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path: root/src/utils/twtstr.nim
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/utils/twtstr.nim')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 369 deletions
diff --git a/src/utils/twtstr.nim b/src/utils/twtstr.nim
index c5078568..b235651f 100644
--- a/src/utils/twtstr.nim
+++ b/src/utils/twtstr.nim
@@ -8,28 +8,15 @@ import tables
 import unicode
 import bindings/libunicode
-import data/charwidth
-import data/idna
-import js/error
-import utils/map
 import types/opt
-import lib/punycode
+import utils/charcategory
+import utils/map
+export charcategory
 when defined(posix):
   import posix
-const C0Controls* = {chr(0x00)..chr(0x1F)}
-const Controls* = (C0Controls + {chr(0x7F)})
-const Ascii* = {chr(0x00)..chr(0x7F)}
-const AsciiUpperAlpha* = {'A'..'Z'}
-const AsciiLowerAlpha* = {'a'..'z'}
-const AsciiAlpha* = (AsciiUpperAlpha + AsciiLowerAlpha)
-const NonAscii* = (AllChars - Ascii)
-const AsciiDigit* = {'0'..'9'}
-const AsciiAlphaNumeric* = AsciiAlpha + AsciiDigit
-const AsciiHexDigit* = (AsciiDigit + {'a'..'f', 'A'..'F'})
-const AsciiWhitespace* = {' ', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\f'}
 func onlyWhitespace*(s: string): bool =
   for c in s:
     if c notin AsciiWhitespace:
@@ -191,9 +178,6 @@ func endsWithIgnoreCase*(s1, s2: string): bool =
       return false
   return true
-func isDigitAscii*(r: Rune): bool =
-  return int(r) < 256 and isDigit(char(r))
 func stripAndCollapse*(s: string): string =
   var i = 0
   while i < s.len and s[i] in AsciiWhitespace:
@@ -588,15 +572,16 @@ func join*(ss: openarray[string], sep: char): string =
     result &= sep
     result &= ss[i]
-proc passRealloc(opaque: pointer, p: pointer, size: csize_t): pointer {.cdecl.} =
+proc passRealloc*(opaque: pointer, p: pointer, size: csize_t): pointer
+    {.cdecl.} =
   return realloc(p, size)
 proc mnormalize*(rs: var seq[Rune], form = UNICODE_NFC) = {.cast(noSideEffect).}:
   if rs.len == 0: return
   var outbuf: ptr uint32
-  let out_len = unicode_normalize(addr outbuf,
-                                  cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr rs[0]),
-                                  cint(rs.len), form, nil, passRealloc)
+  let p = cast[ptr uint32](unsafeAddr rs[0])
+  let out_len = unicode_normalize(addr outbuf, p, cint(rs.len), form, nil,
+    passRealloc)
   if out_len < 0:
     raise newException(Defect, "Unicode normalization failed")
   if out_len == 0:
@@ -627,105 +612,6 @@ func normalize*(rs: seq[Rune], form = UNICODE_NFC): seq[Rune] = {.cast(noSideEff
   copyMem(addr result[0], outbuf, out_len * sizeof(uint32))
-type u32pair {.packed.} = object
-  a: uint32
-  b: uint32
-func cmpRange(x: u32pair, y: uint32): int =
-  if x.a < y:
-    return -1
-  elif x.b > y:
-    return 1
-  return 0
-func processIdna(str: string, checkhyphens, checkbidi, checkjoiners, transitionalprocessing: bool): Option[string] =
-  var mapped: seq[Rune]
-  for r in str.runes():
-    let status = getIdnaTableStatus(r)
-    case status
-    of IDNA_DISALLOWED: return none(string) #error
-    of IDNA_IGNORED: discard
-    of IDNA_MAPPED: mapped &= getIdnaMapped(r).toRunes()
-      if transitionalprocessing:
-        mapped &= getDeviationMapped(r).toRunes()
-      else:
-        mapped &= r
-    of IDNA_VALID: mapped &= r
-  if mapped.len == 0: return
-  mapped.mnormalize()
-  var cr: CharRange
-  {.cast(noSideEffect).}:
-    cr_init(addr cr, nil, passRealloc)
-    let r = unicode_general_category(addr cr, "Mark")
-    assert r == 0
-  var labels: seq[string]
-  for label in ($mapped).split('.'):
-    if label.startsWith("xn--"):
-      try:
-        let s = punycode.decode(label.substr("xn--".len))
-        let x0 = s.toRunes()
-        let x1 = normalize(x0)
-        if x0 != x1:
-          return none(string) #error
-        if checkhyphens:
-          if s.len >= 4 and s[2] == '-' and s[3] == '-':
-            return none(string) #error
-          if s.len > 0 and s[0] == '-' and s[^1] == '-':
-            return none(string) #error
-        if x0.len > 0:
-          let cps = cast[ptr UncheckedArray[u32pair]](cr.points)
-          let c = cast[uint32](x0[0])
-          if binarySearch(toOpenArray(cps, 0, cr.len div 2 - 1), c, cmpRange) != -1:
-            return none(string) #error
-        for r in x0:
-          if r == Rune('.'):
-            return none(string) #error
-          let status = getIdnaTableStatus(r)
-          case status
-            return none(string) #error
-          of IDNA_DEVIATION:
-            if transitionalprocessing:
-              return none(string) #error
-          of IDNA_VALID: discard
-          #TODO check joiners
-          #TODO check bidi
-        labels.add(s)
-      except PunyError:
-        return none(string) #error
-    else:
-      labels.add(label)
-  cr_free(addr cr)
-  return some(labels.join('.'))
-func unicodeToAscii*(s: string, checkhyphens, checkbidi, checkjoiners, transitionalprocessing, verifydnslength: bool): Option[string] =
-  let processed = s.processIdna(checkhyphens, checkbidi, checkjoiners,
-                                transitionalprocessing)
-  if processed.isnone:
-    return none(string) #error
-  var labels: seq[string]
-  var all = 0
-  for label in processed.get.split('.'):
-    if not label.isAscii():
-      try:
-        let converted = "xn--" & punycode.encode(label)
-        labels.add(converted)
-      except PunyError:
-        return none(string) #error
-    else:
-      labels.add(label)
-    if verifydnslength:
-      let rl = labels[^1].runeLen()
-      if rl notin 1..63:
-        return none(string)
-      all += rl
-  if verifydnslength:
-    if all notin 1..253:
-      return none(string) #error
-  return some(labels.join('.'))
 # https://www.w3.org/TR/xml/#NT-Name
 const NameStartCharRanges = [
   (0xC0, 0xD6),
@@ -812,252 +698,6 @@ proc expandPath*(path: string): string =
         return $p.pw_dir / path.substr(usr.len)
     return path
-# Combining chars from https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs/wcwidth.c
-# The following two functions define the column width of an ISO 10646
-# character as follows:
-#   - The null character (U+0000) has a column width of 0.
-#   - Other C0/C1 control characters and DEL will lead to a return value of 0
-#   - Non-spacing and enclosing combining characters (general category code Mn
-#     or Me in the Unicode database) have a column width of 0.
-#   - SOFT HYPHEN (U+00AD) has a column width of 1.
-#   - Other format characters (general category code Cf in the Unicode
-#     database) and ZERO WIDTH SPACE (U+200B) have a column width of 0.
-#   - Hangul Jamo medial vowels and final consonants (U+1160-U+11FF) have a
-#     column width of 0.
-#   - Spacing characters in the East Asian Wide (W) or East Asian Full-width
-#     (F) category as defined in Unicode Technical Report #11 have a column
-#     width of 2.
-#   - All remaining characters (including all printable ISO 8859-1 and WGL4
-#     characters, Unicode control characters, etc.) have a column width of 1.
-# sorted list of non-overlapping intervals of non-spacing characters generated
-# by "uniset +cat=Me +cat=Mn +cat=Cf -00AD +1160-11FF +200B c"
-const Combining = [
-  (0x0300u32, 0x036Fu32), (0x0483u32, 0x0486u32), (0x0488u32, 0x0489u32),
-  (0x0591u32, 0x05BDu32), (0x05BFu32, 0x05BFu32), (0x05C1u32, 0x05C2u32),
-  (0x05C4u32, 0x05C5u32), (0x05C7u32, 0x05C7u32), (0x0600u32, 0x0603u32),
-  (0x0610u32, 0x0615u32), (0x064Bu32, 0x065Eu32), (0x0670u32, 0x0670u32),
-  (0x06D6u32, 0x06E4u32), (0x06E7u32, 0x06E8u32), (0x06EAu32, 0x06EDu32),
-  (0x070Fu32, 0x070Fu32), (0x0711u32, 0x0711u32), (0x0730u32, 0x074Au32),
-  (0x07A6u32, 0x07B0u32), (0x07EBu32, 0x07F3u32), (0x0901u32, 0x0902u32),
-  (0x093Cu32, 0x093Cu32), (0x0941u32, 0x0948u32), (0x094Du32, 0x094Du32),
-  (0x0951u32, 0x0954u32), (0x0962u32, 0x0963u32), (0x0981u32, 0x0981u32),
-  (0x09BCu32, 0x09BCu32), (0x09C1u32, 0x09C4u32), (0x09CDu32, 0x09CDu32),
-  (0x09E2u32, 0x09E3u32), (0x0A01u32, 0x0A02u32), (0x0A3Cu32, 0x0A3Cu32),
-  (0x0A41u32, 0x0A42u32), (0x0A47u32, 0x0A48u32), (0x0A4Bu32, 0x0A4Du32),
-  (0x0A70u32, 0x0A71u32), (0x0A81u32, 0x0A82u32), (0x0ABCu32, 0x0ABCu32),
-  (0x0AC1u32, 0x0AC5u32), (0x0AC7u32, 0x0AC8u32), (0x0ACDu32, 0x0ACDu32),
-  (0x0AE2u32, 0x0AE3u32), (0x0B01u32, 0x0B01u32), (0x0B3Cu32, 0x0B3Cu32),
-  (0x0B3Fu32, 0x0B3Fu32), (0x0B41u32, 0x0B43u32), (0x0B4Du32, 0x0B4Du32),
-  (0x0B56u32, 0x0B56u32), (0x0B82u32, 0x0B82u32), (0x0BC0u32, 0x0BC0u32),
-  (0x0BCDu32, 0x0BCDu32), (0x0C3Eu32, 0x0C40u32), (0x0C46u32, 0x0C48u32),
-  (0x0C4Au32, 0x0C4Du32), (0x0C55u32, 0x0C56u32), (0x0CBCu32, 0x0CBCu32),
-  (0x0CBFu32, 0x0CBFu32), (0x0CC6u32, 0x0CC6u32), (0x0CCCu32, 0x0CCDu32),
-  (0x0CE2u32, 0x0CE3u32), (0x0D41u32, 0x0D43u32), (0x0D4Du32, 0x0D4Du32),
-  (0x0DCAu32, 0x0DCAu32), (0x0DD2u32, 0x0DD4u32), (0x0DD6u32, 0x0DD6u32),
-  (0x0E31u32, 0x0E31u32), (0x0E34u32, 0x0E3Au32), (0x0E47u32, 0x0E4Eu32),
-  (0x0EB1u32, 0x0EB1u32), (0x0EB4u32, 0x0EB9u32), (0x0EBBu32, 0x0EBCu32),
-  (0x0EC8u32, 0x0ECDu32), (0x0F18u32, 0x0F19u32), (0x0F35u32, 0x0F35u32),
-  (0x0F37u32, 0x0F37u32), (0x0F39u32, 0x0F39u32), (0x0F71u32, 0x0F7Eu32),
-  (0x0F80u32, 0x0F84u32), (0x0F86u32, 0x0F87u32), (0x0F90u32, 0x0F97u32),
-  (0x0F99u32, 0x0FBCu32), (0x0FC6u32, 0x0FC6u32), (0x102Du32, 0x1030u32),
-  (0x1032u32, 0x1032u32), (0x1036u32, 0x1037u32), (0x1039u32, 0x1039u32),
-  (0x1058u32, 0x1059u32), (0x1160u32, 0x11FFu32), (0x135Fu32, 0x135Fu32),
-  (0x1712u32, 0x1714u32), (0x1732u32, 0x1734u32), (0x1752u32, 0x1753u32),
-  (0x1772u32, 0x1773u32), (0x17B4u32, 0x17B5u32), (0x17B7u32, 0x17BDu32),
-  (0x17C6u32, 0x17C6u32), (0x17C9u32, 0x17D3u32), (0x17DDu32, 0x17DDu32),
-  (0x180Bu32, 0x180Du32), (0x18A9u32, 0x18A9u32), (0x1920u32, 0x1922u32),
-  (0x1927u32, 0x1928u32), (0x1932u32, 0x1932u32), (0x1939u32, 0x193Bu32),
-  (0x1A17u32, 0x1A18u32), (0x1B00u32, 0x1B03u32), (0x1B34u32, 0x1B34u32),
-  (0x1B36u32, 0x1B3Au32), (0x1B3Cu32, 0x1B3Cu32), (0x1B42u32, 0x1B42u32),
-  (0x1B6Bu32, 0x1B73u32), (0x1DC0u32, 0x1DCAu32), (0x1DFEu32, 0x1DFFu32),
-  (0x200Bu32, 0x200Fu32), (0x202Au32, 0x202Eu32), (0x2060u32, 0x2063u32),
-  (0x206Au32, 0x206Fu32), (0x20D0u32, 0x20EFu32), (0x302Au32, 0x302Fu32),
-  (0x3099u32, 0x309Au32), (0xA806u32, 0xA806u32), (0xA80Bu32, 0xA80Bu32),
-  (0xA825u32, 0xA826u32), (0xFB1Eu32, 0xFB1Eu32), (0xFE00u32, 0xFE0Fu32),
-  (0xFE20u32, 0xFE23u32), (0xFEFFu32, 0xFEFFu32), (0xFFF9u32, 0xFFFBu32),
-  (0x10A01u32, 0x10A03u32), (0x10A05u32, 0x10A06u32), (0x10A0Cu32, 0x10A0Fu32),
-  (0x10A38u32, 0x10A3Au32), (0x10A3Fu32, 0x10A3Fu32), (0x1D167u32, 0x1D169u32),
-  (0x1D173u32, 0x1D182u32), (0x1D185u32, 0x1D18Bu32), (0x1D1AAu32, 0x1D1ADu32),
-  (0x1D242u32, 0x1D244u32), (0xE0001u32, 0xE0001u32), (0xE0020u32, 0xE007Fu32),
-  (0xE0100u32, 0xE01EFu32)
-func cmp(range: (uint32, uint32), r: Rune): int =
-  if range[1] < cast[uint32](r):
-    return -1
-  elif range[0] > cast[uint32](r):
-    return 1
-  return 0
-func isDoubleWidthHigh(r: Rune): bool =
-  return binarySearch(DoubleWidthRanges, r, twtstr.cmp) != -1
-func isDoubleWidthAmbiguousHigh(r: Rune): bool =
-  # binary search in table of non-spacing characters
-  if binarySearch(DoubleWidthAmbiguousRanges, r, twtstr.cmp) != -1:
-    return true
-  return r.isDoubleWidthHigh()
-func isCombining(r: Rune): bool =
-  return binarySearch(Combining, r, twtstr.cmp) != -1
-# Lookup tables for characters on the BMP. This "only" takes up 8k of space
-# per table, as opposed to the 135k that storing all characters would require.
-# The downside is obviously that we need a binary search fallback for non-bmp.
-# We do not store a lookup table of ambiguous ranges, either.
-  # following won't work on 16-bit
-  doAssert sizeof(int) >= sizeof(Rune)
-type PropertyTable = array[0x10000 div (sizeof(int) * 8), int]
-type RangeMap = openarray[(uint32, uint32)]
-func makePropertyTable(ranges: RangeMap, skip: RangeMap = @[]): PropertyTable =
-  var ucs: uint32 = 0
-  var j = 0
-  var k = 0
-  while ucs <= 0xFFFF:
-    if k > ranges.len:
-      break
-    if ranges[k][0] > ucs:
-      ucs = ranges[k][0]
-      continue
-    if ranges[k][1] < ucs:
-      inc k
-      continue
-    if j != skip.len and ucs == skip[j][0]:
-      ucs = skip[j][1] + 1
-      continue
-    let i = ucs div (sizeof(int) * 8)
-    let m = ucs mod (sizeof(int) * 8)
-    result[i] = result[i] or (1 shl m)
-    inc ucs
-const DoubleWidthTable = (func(): PropertyTable =
-  var ptab = makePropertyTable(DoubleWidthRanges, Combining)
-  # Control chars return a width of 2, and are displayed as ^{letter}.
-  for c in Controls:
-    let u = int(c)
-    let i = u div (sizeof(int) * 8)
-    let m = u mod (sizeof(int) * 8)
-    ptab[i] = ptab[i] or (1 shl m)
-  return ptab
-const CombiningTable = makePropertyTable(Combining)
-# One of the few global variables in the code. Honestly, it should not exist.
-var is_cjk_ambiguous = false
-proc set_cjk_ambiguous*(b: bool) =
-  is_cjk_ambiguous = b
-{.push boundChecks:off.}
-func contains(props: PropertyTable, r: Rune): bool =
-  let u = int(r)
-  let i = u div (sizeof(int) * 8)
-  let m = u mod (sizeof(int) * 8)
-  return (props[i] and (1 shl m)) != 0
-# Warning: this shouldn't be called without normalization.
-# We could make this function more efficient in edge cases, but it's already
-# too complex for my taste.
-func width*(r: Rune): int =
-  {.cast(noSideEffect).}:
-    if cast[uint32](r) <= 0xFFFF:
-      if r in CombiningTable:
-        return 0
-      if not is_cjk_ambiguous:
-        if r in DoubleWidthTable:
-          return 2
-      else:
-        if r in DoubleWidthTable or
-            binarySearch(DoubleWidthAmbiguousRanges, r, twtstr.cmp) != -1:
-          return 2
-    else:
-      if r.isCombining():
-        return 0
-      if not is_cjk_ambiguous:
-        if r.isDoubleWidthHigh():
-          return 2
-      else:
-        if r.isDoubleWidthAmbiguousHigh():
-          return 2
-    return 1
-# Width, but also works with tabs.
-# Needs the column width of the text so far.
-func twidth*(r: Rune, w: int): int =
-  if r != Rune('\t'):
-    return r.width()
-  return ((w div 8) + 1) * 8 - w
-func width*(s: string): int =
-  for r in s.runes():
-    result += r.twidth(result)
-func width*(s: string, start, len: int): int =
-  var i = start
-  var m = len
-  if m > s.len: m = s.len
-  while i < m:
-    var r: Rune
-    fastRuneAt(s, i, r)
-    result += r.twidth(result)
-func notwidth*(s: string): int =
-  for r in s.runes:
-    result += r.width()
-func twidth*(s: string, w: int): int =
-  var i = w
-  for r in s.runes():
-    i += r.twidth(w)
-  return i - w
-func breaksWord*(r: Rune): bool =
-  return not (r.isDigitAscii() or r.width() == 0 or r.isAlpha())
-type BoundaryFunction* = proc(x: Rune): JSResult[bool]
-proc breaksWord*(r: Rune, check: Opt[BoundaryFunction]): bool =
-  if check.isSome:
-    let f = check.get()
-    let v = f(r)
-    if v.isSome: #TODO report error?
-      return v.get()
-  return r.breaksWord()
-func padToWidth*(str: string, size: int, schar = '$'): string =
-  if str.width() < size:
-    return str & ' '.repeat(size - str.width())
-  else:
-    let size = size - 1
-    result = newStringOfCap(str.len)
-    var w = 0
-    var i = 0
-    while i < str.len:
-      var r: Rune
-      fastRuneAt(str, i, r)
-      if w + r.width <= size:
-        result &= r
-        w += r.width
-    result &= schar
 func deleteChars*(s: string, todel: set[char]): string =
   var i = 0
   block earlyret: