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path: root/src/buffer/container.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/buffer/container.nim')
1 files changed, 626 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/buffer/container.nim b/src/buffer/container.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..beb5fedc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/buffer/container.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+import macros
+import options
+import streams
+import strformat
+import unicode
+when defined(posix):
+  import posix
+import buffer/buffer
+import buffer/cell
+import config/config
+import io/request
+import io/serialize
+import io/term
+import js/regex
+import types/url
+import utils/twtstr
+  CursorPosition* = object
+    cursorx*: int
+    cursory*: int
+    xend*: int
+    fromx*: int
+    fromy*: int
+    setx: int
+  ContainerEventType* = enum
+  ContainerEvent* = object
+    case t*: ContainerEventType
+    of READ_LINE:
+      prompt*: string
+      value*: string
+      password*: bool
+    of OPEN:
+      request*: Request
+    else: discard
+  Container* = ref object
+    attrs*: TermAttributes
+    width*: int
+    height*: int
+    contenttype*: Option[string]
+    title*: string
+    hovertext*: string
+    source*: BufferSource
+    children*: seq[Container]
+    pos: CursorPosition
+    bpos: seq[CursorPosition]
+    parent*: Container
+    sourcepair*: Container
+    istream*: Stream
+    ostream*: Stream
+    ifd*: FileHandle
+    process: Pid
+    lines: SimpleFlexibleGrid
+    lineshift: int
+    numLines*: int
+    replace*: Container
+    code*: int
+    retry*: seq[URL]
+    redirect*: Option[URL]
+    ispipe: bool
+    jump: bool
+    pipeto: Container
+    tty: FileHandle
+proc c_setvbuf(f: File, buf: pointer, mode: cint, size: csize_t): cint {.
+  importc: "setvbuf", header: "<stdio.h>", tags: [].}
+proc newBuffer*(config: Config, source: BufferSource, tty: FileHandle, ispipe = false): Container =
+  let attrs = getTermAttributes(stdout)
+  when defined(posix):
+    var pipefd_in, pipefd_out: array[0..1, cint]
+    if pipe(pipefd_in) == -1:
+      raise newException(Defect, "Failed to open input pipe.")
+    if pipe(pipefd_out) == -1:
+      raise newException(Defect, "Failed to open output pipe.")
+    let pid = fork()
+    if pid == -1:
+      raise newException(Defect, "Failed to fork buffer process")
+    elif pid == 0:
+      discard close(tty)
+      discard close(stdout.getFileHandle())
+      # child process
+      discard close(pipefd_in[1]) # close write
+      discard close(pipefd_out[0]) # close read
+      var readf, writef: File
+      if not open(readf, pipefd_in[0], fmRead):
+        raise newException(Defect, "Failed to open input handle")
+      if not open(writef, pipefd_out[1], fmWrite):
+        raise newException(Defect, "Failed to open output handle")
+      let istream = newFileStream(readf)
+      let ostream = newFileStream(writef)
+      launchBuffer(config, source, attrs, istream, ostream)
+    else:
+      discard close(pipefd_in[0]) # close read
+      discard close(pipefd_out[1]) # close write
+      var readf, writef: File
+      if not open(writef, pipefd_in[1], fmWrite):
+        raise newException(Defect, "Failed to open output handle")
+      if not open(readf, pipefd_out[0], fmRead):
+        raise newException(Defect, "Failed to open input handle")
+      let istream = newFileStream(readf)
+      # Disable buffering of the read end so epoll doesn't get stuck
+      discard c_setvbuf(readf, nil, IONBF, 0)
+      let ostream = newFileStream(writef)
+      result = Container(istream: istream, ostream: ostream, source: source,
+                         ifd: pipefd_out[0], process: pid, attrs: attrs,
+                         width: attrs.width - 1, height: attrs.height - 1,
+                         contenttype: source.contenttype, ispipe: ispipe,
+                         tty: tty)
+      result.pos.setx = -1
+func lineLoaded(container: Container, y: int): bool =
+  return y - container.lineshift in 0..container.lines.high
+func getLine(container: Container, y: int): SimpleFlexibleLine =
+  if container.lineLoaded(y):
+    return container.lines[y - container.lineshift]
+iterator ilines*(container: Container, slice: Slice[int]): SimpleFlexibleLine {.inline.} =
+  for y in slice:
+    yield container.getLine(y)
+func cursorx*(container: Container): int {.inline.} = container.pos.cursorx
+func cursory*(container: Container): int {.inline.} = container.pos.cursory
+func fromx*(container: Container): int {.inline.} = container.pos.fromx
+func fromy*(container: Container): int {.inline.} = container.pos.fromy
+func xend*(container: Container): int {.inline.} = container.pos.xend
+func lastVisibleLine*(container: Container): int = min(container.fromy + container.height, container.numLines) - 1
+func acursorx*(container: Container): int =
+  max(0, container.cursorx - container.fromx)
+func acursory*(container: Container): int =
+  container.cursory - container.fromy
+func currentLine*(container: Container): string =
+  return container.getLine(container.cursory).str
+func cursorBytes(container: Container, y: int, cc = container.cursorx): int =
+  let line = container.getLine(y).str
+  var w = 0
+  var i = 0
+  while i < line.len and w < cc:
+    var r: Rune
+    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
+    w += r.width()
+  return i
+func currentCursorBytes(container: Container, cc = container.cursorx): int =
+  return container.cursorBytes(container.cursory, cc)
+func prevWidth*(container: Container): int =
+  if container.numLines == 0: return 0
+  let line = container.currentLine
+  if line.len == 0: return 0
+  var w = 0
+  var i = 0
+  let cc = container.pos.fromx + container.pos.cursorx
+  var pr: Rune
+  var r: Rune
+  fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
+  while i < line.len and w < cc:
+    pr = r
+    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
+    w += r.width()
+  return pr.width()
+func currentWidth*(container: Container): int =
+  if container.numLines == 0: return 0
+  let line = container.currentLine
+  if line.len == 0: return 0
+  var w = 0
+  var i = 0
+  let cc = container.cursorx
+  var r: Rune
+  fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
+  while i < line.len and w < cc:
+    fastRuneAt(line, i, r)
+    w += r.width()
+  return r.width()
+func maxScreenWidth(container: Container): int =
+  for line in container.ilines(container.fromy..container.lastVisibleLine):
+    result = max(line.str.width(), result)
+func getTitle*(container: Container): string =
+  if container.title != "":
+    return container.title
+  if container.ispipe:
+    return "*pipe*"
+  return container.source.location.serialize(excludepassword = true)
+func currentLineWidth*(container: Container): int =
+  if container.numLines == 0: return 0
+  return container.currentLine.width()
+func maxfromy(container: Container): int = max(container.numLines - container.height, 0)
+func maxfromx(container: Container): int = max(container.currentLineWidth() - container.width, 0)
+func atPercentOf*(container: Container): int =
+  if container.numLines == 0: return 100
+  return (100 * (container.cursory + 1)) div container.numLines
+func lineInfo*(container: Container): string =
+  fmt"line {container.cursory + 1}/{container.numLines} ({container.atPercentOf}%) col {container.cursorx + 1}/{container.currentLineWidth} (byte {container.currentCursorBytes})"
+func lineWindow(container: Container): Slice[int] =
+  if container.numLines == 0: # not loaded
+    return 0..container.height * 5
+  let n = (container.height * 5) div 2
+  var x = container.fromy - n + container.height div 2
+  var y = container.fromy + n + container.height div 2
+  if x < 0:
+    y += -x
+    x = 0
+  if y >= container.numLines:
+    x -= y - container.numLines
+    y = container.numLines
+  return max(x, 0) .. min(y, container.numLines - 1)
+macro writeCommand(container: Container, cmd: BufferCommand, args: varargs[typed]) =
+  result = newStmtList()
+  result.add(quote do: `container`.ostream.swrite(`cmd`))
+  for arg in args:
+    result.add(quote do: `container`.ostream.swrite(`arg`))
+  result.add(quote do: `container`.ostream.flush())
+proc setFromY*(container: Container, y: int) =
+  if container.pos.fromy != y:
+    container.pos.fromy = max(min(y, container.maxfromy), 0)
+    container.writeCommand(GET_LINES, container.lineWindow)
+proc setFromX*(container: Container, x: int) =
+  if container.pos.fromx != x:
+    container.pos.fromx = max(min(x, container.maxfromx), 0)
+proc setFromXY*(container: Container, x, y: int) =
+  container.setFromY(y)
+  container.setFromX(x)
+proc setCursorX*(container: Container, x: int, refresh = true, save = true) =
+  if not container.lineLoaded(container.cursory):
+    container.pos.setx = x
+    return
+  container.pos.setx = -1
+  let cw = container.currentLineWidth()
+  let x = max(min(x, cw - 1), 0)
+  if (not refresh) or (container.fromx <= x and x < container.fromx + container.width):
+    container.pos.cursorx = x
+  else:
+    if refresh and container.fromx > container.cursorx:
+      container.setFromX(max(cw - 1, 0))
+      container.pos.cursorx = container.fromx
+    elif x > container.cursorx:
+      container.setFromX(max(x - container.width + 1, 0))
+      container.pos.cursorx = x
+    elif x < container.cursorx:
+      container.setFromX(x)
+      container.pos.cursorx = x
+  container.writeCommand(MOVE_CURSOR, container.cursorx, container.cursory)
+  if save:
+    container.pos.xend = container.cursorx
+proc restoreCursorX(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorX(max(min(container.currentLineWidth() - 1, container.xend), 0), false, false)
+proc setCursorY*(container: Container, y: int) =
+  let y = max(min(y, container.numLines - 1), 0)
+  if container.cursory == y: return
+  if y - container.fromy >= 0 and y - container.height < container.fromy:
+    container.pos.cursory = y
+  else:
+    if y > container.cursory:
+      container.setFromY(y - container.height + 1)
+    else:
+      container.setFromY(y)
+    container.pos.cursory = y
+  container.writeCommand(MOVE_CURSOR, container.cursorx, container.cursory)
+  container.restoreCursorX()
+proc centerLine*(container: Container) =
+  container.setFromY(container.cursory - container.height div 2)
+proc setCursorXY*(container: Container, x, y: int) =
+  let fy = container.fromy
+  container.setCursorY(y)
+  container.setCursorX(x)
+  if fy != container.fromy:
+    container.centerLine()
+proc cursorDown*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorY(container.cursory + 1)
+proc cursorUp*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorY(container.cursory - 1)
+proc cursorLeft*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorX(container.cursorx - container.prevWidth())
+proc cursorRight*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorX(container.cursorx + container.currentWidth())
+proc cursorLineBegin*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorX(0)
+proc cursorLineEnd*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorX(container.currentLineWidth() - 1)
+proc cursorNextWord*(container: Container) =
+  if container.numLines == 0: return
+  var r: Rune
+  var b = container.currentCursorBytes()
+  var x = container.cursorx
+  while b < container.currentLine.len:
+    let pb = b
+    fastRuneAt(container.currentLine, b, r)
+    if r.breaksWord():
+      b = pb
+      break
+    x += r.width()
+  while b < container.currentLine.len:
+    let pb = b
+    fastRuneAt(container.currentLine, b, r)
+    if not r.breaksWord():
+      b = pb
+      break
+    x += r.width()
+  if b < container.currentLine.len:
+    container.setCursorX(x)
+  else:
+    if container.cursory < container.numLines - 1:
+      container.cursorDown()
+      container.cursorLineBegin()
+    else:
+      container.cursorLineEnd()
+proc cursorPrevWord*(container: Container) =
+  if container.numLines == 0: return
+  var b = container.currentCursorBytes()
+  var x = container.cursorx
+  if container.currentLine.len > 0:
+    b = min(b, container.currentLine.len - 1)
+    while b >= 0:
+      let (r, o) = lastRune(container.currentLine, b)
+      if r.breaksWord():
+        break
+      b -= o
+      x -= r.width()
+    while b >= 0:
+      let (r, o) = lastRune(container.currentLine, b)
+      if not r.breaksWord():
+        break
+      b -= o
+      x -= r.width()
+  else:
+    b = -1
+  if b >= 0:
+    container.setCursorX(x)
+  else:
+    if container.cursory > 0:
+      container.cursorUp()
+      container.cursorLineEnd()
+    else:
+      container.cursorLineBegin()
+proc pageDown*(container: Container) =
+  container.setFromY(container.fromy + container.height)
+  container.setCursorY(container.cursory + container.height)
+  container.restoreCursorX()
+proc pageUp*(container: Container) =
+  container.setFromY(container.fromy - container.height)
+  container.setCursorY(container.cursory - container.height)
+  container.restoreCursorX()
+proc pageLeft*(container: Container) =
+  container.setFromX(container.fromx - container.width)
+  container.setCursorX(container.cursorx - container.width)
+proc pageRight*(container: Container) =
+  container.setFromX(container.fromx + container.width)
+  container.setCursorX(container.cursorx + container.width)
+proc halfPageUp*(container: Container) =
+  container.setFromY(container.fromy - container.height div 2 + 1)
+  container.setCursorY(container.cursory - container.height div 2 + 1)
+  container.restoreCursorX()
+proc halfPageDown*(container: Container) =
+  container.setFromY(container.fromy + container.height div 2 - 1)
+  container.setCursorY(container.cursory + container.height div 2 - 1)
+  container.restoreCursorX()
+proc cursorFirstLine*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorY(0)
+proc cursorLastLine*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorY(container.numLines - 1)
+proc cursorTop*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorY(container.fromy)
+proc cursorMiddle*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorY(container.fromy + (container.height - 2) div 2)
+proc cursorBottom*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorY(container.fromy + container.height - 1)
+proc cursorLeftEdge*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorX(container.fromx)
+proc cursorVertMiddle*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorX(container.fromx + (container.width - 2) div 2)
+proc cursorRightEdge*(container: Container) =
+  container.setCursorX(container.fromx + container.width - 1)
+proc scrollDown*(container: Container) =
+  if container.fromy + container.height < container.numLines:
+    container.setFromY(container.fromy + 1)
+    if container.fromy > container.cursory:
+      container.cursorDown()
+  else:
+    container.cursorDown()
+proc scrollUp*(container: Container) =
+  if container.fromy > 0:
+    container.setFromY(container.fromy - 1)
+    if container.fromy + container.height <= container.cursory:
+      container.cursorUp()
+  else:
+    container.cursorUp()
+proc scrollRight*(container: Container) =
+  if container.fromx + container.width < container.maxScreenWidth():
+    container.setFromX(container.fromx + 1)
+proc scrollLeft*(container: Container) =
+  if container.fromx > 0:
+    container.setFromX(container.fromx - 1)
+    if container.cursorx < container.fromx:
+      container.setCursorX(container.currentLineWidth() - 1)
+proc updateCursor(container: Container) =
+  if container.pos.setx > -1:
+    container.setCursorX(container.pos.setx)
+  if container.fromy > container.lastVisibleLine:
+    container.setFromY(0)
+    container.setCursorY(container.lastVisibleLine)
+  if container.cursory >= container.numLines:
+    container.pos.cursory = max(0, container.numLines - 1)
+  if container.numLines == 0:
+    container.pos.cursory = 0
+proc pushCursorPos*(container: Container) =
+  container.bpos.add(container.pos)
+proc popCursorPos*(container: Container) =
+  container.pos = container.bpos.pop()
+  container.updateCursor()
+  container.writeCommand(MOVE_CURSOR, container.cursorx, container.cursory)
+  container.writeCommand(GET_LINES, container.lineWindow)
+macro proxy(fun: typed) =
+  let name = fun[0] # sym
+  let params = fun[3] # formalparams
+  let retval = params[0] # sym
+  var body = newStmtList()
+  assert params.len >= 2 # return type, container
+  var x = name.strVal.toScreamingSnakeCase()
+  if x[^1] == '=':
+    x = "SET_" & x[0..^2]
+  let nup = ident(x)
+  let container = params[1][0]
+  body.add(quote do:
+    `container`.ostream.swrite(`nup`))
+  for c in params[2..^1]:
+    let s = c[0] # sym e.g. url
+    body.add(quote do:
+      `container`.ostream.swrite(`s`))
+  body.add(quote do:
+    `container`.ostream.flush())
+  if retval.kind != nnkEmpty:
+    body.add(quote do:
+      `container`.istream.sread(result))
+  var params2: seq[NimNode]
+  for x in params.children: params2.add(x)
+  result = newProc(name, params2, body)
+proc cursorNextLink*(container: Container) =
+  container.writeCommand(FIND_NEXT_LINK, container.cursorx, container.cursory)
+  container.jump = true
+proc cursorPrevLink*(container: Container) =
+  container.writeCommand(FIND_PREV_LINK, container.cursorx, container.cursory)
+  container.jump = true
+proc cursorNextMatch*(container: Container, regex: Regex, wrap: bool) =
+  container.writeCommand(FIND_NEXT_MATCH, container.cursorx, container.cursory, regex, wrap)
+  container.jump = true
+proc cursorPrevMatch*(container: Container, regex: Regex, wrap: bool) =
+  container.writeCommand(FIND_PREV_MATCH, container.cursorx, container.cursory, regex, wrap)
+  container.jump = true
+proc load*(container: Container) {.proxy.} = discard
+proc gotoAnchor*(container: Container, anchor: string) {.proxy.} = discard
+proc readCanceled*(container: Container) {.proxy.} = discard
+proc readSuccess*(container: Container, s: string) {.proxy.} = discard
+proc render*(container: Container) =
+  container.writeCommand(RENDER)
+  container.jump = true # may jump to anchor
+  container.writeCommand(GET_LINES, container.lineWindow)
+proc dupeBuffer*(container: Container, config: Config, location = none(URL), contenttype = none(string)): Container =
+  var pipefd: array[0..1, cint]
+  if pipe(pipefd) == -1:
+    raise newException(Defect, "Failed to open dupe pipe.")
+  let source = BufferSource(
+    t: CLONE,
+    location: location.get(container.source.location),
+    contenttype: if contenttype.isSome: contenttype else: container.contenttype,
+    clonepid: container.process,
+  )
+  container.pipeto = newBuffer(config, source, container.tty, container.ispipe)
+  container.writeCommand(GET_SOURCE)
+  return container.pipeto
+proc click*(container: Container) =
+  container.writeCommand(CLICK, container.cursorx, container.cursory)
+proc drawBuffer*(container: Container) =
+  container.writeCommand(DRAW_BUFFER)
+  while true:
+    var s: string
+    container.istream.sread(s)
+    if s == "": break
+    try:
+      stdout.write(s)
+    except IOError: # couldn't write to stdout; it's probably just a broken pipe.
+      quit(1)
+    stdout.flushFile()
+proc windowChange*(container: Container, attrs: TermAttributes) =
+  container.attrs = attrs
+  container.width = attrs.width - 1
+  container.height = attrs.height - 1
+  container.writeCommand(WINDOW_CHANGE, attrs)
+proc handleEvent*(container: Container): ContainerEvent =
+  var cmd: ContainerCommand
+  container.istream.sread(cmd)
+  case cmd
+  of SET_LINES:
+    var w: Slice[int]
+    container.istream.sread(container.numLines)
+    container.istream.sread(w)
+    container.lines.setLen(w.len)
+    container.lineshift = w.a
+    for y in 0 ..< w.len:
+      container.istream.sread(container.lines[y])
+    container.updateCursor()
+    let cw = container.fromy ..< container.fromy + container.height
+    if w.a in cw or w.b in cw or cw.a in w or cw.b in w:
+      return ContainerEvent(t: UPDATE)
+    return ContainerEvent(t: NEEDS_AUTH)
+    var ctype: string
+    container.istream.sread(ctype)
+    container.contenttype = some(ctype)
+    var redirect: URL
+    container.istream.sread(redirect)
+    container.redirect = some(redirect)
+    return ContainerEvent(t: REDIRECT)
+  of SET_TITLE:
+    container.istream.sread(container.title)
+    return ContainerEvent(t: STATUS)
+  of SET_HOVER:
+    container.istream.sread(container.hovertext)
+    return ContainerEvent(t: STATUS)
+  of LOAD_DONE:
+    container.istream.sread(container.code)
+    if container.code != 0:
+      return ContainerEvent(t: FAIL)
+    return ContainerEvent(t: SUCCESS)
+    return ContainerEvent(t: ANCHOR)
+    return ContainerEvent(t: FAIL)
+  of READ_LINE:
+    var prompt, str: string
+    var pwd: bool
+    container.istream.sread(prompt)
+    container.istream.sread(str)
+    container.istream.sread(pwd)
+    return ContainerEvent(t: READ_LINE, prompt: prompt, value: str, password: pwd)
+  of JUMP:
+    var x, y: int
+    container.istream.sread(x)
+    container.istream.sread(y)
+    if container.jump and x >= 0 and y >= 0:
+      container.setCursorXY(x, y)
+      container.jump = false
+      return ContainerEvent(t: UPDATE)
+  of OPEN:
+    return ContainerEvent(t: OPEN, request: container.istream.readRequest())
+    if container.pipeto != nil:
+      container.pipeto.load()
+  of RESHAPE:
+    container.writeCommand(GET_LINES, container.lineWindow)