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path: root/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.
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authorKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2022-06-10 08:24:21 -0700
committerKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2022-06-10 11:16:41 -0700
commit69c5d844ccc36fcc23d4f2c05783ee493b3b9e00 (patch)
tree7af7ea9aa98306b5c78f9d87df8ce16ffcb369eb /MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.
parentfbad3dd2056d215397b58c49f4f9a13199cbb260 (diff)
remove some memory leaks from rendered fragments
All signs so far seem to be that CPU is cheap for this application, but
memory is expensive. It's easy to get sluggish if the GC comes on.

After some experiments using https://github.com/yaukeywang/LuaMemorySnapshotDump,
one source of memory leaks is rendered fragments (https://love2d.org/wiki/Text
objects). I need to render text in approximately word-sized fragments to
mostly break lines more intelligently at word boundaries.

I've attached the files I used for my experiments (suffixed with a '.')

There's definitely still a leak in fragments. The longer I edit, the
more memory goes to them.
Diffstat (limited to 'MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.')
1 files changed, 1075 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua. b/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad9402e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.
@@ -0,0 +1,1075 @@
+-- Collect memory reference info.
+-- https://github.com/yaukeywang/LuaMemorySnapshotDump
+-- @filename  MemoryReferenceInfo.lua
+-- @author    WangYaoqi
+-- @date      2016-02-03
+-- The global config of the mri.
+local cConfig =
+    m_bAllMemoryRefFileAddTime = true,
+    m_bSingleMemoryRefFileAddTime = true,
+    m_bComparedMemoryRefFileAddTime = true
+-- Get the format string of date time.
+local function FormatDateTimeNow()
+    local cDateTime = os.date("*t")
+    local strDateTime = string.format("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", tostring(cDateTime.year), tostring(cDateTime.month), tostring(cDateTime.day),
+        tostring(cDateTime.hour), tostring(cDateTime.min), tostring(cDateTime.sec))
+    return strDateTime
+-- Get the string result without overrided __tostring.
+local function GetOriginalToStringResult(cObject)
+    if not cObject then
+        return ""
+    end
+    local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
+    if not cMt then
+        return tostring(cObject)
+    end
+    -- Check tostring override.
+    local strName = ""
+    local cToString = rawget(cMt, "__tostring")
+    if cToString then
+      print('tostring overridden:', tostring(cObject))
+--?         rawset(cMt, "__tostring", nil)
+--?         strName = tostring(cObject)
+--?         rawset(cMt, "__tostring", cToString)
+--?     else
+--?         strName = tostring(cObject)
+    end
+    strName = tostring(cObject)
+    return strName
+-- Create a container to collect the mem ref info results.
+local function CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer()
+    -- Create new container.
+    local cContainer = {}
+    -- Contain [table/function] - [reference count] info.
+    local cObjectReferenceCount = {}
+    setmetatable(cObjectReferenceCount, {__mode = "k"})
+    -- Contain [table/function] - [name] info.
+    local cObjectAddressToName = {}
+    setmetatable(cObjectAddressToName, {__mode = "k"})
+    -- Set members.
+    cContainer.m_cObjectReferenceCount = cObjectReferenceCount
+    cContainer.m_cObjectAddressToName = cObjectAddressToName
+    -- For stack info.
+    cContainer.m_nStackLevel = -1
+    cContainer.m_strShortSrc = "None"
+    cContainer.m_nCurrentLine = -1
+    return cContainer
+-- Create a container to collect the mem ref info results from a dumped file.
+-- strFilePath - The file path.
+local function CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainerFromFile(strFilePath)
+    -- Create a empty container.
+    local cContainer = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer()
+    cContainer.m_strShortSrc = strFilePath
+    -- Cache ref info.
+    local cRefInfo = cContainer.m_cObjectReferenceCount
+    local cNameInfo = cContainer.m_cObjectAddressToName
+    -- Read each line from file.
+    local cFile = assert(io.open(strFilePath, "rb"))
+    for strLine in cFile:lines() do
+        local strHeader = string.sub(strLine, 1, 2)
+        if "--" ~= strHeader then
+            local _, _, strAddr, strName, strRefCount= string.find(strLine, "(.+)\t(.*)\t(%d+)")
+            if strAddr then
+                cRefInfo[strAddr] = strRefCount
+                cNameInfo[strAddr] = strName
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    -- Close and clear file handler.
+    io.close(cFile)
+    cFile = nil
+    return cContainer
+-- Create a container to collect the mem ref info results from a dumped file.
+-- strObjectName - The object name you need to collect info.
+-- cObject - The object you need to collect info.
+local function CreateSingleObjectReferenceInfoContainer(strObjectName, cObject)
+    -- Create new container.
+    local cContainer = {}
+    -- Contain [address] - [true] info.
+    local cObjectExistTag = {}
+    setmetatable(cObjectExistTag, {__mode = "k"})
+    -- Contain [name] - [true] info.
+    local cObjectAliasName = {}
+    -- Contain [access] - [true] info.
+    local cObjectAccessTag = {}
+    setmetatable(cObjectAccessTag, {__mode = "k"})
+    -- Set members.
+    cContainer.m_cObjectExistTag = cObjectExistTag
+    cContainer.m_cObjectAliasName = cObjectAliasName
+    cContainer.m_cObjectAccessTag = cObjectAccessTag
+    -- For stack info.
+    cContainer.m_nStackLevel = -1
+    cContainer.m_strShortSrc = "None"
+    cContainer.m_nCurrentLine = -1
+    -- Init with object values.
+    cContainer.m_strObjectName = strObjectName
+    cContainer.m_strAddressName = (("string" == type(cObject)) and ("\"" .. tostring(cObject) .. "\"")) or GetOriginalToStringResult(cObject)
+    cContainer.m_cObjectExistTag[cObject] = true
+    return cContainer
+-- Collect memory reference info from a root table or function.
+-- strName - The root object name that start to search, default is "_G" if leave this to nil.
+-- cObject - The root object that start to search, default is _G if leave this to nil.
+-- cDumpInfoContainer - The container of the dump result info.
+local function CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName, cObject, cDumpInfoContainer)
+    if not cObject then
+        return
+    end
+    if not strName then
+        strName = ""
+    end
+    -- Check container.
+    if (not cDumpInfoContainer) then
+        cDumpInfoContainer = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer()
+    end
+    -- Check stack.
+    if cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel > 0 then
+        local cStackInfo = debug.getinfo(cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel, "Sl")
+        if cStackInfo then
+            cDumpInfoContainer.m_strShortSrc = cStackInfo.short_src
+            cDumpInfoContainer.m_nCurrentLine = cStackInfo.currentline
+        end
+        cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel = -1
+    end
+    -- Get ref and name info.
+    local cRefInfoContainer = cDumpInfoContainer.m_cObjectReferenceCount
+    local cNameInfoContainer = cDumpInfoContainer.m_cObjectAddressToName
+    local strType = type(cObject)
+    if "table" == strType then
+        -- Check table with class name.
+        if rawget(cObject, "__cname") then
+            if "string" == type(cObject.__cname) then
+                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject.__cname .. "]"
+            end
+        elseif rawget(cObject, "class") then
+            if "string" == type(cObject.class) then
+                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject.class .. "]"
+            end
+        elseif rawget(cObject, "_className") then
+            if "string" == type(cObject._className) then
+                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject._className .. "]"
+            end
+        end
+        -- Check if table is _G.
+        if cObject == _G then
+            strName = strName .. "[_G]"
+        end
+        -- Get metatable.
+        local bWeakK = false
+        local bWeakV = false
+        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
+        if cMt then
+            -- Check mode.
+            local strMode = rawget(cMt, "__mode")
+            if strMode then
+                if "k" == strMode then
+                    bWeakK = true
+                elseif "v" == strMode then
+                    bWeakV = true
+                elseif "kv" == strMode then
+                    bWeakK = true
+                    bWeakV = true
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        -- Add reference and name.
+        cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
+        if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
+            return
+        end
+        -- Set name.
+        cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName
+        -- Dump table key and value.
+        for k, v in pairs(cObject) do
+            -- Check key type.
+            local strKeyType = type(k)
+            if "table" == strKeyType then
+                if not bWeakK then
+                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.table]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+                if not bWeakV then
+                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+            elseif "function" == strKeyType then
+                if not bWeakK then
+                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.function]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+                if not bWeakV then
+                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+            elseif "thread" == strKeyType then
+                if not bWeakK then
+                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.thread]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+                if not bWeakV then
+                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+            elseif "userdata" == strKeyType then
+                if not bWeakK then
+                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.userdata]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+                if not bWeakV then
+                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+            else
+                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. "." .. tostring(k), v, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            end
+        end
+        -- Dump metatable.
+        if cMt then
+            CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
+        end
+    elseif "function" == strType then
+        -- Get function info.
+        local cDInfo = debug.getinfo(cObject, "Su")
+        -- Write this info.
+        cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
+        if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
+            return
+        end
+        -- Set name.
+        cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName .. "[line:" .. tostring(cDInfo.linedefined) .. "@file:" .. cDInfo.short_src .. "]"
+        -- Get upvalues.
+        local nUpsNum = cDInfo.nups
+        for i = 1, nUpsNum do
+            local strUpName, cUpValue = debug.getupvalue(cObject, i)
+            local strUpValueType = type(cUpValue)
+            --print(strUpName, cUpValue)
+            if "table" == strUpValueType then
+                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:table:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            elseif "function" == strUpValueType then
+                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:function:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            elseif "thread" == strUpValueType then
+                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:thread:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            elseif "userdata" == strUpValueType then
+                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:userdata:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            end
+        end
+        -- Dump environment table.
+        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
+        if getfenv then
+            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
+            if cEnv then
+                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[function:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            end
+        end
+    elseif "thread" == strType then
+        -- Add reference and name.
+        cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
+        if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
+            return
+        end
+        -- Set name.
+        cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName
+        -- Dump environment table.
+        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
+        if getfenv then
+            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
+            if cEnv then
+                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[thread:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            end
+        end
+        -- Dump metatable.
+        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
+        if cMt then
+            CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[thread:metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
+        end
+    elseif "userdata" == strType then
+        -- Add reference and name.
+        cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
+        if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
+            return
+        end
+        -- Set name.
+        cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName
+        -- Dump environment table.
+        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
+        if getfenv then
+            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
+            if cEnv then
+                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[userdata:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            end
+        end
+        -- Dump metatable.
+        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
+        if cMt then
+            CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[userdata:metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
+        end
+    elseif "string" == strType then
+        -- Add reference and name.
+        cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
+        if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
+            return
+        end
+        -- Set name.
+        cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName .. "[" .. strType .. "]"
+    else
+        -- For "number" and "boolean". (If you want to dump them, uncomment the followed lines.)
+        -- -- Add reference and name.
+        -- cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
+        -- if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
+        --  return
+        -- end
+        -- -- Set name.
+        -- cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName .. "[" .. strType .. ":" .. tostring(cObject) .. "]"
+    end
+-- Collect memory reference info of a single object from a root table or function.
+-- strName - The root object name that start to search, can not be nil.
+-- cObject - The root object that start to search, can not be nil.
+-- cDumpInfoContainer - The container of the dump result info.
+local function CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName, cObject, cDumpInfoContainer)
+    if not cObject then
+        return
+    end
+    if not strName then
+        strName = ""
+    end
+    -- Check container.
+    if (not cDumpInfoContainer) then
+        cDumpInfoContainer = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer()
+    end
+    -- Check stack.
+    if cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel > 0 then
+        local cStackInfo = debug.getinfo(cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel, "Sl")
+        if cStackInfo then
+            cDumpInfoContainer.m_strShortSrc = cStackInfo.short_src
+            cDumpInfoContainer.m_nCurrentLine = cStackInfo.currentline
+        end
+        cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel = -1
+    end
+    local cExistTag = cDumpInfoContainer.m_cObjectExistTag
+    local cNameAllAlias = cDumpInfoContainer.m_cObjectAliasName
+    local cAccessTag = cDumpInfoContainer.m_cObjectAccessTag
+    local strType = type(cObject)
+    if "table" == strType then
+        -- Check table with class name.
+        if rawget(cObject, "__cname") then
+            if "string" == type(cObject.__cname) then
+                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject.__cname .. "]"
+            end
+        elseif rawget(cObject, "class") then
+            if "string" == type(cObject.class) then
+                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject.class .. "]"
+            end
+        elseif rawget(cObject, "_className") then
+            if "string" == type(cObject._className) then
+                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject._className .. "]"
+            end
+        end
+        -- Check if table is _G.
+        if cObject == _G then
+            strName = strName .. "[_G]"
+        end
+        -- Get metatable.
+        local bWeakK = false
+        local bWeakV = false
+        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
+        if cMt then
+            -- Check mode.
+            local strMode = rawget(cMt, "__mode")
+            if strMode then
+                if "k" == strMode then
+                    bWeakK = true
+                elseif "v" == strMode then
+                    bWeakV = true
+                elseif "kv" == strMode then
+                    bWeakK = true
+                    bWeakV = true
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        -- Check if the specified object.
+        if cExistTag[cObject] and (not cNameAllAlias[strName]) then
+            cNameAllAlias[strName] = true
+        end
+        -- Add reference and name.
+        if cAccessTag[cObject] then
+            return
+        end
+        -- Get this name.
+        cAccessTag[cObject] = true
+        -- Dump table key and value.
+        for k, v in pairs(cObject) do
+            -- Check key type.
+            local strKeyType = type(k)
+            if "table" == strKeyType then
+                if not bWeakK then
+                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.table]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+                if not bWeakV then
+                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+            elseif "function" == strKeyType then
+                if not bWeakK then
+                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.function]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+                if not bWeakV then
+                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+            elseif "thread" == strKeyType then
+                if not bWeakK then
+                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.thread]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+                if not bWeakV then
+                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+            elseif "userdata" == strKeyType then
+                if not bWeakK then
+                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.userdata]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+                if not bWeakV then
+                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
+                end
+            else
+                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. "." .. k, v, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            end
+        end
+        -- Dump metatable.
+        if cMt then
+            CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
+        end
+    elseif "function" == strType then
+        -- Get function info.
+        local cDInfo = debug.getinfo(cObject, "Su")
+        local cCombinedName = strName .. "[line:" .. tostring(cDInfo.linedefined) .. "@file:" .. cDInfo.short_src .. "]"
+        -- Check if the specified object.
+        if cExistTag[cObject] and (not cNameAllAlias[cCombinedName]) then
+            cNameAllAlias[cCombinedName] = true
+        end
+        -- Write this info.
+        if cAccessTag[cObject] then
+            return
+        end
+        -- Set name.
+        cAccessTag[cObject] = true
+        -- Get upvalues.
+        local nUpsNum = cDInfo.nups
+        for i = 1, nUpsNum do
+            local strUpName, cUpValue = debug.getupvalue(cObject, i)
+            local strUpValueType = type(cUpValue)
+            --print(strUpName, cUpValue)
+            if "table" == strUpValueType then
+                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:table:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            elseif "function" == strUpValueType then
+                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:function:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            elseif "thread" == strUpValueType then
+                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:thread:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            elseif "userdata" == strUpValueType then
+                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:userdata:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            end
+        end
+        -- Dump environment table.
+        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
+        if getfenv then
+            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
+            if cEnv then
+                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[function:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            end
+        end
+    elseif "thread" == strType then
+        -- Check if the specified object.
+        if cExistTag[cObject] and (not cNameAllAlias[strName]) then
+            cNameAllAlias[strName] = true
+        end
+        -- Add reference and name.
+        if cAccessTag[cObject] then
+            return
+        end
+        -- Get this name.
+        cAccessTag[cObject] = true
+        -- Dump environment table.
+        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
+        if getfenv then
+            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
+            if cEnv then
+                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[thread:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            end
+        end
+        -- Dump metatable.
+        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
+        if cMt then
+            CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[thread:metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
+        end
+    elseif "userdata" == strType then
+        -- Check if the specified object.
+        if cExistTag[cObject] and (not cNameAllAlias[strName]) then
+            cNameAllAlias[strName] = true
+        end
+        -- Add reference and name.
+        if cAccessTag[cObject] then
+            return
+        end
+        -- Get this name.
+        cAccessTag[cObject] = true
+        -- Dump environment table.
+        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
+        if getfenv then
+            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
+            if cEnv then
+                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[userdata:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
+            end
+        end
+        -- Dump metatable.
+        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
+        if cMt then
+            CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[userdata:metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
+        end
+    elseif "string" == strType then
+        -- Check if the specified object.
+        if cExistTag[cObject] and (not cNameAllAlias[strName]) then
+            cNameAllAlias[strName] = true
+        end
+        -- Add reference and name.
+        if cAccessTag[cObject] then
+            return
+        end
+        -- Get this name.
+        cAccessTag[cObject] = true
+    else
+        -- For "number" and "boolean" type, they are not object type, skip.
+    end
+-- The base method to dump a mem ref info result into a file.
+-- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
+-- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
+-- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
+-- strRootObjectName - The header info to show the root object name, can be nil.
+-- cRootObject - The header info to show the root object address, can be nil.
+-- cDumpInfoResultsBase - The base dumped mem info result, nil means no compare and only output cDumpInfoResults, otherwise to compare with cDumpInfoResults.
+-- cDumpInfoResults - The compared dumped mem info result, dump itself only if cDumpInfoResultsBase is nil, otherwise dump compared results with cDumpInfoResultsBase.
+local function OutputMemorySnapshot(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, strRootObjectName, cRootObject, cDumpInfoResultsBase, cDumpInfoResults)
+    -- Check results.
+    if not cDumpInfoResults then
+        return
+    end
+    -- Get time format string.
+    local strDateTime = FormatDateTimeNow()
+    -- Collect memory info.
+    local cRefInfoBase = (cDumpInfoResultsBase and cDumpInfoResultsBase.m_cObjectReferenceCount) or nil
+    local cNameInfoBase = (cDumpInfoResultsBase and cDumpInfoResultsBase.m_cObjectAddressToName) or nil
+    local cRefInfo = cDumpInfoResults.m_cObjectReferenceCount
+    local cNameInfo = cDumpInfoResults.m_cObjectAddressToName
+    -- Create a cache result to sort by ref count.
+    local cRes = {}
+    local nIdx = 0
+    for k in pairs(cRefInfo) do
+        nIdx = nIdx + 1
+        cRes[nIdx] = k
+    end
+    -- Sort result.
+    table.sort(cRes, function (l, r)
+        return cRefInfo[l] > cRefInfo[r]
+    end)
+    -- Save result to file.
+    local bOutputFile = strSavePath and (string.len(strSavePath) > 0)
+    local cOutputHandle = nil
+    local cOutputEntry = print
+    if bOutputFile then
+        -- Check save path affix.
+        local strAffix = string.sub(strSavePath, -1)
+        if ("/" ~= strAffix) and ("\\" ~= strAffix) then
+            strSavePath = strSavePath .. "/"
+        end
+        -- Combine file name.
+        local strFileName = strSavePath .. "LuaMemRefInfo-All"
+        if (not strExtraFileName) or (0 == string.len(strExtraFileName)) then
+            if cDumpInfoResultsBase then
+                if cConfig.m_bComparedMemoryRefFileAddTime then
+                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "].txt"
+                else
+                    strFileName = strFileName .. ".txt"
+                end
+            else
+                if cConfig.m_bAllMemoryRefFileAddTime then
+                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "].txt"
+                else
+                    strFileName = strFileName .. ".txt"
+                end
+            end
+        else
+            if cDumpInfoResultsBase then
+                if cConfig.m_bComparedMemoryRefFileAddTime then
+                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "]-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
+                else
+                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
+                end
+            else
+                if cConfig.m_bAllMemoryRefFileAddTime then
+                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "]-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
+                else
+                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
+                end
+            end
+        end
+        local cFile = assert(io.open(strFileName, "w"))
+        cOutputHandle = cFile
+        cOutputEntry = cFile.write
+    end
+    local cOutputer = function (strContent)
+        if cOutputHandle then
+            cOutputEntry(cOutputHandle, strContent)
+        else
+            cOutputEntry(strContent)
+        end
+    end
+    -- Write table header.
+    if cDumpInfoResultsBase then
+        cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
+        cOutputer("-- This is compared memory information.\n")
+        cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
+        cOutputer("-- Collect base memory reference at line:" .. tostring(cDumpInfoResultsBase.m_nCurrentLine) .. "@file:" .. cDumpInfoResultsBase.m_strShortSrc .. "\n")
+        cOutputer("-- Collect compared memory reference at line:" .. tostring(cDumpInfoResults.m_nCurrentLine) .. "@file:" .. cDumpInfoResults.m_strShortSrc .. "\n")
+    else
+        cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
+        cOutputer("-- Collect memory reference at line:" .. tostring(cDumpInfoResults.m_nCurrentLine) .. "@file:" .. cDumpInfoResults.m_strShortSrc .. "\n")
+    end
+    cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
+    cOutputer("-- [Table/Function/String Address/Name]\t[Reference Path]\t[Reference Count]\n")
+    cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
+    if strRootObjectName and cRootObject then
+        if "string" == type(cRootObject) then
+            cOutputer("-- From Root Object: \"" .. tostring(cRootObject) .. "\" (" .. strRootObjectName .. ")\n")
+        else
+            cOutputer("-- From Root Object: " .. GetOriginalToStringResult(cRootObject) .. " (" .. strRootObjectName .. ")\n")
+        end
+    end
+    -- Save each info.
+    for i, v in ipairs(cRes) do
+        if (not cDumpInfoResultsBase) or (not cRefInfoBase[v]) then
+            if (nMaxRescords > 0) then
+                if (i <= nMaxRescords) then
+                    if "string" == type(v) then
+                        local strOrgString = tostring(v)
+                        local nPattenBegin, nPattenEnd = string.find(strOrgString, "string: \".*\"")
+                        if ((not cDumpInfoResultsBase) and ((nil == nPattenBegin) or (nil == nPattenEnd))) then
+                            local strRepString = string.gsub(strOrgString, "([\n\r])", "\\n")
+                            cOutputer("string: \"" .. strRepString .. "\"\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
+                        else
+                            cOutputer(tostring(v) .. "\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
+                        end
+                    else
+                        cOutputer(GetOriginalToStringResult(v) .. "\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
+                    end
+                end
+            else
+                if "string" == type(v) then
+                    local strOrgString = tostring(v)
+                    local nPattenBegin, nPattenEnd = string.find(strOrgString, "string: \".*\"")
+                    if ((not cDumpInfoResultsBase) and ((nil == nPattenBegin) or (nil == nPattenEnd))) then
+                        local strRepString = string.gsub(strOrgString, "([\n\r])", "\\n")
+                        cOutputer("string: \"" .. strRepString .. "\"\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
+                    else
+                        cOutputer(tostring(v) .. "\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
+                    end
+                else
+                    cOutputer(GetOriginalToStringResult(v) .. "\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    if bOutputFile then
+        io.close(cOutputHandle)
+        cOutputHandle = nil
+    end
+-- The base method to dump a mem ref info result of a single object into a file.
+-- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
+-- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
+-- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
+-- cDumpInfoResults - The dumped results.
+local function OutputMemorySnapshotSingleObject(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, cDumpInfoResults)
+    -- Check results.
+    if not cDumpInfoResults then
+        return
+    end
+    -- Get time format string.
+    local strDateTime = FormatDateTimeNow()
+    -- Collect memory info.
+    local cObjectAliasName = cDumpInfoResults.m_cObjectAliasName
+    -- Save result to file.
+    local bOutputFile = strSavePath and (string.len(strSavePath) > 0)
+    local cOutputHandle = nil
+    local cOutputEntry = print
+    if bOutputFile then
+        -- Check save path affix.
+        local strAffix = string.sub(strSavePath, -1)
+        if ("/" ~= strAffix) and ("\\" ~= strAffix) then
+            strSavePath = strSavePath .. "/"
+        end
+        -- Combine file name.
+        local strFileName = strSavePath .. "LuaMemRefInfo-Single"
+        if (not strExtraFileName) or (0 == string.len(strExtraFileName)) then
+            if cConfig.m_bSingleMemoryRefFileAddTime then
+                strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "].txt"
+            else
+                strFileName = strFileName .. ".txt"
+            end
+        else
+            if cConfig.m_bSingleMemoryRefFileAddTime then
+                strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "]-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
+            else
+                strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
+            end
+        end
+        local cFile = assert(io.open(strFileName, "w"))
+        cOutputHandle = cFile
+        cOutputEntry = cFile.write
+    end
+    local cOutputer = function (strContent)
+        if cOutputHandle then
+            cOutputEntry(cOutputHandle, strContent)
+        else
+            cOutputEntry(strContent)
+        end
+    end
+    -- Write table header.
+    cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
+    cOutputer("-- Collect single object memory reference at line:" .. tostring(cDumpInfoResults.m_nCurrentLine) .. "@file:" .. cDumpInfoResults.m_strShortSrc .. "\n")
+    cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
+    -- Calculate reference count.
+    local nCount = 0
+    for k in pairs(cObjectAliasName) do
+        nCount = nCount + 1
+    end
+    -- Output reference count.
+    cOutputer("-- For Object: " .. cDumpInfoResults.m_strAddressName .. " (" .. cDumpInfoResults.m_strObjectName .. "), have " .. tostring(nCount) .. " reference in total.\n")
+    cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
+    -- Save each info.
+    for k in pairs(cObjectAliasName) do
+        if (nMaxRescords > 0) then
+            if (i <= nMaxRescords) then
+                cOutputer(k .. "\n")
+            end
+        else
+            cOutputer(k .. "\n")
+        end
+    end
+    if bOutputFile then
+        io.close(cOutputHandle)
+        cOutputHandle = nil
+    end
+-- Fileter an existing result file and output it.
+-- strFilePath - The existing result file.
+-- strFilter - The filter string.
+-- bIncludeFilter - Include(true) or exclude(false) the filter.
+-- bOutputFile - Output to file(true) or console(false).
+local function OutputFilteredResult(strFilePath, strFilter, bIncludeFilter, bOutputFile)
+    if (not strFilePath) or (0 == string.len(strFilePath)) then
+        print("You need to specify a file path.")
+        return
+    end
+    if (not strFilter) or (0 == string.len(strFilter)) then
+        print("You need to specify a filter string.")
+        return
+    end
+    -- Read file.
+    local cFilteredResult = {}
+    local cReadFile = assert(io.open(strFilePath, "rb"))
+    for strLine in cReadFile:lines() do
+        local nBegin, nEnd = string.find(strLine, strFilter)
+        if nBegin and nEnd then
+            if bIncludeFilter then
+                nBegin, nEnd = string.find(strLine, "[\r\n]")
+                if nBegin and nEnd  and (string.len(strLine) == nEnd) then
+                    table.insert(cFilteredResult, string.sub(strLine, 1, nBegin - 1))
+                else
+                    table.insert(cFilteredResult, strLine)
+                end
+            end
+        else
+            if not bIncludeFilter then
+                nBegin, nEnd = string.find(strLine, "[\r\n]")
+                if nBegin and nEnd and (string.len(strLine) == nEnd) then
+                    table.insert(cFilteredResult, string.sub(strLine, 1, nBegin - 1))
+                else
+                    table.insert(cFilteredResult, strLine)
+                end
+            end
+        end
+    end
+    -- Close and clear read file handle.
+    io.close(cReadFile)
+    cReadFile = nil
+    -- Write filtered result.
+    local cOutputHandle = nil
+    local cOutputEntry = print
+    if bOutputFile then
+        -- Combine file name.
+        local _, _, strResFileName = string.find(strFilePath, "(.*)%.txt")
+        strResFileName = strResFileName .. "-Filter-" .. ((bIncludeFilter and "I") or "E") .. "-[" .. strFilter .. "].txt"
+        local cFile = assert(io.open(strResFileName, "w"))
+        cOutputHandle = cFile
+        cOutputEntry = cFile.write
+    end
+    local cOutputer = function (strContent)
+        if cOutputHandle then
+            cOutputEntry(cOutputHandle, strContent)
+        else
+            cOutputEntry(strContent)
+        end
+    end
+    -- Output result.
+    for i, v in ipairs(cFilteredResult) do
+        cOutputer(v .. "\n")
+    end
+    if bOutputFile then
+        io.close(cOutputHandle)
+        cOutputHandle = nil
+    end
+-- Dump memory reference at current time.
+-- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
+-- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
+-- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
+-- strRootObjectName - The root object name that start to search, default is "_G" if leave this to nil.
+-- cRootObject - The root object that start to search, default is _G if leave this to nil.
+local function DumpMemorySnapshot(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, strRootObjectName, cRootObject)
+    -- Get time format string.
+    local strDateTime = FormatDateTimeNow()
+    -- Check root object.
+    if cRootObject then
+        if (not strRootObjectName) or (0 == string.len(strRootObjectName)) then
+            strRootObjectName = tostring(cRootObject)
+        end
+    else
+        cRootObject = debug.getregistry()
+        strRootObjectName = "registry"
+    end
+    -- Create container.
+    local cDumpInfoContainer = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer()
+    local cStackInfo = debug.getinfo(2, "Sl")
+    if cStackInfo then
+        cDumpInfoContainer.m_strShortSrc = cStackInfo.short_src
+        cDumpInfoContainer.m_nCurrentLine = cStackInfo.currentline
+    end
+    -- Collect memory info.
+    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strRootObjectName, cRootObject, cDumpInfoContainer)
+    -- Dump the result.
+    OutputMemorySnapshot(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, strRootObjectName, cRootObject, nil, cDumpInfoContainer)
+-- Dump compared memory reference results generated by DumpMemorySnapshot.
+-- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
+-- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
+-- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
+-- cResultBefore - The base dumped results.
+-- cResultAfter - The compared dumped results.
+local function DumpMemorySnapshotCompared(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, cResultBefore, cResultAfter)
+    -- Dump the result.
+    OutputMemorySnapshot(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, nil, nil, cResultBefore, cResultAfter)
+-- Dump compared memory reference file results generated by DumpMemorySnapshot.
+-- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
+-- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
+-- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
+-- strResultFilePathBefore - The base dumped results file.
+-- strResultFilePathAfter - The compared dumped results file.
+local function DumpMemorySnapshotComparedFile(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, strResultFilePathBefore, strResultFilePathAfter)
+    -- Read results from file.
+    local cResultBefore = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainerFromFile(strResultFilePathBefore)
+    local cResultAfter = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainerFromFile(strResultFilePathAfter)
+    -- Dump the result.
+    OutputMemorySnapshot(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, nil, nil, cResultBefore, cResultAfter)
+-- Dump memory reference of a single object at current time.
+-- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
+-- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
+-- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
+-- strObjectName - The object name reference you want to dump.
+-- cObject - The object reference you want to dump.
+local function DumpMemorySnapshotSingleObject(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, strObjectName, cObject)
+    -- Check object.
+    if not cObject then
+        return
+    end
+    if (not strObjectName) or (0 == string.len(strObjectName)) then
+        strObjectName = GetOriginalToStringResult(cObject)
+    end
+    -- Get time format string.
+    local strDateTime = FormatDateTimeNow()
+    -- Create container.
+    local cDumpInfoContainer = CreateSingleObjectReferenceInfoContainer(strObjectName, cObject)
+    local cStackInfo = debug.getinfo(2, "Sl")
+    if cStackInfo then
+        cDumpInfoContainer.m_strShortSrc = cStackInfo.short_src
+        cDumpInfoContainer.m_nCurrentLine = cStackInfo.currentline
+    end
+    -- Collect memory info.
+    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory("registry", debug.getregistry(), cDumpInfoContainer)
+    -- Dump the result.
+    OutputMemorySnapshotSingleObject(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, cDumpInfoContainer)
+-- Return methods.
+local cPublications = {m_cConfig = nil, m_cMethods = {}, m_cHelpers = {}, m_cBases = {}}
+cPublications.m_cConfig = cConfig
+cPublications.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshot = DumpMemorySnapshot
+cPublications.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshotCompared = DumpMemorySnapshotCompared
+cPublications.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshotComparedFile = DumpMemorySnapshotComparedFile
+cPublications.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshotSingleObject = DumpMemorySnapshotSingleObject
+cPublications.m_cHelpers.FormatDateTimeNow = FormatDateTimeNow
+cPublications.m_cHelpers.GetOriginalToStringResult = GetOriginalToStringResult
+cPublications.m_cBases.CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer
+cPublications.m_cBases.CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainerFromFile = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainerFromFile
+cPublications.m_cBases.CreateSingleObjectReferenceInfoContainer = CreateSingleObjectReferenceInfoContainer
+cPublications.m_cBases.CollectObjectReferenceInMemory = CollectObjectReferenceInMemory
+cPublications.m_cBases.CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory = CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory
+cPublications.m_cBases.OutputMemorySnapshot = OutputMemorySnapshot
+cPublications.m_cBases.OutputMemorySnapshotSingleObject = OutputMemorySnapshotSingleObject
+cPublications.m_cBases.OutputFilteredResult = OutputFilteredResult
+return cPublications