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path: root/src/ips
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authorbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2022-11-22 14:43:52 +0100
committerbptato <nincsnevem662@gmail.com>2022-11-22 14:43:52 +0100
commit04fe0c11dd8e5b0a3f643cc4a054b2487198cdb3 (patch)
treed775b2d480a0c0db1751b679e7edea91629e3764 /src/ips
parentbd8e806b04b024f916b274650185c3480d3cff36 (diff)
Move ips stuff to src/ips/
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ips')
3 files changed, 287 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ips/serialize.nim b/src/ips/serialize.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2dde0649
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ips/serialize.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# Write data to streams.
+import options
+import streams
+import tables
+import buffer/cell
+import io/request
+import js/regex
+import types/color
+import types/url
+template swrite*[T](stream: Stream, o: T) =
+  stream.write(o)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, s: string) =
+  stream.swrite(s.len)
+  stream.write(s)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, b: bool) =
+  if b:
+    stream.swrite(1u8)
+  else:
+    stream.swrite(0u8)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, url: Url) =
+  stream.swrite(url.serialize())
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, headers: HeaderList) =
+  stream.swrite(headers.table.len)
+  for k, v in headers.table:
+    stream.swrite(k)
+    stream.swrite(v.len)
+    for s in v:
+      stream.swrite(s)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, part: MimePart) =
+  stream.swrite(part.isFile)
+  stream.swrite(part.name)
+  stream.swrite(part.content)
+  if part.isFile:
+    stream.swrite(part.filename)
+    stream.swrite(part.contentType)
+    stream.swrite(part.fileSize)
+    stream.swrite(part.isStream)
+proc swrite*[T](stream: Stream, s: seq[T]) =
+  stream.swrite(s.len)
+  for m in s:
+    stream.swrite(m)
+proc swrite*[T](stream: Stream, o: Option[T]) =
+  stream.swrite(o.issome)
+  if o.issome:
+    stream.swrite(o.get)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, request: Request) =
+  stream.swrite(request.httpmethod)
+  stream.swrite(request.url)
+  stream.swrite(request.headers)
+  stream.swrite(request.body)
+  stream.swrite(request.multipart)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, color: CellColor) =
+  stream.swrite(color.rgb)
+  if color.rgb:
+    stream.swrite(color.rgbcolor)
+  else:
+    stream.swrite(color.color)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, format: Format) =
+  stream.swrite(format.fgcolor)
+  stream.swrite(format.bgcolor)
+  stream.swrite(format.flags)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, cell: SimpleFormatCell) =
+  stream.swrite(cell.format)
+  stream.swrite(cell.pos)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, line: SimpleFlexibleLine) =
+  stream.swrite(line.str)
+  stream.swrite(line.formats)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, cell: FormatCell) =
+  stream.swrite(cell.format)
+  stream.swrite(cell.pos)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, line: FlexibleLine) =
+  stream.swrite(line.str)
+  stream.swrite(line.formats)
+proc swrite*(stream: Stream, regex: Regex) =
+  stream.swrite(regex.plen)
+  stream.writeData(regex.bytecode, regex.plen)
+  stream.swrite(regex.buf)
+template sread*[T](stream: Stream, o: T) =
+  stream.read(o)
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, s: var string) =
+  var len: int
+  stream.sread(len)
+  stream.readStr(len, s)
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, b: var bool) =
+  var n: uint8
+  stream.sread(n)
+  if n == 1u8:
+    b = true
+  else:
+    assert n == 0u8
+    b = false
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, url: var Url) =
+  var s: string
+  stream.sread(s)
+  url = parseUrl(s).get
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, headers: var HeaderList) =
+  new(headers)
+  var len: int
+  stream.sread(len)
+  for i in 0..<len:
+    var k: string
+    stream.sread(k)
+    var n: int
+    stream.sread(n)
+    for j in 0..<n:
+      var v: string
+      stream.sread(v)
+      headers.add(k, v)
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, part: var MimePart) =
+  var isFile: bool
+  stream.sread(isFile)
+  if isFile:
+    part = MimePart(isFile: true)
+  else:
+    part = MimePart(isFile: false)
+  stream.sread(part.name)
+  stream.sread(part.content)
+  if part.isFile:
+    stream.sread(part.filename)
+    stream.sread(part.contentType)
+    stream.sread(part.fileSize)
+    stream.sread(part.isStream)
+proc sread*[T](stream: Stream, s: var seq[T]) =
+  var len: int
+  stream.sread(len)
+  s.setLen(len)
+  for i in 0..<len:
+    stream.sread(s[i])
+proc sread*[T](stream: Stream, o: var Option[T]) =
+  var x: bool
+  stream.sread(x)
+  if x:
+    var m: T
+    stream.sread(m)
+    o = some(m)
+  else:
+    o = none(T)
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, req: var RequestObj) =
+  stream.sread(req.httpmethod)
+  stream.sread(req.url)
+  stream.sread(req.headers)
+  stream.sread(req.body)
+  stream.sread(req.multipart)
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, color: var CellColor) =
+  var rgb: bool
+  stream.sread(rgb)
+  if rgb:
+    color = CellColor(rgb: true)
+    stream.sread(color.rgbcolor)
+  else:
+    color = CellColor(rgb: false)
+    stream.sread(color.color)
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, format: var Format) =
+  stream.sread(format.fgcolor)
+  stream.sread(format.bgcolor)
+  stream.sread(format.flags)
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, cell: var SimpleFormatCell) =
+  stream.sread(cell.format)
+  stream.sread(cell.pos)
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, line: var SimpleFlexibleLine) =
+  stream.sread(line.str)
+  stream.sread(line.formats)
+proc sread*(stream: Stream, regex: var Regex) =
+  assert regex.bytecode == nil
+  stream.sread(regex.plen)
+  regex.bytecode = cast[ptr uint8](alloc(regex.plen))
+  regex.clone = true
+  let l = stream.readData(regex.bytecode, regex.plen)
+  stream.sread(regex.buf)
+  if l != regex.plen:
+    `=destroy`(regex)
+proc readRequest*(stream: Stream): Request =
+  new(result)
+  stream.sread(result[])
diff --git a/src/ips/serversocket.nim b/src/ips/serversocket.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa260907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ips/serversocket.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import net
+import os
+when defined(posix):
+  import posix
+type ServerSocket* = object
+  sock*: Socket
+  path*: string
+const SocketDirectory = "/tmp/cha/"
+const SocketPathPrefix = SocketDirectory & "cha_sock_"
+func getSocketPath*(pid: Pid): string =
+  SocketPathPrefix & $pid
+proc initServerSocket*(pid: Pid): ServerSocket =
+  createDir(SocketDirectory)
+  result.sock = newSocket(Domain.AF_UNIX, SockType.SOCK_STREAM, Protocol.IPPROTO_IP)
+  result.path = getSocketPath(getpid())
+  discard unlink(cstring(result.path))
+  bindUnix(result.sock, result.path)
+  listen(result.sock)
+proc close*(ssock: ServerSocket) =
+  close(ssock.sock)
+  discard unlink(cstring(ssock.path))
diff --git a/src/ips/socketstream.nim b/src/ips/socketstream.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f25f72c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ips/socketstream.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+import nativesockets
+import net
+import streams
+when defined(posix):
+  import posix
+import ips/serversocket
+type SocketStream* = ref object of Stream
+  source*: Socket
+  isend: bool
+proc sockReadData(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, len: int): int =
+  let s = SocketStream(s)
+  result = s.source.recv(buffer, len)
+  if result < 0:
+    raise newException(Defect, "Failed to read data")
+  elif result < len:
+    s.isend = true
+proc sockWriteData(s: Stream, buffer: pointer, len: int) =
+  discard SocketStream(s).source.send(buffer, len)
+proc sockAtEnd(s: Stream): bool =
+  SocketStream(s).isend
+proc sockClose(s: Stream) = {.cast(tags: []).}: #...sigh
+  let s = SocketStream(s)
+  s.source.close()
+func newSocketStream*(): SocketStream =
+  new(result)
+  result.readDataImpl = cast[proc (s: Stream, buffer: pointer, bufLen: int): int
+      {.nimcall, raises: [Defect, IOError, OSError], tags: [ReadIOEffect], gcsafe.}
+  ](sockReadData) # ... ???
+  result.writeDataImpl = sockWriteData
+  result.atEndImpl = sockAtEnd
+  result.closeImpl = sockClose
+proc connectSocketStream*(path: string): SocketStream =
+  result = newSocketStream()
+  let sock = newSocket(Domain.AF_UNIX, SockType.SOCK_STREAM, Protocol.IPPROTO_IP)
+  connectUnix(sock, path)
+  result.source = sock
+proc connectSocketStream*(pid: Pid): SocketStream =
+  connectSocketStream(getSocketPath(pid))
+proc acceptSocketStream*(ssock: ServerSocket): SocketStream =
+  result = newSocketStream()
+  var sock: Socket
+  ssock.sock.accept(sock)
+  result.source = sock