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6 files changed, 151 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/src/client.nim b/src/client.nim
index e9d8ef17..896dd46c 100644
--- a/src/client.nim
+++ b/src/client.nim
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 import httpclient
 import streams
-import uri
 import terminal
+import uri
 import io/buffer
 import io/lineedit
 import config/config
 import html/parser
 import utils/twtstr
+import css/sheet
 #import types/url
@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ type
     buffer: Buffer
     feednext: bool
     s: string
+    userstyle: CSSStylesheet
 proc die() =
   eprint "Invalid parameters. Usage:\ntwt <url>"
@@ -78,6 +80,7 @@ proc discardBuffer(client: Client) =
 proc setupBuffer(client: Client) =
   let buffer = client.buffer
+  buffer.userstyle = client.userstyle
   buffer.document = parseHtml(newStringStream(buffer.source))
@@ -218,6 +221,7 @@ proc input(client: Client) =
   else: discard
 proc launchClient*(client: Client, params: seq[string]) =
+  client.userstyle = gconfig.stylesheet.parseStylesheet()
   client.buffer = newBuffer()
   if params.len < 1:
diff --git a/src/css/sheet.nim b/src/css/sheet.nim
index 4db068f3..c79dcd2a 100644
--- a/src/css/sheet.nim
+++ b/src/css/sheet.nim
@@ -44,3 +44,6 @@ proc parseStylesheet*(s: Stream): CSSStylesheet =
+proc parseStylesheet*(s: string): CSSStylesheet =
+  return newStringStream(s).parseStylesheet()
diff --git a/src/io/buffer.nim b/src/io/buffer.nim
index 98b20091..35325ff7 100644
--- a/src/io/buffer.nim
+++ b/src/io/buffer.nim
@@ -1,25 +1,21 @@
+import os
 import terminal
 import uri
-import strutils
 import unicode
-import streams
-import os
-import css/values
 import css/cascade
 import css/sheet
-import utils/twtstr
 import html/dom
 import html/tags
-import layout/box
-import layout/engine
-import config/config
 import io/term
 import io/cell
+import layout/box
+import render/renderdocument
+import render/rendertext
+import utils/twtstr
-  Buffer* = ref BufferObj
-  BufferObj = object
+  Buffer* = ref object
     title*: string
     lines*: FlexibleGrid
     display*: FixedGrid
@@ -47,6 +43,7 @@ type
     sourcepair*: Buffer
     prev*: Buffer
     next* {.cursor.}: Buffer
+    userstyle*: CSSStylesheet
 proc newBuffer*(): Buffer =
@@ -58,7 +55,7 @@ proc newBuffer*(): Buffer =
   result.prevdisplay = newFixedGrid(result.width, result.height)
   result.statusmsg = newFixedGrid(result.width)
-func generateFullOutput*(buffer: Buffer): string =
+func generateFullOutput(buffer: Buffer): string =
   var x = 0
   var w = 0
   var formatting = newFormatting()
@@ -244,10 +241,6 @@ func hasAnchor*(buffer: Buffer, anchor: string): bool =
 proc addLine(buffer: Buffer) =
-proc clearText(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.lines.setLen(0)
-  buffer.addLine()
 proc clearDisplay(buffer: Buffer) =
   buffer.prevdisplay = buffer.display
   buffer.display = newFixedGrid(buffer.width, buffer.height)
@@ -693,63 +686,6 @@ proc refreshTermAttrs*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
     return true
   return false
-func formatFromLine(line: CSSRowBox): Formatting =
-  result.fgcolor = line.color.cellColor()
-  if line.fontstyle in { FONT_STYLE_ITALIC, FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE }:
-    result.italic_on
-  if line.fontweight > 500:
-    result.bold_on
-  if line.textdecoration == TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE:
-    result.underline_on
-  if line.textdecoration == TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE:
-    result.overline_on
-  if line.textdecoration == TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH:
-    result.strike_on
-proc setRowBox(buffer: Buffer, line: CSSRowBox) =
-  var r: Rune
-  var x = line.x
-  var i = 0
-  while x < 0:
-    fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r)
-    x += r.width()
-  let linestr = line.str.substr(i)
-  i = 0
-  let y = line.y
-  while buffer.lines.len <= y:
-    buffer.addLine()
-  var cx = 0
-  while cx < x and i < buffer.lines[y].str.len:
-    fastRuneAt(buffer.lines[y].str, i, r)
-    cx += r.width()
-  let ostr = buffer.lines[y].str.substr(i)
-  let oformats = buffer.lines[y].formats.subformats(i)
-  buffer.lines[y].setLen(i)
-  buffer.lines.addFormat(y, i, line.formatFromLine(), line.nodes)
-  var nx = cx
-  if nx < x:
-    buffer.lines[y].str &= ' '.repeat(x - nx)
-    nx = x
-  buffer.lines[y].str &= linestr
-  nx += linestr.width()
-  i = 0
-  while cx < nx and i < ostr.len:
-    fastRuneAt(ostr, i, r)
-    cx += r.width()
-  if i < ostr.len:
-    let oline = FlexibleLine(str: ostr.substr(i), formats: oformats.subformats(i))
-    buffer.lines[y].add(oline)
 proc updateCursor(buffer: Buffer) =
   if buffer.fromy > buffer.lastVisibleLine - 1:
     buffer.fromy = 0
@@ -811,81 +747,12 @@ proc updateHover(buffer: Buffer) =
   buffer.prevnodes = nodes
-proc renderPlainText*(buffer: Buffer, text: string) =
-  var format = newFormatting()
-  template add_format() =
-    if af:
-      af = false
-      buffer.lines.addFormat(y, buffer.lines[y].str.len, format)
-  buffer.clearText()
-  var i = 0
-  var x = 0
-  var y = 0
-  var af = false
-  while i < text.len:
-    if text[i] == '\n':
-      if i != text.len - 1:
-        add_format
-        buffer.addLine()
-        inc y
-        x = 0
-      inc i
-    elif text[i] == '\r':
-      inc i
-    elif text[i] == '\t':
-      add_format
-      for i in 0..8:
-        buffer.lines[^1].str &= ' '
-      inc i
-    elif text[i] == '\e':
-      i = format.parseAnsiCode(text, i)
-      af = true
-    elif text[i].isControlChar():
-      add_format
-      buffer.lines[y].str &= '^' & text[i].getControlLetter()
-      inc i
-    else:
-      add_format
-      buffer.lines[y].str &= text[i]
-      inc i
-  buffer.updateCursor()
-const css = staticRead"res/ua.css"
-let ua_stylesheet = newStringStream(css).parseStylesheet()
-#TODO refactor
-var ss_init = false
-var user_stylesheet: CSSStylesheet
-proc renderDocument(buffer: Buffer) =
-  buffer.clearText()
-  if not ss_init:
-    user_stylesheet = newStringStream(gconfig.stylesheet).parseStylesheet()
-    ss_init = true
-  buffer.document.applyStylesheets(ua_stylesheet, user_stylesheet)
-  buffer.rootbox = buffer.document.alignBoxes(buffer.attrs)
-  var stack: seq[CSSBox]
-  stack.add(buffer.rootbox)
-  while stack.len > 0:
-    let box = stack.pop()
-    if box of CSSBlockBox:
-      for line in box.icontext.rows:
-        buffer.setRowBox(line)
-    var i = box.children.len - 1
-    while i >= 0:
-      stack.add(box.children[i])
-      dec i
-  buffer.updateCursor()
 proc render*(buffer: Buffer) =
   if buffer.showsource:
-    buffer.renderPlainText(buffer.source)
+    buffer.lines = renderPlainText(buffer.source)
-    buffer.renderDocument()
+    buffer.lines = renderDocument(buffer.document, buffer.attrs, buffer.userstyle)
+  buffer.updateCursor()
 proc cursorBufferPos(buffer: Buffer) =
   let x = max(buffer.cursorx - buffer.fromx, 0)
diff --git a/src/layout/engine.nim b/src/layout/engine.nim
index 42067ace..bea3371d 100644
--- a/src/layout/engine.nim
+++ b/src/layout/engine.nim
@@ -496,3 +496,8 @@ proc alignBoxes*(document: Document, term: TermAttributes): CSSBox =
   state.processElemChildren(rootbox, document.root)
   return rootbox
+proc alignBoxes2*(document: Document, term: TermAttributes): CSSBlockBox =
+  result = CSSBlockBox()
+  result.bcontext = BlockContext()
+  result.bcontext.content.add(CSSInlineBox())
diff --git a/src/render/renderdocument.nim b/src/render/renderdocument.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3ad6cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/render/renderdocument.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import strutils
+import unicode
+import css/cascade
+import css/sheet
+import css/values
+import html/dom
+import io/cell
+import io/term
+import layout/box
+import layout/engine
+import utils/twtstr
+func formatFromLine(line: CSSRowBox): Formatting =
+  result.fgcolor = line.color.cellColor()
+  if line.fontstyle in { FONT_STYLE_ITALIC, FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE }:
+    result.italic_on
+  if line.fontweight > 500:
+    result.bold_on
+  if line.textdecoration == TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE:
+    result.underline_on
+  if line.textdecoration == TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE:
+    result.overline_on
+  if line.textdecoration == TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH:
+    result.strike_on
+proc setRowBox(lines: var FlexibleGrid, line: CSSRowBox) =
+  var r: Rune
+  var x = line.x
+  var i = 0
+  while x < 0:
+    fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r)
+    x += r.width()
+  let linestr = line.str.substr(i)
+  i = 0
+  let y = line.y
+  while lines.len <= y:
+    lines.addLine()
+  var cx = 0
+  while cx < x and i < lines[y].str.len:
+    fastRuneAt(lines[y].str, i, r)
+    cx += r.width()
+  let ostr = lines[y].str.substr(i)
+  let oformats = lines[y].formats.subformats(i)
+  lines[y].setLen(i)
+  lines.addFormat(y, i, line.formatFromLine(), line.nodes)
+  var nx = cx
+  if nx < x:
+    lines[y].str &= ' '.repeat(x - nx)
+    nx = x
+  lines[y].str &= linestr
+  nx += linestr.width()
+  i = 0
+  while cx < nx and i < ostr.len:
+    fastRuneAt(ostr, i, r)
+    cx += r.width()
+  if i < ostr.len:
+    let oline = FlexibleLine(str: ostr.substr(i), formats: oformats.subformats(i))
+    lines[y].add(oline)
+const css = staticRead"res/ua.css"
+let uastyle = css.parseStylesheet()
+proc renderDocument*(document: Document, attrs: TermAttributes, userstyle: CSSStylesheet): FlexibleGrid =
+  document.applyStylesheets(uastyle, userstyle)
+  let rootbox = document.alignBoxes(attrs)
+  var stack: seq[CSSBox]
+  stack.add(rootbox)
+  while stack.len > 0:
+    let box = stack.pop()
+    if box of CSSBlockBox:
+      for line in box.icontext.rows:
+        result.setRowBox(line)
+    var i = box.children.len - 1
+    while i >= 0:
+      stack.add(box.children[i])
+      dec i
diff --git a/src/render/rendertext.nim b/src/render/rendertext.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a421f509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/render/rendertext.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+import io/cell
+import utils/twtstr
+proc renderPlainText*(text: string): FlexibleGrid =
+  var format = newFormatting()
+  template add_format() =
+    if af:
+      af = false
+      result.addFormat(y, result[y].str.len, format)
+  var i = 0
+  var x = 0
+  var y = 0
+  var af = false
+  while i < text.len:
+    if text[i] == '\n':
+      if i != text.len - 1:
+        add_format
+        result.addLine()
+        inc y
+        x = 0
+      inc i
+    elif text[i] == '\r':
+      inc i
+    elif text[i] == '\t':
+      add_format
+      for i in 0..8:
+        result[^1].str &= ' '
+      inc i
+    elif text[i] == '\e':
+      i = format.parseAnsiCode(text, i)
+      af = true
+    elif text[i].isControlChar():
+      add_format
+      result[y].str &= '^' & text[i].getControlLetter()
+      inc i
+    else:
+      add_format
+      result[y].str &= text[i]
+      inc i