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path: root/commands/terminal/close.go
blob: aca0166af9ef2159471c183c77e60d9703871fc7 (plain) (tree)




package terminal

import (


type Close struct{}

func init() {

func (Close) Aliases() []string {
	return []string{"close"}

func (Close) Complete(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) []string {
	return nil

func (Close) Execute(aerc *widgets.Aerc, args []string) error {
	if len(args) != 1 {
		return errors.New("Usage: close")
	term, _ := aerc.SelectedTab().(*widgets.Terminal)
	return nil
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2013  Roman Zimbelmann <hut@lepus.uberspace.de>
# This configuration file is licensed under the same terms as ranger.
# ===================================================================
# This file contains ranger's commands.
# It's all in python; lines beginning with # are comments.
# Note that additional commands are automatically generated from the methods
# of the class ranger.core.actions.Actions.
# You can customize commands in the file ~/.config/ranger/commands.py.
# It has the same syntax as this file.  In fact, you can just copy this
# file there with `ranger --copy-config=commands' and make your modifications.
# But make sure you update your configs when you update ranger.
# ===================================================================
# Every class defined here which is a subclass of `Command' will be used as a
# command in ranger.  Several methods are defined to interface with ranger:
#   execute(): called when the command is executed.
#   cancel():  called when closing the console.
#   tab():     called when <TAB> is pressed.
#   quick():   called after each keypress.
# The return values for tab() can be either:
#   None: There is no tab completion
#   A string: Change the console to this string
#   A list/tuple/generator: cycle through every item in it
# The return value for quick() can be:
#   False: Nothing happens
#   True: Execute the command afterwards
# The return value for execute() and cancel() doesn't matter.
# ===================================================================
# Commands have certain attributes and methods that facilitate parsing of
# the arguments:
# self.line: The whole line that was written in the console.
# self.args: A list of all (space-separated) arguments to the command.
# self.quantifier: If this command was mapped to the key "X" and
#      the user pressed 6X, self.quantifier will be 6.
# self.arg(n): The n-th argument, or an empty string if it doesn't exist.
# self.rest(n): The n-th argument plus everything that followed.  For example,
#      if the command was "search foo bar a b c", rest(2) will be "bar a b c"
# self.start(n): Anything before the n-th argument.  For example, if the
#      command was "search foo bar a b c", start(2) will be "search foo"
# ===================================================================
# And this is a little reference for common ranger functions and objects:
# self.fm: A reference to the "fm" object which contains most information
#      about ranger.
# self.fm.notify(string): Print the given string on the screen.
# self.fm.notify(string, bad=True): Print the given string in RED.
# self.fm.reload_cwd(): Reload the current working directory.
# self.fm.thisdir: The current working directory. (A File object.)
# self.fm.thisfile: The current file. (A File object too.)
# self.fm.thistab.get_selection(): A list of all selected files.
# self.fm.execute_console(string): Execute the string as a ranger command.
# self.fm.open_console(string): Open the console with the given string
#      already typed in for you.
# self.fm.move(direction): Moves the cursor in the given direction, which
#      can be something like down=3, up=5, right=1, left=1, to=6, ...
# File objects (for example self.fm.thisfile) have these useful attributes and
# methods:
# cf.path: The path to the file.
# cf.basename: The base name only.
# cf.load_content(): Force a loading of the directories content (which
#      obviously works with directories only)
# cf.is_directory: True/False depending on whether it's a directory.
# For advanced commands it is unavoidable to dive a bit into the source code
# of ranger.
# ===================================================================

from ranger.api.commands import *

class alias(Command):
    """:alias <newcommand> <oldcommand>

    Copies the oldcommand as newcommand.

    context = 'browser'
    resolve_macros = False

    def execute(self):
        if not self.arg(1) or not self.arg(2):
            self.fm.notify('Syntax: alias <newcommand> <oldcommand>', bad=True)
            self.fm.commands.alias(self.arg(1), self.rest(2))

class cd(Command):
    """:cd [-r] <dirname>

    The cd command changes the directory.
    The command 'cd -' is equivalent to typing ``.
    Using the option "-r" will get you to the real path.

    def execute(self):
        import os.path
        if self.arg(1) == '-r':
            destination = os.path.realpath(self.rest(1))
            if os.path.isfile(destination):
                destination = os.path.dirname(destination)
            destination = self.rest(1)

        if not destination:
            destination = '~'

        if destination == '-':

    def tab(self):
        import os
        from os.path import dirname, basename, expanduser, join

        cwd = self.fm.thisdir.path
        rel_dest = self.rest(1)

        bookmarks = [v.path for v in self.fm.bookmarks.dct.values()
                if rel_dest in v.path ]

        # expand the tilde into the user directory
        if rel_dest.startswith('~'):
            rel_dest = expanduser(rel_dest)

        # define some shortcuts
        abs_dest = join(cwd, rel_dest)
        abs_dirname = dirname(abs_dest)
        rel_basename = basename(rel_dest)
        rel_dirname = dirname(rel_dest)

            # are we at the end of a directory?
            if rel_dest.endswith('/') or rel_dest == '':
                _, dirnames, _ = next(os.walk(abs_dest))

            # are we in the middle of the filename?
                _, dirnames, _ = next(os.walk(abs_dirname))
                dirnames = [dn for dn in dirnames \
                        if dn.startswith(rel_basename)]
        except (OSError, StopIteration):
            # os.walk found nothing
            if self.fm.settings.cd_bookmarks:
                dirnames = bookmarks + dirnames

            # no results, return None
            if len(dirnames) == 0:

            # one result. since it must be a directory, append a slash.
            if len(dirnames) == 1:
                return self.start(1) + join(rel_dirname, dirnames[0]) + '/'

            # more than one result. append no slash, so the user can
            # manually type in the slash to advance into that directory
            return (self.start(1) + join(rel_dirname, dirname) for dirname in dirnames)

class chain(Command):
    """:chain <command1>; <command2>; ...

    Calls multiple commands at once, separated by semicolons.
    def execute(self):
        for command in self.rest(1).split(";"):

class shell(Command):
    escape_macros_for_shell = True

    def execute(self):
        if self.arg(1) and self.arg(1)[0] == '-':
            flags = self.arg(1)[1:]
            command = self.rest(2)
            flags = ''
            command = self.rest(1)

        if not command and 'p' in flags:
            command = 'cat %f'
        if command:
            if '%' in command:
                command = self.fm.substitute_macros(command, escape=True)
            self.fm.execute_command(command, flags=flags)

    def tab(self):
        from ranger.ext.get_executables import get_executables
        if self.arg(1) and self.arg(1)[0] == '-':
            command = self.rest(2)
            command = self.rest(1)
        start = self.line[0:len(self.line) - len(command)]

            position_of_last_space = command.rindex(" ")
        except ValueError:
            return (start + program + ' ' for program \
                    in get_executables() if program.startswith(command))
        if position_of_last_space == len(command) - 1:
            selection = self.fm.thistab.get_selection()
            if len(selection) == 1:
                return self.line + selection[0].shell_escaped_basename + ' '
                return self.line + '%s '
            before_word, start_of_word = self.line.rsplit(' ', 1)
            return (before_word + ' ' + file.shell_escaped_basename \
                    for file in self.fm.thisdir.files \
                    if file.shell_escaped_basename.startswith(start_of_word))

class open_with(Command):
    def execute(self):
        app, flags, mode = self._get_app_flags_mode(self.rest(1))
                files = [f for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()],
                app = app,
                flags = flags,
                mode = mode)

    def tab(self):
        return self._tab_through_executables()

    def _get_app_flags_mode(self, string):
        """Extracts the application, flags and mode from a string.

        "mplayer f 1" => ("mplayer", "f", 1)
        "aunpack 4" => ("aunpack", "", 4)
        "p" => ("", "p", 0)
        "" => None

        app = ''
        flags = ''
        mode = 0
        split = string.split()

        if len(split) == 0:

        elif len(split) == 1:
            part = split[0]
            if self._is_app(part):
                app = part
            elif self._is_flags(part):
                flags = part
            elif self._is_mode(part):
                mode = part

        elif len(split) == 2:
            part0 = split[0]
            part1 = split[1]

            if self._is_app(part0):
                app = part0
                if self._is_flags(part1):
                    flags = part1
                elif self._is_mode(part1):
                    mode = part1
            elif self._is_flags(part0):
                flags = part0
                if self._is_mode(part1):
                    mode = part1
            elif self._is_mode(part0):
                mode = part0
                if self._is_flags(part1):
                    flags = part1

        elif len(split) >= 3:
            part0 = split[0]
            part1 = split[1]
            part2 = split[2]

            if self._is_app(part0):
                app = part0
                if self._is_flags(part1):
                    flags = part1
                    if self._is_mode(part2):
                        mode = part2
                elif self._is_mode(part1):
                    mode = part1
                    if self._is_flags(part2):
                        flags = part2
            elif self._is_flags(part0):
                flags = part0
                if self._is_mode(part1):
                    mode = part1
            elif self._is_mode(part0):
                mode = part0
                if self._is_flags(part1):
                    flags = part1

        return app, flags, int(mode)

    def _is_app(self, arg):
        return not self._is_flags(arg) and not arg.isdigit()

    def _is_flags(self, arg):
        from ranger.core.runner import ALLOWED_FLAGS
        return all(x in ALLOWED_FLAGS for x in arg)

    def _is_mode(self, arg):
        return all(x in '0123456789' for x in arg)

class set_(Command):
    """:set <option name>=<python expression>

    Gives an option a new value.
    name = 'set'  # don't override the builtin set class
    def execute(self):
        name = self.arg(1)
        name, value, _ = self.parse_setting_line()
        self.fm.set_option_from_string(name, value)

    def tab(self):
        name, value, name_done = self.parse_setting_line()
        settings = self.fm.settings
        if not name:
            return sorted(self.firstpart + setting for setting in settings)
        if not value and not name_done:
            return (self.firstpart + setting for setting in settings \
                    if setting.startswith(name))
        if not value:
            return self.firstpart + str(settings[name])
        if bool in settings.types_of(name):
            if 'true'.startswith(value.lower()):
                return self.firstpart + 'True'
            if 'false'.startswith(value.lower()):
                return self.firstpart + 'False'

class setlocal(set_):
    """:setlocal path=<python string> <option name>=<python expression>

    Gives an option a new value.
    PATH_RE = re.compile(r'^\s*path="?(.*?)"?\s*$')
    def execute(self):
        import os.path
        match = self.PATH_RE.match(self.arg(1))
        if match:
            path = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(match.group(1)))
        elif self.fm.thisdir:
            path = self.fm.thisdir.path
            path = None

        if path:
            name = self.arg(1)
            name, value, _ = self.parse_setting_line()
            self.fm.set_option_from_string(name, value, localpath=path)

class setintag(setlocal):
    """:setintag <tag or tags> <option name>=<option value>

    Sets an option for directories that are tagged with a specific tag.
    def execute(self):
        tags = self.arg(1)
        name, value, _ = self.parse_setting_line()
        self.fm.set_option_from_string(name, value, tags=tags)

class quit(Command):

    Closes the current tab.  If there is only one tab, quit the program.

    def execute(self):
        if len(self.fm.tabs) <= 1:

class quitall(Command):

    Quits the program immediately.

    def execute(self):

class quit_bang(quitall):

    Quits the program immediately.
    name = 'quit!'
    allow_abbrev = False

class terminal(Command):

    Spawns an "x-terminal-emulator" starting in the current directory.
    def execute(self):
        import os
        from ranger.ext.get_executables import get_executables
        command = os.environ.get('TERMCMD', os.environ.get('TERM'))
        if command not in get_executables():
            command = 'x-terminal-emulator'
        if command not in get_executables():
            command = 'xterm'
        self.fm.run(command, flags='f')

class delete(Command):

    Tries to delete the selection.

    "Selection" is defined as all the "marked files" (by default, you
    can mark files with space or v). If there are no marked files,
    use the "current file" (where the cursor is)

    When attempting to delete non-empty directories or multiple
    marked files, it will require a confirmation.

    allow_abbrev = False

    def execute(self):
        import os
        if self.rest(1):
            self.fm.notify("Error: delete takes no arguments! It deletes "
                    "the selected file(s).", bad=True)

        cwd = self.fm.thisdir
        cf = self.fm.thisfile
        if not cwd or not cf:
            self.fm.notify("Error: no file selected for deletion!", bad=True)

        confirm = self.fm.settings.confirm_on_delete
        many_files = (cwd.marked_items or (cf.is_directory and not cf.is_link \
                and len(os.listdir(cf.path)) > 0))

        if confirm != 'never' and (confirm != 'multiple' or many_files):
            self.fm.ui.console.ask("Confirm deletion of: %s (y/N)" %
                ', '.join(f.basename for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()),
                self._question_callback, ('n', 'N', 'y', 'Y'))
            # no need for a confirmation, just delete

    def _question_callback(self, answer):
        if answer == 'y' or answer == 'Y':

class mark_tag(Command):
    """:mark_tag [<tags>]

    Mark all tags that are tagged with either of the given tags.
    When leaving out the tag argument, all tagged files are marked.
    do_mark = True

    def execute(self):
        cwd = self.fm.thisdir
        tags = self.rest(1).replace(" ","")
        if not self.fm.tags:
        for fileobj in cwd.files:
                tag = self.fm.tags.tags[fileobj.realpath]
            except KeyError:
            if not tags or tag in tags:
                cwd.mark_item(fileobj, val=self.do_mark)
        self.fm.ui.status.need_redraw = True
        self.fm.ui.need_redraw = True

class console(Command):
    """:console <command>

    Open the console with the given command.
    def execute(self):
        position = None
        if self.arg(1)[0:2] == '-p':
                position = int(self.arg(1)[2:])
        self.fm.open_console(self.rest(1), position=position)

class load_copy_buffer(Command):

    Load the copy buffer from confdir/copy_buffer
    copy_buffer_filename = 'copy_buffer'
    def execute(self):
        from ranger.container.file import File
        from os.path import exists
            fname = self.fm.confpath(self.copy_buffer_filename)
            f = open(fname, 'r')
            return self.fm.notify("Cannot open %s" % \
                    (fname or self.copy_buffer_filename), bad=True)
        self.fm.copy_buffer = set(File(g) \
            for g in f.read().split("\n") if exists(g))

class save_copy_buffer(Command):

    Save the copy buffer to confdir/copy_buffer
    copy_buffer_filename = 'copy_buffer'
    def execute(self):
        fname = None
            fname = self.fm.confpath(self.copy_buffer_filename)
            f = open(fname, 'w')
            return self.fm.notify("Cannot open %s" % \
                    (fname or self.copy_buffer_filename), bad=True)
        f.write("\n".join(f.path for f in self.fm.copy_buffer))

class unmark_tag(mark_tag):
    """:unmark_tag [<tags>]

    Unmark all tags that are tagged with either of the given tags.
    When leaving out the tag argument, all tagged files are unmarked.
    do_mark = False

class mkdir(Command):
    """:mkdir <dirname>

    Creates a directory with the name <dirname>.

    def execute(self):
        from os.path import join, expanduser, lexists
        from os import mkdir

        dirname = join(self.fm.thisdir.path, expanduser(self.rest(1)))
        if not lexists(dirname):
            self.fm.notify("file/directory exists!", bad=True)

    def tab(self):
        return self._tab_directory_content()

class touch(Command):
    """:touch <fname>

    Creates a file with the name <fname>.

    def execute(self):
        from os.path import join, expanduser, lexists

        fname = join(self.fm.thisdir.path, expanduser(self.rest(1)))
        if not lexists(fname):
            open(fname, 'a').close()
            self.fm.notify("file/directory exists!", bad=True)

    def tab(self):
        return self._tab_directory_content()

class edit(Command):
    """:edit <filename>

    Opens the specified file in vim

    def execute(self):
        if not self.arg(1):

    def tab(self):
        return self._tab_directory_content()

class eval_(Command):
    """:eval [-q] <python code>

    Evaluates the python code.
    `fm' is a reference to the FM instance.
    To display text, use the function `p'.

    :eval fm
    :eval len(fm.directories)
    :eval p("Hello World!")
    name = 'eval'
    resolve_macros = False

    def execute(self):
        if self.arg(1) == '-q':
            code = self.rest(2)
            quiet = True
            code = self.rest(1)
            quiet = False
        import ranger
        global cmd, fm, p, quantifier
        fm = self.fm
        cmd = self.fm.execute_console
        p = fm.notify
        quantifier = self.quantifier
                result = eval(code)
            except SyntaxError:
                if result and not quiet:
        except Exception as err:

class rename(Command):
    """:rename <newname>

    Changes the name of the currently highlighted file to <newname>

    def execute(self):
        from ranger.container.file import File
        from os import access

        new_name = self.rest(1)

        if not new_name:
            return self.fm.notify('Syntax: rename <newname>', bad=True)

        if new_name == self.fm.thisfile.basename:

        if access(new_name, os.F_OK):
            return self.fm.notify("Can't rename: file already exists!", bad=True)

        self.fm.rename(self.fm.thisfile, new_name)
        f = File(new_name)
        self.fm.thisdir.pointed_obj = f
        self.fm.thisfile = f

    def tab(self):
        return self._tab_directory_content()

class renameConsole(Command):

    Creates an open_console for the rename command, automatically placing the cursor before the file extension.

    def execute(self):
        if "." in self.fm.thisfile.basename:
            offset = 6 + len(self.fm.thisfile.basename) - self.fm.thisfile.basename[::-1].index('.')
            self.fm.open_console('rename ' + self.fm.thisfile.basename, position=offset)
            self.fm.open_console('rename ' + self.fm.thisfile.basename)

class chmod(Command):
    """:chmod <octal number>

    Sets the permissions of the selection to the octal number.

    The octal number is between 0 and 777. The digits specify the
    permissions for the user, the group and others.

    A 1 permits execution, a 2 permits writing, a 4 permits reading.
    Add those numbers to combine them. So a 7 permits everything.

    def execute(self):
        mode = self.rest(1)
        if not mode:
            mode = str(self.quantifier)

            mode = int(mode, 8)
            if mode < 0 or mode > 0o777:
                raise ValueError
        except ValueError:
            self.fm.notify("Need an octal number between 0 and 777!", bad=True)

        for file in self.fm.thistab.get_selection():
                os.chmod(file.path, mode)
            except Exception as ex:

            # reloading directory.  maybe its better to reload the selected
            # files only.

class bulkrename(Command):

    This command opens a list of selected files in an external editor.
    After you edit and save the file, it will generate a shell script
    which does bulk renaming according to the changes you did in the file.

    This shell script is opened in an editor for you to review.
    After you close it, it will be executed.
    def execute(self):
        import sys
        import tempfile
        from ranger.container.file import File
        from ranger.ext.shell_escape import shell_escape as esc
        py3 = sys.version > "3"

        # Create and edit the file list
        filenames = [f.basename for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()]
        listfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

        if py3:
        self.fm.execute_file([File(listfile.name)], app='editor')
        if py3:
            new_filenames = listfile.read().decode("utf-8").split("\n")
            new_filenames = listfile.read().split("\n")
        if all(a == b for a, b in zip(filenames, new_filenames)):
            self.fm.notify("No renaming to be done!")

        # Generate and execute script
        cmdfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        cmdfile.write(b"# This file will be executed when you close the editor.\n")
        cmdfile.write(b"# Please double-check everything, clear the file to abort.\n")
        if py3:
            cmdfile.write("\n".join("mv -vi -- " + esc(old) + " " + esc(new) \
                for old, new in zip(filenames, new_filenames) \
                if old != new).encode("utf-8"))
            cmdfile.write("\n".join("mv -vi -- " + esc(old) + " " + esc(new) \
                for old, new in zip(filenames, new_filenames) if old != new))
        self.fm.execute_file([File(cmdfile.name)], app='editor')
        self.fm.run(['/bin/sh', cmdfile.name], flags='w')

class relink(Command):
    """:relink <newpath>

    Changes the linked path of the currently highlighted symlink to <newpath>

    def execute(self):
        from ranger.container.file import File

        new_path = self.rest(1)
        cf = self.fm.thisfile

        if not new_path:
            return self.fm.notify('Syntax: relink <newpath>', bad=True)

        if not cf.is_link:
            return self.fm.notify('%s is not a symlink!' % cf.basename, bad=True)

        if new_path == os.readlink(cf.path):

            os.symlink(new_path, cf.path)
        except OSError as err:

        self.fm.thisdir.pointed_obj = cf
        self.fm.thisfile = cf

    def tab(self):
        if not self.rest(1):
            return self.line+os.readlink(self.fm.thisfile.path)
            return self._tab_directory_content()

class help_(Command):

    Display ranger's manual page.
    name = 'help'
    def execute(self):
        if self.quantifier == 1:
        elif self.quantifier == 2:
        elif self.quantifier == 3:

class copymap(Command):
    """:copymap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]

    Copies a "browser" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
    context = 'browser'

    def execute(self):
        if not self.arg(1) or not self.arg(2):
            return self.fm.notify("Not enough arguments", bad=True)

        for arg in self.args[2:]:
            self.fm.ui.keymaps.copy(self.context, self.arg(1), arg)

class copypmap(copymap):
    """:copypmap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]

    Copies a "pager" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
    context = 'pager'

class copycmap(copymap):
    """:copycmap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]

    Copies a "console" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
    context = 'console'

class copytmap(copymap):
    """:copycmap <keys> <newkeys1> [<newkeys2>...]

    Copies a "taskview" keybinding from <keys> to <newkeys>
    context = 'taskview'

class unmap(Command):
    """:unmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]

    Remove the given "browser" mappings
    context = 'browser'

    def execute(self):
        for arg in self.args[1:]:
            self.fm.ui.keymaps.unbind(self.context, arg)

class cunmap(unmap):
    """:cunmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]

    Remove the given "console" mappings
    context = 'browser'

class punmap(unmap):
    """:punmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]

    Remove the given "pager" mappings
    context = 'pager'

class tunmap(unmap):
    """:tunmap <keys> [<keys2>, ...]

    Remove the given "taskview" mappings
    context = 'taskview'

class map_(Command):
    """:map <keysequence> <command>

    Maps a command to a keysequence in the "browser" context.

    map j move down
    map J move down 10
    name = 'map'
    context = 'browser'
    resolve_macros = False

    def execute(self):
        self.fm.ui.keymaps.bind(self.context, self.arg(1), self.rest(2))

class cmap(map_):
    """:cmap <keysequence> <command>

    Maps a command to a keysequence in the "console" context.

    cmap <ESC> console_close
    cmap <C-x> console_type test
    context = 'console'

class tmap(map_):
    """:tmap <keysequence> <command>

    Maps a command to a keysequence in the "taskview" context.
    context = 'taskview'

class pmap(map_):
    """:pmap <keysequence> <command>

    Maps a command to a keysequence in the "pager" context.
    context = 'pager'

class scout(Command):
    """:scout [-FLAGS] <pattern>

    Swiss army knife command for searching, traveling and filtering files.
    The command takes various flags as arguments which can be used to
    influence its behaviour:

    -a = automatically open a file on unambiguous match
    -e = open the selected file when pressing enter
    -f = filter files that match the current search pattern
    -g = interpret pattern as a glob pattern
    -i = ignore the letter case of the files
    -k = keep the console open when changing a directory with the command
    -l = letter skipping; e.g. allow "rdme" to match the file "readme"
    -m = mark the matching files after pressing enter
    -M = unmark the matching files after pressing enter
    -p = permanent filter: hide non-matching files after pressing enter
    -s = smart case; like -i unless pattern contains upper case letters
    -t = apply filter and search pattern as you type
    -v = inverts the match

    Multiple flags can be combined.  For example, ":scout -gpt" would create
    a :filter-like command using globbing.
    AUTO_OPEN       = 'a'
    OPEN_ON_ENTER   = 'e'
    FILTER          = 'f'
    SM_GLOB         = 'g'
    IGNORE_CASE     = 'i'
    KEEP_OPEN       = 'k'
    SM_LETTERSKIP   = 'l'
    MARK            = 'm'
    UNMARK          = 'M'
    PERM_FILTER     = 'p'
    SM_REGEX        = 'r'
    SMART_CASE      = 's'
    AS_YOU_TYPE     = 't'
    INVERT          = 'v'

    def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
        Command.__init__(self, *args, **kws)
        self._regex = None
        self.flags, self.pattern = self.parse_flags()

    def execute(self):
        thisdir = self.fm.thisdir
        flags   = self.flags
        pattern = self.pattern
        regex   = self._build_regex()
        count   = self._count(move=True)

        self.fm.thistab.last_search = regex

        if self.MARK in flags or self.UNMARK in flags:
            value = flags.find(self.MARK) > flags.find(self.UNMARK)
            if self.FILTER in flags:
                for f in thisdir.files:
                    thisdir.mark_item(f, value)
                for f in thisdir.files:
                    if regex.search(f.basename):
                        thisdir.mark_item(f, value)

        if self.PERM_FILTER in flags:
            thisdir.filter = regex if pattern else None

        # clean up:

        if self.OPEN_ON_ENTER in flags or \
                self.AUTO_OPEN in flags and count == 1:
            if os.path.exists(pattern):

        if self.KEEP_OPEN in flags and thisdir != self.fm.thisdir:
            # reopen the console:
            if not pattern:

        if thisdir != self.fm.thisdir and pattern != "..":

    def cancel(self):
        self.fm.thisdir.temporary_filter = None

    def quick(self):
        asyoutype = self.AS_YOU_TYPE in self.flags
        if self.FILTER in self.flags:
            self.fm.thisdir.temporary_filter = self._build_regex()
        if self.PERM_FILTER in self.flags and asyoutype:
            self.fm.thisdir.filter = self._build_regex()
        if self.FILTER in self.flags or self.PERM_FILTER in self.flags:
        if self._count(move=asyoutype) == 1 and self.AUTO_OPEN in self.flags:
            return True
        return False

    def tab(self):
        self._count(move=True, offset=1)

    def _build_regex(self):
        if self._regex is not None:
            return self._regex

        frmat   = "%s"
        flags   = self.flags
        pattern = self.pattern

        if pattern == ".":
            return re.compile("")

        # Handle carets at start and dollar signs at end separately
        if pattern.startswith('^'):
            pattern = pattern[1:]
            frmat = "^" + frmat
        if pattern.endswith('$'):
            pattern = pattern[:-1]
            frmat += "$"

        # Apply one of the search methods
        if self.SM_REGEX in flags:
            regex = pattern
        elif self.SM_GLOB in flags:
            regex = re.escape(pattern).replace("\\*", ".*").replace("\\?", ".")
        elif self.SM_LETTERSKIP in flags:
            regex = ".*".join(re.escape(c) for c in pattern)
            regex = re.escape(pattern)

        regex = frmat % regex

        # Invert regular expression if necessary
        if self.INVERT in flags:
            regex = "^(?:(?!%s).)*$" % regex

        # Compile Regular Expression
        options = re.LOCALE | re.UNICODE
        if self.IGNORE_CASE in flags or self.SMART_CASE in flags and \
            options |= re.IGNORECASE
            self._regex = re.compile(regex, options)
            self._regex = re.compile("")
        return self._regex

    def _count(self, move=False, offset=0):
        count   = 0
        cwd     = self.fm.thisdir
        pattern = self.pattern

        if not pattern:
            return 0
        if pattern == '.':
            return 0
        if pattern == '..':
            return 1

        deq = deque(cwd.files)
        deq.rotate(-cwd.pointer - offset)
        i = offset
        regex = self._build_regex()
        for fsobj in deq:
            if regex.search(fsobj.basename):
                count += 1
                if move and count == 1:
                    cwd.move(to=(cwd.pointer + i) % len(cwd.files))
                    self.fm.thisfile = cwd.pointed_obj
            if count > 1:
                return count
            i += 1

        return count == 1

class grep(Command):
    """:grep <string>

    Looks for a string in all marked files or directories

    def execute(self):
        if self.rest(1):
            action = ['grep', '--line-number']
            action.extend(['-e', self.rest(1), '-r'])
            action.extend(f.path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection())
            self.fm.execute_command(action, flags='p')

# Version control commands
# --------------------------------
class stage(Command):

    Stage selected files for the corresponding version control system
    def execute(self):
        from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError

        filelist = [f.path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()]
        self.fm.thisdir.vcs_outdated = True
#        for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection():
#            f.vcs_outdated = True

        except VcsError:
            self.fm.notify("Could not stage files.")


class unstage(Command):

    Unstage selected files for the corresponding version control system
    def execute(self):
        from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError

        filelist = [f.path for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection()]
        self.fm.thisdir.vcs_outdated = True
#        for f in self.fm.thistab.get_selection():
#            f.vcs_outdated = True

        except VcsError:
            self.fm.notify("Could not unstage files.")


class diff(Command):

    Displays a diff of selected files against the last committed version
    def execute(self):
        from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError
        import tempfile

        L = self.fm.thistab.get_selection()
        if len(L) == 0: return

        filelist = [f.path for f in L]
        vcs = L[0].vcs

        diff = vcs.get_raw_diff(filelist=filelist)
        if len(diff.strip()) > 0:
            tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

            pager = os.environ.get('PAGER', ranger.DEFAULT_PAGER)
            self.fm.run([pager, tmp.name])
            raise Exception("diff is empty")

class log(Command):

    Displays the log of the current repo or files
    def execute(self):
        from ranger.ext.vcs import VcsError
        import tempfile

        L = self.fm.thistab.get_selection()
        if len(L) == 0: return

        filelist = [f.path for f in L]
        vcs = L[0].vcs

        log = vcs.get_raw_log(filelist=filelist)
        tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()

        pager = os.environ.get('PAGER', ranger.DEFAULT_PAGER)
        self.fm.run([pager, tmp.name])