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path: root/src/io/buffer.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/io/buffer.nim')
1 files changed, 463 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/io/buffer.nim b/src/io/buffer.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ce28e84e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/io/buffer.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
+import options
+import uri
+import tables
+import strutils
+import unicode
+import ../types/enums
+import ../utils/termattrs
+import ../utils/twtstr
+import ../html/dom
+import ./twtio
+  Buffer* = ref BufferObj
+  BufferObj = object
+    text*: seq[Rune]
+    title*: string
+    hovertext*: string
+    width*: int
+    height*: int
+    cursorx*: int
+    cursory*: int
+    xend*: int
+    fromx*: int
+    fromy*: int
+    nodes*: seq[Node]
+    links*: seq[Node]
+    clickables*: seq[Node]
+    elements*: seq[Element]
+    idelements*: Table[string, Element]
+    selectedlink*: Node
+    printwrite*: bool
+    attrs*: TermAttributes
+    document*: Document
+    #TODO remove these
+    fmttext*: seq[string]
+    rawtext*: seq[string]
+proc newBuffer*(attrs: TermAttributes): Buffer =
+  return Buffer(width: attrs.termWidth,
+                height: attrs.termHeight,
+                attrs: attrs)
+#TODO go through these and remove ones that don't make sense in the new model
+func lastLine*(buffer: Buffer): int =
+  assert(buffer.fmttext.len == buffer.rawtext.len)
+  return buffer.fmttext.len - 1
+func lastVisibleLine*(buffer: Buffer): int =
+  return min(buffer.fromy + buffer.height - 1, buffer.lastLine())
+func currentLineLength*(buffer: Buffer): int =
+  return buffer.rawtext[buffer.cursory].width()
+func atPercentOf*(buffer: Buffer): int =
+  if buffer.fmttext.len == 0: return 100
+  return (100 * (buffer.cursory + 1)) div (buffer.lastLine() + 1)
+func fmtBetween*(buffer: Buffer, sx: int, sy: int, ex: int, ey: int): string =
+  if sy < ey:
+    result &= buffer.rawtext[sy].runeSubstr(sx)
+    var i = sy + 1
+    while i < ey - 1:
+      result &= buffer.rawtext[i]
+      inc i
+    result &= buffer.rawtext[i].runeSubstr(0, ex - sx)
+  else:
+    result &= buffer.rawtext[sy].runeSubstr(sx, ex - sx)
+func visibleText*(buffer: Buffer): string = 
+  return buffer.fmttext[buffer.fromy..buffer.lastVisibleLine()].join("\n")
+func lastNode*(buffer: Buffer): Node =
+  return buffer.nodes[^1]
+func cursorOnNode*(buffer: Buffer, node: Node): bool =
+  if node.y == node.ey and node.y == buffer.cursory:
+    return buffer.cursorx >= node.x and buffer.cursorx < node.ex
+  else:
+    return (buffer.cursory == node.y and buffer.cursorx >= node.x) or
+           (buffer.cursory > node.y and buffer.cursory < node.ey) or
+           (buffer.cursory == node.ey and buffer.cursorx < node.ex)
+func findSelectedElement*(buffer: Buffer): Option[HtmlElement] =
+  if buffer.selectedlink != nil and buffer.selectedLink.parentNode of HtmlElement:
+    return some(HtmlElement(buffer.selectedlink.parentNode))
+  for node in buffer.nodes:
+    if node.isElemNode():
+      if node.getFmtLen() > 0:
+        if buffer.cursorOnNode(node): return some(HtmlElement(node))
+  return none(HtmlElement)
+func canScroll*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  return buffer.lastLine() > buffer.height
+func getElementById*(buffer: Buffer, id: string): Element =
+  if buffer.idelements.hasKey(id):
+    return buffer.idelements[id]
+  return nil
+proc findSelectedNode*(buffer: Buffer): Option[Node] =
+  for node in buffer.nodes:
+    if node.getFmtLen() > 0 and node.displayed():
+      if buffer.cursory >= node.y and buffer.cursory <= node.y + node.height and buffer.cursorx >= node.x and buffer.cursorx <= node.x + node.width:
+        return some(node)
+  return none(Node)
+proc addNode*(buffer: Buffer, node: Node) =
+  buffer.nodes.add(node)
+  if node.isTextNode() and node.parentElement != nil and node.parentElement.getStyle().islink:
+    buffer.links.add(node)
+  if node.isElemNode():
+    case Element(node).tagType
+      if not Element(node).hidden:
+        buffer.clickables.add(node)
+    else: discard
+  elif node.isTextNode():
+    if node.parentElement != nil and node.getStyle().islink:
+      let anchor = node.ancestor(TAG_A)
+      assert(anchor != nil)
+      buffer.clickables.add(anchor)
+  if node.isElemNode():
+    let elem = Element(node)
+    buffer.elements.add(elem)
+    if elem.id != "" and not buffer.idelements.hasKey(elem.id):
+      buffer.idelements[elem.id] = elem
+proc writefmt*(buffer: Buffer, str: string) =
+  buffer.fmttext &= str
+  if buffer.printwrite:
+    stdout.write(str)
+proc writefmt*(buffer: Buffer, c: char) =
+  buffer.rawtext &= $c
+  if buffer.printwrite:
+    stdout.write(c)
+proc writeraw*(buffer: Buffer, str: string) =
+  buffer.rawtext &= str
+proc writeraw*(buffer: Buffer, c: char) =
+  buffer.rawtext &= $c
+proc write*(buffer: Buffer, str: string) =
+  buffer.writefmt(str)
+  buffer.writeraw(str)
+proc write*(buffer: Buffer, c: char) =
+  buffer.writefmt(c)
+  buffer.writeraw(c)
+proc clearText*(buffer: Buffer) =
+  buffer.fmttext.setLen(0)
+  buffer.rawtext.setLen(0)
+proc clearNodes*(buffer: Buffer) =
+  buffer.nodes.setLen(0)
+  buffer.links.setLen(0)
+  buffer.clickables.setLen(0)
+  buffer.elements.setLen(0)
+  buffer.idelements.clear()
+proc clearBuffer*(buffer: Buffer) =
+  buffer.clearText()
+  buffer.clearNodes()
+  buffer.cursorx = 0
+  buffer.cursory = 0
+  buffer.fromx = 0
+  buffer.fromy = 0
+  buffer.hovertext = ""
+  buffer.selectedlink = nil
+proc scrollTo*(buffer: Buffer, y: int): bool =
+  if y == buffer.fromy:
+    return false
+  buffer.fromy = min(max(buffer.lastLine() - buffer.height + 1, 0), y)
+  buffer.cursory = min(max(buffer.fromy, buffer.cursory), buffer.fromy + buffer.height)
+  return true
+proc cursorTo*(buffer: Buffer, x: int, y: int): bool =
+  result = false
+  buffer.cursory = min(max(y, 0), buffer.lastLine())
+  if buffer.fromy > buffer.cursory:
+    buffer.fromy = max(buffer.cursory, 0)
+    result = true
+  elif buffer.fromy + buffer.height - 1 <= buffer.cursory:
+    buffer.fromy = max(buffer.cursory - buffer.height + 2, 0)
+    result = true
+  buffer.cursorx = min(max(x, 0), buffer.currentLineLength())
+  #buffer.fromX = min(max(buffer.currentLineLength() - buffer.width + 1, 0), 0) #TODO
+proc cursorDown*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  if buffer.cursory < buffer.lastLine():
+    inc buffer.cursory
+    if buffer.cursorx >= buffer.currentLineLength():
+      buffer.cursorx = max(buffer.currentLineLength() - 1, 0)
+    elif buffer.xend > 0:
+      buffer.cursorx = min(buffer.currentLineLength() - 1, buffer.xend)
+    if buffer.cursory >= buffer.lastVisibleLine() and buffer.lastVisibleLine() != buffer.lastLine():
+      inc buffer.fromy
+      return true
+  return false
+proc cursorUp*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  if buffer.cursory > 0:
+    dec buffer.cursory
+    if buffer.cursorx > buffer.currentLineLength():
+      if buffer.cursorx == 0:
+        buffer.xend = buffer.cursorx
+      buffer.cursorx = max(buffer.currentLineLength() - 1, 0)
+    elif buffer.xend > 0:
+      buffer.cursorx = min(buffer.currentLineLength() - 1, buffer.xend)
+    if buffer.cursory < buffer.fromy:
+      dec buffer.fromy
+      return true
+  return false
+proc cursorRight*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  if buffer.cursorx < buffer.currentLineLength() - 1:
+    inc buffer.cursorx
+    buffer.xend = 0
+  else:
+    buffer.xend = buffer.cursorx
+  return false
+proc cursorLeft*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  if buffer.cursorx > 0:
+    dec buffer.cursorx
+  buffer.xend = 0
+  return false
+proc cursorLineBegin*(buffer: Buffer) =
+  buffer.cursorx = 0
+  buffer.xend = 0
+proc cursorLineEnd*(buffer: Buffer) =
+  buffer.cursorx = buffer.currentLineLength() - 1
+  buffer.xend = buffer.cursorx
+iterator revnodes*(buffer: Buffer): Node {.inline.} =
+  var i = buffer.nodes.len - 1
+  while i >= 0:
+    yield buffer.nodes[i]
+    dec i
+proc cursorNextWord*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  let llen = buffer.currentLineLength() - 1
+  var r: Rune
+  var x = buffer.cursorx
+  var y = buffer.cursory
+  if llen >= 0:
+    fastRuneAt(buffer.rawtext[y], x, r, false)
+    while r != Rune(' '):
+      if x >= llen:
+        break
+      inc x
+      fastRuneAt(buffer.rawtext[y], x, r, false)
+    while r == Rune(' '):
+      if x >= llen:
+        break
+      inc x
+      fastRuneAt(buffer.rawtext[y], x, r, false)
+  if x >= llen:
+    if y < buffer.lastLine():
+      inc y
+      x = 0
+  return buffer.cursorTo(x, y)
+proc cursorPrevWord*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  var r: Rune
+  var x = buffer.cursorx
+  var y = buffer.cursory
+  if buffer.currentLineLength() > 0:
+    fastRuneAt(buffer.rawtext[y], x, r, false)
+    while r != Rune(' '):
+      if x == 0:
+        break
+      dec x
+      fastRuneAt(buffer.rawtext[y], x, r, false)
+    while r == Rune(' '):
+      if x == 0:
+        break
+      dec x
+      fastRuneAt(buffer.rawtext[y], x, r, false)
+  if x == 0:
+    if y > 0:
+      dec y
+      x = buffer.rawtext[y].runeLen() - 1
+  return buffer.cursorTo(x, y)
+iterator revclickables*(buffer: Buffer): Node {.inline.} =
+  var i = buffer.clickables.len - 1
+  while i >= 0:
+    yield buffer.clickables[i]
+    dec i
+proc cursorNextLink*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  for node in buffer.clickables:
+    if node.y > buffer.cursory or (node.y == buffer.cursorY and node.x > buffer.cursorx):
+      result = buffer.cursorTo(node.x, node.y)
+      if buffer.cursorx < buffer.currentLineLength():
+        var r: Rune
+        fastRuneAt(buffer.rawtext[buffer.cursory], buffer.cursorx, r, false)
+        if r == Rune(' '):
+          return result or buffer.cursorNextWord()
+      return result
+  return false
+proc cursorPrevLink*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  for node in buffer.revclickables:
+    if node.y < buffer.cursorY or (node.y == buffer.cursorY and node.x < buffer.cursorx):
+      return buffer.cursorTo(node.x, node.y)
+  return false
+proc cursorFirstLine*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  if buffer.fromy > 0:
+    buffer.fromy = 0
+    result = true
+  else:
+    result = false
+  buffer.cursorY = 0
+  buffer.cursorLineBegin()
+proc cursorLastLine*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  if buffer.fromy < buffer.lastLine() - buffer.height:
+    buffer.fromy = buffer.lastLine() - (buffer.height - 2)
+    result = true
+  else:
+    result = false
+  buffer.cursory = buffer.lastLine()
+  buffer.cursorLineBegin()
+proc cursorTop*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  buffer.cursorY = buffer.fromy
+  return false
+proc cursorMiddle*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  buffer.cursorY = min(buffer.fromy + (buffer.height - 2) div 2, buffer.lastLine())
+  return false
+proc cursorBottom*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  buffer.cursorY = min(buffer.fromy + buffer.height - 2, buffer.lastLine())
+  return false
+proc centerLine*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  let ny = max(min(buffer.cursory - buffer.height div 2, buffer.lastLine() - buffer.height + 2), 0)
+  if ny != buffer.fromy:
+    buffer.fromy = ny
+    return true
+  return false
+proc halfPageUp*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  buffer.cursory = max(buffer.cursorY - buffer.height div 2 + 1, 0)
+  let nfy = max(0, buffer.fromy - buffer.height div 2 + 1)
+  if nfy != buffer.fromy:
+    buffer.fromy = nfy
+    return true
+  return false
+proc halfPageDown*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  buffer.cursory = min(buffer.cursorY + buffer.height div 2 - 1, buffer.lastLine())
+  let nfy = min(max(buffer.lastLine() - buffer.height + 2, 0), buffer.fromy + buffer.height div 2 - 1)
+  if nfy != buffer.fromy:
+    buffer.fromy = nfy
+    return true
+  return false
+proc pageUp*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  buffer.cursorY = max(buffer.cursorY - buffer.height + 1, 1)
+  buffer.fromy = max(0, buffer.fromy - buffer.height)
+  return true
+proc pageDown*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  buffer.cursorY = min(buffer.cursorY + buffer.height div 2 - 1, buffer.lastLine())
+  buffer.fromy = min(max(buffer.lastLine() - buffer.height + 1, 0), buffer.fromy + buffer.height div 2)
+  return true
+proc scrollDown*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  if buffer.fromy + buffer.height - 1 <= buffer.lastLine():
+    inc buffer.fromy
+    if buffer.fromy >= buffer.cursory:
+      discard buffer.cursorDown()
+    return true
+  discard buffer.cursorDown()
+  return false
+proc scrollUp*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  if buffer.fromy > 0:
+    dec buffer.fromy
+    if buffer.fromy + buffer.height - 1 <= buffer.cursorY:
+      discard buffer.cursorUp()
+    return true
+  discard buffer.cursorUp()
+  return false
+proc checkLinkSelection*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  if buffer.selectedlink != nil:
+    if buffer.cursorOnNode(buffer.selectedlink):
+      return false
+    else:
+      let anchor = buffer.selectedlink.ancestor(TAG_A)
+      buffer.selectedlink.fmttext = buffer.selectedlink.getFmtText()
+      buffer.selectedlink = nil
+      buffer.hovertext = ""
+      var stack: seq[Node]
+      stack.add(anchor)
+      while stack.len > 0:
+        let elem = stack.pop()
+        elem.fmttext = elem.getFmtText()
+        for child in elem.childNodes:
+          stack.add(child)
+  for node in buffer.links:
+    if buffer.cursorOnNode(node):
+      buffer.selectedlink = node
+      let anchor = node.ancestor(TAG_A)
+      assert(anchor != nil)
+      buffer.hovertext = HtmlAnchorElement(anchor).href
+      var stack: seq[Node]
+      stack.add(anchor)
+      while stack.len > 0:
+        let elem = stack.pop()
+        elem.fmttext = elem.getFmtText()
+        for child in elem.childNodes:
+          stack.add(child)
+      return true
+  return false
+proc gotoAnchor*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  if buffer.document.location.anchor != "":
+    let node =  buffer.getElementById(buffer.document.location.anchor)
+    if node != nil:
+      return buffer.scrollTo(max(node.y - buffer.height div 2, 0))
+  return false
+proc setLocation*(buffer: Buffer, uri: Uri) =
+  buffer.document.location = uri
+proc gotoLocation*(buffer: Buffer, uri: Uri) =
+  buffer.document.location = buffer.document.location.combine(uri)
+proc refreshTermAttrs*(buffer: Buffer): bool =
+  let newAttrs = getTermAttributes()
+  if newAttrs != buffer.attrs:
+    buffer.attrs = newAttrs
+    buffer.width = newAttrs.termWidth
+    buffer.height = newAttrs.termHeight
+    return true
+  return false