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path: root/src/css/style.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/css/style.nim')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/css/style.nim b/src/css/style.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..56e6b00b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/css/style.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+import streams
+import unicode
+import terminal
+import tables
+import ../io/twtio
+import ../utils/twtstr
+import ../types/enums
+import cssparser
+  CSSLength* = object
+    num*: float64
+    unit*: CSSUnit
+    auto*: bool
+  CSS2Properties* = ref object
+    rawtext*: string
+    fmttext*: seq[string]
+    x*: int
+    y*: int
+    ex*: int
+    ey*: int
+    width*: int
+    height*: int
+    hidden*: bool
+    before*: CSS2Properties
+    after*: CSS2Properties
+    margintop*: CSSLength
+    marginbottom*: CSSLength
+    marginleft*: CSSLength
+    marginright*: CSSLength
+    centered*: bool
+    display*: DisplayType
+    bold*: bool
+    italic*: bool
+    underscore*: bool
+    islink*: bool
+    selected*: bool
+    indent*: int
+    color*: CSSColor
+    position*: CSSPosition
+  CSSCanvas* = object
+    rootBox*: CSSBox
+    width*: int
+    height*: int
+  CSSRect* = object
+    x1*: int
+    y1*: int
+    x2*: int
+    y2*: int
+  CSSBox* = ref object
+    display*: DisplayType
+    x*: int
+    y*: int
+    innerEdge*: CSSRect
+    paddingEdge*: CSSRect
+    borderEdge*: CSSRect
+    marginEdge*: CSSRect
+    color*: CSSColor
+    props*: CSS2Properties
+    content*: seq[Rune]
+    dispcontent*: string
+    children*: seq[CSSBox]
+  CSSColor* = tuple[r: uint8, g: uint8, b: uint8, a: uint8]
+func `+`(a: CSSRect, b: CSSRect): CSSRect =
+  result.x1 = a.x1 + b.x1
+  result.y1 = a.y1 + b.y1
+  result.x2 = a.x2 + b.x2
+  result.y2 = a.y2 + b.y2
+proc `+=`(a: var CSSRect, b: CSSRect) =
+  a = a + b
+func cells(l: CSSLength): int =
+  case l.unit
+  of EM_UNIT:
+    return int(l.num)
+  else:
+    #TODO
+    return int(l.num / 8)
+const colors = {
+  "maroon":  (0x80u8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8),
+  "red":     (0xffu8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8),
+  "orange":  (0xffu8, 0xa5u8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8),
+  "yellow":  (0xffu8, 0xffu8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8),
+  "olive":   (0x80u8, 0x80u8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8),
+  "purple":  (0x80u8, 0x00u8, 0x80u8, 0x00u8),
+  "fuchsia": (0xffu8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8),
+  "white":   (0xffu8, 0xffu8, 0xffu8, 0x00u8),
+  "lime":    (0x00u8, 0xffu8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8),
+  "green":   (0x00u8, 0x80u8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8),
+  "navy":    (0x00u8, 0x00u8, 0x80u8, 0x00u8),
+  "blue":    (0x00u8, 0x00u8, 0xffu8, 0x00u8),
+  "aqua":    (0x00u8, 0xffu8, 0xffu8, 0x00u8),
+  "teal":    (0x00u8, 0x80u8, 0x80u8, 0x00u8),
+  "black":   (0x00u8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8, 0x00u8),
+  "silver":  (0xc0u8, 0xc0u8, 0xc0u8, 0x00u8),
+  "gray":    (0x80u8, 0x80u8, 0x80u8, 0x00u8),
+const defaultColor = (0xffu8, 0xffu8, 0xffu8, 0x00u8)
+func cssLength(val: float64, unit: string): CSSLength =
+  case unit
+  of "%": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: PERC_UNIT)
+  of "cm": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: CM_UNIT)
+  of "mm": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: MM_UNIT)
+  of "in": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: IN_UNIT)
+  of "px": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: PX_UNIT)
+  of "pt": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: PT_UNIT)
+  of "pc": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: PC_UNIT)
+  of "em": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: EM_UNIT)
+  of "ex": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: EX_UNIT)
+  of "ch": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: CH_UNIT)
+  of "rem": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: REM_UNIT)
+  of "vw": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: VW_UNIT)
+  of "vh": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: VH_UNIT)
+  of "vmin": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: VMIN_UNIT)
+  of "vmax": return CSSLength(num: val, unit: VMAX_UNIT)
+  else: return CSSLength(num: 0, unit: EM_UNIT)
+func cssColor*(d: CSSDeclaration): CSSColor =
+  if d.value.len > 0:
+    if d.value[0] of CSSToken:
+      let tok = CSSToken(d.value[0])
+      case tok.tokenType
+      of CSS_HASH_TOKEN:
+        let s = tok.value
+        if s.len == 3:
+          for r in s:
+            if hexValue(r) == -1:
+              return
+          let r = hexValue(s[0]) * 0x10 + hexValue(s[0])
+          let g = hexValue(s[1]) * 0x10 + hexValue(s[1])
+          let b = hexValue(s[2]) * 0x10 + hexValue(s[2])
+          return (uint8(r), uint8(g), uint8(b), 0x00u8)
+        elif s.len == 6:
+          for r in s:
+            if hexValue(r) == -1:
+              return
+          let r = hexValue(s[0]) * 0x10 + hexValue(s[1])
+          let g = hexValue(s[2]) * 0x10 + hexValue(s[3])
+          let b = hexValue(s[4]) * 0x10 + hexValue(s[5])
+          return (uint8(r), uint8(g), uint8(b), 0x00u8)
+        else:
+          return defaultColor
+      of CSS_IDENT_TOKEN:
+        let s = tok.value
+        eprint "ident", s
+        if $s in colors:
+          return colors[$s]
+        else:
+          return defaultColor
+      else:
+        eprint "else", tok.tokenType
+        return defaultColor
+    elif d of CSSFunction:
+      let f = CSSFunction(d.value[0])
+      eprint "func", f.name
+      #todo calc etc (cssnumber function or something)
+      case $f.name
+      of "rgb":
+        if f.value.len != 3:
+          return defaultColor
+        for c in f.value:
+          if c != CSS_NUMBER_TOKEN:
+            return defaultColor
+        let r = CSSToken(f.value[0]).nvalue
+        let g = CSSToken(f.value[1]).nvalue
+        let b = CSSToken(f.value[2]).nvalue
+        return (uint8(r), uint8(g), uint8(b), 0x00u8)
+      of "rgba":
+        if f.value.len != 4:
+          eprint "too few args"
+          return defaultColor
+        for c in f.value:
+          if c != CSS_NUMBER_TOKEN:
+            eprint "not number"
+            return defaultColor
+        let r = CSSToken(f.value[0]).nvalue
+        let g = CSSToken(f.value[1]).nvalue
+        let b = CSSToken(f.value[2]).nvalue
+        let a = CSSToken(f.value[3]).nvalue
+        return (uint8(r), uint8(g), uint8(b), uint8(a))
+      else:
+        eprint "not rgba"
+        return defaultColor
+  return defaultColor
+func cssLength(d: CSSDeclaration): CSSLength =
+  if d.value.len > 0 and d.value[0] of CSSToken:
+    let tok = CSSToken(d.value[0])
+    case tok.tokenType
+      return cssLength(tok.nvalue, "%")
+      return cssLength(tok.nvalue, $tok.unit)
+      if $tok.value == "auto":
+        return CSSLength(num: 0, unit: EM_UNIT, auto: true)
+    else:
+      return CSSLength(num: 0, unit: EM_UNIT)
+  return CSSLength(num: 0, unit: EM_UNIT)
+func hasColor*(style: CSS2Properties): bool =
+  return style.color.r != 0 or style.color.b != 0 or style.color.g != 0 or style.color.a != 0
+func termColor*(style: CSS2Properties): ForegroundColor =
+  if style.color.r > 120:
+    return fgRed
+  elif style.color.b > 120:
+    return fgBlue
+  elif style.color.g > 120:
+    return fgGreen
+  else:
+    return fgWhite
+proc applyProperties*(box: CSSBox, s: string) =
+  let decls = parseCSSListOfDeclarations(newStringStream(s))
+  if box.props == nil:
+    box.props = CSS2Properties()
+  let props = box.props
+  for item in decls:
+    if item of CSSDeclaration:
+      let d = CSSDeclaration(item)
+      case $d.name
+      of "color":
+        props.color = cssColor(d)
+        eprint props.color #TODO
+      of "margin":
+        let l = cssLength(d)
+        props.margintop = l
+        props.marginbottom = l
+        props.marginleft = l
+        props.marginright = l
+      of "margin-top":
+        props.margintop = cssLength(d)
+      of "margin-left":
+        props.marginleft = cssLength(d)
+      of "margin-right":
+        props.marginright = cssLength(d)
+      of "margin-bottom":
+        props.marginbottom = cssLength(d)
+      else:
+        printc(d) #TODO
+func getLength(s: seq[Rune], start: int, wlimit: int): tuple[wrap: bool, len: int, width: int] =
+  var len = 0
+  var width = 0
+  var i = start
+  while i < s.len:
+    let r = s[i]
+    let cw = r.width()
+    if width + cw > wlimit:
+      return (wrap: true, len: len, width: width)
+    width += cw
+    len += 1
+  return (wrap: false, len: len, width: width)
+proc arrangeBoxes*(canvas: CSSCanvas) =
+  var stack: seq[CSSBox]
+  stack.add(canvas.rootBox)
+  var x = 0
+  var y = 0
+  while stack.len > 0:
+    let box = stack.pop()
+    #arrange box
+    box.marginEdge.x1 = x
+    box.marginEdge.y1 = y
+    x += box.props.marginleft.cells()
+    y += box.props.margintop.cells()
+    if box.display == DISPLAY_BLOCK:
+      x = 0
+      inc y
+    if x > canvas.width:
+      x = 0
+      inc y
+    box.x = x
+    box.y = y
+    var l = 0
+    while l < box.content.len:
+      let (wrap, wraplen, wrapwidth) = box.content.getLength(l, canvas.width - x)
+      var wrapbox = new(CSSBox)
+      wrapbox.content = box.content.substr(l, l + wraplen)
+      box.children.add(wrapbox)
+      l += wraplen
+      x += wrapwidth
+      if wrap:
+        inc y
+        x = 0
+    x += box.props.marginright.cells()
+    y += box.props.marginbottom.cells()
+    box.marginEdge.x2 = x
+    box.marginEdge.y2 = y
+    var i = box.children.len - 1
+    while i >= 0:
+      stack.add(box.children[i])
+      i -= 1