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path: root/src/types/path.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/types/path.nim')
1 files changed, 398 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/types/path.nim b/src/types/path.nim
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c5db0bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/types/path.nim
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+import std/algorithm
+import std/deques
+import std/math
+import types/line
+import types/vector
+  Path* = ref object
+    subpaths: seq[Subpath]
+    needsNewSubpath: bool
+    tempClosed: bool
+  PathLines* = object
+    lines*: seq[LineSegment]
+    miny*: float64
+    maxy*: float64
+  PathSegmentType = enum
+    pstStraight, pstQuadratic, pstBezier, pstArc, pstEllipse
+  PathSegment = object
+    case t: PathSegmentType
+    of pstQuadratic:
+      cp: Vector2D
+    of pstBezier:
+      cp0: Vector2D
+      cp1: Vector2D
+    of pstArc:
+      oa: Vector2D
+      r: float64
+      ia: bool
+    of pstEllipse:
+      oe: Vector2D
+      rx: float64
+      ry: float64
+    else: discard
+  Subpath* = object
+    points: seq[Vector2D]
+    segments: seq[PathSegment]
+    closed: bool
+proc newPath*(): Path =
+  return Path(
+    needsNewSubpath: true
+  )
+proc addSubpathAt(path: Path; p: Vector2D) =
+  path.subpaths.add(Subpath(points: @[p]))
+proc addSegment(path: Path; segment: PathSegment; p: Vector2D) =
+  path.subpaths[^1].segments.add(segment)
+  path.subpaths[^1].points.add(p)
+proc addStraightSegment(path: Path; p: Vector2D) =
+  let segment = PathSegment(t: pstStraight)
+  path.addSegment(segment, p)
+proc addQuadraticSegment(path: Path; cp, p: Vector2D) =
+  let segment = PathSegment(
+    t: pstQuadratic,
+    cp: cp
+  )
+  path.addSegment(segment, p)
+proc addBezierSegment(path: Path; cp0, cp1, p: Vector2D) =
+  let segment = PathSegment(
+    t: pstBezier,
+    cp0: cp0,
+    cp1: cp1
+  )
+  path.addSegment(segment, p)
+# Goes from start tangent point to end tangent point
+proc addArcSegment(path: Path; o, etan: Vector2D; r: float64; ia: bool) =
+  let segment = PathSegment(
+    t: pstArc,
+    oa: o,
+    r: r,
+    ia: ia
+  )
+  path.addSegment(segment, etan)
+proc addEllipseSegment(path: Path; o, etan: Vector2D; rx, ry: float64) =
+  #TODO simplify to bezier?
+  let segment = PathSegment(
+    t: pstEllipse,
+    oe: o,
+    rx: rx,
+    ry: ry
+  )
+  path.addSegment(segment, etan)
+# https://hcklbrrfnn.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/bez.pdf
+func flatEnough(a, b, c: Vector2D): bool =
+  let ux = 3 * c.x - 2 * a.x - b.x
+  let uy = 3 * c.y - 2 * a.y - b.y
+  let vx = 3 * c.x - 2 * b.x - b.x
+  let vy = 3 * c.y - 2 * b.y - b.y
+  return max(ux * ux, vx * vx) + max(uy * uy, vy * vy) <= 0.02
+func flatEnough(a, b, c0, c1: Vector2D): bool =
+  let ux = 3 * c0.x - 2 * a.x - b.x
+  let uy = 3 * c0.y - 2 * a.y - b.y
+  let vx = 3 * c1.x - a.x - 2 * b.x
+  let vy = 3 * c1.y - a.y - 2 * b.y
+  return max(ux * ux, vx * vx) + max(uy * uy, vy * vy) <= 0.02
+iterator items*(pl: PathLines): LineSegment {.inline.} =
+  for line in pl.lines:
+    yield line
+func `[]`*(pl: PathLines; i: int): LineSegment = pl.lines[i]
+func `[]`*(pl: PathLines; i: BackwardsIndex): LineSegment = pl.lines[i]
+func `[]`*(pl: PathLines; s: Slice[int]): seq[LineSegment] = pl.lines[s]
+func len*(pl: PathLines): int = pl.lines.len
+iterator quadraticLines(a, b, c: Vector2D): Line {.inline.} =
+  var points: Deque[tuple[a, b, c: Vector2D]]
+  let tup = (a, b, c)
+  points.addFirst(tup)
+  while points.len > 2:
+    let (a, b, c) = points.popFirst()
+    if flatEnough(a, b, c):
+      yield Line(p0: a, p1: b)
+    else:
+      let mid1 = (c + a) / 2
+      let mid2 = (c + b) / 2
+      let s = (mid1 + mid2) / 2
+      points.addFirst((a, s, mid1))
+      points.addFirst((s, b, mid2))
+iterator bezierLines(p0, p1, c0, c1: Vector2D): Line {.inline.} =
+  var points: Deque[tuple[p0, p1, c0, c1: Vector2D]]
+  let tup = (p0, p1, c0, c1)
+  points.addLast(tup)
+  while points.len > 0:
+    let (p0, p1, c0, c1) = points.popFirst()
+    if flatEnough(p0, p1, c0, c1):
+      yield Line(p0: p0, p1: p1)
+    else:
+      let mida1 = (p0 + c0) / 2
+      let mida2 = (c0 + c1) / 2
+      let mida3 = (c1 + p1) / 2
+      let midb1 = (mida1 + mida2) / 2
+      let midb2 = (mida2 + mida3) / 2
+      let midc = (midb1 + midb2) / 2
+      points.addLast((p0, midc, mida1, midb1))
+      points.addLast((midc, p1, midb2, mida3))
+# https://stackoverflow.com/a/44829356
+func arcControlPoints(p1, p4, o: Vector2D): tuple[c0, c1: Vector2D] =
+  let a = p1 - o
+  let b = p4 - o
+  let q1 = a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y
+  let q2 = q1 + a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y
+  let k2 = (4 / 3) * (sqrt(2 * q1 * q2) - q2) / a.cross(b)
+  let c0 = o + a + Vector2D(x: -k2 * a.y, y:  k2 * a.x)
+  let c1 = o + b + Vector2D(x:  k2 * b.y, y: -k2 * b.x)
+  return (c0, c1)
+iterator arcLines(p0, p1, o: Vector2D; r: float64; i: bool): Line {.inline.} =
+  var p0 = p0
+  let pp0 = p0 - o
+  let pp1 = p1 - o
+  var theta = pp0.innerAngle(pp1)
+  if not i:
+    theta = PI * 2 - theta
+  while theta > 0:
+    let step = if theta > PI / 2: PI / 2 else: theta
+    var p1 = p0 - o
+    p1 = p1.rotate(step)
+    p1 += o
+    let (c0, c1) = arcControlPoints(p0, p1, o)
+    for line in bezierLines(p0, p1, c0, c1):
+      yield line
+    p0 = p1
+    theta -= step
+proc addLines(lines: var seq[Line]; subpath: Subpath; i: int) =
+  let p0 = subpath.points[i]
+  let p1 = subpath.points[i + 1]
+  case subpath.segments[i].t
+  of pstStraight:
+    if line.p0 != line.p1:
+      lines.add(Line(p0: p0, p1: p1))
+  of pstQuadratic:
+    let c = subpath.segments[i].cp
+    for line in quadraticLines(p0, p1, c):
+      if line.p0 != line.p1:
+        lines.add(line)
+  of pstBezier:
+    let c0 = subpath.segments[i].cp0
+    let c1 = subpath.segments[i].cp1
+    for line in bezierLines(p0, p1, c0, c1):
+      if line.p0 != line.p1:
+        lines.add(line)
+  of pstArc:
+    let o = subpath.segments[i].oa
+    let r = subpath.segments[i].r
+    let i = subpath.segments[i].ia
+    for line in arcLines(p0, p1, o, r, i):
+      if line.p0 != line.p1:
+        lines.add(line)
+  of pstEllipse:
+    discard #TODO
+proc getLines*(path: Path): seq[Line] =
+  var lines: seq[Line] = @[]
+  for subpath in path.subpaths:
+    assert subpath.points.len == subpath.segments.len + 1
+    for i in 0 ..< subpath.segments.len:
+      lines.addLines(subpath, i)
+  return lines
+proc getLineSegments*(path: Path): PathLines =
+  if path.subpaths.len == 0:
+    return PathLines()
+  var miny = Inf
+  var maxy = -Inf
+  let lines = path.getLines()
+  var segments: seq[LineSegment] = @[]
+  for line in lines:
+    let ls = line.toLineSegment()
+    miny = min(miny, ls.miny)
+    maxy = max(maxy, ls.maxy)
+    segments.add(ls)
+  segments.sort(cmpLineSegmentY)
+  return PathLines(
+    miny: miny,
+    maxy: maxy,
+    lines: segments
+  )
+proc moveTo(path: Path; v: Vector2D) =
+  path.addSubpathAt(v)
+  path.needsNewSubpath = false #TODO TODO TODO ???? why here
+proc beginPath*(path: Path) =
+  path.subpaths.setLen(0)
+proc moveTo*(path: Path; x, y: float64) =
+  for v in [x, y]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  path.moveTo(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
+proc ensureSubpath(path: Path; x, y: float64) =
+  if path.needsNewSubpath:
+    path.moveTo(x, y)
+    path.needsNewSubpath = false
+proc closePath*(path: Path) =
+  let lsp = path.subpaths[^1]
+  if path.subpaths.len > 0 and (lsp.points.len > 0 or lsp.closed):
+    path.subpaths[^1].closed = true
+    path.addSubpathAt(path.subpaths[^1].points[0])
+#TODO this is a hack, and breaks as soon as any draw command is issued
+# between tempClosePath and tempOpenPath
+proc tempClosePath*(path: Path) =
+  if path.subpaths.len > 0 and not path.subpaths[^1].closed:
+    path.subpaths[^1].closed = true
+    let lsp = path.subpaths[^1]
+    path.addSubpathAt(lsp.points[^1])
+    path.addStraightSegment(lsp.points[0])
+    path.tempClosed = true
+proc tempOpenPath*(path: Path) =
+  if path.tempClosed:
+    path.subpaths.setLen(path.subpaths.len - 1)
+    path.subpaths[^1].closed = false
+    path.tempClosed = false
+proc lineTo*(path: Path; x, y: float64) =
+  for v in [x, y]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  if path.subpaths.len == 0:
+    path.ensureSubpath(x, y)
+  else:
+    path.addStraightSegment(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
+proc quadraticCurveTo*(path: Path; cpx, cpy, x, y: float64) =
+  for v in [cpx, cpy, x, y]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  path.ensureSubpath(cpx, cpy)
+  let cp = Vector2D(x: cpx, y: cpy)
+  let p = Vector2D(x: x, y: y)
+  path.addQuadraticSegment(cp, p)
+proc bezierCurveTo*(path: Path; cp0x, cp0y, cp1x, cp1y, x, y: float64) =
+  for v in [cp0x, cp0y, cp1x, cp1y, x, y]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  path.ensureSubpath(cp0x, cp0y)
+  let cp0 = Vector2D(x: cp0x, y: cp0y)
+  let cp1 = Vector2D(x: cp1x, y: cp1y)
+  let p = Vector2D(x: x, y: y)
+  path.addBezierSegment(cp0, cp1, p)
+proc arcTo*(path: Path; x1, y1, x2, y2, radius: float64) =
+  for v in [x1, y1, x2, y2, radius]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  path.ensureSubpath(x1, y1)
+  #TODO this should be transformed by the inverse of the transformation matrix
+  let v0 = path.subpaths[^1].points[^1]
+  let v1 = Vector2D(x: x1, y: y1)
+  let v2 = Vector2D(x: x2, y: y2)
+  if v0.x == x1 and v0.y == y1 or x1 == x2 and y1 == y2 or radius == 0:
+    path.addStraightSegment(v1)
+  elif collinear(v0, v1, v2):
+    path.addStraightSegment(v1)
+  else:
+    let pv0 = v0 - v1
+    let pv2 = v2 - v1
+    let tv0 = v1 + pv0 * radius * 2 / pv0.norm()
+    let tv2 = v1 + pv2 * radius * 2 / pv2.norm()
+    let q = -(pv0.x * tv0.x + pv0.y * tv0.y)
+    let p = -(pv2.x * tv2.x + pv2.y * tv2.y)
+    let cr = pv0.cross(pv2)
+    let origin = Vector2D(
+      x: (pv0.y * p - pv2.y * q) / cr,
+      y: (pv2.x * q - pv0.x * p) / cr
+    )
+    path.addStraightSegment(tv0)
+    path.addArcSegment(origin, tv2, radius, true) #TODO always inner?
+func resolveEllipsePoint(o: Vector2D; angle, radiusX, radiusY,
+    rotation: float64): Vector2D =
+  # Stolen from SerenityOS
+  let tanrel = tan(angle)
+  let tan2 = tanrel * tanrel
+  let ab = radiusX * radiusY
+  let a2 = radiusX * radiusX
+  let b2 = radiusY * radiusY
+  let sq = sqrt(b2 + a2 * tan2)
+  let sn = if cos(angle) >= 0: 1f64 else: -1f64
+  let relx = ab / sq * sn
+  let rely = ab * tanrel / sq * sn
+  return Vector2D(x: relx, y: rely).rotate(rotation) + o
+proc arc*(path: Path; x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle: float64;
+    counterclockwise: bool) =
+  for v in [x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  let o = Vector2D(x: x, y: y)
+  var s = resolveEllipsePoint(o, startAngle, radius, radius, 0)
+  var e = resolveEllipsePoint(o, endAngle, radius, radius, 0)
+  if counterclockwise:
+    let tmp = s
+    e = s
+    s = tmp
+  if path.subpaths.len > 0:
+    path.addStraightSegment(s)
+  else:
+    path.moveTo(s)
+  path.addArcSegment(o, e, radius, abs(startAngle - endAngle) < PI)
+proc ellipse*(path: Path; x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle,
+    endAngle: float64; counterclockwise: bool) =
+  for v in [x, y, radiusX, radiusY, rotation, startAngle, endAngle]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  let o = Vector2D(x: x, y: y)
+  var s = resolveEllipsePoint(o, startAngle, radiusX, radiusY, rotation)
+  var e = resolveEllipsePoint(o, endAngle, radiusX, radiusY, rotation)
+  if counterclockwise:
+    let tmp = s
+    s = e
+    e = tmp
+  if path.subpaths.len > 0:
+    path.addStraightSegment(s)
+  else:
+    path.moveTo(s)
+  path.addEllipseSegment(o, e, radiusX, radiusY)
+proc rect*(path: Path; x, y, w, h: float64) =
+  for v in [x, y, w, h]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  path.addSubpathAt(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
+  path.addStraightSegment(Vector2D(x: x + w, y: y))
+  path.addStraightSegment(Vector2D(x: x + w, y: y + h))
+  path.addStraightSegment(Vector2D(x: x, y: y + h))
+  path.addStraightSegment(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
+  path.addSubpathAt(Vector2D(x: x, y: y))
+proc roundRect*(path: Path; x, y, w, h, radii: float64) =
+  for v in [x, y, w, h]:
+    if classify(v) in {fcInf, fcNegInf, fcNan}:
+      return
+  #TODO implement
+  path.rect(x, y, w, h) # :P