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diff --git a/doc/manual.html b/doc/manual.html
index 4e41683..7110848 100644
--- a/doc/manual.html
+++ b/doc/manual.html
@@ -5537,10 +5537,8 @@ it simply registers all functions in the list <code>l</code>
 When called with a non-null <code>libname</code>,
 <code>luaL_register</code> creates a new table <code>t</code>,
 sets it as the value of the global variable <code>libname</code>,
-sets it as the value of <code>package.loaded[libname]</code>,
 and registers on it all functions in the list <code>l</code>.
-If there is a table in <code>package.loaded[libname]</code> or in
-variable <code>libname</code>,
+If there is a table in variable <code>libname</code>,
 reuses this table instead of creating a new one.
@@ -5762,17 +5760,6 @@ Returns the previous value for <em>step</em>.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-dofile"><code>dofile ([filename])</code></a></h3>
-Opens the named file and executes its contents as a Lua chunk.
-When called without arguments,
-<code>dofile</code> executes the contents of the standard input (<code>stdin</code>).
-Returns all values returned by the chunk.
-In case of errors, <code>dofile</code> propagates the error
-to its caller (that is, <code>dofile</code> does not run in protected mode).
 <hr><h3><a name="pdf-error"><code>error (message [, level])</code></a></h3>
@@ -5850,71 +5837,6 @@ will iterate over the pairs (<code>1,t[1]</code>), (<code>2,t[2]</code>), &middo
 up to the first integer key absent from the table.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-load"><code>load (func [, chunkname])</code></a></h3>
-Loads a chunk using function <code>func</code> to get its pieces.
-Each call to <code>func</code> must return a string that concatenates
-with previous results.
-A return of an empty string, <b>nil</b>, or no value signals the end of the chunk.
-If there are no errors, 
-returns the compiled chunk as a function;
-otherwise, returns <b>nil</b> plus the error message.
-The environment of the returned function is the global environment.
-<code>chunkname</code> is used as the chunk name for error messages
-and debug information.
-When absent,
-it defaults to "<code>=(load)</code>".
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-loadfile"><code>loadfile ([filename])</code></a></h3>
-Similar to <a href="#pdf-load"><code>load</code></a>,
-but gets the chunk from file <code>filename</code>
-or from the standard input,
-if no file name is given.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-loadstring"><code>loadstring (string [, chunkname])</code></a></h3>
-Similar to <a href="#pdf-load"><code>load</code></a>,
-but gets the chunk from the given string.
-To load and run a given string, use the idiom
-     assert(loadstring(s))()
-When absent,
-<code>chunkname</code> defaults to the given string.
 <hr><h3><a name="pdf-next"><code>next (table [, index])</code></a></h3>
@@ -5975,25 +5897,6 @@ the table during its traversal.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-pcall"><code>pcall (f, arg1, &middot;&middot;&middot;)</code></a></h3>
-Calls function <code>f</code> with
-the given arguments in <em>protected mode</em>.
-This means that any error inside&nbsp;<code>f</code> is not propagated;
-instead, <code>pcall</code> catches the error
-and returns a status code.
-Its first result is the status code (a boolean),
-which is true if the call succeeds without errors.
-In such case, <code>pcall</code> also returns all results from the call,
-after this first result.
-In case of any error, <code>pcall</code> returns <b>false</b> plus the error message.
 <hr><h3><a name="pdf-print"><code>print (&middot;&middot;&middot;)</code></a></h3>
 Receives any number of arguments,
 and prints their values to <code>stdout</code>,
@@ -6171,35 +6074,6 @@ The current contents of this variable is "<code>Lua 5.1</code>".
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-xpcall"><code>xpcall (f, err)</code></a></h3>
-This function is similar to <a href="#pdf-pcall"><code>pcall</code></a>,
-except that you can set a new error handler.
-<code>xpcall</code> calls function <code>f</code> in protected mode,
-using <code>err</code> as the error handler.
-Any error inside <code>f</code> is not propagated;
-instead, <code>xpcall</code> catches the error,
-calls the <code>err</code> function with the original error object,
-and returns a status code.
-Its first result is the status code (a boolean),
-which is true if the call succeeds without errors.
-In this case, <code>xpcall</code> also returns all results from the call,
-after this first result.
-In case of any error,
-<code>xpcall</code> returns <b>false</b> plus the result from <code>err</code>.
 <h2>5.2 - <a name="5.2">Coroutine Manipulation</a></h2>
@@ -6310,309 +6184,6 @@ Any arguments to <code>yield</code> are passed as extra results to <code>resume<
-<h2>5.3 - <a name="5.3">Modules</a></h2>
-The package library provides basic
-facilities for loading and building modules in Lua.
-It exports two of its functions directly in the global environment:
-<a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a> and <a href="#pdf-module"><code>module</code></a>.
-Everything else is exported in a table <a name="pdf-package"><code>package</code></a>.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-module"><code>module (name [, &middot;&middot;&middot;])</code></a></h3>
-Creates a module.
-If there is a table in <code>package.loaded[name]</code>,
-this table is the module.
-Otherwise, if there is a global table <code>t</code> with the given name,
-this table is the module.
-Otherwise creates a new table <code>t</code> and
-sets it as the value of the global <code>name</code> and
-the value of <code>package.loaded[name]</code>.
-This function also initializes <code>t._NAME</code> with the given name,
-<code>t._M</code> with the module (<code>t</code> itself),
-and <code>t._PACKAGE</code> with the package name
-(the full module name minus last component; see below).
-Finally, <code>module</code> sets <code>t</code> as the new environment
-of the current function and the new value of <code>package.loaded[name]</code>,
-so that <a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a> returns <code>t</code>.
-If <code>name</code> is a compound name
-(that is, one with components separated by dots),
-<code>module</code> creates (or reuses, if they already exist)
-tables for each component.
-For instance, if <code>name</code> is <code>a.b.c</code>,
-then <code>module</code> stores the module table in field <code>c</code> of
-field <code>b</code> of global <code>a</code>.
-This function can receive optional <em>options</em> after
-the module name,
-where each option is a function to be applied over the module.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-require"><code>require (modname)</code></a></h3>
-Loads the given module.
-The function starts by looking into the <a href="#pdf-package.loaded"><code>package.loaded</code></a> table
-to determine whether <code>modname</code> is already loaded.
-If it is, then <code>require</code> returns the value stored
-at <code>package.loaded[modname]</code>.
-Otherwise, it tries to find a <em>loader</em> for the module.
-To find a loader,
-<code>require</code> is guided by the <a href="#pdf-package.loaders"><code>package.loaders</code></a> array.
-By changing this array,
-we can change how <code>require</code> looks for a module.
-The following explanation is based on the default configuration
-for <a href="#pdf-package.loaders"><code>package.loaders</code></a>.
-First <code>require</code> queries <code>package.preload[modname]</code>.
-If it has a value,
-this value (which should be a function) is the loader.
-Otherwise <code>require</code> searches for a Lua loader using the
-path stored in <a href="#pdf-package.path"><code>package.path</code></a>.
-If that also fails, it searches for a C&nbsp;loader using the
-path stored in <a href="#pdf-package.cpath"><code>package.cpath</code></a>.
-If that also fails,
-it tries an <em>all-in-one</em> loader (see <a href="#pdf-package.loaders"><code>package.loaders</code></a>).
-Once a loader is found,
-<code>require</code> calls the loader with a single argument, <code>modname</code>.
-If the loader returns any value,
-<code>require</code> assigns the returned value to <code>package.loaded[modname]</code>.
-If the loader returns no value and
-has not assigned any value to <code>package.loaded[modname]</code>,
-then <code>require</code> assigns <b>true</b> to this entry.
-In any case, <code>require</code> returns the
-final value of <code>package.loaded[modname]</code>.
-If there is any error loading or running the module,
-or if it cannot find any loader for the module,
-then <code>require</code> signals an error. 
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-package.cpath"><code>package.cpath</code></a></h3>
-The path used by <a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a> to search for a C&nbsp;loader.
-Lua initializes the C&nbsp;path <a href="#pdf-package.cpath"><code>package.cpath</code></a> in the same way
-it initializes the Lua path <a href="#pdf-package.path"><code>package.path</code></a>,
-using the environment variable <a name="pdf-LUA_CPATH"><code>LUA_CPATH</code></a>
-or a default path defined in <code>luaconf.h</code>.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-package.loaded"><code>package.loaded</code></a></h3>
-A table used by <a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a> to control which
-modules are already loaded.
-When you require a module <code>modname</code> and
-<code>package.loaded[modname]</code> is not false,
-<a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a> simply returns the value stored there.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-package.loaders"><code>package.loaders</code></a></h3>
-A table used by <a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a> to control how to load modules.
-Each entry in this table is a <em>searcher function</em>.
-When looking for a module,
-<a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a> calls each of these searchers in ascending order,
-with the module name (the argument given to <a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a>) as its
-sole parameter.
-The function can return another function (the module <em>loader</em>)
-or a string explaining why it did not find that module
-(or <b>nil</b> if it has nothing to say).
-Lua initializes this table with four functions.
-The first searcher simply looks for a loader in the
-<a href="#pdf-package.preload"><code>package.preload</code></a> table.
-The second searcher looks for a loader as a Lua library,
-using the path stored at <a href="#pdf-package.path"><code>package.path</code></a>.
-A path is a sequence of <em>templates</em> separated by semicolons.
-For each template,
-the searcher will change each interrogation
-mark in the template by <code>filename</code>,
-which is the module name with each dot replaced by a
-"directory separator" (such as "<code>/</code>" in Unix);
-then it will try to open the resulting file name.
-So, for instance, if the Lua path is the string
-     "./?.lua;./?.lc;/usr/local/?/init.lua"
-the search for a Lua file for module <code>foo</code>
-will try to open the files
-<code>./foo.lua</code>, <code>./foo.lc</code>, and
-<code>/usr/local/foo/init.lua</code>, in that order.
-The third searcher looks for a loader as a C&nbsp;library,
-using the path given by the variable <a href="#pdf-package.cpath"><code>package.cpath</code></a>.
-For instance,
-if the C&nbsp;path is the string
-     "./?.so;./?.dll;/usr/local/?/init.so"
-the searcher for module <code>foo</code>
-will try to open the files <code>./foo.so</code>, <code>./foo.dll</code>,
-and <code>/usr/local/foo/init.so</code>, in that order.
-Once it finds a C&nbsp;library,
-this searcher first uses a dynamic link facility to link the
-application with the library.
-Then it tries to find a C&nbsp;function inside the library to
-be used as the loader.
-The name of this C&nbsp;function is the string "<code>luaopen_</code>"
-concatenated with a copy of the module name where each dot
-is replaced by an underscore.
-Moreover, if the module name has a hyphen,
-its prefix up to (and including) the first hyphen is removed.
-For instance, if the module name is <code>a.v1-b.c</code>,
-the function name will be <code>luaopen_b_c</code>.
-The fourth searcher tries an <em>all-in-one loader</em>.
-It searches the C&nbsp;path for a library for
-the root name of the given module.
-For instance, when requiring <code>a.b.c</code>,
-it will search for a C&nbsp;library for <code>a</code>.
-If found, it looks into it for an open function for
-the submodule;
-in our example, that would be <code>luaopen_a_b_c</code>.
-With this facility, a package can pack several C&nbsp;submodules
-into one single library,
-with each submodule keeping its original open function.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-package.loadlib"><code>package.loadlib (libname, funcname)</code></a></h3>
-Dynamically links the host program with the C&nbsp;library <code>libname</code>.
-Inside this library, looks for a function <code>funcname</code>
-and returns this function as a C&nbsp;function.
-(So, <code>funcname</code> must follow the protocol (see <a href="#lua_CFunction"><code>lua_CFunction</code></a>)).
-This is a low-level function.
-It completely bypasses the package and module system.
-Unlike <a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a>,
-it does not perform any path searching and
-does not automatically adds extensions.
-<code>libname</code> must be the complete file name of the C&nbsp;library,
-including if necessary a path and extension.
-<code>funcname</code> must be the exact name exported by the C&nbsp;library
-(which may depend on the C&nbsp;compiler and linker used).
-This function is not supported by ANSI C.
-As such, it is only available on some platforms
-(Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, BSD,
-plus other Unix systems that support the <code>dlfcn</code> standard).
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-package.path"><code>package.path</code></a></h3>
-The path used by <a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a> to search for a Lua loader.
-At start-up, Lua initializes this variable with
-the value of the environment variable <a name="pdf-LUA_PATH"><code>LUA_PATH</code></a> or
-with a default path defined in <code>luaconf.h</code>,
-if the environment variable is not defined.
-Any "<code>;;</code>" in the value of the environment variable
-is replaced by the default path.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-package.preload"><code>package.preload</code></a></h3>
-A table to store loaders for specific modules
-(see <a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a>).
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-package.seeall"><code>package.seeall (module)</code></a></h3>
-Sets a metatable for <code>module</code> with
-its <code>__index</code> field referring to the global environment,
-so that this module inherits values
-from the global environment.
-To be used as an option to function <a href="#pdf-module"><code>module</code></a>.
 <h2>5.4 - <a name="5.4">String Manipulation</a></h2>
@@ -7556,29 +7127,6 @@ Returns the hyperbolic tangent of <code>x</code>.
 <h2>5.7 - <a name="5.7">Input and Output Facilities</a></h2>
-The I/O library provides two different styles for file manipulation.
-The first one uses implicit file descriptors;
-that is, there are operations to set a default input file and a
-default output file,
-and all input/output operations are over these default files.
-The second style uses explicit file descriptors.
-When using implicit file descriptors,
-all operations are supplied by table <a name="pdf-io"><code>io</code></a>.
-When using explicit file descriptors,
-the operation <a href="#pdf-io.open"><code>io.open</code></a> returns a file descriptor
-and then all operations are supplied as methods of the file descriptor.
-The table <code>io</code> also provides
-three predefined file descriptors with their usual meanings from C:
-<a name="pdf-io.stdin"><code>io.stdin</code></a>, <a name="pdf-io.stdout"><code>io.stdout</code></a>, and <a name="pdf-io.stderr"><code>io.stderr</code></a>.
-The I/O library never closes these files.
 Unless otherwise stated,
@@ -7589,71 +7137,11 @@ and some value different from <b>nil</b> on success.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-io.close"><code>io.close ([file])</code></a></h3>
+<hr><h3><a name="pdf-io.close"><code>io.close (file)</code></a></h3>
 Equivalent to <code>file:close()</code>.
-Without a <code>file</code>, closes the default output file.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-io.flush"><code>io.flush ()</code></a></h3>
-Equivalent to <code>file:flush</code> over the default output file.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-io.input"><code>io.input ([file])</code></a></h3>
-When called with a file name, it opens the named file (in text mode),
-and sets its handle as the default input file.
-When called with a file handle,
-it simply sets this file handle as the default input file.
-When called without parameters,
-it returns the current default input file.
-In case of errors this function raises the error,
-instead of returning an error code.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-io.lines"><code>io.lines ([filename])</code></a></h3>
-Opens the given file name in read mode
-and returns an iterator function that,
-each time it is called,
-returns a new line from the file.
-Therefore, the construction
-     for line in io.lines(filename) do <em>body</em> end
-will iterate over all lines of the file.
-When the iterator function detects the end of file,
-it returns <b>nil</b> (to finish the loop) and automatically closes the file.
-The call <code>io.lines()</code> (with no file name) is equivalent
-to <code>io.input():lines()</code>;
-that is, it iterates over the lines of the default input file.
-In this case it does not close the file when the loop ends.
@@ -7689,45 +7177,6 @@ standard&nbsp;C function <code>fopen</code>.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-io.output"><code>io.output ([file])</code></a></h3>
-Similar to <a href="#pdf-io.input"><code>io.input</code></a>, but operates over the default output file.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-io.popen"><code>io.popen (prog [, mode])</code></a></h3>
-Starts program <code>prog</code> in a separated process and returns
-a file handle that you can use to read data from this program
-(if <code>mode</code> is <code>"r"</code>, the default)
-or to write data to this program
-(if <code>mode</code> is <code>"w"</code>).
-This function is system dependent and is not available
-on all platforms.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-io.read"><code>io.read (&middot;&middot;&middot;)</code></a></h3>
-Equivalent to <code>io.input():read</code>.
 <hr><h3><a name="pdf-io.tmpfile"><code>io.tmpfile ()</code></a></h3>
@@ -7753,16 +7202,6 @@ or <b>nil</b> if <code>obj</code> is not a file handle.
-<hr><h3><a name="pdf-io.write"><code>io.write (&middot;&middot;&middot;)</code></a></h3>
-Equivalent to <code>io.output():write</code>.
 <hr><h3><a name="pdf-file:close"><code>file:close ()</code></a></h3>
@@ -8576,143 +8015,6 @@ is a more portable solution.)
-<h1>7 - <a name="7">Incompatibilities with the Previous Version</a></h1>
-Here we list the incompatibilities that you may find when moving a program
-from Lua&nbsp;5.0 to Lua&nbsp;5.1.
-You can avoid most of the incompatibilities compiling Lua with
-appropriate options (see file <code>luaconf.h</code>).
-all these compatibility options will be removed in the next version of Lua.
-<h2>7.1 - <a name="7.1">Changes in the Language</a></h2>
-The vararg system changed from the pseudo-argument <code>arg</code> with a
-table with the extra arguments to the vararg expression.
-(See compile-time option <code>LUA_COMPAT_VARARG</code> in <code>luaconf.h</code>.)
-There was a subtle change in the scope of the implicit
-variables of the <b>for</b> statement and for the <b>repeat</b> statement.
-The long string/long comment syntax (<code>[[<em>string</em>]]</code>)
-does not allow nesting.
-You can use the new syntax (<code>[=[<em>string</em>]=]</code>) in these cases.
-(See compile-time option <code>LUA_COMPAT_LSTR</code> in <code>luaconf.h</code>.)
-<h2>7.2 - <a name="7.2">Changes in the Libraries</a></h2>
-Function <code>string.gfind</code> was renamed <a href="#pdf-string.gmatch"><code>string.gmatch</code></a>.
-(See compile-time option <code>LUA_COMPAT_GFIND</code> in <code>luaconf.h</code>.)
-When <a href="#pdf-string.gsub"><code>string.gsub</code></a> is called with a function as its
-third argument,
-whenever this function returns <b>nil</b> or <b>false</b> the
-replacement string is the whole match,
-instead of the empty string.
-Function <code>table.setn</code> was deprecated.
-Function <code>table.getn</code> corresponds
-to the new length operator (<code>#</code>);
-use the operator instead of the function.
-(See compile-time option <code>LUA_COMPAT_GETN</code> in <code>luaconf.h</code>.)
-Function <code>loadlib</code> was renamed <a href="#pdf-package.loadlib"><code>package.loadlib</code></a>.
-(See compile-time option <code>LUA_COMPAT_LOADLIB</code> in <code>luaconf.h</code>.)
-Function <code>math.mod</code> was renamed <a href="#pdf-math.fmod"><code>math.fmod</code></a>.
-(See compile-time option <code>LUA_COMPAT_MOD</code> in <code>luaconf.h</code>.)
-Functions <code>table.foreach</code> and <code>table.foreachi</code> are deprecated.
-You can use a for loop with <code>pairs</code> or <code>ipairs</code> instead.
-There were substantial changes in function <a href="#pdf-require"><code>require</code></a> due to
-the new module system.
-However, the new behavior is mostly compatible with the old,
-but <code>require</code> gets the path from <a href="#pdf-package.path"><code>package.path</code></a> instead
-of from <code>LUA_PATH</code>.
-Function <a href="#pdf-collectgarbage"><code>collectgarbage</code></a> has different arguments.
-Function <code>gcinfo</code> is deprecated;
-use <code>collectgarbage("count")</code> instead.
-<h2>7.3 - <a name="7.3">Changes in the API</a></h2>
-The <code>luaopen_*</code> functions (to open libraries)
-cannot be called directly,
-like a regular C function.
-They must be called through Lua,
-like a Lua function.
-Function <code>lua_open</code> was replaced by <a href="#lua_newstate"><code>lua_newstate</code></a> to
-allow the user to set a memory-allocation function.
-You can use <a href="#luaL_newstate"><code>luaL_newstate</code></a> from the standard library to
-create a state with a standard allocation function
-(based on <code>realloc</code>).
-Functions <code>luaL_getn</code> and <code>luaL_setn</code>
-(from the auxiliary library) are deprecated.
-Use <a href="#lua_objlen"><code>lua_objlen</code></a> instead of <code>luaL_getn</code>
-and nothing instead of <code>luaL_setn</code>.
-Function <code>luaL_openlib</code> was replaced by <a href="#luaL_register"><code>luaL_register</code></a>.
-Function <code>luaL_checkudata</code> now throws an error when the given value
-is not a userdata of the expected type.
-(In Lua&nbsp;5.0 it returned <code>NULL</code>.)
 <h1>8 - <a name="8">The Complete Syntax of Lua</a></h1>