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authorhut <hut@lavabit.com>2011-09-30 18:44:05 +0200
committerhut <hut@lavabit.com>2011-09-30 18:44:05 +0200
commit355464a5581499ca0f9924e0513f443268b1c5fc (patch)
tree4f656735605d6d981d7b99d24bd4b0b85c7dc3e2 /ranger
parent1988a2fc471e36f088fcc700835ff81ee473f9e9 (diff)
delete old keys.py file
Diffstat (limited to 'ranger')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 443 deletions
diff --git a/ranger/defaults/keys.py b/ranger/defaults/keys.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 14ecef54..00000000
--- a/ranger/defaults/keys.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,443 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2009, 2010  Roman Zimbelmann <romanz@lavabit.com>
-# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-This is the default key configuration file of ranger.
-Syntax for binding keys: map(*keys, fnc)
-Examples for keys: "x", "gg", "<C-J><A-4>", "<tab>", "<down><up><right>"
-fnc is a function which is called with the CommandArgs object.
-The CommandArgs object has these attributes:
-arg.fm: the file manager instance
-arg.wdg: the current widget
-arg.n: the number typed before the key combination (if allowed)
-arg.direction: the direction object (if applicable)
-arg.keys: the string representation of the used key combination
-arg.keybuffer: the keybuffer instance
-Direction keys are special.  They must be mapped with: map.dir(*keys, **args)
-where args is a dict of values such as up, down, to, absolute, relative...
-Example: map.dir('gg', to=0)
-Direction keys can be accessed in a mapping that contians "<dir>".
-Other special keys are "<any>" which matches any single key and "<bg>"
-which will run the function passively, without clearing the keybuffer.
-Additionally, there are shortcuts for accessing methods of the current
-file manager and widget instance:
-map('xyz', fm.method(foo=bar))
-will be translated to:
-map('xyz', lamdba arg: arg.fm.method(foo=bar))
-If possible, arg.n and arg.direction are automatically inserted.
-Example scenario
-If this keys are defined:
-map("dd", "d<dir>", fm.cut(foo=bar))
-map.dir("gg", to=0)
-Type in the keys on the left and the function on the right will be executed:
-dd        => fm.cut(foo=bar)
-5dd       => fm.cut(foo=bar, narg=5)
-dgg       => fm.cut(foo=bar, dirarg=Direction(to=0))
-5dgg      => fm.cut(foo=bar, narg=5, dirarg=Direction(to=0))
-5d3gg     => fm.cut(foo=bar, narg=5, dirarg=Direction(to=3))
-Example ~/.config/ranger/keys.py
-from ranger.api.keys import *
-keymanager.map("browser", "d", fm.move(down=0.5, pages=True))
-# Add less-like d/u keys to the "browser" context:
-map = keymanager.get_context('browser')
-map("d", fm.move(down=0.5, pages=True))
-map("u", fm.move(up=0.5, pages=True))
-# Add keys to all contexts
-map = KeyMapWithDirections()  # create new empty keymap.
-map("q", fm.exit())
-map.dir("<down>", down=3)     # I'm quick, I want to move 3 at once!
-keymanager.merge_all(map)     # merge the new map into all existing ones.
-from ranger.api.keys import *
-# ===================================================================
-# == Define keys for everywhere:
-# ===================================================================
-map = global_keys = KeyMapWithDirections()
-map('Q', fm.exit())
-map('<C-L>', fm.redraw_window())
-map('<backspace2>', alias='<backspace>')  # Backspace is bugged sometimes
-#map('<dir>', wdg.move())
-@map('<dir>') # move around with direction keys
-def move(arg):
-	arg.wdg.move(narg=arg.n, **arg.direction)
-# -------------------------------------------------- direction keys
-map.dir('<down>', down=1)
-map.dir('<up>', up=1)
-map.dir('<left>', left=1)
-map.dir('<right>', right=1)
-map.dir('<home>', down=0, absolute=True)
-map.dir('<end>', down=-1, absolute=True)
-map.dir('<pagedown>', down=1, pages=True)
-map.dir('<pageup>', down=-1, pages=True)
-map.dir('%', down=50, percentage=True, absolute=True)
-# ===================================================================
-# == Define aliases
-# ===================================================================
-map = vim_aliases = KeyMapWithDirections()
-map.dir('j', alias='<down>')
-map.dir('k', alias='<up>')
-map.dir('h', alias='<left>')
-map.dir('l', alias='<right>')
-map.dir('gg', alias='<home>')
-map.dir('G', alias='<end>')
-map.dir('<C-F>', alias='<pagedown>')
-map.dir('<C-B>', alias='<pageup>')
-map = readline_aliases = KeyMapWithDirections()
-map.dir('<C-B>', alias='<left>')
-map.dir('<C-F>', alias='<right>')
-map.dir('<C-A>', alias='<home>')
-map.dir('<C-E>', alias='<end>')
-map.dir('<C-D>', alias='<delete>')
-map.dir('<C-H>', alias='<backspace>')
-map = midnight_commander_fkeys = KeyMapWithDirections()
-map('<F1>', fm.display_help())
-map('<F3>', fm.display_file())
-map('<F4>', fm.edit_file())
-map('<F5>', fm.copy())
-map('<F6>', fm.cut())
-map('<F7>', fm.open_console('mkdir '))
-map('<F8>', fm.open_console(DELETE_WARNING))
-map('<F10>', fm.exit())
-# ===================================================================
-# == Define keys in "browser" context:
-# ===================================================================
-map = keymanager.get_context('browser')
-# -------------------------------------------------------- movement
-map('gg', fm.move(to=0))
-map('<enter>', wdg.move(right=0))  # run with mode=0
-map('<C-D>', 'J', fm.move(down=0.5, pages=True))
-map('<C-U>', 'K', fm.move(up=0.5, pages=True))
-map(']', fm.move_parent(1))
-map('[', fm.move_parent(-1))
-map('}', fm.traverse())
-map('{', fm.history_go(-1))
-# --------------------------------------------------------- history
-map('H', fm.history_go(-1))
-map('L', fm.history_go(1))
-# ----------------------------------------------- tagging / marking
-map('t', fm.tag_toggle())
-map('T', fm.tag_remove())
-for key in ALLOWED_TAGS_KEYS:
-		map('"' + key, fm.tag_toggle(tag=key))
-map(' ', fm.mark(toggle=True))
-map('v', fm.mark(all=True, toggle=True))
-map('V', 'uv', fm.mark(all=True, val=False))
-map('<C-V><dir>', fm.mark_in_direction(val=True))
-map('u<C-V><dir>', fm.mark_in_direction(val=False))
-# ------------------------------------------ file system operations
-map('y<bg>', fm.hint('*copy:* cop*y* *a*dd *r*emove ' \
-	'*p*ath_to_xsel *d*irpath_to_xsel base*n*ame_to_xsel'))
-map('yy', 'y<dir>', fm.copy())
-map('ya', fm.copy(mode='add'))
-map('yr', fm.copy(mode='remove'))
-map('yp', fm.execute_console('shell -d echo -n %d/%f | xsel -i'))
-map('yd', fm.execute_console('shell -d echo -n %d | xsel -i'))
-map('yn', fm.execute_console('shell -d echo -n %f | xsel -i'))
-map('d<bg>', fm.hint('disk_*u*sage *cut:* *d*:cut *a*dd *r*emove'))
-map('dd', 'd<dir>', fm.cut())
-map('da', fm.cut(mode='add'))
-map('dr', fm.cut(mode='remove'))
-map('p<bg>', fm.hint('*paste:* *p*aste *o*verwrite sym*l*inks ' \
-		'*h*ardlinks relative_sym*L*inks'))
-map('pp', fm.paste())
-map('po', fm.paste(overwrite=True))
-map('pl', fm.paste_symlink(relative=False))
-map('pL', fm.paste_symlink(relative=True))
-map('ph<bg>', fm.hint('*paste:* hard*l*inks'))
-map('phl', fm.paste_hardlink())
-map('u<bg>', fm.hint("un*y*ank, unbook*m*ark, unselect:*v*"))
-map('ud', 'uy', fm.uncut())
-# ------------------------------------ changing of file permissions
-# type "+ow" for "chmod o+w %s" and so on
-from itertools import product
-octal_help    = 'Enter the octal mode number for chmod'
-symbolic_help = '%s %s to *r*ead, *w*rite, e*x*ecute'
-for mode in product('ugoa', 'rwxXst'):
-	map('-%s%s' % mode, fm.execute_console('shell chmod %s-%s %%s' % mode))
-	map('+%s%s' % mode, fm.execute_console('shell chmod %s+%s %%s' % mode))
-for n in product(range(8), range(8), range(8)):
-	map('=%d%d%d' % n, fm.execute_console('shell chmod %d%d%d %%s' % n))
-	map('=%d<bg>'   %  n[0],        fm.hint(octal_help))
-	map('=%d%d<bg>' % (n[0], n[1]), fm.hint(octal_help))
-# hints:
-for who, name in zip('ugoa', ('user', 'group', 'others', 'all')):
-	map('-%s<bg>' % who, fm.hint(symbolic_help % ('forbid', name)))
-	map('+%s<bg>' % who, fm.hint(symbolic_help % ('allow', name)))
-map('-<bg>', '+<bg>', '=<bg>', fm.hint('change permission for *u*ser, '
-	'*g*roup, *o*thers, *a*ll'))
-map('=<bg>', fm.hint(octal_help))
-# ---------------------------------------------------- run programs
-map('S', fm.execute_command(os.environ['SHELL']))
-map('E', fm.edit_file())
-map('du', fm.execute_console('shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size'))
-# -------------------------------------------------- toggle options
-map('z<bg>', fm.hint('*f*ilter *options:* *d*irectories_first *c*ollape_preview ' \
-		'*s*ort_case_insensitive show_*h*idden *p*review_files '\
-		'*P*review_dirs use_pre*v*iew_script flush*i*nput *m*ouse'))
-map('zh', '<C-h>', fm.toggle_boolean_option('show_hidden'))
-map('zp', fm.toggle_boolean_option('preview_files'))
-map('zP', fm.toggle_boolean_option('preview_directories'))
-map('zv', fm.toggle_boolean_option('use_preview_script'))
-map('zi', fm.toggle_boolean_option('flushinput'))
-map('zd', fm.toggle_boolean_option('sort_directories_first'))
-map('zc', fm.toggle_boolean_option('collapse_preview'))
-map('zs', fm.toggle_boolean_option('sort_case_insensitive'))
-map('zm', fm.toggle_boolean_option('mouse_enabled'))
-map('zf', fm.open_console('filter '))
-# ------------------------------------------------------------ sort
-map('o<bg>', 'O<bg>', fm.hint('*sort by:* *s*ize *b*asename *m*time' \
-	' *c*time *a*time *t*ype *r*everse *n*atural'))
-sort_dict = {
-	's': 'size',
-	'b': 'basename',
-	'n': 'natural',
-	'm': 'mtime',
-	'c': 'ctime',
-	'a': 'atime',
-	't': 'type',
-for key, val in sort_dict.items():
-	for key, is_capital in ((key, False), (key.upper(), True)):
-		# reverse if any of the two letters is capital
-		map('o' + key, fm.sort(func=val, reverse=is_capital))
-		map('O' + key, fm.sort(func=val, reverse=True))
-map('or', 'Or', 'oR', 'OR', lambda arg: \
-		arg.fm.sort(reverse=not arg.fm.settings.sort_reverse))
-# ----------------------------------------------- console shortcuts
-def append_to_filename(arg):
-	command = 'rename ' + arg.fm.env.cf.basename
-	arg.fm.open_console(command)
-def insert_before_filename(arg):
-	command = 'rename ' + arg.fm.env.cf.basename
-	arg.fm.open_console(command, position=len('rename '))
-map('cw', fm.open_console('rename '))
-map('cd', fm.open_console('cd '))
-map('f', fm.open_console('find '))
-map('@', fm.open_console('shell  %s', position=len('shell ')))
-map('#', fm.open_console('shell -p '))
-# --------------------------------------------- jump to directories
-map('g<bg>', fm.hint('*goto:* */* *d*ev *e*tc *h*:~ *m*edia ' \
-		'*M*nt *o*pt *s*rv *u*sr *v*ar *R*anger *link:* *l*:target_path ' \
-		'rea*L*_path *tab:* *c*lose *n*ew nex*t* *T*:prev'))
-map('gh', fm.cd('~'))
-map('ge', fm.cd('/etc'))
-map('gu', fm.cd('/usr'))
-map('gd', fm.cd('/dev'))
-map('gl', lambda arg: arg.fm.cd(os.path.realpath(arg.fm.env.cwd.path)))
-map('gL', lambda arg: arg.fm.cd(
-		os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(arg.fm.env.cf.path))))
-map('go', fm.cd('/opt'))
-map('gv', fm.cd('/var'))
-map('gr', 'g/', fm.cd('/'))
-map('gm', fm.cd('/media'))
-map('gM', fm.cd('/mnt'))
-map('gs', fm.cd('/srv'))
-map('gR', fm.cd(RANGERDIR))
-# ------------------------------------------------------------ tabs
-map('gc', '<C-W>', fm.tab_close())
-map('gt', '<TAB>', '<A-Right>', fm.tab_move(1))
-map('gT', '<S-TAB>', '<A-Left>', fm.tab_move(-1))
-@map('gn', '<C-N>')
-def newtab_and_gohome(arg):
-	arg.fm.tab_new()
-	arg.fm.cd('~')   # To return to the original directory, type ``
-for n in range(1, 10):
-	map('g' + str(n), fm.tab_open(n))
-	map('<A-' + str(n) + '>', fm.tab_open(n))
-# ------------------------------------------------------- searching
-map('/', fm.open_console('search '))
-map('n', fm.search())
-map('N', fm.search(forward=False))
-map('c<bg>', fm.hint('*w*:rename ch*d*ir *search order:* ' \
-		'*a*time *c*time *M*time *m*imetype *s*ize *t*ag'))
-map('ct', fm.search(order='tag'))
-map('cc', fm.search(order='ctime'))
-map('ca', fm.search(order='atime'))
-map('cM', fm.search(order='mtime'))
-map('cm', fm.search(order='mimetype'))
-map('cs', fm.search(order='size'))
-# ------------------------------------------------------- bookmarks
-	map("`" + key, "'" + key, fm.enter_bookmark(key))
-	map("m" + key, fm.set_bookmark(key))
-	map("um" + key, fm.unset_bookmark(key))
-map("`<bg>", "'<bg>", "m<bg>", fm.draw_bookmarks())
-map('um<bg>', lambda arg: (arg.fm.draw_bookmarks(),
-	arg.fm.hint("delete which bookmark?")))
-# ---------------------------------------------------- change views
-map('i', fm.display_file())
-map('W', fm.display_log())
-map('?', fm.display_help())
-map('w', lambda arg: arg.fm.ui.open_taskview())
-# ------------------------------------------------ system functions
-map('ZZ', 'ZQ', fm.exit())
-map('<C-R>', fm.reset())
-map('R', fm.reload_cwd())
-def ctrl_c(arg):
-	try:
-		item = arg.fm.loader.queue[0]
-	except:
-		arg.fm.notify("Type Q or :quit<Enter> to exit Ranger")
-	else:
-		arg.fm.notify("Aborting: " + item.get_description())
-		arg.fm.loader.remove(index=0)
-map(':', ';', fm.open_console(''))
-map('!', fm.open_console('shell '))
-map('s', fm.open_console('shell '))
-map('r', fm.open_console('open_with '))
-# ===================================================================
-# == Define keys for the pager
-# ===================================================================
-map = pager_keys = KeyMapWithDirections()
-# -------------------------------------------------------- movement
-map('<left>', 'h', wdg.move(left=4))
-map('<right>', 'l', wdg.move(right=4))
-map('<C-D>', 'd', wdg.move(down=0.5, pages=True))
-map('<C-U>', 'u', wdg.move(up=0.5, pages=True))
-map('<C-F>', 'f', '<pagedown>', wdg.move(down=1, pages=True))
-map('<C-B>', 'b', '<pageup>', wdg.move(up=1, pages=True))
-map('<space>', wdg.move(down=0.8, pages=True))
-map('<cr>', wdg.move(down=1))
-# ---------------------------------------------------------- others
-map('E', fm.edit_file())
-map('?', fm.display_help())
-# --------------------------------------------------- bind the keys
-# There are two different kinds of pagers, each have a different
-# method for exiting:
-map = keymanager.get_context('pager')
-map('q', 'i', '<esc>', '<F3>', lambda arg: arg.fm.ui.close_pager())
-map = keymanager.get_context('embedded_pager')
-map('q', 'i', '<esc>', '<F3>', lambda arg: arg.fm.ui.close_embedded_pager())
-# ===================================================================
-# == Define keys for the taskview
-# ===================================================================
-map = keymanager.get_context('taskview')
-map('K', wdg.task_move(0))
-map('J', wdg.task_move(-1))
-map('dd', wdg.task_remove())
-map('?', fm.display_help())
-map('w', 'q', ESC, ctrl('d'), ctrl('c'),
-		lambda arg: arg.fm.ui.close_taskview())
-# ===================================================================
-# == Define keys for the console
-# ===================================================================
-map = keymanager.get_context('console')
-map('<up>', '<C-P>', wdg.history_move(-1))
-map('<down>', '<C-N>', wdg.history_move(1))
-map('<home>', '<C-A>', wdg.move(right=0, absolute=True))
-map('<end>', '<C-E>', wdg.move(right=-1, absolute=True))
-map('<tab>', wdg.tab())
-map('<s-tab>', wdg.tab(-1))
-map('<C-C>', '<C-D>', '<ESC>', wdg.close())
-map('<CR>', '<c-j>', wdg.execute())
-map('<F1>', lambda arg: arg.fm.display_command_help(arg.wdg))
-map('<backspace>', '<C-H>', wdg.delete(-1))
-map('<delete>', '<C-D>', wdg.delete(0))
-map('<C-W>', wdg.delete_word())
-map('<C-K>', wdg.delete_rest(1))
-map('<C-U>', wdg.delete_rest(-1))
-map('<C-Y>', wdg.paste())
-# Any key which is still undefined will simply be typed in.
-def type_key(arg):
-	arg.wdg.type_key(arg.match)
-# Allow typing in numbers:
-def type_chr(n):
-	return lambda arg: arg.wdg.type_key(str(n))
-for number in range(10):
-	map(str(number), type_chr(number))
-# Unmap some global keys so we can type them: