeding the width limit
-      if nf.pos != -1 and nf.pos <= pw:
-        cf = nf
-        nf = line.findNextFormat(pw)
-      buffer.display[dls + k].str &= r
-      if cf.pos != -1:
-        buffer.display[dls + k].format = cf.format
-        buffer.display[dls + k].node = cf.node
-      let tk = k + r.width()
-      while k < tk and k < buffer.width - 1:
-        inc k
-    # Then, for each cell that has a mark, override its formatting with that
-    # specified by the mark.
-    var l = 0
-    while l < buffer.marks.len and buffer.marks[l].y < by:
-      inc l # linear search to find the first applicable mark
-    let aw = buffer.width - (startw - buffer.fromx) # actual width
-    while l < buffer.marks.len and buffer.marks[l].y == by:
-      let mark = buffer.marks[l]
-      inc l
-      if mark.x >= startw + aw or mark.x + mark.width < startw: continue
-      for i in max(mark.x, startw)..<min(mark.x + mark.width, startw + aw):
-        buffer.display[dls + i - startw].format = mark.format
-    inc y
-proc setCursorX(buffer: Buffer, x: int, refresh = true, save = true) =
-  if (not refresh) or (buffer.fromx <= x and x < buffer.fromx + buffer.width):
-    buffer.cpos.cursorx = x
-  else:
-    if refresh and buffer.fromx > buffer.cursorx:
-      buffer.cpos.fromx = max(buffer.currentLineWidth() - 1, 0)
-      buffer.cpos.cursorx = buffer.fromx
-    elif x > buffer.cursorx:
-      buffer.cpos.fromx = max(x - buffer.width + 1, 0)
-      buffer.cpos.cursorx = x
-    elif x < buffer.cursorx:
-      buffer.cpos.fromx = x
-      buffer.cpos.cursorx = x
-    buffer.redraw = true
-  if save:
-    buffer.cpos.xend = buffer.cursorx
-proc restoreCursorX(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorX(max(min(buffer.currentLineWidth() - 1, buffer.xend), 0), false, false)
-proc setCursorY(buffer: Buffer, y: int) =
-  if buffer.cursory == y:
-    return
-  if y - buffer.fromy >= 0 and y - buffer.height < buffer.fromy:
-    buffer.cpos.cursory = y
-  else:
-    if y > buffer.cursory:
-      buffer.cpos.fromy = max(y - buffer.height + 1, 0)
-    else:
-      buffer.cpos.fromy = min(y, buffer.maxfromy)
-    buffer.cpos.cursory = y
-    buffer.redraw = true
-  buffer.restoreCursorX()
-proc centerLine*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  let ny = max(min(buffer.cursory - buffer.height div 2, buffer.numLines - buffer.height), 0)
-  if ny != buffer.fromy:
-    buffer.cpos.fromy = ny
-    buffer.redraw = true
-proc setCursorXY*(buffer: Buffer, x, y: int) =
-  let fy = buffer.fromy
-  buffer.setCursorY(max(min(y, buffer.numLines - 1), 0))
-  buffer.setCursorX(max(min(buffer.currentLineWidth(), x), 0))
-  if fy != buffer.fromy:
-    buffer.centerLine()
-proc setFromXY*(buffer: Buffer, x, y: int) =
-  buffer.cpos.fromy = max(min(y, buffer.maxfromy), 0)
-  buffer.cpos.fromx = max(min(x, buffer.maxfromx), 0)
-proc cursorDown*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  if buffer.cursory < buffer.numLines - 1:
-    buffer.setCursorY(buffer.cursory + 1)
-proc cursorUp*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  if buffer.cursory > 0:
-    buffer.setCursorY(buffer.cursory - 1)
-proc cursorRight*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  let cellwidth = buffer.currentWidth()
-  if buffer.cursorx + cellwidth < buffer.currentLineWidth():
-    buffer.setCursorX(buffer.cursorx + cellwidth)
-proc cursorLeft*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorX(max(buffer.cursorx - buffer.prevWidth(), 0))
-proc cursorLineBegin*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorX(0)
-proc cursorLineEnd*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorX(max(buffer.currentLineWidth() - 1, 0))
-proc cursorNextWord*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  var r: Rune
-  var b = buffer.currentCursorBytes()
-  var x = buffer.cursorx
-  while b < buffer.currentLine.len:
-    let pb = b
-    fastRuneAt(buffer.currentLine, b, r)
-    if r.breaksWord():
-      b = pb
-      break
-    x += r.width()
-  while b < buffer.currentLine.len:
-    let pb = b
-    fastRuneAt(buffer.currentLine, b, r)
-    if not r.breaksWord():
-      b = pb
-      break
-    x += r.width()
-  if b < buffer.currentLine.len:
-    buffer.setCursorX(x)
-  else:
-    if buffer.cursory < buffer.numLines - 1:
-      buffer.cursorDown()
-      buffer.cursorLineBegin()
-    else:
-      buffer.cursorLineEnd()
-proc cursorPrevWord*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  var b = buffer.currentCursorBytes()
-  var x = buffer.cursorx
-  if buffer.currentLine.len > 0:
-    b = min(b, buffer.currentLine.len - 1)
-    while b >= 0:
-      let (r, o) = lastRune(buffer.currentLine, b)
-      if r.breaksWord():
-        break
-      b -= o
-      x -= r.width()
-    while b >= 0:
-      let (r, o) = lastRune(buffer.currentLine, b)
-      if not r.breaksWord():
-        break
-      b -= o
-      x -= r.width()
-  else:
-    b = -1
-  if b >= 0:
-    buffer.setCursorX(x)
-  else:
-    if buffer.cursory > 0:
-      buffer.cursorUp()
-      buffer.cursorLineEnd()
-    else:
-      buffer.cursorLineBegin()
-proc cursorNextLink*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  let line = buffer.lines[buffer.cursory]
-  var i = line.findFormatN(buffer.cursorx) - 1
-  var link: Element = nil
-  if i >= 0:
-    link = line.formats[i].node.getClickable()
-  inc i
-  while i < line.formats.len:
-    let format = line.formats[i]
-    let fl = format.node.getClickable()
-    if fl != nil and fl != link:
-      buffer.setCursorX(format.pos)
-      return
-    inc i
-  for y in (buffer.cursory + 1)..(buffer.numLines - 1):
-    let line = buffer.lines[y]
-    i = 0
-    while i < line.formats.len:
-      let format = line.formats[i]
-      let fl = format.node.getClickable()
-      if fl != nil and fl != link:
-        buffer.setCursorXY(format.pos, y)
-        return
-      inc i
-proc cursorPrevLink*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  let line = buffer.lines[buffer.cursory]
-  var i = line.findFormatN(buffer.cursorx) - 1
-  var link: Element = nil
-  if i >= 0:
-    link = line.formats[i].node.getClickable()
-  dec i
-  var ly = 0 #last y
-  var lx = 0 #last x
-  template link_beginning() =
-    #go to beginning of link
-    ly = y #last y
-    lx = format.pos #last x
-    #on the current line
-    let line = buffer.lines[y]
-    while i >= 0:
-      let format = line.formats[i]
-      let nl = format.node.getClickable()
-      if nl == fl:
-        lx = format.pos
-      dec i
-    #on previous lines
-    for iy in countdown(ly - 1, 0):
-      let line = buffer.lines[iy]
-      i = line.formats.len - 1
-      while i >= 0:
-        let format = line.formats[i]
-        let nl = format.node.getClickable()
-        if nl == fl:
-          ly = iy
-          lx = format.pos
-        dec i
-  while i >= 0:
-    let format = line.formats[i]
-    let fl = format.node.getClickable()
-    if fl != nil and fl != link:
-      let y = buffer.cursory
-      link_beginning
-      buffer.setCursorXY(lx, ly)
-      return
-    dec i
-  for y in countdown(buffer.cursory - 1, 0):
-    let line = buffer.lines[y]
-    i = line.formats.len - 1
-    while i >= 0:
-      let format = line.formats[i]
-      let fl = format.node.getClickable()
-      if fl != nil and fl != link:
-        link_beginning
-        buffer.setCursorXY(lx, ly)
-        return
-      dec i
-proc cursorFirstLine*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorY(0)
-proc cursorLastLine*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorY(buffer.numLines - 1)
-proc cursorTop*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorY(buffer.fromy)
-proc cursorMiddle*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorY(min(buffer.fromy + (buffer.height - 2) div 2, buffer.numLines - 1))
-proc cursorBottom*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorY(min(buffer.fromy + buffer.height - 1, buffer.numLines - 1))
-proc cursorLeftEdge*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorX(buffer.fromx)
-proc cursorVertMiddle*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorX(min(buffer.fromx + (buffer.width - 2) div 2, buffer.currentLineWidth))
-proc cursorRightEdge*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.setCursorX(min(buffer.fromx + buffer.width - 1, buffer.currentLineWidth))
-proc halfPageUp*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.cpos.cursory = max(buffer.cursory - buffer.height div 2 + 1, 0)
-  let nfy = max(0, buffer.fromy - buffer.height div 2 + 1)
-  if nfy != buffer.fromy:
-    buffer.cpos.fromy = nfy
-    buffer.redraw = true
-  buffer.restoreCursorX()
-proc halfPageDown*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.cpos.cursory = min(buffer.cursory + buffer.height div 2 - 1, buffer.numLines - 1)
-  let nfy = min(max(buffer.numLines - buffer.height, 0), buffer.fromy + buffer.height div 2 - 1)
-  if nfy != buffer.fromy:
-    buffer.cpos.fromy = nfy
-    buffer.redraw = true
-  buffer.restoreCursorX()
-proc pageUp*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.cpos.cursory = max(buffer.cursory - buffer.height, 0)
-  let nfy = max(0, buffer.fromy - buffer.height)
-  if nfy != buffer.fromy:
-    buffer.cpos.fromy = nfy
-    buffer.redraw = true
-  buffer.restoreCursorX()
-proc pageDown*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.cpos.cursory = min(buffer.cursory + buffer.height, buffer.numLines - 1)
-  let nfy = min(buffer.fromy + buffer.height, max(buffer.numLines - buffer.height, 0))
-  if nfy != buffer.fromy:
-    buffer.cpos.fromy = nfy
-    buffer.redraw = true
-  buffer.restoreCursorX()
-proc pageLeft*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.cpos.cursorx = max(buffer.cursorx - buffer.width, 0)
-  let nfx = max(0, buffer.fromx - buffer.width)
-  if nfx != buffer.fromx:
-    buffer.cpos.fromx = nfx
-    buffer.redraw = true
-proc pageRight*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.cpos.cursorx = min(buffer.fromx, buffer.currentLineWidth())
-  let nfx = min(max(buffer.maxScreenWidth() - buffer.width, 0), buffer.fromx + buffer.width)
-  if nfx != buffer.fromx:
-    buffer.cpos.fromx = nfx
-    buffer.redraw = true
-proc scrollDown*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  if buffer.fromy + buffer.height < buffer.numLines:
-    inc buffer.cpos.fromy
-    if buffer.fromy > buffer.cursory:
-      buffer.cursorDown()
-    buffer.redraw = true
-  else:
-    buffer.cursorDown()
-proc scrollUp*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  if buffer.fromy > 0:
-    dec buffer.cpos.fromy
-    if buffer.fromy + buffer.height <= buffer.cursory:
-      buffer.cursorUp()
-    buffer.redraw = true
-  else:
-    buffer.cursorUp()
-proc scrollRight*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  if buffer.fromx + buffer.width < buffer.maxScreenWidth():
-    inc buffer.cpos.fromx
-    buffer.redraw = true
-proc scrollLeft*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  if buffer.fromx > 0:
-    dec buffer.cpos.fromx
-    if buffer.cursorx < buffer.fromx:
-      buffer.setCursorX(max(buffer.currentLineWidth() - 1, 0))
-    buffer.redraw = true
-proc gotoAnchor*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  if buffer.document == nil: return
-  let anchor = buffer.document.getElementById(buffer.location.anchor)
-  if anchor == nil: return
-  for y in 0..<buffer.numLines:
-    let line = buffer.lines[y]
-    var i = 0
-    while i < line.formats.len:
-      let format = line.formats[i]
-      if format.node != nil and anchor in format.node.node:
-        buffer.setCursorY(y)
-        buffer.centerLine()
-        buffer.setCursorX(format.pos)
-        return
-      inc i
-proc addMark*(buffer: Buffer, x, y, width: int): Mark =
-  assert y < buffer.lines.len
-  var format = newFormat()
-  format.bgcolor = buffer.config.markcolor
-  result = Mark(x: x, y: y, width: width, format: format)
-  let previ = upperBound(buffer.marks, y, (proc(a: Mark, b: int): int = cmp(a.y, b)))
-  buffer.marks.insert(result, previ)
-proc removeMark*(buffer: Buffer, mark: Mark) =
-  let i = buffer.marks.find(mark)
-  if i != -1:
-    buffer.marks.delete(i)
-proc cursorNextMatch(buffer: Buffer, regex: Regex, sy, ey: int, wrap = false): BufferMatch =
-  for y in sy..ey:
-    let s = if y == buffer.cursory and not wrap:
-      buffer.currentCursorBytes(buffer.fromx + buffer.cursorx + 1)
-    else:
-      0
-    let res = regex.exec(buffer.lines[y].str, s)
-    if res.success and res.captures.len > 0:
-      let cap = res.captures[0]
-      let x = buffer.lines[y].str.width(cap.s)
-      buffer.setCursorXY(x, y)
-      result.success = true
-      result.y = y
-      result.x = x
-      result.str = buffer.lines[y].str.substr(cap.s, cap.e - 1)
-      return
-proc cursorNextMatch*(buffer: Buffer, regex: Regex, wrap = true): BufferMatch =
-  let s = buffer.currentCursorBytes(buffer.fromx + buffer.cursorx + 1)
-  var low = buffer.cursory
-  if s == buffer.lines.len:
-    low += 1
-  if low > buffer.lines.high:
-    low = 0
-  let ret = buffer.cursorNextMatch(regex, low, buffer.lines.high)
-  if ret.success:
-    return ret
-  if wrap:
-    return buffer.cursorNextMatch(regex, 0, low, true)
-proc cursorPrevMatch*(buffer: Buffer, regex: Regex, sy, ey: int, wrap = false): BufferMatch =
-  for y in countdown(sy, ey):
-    let e = if y == buffer.cursory and not wrap:
-      buffer.currentCursorBytes()
-    else:
-      buffer.lines[y].str.len + 1
-    let res = regex.exec(buffer.lines[y].str)
-    if res.success:
-      for i in countdown(res.captures.high, 0):
-        let cap = res.captures[i]
-        if cap.s < e:
-          let x = buffer.lines[y].str.width(cap.s)
-          buffer.setCursorXY(x, y)
-          result.success = true
-          result.y = y
-          result.x = x
-          result.str = buffer.lines[y].str.substr(cap.s, cap.e - 1)
-          return
-proc cursorPrevMatch*(buffer: Buffer, regex: Regex, wrap = true): BufferMatch =
-  var high = buffer.cursory
-  if buffer.fromx + buffer.cursorx - 1 < 0:
-    high -= 1
-  if high < 0:
-    high = buffer.lines.high
-  let ret = buffer.cursorPrevMatch(regex, high, 0)
-  if ret.success:
-    return ret
-  if wrap:
-    return buffer.cursorPrevMatch(regex, buffer.lines.high, high)
-proc refreshTermAttrs*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
-  let newAttrs = getTermAttributes(stdout)
-  if newAttrs != buffer.attrs:
-    buffer.attrs = newAttrs
-    buffer.width = newAttrs.width
-    buffer.height = newAttrs.height - 1
-    return true
-  return false
-proc updateCursor(buffer: Buffer) =
-  if buffer.fromy > buffer.lastVisibleLine - 1:
-    buffer.cpos.fromy = 0
-    buffer.cpos.cursory = buffer.lastVisibleLine - 1
-  if buffer.cursory >= buffer.lines.len:
-    buffer.cpos.cursory = max(0, buffer.lines.len - 1)
-  if buffer.lines.len == 0:
-    buffer.cpos.cursory = 0
-proc updateHover(buffer: Buffer) =
-  let thisnode = buffer.currentDisplayCell().node
-  let prevnode = buffer.prevnode
-  if thisnode != prevnode and (thisnode == nil or prevnode == nil or thisnode.node != prevnode.node):
-    for styledNode in thisnode.branch:
-      if styledNode.t == STYLED_ELEMENT and styledNode.node != nil:
-        let elem = Element(styledNode.node)
-        if not elem.hover:
-          elem.hover = true
-          buffer.reshape = true
-    let link = thisnode.getLink()
-    if link != nil:
-      buffer.hovertext = link.href
-    else:
-      buffer.hovertext = ""
-    for styledNode in prevnode.branch:
-      if styledNode.t == STYLED_ELEMENT and styledNode.node != nil:
-        let elem = Element(styledNode.node)
-        if elem.hover:
-          elem.hover = false
-          buffer.reshape = true
-  buffer.prevnode = thisnode
-proc loadResource(buffer: Buffer, document: Document, elem: HTMLLinkElement) =
-  let url = parseUrl(elem.href, document.location.some)
-  if url.isSome:
-    let url = url.get
-    if url.scheme == buffer.location.scheme:
-      let media = elem.media
-      if media != "":
-        let media = parseMediaQueryList(parseListOfComponentValues(newStringStream(media)))
-        if not media.applies(): return
-      let fs = buffer.loader.doRequest(newRequest(url))
-      if fs.body != nil and fs.contenttype == "text/css":
-        elem.sheet = parseStylesheet(fs.body)
-proc loadResources(buffer: Buffer, document: Document) =
-  var stack: seq[Element]
-  if document.html != nil:
-    stack.add(document.html)
-  while stack.len > 0:
-    let elem = stack.pop()
-    if elem.tagType == TAG_LINK:
-      let elem = HTMLLinkElement(elem)
-      if elem.rel == "stylesheet":
-        buffer.loadResource(document, elem)
-    for child in elem.children_rev:
-      stack.add(child)
-proc load*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  case buffer.contenttype
-  of "text/html":
-    if not buffer.streamclosed:
-      buffer.source = buffer.istream.readAll()
-      buffer.istream.close()
-      buffer.istream = newStringStream(buffer.source)
-      buffer.document = parseHTML5(buffer.istream)
-      buffer.streamclosed = true
-    else:
-      buffer.document = parseHTML5(newStringStream(buffer.source))
-    buffer.document.location = buffer.location
-    buffer.loadResources(buffer.document)
-  else:
-    if not buffer.streamclosed:
-      buffer.source = buffer.istream.readAll()
-      buffer.istream.close()
-      buffer.streamclosed = true
-    buffer.lines = renderPlainText(buffer.source)
-proc render*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  case buffer.contenttype
-  of "text/html":
-    if buffer.viewport == nil:
-      buffer.viewport = Viewport(term: buffer.attrs)
-    if buffer.userstyle == nil:
-      buffer.userstyle = buffer.config.stylesheet.parseStylesheet()
-    let ret = renderDocument(buffer.document, buffer.attrs, buffer.userstyle, buffer.viewport, buffer.prevstyled)
-    buffer.lines = ret[0]
-    buffer.prevstyled = ret[1]
-  else: discard
-  buffer.updateCursor()
-proc cursorBufferPos(buffer: Buffer) =
-  let x = buffer.acursorx
-  let y = buffer.acursory
-  print(HVP(y + 1, x + 1))
-proc clearStatusMessage(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.statusmsg = newFixedGrid(buffer.width)
-proc writeStatusMessage(buffer: Buffer, str: string, format: Format = Format()) =
-  buffer.clearStatusMessage()
-  var i = 0
-  for r in str.runes:
-    i += r.width()
-    if i >= buffer.statusmsg.len:
-      buffer.statusmsg[^1].str = "$"
-      break
-    buffer.statusmsg[i].str &= r
-    buffer.statusmsg[i].format = format
-proc statusMsgForBuffer(buffer: Buffer) =
-  var msg = $(buffer.cursory + 1) & "/" & $buffer.numLines & " (" &
-            $buffer.atPercentOf() & "%) " & "<" & buffer.title & ">"
-  if buffer.hovertext.len > 0:
-    msg &= " " & buffer.hovertext
-  var format: Format
-  format.reverse = true
-  buffer.writeStatusMessage(msg, format)
-proc setStatusMessage*(buffer: Buffer, str: string) =
-  buffer.writeStatusMessage(str)
-  buffer.nostatus = true
-proc lineInfo*(buffer: Buffer) =
-    buffer.setStatusMessage("line " & $(buffer.cursory + 1) & "/" & $buffer.numLines & " col " & $(buffer.cursorx + 1) & "/" & $buffer.currentLineWidth() & " x: " & $buffer.currentCursorBytes())
-proc displayBufferSwapOutput(buffer: Buffer) =
-  print(buffer.generateSwapOutput())
-proc displayBuffer(buffer: Buffer) =
-  print(buffer.generateFullOutput())
-proc displayStatusMessage*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  print(HVP(buffer.height + 1, 1))
-  print(SGR())
-  print(buffer.generateStatusMessage())
-  print(SGR())
-# https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#constructing-the-form-data-set
-proc constructEntryList(form: HTMLFormElement, submitter: Element = nil, encoding: string = ""): seq[tuple[name, value: string]] =
-  if form.constructingentrylist:
-    return
-  form.constructingentrylist = true
-  var entrylist: seq[tuple[name, value: string]]
-  for field in form.controls:
-    if field.findAncestor({TAG_DATALIST}) != nil or
-        field.attrb("disabled") or
-        field.isButton() and Element(field) != submitter:
-      continue
-    if field.tagType == TAG_INPUT:
-      let field = HTMLInputElement(field)
-      if field.inputType == INPUT_IMAGE:
-        let name = if field.attr("name") != "":
-          field.attr("name") & '.'
-        else:
-          ""
-        entrylist.add((name & 'x', $field.xcoord))
-        entrylist.add((name & 'y', $field.ycoord))
-        continue
-    #TODO custom elements
-    let name = field.attr("name")
-    if name == "":
-      continue
-    if field.tagType == TAG_SELECT:
-      let field = HTMLSelectElement(field)
-      for option in field.options:
-        if option.selected or option.disabled:
-          entrylist.add((name, option.value))
-    elif field.tagType == TAG_INPUT and HTMLInputElement(field).inputType in {INPUT_CHECKBOX, INPUT_RADIO}:
-      let value = if field.attr("value") != "":
-        field.attr("value")
-      else:
-        "on"
-      entrylist.add((name, value))
-    elif field.tagType == TAG_INPUT and HTMLInputElement(field).inputType == INPUT_FILE:
-      #TODO file
-      discard
-    elif field.tagType == TAG_INPUT and HTMLInputElement(field).inputType == INPUT_HIDDEN and name.equalsIgnoreCase("_charset_"):
-      let charset = if encoding != "":
-        encoding
-      else:
-        "UTF-8"
-      entrylist.add((name, charset))
-    else:
-      if field.tagType == TAG_INPUT:
-        entrylist.add((name, HTMLInputElement(field).value))
-      else:
-        assert false
-    if field.tagType == TAG_TEXTAREA or
-        field.tagType == TAG_INPUT and HTMLInputElement(field).inputType in {INPUT_TEXT, INPUT_SEARCH}:
-      if field.attr("dirname") != "":
-        let dirname = field.attr("dirname")
-        let dir = "ltr" #TODO bidi
-        entrylist.add((dirname, dir))
-  form.constructingentrylist = false
-  return entrylist
-proc makeCRLF(s: string): string =
-  result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
-  var i = 0
-  while i < s.len - 1:
-    if s[i] == '\r' and s[i + 1] != '\n':
-      result &= '\r'
-      result &= '\n'
-    elif s[i] != '\r' and s[i + 1] == '\n':
-      result &= s[i]
-      result &= '\r'
-      result &= '\n'
-      inc i
-    else:
-      result &= s[i]
-    inc i
-proc serializeMultipartFormData(kvs: seq[(string, string)]): MimeData =
-  for it in kvs:
-    let name = makeCRLF(it[0])
-    let value = makeCRLF(it[1])
-    result[name] = value
-proc serializePlainTextFormData(kvs: seq[(string, string)]): string =
-  for it in kvs:
-    let (name, value) = it
-    result &= name
-    result &= '='
-    result &= value
-    result &= "\r\n"
-proc submitForm(form: HTMLFormElement, submitter: Element): Option[Request] =
-  let entrylist = form.constructEntryList(submitter)
-  let action = if submitter.action() == "":
-    $form.document.location
-  else:
-    submitter.action()
-  let url = parseUrl(action, submitter.document.baseUrl.some)
-  if url.isnone:
-    return none(Request)
-  var parsedaction = url.get
-  let scheme = parsedaction.scheme
-  let enctype = submitter.enctype()
-  let formmethod = submitter.formmethod()
-  if formmethod == FORM_METHOD_DIALOG:
-    #TODO
-    return none(Request)
-  let httpmethod = if formmethod == FORM_METHOD_GET:
-  else:
-    assert formmethod == FORM_METHOD_POST
-  #let target = if submitter.isSubmitButton() and submitter.attrb("formtarget"):
-  #  submitter.attr("formtarget")
-  #else:
-  #  submitter.target()
-  #let noopener = true #TODO
-  template mutateActionUrl() =
-    let query = serializeApplicationXWWWFormUrlEncoded(entrylist)
-    parsedaction.query = query.some
-    return newRequest(parsedaction, httpmethod).some
-  template submitAsEntityBody() =
-    var mimetype: string
-    var body = none(string)
-    var multipart = none(MimeData)
-    case enctype
-      body = serializeApplicationXWWWFormUrlEncoded(entrylist).some
-      mimeType = $enctype
-      multipart = serializeMultipartFormData(entrylist).some
-      mimetype = $enctype
-      body = serializePlainTextFormData(entrylist).some
-      mimetype = $enctype
-    return newRequest(parsedaction, httpmethod, {"Content-Type": mimetype}, body, multipart).some
-  template getActionUrl() =
-    return newRequest(parsedaction).some
-  case scheme
-  of "http", "https":
-    if formmethod == FORM_METHOD_GET:
-      mutateActionUrl
-    else:
-      assert formmethod == FORM_METHOD_POST
-      submitAsEntityBody
-  of "ftp":
-    getActionUrl
-  of "data":
-    if formmethod == FORM_METHOD_GET:
-      mutateActionUrl
-    else:
-      assert formmethod == FORM_METHOD_POST
-      getActionUrl
-proc click*(buffer: Buffer): Option[Request] =
-  let clickable = buffer.getCursorClickable()
-  if clickable != nil:
-    template set_focus(e: Element) =
-      if buffer.document.focus != e:
-        buffer.document.focus = e
-        buffer.reshape = true
-    template restore_focus =
-      if buffer.document.focus != nil:
-        buffer.document.focus = nil
-        buffer.reshape = true
-    case clickable.tagType
-    of TAG_SELECT:
-      set_focus clickable
-    of TAG_A:
-      restore_focus
-      let url = parseUrl(HTMLAnchorElement(clickable).href, clickable.document.baseUrl.some)
-      if url.issome:
-        return newRequest(url.get, HTTP_GET).some
-    of TAG_OPTION:
-      let option = HTMLOptionElement(clickable)
-      let select = option.select
-      if select != nil:
-        if buffer.document.focus == select:
-          # select option
-          if not select.attrb("multiple"):
-            for option in select.options:
-              option.selected = false
-          option.selected = true
-          restore_focus
-        else:
-          # focus on select
-          set_focus select
-    of TAG_INPUT:
-      restore_focus
-      let input = HTMLInputElement(clickable)
-      case input.inputType
-      of INPUT_SEARCH:
-        var value = input.value
-        print(HVP(buffer.height + 1, 1))
-        print(EL())
-        let status = readLine("SEARCH: ", value, buffer.width, {'\r', '\n'}, config = buffer.config, tty = buffer.tty)
-        if status:
-          input.value = value
-          input.invalid = true
-          buffer.reshape = true
-        if input.form != nil:
-          let submitaction = submitForm(input.form, input)
-          return submitaction
-        var value = input.value
-        print(HVP(buffer.height + 1, 1))
-        print(EL())
-        let status = readLine("TEXT: ", value, buffer.width, {'\r', '\n'}, input.inputType == INPUT_PASSWORD, config = buffer.config, tty = buffer.tty)
-        if status:
-          input.value = value
-          input.invalid = true
-          buffer.reshape = true
-      of INPUT_FILE:
-        var path = if input.file.issome:
-          input.file.get.path.serialize_unicode()
-        else:
-          ""
-        print(HVP(buffer.height + 1, 1))
-        print(EL())
-        let status = readLine("Filename: ", path, buffer.width, {'\r', '\n'}, config = buffer.config, tty = buffer.tty)
-        if status:
-          let cdir = parseUrl("file://" & getCurrentDir() & DirSep)
-          let path = parseUrl(path, cdir)
-          if path.issome:
-            input.file = path
-            input.invalid = true
-            buffer.reshape = true
-        input.checked = not input.checked
-        input.invalid = true
-        buffer.reshape = true
-      of INPUT_RADIO:
-        for radio in input.radiogroup:
-          radio.checked = false
-          radio.invalid = true
-        input.checked = true
-        input.invalid = true
-        buffer.reshape = true
-      of INPUT_RESET:
-        if input.form != nil:
-          input.form.reset()
-          buffer.reshape = true
-        if input.form != nil:
-          let submitaction = submitForm(input.form, input)
-          return submitaction
-      else:
-        restore_focus
-    else:
-      restore_focus
-proc setupBuffer*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.load()
-  buffer.render()
-  buffer.gotoAnchor()
-  buffer.redraw = true
-proc dupeBuffer*(buffer: Buffer, location = none(URL)): Buffer =
-  let clone = newBuffer(buffer.config, buffer.tty)
-  clone.contenttype = buffer.contenttype
-  clone.ispipe = buffer.ispipe
-  if location.isSome:
-    clone.location = location.get
-  else:
-    clone.location = buffer.location
-  clone.istream = newStringStream(buffer.source)
-  clone.setupBuffer()
-  return clone
-proc drawBuffer*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  var format = newFormat()
-  for line in buffer.lines:
-    if line.formats.len == 0:
-      print(line.str & "\n")
-    else:
-      var x = 0
-      var i = 0
-      for f in line.formats:
-        var outstr = ""
-        #assert f.pos < line.str.width(), "fpos " & $f.pos & "\nstr" & line.str & "\n"
-        while x < f.pos:
-          var r: Rune
-          fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r)
-          outstr &= r
-          x += r.width()
-        print(outstr)
-        print(format.processFormat(f.format))
-      print(line.str.substr(i))
-      print(format.processFormat(newFormat()))
-      print("\n")
-proc refreshTitle*(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.title = buffer.getTitle()
-proc refreshBuffer*(buffer: Buffer, peek = false): bool {.discardable.} =
-  buffer.refreshTitle()
-  stdout.hideCursor()
-  if buffer.refreshTermAttrs():
-    buffer.redraw = true
-    buffer.reshape = true
-  if buffer.redraw:
-    buffer.refreshDisplay()
-    buffer.displayBuffer()
-    #result = true
-    buffer.redraw = false
-  if not peek:
-    buffer.updateHover()
-  if buffer.reshape:
-    buffer.render()
-    buffer.reshape = false
-    buffer.refreshDisplay()
-    buffer.displayBufferSwapOutput()
-    #result = true
-  if not peek:
-    if not buffer.nostatus:
-      buffer.statusMsgForBuffer()
-    else:
-      buffer.nostatus = false
-    buffer.displayStatusMessage()
-    buffer.cursorBufferPos()
-  stdout.showCursor()