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path: root/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.
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Diffstat (limited to 'MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1075 deletions
diff --git a/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua. b/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.
deleted file mode 100644
index ad9402e..0000000
--- a/MemoryReferenceInfo.lua.
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1075 +0,0 @@
--- Collect memory reference info.
--- https://github.com/yaukeywang/LuaMemorySnapshotDump
--- @filename  MemoryReferenceInfo.lua
--- @author    WangYaoqi
--- @date      2016-02-03
--- The global config of the mri.
-local cConfig =
-    m_bAllMemoryRefFileAddTime = true,
-    m_bSingleMemoryRefFileAddTime = true,
-    m_bComparedMemoryRefFileAddTime = true
--- Get the format string of date time.
-local function FormatDateTimeNow()
-    local cDateTime = os.date("*t")
-    local strDateTime = string.format("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", tostring(cDateTime.year), tostring(cDateTime.month), tostring(cDateTime.day),
-        tostring(cDateTime.hour), tostring(cDateTime.min), tostring(cDateTime.sec))
-    return strDateTime
--- Get the string result without overrided __tostring.
-local function GetOriginalToStringResult(cObject)
-    if not cObject then
-        return ""
-    end
-    local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
-    if not cMt then
-        return tostring(cObject)
-    end
-    -- Check tostring override.
-    local strName = ""
-    local cToString = rawget(cMt, "__tostring")
-    if cToString then
-      print('tostring overridden:', tostring(cObject))
---?         rawset(cMt, "__tostring", nil)
---?         strName = tostring(cObject)
---?         rawset(cMt, "__tostring", cToString)
---?     else
---?         strName = tostring(cObject)
-    end
-    strName = tostring(cObject)
-    return strName
--- Create a container to collect the mem ref info results.
-local function CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer()
-    -- Create new container.
-    local cContainer = {}
-    -- Contain [table/function] - [reference count] info.
-    local cObjectReferenceCount = {}
-    setmetatable(cObjectReferenceCount, {__mode = "k"})
-    -- Contain [table/function] - [name] info.
-    local cObjectAddressToName = {}
-    setmetatable(cObjectAddressToName, {__mode = "k"})
-    -- Set members.
-    cContainer.m_cObjectReferenceCount = cObjectReferenceCount
-    cContainer.m_cObjectAddressToName = cObjectAddressToName
-    -- For stack info.
-    cContainer.m_nStackLevel = -1
-    cContainer.m_strShortSrc = "None"
-    cContainer.m_nCurrentLine = -1
-    return cContainer
--- Create a container to collect the mem ref info results from a dumped file.
--- strFilePath - The file path.
-local function CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainerFromFile(strFilePath)
-    -- Create a empty container.
-    local cContainer = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer()
-    cContainer.m_strShortSrc = strFilePath
-    -- Cache ref info.
-    local cRefInfo = cContainer.m_cObjectReferenceCount
-    local cNameInfo = cContainer.m_cObjectAddressToName
-    -- Read each line from file.
-    local cFile = assert(io.open(strFilePath, "rb"))
-    for strLine in cFile:lines() do
-        local strHeader = string.sub(strLine, 1, 2)
-        if "--" ~= strHeader then
-            local _, _, strAddr, strName, strRefCount= string.find(strLine, "(.+)\t(.*)\t(%d+)")
-            if strAddr then
-                cRefInfo[strAddr] = strRefCount
-                cNameInfo[strAddr] = strName
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    -- Close and clear file handler.
-    io.close(cFile)
-    cFile = nil
-    return cContainer
--- Create a container to collect the mem ref info results from a dumped file.
--- strObjectName - The object name you need to collect info.
--- cObject - The object you need to collect info.
-local function CreateSingleObjectReferenceInfoContainer(strObjectName, cObject)
-    -- Create new container.
-    local cContainer = {}
-    -- Contain [address] - [true] info.
-    local cObjectExistTag = {}
-    setmetatable(cObjectExistTag, {__mode = "k"})
-    -- Contain [name] - [true] info.
-    local cObjectAliasName = {}
-    -- Contain [access] - [true] info.
-    local cObjectAccessTag = {}
-    setmetatable(cObjectAccessTag, {__mode = "k"})
-    -- Set members.
-    cContainer.m_cObjectExistTag = cObjectExistTag
-    cContainer.m_cObjectAliasName = cObjectAliasName
-    cContainer.m_cObjectAccessTag = cObjectAccessTag
-    -- For stack info.
-    cContainer.m_nStackLevel = -1
-    cContainer.m_strShortSrc = "None"
-    cContainer.m_nCurrentLine = -1
-    -- Init with object values.
-    cContainer.m_strObjectName = strObjectName
-    cContainer.m_strAddressName = (("string" == type(cObject)) and ("\"" .. tostring(cObject) .. "\"")) or GetOriginalToStringResult(cObject)
-    cContainer.m_cObjectExistTag[cObject] = true
-    return cContainer
--- Collect memory reference info from a root table or function.
--- strName - The root object name that start to search, default is "_G" if leave this to nil.
--- cObject - The root object that start to search, default is _G if leave this to nil.
--- cDumpInfoContainer - The container of the dump result info.
-local function CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName, cObject, cDumpInfoContainer)
-    if not cObject then
-        return
-    end
-    if not strName then
-        strName = ""
-    end
-    -- Check container.
-    if (not cDumpInfoContainer) then
-        cDumpInfoContainer = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer()
-    end
-    -- Check stack.
-    if cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel > 0 then
-        local cStackInfo = debug.getinfo(cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel, "Sl")
-        if cStackInfo then
-            cDumpInfoContainer.m_strShortSrc = cStackInfo.short_src
-            cDumpInfoContainer.m_nCurrentLine = cStackInfo.currentline
-        end
-        cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel = -1
-    end
-    -- Get ref and name info.
-    local cRefInfoContainer = cDumpInfoContainer.m_cObjectReferenceCount
-    local cNameInfoContainer = cDumpInfoContainer.m_cObjectAddressToName
-    local strType = type(cObject)
-    if "table" == strType then
-        -- Check table with class name.
-        if rawget(cObject, "__cname") then
-            if "string" == type(cObject.__cname) then
-                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject.__cname .. "]"
-            end
-        elseif rawget(cObject, "class") then
-            if "string" == type(cObject.class) then
-                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject.class .. "]"
-            end
-        elseif rawget(cObject, "_className") then
-            if "string" == type(cObject._className) then
-                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject._className .. "]"
-            end
-        end
-        -- Check if table is _G.
-        if cObject == _G then
-            strName = strName .. "[_G]"
-        end
-        -- Get metatable.
-        local bWeakK = false
-        local bWeakV = false
-        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
-        if cMt then
-            -- Check mode.
-            local strMode = rawget(cMt, "__mode")
-            if strMode then
-                if "k" == strMode then
-                    bWeakK = true
-                elseif "v" == strMode then
-                    bWeakV = true
-                elseif "kv" == strMode then
-                    bWeakK = true
-                    bWeakV = true
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        -- Add reference and name.
-        cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
-        if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
-            return
-        end
-        -- Set name.
-        cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName
-        -- Dump table key and value.
-        for k, v in pairs(cObject) do
-            -- Check key type.
-            local strKeyType = type(k)
-            if "table" == strKeyType then
-                if not bWeakK then
-                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.table]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-                if not bWeakV then
-                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-            elseif "function" == strKeyType then
-                if not bWeakK then
-                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.function]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-                if not bWeakV then
-                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-            elseif "thread" == strKeyType then
-                if not bWeakK then
-                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.thread]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-                if not bWeakV then
-                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-            elseif "userdata" == strKeyType then
-                if not bWeakK then
-                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.userdata]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-                if not bWeakV then
-                    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-            else
-                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. "." .. tostring(k), v, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            end
-        end
-        -- Dump metatable.
-        if cMt then
-            CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
-        end
-    elseif "function" == strType then
-        -- Get function info.
-        local cDInfo = debug.getinfo(cObject, "Su")
-        -- Write this info.
-        cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
-        if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
-            return
-        end
-        -- Set name.
-        cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName .. "[line:" .. tostring(cDInfo.linedefined) .. "@file:" .. cDInfo.short_src .. "]"
-        -- Get upvalues.
-        local nUpsNum = cDInfo.nups
-        for i = 1, nUpsNum do
-            local strUpName, cUpValue = debug.getupvalue(cObject, i)
-            local strUpValueType = type(cUpValue)
-            --print(strUpName, cUpValue)
-            if "table" == strUpValueType then
-                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:table:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            elseif "function" == strUpValueType then
-                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:function:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            elseif "thread" == strUpValueType then
-                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:thread:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            elseif "userdata" == strUpValueType then
-                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:userdata:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            end
-        end
-        -- Dump environment table.
-        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
-        if getfenv then
-            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
-            if cEnv then
-                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[function:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            end
-        end
-    elseif "thread" == strType then
-        -- Add reference and name.
-        cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
-        if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
-            return
-        end
-        -- Set name.
-        cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName
-        -- Dump environment table.
-        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
-        if getfenv then
-            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
-            if cEnv then
-                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[thread:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            end
-        end
-        -- Dump metatable.
-        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
-        if cMt then
-            CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[thread:metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
-        end
-    elseif "userdata" == strType then
-        -- Add reference and name.
-        cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
-        if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
-            return
-        end
-        -- Set name.
-        cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName
-        -- Dump environment table.
-        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
-        if getfenv then
-            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
-            if cEnv then
-                CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[userdata:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            end
-        end
-        -- Dump metatable.
-        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
-        if cMt then
-            CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[userdata:metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
-        end
-    elseif "string" == strType then
-        -- Add reference and name.
-        cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
-        if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
-            return
-        end
-        -- Set name.
-        cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName .. "[" .. strType .. "]"
-    else
-        -- For "number" and "boolean". (If you want to dump them, uncomment the followed lines.)
-        -- -- Add reference and name.
-        -- cRefInfoContainer[cObject] = (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] and (cRefInfoContainer[cObject] + 1)) or 1
-        -- if cNameInfoContainer[cObject] then
-        --  return
-        -- end
-        -- -- Set name.
-        -- cNameInfoContainer[cObject] = strName .. "[" .. strType .. ":" .. tostring(cObject) .. "]"
-    end
--- Collect memory reference info of a single object from a root table or function.
--- strName - The root object name that start to search, can not be nil.
--- cObject - The root object that start to search, can not be nil.
--- cDumpInfoContainer - The container of the dump result info.
-local function CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName, cObject, cDumpInfoContainer)
-    if not cObject then
-        return
-    end
-    if not strName then
-        strName = ""
-    end
-    -- Check container.
-    if (not cDumpInfoContainer) then
-        cDumpInfoContainer = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer()
-    end
-    -- Check stack.
-    if cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel > 0 then
-        local cStackInfo = debug.getinfo(cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel, "Sl")
-        if cStackInfo then
-            cDumpInfoContainer.m_strShortSrc = cStackInfo.short_src
-            cDumpInfoContainer.m_nCurrentLine = cStackInfo.currentline
-        end
-        cDumpInfoContainer.m_nStackLevel = -1
-    end
-    local cExistTag = cDumpInfoContainer.m_cObjectExistTag
-    local cNameAllAlias = cDumpInfoContainer.m_cObjectAliasName
-    local cAccessTag = cDumpInfoContainer.m_cObjectAccessTag
-    local strType = type(cObject)
-    if "table" == strType then
-        -- Check table with class name.
-        if rawget(cObject, "__cname") then
-            if "string" == type(cObject.__cname) then
-                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject.__cname .. "]"
-            end
-        elseif rawget(cObject, "class") then
-            if "string" == type(cObject.class) then
-                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject.class .. "]"
-            end
-        elseif rawget(cObject, "_className") then
-            if "string" == type(cObject._className) then
-                strName = strName .. "[class:" .. cObject._className .. "]"
-            end
-        end
-        -- Check if table is _G.
-        if cObject == _G then
-            strName = strName .. "[_G]"
-        end
-        -- Get metatable.
-        local bWeakK = false
-        local bWeakV = false
-        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
-        if cMt then
-            -- Check mode.
-            local strMode = rawget(cMt, "__mode")
-            if strMode then
-                if "k" == strMode then
-                    bWeakK = true
-                elseif "v" == strMode then
-                    bWeakV = true
-                elseif "kv" == strMode then
-                    bWeakK = true
-                    bWeakV = true
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        -- Check if the specified object.
-        if cExistTag[cObject] and (not cNameAllAlias[strName]) then
-            cNameAllAlias[strName] = true
-        end
-        -- Add reference and name.
-        if cAccessTag[cObject] then
-            return
-        end
-        -- Get this name.
-        cAccessTag[cObject] = true
-        -- Dump table key and value.
-        for k, v in pairs(cObject) do
-            -- Check key type.
-            local strKeyType = type(k)
-            if "table" == strKeyType then
-                if not bWeakK then
-                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.table]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-                if not bWeakV then
-                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-            elseif "function" == strKeyType then
-                if not bWeakK then
-                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.function]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-                if not bWeakV then
-                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-            elseif "thread" == strKeyType then
-                if not bWeakK then
-                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.thread]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-                if not bWeakV then
-                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-            elseif "userdata" == strKeyType then
-                if not bWeakK then
-                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:key.userdata]", k, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-                if not bWeakV then
-                    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[table:value]", v, cDumpInfoContainer)
-                end
-            else
-                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. "." .. k, v, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            end
-        end
-        -- Dump metatable.
-        if cMt then
-            CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
-        end
-    elseif "function" == strType then
-        -- Get function info.
-        local cDInfo = debug.getinfo(cObject, "Su")
-        local cCombinedName = strName .. "[line:" .. tostring(cDInfo.linedefined) .. "@file:" .. cDInfo.short_src .. "]"
-        -- Check if the specified object.
-        if cExistTag[cObject] and (not cNameAllAlias[cCombinedName]) then
-            cNameAllAlias[cCombinedName] = true
-        end
-        -- Write this info.
-        if cAccessTag[cObject] then
-            return
-        end
-        -- Set name.
-        cAccessTag[cObject] = true
-        -- Get upvalues.
-        local nUpsNum = cDInfo.nups
-        for i = 1, nUpsNum do
-            local strUpName, cUpValue = debug.getupvalue(cObject, i)
-            local strUpValueType = type(cUpValue)
-            --print(strUpName, cUpValue)
-            if "table" == strUpValueType then
-                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:table:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            elseif "function" == strUpValueType then
-                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:function:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            elseif "thread" == strUpValueType then
-                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:thread:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            elseif "userdata" == strUpValueType then
-                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName .. ".[ups:userdata:" .. strUpName .. "]", cUpValue, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            end
-        end
-        -- Dump environment table.
-        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
-        if getfenv then
-            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
-            if cEnv then
-                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[function:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            end
-        end
-    elseif "thread" == strType then
-        -- Check if the specified object.
-        if cExistTag[cObject] and (not cNameAllAlias[strName]) then
-            cNameAllAlias[strName] = true
-        end
-        -- Add reference and name.
-        if cAccessTag[cObject] then
-            return
-        end
-        -- Get this name.
-        cAccessTag[cObject] = true
-        -- Dump environment table.
-        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
-        if getfenv then
-            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
-            if cEnv then
-                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[thread:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            end
-        end
-        -- Dump metatable.
-        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
-        if cMt then
-            CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[thread:metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
-        end
-    elseif "userdata" == strType then
-        -- Check if the specified object.
-        if cExistTag[cObject] and (not cNameAllAlias[strName]) then
-            cNameAllAlias[strName] = true
-        end
-        -- Add reference and name.
-        if cAccessTag[cObject] then
-            return
-        end
-        -- Get this name.
-        cAccessTag[cObject] = true
-        -- Dump environment table.
-        local getfenv = debug.getfenv
-        if getfenv then
-            local cEnv = getfenv(cObject)
-            if cEnv then
-                CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[userdata:environment]", cEnv, cDumpInfoContainer)
-            end
-        end
-        -- Dump metatable.
-        local cMt = getmetatable(cObject)
-        if cMt then
-            CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory(strName ..".[userdata:metatable]", cMt, cDumpInfoContainer)
-        end
-    elseif "string" == strType then
-        -- Check if the specified object.
-        if cExistTag[cObject] and (not cNameAllAlias[strName]) then
-            cNameAllAlias[strName] = true
-        end
-        -- Add reference and name.
-        if cAccessTag[cObject] then
-            return
-        end
-        -- Get this name.
-        cAccessTag[cObject] = true
-    else
-        -- For "number" and "boolean" type, they are not object type, skip.
-    end
--- The base method to dump a mem ref info result into a file.
--- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
--- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
--- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
--- strRootObjectName - The header info to show the root object name, can be nil.
--- cRootObject - The header info to show the root object address, can be nil.
--- cDumpInfoResultsBase - The base dumped mem info result, nil means no compare and only output cDumpInfoResults, otherwise to compare with cDumpInfoResults.
--- cDumpInfoResults - The compared dumped mem info result, dump itself only if cDumpInfoResultsBase is nil, otherwise dump compared results with cDumpInfoResultsBase.
-local function OutputMemorySnapshot(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, strRootObjectName, cRootObject, cDumpInfoResultsBase, cDumpInfoResults)
-    -- Check results.
-    if not cDumpInfoResults then
-        return
-    end
-    -- Get time format string.
-    local strDateTime = FormatDateTimeNow()
-    -- Collect memory info.
-    local cRefInfoBase = (cDumpInfoResultsBase and cDumpInfoResultsBase.m_cObjectReferenceCount) or nil
-    local cNameInfoBase = (cDumpInfoResultsBase and cDumpInfoResultsBase.m_cObjectAddressToName) or nil
-    local cRefInfo = cDumpInfoResults.m_cObjectReferenceCount
-    local cNameInfo = cDumpInfoResults.m_cObjectAddressToName
-    -- Create a cache result to sort by ref count.
-    local cRes = {}
-    local nIdx = 0
-    for k in pairs(cRefInfo) do
-        nIdx = nIdx + 1
-        cRes[nIdx] = k
-    end
-    -- Sort result.
-    table.sort(cRes, function (l, r)
-        return cRefInfo[l] > cRefInfo[r]
-    end)
-    -- Save result to file.
-    local bOutputFile = strSavePath and (string.len(strSavePath) > 0)
-    local cOutputHandle = nil
-    local cOutputEntry = print
-    if bOutputFile then
-        -- Check save path affix.
-        local strAffix = string.sub(strSavePath, -1)
-        if ("/" ~= strAffix) and ("\\" ~= strAffix) then
-            strSavePath = strSavePath .. "/"
-        end
-        -- Combine file name.
-        local strFileName = strSavePath .. "LuaMemRefInfo-All"
-        if (not strExtraFileName) or (0 == string.len(strExtraFileName)) then
-            if cDumpInfoResultsBase then
-                if cConfig.m_bComparedMemoryRefFileAddTime then
-                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "].txt"
-                else
-                    strFileName = strFileName .. ".txt"
-                end
-            else
-                if cConfig.m_bAllMemoryRefFileAddTime then
-                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "].txt"
-                else
-                    strFileName = strFileName .. ".txt"
-                end
-            end
-        else
-            if cDumpInfoResultsBase then
-                if cConfig.m_bComparedMemoryRefFileAddTime then
-                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "]-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
-                else
-                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
-                end
-            else
-                if cConfig.m_bAllMemoryRefFileAddTime then
-                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "]-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
-                else
-                    strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        local cFile = assert(io.open(strFileName, "w"))
-        cOutputHandle = cFile
-        cOutputEntry = cFile.write
-    end
-    local cOutputer = function (strContent)
-        if cOutputHandle then
-            cOutputEntry(cOutputHandle, strContent)
-        else
-            cOutputEntry(strContent)
-        end
-    end
-    -- Write table header.
-    if cDumpInfoResultsBase then
-        cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
-        cOutputer("-- This is compared memory information.\n")
-        cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
-        cOutputer("-- Collect base memory reference at line:" .. tostring(cDumpInfoResultsBase.m_nCurrentLine) .. "@file:" .. cDumpInfoResultsBase.m_strShortSrc .. "\n")
-        cOutputer("-- Collect compared memory reference at line:" .. tostring(cDumpInfoResults.m_nCurrentLine) .. "@file:" .. cDumpInfoResults.m_strShortSrc .. "\n")
-    else
-        cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
-        cOutputer("-- Collect memory reference at line:" .. tostring(cDumpInfoResults.m_nCurrentLine) .. "@file:" .. cDumpInfoResults.m_strShortSrc .. "\n")
-    end
-    cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
-    cOutputer("-- [Table/Function/String Address/Name]\t[Reference Path]\t[Reference Count]\n")
-    cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
-    if strRootObjectName and cRootObject then
-        if "string" == type(cRootObject) then
-            cOutputer("-- From Root Object: \"" .. tostring(cRootObject) .. "\" (" .. strRootObjectName .. ")\n")
-        else
-            cOutputer("-- From Root Object: " .. GetOriginalToStringResult(cRootObject) .. " (" .. strRootObjectName .. ")\n")
-        end
-    end
-    -- Save each info.
-    for i, v in ipairs(cRes) do
-        if (not cDumpInfoResultsBase) or (not cRefInfoBase[v]) then
-            if (nMaxRescords > 0) then
-                if (i <= nMaxRescords) then
-                    if "string" == type(v) then
-                        local strOrgString = tostring(v)
-                        local nPattenBegin, nPattenEnd = string.find(strOrgString, "string: \".*\"")
-                        if ((not cDumpInfoResultsBase) and ((nil == nPattenBegin) or (nil == nPattenEnd))) then
-                            local strRepString = string.gsub(strOrgString, "([\n\r])", "\\n")
-                            cOutputer("string: \"" .. strRepString .. "\"\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
-                        else
-                            cOutputer(tostring(v) .. "\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
-                        end
-                    else
-                        cOutputer(GetOriginalToStringResult(v) .. "\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
-                    end
-                end
-            else
-                if "string" == type(v) then
-                    local strOrgString = tostring(v)
-                    local nPattenBegin, nPattenEnd = string.find(strOrgString, "string: \".*\"")
-                    if ((not cDumpInfoResultsBase) and ((nil == nPattenBegin) or (nil == nPattenEnd))) then
-                        local strRepString = string.gsub(strOrgString, "([\n\r])", "\\n")
-                        cOutputer("string: \"" .. strRepString .. "\"\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
-                    else
-                        cOutputer(tostring(v) .. "\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
-                    end
-                else
-                    cOutputer(GetOriginalToStringResult(v) .. "\t" .. cNameInfo[v] .. "\t" .. tostring(cRefInfo[v]) .. "\n")
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    if bOutputFile then
-        io.close(cOutputHandle)
-        cOutputHandle = nil
-    end
--- The base method to dump a mem ref info result of a single object into a file.
--- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
--- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
--- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
--- cDumpInfoResults - The dumped results.
-local function OutputMemorySnapshotSingleObject(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, cDumpInfoResults)
-    -- Check results.
-    if not cDumpInfoResults then
-        return
-    end
-    -- Get time format string.
-    local strDateTime = FormatDateTimeNow()
-    -- Collect memory info.
-    local cObjectAliasName = cDumpInfoResults.m_cObjectAliasName
-    -- Save result to file.
-    local bOutputFile = strSavePath and (string.len(strSavePath) > 0)
-    local cOutputHandle = nil
-    local cOutputEntry = print
-    if bOutputFile then
-        -- Check save path affix.
-        local strAffix = string.sub(strSavePath, -1)
-        if ("/" ~= strAffix) and ("\\" ~= strAffix) then
-            strSavePath = strSavePath .. "/"
-        end
-        -- Combine file name.
-        local strFileName = strSavePath .. "LuaMemRefInfo-Single"
-        if (not strExtraFileName) or (0 == string.len(strExtraFileName)) then
-            if cConfig.m_bSingleMemoryRefFileAddTime then
-                strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "].txt"
-            else
-                strFileName = strFileName .. ".txt"
-            end
-        else
-            if cConfig.m_bSingleMemoryRefFileAddTime then
-                strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strDateTime .. "]-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
-            else
-                strFileName = strFileName .. "-[" .. strExtraFileName .. "].txt"
-            end
-        end
-        local cFile = assert(io.open(strFileName, "w"))
-        cOutputHandle = cFile
-        cOutputEntry = cFile.write
-    end
-    local cOutputer = function (strContent)
-        if cOutputHandle then
-            cOutputEntry(cOutputHandle, strContent)
-        else
-            cOutputEntry(strContent)
-        end
-    end
-    -- Write table header.
-    cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
-    cOutputer("-- Collect single object memory reference at line:" .. tostring(cDumpInfoResults.m_nCurrentLine) .. "@file:" .. cDumpInfoResults.m_strShortSrc .. "\n")
-    cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
-    -- Calculate reference count.
-    local nCount = 0
-    for k in pairs(cObjectAliasName) do
-        nCount = nCount + 1
-    end
-    -- Output reference count.
-    cOutputer("-- For Object: " .. cDumpInfoResults.m_strAddressName .. " (" .. cDumpInfoResults.m_strObjectName .. "), have " .. tostring(nCount) .. " reference in total.\n")
-    cOutputer("--------------------------------------------------------\n")
-    -- Save each info.
-    for k in pairs(cObjectAliasName) do
-        if (nMaxRescords > 0) then
-            if (i <= nMaxRescords) then
-                cOutputer(k .. "\n")
-            end
-        else
-            cOutputer(k .. "\n")
-        end
-    end
-    if bOutputFile then
-        io.close(cOutputHandle)
-        cOutputHandle = nil
-    end
--- Fileter an existing result file and output it.
--- strFilePath - The existing result file.
--- strFilter - The filter string.
--- bIncludeFilter - Include(true) or exclude(false) the filter.
--- bOutputFile - Output to file(true) or console(false).
-local function OutputFilteredResult(strFilePath, strFilter, bIncludeFilter, bOutputFile)
-    if (not strFilePath) or (0 == string.len(strFilePath)) then
-        print("You need to specify a file path.")
-        return
-    end
-    if (not strFilter) or (0 == string.len(strFilter)) then
-        print("You need to specify a filter string.")
-        return
-    end
-    -- Read file.
-    local cFilteredResult = {}
-    local cReadFile = assert(io.open(strFilePath, "rb"))
-    for strLine in cReadFile:lines() do
-        local nBegin, nEnd = string.find(strLine, strFilter)
-        if nBegin and nEnd then
-            if bIncludeFilter then
-                nBegin, nEnd = string.find(strLine, "[\r\n]")
-                if nBegin and nEnd  and (string.len(strLine) == nEnd) then
-                    table.insert(cFilteredResult, string.sub(strLine, 1, nBegin - 1))
-                else
-                    table.insert(cFilteredResult, strLine)
-                end
-            end
-        else
-            if not bIncludeFilter then
-                nBegin, nEnd = string.find(strLine, "[\r\n]")
-                if nBegin and nEnd and (string.len(strLine) == nEnd) then
-                    table.insert(cFilteredResult, string.sub(strLine, 1, nBegin - 1))
-                else
-                    table.insert(cFilteredResult, strLine)
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    -- Close and clear read file handle.
-    io.close(cReadFile)
-    cReadFile = nil
-    -- Write filtered result.
-    local cOutputHandle = nil
-    local cOutputEntry = print
-    if bOutputFile then
-        -- Combine file name.
-        local _, _, strResFileName = string.find(strFilePath, "(.*)%.txt")
-        strResFileName = strResFileName .. "-Filter-" .. ((bIncludeFilter and "I") or "E") .. "-[" .. strFilter .. "].txt"
-        local cFile = assert(io.open(strResFileName, "w"))
-        cOutputHandle = cFile
-        cOutputEntry = cFile.write
-    end
-    local cOutputer = function (strContent)
-        if cOutputHandle then
-            cOutputEntry(cOutputHandle, strContent)
-        else
-            cOutputEntry(strContent)
-        end
-    end
-    -- Output result.
-    for i, v in ipairs(cFilteredResult) do
-        cOutputer(v .. "\n")
-    end
-    if bOutputFile then
-        io.close(cOutputHandle)
-        cOutputHandle = nil
-    end
--- Dump memory reference at current time.
--- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
--- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
--- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
--- strRootObjectName - The root object name that start to search, default is "_G" if leave this to nil.
--- cRootObject - The root object that start to search, default is _G if leave this to nil.
-local function DumpMemorySnapshot(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, strRootObjectName, cRootObject)
-    -- Get time format string.
-    local strDateTime = FormatDateTimeNow()
-    -- Check root object.
-    if cRootObject then
-        if (not strRootObjectName) or (0 == string.len(strRootObjectName)) then
-            strRootObjectName = tostring(cRootObject)
-        end
-    else
-        cRootObject = debug.getregistry()
-        strRootObjectName = "registry"
-    end
-    -- Create container.
-    local cDumpInfoContainer = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer()
-    local cStackInfo = debug.getinfo(2, "Sl")
-    if cStackInfo then
-        cDumpInfoContainer.m_strShortSrc = cStackInfo.short_src
-        cDumpInfoContainer.m_nCurrentLine = cStackInfo.currentline
-    end
-    -- Collect memory info.
-    CollectObjectReferenceInMemory(strRootObjectName, cRootObject, cDumpInfoContainer)
-    -- Dump the result.
-    OutputMemorySnapshot(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, strRootObjectName, cRootObject, nil, cDumpInfoContainer)
--- Dump compared memory reference results generated by DumpMemorySnapshot.
--- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
--- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
--- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
--- cResultBefore - The base dumped results.
--- cResultAfter - The compared dumped results.
-local function DumpMemorySnapshotCompared(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, cResultBefore, cResultAfter)
-    -- Dump the result.
-    OutputMemorySnapshot(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, nil, nil, cResultBefore, cResultAfter)
--- Dump compared memory reference file results generated by DumpMemorySnapshot.
--- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
--- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
--- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
--- strResultFilePathBefore - The base dumped results file.
--- strResultFilePathAfter - The compared dumped results file.
-local function DumpMemorySnapshotComparedFile(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, strResultFilePathBefore, strResultFilePathAfter)
-    -- Read results from file.
-    local cResultBefore = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainerFromFile(strResultFilePathBefore)
-    local cResultAfter = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainerFromFile(strResultFilePathAfter)
-    -- Dump the result.
-    OutputMemorySnapshot(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, nil, nil, cResultBefore, cResultAfter)
--- Dump memory reference of a single object at current time.
--- strSavePath - The save path of the file to store the result, must be a directory path, If nil or "" then the result will output to console as print does.
--- strExtraFileName - If you want to add extra info append to the end of the result file, give a string, nothing will do if set to nil or "".
--- nMaxRescords - How many rescords of the results in limit to save in the file or output to the console, -1 will give all the result.
--- strObjectName - The object name reference you want to dump.
--- cObject - The object reference you want to dump.
-local function DumpMemorySnapshotSingleObject(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, strObjectName, cObject)
-    -- Check object.
-    if not cObject then
-        return
-    end
-    if (not strObjectName) or (0 == string.len(strObjectName)) then
-        strObjectName = GetOriginalToStringResult(cObject)
-    end
-    -- Get time format string.
-    local strDateTime = FormatDateTimeNow()
-    -- Create container.
-    local cDumpInfoContainer = CreateSingleObjectReferenceInfoContainer(strObjectName, cObject)
-    local cStackInfo = debug.getinfo(2, "Sl")
-    if cStackInfo then
-        cDumpInfoContainer.m_strShortSrc = cStackInfo.short_src
-        cDumpInfoContainer.m_nCurrentLine = cStackInfo.currentline
-    end
-    -- Collect memory info.
-    CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory("registry", debug.getregistry(), cDumpInfoContainer)
-    -- Dump the result.
-    OutputMemorySnapshotSingleObject(strSavePath, strExtraFileName, nMaxRescords, cDumpInfoContainer)
--- Return methods.
-local cPublications = {m_cConfig = nil, m_cMethods = {}, m_cHelpers = {}, m_cBases = {}}
-cPublications.m_cConfig = cConfig
-cPublications.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshot = DumpMemorySnapshot
-cPublications.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshotCompared = DumpMemorySnapshotCompared
-cPublications.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshotComparedFile = DumpMemorySnapshotComparedFile
-cPublications.m_cMethods.DumpMemorySnapshotSingleObject = DumpMemorySnapshotSingleObject
-cPublications.m_cHelpers.FormatDateTimeNow = FormatDateTimeNow
-cPublications.m_cHelpers.GetOriginalToStringResult = GetOriginalToStringResult
-cPublications.m_cBases.CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainer
-cPublications.m_cBases.CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainerFromFile = CreateObjectReferenceInfoContainerFromFile
-cPublications.m_cBases.CreateSingleObjectReferenceInfoContainer = CreateSingleObjectReferenceInfoContainer
-cPublications.m_cBases.CollectObjectReferenceInMemory = CollectObjectReferenceInMemory
-cPublications.m_cBases.CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory = CollectSingleObjectReferenceInMemory
-cPublications.m_cBases.OutputMemorySnapshot = OutputMemorySnapshot
-cPublications.m_cBases.OutputMemorySnapshotSingleObject = OutputMemorySnapshotSingleObject
-cPublications.m_cBases.OutputFilteredResult = OutputFilteredResult
-return cPublications