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authorKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2022-06-10 13:46:59 -0700
committerKartik K. Agaram <vc@akkartik.com>2022-06-10 13:46:59 -0700
commit1c56b9d644929467fdf030c03deb07aed7e6c71b (patch)
parent88209ec343d8af8cadb038cbe375aceefb0ee498 (diff)
clean up memory leak experiments
-rw-r--r--MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.unused (renamed from MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.)0
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 517 deletions
diff --git a/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua. b/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.unused
index ad9402e..ad9402e 100644
--- a/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.
+++ b/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.unused
diff --git a/main.lua. b/main.lua.
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a6a800..0000000
--- a/main.lua.
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,517 +0,0 @@
-local utf8 = require 'utf8'
-require 'app'
-require 'test'
-require 'keychord'
-require 'file'
-require 'button'
-local Text = require 'text'
-local Drawing = require 'drawing'
-local geom = require 'geom'
-require 'help'
-require 'icons'
-local mri = require 'MemoryReferenceInfo'
--- run in both tests and a real run
-function App.initialize_globals()
--- a line is either text or a drawing
--- a text is a table with:
---    mode = 'text',
---    string data,
---    a (y) coord in pixels (updated while painting screen),
---    some cached data that's blown away and recomputed when data changes:
---      fragments: snippets of rendered love.graphics.Text, guaranteed to not wrap
---      screen_line_starting_pos: optional array of grapheme indices if it wraps over more than one screen line
--- a drawing is a table with:
---    mode = 'drawing'
---    a (y) coord in pixels (updated while painting screen),
---    a (h)eight,
---    an array of points, and
---    an array of shapes
--- a shape is a table containing:
---    a mode
---    an array points for mode 'freehand' (raw x,y coords; freehand drawings don't pollute the points array of a drawing)
---    an array vertices for mode 'polygon', 'rectangle', 'square'
---    p1, p2 for mode 'line'
---    p1, p2, arrow-mode for mode 'arrow-line'
---    center, radius for mode 'circle'
---    center, radius, start_angle, end_angle for mode 'arc'
--- Unless otherwise specified, coord fields are normalized; a drawing is always 256 units wide
--- The field names are carefully chosen so that switching modes in midstream
--- remembers previously entered points where that makes sense.
-Lines = {{mode='text', data=''}}
--- Lines can be too long to fit on screen, in which case they _wrap_ into
--- multiple _screen lines_.
--- Therefore, any potential location for the cursor can be described in two ways:
--- * schema 1: As a combination of line index and position within a line (in utf8 codepoint units)
--- * schema 2: As a combination of line index, screen line index within the line, and a position within the screen line.
--- Most of the time we'll only persist positions in schema 1, translating to
--- schema 2 when that's convenient.
-Screen_top1 = {line=1, pos=1}  -- position of start of screen line at top of screen
-Cursor1 = {line=1, pos=1}  -- position of cursor
-Screen_bottom1 = {line=1, pos=1}  -- position of start of screen line at bottom of screen
-Selection1 = {}
-Old_cursor1, Old_selection1, Mousepress_shift = nil  -- some extra state to compute selection between mousepress and mouserelease
-Recent_mouse = {}  -- when selecting text, avoid recomputing some state on every single frame
-Cursor_x, Cursor_y = 0, 0  -- in pixels
-Current_drawing_mode = 'line'
-Previous_drawing_mode = nil
--- values for tests
-Font_height = 14
-Line_height = 15
-Margin_top = 15
-Filename = love.filesystem.getUserDirectory()..'/lines.txt'
--- undo
-History = {}
-Next_history = 1
--- search
-Search_term = nil
-Search_text = nil
-Search_backup = nil  -- stuff to restore when cancelling search
--- resize
-Last_resize_time = nil
--- blinking cursor
-Cursor_time = 0
-Initialize_done = false
-Before_done = false
-mri.m_cConfig.m_bAllMemoryRefFileAddTime = false
-end  -- App.initialize_globals
-function App.initialize(arg)
-  love.keyboard.setTextInput(true)  -- bring up keyboard on touch screen
-  love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat(true)
-  if arg[1] == '-geometry' then
-    initialize_window_geometry(arg[2])
-    table.remove(arg, 2)
-    table.remove(arg, 1)
-  else
-    initialize_window_geometry()
-  end
-  initialize_font_settings(20)
-  if #arg > 0 then
-    Filename = arg[1]
-  end
-  print('init', collectgarbage('count'))
-  Lines = load_from_disk(Filename)
-  print('load_from_disk', collectgarbage('count'))
-  for i,line in ipairs(Lines) do
-    if line.mode == 'text' then
-      Cursor1.line = i
-      break
-    end
-  end
-  love.window.setTitle('lines.love - '..Filename)
-  if #arg > 1 then
-    print('ignoring commandline args after '..arg[1])
-  end
-  Initialize_done = true
---?   if rawget(_G, 'jit') then
---?     jit.off()
---?     jit.flush()
---?   end
-end  -- App.initialize
-function initialize_window_geometry(geometry_spec)
-  local geometry_initialized
-  if geometry_spec then
-    geometry_initialized = parse_geometry_spec(geometry_spec)
-  end
-  if not geometry_initialized then
-    -- maximize window
-    love.window.setMode(0, 0)  -- maximize
-    App.screen.width, App.screen.height, App.screen.flags = love.window.getMode()
-    -- shrink slightly to account for window decoration
-    App.screen.width = App.screen.width-100
-    App.screen.height = App.screen.height-100
-  end
-  App.screen.flags.resizable = true
-  App.screen.flags.minwidth = math.min(App.screen.width, 200)
-  App.screen.flags.minheight = math.min(App.screen.width, 200)
-  love.window.updateMode(App.screen.width, App.screen.height, App.screen.flags)
-function parse_geometry_spec(geometry_spec)
-  local width, height, x, y = geometry_spec:match('(%d+)x(%d+)%+(%d+)%+(%d+)')
-  if width == nil then
-    print('invalid geometry spec: '..geometry_spec)
-    print('expected format: {width}x{height}+{x}+{y}')
-    return false
-  end
-  App.screen.width = math.floor(tonumber(width))
-  App.screen.height = math.floor(tonumber(height))
-  App.screen.flags = {x=math.floor(tonumber(x)), y=math.floor(tonumber(y))}
-  return true
-function love.resize(w, h)
---?   print(("Window resized to width: %d and height: %d."):format(w, h))
-  App.screen.width, App.screen.height = w, h
-  Line_width = math.min(40*App.width(Em), App.screen.width-50)
-  Text.redraw_all()
-  Last_resize_time = love.timer.getTime()
-function initialize_font_settings(font_height)
-  Font_height = font_height
-  love.graphics.setFont(love.graphics.newFont(Font_height))
-  Line_height = math.floor(font_height*1.3)
-  -- maximum width available to either text or drawings, in pixels
-  Em = App.newText(love.graphics.getFont(), 'm')
-  -- readable text width is 50-75 chars
-  Line_width = math.min(40*App.width(Em), App.screen.width-50)
-function App.filedropped(file)
-  App.initialize_globals()  -- in particular, forget all undo history
-  Filename = file:getFilename()
-  file:open('r')
-  Lines = load_from_file(file)
-  file:close()
-  for i,line in ipairs(Lines) do
-    if line.mode == 'text' then
-      Cursor1.line = i
-      break
-    end
-  end
-  love.window.setTitle('Text with Lines - '..Filename)
-frame_index = 0
-function App.draw()
-  frame_index = frame_index+1
-  if frame_index % 10 == 0 then
-    print(frame_index)
-  end
-  Button_handlers = {}
-  love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
-  love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 0, App.screen.width-1, App.screen.height-1)
-  love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0)
-  -- some hysteresis while resizing
-  if Last_resize_time then
-    if love.timer.getTime() - Last_resize_time < 0.1 then
-      return
-    else
-      Last_resize_time = nil
-    end
-  end
-  assert(Text.le1(Screen_top1, Cursor1))
-  local y = Margin_top
---?   print('== draw')
-  for line_index,line in ipairs(Lines) do
---?     print('draw:', y, line_index, line)
-    if y + Line_height > App.screen.height then break end
---?     print('a')
-    if line_index >= Screen_top1.line then
-      Screen_bottom1.line = line_index
-      if line.mode == 'text' and line.data == '' then
-        line.y = y
-        button('draw', {x=4,y=y+4, w=12,h=12, color={1,1,0},
-          icon = icon.insert_drawing,
-          onpress1 = function()
-                       Drawing.before = snapshot()
-                       table.insert(Lines, line_index, {mode='drawing', y=y, h=256/2, points={}, shapes={}, pending={}})
-                       if Cursor1.line >= line_index then
-                         Cursor1.line = Cursor1.line+1
-                       end
-                     end})
-          if Search_term == nil then
-            if line_index == Cursor1.line then
-              Text.draw_cursor(25, y)
-            end
-          end
-        Screen_bottom1.pos = Screen_top1.pos
-        y = y + Line_height
-      elseif line.mode == 'drawing' then
-        y = y+10 -- padding
-        line.y = y
-        Drawing.draw(line)
-        y = y + Drawing.pixels(line.h) + 10 -- padding
-      else
---?         print('text')
-        line.y = y
-        y, Screen_bottom1.pos = Text.draw(line, Line_width, line_index)
-        y = y + Line_height
---?         print('=> y', y)
-      end
-    end
-  end
---?   print('screen bottom: '..tostring(Screen_bottom1.pos)..' in '..tostring(Lines[Screen_bottom1.line].data))
-  if Search_term then
-    Text.draw_search_bar()
-  end
-  if Initialize_done then
-    if not Before_done then
-      Before_done = true
-      print('before', collectgarbage('count'))
-      collectgarbage('collect')
-      mri.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshot('./', '0', -1)
-      frame_index = 0
-    elseif frame_index == 1000 then
-      print('after', collectgarbage('count'))
-      collectgarbage('collect')
-      mri.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshot('./', '1', -1)
-      mri.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshotComparedFile("./", "Compared", -1,
-          "./LuaMemRefInfo-All-[0].txt",
-          "./LuaMemRefInfo-All-[1].txt")
-      os.exit(1)
-    end
-  end
-function App.update(dt)
-  Cursor_time = Cursor_time + dt
-  -- some hysteresis while resizing
-  if Last_resize_time then
-    if love.timer.getTime() - Last_resize_time < 0.1 then
-      return
-    else
-      Last_resize_time = nil
-    end
-  end
-  Drawing.update(dt)
-function App.mousepressed(x,y, mouse_button)
-  if Search_term then return end
-  propagate_to_button_handlers(x,y, mouse_button)
-  for line_index,line in ipairs(Lines) do
-    if line.mode == 'text' then
-      if Text.in_line(line, x,y) then
-        -- delicate dance between cursor, selection and old cursor
-        -- manual tests:
-        --  regular press+release: sets cursor, clears selection
-        --  shift press+release:
-        --    sets selection to old cursor if not set otherwise leaves it untouched
-        --    sets cursor
-        --  press and hold to start a selection: sets selection on press, cursor on release
-        --  press and hold, then press shift: ignore shift
-        --    i.e. mousereleased should never look at shift state
-        Old_cursor1 = Cursor1
-        Old_selection1 = Selection1
-        Mousepress_shift = App.shift_down()
-        Selection1 = {line=line_index, pos=Text.to_pos_on_line(line, x, y)}
-      end
-    elseif line.mode == 'drawing' then
-      if Drawing.in_drawing(line, x, y) then
-        Drawing.mouse_pressed(line, x,y, button)
-      end
-    end
-  end
-function App.mousereleased(x,y, button)
-  if Search_term then return end
-  if Lines.current_drawing then
-    Drawing.mouse_released(x,y, button)
-  else
-    for line_index,line in ipairs(Lines) do
-      if line.mode == 'text' then
-        if Text.in_line(line, x,y) then
-          Cursor1 = {line=line_index, pos=Text.to_pos_on_line(line, x, y)}
-          if Mousepress_shift then
-            if Old_selection1.line == nil then
-              Selection1 = Old_cursor1
-            else
-              Selection1 = Old_selection1
-            end
-          end
-          Old_cursor1, Old_selection1, Mousepress_shift = nil
-        end
-      end
-    end
---?     print('select:', Selection1.line, Selection1.pos)
-  end
-function App.textinput(t)
-  for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do line.y = nil end  -- just in case we scroll
-  if Search_term then
-    Search_term = Search_term..t
-    Search_text = nil
-    Text.search_next()
-  elseif Current_drawing_mode == 'name' then
-    local drawing = Lines.current_drawing
-    local p = drawing.points[drawing.pending.target_point]
-    p.name = p.name..t
-  else
-    Text.textinput(t)
-  end
-  save_to_disk(Lines, Filename)
-function App.keychord_pressed(chord)
-  if Search_term then
-    if chord == 'escape' then
-      Search_term = nil
-      Search_text = nil
-      Cursor1 = Search_backup.cursor
-      Screen_top1 = Search_backup.screen_top
-      Search_backup = nil
-      Text.redraw_all()  -- if we're scrolling, reclaim all fragments to avoid memory leaks
-    elseif chord == 'return' then
-      Search_term = nil
-      Search_text = nil
-      Search_backup = nil
-    elseif chord == 'backspace' then
-      local len = utf8.len(Search_term)
-      local byte_offset = utf8.offset(Search_term, len)
-      Search_term = string.sub(Search_term, 1, byte_offset-1)
-      Search_text = nil
-    elseif chord == 'down' then
-      Cursor1.pos = Cursor1.pos+1
-      Text.search_next()
-    elseif chord == 'up' then
-      Text.search_previous()
-    end
-    return
-  elseif chord == 'C-f' then
-    Search_term = ''
-    Search_backup = {cursor={line=Cursor1.line, pos=Cursor1.pos}, screen_top={line=Screen_top1.line, pos=Screen_top1.pos}}
-    assert(Search_text == nil)
-  elseif chord == 'C-=' then
-    initialize_font_settings(Font_height+2)
-    Text.redraw_all()
-  elseif chord == 'C--' then
-    initialize_font_settings(Font_height-2)
-    Text.redraw_all()
-  elseif chord == 'C-0' then
-    initialize_font_settings(20)
-    Text.redraw_all()
-  elseif chord == 'C-z' then
-    for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do line.y = nil end  -- just in case we scroll
-    local event = undo_event()
-    if event then
-      local src = event.before
-      Screen_top1 = deepcopy(src.screen_top)
-      Cursor1 = deepcopy(src.cursor)
-      Selection1 = deepcopy(src.selection)
-      patch(Lines, event.after, event.before)
-      Text.redraw_all()  -- if we're scrolling, reclaim all fragments to avoid memory leaks
-    end
-  elseif chord == 'C-y' then
-    for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do line.y = nil end  -- just in case we scroll
-    local event = redo_event()
-    if event then
-      local src = event.after
-      Screen_top1 = deepcopy(src.screen_top)
-      Cursor1 = deepcopy(src.cursor)
-      Selection1 = deepcopy(src.selection)
-      patch(Lines, event.before, event.after)
-      Text.redraw_all()  -- if we're scrolling, reclaim all fragments to avoid memory leaks
-    end
-  -- clipboard
-  elseif chord == 'C-c' then
-    print('C-c', collectgarbage('count'))
-    for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do line.y = nil end  -- just in case we scroll
-    local s = Text.selection()
-    if s then
-      App.setClipboardText(s)
-    end
-  elseif chord == 'C-x' then
-    for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do line.y = nil end  -- just in case we scroll
-    local s = Text.cut_selection()
-    if s then
-      App.setClipboardText(s)
-    end
-    save_to_disk(Lines, Filename)
-  elseif chord == 'C-v' then
-    for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do line.y = nil end  -- just in case we scroll
-    -- We don't have a good sense of when to scroll, so we'll be conservative
-    -- and sometimes scroll when we didn't quite need to.
-    local before_line = Cursor1.line
-    local before = snapshot(before_line)
-    local clipboard_data = App.getClipboardText()
-    local num_newlines = 0  -- hack 1
-    for _,code in utf8.codes(clipboard_data) do
-      local c = utf8.char(code)
-      if c == '\n' then
-        Text.insert_return()
-        num_newlines = num_newlines+1
-      else
-        Text.insert_at_cursor(c)
-      end
-    end
-    -- hack 1: if we have too many newlines we definitely need to scroll
-    for i=before_line,Cursor1.line do
-      Lines[i].screen_line_starting_pos = nil
-      Text.populate_screen_line_starting_pos(i)
-    end
-    if Cursor1.line-Screen_top1.line+1 + num_newlines > App.screen.height/Line_height then
-      Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen()
-    end
-    -- hack 2: if we have too much text wrapping we definitely need to scroll
-    local clipboard_text = App.newText(love.graphics.getFont(), clipboard_data)
-    local clipboard_width = App.width(clipboard_text)
---?     print(Cursor_y, Cursor_y*Line_width, Cursor_y*Line_width+Cursor_x, Cursor_y*Line_width+Cursor_x+clipboard_width, Line_width*App.screen.height/Line_height)
-    if Cursor_y*Line_width+Cursor_x + clipboard_width > Line_width*App.screen.height/Line_height then
-      Text.snap_cursor_to_bottom_of_screen()
-    end
-    save_to_disk(Lines, Filename)
-    record_undo_event({before=before, after=snapshot(before_line, Cursor1.line)})
-  -- dispatch to drawing or text
-  elseif love.mouse.isDown('1') or chord:sub(1,2) == 'C-' then
-    -- DON'T reset line.y here
-    Drawing.keychord_pressed(chord)
-  elseif chord == 'escape' and love.mouse.isDown('1') then
-    local drawing = Drawing.current_drawing()
-    if drawing then
-      drawing.pending = {}
-    end
-  elseif chord == 'escape' and not love.mouse.isDown('1') then
-    for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do
-      if line.mode == 'drawing' then
-        line.show_help = false
-      end
-    end
-  elseif Current_drawing_mode == 'name' then
-    if chord == 'return' then
-      Current_drawing_mode = Previous_drawing_mode
-      Previous_drawing_mode = nil
-    else
-      local drawing = Lines.current_drawing
-      local p = drawing.points[drawing.pending.target_point]
-      if chord == 'escape' then
-        p.name = nil
-      elseif chord == 'backspace' then
-        local len = utf8.len(p.name)
-        local byte_offset = utf8.offset(p.name, len-1)
-        p.name = string.sub(p.name, 1, byte_offset)
-      end
-    end
-    save_to_disk(Lines, Filename)
-  else
-    for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do line.y = nil end  -- just in case we scroll
-    Text.keychord_pressed(chord)
-  end
-function App.keyreleased(key, scancode)