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path: root/examples/plugin_new_sorting_method.py
blob: d294067e6baa6c5988b94697d6131021dbc650d5 (plain) (tree)


# Compatible with ranger 1.6.0 through 1.7.*
# This plugin adds the sorting algorithm called 'random'.  To enable it, type
# ":set sort=random" or create a key binding with ":map oz set sort=random"

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

from random import random

from ranger.container.directory import Directory

Directory.sort_dict['random'] = lambda path: random()
' href='#n381'>381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495
# Some useful helpers for dealing with strings.

recipe string-equal [
  default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
  a:address:array:character <- next-ingredient
  a-len:number <- length a:address:array:character/deref
  b:address:array:character <- next-ingredient
  b-len:number <- length b:address:array:character/deref
  # compare lengths
    trace [string-equal], [comparing lengths]
    length-equal?:boolean <- equal a-len:number, b-len:number
    break-if length-equal?:boolean
    reply 0:literal
  # compare each corresponding character
  trace [string-equal], [comparing characters]
  i:number <- copy 0:literal
    done?:boolean <- greater-or-equal i:number, a-len:number
    break-if done?:boolean
    a2:character <- index a:address:array:character/deref, i:number
    b2:character <- index b:address:array:character/deref, i:number
      chars-match?:boolean <- equal a2:character, b2:character
      break-if chars-match?:boolean
      reply 0:literal
    i:number <- add i:number, 1:literal
  reply 1:literal

scenario string-equal-reflexive [
  run [
    default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
    x:address:array:character <- new [abc]
    3:boolean/raw <- string-equal x:address:array:character, x:address:array:character
  memory-should-contain [
    3 <- 1  # x == x for all x

scenario string-equal-identical [
  run [
    default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
    x:address:array:character <- new [abc]
    y:address:array:character <- new [abc]
    3:boolean/raw <- string-equal x:address:array:character, y:address:array:character
  memory-should-contain [
    3 <- 1  # abc == abc

scenario string-equal-distinct-lengths [
  run [
    default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
    x:address:array:character <- new [abc]
    y:address:array:character <- new [abcd]
    3:boolean/raw <- string-equal x:address:array:character, y:address:array:character
  memory-should-contain [
    3 <- 0  # abc != abcd
  trace-should-contain [
    string-equal: comparing lengths
  trace-should-not-contain [
    string-equal: comparing characters

scenario string-equal-with-empty [
  run [
    default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
    x:address:array:character <- new []
    y:address:array:character <- new [abcd]
    3:boolean/raw <- string-equal x:address:array:character, y:address:array:character
  memory-should-contain [
    3 <- 0  # "" != abcd

scenario string-equal-common-lengths-but-distinct [
  run [
    default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
    x:address:array:character <- new [abc]
    y:address:array:character <- new [abd]
    3:boolean/raw <- string-equal x:address:array:character, y:address:array:character
  memory-should-contain [
    3 <- 0  # abc != abd

# A new type to help incrementally construct strings.
container buffer [

recipe init-buffer [
  default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
#?   $print default-space:address:array:location, [
#? ]
  result:address:buffer <- new buffer:type
  len:address:number <- get-address result:address:buffer/deref, length:offset
  len:address:number/deref <- copy 0:literal
  s:address:address:array:character <- get-address result:address:buffer/deref, data:offset
  capacity:number <- next-ingredient
  s:address:address:array:character/deref <- new character:type, capacity:number
#?   $print s:address:address:array:character/deref, [
#? ]
  reply result:address:buffer

recipe grow-buffer [
  default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
  in:address:buffer <- next-ingredient
  # double buffer size
  x:address:address:array:character <- get-address in:address:buffer/deref, data:offset
  oldlen:number <- length x:address:address:array:character/deref/deref
  newlen:number <- multiply oldlen:number, 2:literal
  olddata:address:array:character <- copy x:address:address:array:character/deref
  x:address:address:array:character/deref <- new character:type, newlen:number
  # copy old contents
  i:number <- copy 0:literal
    done?:boolean <- greater-or-equal i:number, oldlen:number
    break-if done?:boolean
    src:character <- index olddata:address:array:character/deref, i:number
    dest:address:character <- index-address x:address:address:array:character/deref/deref, i:number
    dest:address:character/deref <- copy src:character
    i:number <- add i:number, 1:literal
  reply in:address:buffer

recipe buffer-full? [
  default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
  in:address:buffer <- next-ingredient
  len:number <- get in:address:buffer/deref, length:offset
  s:address:array:character <- get in:address:buffer/deref, data:offset
  capacity:number <- length s:address:array:character/deref
  result:boolean <- greater-or-equal len:number, capacity:number
  reply result:boolean

# in:address:buffer <- buffer-append in:address:buffer, c:character
recipe buffer-append [
  default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
  in:address:buffer <- next-ingredient
  c:character <- next-ingredient
    # grow buffer if necessary
    full?:boolean <- buffer-full? in:address:buffer
    break-unless full?:boolean
    in:address:buffer <- grow-buffer in:address:buffer
  len:address:number <- get-address in:address:buffer/deref, length:offset
  s:address:array:character <- get in:address:buffer/deref, data:offset
  dest:address:character <- index-address s:address:array:character/deref, len:address:number/deref
  dest:address:character/deref <- copy c:character
  len:address:number/deref <- add len:address:number/deref, 1:literal
  reply in:address:buffer/same-as-ingredient:0

scenario buffer-append-works [
  run [
    default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
    x:address:buffer <- init-buffer 3:literal
    s1:address:array:character <- get x:address:buffer/deref, data:offset
    x:address:buffer <- buffer-append x:address:buffer, 97:literal  # 'a'
    x:address:buffer <- buffer-append x:address:buffer, 98:literal  # 'b'
    x:address:buffer <- buffer-append x:address:buffer, 99:literal  # 'c'
    s2:address:array:character <- get x:address:buffer/deref, data:offset
    1:boolean/raw <- equal s1:address:array:character, s2:address:array:character
#?     $print s2:address:array:character, [
#? ]
#?     $print 1060:number/raw, [
#? ]
#?     $print 1061:number/raw, [
#? ]
#?     $print 1062:number/raw, [
#? ]
#?     $print 1063:number/raw, [
#? ]
#?     $print 1064:number/raw, [
#? ]
#?     $print 1065:number/raw, [
#? ]
    2:array:character/raw <- copy s2:address:array:character/deref
    x:address:buffer <- buffer-append x:address:buffer, 100:literal  # 'd'
    s3:address:array:character <- get x:address:buffer/deref, data:offset
    10:boolean/raw <- equal s1:address:array:character, s3:address:array:character
    11:number/raw <- get x:address:buffer/deref, length:offset
    12:array:character/raw <- copy s3:address:array:character/deref
  memory-should-contain [
    # before +buffer-filled
    1 <- 1   # no change in data pointer
    2 <- 3   # size of data
    3 <- 97  # data
    4 <- 98
    5 <- 99
    # in the end
    10 <- 0   # data pointer has grown
    11 <- 4   # final length
    12 <- 6   # but data's capacity has doubled
    13 <- 97  # data
    14 <- 98
    15 <- 99
    16 <- 100
    17 <- 0
    18 <- 0

# result:address:array:character <- integer-to-decimal-string n:number
recipe integer-to-decimal-string [
  default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
  n:number <- next-ingredient
  # is it zero?
    break-if n:number
    result:address:array:character <- new [0]
    reply result:address:array:character
  # save sign
  negate-result:boolean <- copy 0:literal
    negative?:boolean <- lesser-than n:number, 0:literal
    break-unless negative?:boolean
    negate-result:boolean <- copy 1:literal
    n:number <- multiply n:number, -1:literal
  # add digits from right to left into intermediate buffer
  tmp:address:buffer <- init-buffer 30:literal
  digit-base:number <- copy 48:literal  # '0'
    done?:boolean <- equal n:number, 0:literal
    break-if done?:boolean
    n:number, digit:number <- divide-with-remainder n:number, 10:literal
    c:character <- add digit-base:number, digit:number
    tmp:address:buffer <- buffer-append tmp:address:buffer, c:character
  # add sign
    break-unless negate-result:boolean
    tmp:address:buffer <- buffer-append tmp:address:buffer, 45:literal  # '-'
  # reverse buffer into string result
  len:number <- get tmp:address:buffer/deref, length:offset
  buf:address:array:character <- get tmp:address:buffer/deref, data:offset
  result:address:array:character <- new character:type, len:number
  i:number <- subtract len:number, 1:literal
  j:number <- copy 0:literal
    # while i >= 0
    done?:boolean <- lesser-than i:number, 0:literal
    break-if done?:boolean
    # result[j] = tmp[i]
    src:character <- index buf:address:array:character/deref, i:number
    dest:address:character <- index-address result:address:array:character/deref, j:number
    dest:address:character/deref <- copy src:character
    # ++i
    i:number <- subtract i:number, 1:literal
    # --j
    j:number <- add j:number, 1:literal
  reply result:address:array:character

scenario integer-to-decimal-digit-zero [
  run [
    1:address:array:character/raw <- integer-to-decimal-string 0:literal
    2:array:character/raw <- copy 1:address:array:character/deref/raw
  memory-should-contain [
    2:string <- [0]

scenario integer-to-decimal-digit-positive [
  run [
    1:address:array:character/raw <- integer-to-decimal-string 234:literal
    2:array:character/raw <- copy 1:address:array:character/deref/raw
  memory-should-contain [
    2:string <- [234]

scenario integer-to-decimal-digit-negative [
  run [
    1:address:array:character/raw <- integer-to-decimal-string -1:literal
    2:array:character/raw <- copy 1:address:array:character/deref/raw
  memory-should-contain [
    2 <- 2
    3 <- 45  # '-'
    4 <- 49  # '1'

recipe string-append [
  default-space:address:array:location <- new location:type, 30:literal
  # result = new string[a.length + b.length]
  a:address:array:character <- next-ingredient
  a-len:number <- length a:address:array:character/deref
  b:address:array:character <- next-ingredient
  b-len:number <- length b:address:array:character/deref
  result-len:number <- add a-len:number, b-len:number
  result:address:array:character <- new character:type, result-len:number
  # copy a into result
  result-idx:number <- copy 0:literal
  i:number <- copy 0:literal
    # while i < a.length
    a-done?:boolean <- greater-or-equal i:number, a-len:number
    break-if a-done?:boolean
    # result[result-idx] = a[i]
    out:address:character <- index-address result:address:array:character/deref, result-idx:number
    in:character <- index a:address:array:character/deref, i:number
    out:address:character/deref <- copy in:character
    # ++i
    i:number <- add i:number, 1:literal
    # ++result-idx
    result-idx:number <- add result-idx:number, 1:literal
  # copy b into result
  i:number <- copy 0:literal
    # while i < b.length
    b-done?:boolean <- greater-or-equal i:number, b-len:number
    break-if b-done?:boolean
    # result[result-idx] = a[i]
    out:address:character <- index-address result:address:array:character/deref, result-idx:number
    in:character <- index b:address:array:character/deref, i:number
    out:address:character/deref <- copy in:character
    # ++i
    i:number <- add i:number, 1:literal
    # ++result-idx
    result-idx:number <- add result-idx:number, 1:literal
  reply result:address:array:character

scenario string-append-1 [
  run [
    1:address:array:character/raw <- new [hello,]
    2:address:array:character/raw <- new [ world!]
    3:address:array:character/raw <- string-append 1:address:array:character/raw, 2:address:array:character/raw
    4:array:character/raw <- copy 3:address:array:character/raw/deref
  memory-should-contain [
    4:string <- [hello, world!]

# replace underscores in first with remaining args
# result:address:array:character <- interpolate template:address:array:character, ...
recipe interpolate [
  default-space:array:address:location <- new location:type, 60:literal
  template:address:array:character <- next-ingredient
  # compute result-len, space to allocate for result
  tem-len:number <- length template:address:array:character/deref
  result-len:number <- copy tem-len:number
    # while arg received
    a:address:array:character, arg-received?:boolean <- next-ingredient
    break-unless arg-received?:boolean
    # result-len = result-len + arg.length - 1 for the 'underscore' being replaced
    a-len:number <- length a:address:array:character/deref
    result-len:number <- add result-len:number, a-len:number
    result-len:number <- subtract result-len:number, 1:literal
#?   $print tem-len:number, [ ], $result-len:number, [ 
#? ] #? 1
  _ <- next-ingredient  # skip template
  # result = new array:character[result-len]
  result:address:array:character <- new character:type, result-len:number
  # repeatedly copy sections of template and 'holes' into result
  result-idx:number <- copy 0:literal
  i:number <- copy 0:literal
    # while arg received
    a:address:array:character, arg-received?:boolean <- next-ingredient
    break-unless arg-received?:boolean
    # copy template into result until '_'
      # while i < template.length
      tem-done?:boolean <- greater-or-equal i:number, tem-len:number
      break-if tem-done?:boolean, +done:label
      # while template[i] != '_'
      in:character <- index template:address:array:character/deref, i:number
      underscore?:boolean <- equal in:character, 95:literal  # '_'
      break-if underscore?:boolean
      # result[result-idx] = template[i]
      out:address:character <- index-address result:address:array:character/deref, result-idx:number
      out:address:character/deref <- copy in:character
      # ++i
      i:number <- add i:number, 1:literal
      # ++result-idx
      result-idx:number <- add result-idx:number, 1:literal
    # copy 'a' into result
    j:number <- copy 0:literal
      # while j < a.length
      arg-done?:boolean <- greater-or-equal j:number, a-len:number
      break-if arg-done?:boolean
      # result[result-idx] = a[j]
      in:character <- index a:address:array:character/deref, j:number
      out:address:character <- index-address result:address:array:character/deref, result-idx:number
      out:address:character/deref <- copy in:character
      # ++j
      j:number <- add j:number, 1:literal
      # ++result-idx
      result-idx:number <- add result-idx:number, 1:literal
    # skip '_' in template
    i:number <- add i:number, 1:literal
    loop  # interpolate next arg
  # done with holes; copy rest of template directly into result
    # while i < template.length
    tem-done?:boolean <- greater-or-equal i:number, tem-len:number
    break-if tem-done?:boolean
    # result[result-idx] = template[i]
    in:character <- index template:address:array:character/deref, i:number
    out:address:character <- index-address result:address:array:character/deref, result-idx:number
    out:address:character/deref <- copy in:character
    # ++i
    i:number <- add i:number, 1:literal
    # ++result-idx
    result-idx:number <- add result-idx:number, 1:literal
  reply result:address:array:character

scenario interpolate-works [
#?   dump run #? 1
  run [
    1:address:array:character/raw <- new [abc _]
    2:address:array:character/raw <- new [def]
    3:address:array:character/raw <- interpolate 1:address:array:character/raw, 2:address:array:character/raw
    4:array:character/raw <- copy 3:address:array:character/raw/deref
  memory-should-contain [
    4:string <- [abc def]

scenario interpolate-at-start [
  run [
    1:address:array:character/raw <- new [_, hello!]
    2:address:array:character/raw <- new [abc]
    3:address:array:character/raw <- interpolate 1:address:array:character/raw, 2:address:array:character/raw
    4:array:character/raw <- copy 3:address:array:character/raw/deref
  memory-should-contain [
    4:string <- [abc, hello!]
    16 <- 0  # out of bounds

scenario interpolate-at-end [
  run [
    1:address:array:character/raw <- new [hello, _]
    2:address:array:character/raw <- new [abc]
    3:address:array:character/raw <- interpolate 1:address:array:character/raw, 2:address:array:character/raw
    4:array:character/raw <- copy 3:address:array:character/raw/deref
  memory-should-contain [
    4:string <- [hello, abc]