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path: root/src/img/painter.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/img/painter.nim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/src/img/painter.nim b/src/img/painter.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 40f2c79a..00000000
--- a/src/img/painter.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
-import std/algorithm
-import img/bitmap
-import img/path
-import types/color
-import types/line
-import types/vector
-import utils/twtuni
-  CanvasFillRule* = enum
-    cfrNonZero = "nonzero"
-    cfrEvenOdd = "evenodd"
-  PaintCommand* = enum
-    pcSetDimensions, pcFillRect, pcStrokeRect, pcFillPath, pcStrokePath,
-    pcFillText, pcStrokeText
-  CanvasTextAlign* = enum
-    ctaStart = "start"
-    ctaEnd = "end"
-    ctaLeft = "left"
-    ctaRight = "right"
-    ctaCenter = "center"
-# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham's_line_algorithm#All_cases
-proc plotLineLow(bmp: Bitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; color: ARGBColor) =
-  var dx = x2 - x1
-  var dy = y2 - y1
-  var yi = 1
-  if dy < 0:
-    yi = -1
-    dy = -dy
-  var D = 2 * dy - dx;
-  var y = y1;
-  for x in x1 ..< x2:
-    if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= bmp.width or y >= bmp.height:
-      break
-    bmp.setpxb(x, y, color)
-    if D > 0:
-       y = y + yi;
-       D = D - 2 * dx;
-    D = D + 2 * dy;
-proc plotLineHigh(bmp: Bitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; color: ARGBColor) =
-  var dx = x2 - x1
-  var dy = y2 - y1
-  var xi = 1
-  if dx < 0:
-    xi = -1
-    dx = -dx
-  var D = 2 * dx - dy
-  var x = x1
-  for y in y1 ..< y2:
-    if x < 0 or y < 0 or x >= bmp.width or y >= bmp.height:
-      break
-    bmp.setpxb(x, y, color)
-    if D > 0:
-       x = x + xi
-       D = D - 2 * dy
-    D = D + 2 * dx
-proc plotLine(bmp: Bitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; color: ARGBColor) =
-  if abs(y2 - y1) < abs(x2 - x1):
-    if x1 > x2:
-      bmp.plotLineLow(x2, y2, x1, y1, color)
-    else:
-      bmp.plotLineLow(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
-  else:
-    if y1 > y2:
-      bmp.plotLineHigh(x2, y2, x1, y1, color)
-    else:
-      bmp.plotLineHigh(x1, y1, x2, y2, color)
-proc plotLine(bmp: Bitmap; a, b: Vector2D; color: ARGBColor) =
-  bmp.plotLine(int(a.x), int(a.y), int(b.x), int(b.y), color)
-proc plotLine(bmp: Bitmap; line: Line; color: ARGBColor) =
-  bmp.plotLine(line.p0, line.p1, color)
-proc strokePath*(bmp: Bitmap; lines: seq[Line]; color: ARGBColor) =
-  for line in lines:
-    bmp.plotLine(line, color)
-func isInside(windingNumber: int; fillRule: CanvasFillRule): bool =
-  return case fillRule
-  of cfrNonZero: windingNumber != 0
-  of cfrEvenOdd: windingNumber mod 2 == 0
-# Algorithm originally from SerenityOS.
-proc fillPath*(bmp: Bitmap; lines: PathLines; color: ARGBColor;
-    fillRule: CanvasFillRule) =
-  var i = 0
-  var ylines: seq[LineSegment] = @[]
-  for y in int(lines.miny) .. int(lines.maxy):
-    for k in countdown(ylines.high, 0):
-      if ylines[k].maxy < float64(y):
-        ylines.del(k) # we'll sort anyways, so del is fine
-    for j in i ..< lines.len:
-      if lines[j].miny > float64(y):
-        break
-      if lines[j].maxy > float64(y):
-        ylines.add(lines[j])
-      inc i
-    ylines.sort(cmpLineSegmentX)
-    var w = if fillRule == cfrNonZero: 1 else: 0
-    for k in 0 ..< ylines.high:
-      let a = ylines[k]
-      let b = ylines[k + 1]
-      let sx = int(a.minyx)
-      let ex = int(b.minyx)
-      if w.isInside(fillRule) and y > 0:
-        for x in sx .. ex:
-          if x > 0:
-            bmp.setpxb(x, y, color)
-      if int(a.p0.y) != y and int(a.p1.y) != y and int(b.p0.y) != y and
-          int(b.p1.y) != y and sx != ex or a.islope * b.islope < 0:
-        case fillRule
-        of cfrEvenOdd: inc w
-        of cfrNonZero:
-          if a.p0.y < a.p1.y:
-            inc w
-          else:
-            dec w
-      ylines[k].minyx += ylines[k].islope
-    if ylines.len > 0:
-      ylines[^1].minyx += ylines[^1].islope
-proc fillRect*(bmp: Bitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; color: ARGBColor) =
-  for y in y1 ..< y2:
-    for x in x1 ..< x2:
-      bmp.setpxb(x, y, color)
-proc strokeRect*(bmp: Bitmap; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; color: ARGBColor) =
-  for x in x1 ..< x2:
-    bmp.setpxb(x, y1, color)
-    bmp.setpxb(x, y2, color)
-  for y in y1 ..< y2:
-    bmp.setpxb(x1, y, color)
-    bmp.setpxb(x2, y, color)
-type GlyphCacheItem = object
-  u: uint32
-  bmp: Bitmap
-var unifontBitmap*: Bitmap = nil
-var glyphCache: seq[GlyphCacheItem] = @[]
-var glyphCacheI = 0
-proc getCharBmp(u: uint32): Bitmap =
-  # We only have the BMP.
-  let u = if u <= 0xFFFF: u else: 0xFFFD
-  for it in glyphCache:
-    if it.u == u:
-      return it.bmp
-  # Unifont glyphs start at x: 32, y: 64, and are of 8x16/16x16 size
-  let gx = int(32 + 16 * (u mod 0x100))
-  let gy = int(64 + 16 * (u div 0x100))
-  var fullwidth = false
-  const white = rgba_be(255, 255, 255, 255)
-  block loop:
-    # hack to recognize full width characters
-    for y in 0 ..< 16:
-      for x in 8 ..< 16:
-        if unifontBitmap.getpx(gx + x, gy + y) != white:
-          fullwidth = true
-          break loop
-  let bmp = newBitmap(if fullwidth: 16 else: 8, 16)
-  for y in 0 ..< bmp.height:
-    for x in 0 ..< bmp.width:
-      let c = unifontBitmap.getpx(gx + x, gy + y)
-      if c != white:
-        bmp.setpx(x, y, c)
-  if glyphCache.len < 256:
-    glyphCache.add(GlyphCacheItem(u: u, bmp: bmp))
-  else:
-    glyphCache[glyphCacheI] = GlyphCacheItem(u: u, bmp: bmp)
-    inc glyphCacheI
-    if glyphCacheI >= glyphCache.len:
-      glyphCacheI = 0
-  return bmp
-proc drawBitmap(a, b: Bitmap; p: Vector2D) =
-  for y in 0 ..< b.height:
-    for x in 0 ..< b.width:
-      let ax = int(p.x) + x
-      let ay = int(p.y) + y
-      if ax >= 0 and ay >= y and ax < a.width and ay < a.height:
-        a.setpxb(ax, ay, b.getpx(x, y))
-proc fillText*(bmp: Bitmap; text: string; x, y: float64; color: ARGBColor;
-    textAlign: CanvasTextAlign) =
-  var w = 0f64
-  var glyphs: seq[Bitmap] = @[]
-  for u in text.points:
-    let glyph = getCharBmp(u)
-    glyphs.add(glyph)
-    w += float64(glyph.width)
-  var x = x
-  #TODO rtl
-  case textAlign
-  of ctaLeft, ctaStart: discard
-  of ctaRight, ctaEnd: x -= w
-  of ctaCenter: x -= w / 2
-  for glyph in glyphs:
-    bmp.drawBitmap(glyph, Vector2D(x: x, y: y - 8))
-    x += float64(glyph.width)
-proc strokeText*(bmp: Bitmap; text: string; x, y: float64; color: ARGBColor;
-    textAlign: CanvasTextAlign) =
-  #TODO
-  bmp.fillText(text, x, y, color, textAlign)