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path: root/doc/ranger.1
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Diffstat (limited to 'doc/ranger.1')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/doc/ranger.1 b/doc/ranger.1
index 5eda8f20..64199243 100644
--- a/doc/ranger.1
+++ b/doc/ranger.1
@@ -1030,8 +1030,7 @@ exists.  External programs can determine whether they were spawned from ranger
 by checking for this variable.
 .IP "\s-1EDITOR\s0" 8
 .IX Item "EDITOR"
-Defines the editor to be used for the \*(L"E\*(R" key.  Defaults to the first installed
-program out of \*(L"vim\*(R", \*(L"emacs\*(R" and \*(L"nano\*(R".
+Defines the editor to be used for the \*(L"E\*(R" key.  Defaults to \*(L"nano\*(R".
 .IP "\s-1SHELL\s0" 8
 .IX Item "SHELL"
 Defines the shell that ranger is going to use with the :shell command and
@@ -1039,8 +1038,7 @@ the \*(L"S\*(R" key.  Defaults to \*(L"/bin/sh\*(R".
 .IP "\s-1TERMCMD\s0" 8
 Defines the terminal emulator command that ranger is going to use with the
-:terminal command and the \*(L"t\*(R" run flag.  Defaults to \*(L"x\-terminal-emulator\*(R" or
+:terminal command and the \*(L"t\*(R" run flag.  Defaults to \*(L"xterm\*(R".
 .IP "\s-1XDG_CONFIG_HOME\s0" 8
 Specifies the directory for configuration files. Defaults to \fI\f(CI$HOME\fI/.config\fR.
d='n104' href='#n104'>104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
#ifndef COMMON_H
#define COMMON_H

#define enableInterrupts() asm volatile("sti")
#define disableInterrupts() asm volatile("cli")
#define halt() asm volatile("hlt")

typedef unsigned  long long uint64;
typedef signed    long long int64;
typedef unsigned  int       uint32;
typedef           int       int32;
typedef unsigned  short     uint16;
typedef           short     int16;
typedef unsigned  char      uint8;
typedef           char      int8;
typedef unsigned  int       size_t;

#define BOOL uint8
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define NULL 0

// kernel memory map
//   code
#define KERN_PAGE_DIRECTORY     0x00001000
#define KERN_BASE               0x00100000
//   4k page directories
#define KERN_PD_AREA_BEGIN      0x00800000 //  8 MB
#define KERN_PD_AREA_END        0x00C00000 // 12 MB
//   4MB unused (used to be for mini heap)
#define KERN_NOTUSED_BEGIN      0x00C00000 // 12 MB
#define KERN_NOTUSED_END        0x01000000 // 16 MB
#define RESERVED_AREA           0x01000000 // 16 MB
//   frame buffer
#define GFX_MEMORY              0x01000000 // 16 MB
//   heap
#define KERN_HEAP_BEGIN         0x02000000 // 32 MB
#define KERN_HEAP_END           0x40000000 //  1 GB

#define PAGE_INDEX_4K(addr)     ((addr) >> 12)
#define PAGE_INDEX_4M(addr)     ((addr) >> 22)
#define PAGING_FLAG             0x80000000  // CR0 - bit 31
#define PSE_FLAG                0x00000010  // CR4 - bit 4
#define PG_PRESENT              0x00000001  // page directory / table
#define PG_WRITE                0x00000002
#define PG_USER                 0x00000004
#define PG_4MB                  0x00000080
#define PAGESIZE_4K             0x00001000
#define PAGESIZE_4M             0x00400000
#define RAM_AS_4K_PAGES         0x100000
#define RAM_AS_4M_PAGES         1024



//KERN_HEAP_END ends and this one starts
#define USER_OFFSET             0x40000000
#define USER_OFFSET_END         0xF0000000
#define USER_OFFSET_MMAP        0xF0000000

#define USER_EXE_IMAGE          0x200000 //2MB
#define USER_ARGV_ENV_SIZE      0x10000  //65KB
//This means we support executable images up to 2MB
//And user malloc functions will start from USER_OFFSET + USER_EXE_IMAGE
//We will 65KB (0x10000) for argv and environ just before user malloc start
//That means argv and env data will start from USER_OFFSET + 0x1F0000
//Of course libc should know this numbers :)

#define USER_STACK          0xF0000000

void outb(uint16 port, uint8 value);
void outw(uint16 port, uint16 value);
uint8 inb(uint16 port);
uint16 inw(uint16 port);

#define PANIC(msg) panic(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__);
#define WARNING(msg) warning(msg, __FILE__, __LINE__);
#define ASSERT(b) ((b) ? (void)0 : panic_assert(__FILE__, __LINE__, #b))

#define MIN(a,b) (((a)<(b))?(a):(b))
#define MAX(a,b) (((a)>(b))?(a):(b))

void warning(const char *message, const char *file, uint32 line);
void panic(const char *message, const char *file, uint32 line);
void panic_assert(const char *file, uint32 line, const char *desc);

void* memset(uint8 *dest, uint8 val, uint32 len);
void* memcpy(uint8 *dest, const uint8 *src, uint32 len);
void* memmove(void* dest, const void* src, uint32 n);
int memcmp(const void* p1, const void* p2, uint32 c);

int strcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2);
int strncmp(const char *str1, const char *str2, int length);
char *strcpy(char *dest, const char *src);
char *strcpyNonNull(char *dest, const char *src);
char *strncpy(char *dest, const char *src, uint32 num);
char* strcat(char *dest, const char *src);
int strlen(const char *src);
int strFirstIndexOf(const char *src, char c);
int sprintf(char* buffer, const char *format, ...);

void printkf(const char *format, ...);

int atoi(char *str);
void itoa(char *buf, int base, int d);

uint32 rand();

uint32 readEip();
uint32 readEsp();
uint32 getCpuFlags();
BOOL isInterruptsEnabled();

void beginCriticalSection();
void endCriticalSection();

#endif // COMMON_H

// vim:expandtab:ts=2