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3 files changed, 1 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/src/config/config.nim b/src/config/config.nim
index 79561c3a..eec0bffd 100644
--- a/src/config/config.nim
+++ b/src/config/config.nim
@@ -407,16 +407,7 @@ proc getMimeTypes*(config: Config): MimeTypes =
     return DefaultGuess
   return mimeTypes
-const DefaultURIMethodMap = parseURIMethodMap("""
-finger:		cgi-bin:cha-finger
-gemini:		cgi-bin:gmifetch?%s
-about:		cgi-bin:about
-data:		cgi-bin:data
-file:		cgi-bin:file?%s
-ftp:		cgi-bin:ftp?%s
-sftp:		cgi-bin:sftp?%s
-ftps:		cgi-bin:ftps?%s
+const DefaultURIMethodMap = parseURIMethodMap(staticRead"res/urimethodmap")
 proc getURIMethodMap*(config: Config): URIMethodMap =
   let configDir = getConfigDir() / "chawan" #TODO store this in config?
diff --git a/src/loader/gopher.nim b/src/loader/gopher.nim
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f27b213..00000000
--- a/src/loader/gopher.nim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-import options
-import bindings/curl
-import loader/connecterror
-import loader/curlhandle
-import loader/curlwrap
-import loader/headers
-import loader/loaderhandle
-import loader/request
-import types/url
-import utils/twtstr
-type GopherType = enum
-  UNKNOWN = "unsupported"
-  TEXT_FILE = "text file"
-  ERROR = "error"
-  DIRECTORY = "directory"
-  DOS_BINARY = "DOS binary"
-  SEARCH = "search"
-  MESSAGE = "message"
-  SOUND = "sound"
-  GIF = "gif"
-  HTML = "HTML"
-  INFO = ""
-  IMAGE = "image"
-  BINARY = "binary"
-  PNG = "png"
-type GopherHandle = ref object of CurlHandle
-  t: GopherType
-func gopherType(c: char): GopherType =
-  return case c
-  of '0': TEXT_FILE
-  of '1': DIRECTORY
-  of '3': ERROR
-  of '5': DOS_BINARY
-  of '7': SEARCH
-  of 'm': MESSAGE
-  of 's': SOUND
-  of 'g': GIF
-  of 'h': HTML
-  of 'i': INFO
-  of 'I': IMAGE
-  of '9': BINARY
-  of 'p': PNG
-  else: UNKNOWN
-func newGopherHandle(curl: CURL, request: Request, handle: LoaderHandle,
-    t: GopherType): GopherHandle =
-  return GopherHandle(
-    curl: curl,
-    handle: handle,
-    request: request,
-    t: t
-  )
-proc onStatusLine(op: GopherHandle): bool =
-  if not op.handle.sendResult(int(CURLE_OK)):
-    return false
-  var status: clong
-  op.curl.getinfo(CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, addr status)
-  if not op.handle.sendStatus(cast[int](status)):
-    return false
-  let headers = case op.t
-    newHeaders({"Content-Type": "text/gopher"})
-  of HTML:
-    newHeaders({"Content-Type": "text/html"})
-  of GIF:
-    newHeaders({"Content-Type": "image/gif"})
-  of PNG:
-    newHeaders({"Content-Type": "image/png"})
-    newHeaders({"Content-Type": "text/plain"})
-  else:
-    newHeaders()
-  if not op.handle.sendHeaders(headers):
-    return false
-  return true
-proc loadSearch(op: GopherHandle, surl: string) =
-  discard op.handle.sendResult(int(CURLE_OK))
-  discard op.handle.sendStatus(200) # ok
-  discard op.handle.sendHeaders(newHeaders({"Content-Type": "text/html"}))
-  let heads = """
-<BASE HREF="""" & $op.request.url & """">
-<H1>Search """ & htmlEscape(surl) & """</H1>
-  discard op.handle.sendData(heads)
-# From the documentation: size is always 1.
-proc curlWriteBody(p: cstring, size: csize_t, nmemb: csize_t,
-    userdata: pointer): csize_t {.cdecl.} =
-  let op = cast[GopherHandle](userdata)
-  if not op.statusline:
-    op.statusline = true
-    if not op.onStatusLine():
-      return 0
-  if not op.handle.sendData(p, int(nmemb)):
-    return 0
-  return nmemb
-proc loadGopher*(handle: LoaderHandle, curlm: CURLM,
-    request: Request): CurlHandle =
-  let curl = curl_easy_init()
-  doAssert curl != nil
-  if request.httpmethod != HTTP_GET:
-    discard handle.sendResult(int(ERROR_INVALID_METHOD))
-    return nil
-  var url = request.url
-  var path = url.pathname
-  if path.len < 1:
-    path &= '/'
-  if path.len < 2:
-    path &= '1'
-    url = newURL(url)
-    url.setPathname(path)
-  let t = gopherType(path[1])
-  let op = curl.newGopherHandle(request, handle, t)
-  if t == SEARCH:
-    if url.query.isNone:
-      op.loadSearch(url.serialize())
-      handle.close()
-      return nil
-    else:
-      url.query = some(url.query.get.after('='))
-  let surl = url.serialize()
-  curl.setopt(CURLOPT_URL, surl)
-  curl.setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, op)
-  curl.setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, curlWriteBody)
-  if request.proxy != nil:
-    let purl = request.proxy.serialize()
-    curl.setopt(CURLOPT_PROXY, purl)
-  let res = curl_multi_add_handle(curlm, curl)
-  if res != CURLM_OK:
-    discard handle.sendResult(int(res))
-    return nil
-  return op
diff --git a/src/loader/loader.nim b/src/loader/loader.nim
index 13684301..2116a403 100644
--- a/src/loader/loader.nim
+++ b/src/loader/loader.nim
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import js/javascript
 import loader/cgi
 import loader/connecterror
 import loader/curlhandle
-import loader/gopher
 import loader/headers
 import loader/http
 import loader/loaderhandle
@@ -140,10 +139,6 @@ proc loadResource(ctx: LoaderContext, request: Request, handle: LoaderHandle) =
       let handleData = handle.loadHttp(ctx.curlm, request)
       if handleData != nil:
-    of "gopher", "gophers":
-      let handleData = handle.loadGopher(ctx.curlm, request)
-      if handleData != nil:
-        ctx.handleList.add(handleData)
     of "cgi-bin":
       handle.loadCGI(request, ctx.config.cgiDir, prevurl)