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path: root/code/old_fm.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'code/old_fm.rb')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/code/old_fm.rb b/code/old_fm.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6d868ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/old_fm.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+class Directory
+	def initialize(path)
+		@path = path
+		@pos = 0
+		refresh
+	end
+	attr_reader(:path, :files)
+	attr_accessor(:pos)
+	def refresh()
+		@files = Dir::glob(File::join(path, '*')).sort!
+	end
+	def self.current()
+		Fm.current_dir()
+	end
+module Fm
+	def self.initialize
+		@key = ''
+		@dirs = {}
+		@current_dir = ''
+		enter_dir(Dir.getwd)
+	end
+	def self.current_path() self.current_dir.path end
+	attr_reader(:dirs, :current_dir)
+#	{
+#		"/" => [ 2,
+#					 ["usr", "home", "root", "etc"] ],
+#		 ...
+#	}
+	def self.getfilehandler(file)
+		bn = File.basename(file)
+		case bn
+		when /\.(avi|mpg|flv)$/
+			"mplayer #{file} >> /dev/null"
+		when /\.(jpe?g|png)$/
+			"feh '#{file}'"
+		when /\.m3u$/
+			"cmus-remote -c && cmus-remote -P #{file} && cmus-remote -C 'set play_library=false' && sleep 0.3 && cmus-remote -n"
+		end
+	end
+	def self.enter_dir(dir)
+		dir = File.expand_path(dir)
+		olddirs = @dirs.dup
+		@dirs = {}
+		cur = 0
+		got = ""
+		ary = dir.split('/')
+		if ary == []; ary = [''] end
+		["", *ary].each do |folder|
+			got = File.join(got, folder)
+			cur = olddirs.has_key?(got) ? olddirs[got][0] : 0
+			@dirs[got] = [cur, Dir.glob(File.join(got, '*')).sort]
+		end
+		# quick fix, sets the cursor correctly when entering ".."
+		if @dirs.size < olddirs.size
+			@dirs[@currentdir] = olddirs[@currentdir] 
+			@dirs[got][0] = @dirs[got][1].index(@currentdir) || 0
+		end
+#		log @dirs
+		@currentdir = got
+#		@dirs[dir] = Dir[File.join(dir, '*')]
+		Dir.chdir(got)
+#		log(@dirs)
+	end
+	def self.cursor() @dirs[@currentdir][0] end
+	def self.cursor=(x) @dirs[@currentdir][0] = x end
+	def self.currentdir() @dirs[@currentdir][1] end
+	def self.currentfile
+		@dirs[@currentdir][1][@dirs[@currentdir][0] || 0]
+	end
+	def self.get_offset(dir, max)
+		pos = dir[0]
+		len = dir[1].size
+		max -= 2
+		if len <= max or pos < max/2
+			return 0
+		elsif pos > (len - max/2)
+			return len - max
+		else
+			return pos - max/2
+		end
+	end
+	def self.put_directory(c, d)
+		l = 0
+		unless d == nil
+			offset = get_offset(d, lines)
+			(lines - 1).times do |l|
+				lpo = l + offset
+				break if (f = d[1][lpo]) == nil
+				if File.symlink?(f)
+					color(3)
+				elsif
+					color(4)
+				elsif File.executable?(f)
+					color(2)
+				else
+					color(7)
+				end
+				puti l+1, c*@wid, File.basename(f).ljust(@wid-1)[0, @wid]
+			end
+		end
+		column_clear(c, l)
+	end
+	def self.column_clear(n, from=0)
+		(from -1).upto(lines) do |l|
+			puti l+2, (n * @wid), ' ' * @wid
+		end
+	end
+	def self.column_put_file(n, file)
+		m = lines
+		i = 0
+, 'r') do |f|
+			f.lines.each do |l|
+				puti i+1, n * @wid, l.gsub("\t","   ")[0, @wid-1].ljust(@wid-1)
+				i += 1
+				break if i == m
+			end
+		end
+		column_clear(n, i)
+	end
+	def self.draw
+		color 7
+		puti 0, 3, "pwd: #{@current_path}".ljust(cols)
+		if @dirs.size == 1
+			@temp = [nil, @dirs["/"]]
+		else
+			left = @dirs[@currentdir[0, @currentdir.rindex('/')]]
+			left ||= @dirs['/']
+			@temp = [left, @dirs[@currentdir]]
+		end
+		@wid = cols / 3
+		f = currentfile
+		begin
+			if
+				put_directory(2, [0, Dir.glob(File.join(f, '*')).sort])
+			else
+				column_put_file(2, currentfile)
+			end
+		rescue
+			column_clear(2)
+		end
+		2.times do |c|
+			put_directory(c, @temp[c])
+		end
+		movi(self.cursor + 1 - get_offset(@dirs[@currentdir], lines), @wid)
+	end
+	# ALL combinations of multiple keys have to be in the COMBS array.
+	COMBS = %w(
+		gg
+	)
+	def self.main_loop
+		while true
+			draw
+			case @key << geti
+			when 'j'
+				self.cursor += 1
+				self.cursor = currentdir.size - 1 if self.cursor >= currentdir.size
+			when 'gg'
+				self.cursor = 0
+			when 'gh'
+				enter_dir('~')
+			when 'G'
+				self.cursor = currentdir.size - 1
+			when 'k'
+				self.cursor -= 1
+				self.cursor = 0 if self.cursor < 0
+			when '<bs>', 'h'
+				enter_dir('..') unless @dirs.size == 1
+			when '<cr>', 'l'
+				if || '')
+					begin
+						olddir = @currentdir
+						enter_dir(currentfile)
+					rescue Exception
+						enter_dir olddir
+					end
+				else
+					h = getfilehandler(currentfile)
+					h and system(h)
+				end
+			when 'q'
+				break
+			end
+			unless @key == '' or{ |x|
+				x.size != @key.size and x.size > @key.size
+			}.map{ |x|
+				x[0, @key.size]
+			}.include? @key
+				@key = ''
+			end
+		end
+	end