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path: root/adapter/format/gopher2html.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'adapter/format/gopher2html.nim')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/adapter/format/gopher2html.nim b/adapter/format/gopher2html.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfdeab1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/adapter/format/gopher2html.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# This file is dedicated to the public domain.
+# Gopher directory -> HTML converter for Chawan.
+import std/os
+import std/streams
+import std/strutils
+import utils/twtstr
+type GopherType = enum
+  UNKNOWN = "unsupported"
+  TEXT_FILE = "text file"
+  ERROR = "error"
+  DIRECTORY = "directory"
+  DOS_BINARY = "DOS binary"
+  SEARCH = "search"
+  MESSAGE = "message"
+  SOUND = "sound"
+  GIF = "gif"
+  HTML = "HTML"
+  INFO = ""
+  IMAGE = "image"
+  BINARY = "binary"
+  PNG = "png"
+func gopherType(c: char): GopherType =
+  return case c
+  of '0': TEXT_FILE
+  of '1': DIRECTORY
+  of '3': ERROR
+  of '5': DOS_BINARY
+  of '7': SEARCH
+  of 'm': MESSAGE
+  of 's': SOUND
+  of 'g': GIF
+  of 'h': HTML
+  of 'i': INFO
+  of 'I': IMAGE
+  of '9': BINARY
+  of 'p': PNG
+  else: UNKNOWN
+const ControlPercentEncodeSet = {char(0x00)..char(0x1F), char(0x7F)..char(0xFF)}
+const QueryPercentEncodeSet = (ControlPercentEncodeSet + {' ', '"', '#', '<', '>'})
+const PathPercentEncodeSet = (QueryPercentEncodeSet + {'?', '`', '{', '}'})
+const HexCharsUpper = "0123456789ABCDEF"
+proc percentEncode(s: string): string =
+  result = ""
+  for c in s:
+    if c notin PathPercentEncodeSet:
+      result &= c
+    else:
+      result &= '%'
+      result &= HexCharsUpper[uint8(c) shr 4]
+      result &= HexCharsUpper[uint8(c) and 0xF]
+# returns URL
+proc parseParams(): string =
+  result = ""
+  let params = commandLineParams()
+  var was_u = false
+  for param in params:
+    if was_u:
+      result = param
+      was_u = false
+    elif param == "-h" or param == "--help":
+      stdout.write("Usage: gopher2html [-u URL]")
+      quit(0)
+    elif param == "-u":
+      was_u = true
+    else:
+      stdout.write("Usage: gopher2html [-u URL]")
+      quit(1)
+proc main() =
+  let url = parseParams()
+  let escapedURL = htmlEscape(url)
+  stdout.write("""
+<BASE HREF="""" & url & """">
+<TITLE>Index of """ & escapedURL & """</TITLE>
+<H1>Index of """ & escapedURL & """</H1>""")
+  let ins = newFileStream(stdin)
+  var ispre = false
+  while not ins.atEnd:
+    let line = ins.readLine()
+    if line.len == 0:
+      break # invalid
+    let tc = line[0]
+    if tc == '.':
+      break # end
+    var i = 1
+    template get_field(): string =
+      let s = line.until('\t', i)
+      i += s.len
+      if i >= line.len or line[i] != '\t':
+        break # invalid
+      inc i
+      s
+    let t = gopherType(tc)
+    let name = get_field()
+    var file = get_field()
+    let host = get_field()
+    let port = line.until('\t', i) # ignore anything after port
+    var outs = ""
+    if t == INFO:
+      if not ispre:
+        outs &= "<PRE>"
+        ispre = true
+      outs &= htmlEscape(name) & '\n'
+    else:
+      if ispre:
+        outs &= "</PRE>"
+        ispre = false
+      let ts = $t
+      var names = ""
+      if ts != "":
+        names &= '[' & ts & ']'
+      names &= htmlEscape(name)
+      let ourls = if not file.startsWith("URL:"):
+        if file.len == 0 or file[0] != '/':
+          file = '/' & file
+        let pefile = percentEncode(file)
+        "gopher://" & host & ":" & port & "/" & tc & pefile
+      else:
+        file.substr("URL:".len)
+      outs &= "<A HREF=\"" & htmlEscape(ourls) & "\">" & names & "</A><BR>\n"
+    stdout.write(outs)