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path: root/ranger/core/runner.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'ranger/core/runner.py')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/ranger/core/runner.py b/ranger/core/runner.py
index f652c15f..223bc1b6 100644
--- a/ranger/core/runner.py
+++ b/ranger/core/runner.py
@@ -36,202 +36,202 @@ ALLOWED_FLAGS = 'cfrtCFRT'
 def press_enter():
-	"""Wait for an ENTER-press"""
-	sys.stdout.write("Press ENTER to continue")
-	try:
-		waitfnc = raw_input
-	except NameError:
-		# "raw_input" not available in python3
-		waitfnc = input
-	waitfnc()
+    """Wait for an ENTER-press"""
+    sys.stdout.write("Press ENTER to continue")
+    try:
+        waitfnc = raw_input
+    except NameError:
+        # "raw_input" not available in python3
+        waitfnc = input
+    waitfnc()
 class Context(object):
-	"""
-	A context object contains data on how to run a process.
-	The attributes are:
-	action -- a string with a command or a list of arguments for
-		the Popen call.
-	app -- the name of the app function. ("vim" for app_vim.)
-		app is used to get an action if the user didn't specify one.
-	mode -- a number, mainly used in determining the action in app_xyz()
-	flags -- a string with flags which change the way programs are run
-	files -- a list containing files, mainly used in app_xyz
-	file -- an arbitrary file from that list (or None)
-	fm -- the filemanager instance
-	wait -- boolean, wait for the end or execute programs in parallel?
-	popen_kws -- keyword arguments which are directly passed to Popen
-	"""
-	def __init__(self, **keywords):
-		self.__dict__ = keywords
-	@property
-	def filepaths(self):
-		try:
-			return [f.path for f in self.files]
-		except:
-			return []
-	def __iter__(self):
-		"""Iterate over file paths"""
-		for item in self.filepaths:
-			yield item
-	def squash_flags(self):
-		"""Remove duplicates and lowercase counterparts of uppercase flags"""
-		for flag in self.flags:
-			if ord(flag) <= 90:
-				bad = flag + flag.lower()
-				self.flags = ''.join(c for c in self.flags if c not in bad)
+    """
+    A context object contains data on how to run a process.
+    The attributes are:
+    action -- a string with a command or a list of arguments for
+        the Popen call.
+    app -- the name of the app function. ("vim" for app_vim.)
+        app is used to get an action if the user didn't specify one.
+    mode -- a number, mainly used in determining the action in app_xyz()
+    flags -- a string with flags which change the way programs are run
+    files -- a list containing files, mainly used in app_xyz
+    file -- an arbitrary file from that list (or None)
+    fm -- the filemanager instance
+    wait -- boolean, wait for the end or execute programs in parallel?
+    popen_kws -- keyword arguments which are directly passed to Popen
+    """
+    def __init__(self, **keywords):
+        self.__dict__ = keywords
+    @property
+    def filepaths(self):
+        try:
+            return [f.path for f in self.files]
+        except:
+            return []
+    def __iter__(self):
+        """Iterate over file paths"""
+        for item in self.filepaths:
+            yield item
+    def squash_flags(self):
+        """Remove duplicates and lowercase counterparts of uppercase flags"""
+        for flag in self.flags:
+            if ord(flag) <= 90:
+                bad = flag + flag.lower()
+                self.flags = ''.join(c for c in self.flags if c not in bad)
 class Runner(object):
-	def __init__(self, ui=None, logfunc=None, fm=None):
-		self.ui = ui
-		self.fm = fm
-		self.logfunc = logfunc
-		self.zombies = set()
-	def _log(self, text):
-		try:
-			self.logfunc(text)
-		except TypeError:
-			pass
-		return False
-	def _activate_ui(self, boolean):
-		if self.ui is not None:
-			if boolean:
-				try: self.ui.initialize()
-				except: self._log("Failed to initialize UI")
-			else:
-				try: self.ui.suspend()
-				except: self._log("Failed to suspend UI")
-	def __call__(self, action=None, try_app_first=False,
-			app='default', files=None, mode=0,
-			flags='', wait=True, **popen_kws):
-		"""
-		Run the application in the way specified by the options.
-		Returns False if nothing can be done, None if there was an error,
-		otherwise the process object returned by Popen().
-		This function tries to find an action if none is defined.
-		"""
-		# Find an action if none was supplied by
-		# creating a Context object and passing it to
-		# an Application object.
-		context = Context(app=app, files=files, mode=mode, fm=self.fm,
-				flags=flags, wait=wait, popen_kws=popen_kws,
-				file=files and files[0] or None)
-		if action is None:
-			return self._log("No way of determining the action!")
-		# Preconditions
-		context.squash_flags()
-		popen_kws = context.popen_kws  # shortcut
-		toggle_ui = True
-		pipe_output = False
-		wait_for_enter = False
-		devnull = None
-		if 'shell' not in popen_kws:
-			popen_kws['shell'] = isinstance(action, str)
-		if 'stdout' not in popen_kws:
-			popen_kws['stdout'] = sys.stdout
-		if 'stderr' not in popen_kws:
-			popen_kws['stderr'] = sys.stderr
-		# Evaluate the flags to determine keywords
-		# for Popen() and other variables
-		if 'p' in context.flags:
-			popen_kws['stdout'] = PIPE
-			popen_kws['stderr'] = PIPE
-			toggle_ui = False
-			pipe_output = True
-			context.wait = False
-		if 's' in context.flags:
-			devnull_writable = open(os.devnull, 'w')
-			devnull_readable = open(os.devnull, 'r')
-			for key in ('stdout', 'stderr'):
-				popen_kws[key] = devnull_writable
-			popen_kws['stdin'] = devnull_readable
-		if 'f' in context.flags:
-			toggle_ui = False
-			context.wait = False
-		if 'w' in context.flags:
-			if not pipe_output and context.wait: # <-- sanity check
-				wait_for_enter = True
-		if 'r' in context.flags:
-			# TODO: make 'r' flag work with pipes
-			if 'sudo' not in get_executables():
-				return self._log("Can not run with 'r' flag, sudo is not installed!")
-			f_flag = ('f' in context.flags)
-			if isinstance(action, str):
-				action = 'sudo ' + (f_flag and '-b ' or '') + action
-			else:
-				action = ['sudo'] + (f_flag and ['-b'] or []) + action
-			toggle_ui = True
-			context.wait = True
-		if 't' in context.flags:
-			if 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ:
-				return self._log("Can not run with 't' flag, no display found!")
-			term = os.environ.get('TERMCMD', os.environ.get('TERM'))
-			if term not in get_executables():
-				term = 'x-terminal-emulator'
-			if term not in get_executables():
-				term = 'xterm'
-			if isinstance(action, str):
-				action = term + ' -e ' + action
-			else:
-				action = [term, '-e'] + action
-			toggle_ui = False
-			context.wait = False
-		popen_kws['args'] = action
-		# Finally, run it
-		if toggle_ui:
-			self._activate_ui(False)
-		try:
-			error = None
-			process = None
-			self.fm.signal_emit('runner.execute.before',
-					popen_kws=popen_kws, context=context)
-			try:
-				if 'f' in context.flags:
-					# This can fail and return False if os.fork() is not
-					# supported, but we assume it is, since curses is used.
-					Popen_forked(**popen_kws)
-				else:
-					process = Popen(**popen_kws)
-			except Exception as e:
-				error = e
-				self._log("Failed to run: %s\n%s" % (str(action), str(e)))
-			else:
-				if context.wait:
-					process.wait()
-				elif process:
-					self.zombies.add(process)
-				if wait_for_enter:
-					press_enter()
-		finally:
-			self.fm.signal_emit('runner.execute.after',
-					popen_kws=popen_kws, context=context, error=error)
-			if devnull:
-				devnull.close()
-			if toggle_ui:
-				self._activate_ui(True)
-			if pipe_output and process:
-				return self(action='less', app='pager', try_app_first=True,
-						stdin=process.stdout)
-			return process
+    def __init__(self, ui=None, logfunc=None, fm=None):
+        self.ui = ui
+        self.fm = fm
+        self.logfunc = logfunc
+        self.zombies = set()
+    def _log(self, text):
+        try:
+            self.logfunc(text)
+        except TypeError:
+            pass
+        return False
+    def _activate_ui(self, boolean):
+        if self.ui is not None:
+            if boolean:
+                try: self.ui.initialize()
+                except: self._log("Failed to initialize UI")
+            else:
+                try: self.ui.suspend()
+                except: self._log("Failed to suspend UI")
+    def __call__(self, action=None, try_app_first=False,
+            app='default', files=None, mode=0,
+            flags='', wait=True, **popen_kws):
+        """
+        Run the application in the way specified by the options.
+        Returns False if nothing can be done, None if there was an error,
+        otherwise the process object returned by Popen().
+        This function tries to find an action if none is defined.
+        """
+        # Find an action if none was supplied by
+        # creating a Context object and passing it to
+        # an Application object.
+        context = Context(app=app, files=files, mode=mode, fm=self.fm,
+                flags=flags, wait=wait, popen_kws=popen_kws,
+                file=files and files[0] or None)
+        if action is None:
+            return self._log("No way of determining the action!")
+        # Preconditions
+        context.squash_flags()
+        popen_kws = context.popen_kws  # shortcut
+        toggle_ui = True
+        pipe_output = False
+        wait_for_enter = False
+        devnull = None
+        if 'shell' not in popen_kws:
+            popen_kws['shell'] = isinstance(action, str)
+        if 'stdout' not in popen_kws:
+            popen_kws['stdout'] = sys.stdout
+        if 'stderr' not in popen_kws:
+            popen_kws['stderr'] = sys.stderr
+        # Evaluate the flags to determine keywords
+        # for Popen() and other variables
+        if 'p' in context.flags:
+            popen_kws['stdout'] = PIPE
+            popen_kws['stderr'] = PIPE
+            toggle_ui = False
+            pipe_output = True
+            context.wait = False
+        if 's' in context.flags:
+            devnull_writable = open(os.devnull, 'w')
+            devnull_readable = open(os.devnull, 'r')
+            for key in ('stdout', 'stderr'):
+                popen_kws[key] = devnull_writable
+            popen_kws['stdin'] = devnull_readable
+        if 'f' in context.flags:
+            toggle_ui = False
+            context.wait = False
+        if 'w' in context.flags:
+            if not pipe_output and context.wait: # <-- sanity check
+                wait_for_enter = True
+        if 'r' in context.flags:
+            # TODO: make 'r' flag work with pipes
+            if 'sudo' not in get_executables():
+                return self._log("Can not run with 'r' flag, sudo is not installed!")
+            f_flag = ('f' in context.flags)
+            if isinstance(action, str):
+                action = 'sudo ' + (f_flag and '-b ' or '') + action
+            else:
+                action = ['sudo'] + (f_flag and ['-b'] or []) + action
+            toggle_ui = True
+            context.wait = True
+        if 't' in context.flags:
+            if 'DISPLAY' not in os.environ:
+                return self._log("Can not run with 't' flag, no display found!")
+            term = os.environ.get('TERMCMD', os.environ.get('TERM'))
+            if term not in get_executables():
+                term = 'x-terminal-emulator'
+            if term not in get_executables():
+                term = 'xterm'
+            if isinstance(action, str):
+                action = term + ' -e ' + action
+            else:
+                action = [term, '-e'] + action
+            toggle_ui = False
+            context.wait = False
+        popen_kws['args'] = action
+        # Finally, run it
+        if toggle_ui:
+            self._activate_ui(False)
+        try:
+            error = None
+            process = None
+            self.fm.signal_emit('runner.execute.before',
+                    popen_kws=popen_kws, context=context)
+            try:
+                if 'f' in context.flags:
+                    # This can fail and return False if os.fork() is not
+                    # supported, but we assume it is, since curses is used.
+                    Popen_forked(**popen_kws)
+                else:
+                    process = Popen(**popen_kws)
+            except Exception as e:
+                error = e
+                self._log("Failed to run: %s\n%s" % (str(action), str(e)))
+            else:
+                if context.wait:
+                    process.wait()
+                elif process:
+                    self.zombies.add(process)
+                if wait_for_enter:
+                    press_enter()
+        finally:
+            self.fm.signal_emit('runner.execute.after',
+                    popen_kws=popen_kws, context=context, error=error)
+            if devnull:
+                devnull.close()
+            if toggle_ui:
+                self._activate_ui(True)
+            if pipe_output and process:
+                return self(action='less', app='pager', try_app_first=True,
+                        stdin=process.stdout)
+            return process