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path: root/examples/README
blob: ca5148533bc9eba90540d976a5320767a68c477f (plain) (blame)
The files in this directory contain applications or extensions of ranger which
are put here for your inspiration and as references.

In order to use a plugin from this directory, you need to copy it to

Note that if you update ranger to a new minor version (for example,
from 1.6.* to 1.7.0), your outdated plugins WILL break and crash ranger.
tring.Char */ .highlight .dl { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Delimiter */ .highlight .sd { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Doc */ .highlight .s2 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Double */ .highlight .se { color: #0044dd; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Escape */ .highlight .sh { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Heredoc */ .highlight .si { color: #3333bb; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Interpol */ .highlight .sx { color: #22bb22; background-color: #f0fff0 } /* Literal.String.Other */ .highlight .sr { color: #008800; background-color: #fff0ff } /* Literal.String.Regex */ .highlight .s1 { color: #dd2200; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Single */ .highlight .ss { color: #aa6600; background-color: #fff0f0 } /* Literal.String.Symbol */ .highlight .bp { color: #003388 } /* Name.Builtin.Pseudo */ .highlight .fm { color: #0066bb; font-weight: bold } /* Name.Function.Magic */ .highlight .vc { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Class */ .highlight .vg { color: #dd7700 } /* Name.Variable.Global */ .highlight .vi { color: #3333bb } /* Name.Variable.Instance */ .highlight .vm { color: #336699 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */ .highlight .il { color: #0000DD; font-weight: bold } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
unit module Octans::Neighbors;

# neighbors returns the neighbors of given index. Neighbors are cached
# in @neighbors array. This way we don't have to compute them
# everytime neighbors subroutine is called for the same position.
sub neighbors (
    @puzzle, Int $y, Int $x --> List
) is export {
    # @directions is holding a list of directions we can move in. It's
    # used later for neighbors subroutine.
    state List @directions = (
        # $y, $x
        ( +1, +0 ), # bottom
        ( -1, +0 ), # top
        ( +0, +1 ), # left
        ( +0, -1 ), # right

    # @neighbors holds the neighbors of given position.
    state Array @neighbors;

    if @puzzle[$y][$x] {
        # Don't re-compute neighbors.
        unless @neighbors[$y][$x] {
            # Set it to an empty array because otherwise if it has no
            # neighbors then it would've be recomputed everytime
            # neighbors() was called.
            @neighbors[$y][$x] = [];

            my Int $pos-x;
            my Int $pos-y;

            # Starting from the intital position of $y, $x we move to
            # each direction according to the values specified in
            # @directions array. In this case we're just trying to
            # move in 4 directions (top, bottom, left & right).
            DIRECTION: for @directions -> $direction {
                $pos-y = $y + $direction[0];
                $pos-x = $x + $direction[1];

                # If movement in this direction is out of puzzle grid
                # boundary then move on to next direction.
                next DIRECTION unless @puzzle[$pos-y][$pos-x];

                # If neighbors exist in this direction then add them
                # to @neighbors[$y][$x] array.
                push @neighbors[$y][$x], [$pos-y, $pos-x];
    } else {
        # If it's out of boundary then return no neighbor.
        @neighbors[$y][$x] = [];

    return @neighbors[$y][$x];