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path: root/src/io/term.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/io/term.nim')
1 files changed, 261 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/src/io/term.nim b/src/io/term.nim
index 1eacd237..d39273d0 100644
--- a/src/io/term.nim
+++ b/src/io/term.nim
@@ -1,16 +1,243 @@
+import os
+import streams
+import strutils
 import terminal
-import std/exitprocs
+import bindings/notcurses
+import buffer/cell
+import io/window
+import types/color
+import utils/twtstr
-  TermAttributes* = object
-    width*: int
-    height*: int
-    ppc*: int # cell width
-    ppl*: int # cell height
-    cell_ratio*: float64 # ppl / ppc
-    width_px*: int
-    height_px*: int
+  ColorMode = enum
+  FormatMode = set[FormatFlags]
+  Terminal* = ref TerminalObj
+  TerminalObj = object
+    infile: File
+    outfile: File
+    nc*: ncdirect
+    cleared: bool
+    prevgrid: FixedGrid
+    attrs*: WindowAttributes
+    colormode: ColorMode
+    formatmode: FormatMode
+    smcup: bool
+  TermInfo = ref object
+proc `=destroy`(term: var TerminalObj) =
+  if term.nc != nil:
+    #discard ncdirect_stop(term.nc)
+    term.nc = nil
+template CSI*(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
+  var r = "\e["
+  var first = true
+  for x in s:
+    if not first:
+      r &= ";"
+    first = false
+    r &= x
+  r
+template DECSET(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
+  var r = "\e[?"
+  var first = true
+  for x in s:
+    if not first:
+      r &= ";"
+    first = false
+    r &= x
+  r & "h"
+template DECRST(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
+  var r = "\e[?"
+  var first = true
+  for x in s:
+    if not first:
+      r &= ";"
+    first = false
+    r &= x
+  r & "l"
+template SMCUP(): string = DECSET(1049)
+template RMCUP(): string = DECRST(1049)
+template SGR*(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
+  CSI(s) & "m"
+template HVP*(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
+  CSI(s) & "f"
+template EL*(s: varargs[string, `$`]): string =
+  CSI(s) & "K"
+proc processFormat*(term: Terminal, format: var Format, cellf: Format): string =
+  for flag in FormatFlags:
+    if flag in format.flags and flag notin cellf.flags:
+      result &= SGR(FormatCodes[flag].e)
+  if cellf.fgcolor != format.fgcolor:
+    var color = cellf.fgcolor
+    if color.rgb:
+      let rgb = color.rgbcolor
+      result &= SGR(38, 2, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b)
+    elif color == defaultColor:
+      result &= SGR()
+      format = newFormat()
+    else:
+      result &= SGR(color.color)
+  if cellf.bgcolor != format.bgcolor:
+    var color = cellf.bgcolor
+    if color.rgb:
+      let rgb = color.rgbcolor
+      result &= SGR(48, 2, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b)
+    elif color == defaultColor:
+      result &= SGR()
+      format = newFormat()
+    else:
+      result &= SGR(color.color)
+  for flag in FormatFlags:
+    if flag notin format.flags and flag in cellf.flags:
+      result &= SGR(FormatCodes[flag].s)
+  format = cellf
+proc updateWindow*(term: Terminal) =
+  term.attrs = getWindowAttributes(term.outfile)
+proc findTermInfoDirs(termenv: string): seq[string] =
+  let tienv = getEnv("TERMINFO")
+  if tienv != "":
+    if dirExists(tienv):
+      return @[tienv]
+  else:
+    let home = getEnv("HOME")
+    if home != "":
+      result.add(home & '/' & ".terminfo")
+  let tidirsenv = getEnv("TERMINFO_DIRS")
+  if tidirsenv != "":
+    for s in tidirsenv.split({':'}):
+      if s == "":
+        result.add("/usr/share/terminfo")
+      else:
+        result.add(s)
+    return result
+  result.add("/usr/share/terminfo")
+proc findFile(dir: string, file: string): string =
+  var stack = dir
+  for f in walkDirRec(dir, followFilter = {pcDir, pcLinkToDir}):
+    if f == file:
+      return f
+proc parseTermInfo(s: Stream): TermInfo =
+  let magic = s.readInt16()
+  #TODO do we really want this?
+  s.close()
+proc getTermInfo(termenv: string): TermInfo =
+  let tipaths = findTermInfoDirs(termenv)
+  for tipath in tipaths:
+    let f = findFile(tipath, termenv)
+    if f != "":
+      return parseTermInfo(newFileStream(f))
+proc getCursorPos(term: Terminal): (int, int) =
+  term.outfile.write(CSI("6n"))
+  term.outfile.flushFile()
+  var c = term.infile.readChar()
+  while true:
+    while c != '\e':
+      c = term.infile.readChar()
+    c = term.infile.readChar()
+    if c == '[': break
+  var tmp = ""
+  while (let c = term.infile.readChar(); c != ';'):
+    tmp &= c
+  result[1] = parseInt32(tmp)
+  tmp = ""
+  while (let c = term.infile.readChar(); c != 'R'):
+    tmp &= c
+  result[0] = parseInt32(tmp)
+proc detectTermAttributes*(term: Terminal) =
+  term.colormode = ANSI
+  let colorterm = getEnv("COLORTERM")
+  case colorterm
+  of "24bit", "truecolor": term.colormode = TRUE_COLOR
+  #TODO terminfo/termcap?
+func generateFullOutput(term: Terminal, grid: FixedGrid): string =
+  var x = 0
+  var format = newFormat()
+  result &= HVP(1, 1)
+  for cell in grid.cells:
+    if x >= grid.width - 1:
+      result &= EL()
+      result &= "\r\n"
+      x = 0
+    result &= term.processFormat(format, cell.format)
+    result &= cell.str
+    inc x
+  result &= EL()
+func generateSwapOutput(term: Terminal, grid: FixedGrid): string =
+  var format = newFormat()
+  let curr = grid.cells
+  let prev = term.prevgrid.cells
+  var i = 0
+  var x = 0
+  var y = 0
+  var line = ""
+  var lr = false
+  while i < curr.len:
+    if x >= grid.width - 1:
+      if lr:
+        result &= HVP(y + 1, 1)
+        result &= EL()
+        result &= line
+        lr = false
+      x = 0
+      inc y
+      line = ""
+    lr = lr or (curr[i] != prev[i])
+    line &= term.processFormat(format, curr[i].format)
+    line &= curr[i].str
+    inc i
+    inc x
+  if lr:
+    result &= HVP(y + 1, 1)
+    result &= EL()
+    result &= line
+    lr = false
+proc hideCursor*(term: Terminal) =
+  term.outfile.hideCursor()
+proc showCursor*(term: Terminal) =
+  term.outfile.showCursor()
+proc flush*(term: Terminal) =
+  term.outfile.flushFile()
+proc outputGrid*(term: Terminal, grid: FixedGrid) =
+  term.outfile.write(SGR())
+  if not term.cleared:
+    term.outfile.write(term.generateFullOutput(grid))
+    term.cleared = true
+  else:
+    term.outfile.write(term.generateSwapOutput(grid))
+  term.prevgrid = grid
+proc setCursor*(term: Terminal, x, y: int) =
+  term.outfile.write(HVP(y + 1, x + 1))
 when defined(posix):
   import posix
@@ -24,7 +251,6 @@ when defined(posix):
   proc enableRawMode*(fileno: FileHandle) =
     stdin_fileno = fileno
-    addExitProc(disableRawMode)
     discard tcGetAttr(fileno, addr orig_termios)
     var raw = orig_termios
     raw.c_iflag = raw.c_iflag and not (BRKINT or ICRNL or INPCK or ISTRIP or IXON)
@@ -52,27 +278,29 @@ else:
   proc restoreStdin*(flags: cint) =
-proc getTermAttributes*(tty: File): TermAttributes =
-  if tty.isatty():
+proc isatty*(term: Terminal): bool =
+  term.infile.isatty() and term.outfile.isatty()
+proc quit*(term: Terminal) =
+  if term.isatty():
     when defined(posix):
-      var win: IOctl_WinSize
-      if ioctl(cint(getOsFileHandle(tty)), TIOCGWINSZ, addr win) != -1:
-        result.ppc = int(win.ws_xpixel) div int(win.ws_col)
-        result.ppl = int(win.ws_ypixel) div int(win.ws_row)
-        # some terminals don't like it when we fill the last cell. #TODO make this optional
-        result.width = int(win.ws_col) - 1
-        result.height = int(win.ws_row)
-        result.width_px = result.width * result.ppc
-        result.height_px = result.height * result.ppl
-        result.cell_ratio = result.ppl / result.ppc
-        return
-  #fail
-  result.width = terminalWidth() - 1
-  result.height = terminalHeight()
-  if result.height == 0:
-    result.height = 24
-  result.ppc = 9
-  result.ppl = 18
-  result.cell_ratio = result.ppl / result.ppc
-  result.width_px = result.ppc * result.width
-  result.height_px = result.ppl * result.height
+      disableRawMode()
+    if term.smcup:
+      term.outfile.write(RMCUP())
+    else:
+      term.outfile.write(HVP(term.attrs.height, 1) & '\n')
+    term.outfile.showCursor()
+  term.outfile.flushFile()
+proc newTerminal*(infile, outfile: File, force_minimal = false): Terminal =
+  let term = new Terminal
+  term.infile = infile
+  term.outfile = outfile
+  when defined(posix):
+    if term.isatty():
+      enableRawMode(infile.getFileHandle())
+  if not force_minimal:
+    term.detectTermAttributes()
+    term.smcup = true
+    term.outfile.write(SMCUP())
+  return term