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path: root/src/buffer/buffer.nim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/buffer/buffer.nim')
1 files changed, 834 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/buffer/buffer.nim b/src/buffer/buffer.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6c2654dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/buffer/buffer.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,834 @@
+import macros
+import options
+import os
+import streams
+import tables
+import unicode
+when defined(posix):
+  import posix
+import buffer/cell
+import css/cascade
+import css/cssparser
+import css/mediaquery
+import css/sheet
+import css/stylednode
+import config/config
+import html/dom
+import html/tags
+import html/htmlparser
+import io/loader
+import io/process
+import io/request
+import io/serialize
+import io/socketstream
+import io/term
+import js/regex
+import layout/box
+import render/renderdocument
+import render/rendertext
+import types/color
+import types/url
+import utils/twtstr
+  BufferCommand* = enum
+  ContainerCommand* = enum
+  BufferSourceType* = enum
+  BufferSource* = object
+    location*: URL
+    contenttype*: Option[string] # override
+    case t*: BufferSourceType
+    of CLONE:
+      clonepid*: Pid
+      request*: Request
+    of LOAD_PIPE:
+      fd*: FileHandle
+  BufferMatch* = object
+    success*: bool
+    x*: int
+    y*: int
+    str*: string
+  Buffer* = ref object
+    input: HTMLInputElement
+    contenttype: string
+    lines: FlexibleGrid
+    rendered: bool
+    bsource: BufferSource
+    width: int
+    height: int
+    attrs: TermAttributes
+    document: Document
+    viewport: Viewport
+    prevstyled: StyledNode
+    reshape: bool
+    nostatus: bool
+    location: Url
+    istream: Stream
+    pistream: Stream # for input pipe
+    postream: Stream # for output pipe
+    streamclosed: bool
+    source: string
+    prevnode: StyledNode
+    userstyle: CSSStylesheet
+    loader: FileLoader
+    config: Config
+macro writeCommand(buffer: Buffer, cmd: ContainerCommand, args: varargs[typed]) =
+  result = newStmtList()
+  result.add(quote do: `buffer`.postream.swrite(`cmd`))
+  for arg in args:
+    result.add(quote do: `buffer`.postream.swrite(`arg`))
+  result.add(quote do: `buffer`.postream.flush())
+func getLink(node: StyledNode): HTMLAnchorElement =
+  if node == nil:
+    return nil
+  if node.t == STYLED_ELEMENT and node.node != nil and Element(node.node).tagType == TAG_A:
+    return HTMLAnchorElement(node.node)
+  if node.node != nil:
+    return HTMLAnchorElement(node.node.findAncestor({TAG_A}))
+  #TODO ::before links?
+const ClickableElements = {
+func getClickable(styledNode: StyledNode): Element =
+  if styledNode == nil or styledNode.node == nil:
+    return nil
+  if styledNode.t == STYLED_ELEMENT:
+    let element = Element(styledNode.node)
+    if element.tagType in ClickableElements:
+      return element
+  styledNode.node.findAncestor(ClickableElements)
+func getCursorClickable(buffer: Buffer, cursorx, cursory: int): Element =
+  let i = buffer.lines[cursory].findFormatN(cursorx) - 1
+  if i >= 0:
+    return buffer.lines[cursory].formats[i].node.getClickable()
+func cursorBytes(buffer: Buffer, y: int, cc: int): int =
+  let line = buffer.lines[y].str
+  var w = 0
+  var i = 0
+  while i < line.len and w < cc:
+    var r: Rune
+    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
+    w += r.width()
+  return i
+func findNextLink(buffer: Buffer, cursorx, cursory: int): tuple[x, y: int] =
+  let line = buffer.lines[cursory]
+  var i = line.findFormatN(cursorx) - 1
+  var link: Element = nil
+  if i >= 0:
+    link = line.formats[i].node.getClickable()
+  inc i
+  while i < line.formats.len:
+    let format = line.formats[i]
+    let fl = format.node.getClickable()
+    if fl != nil and fl != link:
+      return (format.pos, cursory)
+    inc i
+  for y in (cursory + 1)..(buffer.lines.len - 1):
+    let line = buffer.lines[y]
+    i = 0
+    while i < line.formats.len:
+      let format = line.formats[i]
+      let fl = format.node.getClickable()
+      if fl != nil and fl != link:
+        return (format.pos, y)
+      inc i
+  return (-1, -1)
+func findPrevLink(buffer: Buffer, cursorx, cursory: int): tuple[x, y: int] =
+  let line = buffer.lines[cursory]
+  var i = line.findFormatN(cursorx) - 1
+  var link: Element = nil
+  if i >= 0:
+    link = line.formats[i].node.getClickable()
+  dec i
+  var ly = 0 #last y
+  var lx = 0 #last x
+  template link_beginning() =
+    #go to beginning of link
+    ly = y #last y
+    lx = format.pos #last x
+    #on the current line
+    let line = buffer.lines[y]
+    while i >= 0:
+      let format = line.formats[i]
+      let nl = format.node.getClickable()
+      if nl == fl:
+        lx = format.pos
+      dec i
+    #on previous lines
+    for iy in countdown(ly - 1, 0):
+      let line = buffer.lines[iy]
+      i = line.formats.len - 1
+      while i >= 0:
+        let format = line.formats[i]
+        let nl = format.node.getClickable()
+        if nl == fl:
+          ly = iy
+          lx = format.pos
+        dec i
+  while i >= 0:
+    let format = line.formats[i]
+    let fl = format.node.getClickable()
+    if fl != nil and fl != link:
+      let y = cursory
+      link_beginning
+      return (lx, ly)
+    dec i
+  for y in countdown(cursory - 1, 0):
+    let line = buffer.lines[y]
+    i = line.formats.len - 1
+    while i >= 0:
+      let format = line.formats[i]
+      let fl = format.node.getClickable()
+      if fl != nil and fl != link:
+        link_beginning
+        return (lx, ly)
+      dec i
+  return (-1, -1)
+proc findNextMatch(buffer: Buffer, regex: Regex, cursorx, cursory: int, wrap: bool): BufferMatch =
+  template return_if_match =
+    if res.success and res.captures.len > 0:
+      let cap = res.captures[0]
+      let x = buffer.lines[y].str.width(cap.s)
+      let str = buffer.lines[y].str.substr(cap.s, cap.e - 1)
+      return BufferMatch(success: true, x: x, y: y, str: str)
+  var y = cursory
+  let b = buffer.cursorBytes(y, cursorx)
+  let b2 = if buffer.lines[y].str.len > b: b + buffer.lines[y].str.runeLenAt(b) else: b
+  let res = regex.exec(buffer.lines[y].str, b2, buffer.lines[y].str.len)
+  return_if_match
+  inc y
+  while true:
+    if y > buffer.lines.high:
+      if wrap:
+        y = 0
+      else:
+        break
+    if y == cursory:
+      let res = regex.exec(buffer.lines[y].str, 0, b)
+      return_if_match
+      break
+    let res = regex.exec(buffer.lines[y].str)
+    return_if_match
+    inc y
+proc findPrevMatch(buffer: Buffer, regex: Regex, cursorx, cursory: int, wrap: bool): BufferMatch =
+  template return_if_match =
+    if res.success and res.captures.len > 0:
+      let cap = res.captures[^1]
+      let x = buffer.lines[y].str.width(cap.s)
+      let str = buffer.lines[y].str.substr(cap.s, cap.e - 1)
+      return BufferMatch(success: true, x: x, y: y, str: str)
+  var y = cursory
+  let b = buffer.cursorBytes(y, cursorx)
+  let b2 = if b > 0: b - buffer.lines[y].str.lastRune(b)[1] else: 0
+  let res = regex.exec(buffer.lines[y].str, 0, b2)
+  return_if_match
+  dec y
+  while true:
+    if y < 0:
+      if wrap:
+        y = buffer.lines.high
+      else:
+        break
+    if y == cursory:
+      let res = regex.exec(buffer.lines[y].str, b, buffer.lines[y].str.len)
+      return_if_match
+      break
+    let res = regex.exec(buffer.lines[y].str)
+    return_if_match
+    dec y
+proc gotoAnchor(buffer: Buffer) =
+  if buffer.document == nil: return
+  let anchor = buffer.document.getElementById(buffer.location.anchor)
+  if anchor == nil: return
+  for y in 0..<buffer.lines.len:
+    let line = buffer.lines[y]
+    var i = 0
+    while i < line.formats.len:
+      let format = line.formats[i]
+      if format.node != nil and anchor in format.node.node:
+        buffer.writeCommand(JUMP, format.pos, y)
+        return
+      inc i
+proc windowChange(buffer: Buffer) =
+  buffer.width = buffer.attrs.width - 1
+  buffer.height = buffer.attrs.height - 1
+  buffer.reshape = true
+proc updateHover(buffer: Buffer, cursorx, cursory: int) =
+  var thisnode: StyledNode
+  let i = buffer.lines[cursory].findFormatN(cursorx) - 1
+  if i >= 0:
+    thisnode = buffer.lines[cursory].formats[i].node
+  let prevnode = buffer.prevnode
+  if thisnode != prevnode and (thisnode == nil or prevnode == nil or thisnode.node != prevnode.node):
+    for styledNode in thisnode.branch:
+      if styledNode.t == STYLED_ELEMENT and styledNode.node != nil:
+        let elem = Element(styledNode.node)
+        if not elem.hover:
+          elem.hover = true
+          buffer.reshape = true
+    let link = thisnode.getLink()
+    if link != nil:
+      buffer.writeCommand(SET_HOVER, link.href)
+    else:
+      buffer.writeCommand(SET_HOVER, "")
+    for styledNode in prevnode.branch:
+      if styledNode.t == STYLED_ELEMENT and styledNode.node != nil:
+        let elem = Element(styledNode.node)
+        if elem.hover:
+          elem.hover = false
+          buffer.reshape = true
+  buffer.prevnode = thisnode
+proc loadResource(buffer: Buffer, document: Document, elem: HTMLLinkElement) =
+  let url = parseUrl(elem.href, document.location.some)
+  if url.isSome:
+    let url = url.get
+    if url.scheme == buffer.location.scheme:
+      let media = elem.media
+      if media != "":
+        let media = parseMediaQueryList(parseListOfComponentValues(newStringStream(media)))
+        if not media.applies(): return
+      let fs = buffer.loader.doRequest(newRequest(url))
+      if fs.body != nil and fs.contenttype == "text/css":
+        elem.sheet = parseStylesheet(fs.body)
+proc loadResources(buffer: Buffer, document: Document) =
+  var stack: seq[Element]
+  if document.html != nil:
+    stack.add(document.html)
+  while stack.len > 0:
+    let elem = stack.pop()
+    if elem.tagType == TAG_LINK:
+      let elem = HTMLLinkElement(elem)
+      if elem.rel == "stylesheet":
+        buffer.loadResource(document, elem)
+    for child in elem.children_rev:
+      stack.add(child)
+proc setupSource(buffer: Buffer): int =
+  let source = buffer.bsource
+  let setct = source.contenttype.isNone
+  if not setct:
+    buffer.contenttype = source.contenttype.get
+  buffer.location = source.location
+  case source.t
+  of CLONE:
+    buffer.istream = connectSocketStream(source.clonepid)
+    if setct:
+      buffer.contenttype = "text/plain"
+  of LOAD_PIPE:
+    var f: File
+    if not open(f, source.fd, fmRead):
+      return 1
+    buffer.istream = newFileStream(f)
+    if setct:
+      buffer.contenttype = "text/plain"
+    let request = source.request
+    let response = buffer.loader.doRequest(request)
+    if response.body == nil:
+      return response.res
+    if setct:
+      buffer.contenttype = response.contenttype
+    buffer.istream = response.body
+    if response.status == 401: # Unauthorized
+      buffer.writeCommand(SET_NEEDS_AUTH)
+    if response.redirect.isSome:
+      buffer.writeCommand(SET_REDIRECT, response.redirect.get)
+  if setct:
+    buffer.writeCommand(SET_CONTENT_TYPE, buffer.contenttype)
+proc load(buffer: Buffer) =
+  case buffer.contenttype
+  of "text/html":
+    if not buffer.streamclosed:
+      buffer.source = buffer.istream.readAll()
+      buffer.istream.close()
+      buffer.istream = newStringStream(buffer.source)
+      buffer.document = parseHTML5(buffer.istream)
+      buffer.streamclosed = true
+    else:
+      buffer.document = parseHTML5(newStringStream(buffer.source))
+    buffer.writeCommand(SET_TITLE, buffer.document.title)
+    buffer.document.location = buffer.location
+    buffer.loadResources(buffer.document)
+  else:
+    if not buffer.streamclosed:
+      buffer.source = buffer.istream.readAll()
+      buffer.istream.close()
+      buffer.streamclosed = true
+proc render(buffer: Buffer) =
+  case buffer.contenttype
+  of "text/html":
+    if buffer.viewport == nil:
+      buffer.viewport = Viewport(term: buffer.attrs)
+    if buffer.userstyle == nil:
+      buffer.userstyle = buffer.config.stylesheet.parseStylesheet()
+    let ret = renderDocument(buffer.document, buffer.attrs, buffer.userstyle, buffer.viewport, buffer.prevstyled)
+    buffer.lines = ret[0]
+    buffer.prevstyled = ret[1]
+  else:
+    if not buffer.rendered:
+      buffer.lines = renderPlainText(buffer.source)
+      buffer.rendered = true
+# https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#constructing-the-form-data-set
+proc constructEntryList(form: HTMLFormElement, submitter: Element = nil, encoding: string = ""): seq[tuple[name, value: string]] =
+  if form.constructingentrylist:
+    return
+  form.constructingentrylist = true
+  var entrylist: seq[tuple[name, value: string]]
+  for field in form.controls:
+    if field.findAncestor({TAG_DATALIST}) != nil or
+        field.attrb("disabled") or
+        field.isButton() and Element(field) != submitter:
+      continue
+    if field.tagType == TAG_INPUT:
+      let field = HTMLInputElement(field)
+      if field.inputType == INPUT_IMAGE:
+        let name = if field.attr("name") != "":
+          field.attr("name") & '.'
+        else:
+          ""
+        entrylist.add((name & 'x', $field.xcoord))
+        entrylist.add((name & 'y', $field.ycoord))
+        continue
+    #TODO custom elements
+    let name = field.attr("name")
+    if name == "":
+      continue
+    if field.tagType == TAG_SELECT:
+      let field = HTMLSelectElement(field)
+      for option in field.options:
+        if option.selected or option.disabled:
+          entrylist.add((name, option.value))
+    elif field.tagType == TAG_INPUT and HTMLInputElement(field).inputType in {INPUT_CHECKBOX, INPUT_RADIO}:
+      let value = if field.attr("value") != "":
+        field.attr("value")
+      else:
+        "on"
+      entrylist.add((name, value))
+    elif field.tagType == TAG_INPUT and HTMLInputElement(field).inputType == INPUT_FILE:
+      #TODO file
+      discard
+    elif field.tagType == TAG_INPUT and HTMLInputElement(field).inputType == INPUT_HIDDEN and name.equalsIgnoreCase("_charset_"):
+      let charset = if encoding != "":
+        encoding
+      else:
+        "UTF-8"
+      entrylist.add((name, charset))
+    else:
+      if field.tagType == TAG_INPUT:
+        entrylist.add((name, HTMLInputElement(field).value))
+      else:
+        assert false
+    if field.tagType == TAG_TEXTAREA or
+        field.tagType == TAG_INPUT and HTMLInputElement(field).inputType in {INPUT_TEXT, INPUT_SEARCH}:
+      if field.attr("dirname") != "":
+        let dirname = field.attr("dirname")
+        let dir = "ltr" #TODO bidi
+        entrylist.add((dirname, dir))
+  form.constructingentrylist = false
+  return entrylist
+proc makeCRLF(s: string): string =
+  result = newStringOfCap(s.len)
+  var i = 0
+  while i < s.len - 1:
+    if s[i] == '\r' and s[i + 1] != '\n':
+      result &= '\r'
+      result &= '\n'
+    elif s[i] != '\r' and s[i + 1] == '\n':
+      result &= s[i]
+      result &= '\r'
+      result &= '\n'
+      inc i
+    else:
+      result &= s[i]
+    inc i
+proc serializeMultipartFormData(kvs: seq[(string, string)]): MimeData =
+  for it in kvs:
+    let name = makeCRLF(it[0])
+    let value = makeCRLF(it[1])
+    result[name] = value
+proc serializePlainTextFormData(kvs: seq[(string, string)]): string =
+  for it in kvs:
+    let (name, value) = it
+    result &= name
+    result &= '='
+    result &= value
+    result &= "\r\n"
+proc submitForm(form: HTMLFormElement, submitter: Element): Option[Request] =
+  let entrylist = form.constructEntryList(submitter)
+  let action = if submitter.action() == "":
+    $form.document.location
+  else:
+    submitter.action()
+  let url = parseUrl(action, submitter.document.baseUrl.some)
+  if url.isnone:
+    return none(Request)
+  var parsedaction = url.get
+  let scheme = parsedaction.scheme
+  let enctype = submitter.enctype()
+  let formmethod = submitter.formmethod()
+  if formmethod == FORM_METHOD_DIALOG:
+    #TODO
+    return none(Request)
+  let httpmethod = if formmethod == FORM_METHOD_GET:
+  else:
+    assert formmethod == FORM_METHOD_POST
+  #let target = if submitter.isSubmitButton() and submitter.attrb("formtarget"):
+  #  submitter.attr("formtarget")
+  #else:
+  #  submitter.target()
+  #let noopener = true #TODO
+  template mutateActionUrl() =
+    let query = serializeApplicationXWWWFormUrlEncoded(entrylist)
+    parsedaction.query = query.some
+    return newRequest(parsedaction, httpmethod).some
+  template submitAsEntityBody() =
+    var mimetype: string
+    var body = none(string)
+    var multipart = none(MimeData)
+    case enctype
+      body = serializeApplicationXWWWFormUrlEncoded(entrylist).some
+      mimeType = $enctype
+      multipart = serializeMultipartFormData(entrylist).some
+      mimetype = $enctype
+      body = serializePlainTextFormData(entrylist).some
+      mimetype = $enctype
+    return newRequest(parsedaction, httpmethod, {"Content-Type": mimetype}, body, multipart).some
+  template getActionUrl() =
+    return newRequest(parsedaction).some
+  case scheme
+  of "http", "https":
+    if formmethod == FORM_METHOD_GET:
+      mutateActionUrl
+    else:
+      assert formmethod == FORM_METHOD_POST
+      submitAsEntityBody
+  of "ftp":
+    getActionUrl
+  of "data":
+    if formmethod == FORM_METHOD_GET:
+      mutateActionUrl
+    else:
+      assert formmethod == FORM_METHOD_POST
+      getActionUrl
+template set_focus(e: Element) =
+  if buffer.document.focus != e:
+    buffer.document.focus = e
+    buffer.reshape = true
+template restore_focus =
+  if buffer.document.focus != nil:
+    buffer.document.focus = nil
+    buffer.reshape = true
+proc lineInput(buffer: Buffer, s: string) =
+  if buffer.input != nil:
+    let input = buffer.input
+    case input.inputType
+      input.value = s
+      input.invalid = true
+      buffer.reshape = true
+      if input.form != nil:
+        let submitaction = submitForm(input.form, input)
+        if submitaction.isSome:
+          buffer.writeCommand(OPEN, submitaction.get)
+      input.value = s
+      input.invalid = true
+      buffer.reshape = true
+    of INPUT_FILE:
+      let cdir = parseUrl("file://" & getCurrentDir() & DirSep)
+      let path = parseUrl(s, cdir)
+      if path.issome:
+        input.file = path
+        input.invalid = true
+        buffer.reshape = true
+    else: discard
+    buffer.input = nil
+proc click(buffer: Buffer, cursorx, cursory: int) =
+  let clickable = buffer.getCursorClickable(cursorx, cursory)
+  if clickable != nil:
+    case clickable.tagType
+    of TAG_SELECT:
+      set_focus clickable
+    of TAG_A:
+      restore_focus
+      let url = parseUrl(HTMLAnchorElement(clickable).href, clickable.document.baseUrl.some)
+      if url.issome:
+        buffer.writeCommand(OPEN, newRequest(url.get, HTTP_GET))
+    of TAG_OPTION:
+      let option = HTMLOptionElement(clickable)
+      let select = option.select
+      if select != nil:
+        if buffer.document.focus == select:
+          # select option
+          if not select.attrb("multiple"):
+            for option in select.options:
+              option.selected = false
+          option.selected = true
+          restore_focus
+        else:
+          # focus on select
+          set_focus select
+    of TAG_INPUT:
+      restore_focus
+      let input = HTMLInputElement(clickable)
+      case input.inputType
+      of INPUT_SEARCH:
+        buffer.input = input
+        buffer.writeCommand(READ_LINE, "SEARCH: ", input.value, false)
+        buffer.input = input
+        buffer.writeCommand(READ_LINE, "TEXT: ", input.value, input.inputType == INPUT_PASSWORD)
+      of INPUT_FILE:
+        var path = if input.file.issome:
+          input.file.get.path.serialize_unicode()
+        else:
+          ""
+        buffer.writeCommand(READ_LINE, "Filename: ", path, false)
+        input.checked = not input.checked
+        input.invalid = true
+        buffer.reshape = true
+      of INPUT_RADIO:
+        for radio in input.radiogroup:
+          radio.checked = false
+          radio.invalid = true
+        input.checked = true
+        input.invalid = true
+        buffer.reshape = true
+      of INPUT_RESET:
+        if input.form != nil:
+          input.form.reset()
+          buffer.reshape = true
+        if input.form != nil:
+          let submitaction = submitForm(input.form, input)
+          if submitaction.isSome:
+            buffer.writeCommand(OPEN, submitaction.get)
+      else:
+        restore_focus
+    else:
+      restore_focus
+proc drawBuffer(buffer: Buffer, ostream: Stream) =
+  var format = newFormat()
+  for line in buffer.lines:
+    if line.formats.len == 0:
+      ostream.swrite(line.str & "\n")
+    else:
+      var x = 0
+      var i = 0
+      var s = ""
+      for f in line.formats:
+        var outstr = ""
+        #assert f.pos < line.str.width(), "fpos " & $f.pos & "\nstr" & line.str & "\n"
+        while x < f.pos:
+          var r: Rune
+          fastRuneAt(line.str, i, r)
+          outstr &= r
+          x += r.width()
+        s &= outstr
+        s &= format.processFormat(f.format)
+      s &= line.str.substr(i) & format.processFormat(newFormat()) & "\n"
+      ostream.swrite(s)
+    ostream.flush()
+  ostream.swrite("")
+  ostream.flush()
+proc runBuffer(buffer: Buffer, istream, ostream: Stream) =
+  buffer.pistream = istream
+  buffer.postream = ostream
+  while true:
+    var cmd: BufferCommand
+    try:
+      istream.sread(cmd)
+      #eprint "cmd", cmd
+      case cmd
+      of LOAD:
+        let code = buffer.setupSource()
+        buffer.load()
+        buffer.writeCommand(LOAD_DONE, code)
+      of GOTO_ANCHOR:
+        var anchor: string
+        istream.sread(anchor)
+        if buffer.document != nil and buffer.document.getElementById(anchor) != nil:
+          buffer.writeCommand(ANCHOR_FOUND)
+        else:
+          buffer.writeCommand(ANCHOR_FAIL)
+      of RENDER:
+        buffer.render()
+        buffer.gotoAnchor()
+      of GET_LINES:
+        var w: Slice[int]
+        istream.sread(w)
+        ostream.swrite(SET_LINES)
+        ostream.swrite(buffer.lines.len)
+        w.b = min(buffer.lines.high, w.b)
+        ostream.swrite(w)
+        for y in w:
+          ostream.swrite(buffer.lines[y])
+          ostream.flush()
+        ostream.flush()
+      of DRAW_BUFFER:
+        buffer.drawBuffer(ostream)
+      of WINDOW_CHANGE:
+        istream.sread(buffer.attrs)
+        buffer.windowChange()
+      of FIND_PREV_LINK:
+        var cx, cy: int
+        istream.sread(cx)
+        istream.sread(cy)
+        let pl = buffer.findPrevLink(cx, cy)
+        buffer.writeCommand(JUMP, pl.x, pl.y)
+      of FIND_NEXT_LINK:
+        var cx, cy: int
+        istream.sread(cx)
+        istream.sread(cy)
+        let nl = buffer.findNextLink(cx, cy)
+        buffer.writeCommand(JUMP, nl.x, nl.y)
+      of FIND_PREV_MATCH:
+        var cx, cy: int
+        var regex: Regex
+        var wrap: bool
+        istream.sread(cx)
+        istream.sread(cy)
+        istream.sread(regex)
+        istream.sread(wrap)
+        let match = buffer.findPrevMatch(regex, cx, cy, wrap)
+        if match.success:
+          buffer.writeCommand(JUMP, match.x, match.y)
+      of FIND_NEXT_MATCH:
+        var cx, cy: int
+        var regex: Regex
+        var wrap: bool
+        istream.sread(cx)
+        istream.sread(cy)
+        istream.sread(regex)
+        istream.sread(wrap)
+        let match = buffer.findNextMatch(regex, cx, cy, wrap)
+        if match.success:
+          buffer.writeCommand(JUMP, match.x, match.y)
+      of READ_SUCCESS:
+        var s: string
+        istream.sread(s)
+        buffer.lineInput(s)
+      of READ_CANCELED:
+        buffer.input = nil
+      of CLICK:
+        var cx, cy: int
+        istream.sread(cx)
+        istream.sread(cy)
+        buffer.click(cx, cy)
+      of MOVE_CURSOR:
+        var cx, cy: int
+        istream.sread(cx)
+        istream.sread(cy)
+        buffer.updateHover(cx, cy)
+      of GET_SOURCE:
+        let ssock = initServerSocket(getpid())
+        buffer.writeCommand(SOURCE_READY)
+        let stream = ssock.acceptSocketStream()
+        if not buffer.streamclosed:
+          buffer.source = buffer.istream.readAll()
+          buffer.streamclosed = true
+        stream.write(buffer.source)
+        stream.close()
+        ssock.close()
+      if buffer.reshape:
+        buffer.reshape = false
+        buffer.render()
+        buffer.writeCommand(RESHAPE)
+    except IOError:
+      break
+  istream.close()
+  ostream.close()
+  when defined(posix):
+    #TODO remove this
+    if buffer.loader != nil:
+      assert kill(buffer.loader.process, cint(SIGTERM)) == 0
+      buffer.loader = nil
+  quit(0)
+proc launchBuffer*(config: Config, source: BufferSource, attrs: TermAttributes,
+                   istream, ostream: Stream) =
+  let buffer = new Buffer
+  buffer.attrs = attrs
+  buffer.windowChange()
+  buffer.config = config
+  buffer.loader = newFileLoader()
+  buffer.bsource = source
+  buffer.runBuffer(istream, ostream)